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Kelly Shemo Ms. Caruso ENGL 1102 16 February 2012 JFK Assassination: Not Just a Coincidence One of the most well-known and unsolved assassinations in American history is the John F. Kennedy assassination. To this day, there is still no proof as to who killed him. Shortly after he was killed, they arrested Lee Harvey Oswald and he was the prime suspect, but before they could convict him, he himself was murdered in jail. To this day, everyone has just stuck with him being the murderer because there is no solid proof of anyone else committing the crime. Over the years though, tons of conspiracies have developed about who murdered him and why? Some of the conspiracies sound totally ridiculous, but on the other hand some seem legit. During his short time of presidency, he made a lot of changes in office. Whether people thought they were good or bad is questionable. Along with that, there was also talk about him having extramarital affairs. The one that most people are familiar with is his so called affair with American sex symbol Marilyn Monroe. It seems that JFK had a lot on his plate right before his assassination, dealing with politics and his apparent love affairs. No wonder there are so many conspiracies about why he died. Of all of the conspiracies though, there are two that stick out more than all the rest. The first one is that Lee Harvey Oswald wasnt alone, that there were accomplices that helped in the murder. The second one has to do with, of the time of Kennedys presidency, vice president Lyndon B. Johnson. There are conspiracies that show how he could have been the mastermind behind the whole assassination. Even though there are many different conspiracies about the JFK assassination, I am going to focus on before his assassination and two well-known conspiracies.
Comment [c5]: I like the way you write as if you are really talking with the audience, I dont know if maybe it needs to sound a little more formal, but that is something to question Comment [c6]: I like this page for your intro because it really keeps your reader interested in what they are about to read next! Comment [c7]: Maybe consider using beliefs sometimes to replace this word if it is too repetitive Comment [c8]: Possibly consider rephrasing this part to going ot focus on the time before or maybe events before or his life before rather than going to focus on before his assassination Comment [c9]: I like that your last sentence states what your paper is going to be centered on as if it was your thesis statement Comment [c2]: Your first sentence already ties in what you are discussing in your paper, and the next few sentences states some more details about the assassination(which I like), but maybe you could include the date and place it occurred Comment [c3]: How was he murdered in jail? Maybe you could add murdered in jail by Comment [c4]: Maybe reword this little part Comment [c1]: I like your title!

Shemo 2

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