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Mental Illness Paper (Bipolar Disorder) Vanessa Lewis HCA 240 December 4, 2011 Toni Parolisi


Mental Illness Paper Have you ever wondered why some peoples moods switch more often than others? Who hasnt, believe it or not but, it is a disorder formally known as bipolar affective disorder. People think why are you all of a suddenly mad or down when you were just happy and excited, well people with this disorder cant help it at all it just happens and the real cause is not yet known. Along with this there are different stages or forms of bipolar disorder. First you have Bipolar disorder type 1, next you have Bipolar disorder type 2, last you have the form called Cyclothymiacs and they all have different symptoms. Bipolar disorder type 1 has at least one manic episode and periods of major depression per day. Then you have bipolar disorder type 2 which means these people have never had full mania, they experience periods of high energy levels and impulsiveness that arent nearly as severe as mania. Along with that it results with depression episodes. Last you have cyclothymiacs which is what I would call the lightest form of it, this includes less severe mood swings, and facts state that people with this form alternate between hypomania and mild depression. Sometimes people can be wrongly accused of having depression all because they really have bipolar disorder type 2 or cyclothymiacs. As I stated earlier there is no real known reason it occurs but there are a few suggested reasons, one experiencing life changes take for example during childbirth, another medication such as antidepressants, even sleeplessness is thought to be a reason and the constant use of certain drugs is thought to be a reason as well. Bipolar disorder has numerous symptoms that come along with it. These symptoms include being easily distracted, poor judgment, no temper control, reckless behavior and lack of self-control, and the lack of self-control can range in many ways, in existence with this you have very elevated moods and sometimes even spending sprees.


These symptoms mainly occur in the first type of disorder for type 2 they are less severe. Symptoms of the other two include bad moods or sadness daily, difficulty concentrating, making decisions, feeling worthless, hopeless, or guilty, it may even include loss of self-esteem, and sadly sometimes thoughts of suicide. Believe it or not there are high risks of suicide with the bipolar disorder. People also ask how do we know who really has bipolar disorder. Starting by finding your family has the disorder in their medical history. Maybe you can determine your recent mood swings and how long theyve been occurring, if you want to be more precise have a doctor run some diagnostic test to reveal any illnesses that may be causing the disorder. Also have them run tests to check for thyroid problems. Last just keep an eye on your behavior and how much your mood changes within a certain time limit. By the way there are treatments known as stabilizers; Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine, Lithium, and Valproate. There is also therapy but usually the treatments are given before therapy. The medicines help preventing self-injury and thoughts of suicide as well as make the symptoms of bipolar disorder less severe. Many people recommend therapy before the medicine but, because some cases are so severe then doctors recommend the medicine first and therapy afterwards. Some patients themselves may even recommend taking therapy before the medicine because of some of the side effects the medicine may have on some people. Understanding the method of bipolar disorder has come along way. Doctors never really understood the cause of different mood changes, so deciding the right diagnose was difficult. Over the years doctors have come up with ways to identify the signs of bipolar disorder. Doctors


have realized lab tests and imaging tests are not helpful in diagnosing bipolar disorder. Talking openly with doctors about mood swings, and lifestyle habits are important diagnostic tools. According to Martin (2010) bipolar disorder is most likely diagnosed when Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder is found. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder consists of symptoms and time experienced from symptoms. Bipolar disorder does not include any blood test or brain scans. Diagnosing bipolar disorder cycles through a process such as, Initial Assessment, Psychological Evaluation, and Physical Examination. Initial Assessment is when your doctor asks you about your symptoms. Also doctors might ask about your family history and medical history. Psychological Evaluation allows mental professionals to evaluate ones symptoms. Bipolar disorder diagnose is based on family history, amount of time missing of medication, and symptoms presented over amount of time. Mania and depression plays a role with bipolar disorder as well. If one is experiencing abnormal moods three times or more they are experiencing mania. Depression often occurs in one when having loss in interest. Depression and mania are involved in many symptoms causing one to fall into those categories. Loss of speech and memory are a cause of bipolar disorder. Physical Examination is a physical cause for symptoms. According to Smith and Segal (2011) bipolar disorder should be treated when first noticed. Waiting for symptoms will not help in one shape of way. Reluctant people do not want to receive treatment because they feel they are manic. Long term treatment is required for bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is considered a chronic illness, and is highly recommended to continue treatment even if one starts to feel better. Medication is the only treatment; no other form of treatment can diagnose bipolar disorder. Medication is usually not enough to control the


symptoms. Several strategies of treatment have been found, however the most effective strategy is a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy. Choosing psychiatrist is the difficult part of the treatment process. One should choose a psychiatrist who has a good level of experience. Psychiatrists help patients grow through the twists and turns of bipolar disorder treatments. A few years ago one of my close friends named Akia highly suffered bipolar disorder. The environment that she lived in caused her to have break downs, and thousands of mood swings. Akia never lived in a good surrounding, which caused her to act accordingly. Akia had two daughters who stressed her unconditionally, and became too over bearing toward her. Since, Akia suffered from bipolar disorder she could not change her moods as quick. Akia also started having seizures because she was so overwhelmed. As time went by Akias bipolar disorder progressed, she did not want help from anyone. During the past times, bipolar disorder treatment dealt with bleeding, vomiting, and relaxation in mineral waters. Those treatments were used for several of years, even though more treatments sterilization and institutionalization were also used. Additional treatments used electricity, and increases sedation of patients. In the 1950s everything changed, when lithium was found. Lithium became an effective treatment option. In todays society medication is used to treat bipolar disorder. In conclusion bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but therapy people can have stable and productive lives. Without treatment bipolar disorder will not grow any better. Medication does not always help automatically. However, when one is changing needs to feel that they can count on their friends and family not to give up on them and to bear with them even though their mood swings are causing problems for the whole family. For most people with bipolar disorder,


medications do not relieve symptoms completely. Psychological counseling helps drug therapy and is considered a crucial part of effective therapy. To this day nothing is known to prevent bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder and their families and friends can learn to pay attention to signs and symptoms of the depression or mania emerging and have their medications adjusted to prevent a relapse of the low or high.


References EmedicineHealth (2011).Bipolar Disorder (cont.) Retrieved on December 4, 2011 from eHow (1999-2011). Past Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder Retrieved on December 4, 2011 from Martin, B. (2010). How is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed?. Psych Central. Retrieved on December 4, 2011, from Smith, M. M.A and Segal, J. Ph.D (2001-2011). Understanding Bipolar Disorder Retrieved on December 4, 2011 from WebMD (2005-2011). Bipolar Diagnosis Retrieved on December 4, 2011 from

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