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dMy vocabulary for GRE search lists for my precious exam

archaic /ke.k/ /r-/ adjective

of or belonging to the distant past (= a long time ago) ; from an ancient period in history an archaic system of government an archaic law/rule/language

groom /grum/ verb [ T ] SEX

3. to become friends with a child, especially over the Internet, in order to try to persuade them to have a sexual relationship with you

groom /grum/ verb [ T ] PREPARE

2. to prepare someone for a special job or activity She was being groomed for leadership. [ + to infinitive ] My boss is grooming me to take over his job next year.

groom /grum/ verb [ T ] CLEAN

1. to clean an animal, often by brushing its fur Polly spends hours in the stables grooming her pony.

grooming /gru.m/ noun [ U ] TIDYING

1. the things that you do to make your appearance tidy and pleasant, for example brushing your hair, or the things that you do to keep an animal's hair or fur clean and tidy

sophisticate /sfs.t.kt/ noun [ C ] FORMAL

a person who is sophisticated

sophisticated / /-d/ adjective

1. having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion She was slim, svelte and sophisticated. I don't suppose I have any books that would suit your sophisticated tastes. He was older than me and from London and I thought him very sophisticated. 2. clever in a complicated way and therefore able to do complicated tasks I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem. These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world. sophistication /s fs.tke. n/ noun [ U ] the quality of being sophisticated Her sophistication is evident from the way she dresses. The sophistication of computers is increasing.
n t s/ noun 1. [ C ] a group of countries, political parties or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims a military alliance NATO is sometimes called the Atlantic Alliance. 2. [ C ] an agreement to work with someone else to try to achieve the same thing The three smaller parties have forged/formed an alliance against the government. Some of us feel that the union is in alliance with management against us.

alliance /la.

gossip /gs.p/ /g.sp/ noun

1. [ S or U ] (a) conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true Her letter was full of gossip. Jane and Lyn sat in the kitchen having a good gossip about their friends. I don't like all this idle gossip. I've got some juicy gossip for you.

Have you heard the (latest) gossip? 2. [ C ] DISAPPROVING ( MAINLY UK gossipmonger ) someone who enjoys talking about other people and their private lives She's a terrible gossip.

gossip /gs.p/ /g.sp/ verb [ I ]

to talk about other people's private lives Stop gossiping and get on with some work. People have started to gossip about us.

be a far cry from sth to be completely different from something This flat is a far cry from the house they had before.

nomad / /no-/ noun [ C ]

a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time a tribe of Somalian desert nomads


/n md.k/ /no-/


nomadic people/herdsmen a nomadic life/existence

hedgehog /hed.hg/ /-hg/ noun [ C ]


a small brown mammal with a protective covering of spines on its back

sluggish /slg./ adjective

moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon. Something is wrong with the car - the engine feels a bit sluggish. The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.

slug /slg/ noun [ C ] CREATURE

1. a small, usually black or brown, creature with a long soft body and no arms or legs, like a snail but with no shell 2. MAINLY US INFORMAL a slow-moving, lazy person See also sluggish

slug /slg/ noun [ C ] BULLET

3. INFORMAL a bullet The poor guy wound up with a slug in his stomach.

slug /slg/ noun [ C ] AMOUNT OF DRINK slug /slg/ noun [ C ] COIN slug /slg/ verb [ T ] -gg-

4. INFORMAL an amount of drink, especially strong alcoholic drink, that you can swallow at one time I had a slug of vodka to give me courage.

5. US a piece of metal used instead of a coin for putting in machines

1. INFORMAL to hit someone hard with the fist (= closed hand) She slugged him and he fell against the bar. 2. US to hit a baseball hard

forage /fr.d/ /fr-/ verb [ I ]

to go from place to place searching, especially for food The children had been living on the streets, foraging for scraps and sleeping rough. The pigs foraged in the woods for acorns.

forage /fr.d/ /fr-/ noun [ U ]

food grown for horses and farm animals winter forage forage crops.

platypus / /plt noun [ C ] ( ALSO duck-billed platypus ) -/

an Australian river mammal with a wide beak whose young are born from eggs

marsupial /msu.pi.l/ /mr-/ noun [ C ]

a type of mammal from Australasia or South or Central America which is not completely developed when it is born and is carried around in a pocket on the mother's body where it is fed and protected until it is completely developed Marsupials include koalas, possums and kangaroos.

hibernate / /-b-/ verb [ I ]

(of some animals) to spend the winter sleeping The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year.

litter /lt. r / /lt / noun RUBBISH .

1. [ U ] small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public places About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.

litter /lt. r / /lt / noun BED .

3. [ U ] dried grass or plant stems used by animals as a bed

litter /lt. r / /lt / noun BABY ANIMALS .

2. [ C + singular or plural verb ] a group of animals that are born at the same time and have the same mother a litter of kittens

litter /lt. r / /lt / noun ANIMAL TOILET .

4. [ U ] a substance that is put in a container to be used as a toilet by pets cat/pet litter

quill /kwl/ noun [ C ]

1. any of the long sharp pointed hairs on the body of a porcupine 2. ( ALSO quill pen ) a pen made from a bird's feather, used in the past

squeak /skwik/ verb SOUND

1. [ I ] to make a short very high cry or sound The mice in the cupboard squeaked. The door squeaked as it swung back and forth on its rusty hinges.

squeak /skwik/ verb SUCCEED

2. [ I + adverb or preposition ] US to only just succeed in something such as a test or competition He squeaked through the exam.

squeak /skwik/ noun [ C ]

a short very high cry or sound She let out a squeak of fright at the sight of the spider. If I hear one more squeak out of you (= if you say anything else) , there'll be trouble!

a narrow squeak UK INFORMAL a success that was almost a failure We caught the ferry but it was a narrow squeak.

appealing /pi.l/ adjective

1. attractive or interesting The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing ( to me). He had a nice smile and an appealing personality. Opposite unappealing 2. describes someone's expression or way of speaking when it makes you want to help or protect them a little dog with appealing big brown eyes

appeal /pil/ verb REQUEST

1. [ I ] to make a serious or formal request, especially to the public, for money or help They're appealing for clothes and blankets to send to the devastated region. The police are appealing to the public for any information about the missing girl. I tried to appeal to (= ask for support based on) his sense of loyalty, stressing how good the company had been to him. [ + to infinitive ] Church leaders have appealed to the government to halt the war.

appeal /pil/ verb LEGAL

2. [ I ] LEGAL to request a higher law court to consider again a decision made by a lower court, especially in order to reduce or prevent a punishment The teenager has been given leave (= allowed) by the High Court to appeal against her two-year sentence. They're appealing to the High Court to reduce the sentence to a fine. 3. [ I ] to formally request that especially a legal or official decision is changed The parents appealed against the school's decision not to admit the child. The footballer appealed to the referee for a free kick.

appeal /pil/ verb ATTRACT

4. [ I not continuous ] to interest or attract someone I've haven't been skiing - it's never really appealed. It's a programme designed to appeal mainly to 16 to 25 year-olds. I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses.

vermin / /v-/ plural noun

1. small animals and insects that can be harmful and which are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers Flies, lice, rats, foxes and cockroaches can all be described as vermin. 2. OFFENSIVE DISAPPROVING people who are unpleasant and harmful to society He thought all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them.

gamekeeper /gemki.p r / /-p/ noun [ C ] wade /wed/ verb

a person whose job is to take care of wild animals and birds that are kept especially for hunting

1. [ I usually + adverb or preposition T ] to walk through water with difficulty because of the pressure of the water against your legs The river was full but we managed to wade across . We waded a shallow river. 2. [ I ] US FOR paddle (WALK)

reclaim /rklem/ verb [ T ]

1. to take back something that was yours You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy. I reclaimed my suitcase from the left luggage office. 2. to make land, such as desert or areas covered by water, suitable for farming or building 3. to treat waste materials in order to get useful materials, such as glass or paper, that can be used again

buckle /bk.l/ noun [ C ]


a piece of metal at one end of a belt or strap, used to fasten the two ends together

buckle /bk.l/ verb FASTEN buckle /bk.l/ verb BEND

1. [ I or T ] to fasten or be fastened with a buckle

2. [ I or T ] to bend or become bent, often as a result of force, heat or weakness The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle. Both wheels on the bicycle had been badly buckled. I felt faint and my knees began to buckle.

buckle /bk.l/ verb BE DEFEATED

3. buckle under sth to be defeated by a difficult situation But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.

buckle down phrasal verb to start working hard He'll have to buckle down ( to his work) soon if he wants to pass these exams.

tricky /trk.i/ adjective DIFFICULT

1. If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill Those bird models are quite tricky to make, aren't they? I'm in a bit of a tricky situation really - whatever I do I'll offend someone.

tricky /trk.i/ adjective DISHONEST

2. likely to deceive people He's a tricky character, that one.

deceive /dsiv/ verb [ T ]

1. to persuade someone that something false is the truth; to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage; to trick The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. 2. deceive yourself [ R ] to refuse to accept the truth She thinks he'll come back, but she's deceiving herself.

wedge /wed/ noun SHAPE

1. [ C ] a piece of metal, wood, rubber, etc. with a pointed edge at one end and a wide edge at the other, which is either pushed between two objects to keep them still or forced into something to break pieces off it Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in. Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers. 2. [ C ] a triangular-shaped piece, especially of food Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of fruit cake on my plate. a wedge of cheese

wedge /wed/ verb [ T ]

1. to make something stay in a particular position by using a wedge [ + adjective ] Find something to wedge the window open/closed with. 2. to put something into a very small or narrow space, so that it cannot move easily Her shoe came off and got wedged between the bars. I was standing waiting for a bus, wedged between (= fixed between and unable to move away from) two old ladies and their bags of shopping.

wedge /wed/ noun SHAPE

1. [ C ] a piece of metal, wood, rubber, etc. with a pointed edge at one end and a wide edge at the other, which is either pushed between two objects to keep them still or forced into something to break pieces off it Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in. Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers. 2. [ C ] a triangular-shaped piece, especially of food Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of fruit cake on my plate. a wedge of cheese

the seabed /si.bed/ noun [ S ]

the solid surface of the Earth which lies under the sea The ship has been lying on the seabed for more than 50 years. See picture beds 1

dredger /dred. r / /-/ noun [ C ] ( ALSO dredge ) dredge /dred/ verb [ T ] REMOVE

a boat or a device which is used to dredge rivers, lakes, etc.

1. to remove unwanted things from the bottom of a river, lake, etc. using a sucking or other device They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open. 2. to search an area of water by dredging The police are dredging the lake for his body. They dredged up (= brought to the surface) the man's clothes but not his body.

formidable /

/fr-/ adjective causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because they are large, powerful or difficult a formidable obstacle/task a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent a formidable intellect DISAPPROVING the director and his formidable wife
to make someone stop giving their attention to something Don't distract her ( from her studies). He tried to distract attention from his own illegal activities.

distract /dstrkt/ verb [ T ]

distract /dstrkt/ verb [ T ]

to make someone stop giving their attention to something Don't distract her ( from her studies). He tried to distract attention from his own illegal activities. distracting /dstrk.t/ adjective Please turn your music down - it's very distracting.

quaint /kwent/ adjective

1. attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned a quaint old cottage 2. Quaint can also be used to show that you do not approve of something, especially an opinion, belief or way of behaving, because it is strange or old-fashioned "What a quaint idea!" she said, laughing at him.

scenic /si.nk/ adjective

having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features an area of outstanding scenic beauty a scenic drive/railway We took the scenic route home.

spectacular /spektk.j.l r / /-l/ adjective

1. very exciting to look at a spectacular view He scored a spectacular goal in the second half. There was a spectacular sunset last night. 2. especially great We've had spectacular success with the product.

spectacular /spektk.j.l r / /-l/ noun [ C ]

an event or performance which is very exciting to watch and which involves a lot of people

snorkelling UK , US snorkeling /sn.k

l./ /snr-/

noun [ U ]

the activity of swimming while using a snorkel We went snorkelling along the Great Barrier Reef.

skyscraper /skaskre.p r / /-p/ noun [ C ]

a very tall modern building, usually in a city

fountain / noun [ C ]


a stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect, or the structure in a lake or pool from which this flows

cosmopolitan /kz.mpl..t

someone who has experience of many different parts of the world Lisa is a real cosmopolitan.

n/ /kz.m p .l.t


noun [ C ] USUALLY


downside /dan.sad/ noun [ S ]

the disadvantage of a situation The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive. Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy. Compare upside

picturesque /pk.t

resk/ /-tresk/ adjective (especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way the picturesque narrow streets of the old city

crisp /krsp/ adjective MAINLY APPROVING HARD

1. hard enough to be broken easily 2. describes cooked foods, such as pastry and biscuits, that are well cooked so that they are just dry and hard enough 3. describes fruit or vegetables that are fresh and firm a crisp apple 4. describes paper or cloth that is stiff and smooth a crisp new 5 note/a crisp white tablecloth

crisp /krsp/ adjective MAINLY APPROVING CLEAR

5. describes sound or an image that is very clear Now that we have cable, we get a wonderfully crisp picture, even on our old TV. 6. describes a way of speaking, writing or behaving that is quick, confident and effective a crisp reply a crisp, efficient manner

crisp /krsp/ adjective MAINLY APPROVING COLD

7. describes weather that is cold, dry and bright

a wonderful crisp spring morning 8. describes air that is cold, dry and fresh I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.

crisp /krsp/ noun POTATO

1. [ C usually plural ] UK ( US (potato) chip ) a very thin, often round piece of fried potato, sometimes with a flavour added, and sold especially in plastic bags a packet of salt and vinegar crisps

crisp /krsp/ noun SWEET FOOD

2. [ C ] US

crumble (SWEET FOOD)

r.s/ /--/ adjective DANGEROUS 1. If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather conditions Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.

treacherous /tret.

treacherous /tret.

r.s/ /--/ adjective NOT LOYAL 2. MAINLY OLD USE A person who is treacherous deceives someone who trusts them, or has no loyalty Vargas plays the part of a treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country. I feel a bit treacherous to my own sex if I ever make general criticisms of women.

drought /drat/ noun [ C or U ]

a long period when there is little or no rain This year (a) severe drought has ruined the crops.

nought /nt/ /nt/ number ZERO

1. [ C ] MAINLY UK ( US USUALLY naught ) the number 0 or zero He said it was only worth 10, but really you could add a couple of noughts to that (= it is really worth 1000) .

nought /nt/ /nt/ number NOTHING

2. [ U ] naught (NOTHING)

trough /trf/ /trf/ noun [ C ] CONTAINER trough /trf/ /trf/ noun [ C ] LOW POINT

1. a long narrow container without a lid that usually holds water or food for farm animals cows at the feeding trough

2. a low point in a regular series of high and low points Investing small amounts regularly is a good way of smoothing out the peaks and troughs of the stock market. 3. SPECIALIZED (in the study of weather patterns) a long area of low air pressure between two areas of high air pressure A trough of low pressure over hilly areas will bring heavy thunderstorms overnight.

trough /trf/ /trf/ verb [ T ] INFORMAL indulge /ndld/ verb

to eat something quickly and eagerly, especially in large amounts She was sitting there troughing chocolate.

1. [ I or T ] to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs. [ R ] I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself. We took a deliberate decision to indulge in a little nostalgia.

2. [ T ] to give someone anything they want and not to mind if they behave badly My aunt indulges the children dreadfully.

self-indulgent /self.ndl.d

nt/ adjective allowing yourself to have or do anything that you enjoy I know it's self-indulgent of me, but I'll just have another chocolate. self-indulgence /self.ndl.d n t s/ noun [ S or U ]

engrossed /ngrst/ /-grost/ adjective

giving all your attention to something; absorbed She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cakes in the oven. They were so engrossed in/with what they were doing that they didn't hear me come in.

plait /plt/ verb [ I or T ] ( US USUALLY braid )

to join three or more pieces of hair or string-like material by putting them over each other in a special pattern She plaited the horse's tail. a plaited leather bracelet/belt

plait /plt/ noun [ C ] ( US USUALLY braid )


a length of hair or other material which is divided into three parts which are then crossed over each other in a special pattern She usually wears her hair in a plait/ in two plaits.

surf /sf/ /sf/ verb [ I or T ] WAVES

2. to ride on a wave as it comes towards land, while standing or lying on a special board They go surfing every weekend. See also bodysurf ; windsurfing

surf /sf/ /sf/ verb [ I or T ] INTERNET

1. to spend time visiting a lot of websites Many towns and cities have cybercafes where you can surf the Internet/Net/Web.

intimidating / /-t/ adjective

making you feel frightened or nervous an intimidating array of weapons an intimidating manner She can be very intimidating when she's angry.

intimidate /ntm..det/ verb [ T ]


to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
n/ noun CALCULATION 1. [ C ] a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have The company has failed to achieve last year's sales projections by thirty percent. n/ noun IMAGE 2. [ U ] when a film or an image is projected onto a screen or wall n/ noun STICKING OUT 3. [ C ] something that projects from a surface or above the edge of something

projection /prdek. projection /prdek. projection /prdek. projection /prdek.



4. [ C ]


a drawn representation of a solid shape or a line as seen from a particular direction

commentator /km.n.te.t r / /

noun [ C ] a reporter for radio or television who provides a spoken description of and remarks on an event, especially a sports competition, as it happens a radio commentator a sports/football commentator.

sceptical UK , US skeptical /skep.t.k

l/ adjective doubting that something is true or useful Many experts remain sceptical about/of his claims.

demographics /dem.grf.ks/ plural noun

the quantity and characteristics of the people who live in a particular area, especially in relation to their age, how much money they have and what they spend it on The demographics of the country have changed dramatically in recent years. No one has exact demographics on (= information about the quantity and characteristics of the people who live in) the area.

dwindle /dwn.dl/ verb [ I ]

to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years. Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.

meddle /med.l/ verb [ I ] DISAPPROVING

to try to change or have an influence on things which are not your responsibility, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way My sister's always meddling in other people's affairs . People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand.

endorse /nds/ /-drs/ verb [ T ] SUPPORT

1. to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone The National Executive is expected to endorse these recommendations. FORMAL I fully endorse (= agree with) everything the Chairperson has said. 2. to appear in an advertisement, saying that you use and like a particular product They paid $2 million to the world champion to endorse their new aftershave.

endorse /nds/ /-drs/ verb [ T ] GIVE PERMISSION

3. to write something in order to give permission for something, especially your signature on the back of a cheque , in order to make it able to be paid to someone else

endorse /nds/ /-drs/ verb [ T ] PUNISH

4. UK to officially record on a driving licence that the driver has been found guilty of driving in an illegal way

endorsement /nd.smnt/ /-dr-/ noun APPROVAL

1. [ C or U ] when you make a statement of your approval or support for something or someone The campaign hasn't received any political endorsements. He hoped to secure quick endorsement of the plan from the President. 2. [ C or U ] when a famous person appears in an advertisement saying that they use and like a product products which carry an endorsement from a famous person

charter /t.t r / /tr.t/

noun OFFICIAL PAPER 1. [ C ] a formal statement of the rights of a country's people, or of an organization or a particular social group, which is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government a charter of rights Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United Nations Charter. The Government have produced a Citizen's/Parents'/Patients' Charter.

charter /t.t r / /tr.t/

2. [ U ] the renting of a vehicle boats for charter a charter flight a major charter operator

noun RENT

charter /t.t r / /tr.t/

verb [ T ] OFFICIAL START 2. to officially start a new organization by giving it a charter Cambridge University Press was chartered in 1534.

eminent /em..nnt/ adjective

famous, respected or important an eminent historian

eminence /em..nn t s/ noun [ U ]

the state of being famous, respected or important his eminence as a film director

explicit /kspls.t/ adjective

1. clear and exact I gave her very explicit directions how to get here. She was very explicit about (= said very clearly and exactly) what she thought was wrong with the plans. I wasn't aware that I would be paying - you certainly didn't make it explicit (= state it clearly) . Compare implicit 2. showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way a sexually explicit film explicitly / adverb I told you quite explicitly (= clearly) to be home by midnight. explicitness /kspls.t.ns/ noun [ U ]

deduce /ddjus/ /-dus/ verb [ T ]

to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts We cannot deduce very much from these figures. [ + that ] The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening. deducible / /-du-/ adjective FORMAL able to be deduced deductive / adjective a deductive argument deductive logic/reasoning
l/ adjective extremely important or necessary a crucial decision/question Her work has been crucial to the project's success. [ + that ] It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.

crucial /kru.

swap -pp- ( UK ALSO swop -pp- ) /swp/ /swp/ verb [ I or T ]

to give something and be given something else instead; to exchange When you've finished reading your book, and I've finished mine, shall we swap? We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday. When he got a job in a bank, he had to swap his jeans and T-shirt for a suit (= he had to wear formal clothes instead of informal ones) . [ + two objects ] I'll swap you my chocolate bar for your peanuts. We spent the evening in the pub, swapping (= telling each other) stories/jokes.

perplex /ppleks/ /p-/ verb [ T ]

to confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve The disease has continued to perplex doctors. perplexed /pplekst/ /p-/ adjective The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again. perplexing /pplek.s/ /p-/ adjective They find the company's attitude perplexing and unreasonable.

acquiesce /k.wies/ verb [ I ] FORMAL

to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans.

rendezvous / /rn-/ noun [ C ] plural rendezvous

1. an arrangement to meet someone, especially secretly, at a particular place and time, or the place itself We have a rendezvous for next week, don't we? The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park. 2. a place where a particular group of people often go or meet, by arrangement or habit This restaurant is a popular rendezvous for local artists.
n/ noun [ C ] 1. (the title of) a British man who has the lowest rank in the highest social class 2. an extremely powerful person in a particular area of business media/press barons a drug baron

baron /br.

custodial /kst.di.l/ /-to-/ adjective PRISON

1. custodial sentence a period of time that someone must stay in prison

custodial /kst.di.l/ /-to-/ adjective CARE custodian /kst.di.n/ /-to-/ noun [ C ]

2. relating to the legal right to care for someone or something, especially a child custodial care

1. FORMAL a person with responsibility for protecting or taking care of something or keeping something in good condition the custodian of a museum/castle 2. FORMAL someone who tries to protect particular ideas or principles She sees herself as a custodian of the public's morals. 3. US FOR caretaker (BUILDING WORKER)

blonde ( ALSO blond ) /blnd/ /blnd/ adjective

with pale yellow or gold hair blonde hair/highlights a blonde woman/a blond man

thrill /rl/ noun [ C ]

a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant the thrill of winning a competition So why do people still go hunting - is it the thrill of the chase? It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years. The video shows the thrills and spills (= excitement and accidents) of motor racing.

thrill /rl/ verb [ I or T ]

to make someone feel very excited and pleased Ballesteros thrilled the golf world with his performance.

retrieve /rtriv/ verb [ T ]

to find and bring back something We taught our dog to retrieve a ball. Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.

deploy /dpl/ verb [ T ]

1. to use something or someone, especially in an effective way The company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its resources/staff . My job doesn't really allow me fully to deploy my skills/talents. 2. to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed The decision has been made to deploy extra troops /more powerful weapons .

deployment /dpl.mnt/ noun [ U ]

1. the use of something or someone in an effective way the deployment of technologies to address this challenge 2. the movement of soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed The Chief of Police ordered the deployment of 2 000 troops to try to stop the rioting.

duke /djuk/ /duk/ noun [ C ]

a man of very high rank in a country, or the ruler of a small independent country

cur /k r / /k/ noun [ C ] LITERARY DOG

1. a mongrel (= dog of mixed type) , especially one that is frightening or fierce

cur /k r / /k/ noun [ C ] LITERARY PERSON weakling /wi.kl/ noun [ C ] DISAPPROVING

2. a person who is thought to be worth nothing or cowardly (= not brave)

someone who is weak, either physically or in character It would need more than a few exercises to turn a seven-stone weakling into a heavyweight boxer.

disguise /dsgaz/ verb [ T ]

1. to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form [ R ] He disguised himself by shaving his head and wearing a false beard. Minor skin imperfections can usually be disguised with a spot of make-up. We tried to disguise the fact that it was just a school hall by putting up coloured lights and balloons. 2. to hide an opinion, a feeling, etc. I couldn't disguise my disappointment.

disguise /dsgaz/ noun [ C or U ]

1. something that someone wears to hide their true appearance He put on a large hat and glasses as a disguise and hoped no one would recognise him. 2. in disguise If people, objects or activities are in disguise, they appear to be something which they are not, especially intentionally She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being bothered by the public. He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise.
r..z m/ /--/ noun [ C ] something that a person does repeatedly with their face, hands or voice, and which they may not be realise they are doing He's got some very strange mannerisms. We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.

mannerism /mn.

r..z m/ /--/ noun [ U ] SPECIALIZED a style of 16th century art, common in Italy, France and Spain, which did not follow traditional rules of painting and tried to represent an image of beauty that was perfect rather than natural Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.

Mannerism /mn.

croissant /kws./ /kws/ noun [ C ]


a piece of light crescent -shaped pastry, usually eaten in the morning

Mach /mk/ , /mk/ noun [ U ]

a measurement of speed which is calculated by dividing the speed of an object, often an aircraft, by the speed of sound

excruciating /kskru.i.e.t/ /-t/ adjective

1. extremely painful an excruciating pain in the lower back 2. extremely boring or embarrassing excruciating boredom His confession, when it came, was excruciating.

the outskirts / ts/ /-skrts/ plural noun

the areas that form the edge of a town or city The factory is in/on the outskirts of New Delhi.

watchdog /wt.dg/ /wt.dg/ noun [ C ] ORGANIZATION

1. a person or organization responsible for making certain that companies obey particular standards and do not act illegally The Countryside Commission was set up as the government's official watchdog on conservation.

watchdog /wt.dg/ /wt.dg/ noun [ C ] DOG

2. US

guard dog

countenance /kan.t.nn t s/ /-t

n.n t s/ noun FORMAL FACE 1. [ C or U ] the appearance or expression of someone's face He was of noble countenance. n.n t s/ noun FORMAL APPROVAL 2. [ U ] approval We will not give/lend countenance to any kind of terrorism.

countenance /kan.t.nn t s/ /-t

countenance /kan.t.nn t s/ /-t

n.n t s/

verb [ T ] FORMAL

to find acceptable; to approve of or give support to The school will not countenance bad behaviour.

escalate /es.k.let/ verb [ I or T ]

to make or become greater or more serious The decision to escalate UN involvement has been taken in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities. His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed. The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices.

de-escalate /dies.k.let/ verb [ I or T ]

to (cause to) become less dangerous or difficult The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict. There are signs that the confrontation is beginning to de-escalate.

prompting /prm p .t/ /prm p -/ noun [ C or U ]

when you try to make someone say something [ + to infinitive ] Kids of that age really shouldn't need prompting to say thank you for things. Amazingly - without any prompting - my husband actually said how nice I looked in my new dress!

torrid /tr.d/ /tr.d/ adjective EMOTIONS torrid /tr.d/ /tr.d/ adjective WEATHER
2. FORMAL extremely hot the torrid heat of August

1. involving strong emotions, especially those of sexual love a torrid romance

raid /red/ noun [ C ]

1. a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid ( on the enemy). planes on a bombing raid 2. when people enter a place by force in order to steal from it Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night. 3. when the police enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.

raid /red/ verb [ T ]

1. to attack a place suddenly The nomads raided the enemy camp and captured over 100 camels. 2. to enter a place illegally and usually violently, and steal from it The post office was raided late at night. 3. (of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something Police officers from the organized crime branch have raided solicitors' offices in central London. 4. INFORMAL to take something from a place, usually secretly I caught Toby raiding the fridge .

flourish /flr./ /fl-/ verb SUCCEED

1. [ I ] to grow or develop successfully My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather. Watercolour painting began to flourish in Britain around 1750.

flourish /flr./ /fl-/ verb WAVE insurgency /ns.d

2. [ T ] to move something in your hand in order to make people look at it She came in smiling, flourishing her exam results.

noun [ U ] when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force The government is reported to be concerned about the growing insurgency in the South. Compare counterinsurgency

n t .si/ /-s-/

stumble / verb WALK

1. [ I ] to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand. In the final straight Meyers stumbled, and although he didn't fall it was enough to lose him first place. 2. [ I usually + adverb or preposition ] to walk in a way which does not seem controlled We could hear her stumbling about/around the bedroom in the dark. He pulled on his clothes and stumbled into the kitchen.

stumble / verb PAUSE

3. [ I ] to make a mistake, such as repeating something or pausing for too long, while speaking or playing a piece of music When the poet stumbled over a line in the middle of a poem, someone in the audience corrected him.

prevail /prvel/ verb [ I ] FORMAL

1. to get control or influence I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end. And did reason prevail over (= become a more powerful influence than) emotion? 2. to be common among a group of people or area at a particular time This attitude still prevails among the middle classes.

prevail on/upon sb phrasal verb [ + to infinitive ] to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do He was eventually prevailed upon to accept the appointment.

rouse /raz/ verb [ T ]

to wake someone up or make someone more active or excited He roused himself ( from a pleasant daydream) and got back to work. The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry for action.

rebound /riband/ verb [ I ]

1. to bounce back after hitting a hard surface 2. If one of your actions rebounds on you, it does not have the effect you hoped for but has an unpleasant effect on you instead His continual demands for sympathy rebounded on him because his friends finally stopped listening.

shove /v/ verb PUSH

1. [ I or T ] to push someone or something forcefully She was jostled and shoved by an angry crowd as she left the court. Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove. Reporters pushed and shoved as they tried to get close to the princess.

shove /v/ verb PUT

2. [ T + adverb or preposition ] INFORMAL to put something somewhere in a hurried or careless way I'll just shove this laundry in the washer before we go out. "Where should I put this suitcase?" "Shove it down there for the moment." They can't just shove motorways anywhere they like, you know.

shove /v/ verb MOVE BODY

3. [ I + adverb or preposition ] INFORMAL to move your body to make space for someone else Shove over/along , Lena, and make some room for me. UK Why don't you shove up so that Brian can sit next to you?

trump /trmp/ noun

1. [ C ] a card that belongs to the group of cards that has been chosen to have the highest value in a particular game I played a trump. Luckily, I drew a trump. 2. trumps one of the four groups in a set of playing cards which has been chosen to have the highest value during a particular game or part of a game Diamonds are trumps. 3. no trump(s) when all four groups of cards have equal value in a game of bridge

perpetual /ppet.u.l/ /ppet-/ adjective

1. continuing forever in the same way They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered and arrested. He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer. a perpetual student 2. often repeated

perpetual vandalism

perpetuate / /ppet-/ verb [ T ] FORMAL

to cause something to continue Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy. The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.

adorn /dn/ /-drn/ verb [ T ] LITERARY

to add something decorative to a person or thing The bride's hair was adorned with pearls and white flowers.

adoring /d.r/ adjective

showing very strong love for someone I refuse to play the part of the adoring wife.

adore /d r / /-dr/ verb [ T not continuous ] LOVE

1. to love someone very much, especially in an admiring or respectful way, or to like something very much She has one son and she adores him. I absolutely adore chocolate. [ + -ing verb ] Don't you just adore ly ing in a hot bath?

adore /d r / /-dr/ verb [ T not continuous ] RELIGION

2. FORMAL to worship Let us adore God for all his works.

worship /w.p/ /w-/ verb -pp- or US ALSO -p- RELIGION

1. [ T ] to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god In the various regions of India, Hindus worship different gods and observe different religious festivals. 2. [ I ] to go to a religious ceremony They work for the same company, socialise together and worship in the same mosque. The poll showed that over 40% of Americans worship on a weekly basis.

worship /w.p/ /w-/ verb -pp- or US ALSO -p- ADMIRE

3. [ T ] to love, respect and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing their bad qualities Her parents worship her. As a child, I worshipped my older brother.

worship /w.p/ /w-/ noun RELIGION

1. [ U ] when you worship God or a god, often through praying or singing daily acts of worship Christian/Sikh/Muslim worship For Jews, the synagogue is the centre for community worship and study. Local people have complained about improperly dressed tourists entering places of worship (= buildings for religious ceremonies or private prayer) .

worship /w.p/ /w-/ noun ADMIRATION worship /w.p/ /w-/ noun TITLE

2. [ U ] DISAPPROVING when you like or admire a particular thing or person very much, often too much We're in an era of fitness and health worship.

3. His/Your, etc. Worship MAINLY UK FORMAL used as a title of respect when speaking to or about a mayor or a magistrate His Worship the Mayor will present the awards. [ as form of address ] Thank you, Your Worship.

obdurate / /b.dr.t/ adjective FORMAL


extremely determined to act in a particular way and not to change despite what anyone else


The President remains obdurate on the question of tax cuts. 2. describes a person who refuses to change their mind, or someone or something that is difficult to deal with or change The union remains obdurate that any redundancies must be voluntary. Several obdurate facts/differences remain, preventing a compromise solution.

ambivalent /mbv..lnt/ adjective

having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel I felt very ambivalent about leaving home. He has fairly ambivalent feelings towards his father. an ambivalent attitude to exercise

insouciance / t s/ noun [ U ] LITERARY

a relaxed and happy way of acting without feeling worred or guilty I admired his youthful insouciance.

implacable / adjective SLIGHTLY FORMAL

describes (someone who has) strong opinions or feelings which are impossible to change an implacable enemy implacable hostility

coda /k.d/ /ko-/ noun [ C ]

1. SPECIALIZED a piece of music at the end of a longer piece of music, which is usually separate from the basic structure The coda is often more technically difficult than the rest of the piece. 2. FORMAL the final or extra part of a speech, event or piece of writing In a coda to the main exhibition are various works which were once attributed to Rembrandt.

preamble /

, /prim-/ noun 1. [ C ] SPECIALIZED an introduction to a speech or piece of writing 2. [ U ] talk or activity not connected with the most important matter

addendum / noun [ C ] plural addenda SPECIALIZED

something that has been added to a book, speech or document

denouement /denu.m/ /-m/ noun [ C ]

the end of a story, in which everything is explained, or the end result of a situation

panegyric /pn.dr.k/ noun [ C ] FORMAL


a speech or piece of writing that praises someone very much and does not mention anything bad about She delivered a panegyric on the President-elect.

essay /ese/ verb [ T ] OLD-FASHIONED

to try to do something The procedure was first essayed in 1923.

jeopardize , UK USUALLY jeopardise /dep..daz/ /--/ verb [ T ]

to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future.

jeopardy /dep..di/ /--/ noun

in jeopardy in danger of being damaged or destroyed The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage.

goof /guf/ verb [ I or T ] MAINLY US INFORMAL

to make a silly mistake If Tom hadn't goofed and missed that shot, we'd have won the game. She goofed her lines (= said the words in the play wrong) .

goof off phrasal verb US INFORMAL to avoid doing any work They've goofed off and gone to the ball game.

loaf /lf/ /lof/ noun plural loaves BREAD


1. [ C ] bread which is shaped and baked in a single piece and can be sliced for eating two loaves of white bread

loaf /lf/ /lof/ noun plural loaves FOOD

2. [ C or U ] savoury food cut into small pieces then pressed together and cooked in a single solid piece meat/nut loaf

loaf /lf/ /lof/ verb [ I ] INFORMAL

to avoid activity, especially work Stop loafing (about/around) and get on with cleaning the windows!

Use your loaf. UK OLD-FASHIONED used to tell someone in a slightly angry way that they should think more carefully about what they are doing

slack /slk/ adjective NOT TIGHT

1. not tight; loose These tent ropes are too slack - they need tightening.

slack /slk/ adjective NOT ACTIVE

2. showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way Business is always slack at this time of year. DISAPPROVING Discipline in Mr Brown's class has become very slack recently. DISAPPROVING The job is taking a long time because the workmen are so slack.

slack /slk/ noun NOT TIGHT

1. [ U ] when something is too loose There's too much slack in these ropes. The men pulled on the ropes to take up the slack (= to tighten them) .

slack /slk/ noun TROUSERS

2. slacks [ plural ] OLD-FASHIONED a pair of trousers, usually of a type that fit loosely

slack /slk/ verb [ I ] INFORMAL

to work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly Everyone slacks off/up a bit at the end of the week. DISAPPROVING You'll be in trouble if you're caught slacking on the job like that. Slack off your speed as you approach the corner. abate /bet/ verb [ I ] FORMAL

demean /dmin/ verb [ T ]

to become less strong The storm/wind/rain has started to abate. The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating. See also unabated abatement /bet.mnt/ noun [ U ]

to cause someone to become less respected The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour. [ R ] I wouldn't demean myself by asking my parents for money. abase yourself /bes/ verb [ R ] FORMAL to make yourself seem to be less important or not to deserve respect abdicate /b.d.ket/ verb KING/QUEEN 1. [ I or T ] If a king or queen abdicates, they make a formal statement that they no longer want to be king or queen King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman. aberrant /ber. nt/ , /b..r nt/ adjective FORMAL different from what is typical or usual, especially in an unacceptable way aberrant behaviour/sexuality abeyance /be.n t s/ noun [ U ] FORMAL a state of not happening or being used at present Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June. The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it. allegiance /li.d n t s/ noun [ C or U ] FORMAL loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group or belief Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown/the King. In many American schools, the students pledge allegiance (to the flag) at the beginning of the school day. As an Englishman who'd lived for a long time in France, he felt a certain conflict of allegiances when the two countries played soccer. flee /fli/ verb [ I or T never passive ] fleeing , fled , fled 1. to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear She fled (from) the room in tears. In order to escape capture, he fled to the mountains. 2. flee the country to quickly go to another country in order to escape from something or someone It is likely that the suspects have fled the country by now. abscond /bsknd/ /-sk nd/ verb [ I ] ESCAPE 1. to go away suddenly and secretly in order to escape from somewhere Two prisoners absconded last night. She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend. abstain /bsten/ verb [ I ] NOT DO 1. to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex. refrain /rfren/ verb [ I ] FORMAL to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something We refrained from talk ing until we knew that it was safe. The sign on the wall said "Please refrain from smok ing ." abstemious /bsti.mi.s/ adjective FORMAL not doing things which give you pleasure, especially not eating good food or drinking alcohol sober /s.b r / /so.b/ adjective SERIOUS 2. serious and calm In fact the whole wedding was a sober affair - no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely. Anthony was in a very sober mood - I scarcely heard him laugh all night. abyss /bs/ noun [ C usually singular ] HOLE 1. LITERARY a very deep hole which seems to have no bottom

abyss /bs/ noun [ C usually singular ] BAD SITUATION

2. a difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. She found herself on the edge of an abyss. chasm /kz. m/ noun [ C ] 1. a very deep narrow opening in rock, ice or the ground They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below. 2. FORMAL a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries. accretion /kri . n/ noun [ C or U ] FORMAL gradual increase or growth by the addition of new layers or parts The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders. The room hadn't been cleaned for years and showed several accretions of dirt and dust. piquant /pi.k nt/ adjective INTERESTING 1. SLIGHTLY FORMAL interesting and exciting, especially because mysterious More piquant details of their private life were revealed. adulterate /dl.t.ret/ verb [ T always passive ] to make food or drink weaker or to lower its quality, by adding something else There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water. ketchup /ket.p/ noun [ U ] ( UK tomato ketchup , US ALSO catsup ) a thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes Do you want some ketchup with your burger? doctor /dk.t r / /d k.t/ noun [ C ] MEDICINE 1. ( WRITTEN ABBREVIATION Dr ) a person with a medical degree (= university qualification) whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt The doctor prescribed some pills. You should see a doctor about that cough. [ as form of address ] Good morning, Doctor Smith/Doctor. 2. the doctor's the place where a doctor, especially a GP , works He went to the doctor's this morning for a checkup. advocate /d.v.ket/ verb [ T ] to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something [ + -ing verb ] She advocates tak ing a more long-term view. He advocates the return of capital punishment. eyrie /.ri/ /r.i/ noun [ C ] BIRD'S NEST

1. (


US aerie ) the nest of an eagle or other large bird which eats meat, usually built in a high, far


stronghold /str.hld/ /str .hold/ noun [ C ]

1. a building or position which is strongly defended a rebel stronghold They captured the last stronghold of the presidential guard. 2. a place or area where a particular belief or activity is common Rural areas have been traditionally thought of as a stronghold of old-fashioned attitudes. aesthetic , US ALSO esthetic /eset.k/ /-et adjective -/ 1. relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal. 2. describes an object or a work of art that shows great beauty furniture which is both aesthetic and functional aggrandizement , UK USUALLY aggrandisement / noun [ U ] FORMAL DISAPPROVING increase in power or importance He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/ self- aggrandizement is his motive. uplift /p.lft/ noun [ U ] IMPROVEMENT 1. SLIGHTLY FORMAL improvement of a person's moral or spiritual condition We are counting on your speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the delegates. glorify /gl.r.fa/ /glr.-/ verb [ T ] 1. to praise and honour God or a person

There are 99 prayer beads - one for each way Allah can be glorified in the Koran. A statue was erected to glorify the country's national heroes. 2. to make something seem splendid or excellent, often when it is really not I didn't like the way the film glorified war/violence. INFORMAL My word processor's really just a glorified typewriter. ennoble / /-no-/ verb [ T ] 1. to make someone a member of the nobility (= highest social rank) 2. LITERARY to make something or someone better so that people admire it or them more He has this theory that suffering can ennoble a person's character.

alacrity /lk.r.ti/ /-ti/ noun [ U ] FORMAL

speed and eagerness She accepted the money with alacrity. celerity /sler..ti/ /-ti/ noun [ U ] FORMAL speed haste /hest/ noun [ U ] DISAPPROVING (too much) speed Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies. [ + to infinitive ] In her haste to get up from the table, she knocked over a cup. His father had just died and he didn't want to marry with indecent haste. alleviate / verb [ T ] FORMAL to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering. allay /le/ verb [ T ] FORMAL If you allay a strong emotion felt by someone, such as fear or worry, you cause them to feel it less or to feel calm again The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease. ambiguous /mbg.ju.s/ adjective having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous. The wording of the agreement is ambiguous. The government has been ambiguous on this issue. vague /veg/ adjective 1. not clearly expressed, known, described or decided I do have a vague memory of meeting her many years ago. The patient had complained of vague pains and backache. 2. not clear in shape, or not clearly seen Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure. 3. describes someone who is not able to think clearly, or who, sometimes as a way of hiding what they really think, does not express their opinions clearly My aunt is incredibly vague - she can never remember where she's left things. Their report is studiously vague (= intentionally not exact) on future economic prospects. ameliorate /mi.lj.ret/ verb [ T ] FORMAL to make a bad or unpleasant situation better Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought. amend /mend/ verb [ T ] to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. In line 20, 'men' should be amended (= changed) to 'people'. Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president. amulet / /-j-/ noun [ C ] an object worn because it is believed to protect against evil, disease or unhappiness fetish /fet./ /fet noun [ C ] RELIGIOUS OBJECT -/ 3. SPECIALIZED an object which is worshipped in some societies because it is believed to have a spirit or special magical powers fetish /fet./ /fet noun [ C ] INTEREST -/ 1. a sexual interest in an object or a part of the body other than the sexual organs a rubber/foot fetish

He has a fetish about/for high-heels. 2. an activity or object which you are so interested in that you spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it or doing it She makes a fetish of organization - it's quite obsessive. He has a fetish for/about cleanliness. talisman / noun [ C ] plural talismans an object believed to bring good luck or to keep its owner safe from harm anachronism /nk.r.n.z m/ noun [ C ] a person, thing or idea which exists out of its time in history, especially one which happened or existed later than the period being shown, discussed, etc. For some people, marriage is an anachronism from the days when women needed to be protected. archaism /ke..z m/ /r-/ noun [ C ] SPECIALIZED a word or expression that is not generally used any more incongruous /nk.gru.s/ /-k-/ adjective unusual or different from what is around or from what is generally happening The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library. It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine.

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