Where in India Did The Aryans Arrive? Three Answers To One Question

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The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, 3, 2010 ISSN: 1920-2989 http://ru.rjgg.

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Where in India did the Aryans arrive? Three answers to one question

Akper Aliev

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To this day, the problem of the origin of the Aryans is one of the most popular subjects of pseudo scientific speculation. However, the problem is not solved, and in spite of this, some scientific assumptions are made from different ethnic groups trying to prove their geopolitical significance by attributing the origin of the Aryans to their own geographical area, as if it were to propose their nation as the cultural hegemon, something that is not only scientifically unprovable up to this point but pushes the boundaries of bad science. It is only now, utilizing the scientific basis of DNA genealogy that we are able to address some of these pertinent issues and glance into the past. The authors of this article have briefly tried to bring together an overall algorithm with a set of mandatory conditions for solving the problem of the origin of the Aryans by utilizing Y-DNA data.

Amendments to the original publication from that original ancient language. In a previous paper the authors, based on the Anatolian hypothesis of Indo-European ancestral homeland expounded the hypothesis of the appearance of haplogroup J2 in India as a result of the Aryan invasion [1]. A number of criticisms [2], as well as new additional information led the authors to revise some of their findings and writings of this article. The gene pool of the modern Indo-Aryan peoples can be preserved in the Aryan haplogroups the first speakers of the Old Indic language, ancestors of all modern Indo-Aryan languages. The assortment of haplogroups of the modern Indo-Aryan peoples is mixed: R1a1a (M17), R2 (M124), J2 (M172), H1 (M69, M52), L (M11) [3, 4, 5]. To determine the estimated haplogroups of Aryans, our assumptions are based upon the understanding that the Aryan haplogroup must attend a sizeable percentage with the remaining Indo-European peoples. These haplogroups are only R1a1a and to a lesser level J2. Coincidentally, some haplogroups of modern Europeans and Indo-Aryans do not mean that these same haplogroups are among the ancient Aryans. To fully understand this, it is necessary to understand the related subjects - history and linguistics. 1

What will be discussed? Studying the history of the appearance of the Aryans in India has long been an object of study of linguists, historians, archaeologists, and others in the scientific field. Most recently, this study of information has attracted the attention of the DNA genealogists, based on the assumption that haplogroups of original speakers of an ancient language could at least partially be preserved in modern speakers of those dialects, descending
_____________________________________________________________ Received: August 19 2010; accepted: August 19 2010; published: August 20 2010 Correspondence: absheron@gmail.com

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, 3, 2010 ISSN: 1920-2989 http://ru.rjgg.org All rights reserved

The first answer. Kurgan hypothesis: Aryans invaded India from the East European Plain The Kurgan hypothesis suggests migration of Aryans from the East European Plain through the Urals in Afghanistan with their subsequent resettlement in the historical habitat [7]. In the aspect of DNA genealogy, the Kurgan hypothesis can be best represented as the migration of the carriers of haplogroup R1a1a from Eastern Europe to South Asia, at the latest II millennium BC. The possibility of this scenario indicates a high percentage of haplogroup R1a1a both in Eastern Europe and in India [8, 9] (Fig. 1).

The early history of the Indo-Aryan was reconstructed on the ancient source Rig-Veda [6]. Analysis of the Rig-Veda shows that the Aryans were a group of tribes that lived about 3.5 thousand years ago on the territory of Punjab. This means that whatever haplogroup was found among the Aryans, its age in India should significantly exceed 3.5 thousand years. So far, three main hypotheses explain the appearance of the Aryans in India The Kurgan hypothesis, Anatolian hypothesis and the Out of India theory. Lets compare these hypotheses and theory with estimated ages of haplogroups R1a1a and J2 and thereby answer the question Where in India did the Aryans arrive?

Fig. 1. Map of R1a1a (M17) frequencies [9].

However, this model has been criticized by Peter Underhill. According to his research in Europe we are presented with R1a1a* and R1a1a7 (M458) subclades, but in South Asia we are presented R1a1a*, R1a1a5 (PK5) and R1a1a6 (M434). According to the authors [9], who used a method [10] age of Eastern European subclades R1a1a7 is 10.7 thousand years, and the overall age of R1a1a* in Europe 11.3 thousand years. [9, Supplementary Table S4]. The age of South Asian subclades are not specified, however they show only the general age R1a1a* in Western 2

India 15.8 thousand years, and suggests the South Asian origin of this haplogroup. This same assumption was expressed by other authors [4, 5, 11]. The authors of [9], based on these ages, argue that there were no ancient migrations from Eastern Europe to India, because there are no Eastern European subclades R1a1a7 in India. According to this view, we can speak only about the ancient migration of R1a1a from Asia to Europe.

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, 3, 2010 ISSN: 1920-2989 http://ru.rjgg.org All rights reserved

can be found in India, it can serve as a confirmation of the Kurgan hypothesis. As we see, it is not yet clear to accept or reject the Kurgan hypothesis it requires the identification of new subclades R1a1a* and the search for a uniform method of estimating their ages.

Nevertheless, despite the logic of this assumption, let us not jump to conclusions - in fact, the obtained results of estimates of ages are directly dependent on the method used. Therefore there is no common point of view concerning the age of haplogroup R1a1a and its downstream subclades. Except for the aforementioned method of estimating the ages of subclades [10], there are other methods. For example, Kenneth Nordtvedts method [12], linear Adamovs method [13], etc. The age of subclade R1a1a7 according to Kenneth Nordtvedts method and linear methods using the 67-marker haplotypes from the Polish DNA Project [14] is within error of 3-4 thousand years. The difference in estimates nearly tripled. This calculation indicates that the subclades R1a1a7 emerged in Eastern Europe after the Aryan invasion of India. Some European and Indian haplotypes designated as R1a1a*, are with yet unidentified downstream subclades. Perhaps in the future in Europe there will be found subclades R1a1a, originated no later than III millennium BC. If the same, but younger subclades

The second answer. Anatolian hypothesis: Aryans invaded India from Asia Minor According to the Anatolian hypothesis, IndoEuropeans originated in the area of Anatolia, where the Aryans migrated further to the east to India [15, 16]. In the aspect of DNA genealogy the Anatolian hypothesis allows to advance on the migration of Aryans as carriers of the Middle East haplogroup J2 (M172) [17] from West Asia to South Asia no later than the II millennium BC. It is indicated by the frequency of haplogroup J2 in the Near East and in India [18] (Fig. 2).

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, 3, 2010 ISSN: 1920-2989 http://ru.rjgg.org All rights reserved


Fig. 2. Map of the frequencies of haplogroups J2a (a) [4] and J2b (b) [19].

Obviously, to justify this model, it is also necessary to estimate the ages of Indian subclades of J2. The difficulty lies in the fact that about half of all J2 is classified as J2*, because their downstream SNP-mutations have not yet been identified. But South Asian haplotypes of deeper subclades - J2a4 (L26/S57, L27) and J2b2 (M241) available in open DNA projects [20, 21] are far too few for proper analysis. (less than 10 haplotypes as of August 2010). More than likely, during the presence of J2a4 and J2b2 in India there were origin downstream subclades, typical only for India. These subclades presumably can be attributed J2a4c (M68) and J2b2d (P84). Knowing the age of the typical Indian subclades could be assessed an approximate period of the appearance of J2 in India. But the small number of haplotypes did not permit a serious estimation of the age of J2a4 and J2b2 in India. So, now it is difficult to unequivocally accept or reject the Anatolian hypothesis. Perhaps in the future the increased number of haplotypes will help to answer this question. 4

The third answer. Out of India theory: Aryans are aboriginal people of South Asia In the viewpoint of the two previous hypotheses, Indo-Aryans in India are unquestionable invaders. Out of India theory suggests that the Proto-Indo-European language originated in the Indian subcontinent, and not later than the IV-V millennium BC it spread to Europe. According to this theory Aryans are the indigenous population of India [22, 23]. Linguists flatly reject the Out of India theory: if Indo-European homeland were located in India, all Indo-European languages would have some influence of Dravidian and/or Munda languages, but this is not observed [24]. However, if you only based your assumptions on an ancient age in India and younger age of European R1a1a and reject the linguistic criticism, one can easily accept the idea about the aboriginal origin of Indo-Aryans and of that haplogroup in India.

The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy: Vol 1, 3, 2010 ISSN: 1920-2989 http://ru.rjgg.org All rights reserved

Concluding the interview In conclusion: We can now say that based on one of the three hypotheses (Kurgan, Anatolian and Out of India theory) the haplogroup of Aryans formally claim R1a1a and J2. But whichever haplogroup was among Aryans, its age in India should significantly exceed 3500 years. For a definitive answer to the question Where in India did the Aryans arrive? requires accurate data of the subclades and the age of European and Indian R1a1a and J2. The authors hope that the future development of DNA genealogy would definitively answer the question about the origin of the Indo-Aryans and Indo-Europeans in general.

There is a paradoxical situation: it is unclear what is more important - the linguistic factor, which denies the autochthonous nature of the Indo-Aryans in India or the Y-DNA data, indicating the ancient presence of R1a1a. Therefore, at this point of time, we can only view the Out of India theory is not yet possible to accept or reject so it shall remain inconclusive. To clarify the situation will help identify new subclades of R1a1a and the estimate of their ages in India and Europe, which will more clearly identify the direction and approximate age of their ancient migrations.

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