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Physics Factsheet Number 60

Stars: Luminosity & Surface Temperature

This Factsheet explains the nature of blackbody radiation and how it relates to the surface temperature and luminosity of stars. Blackbodies A blackbody is a perfect absorber of all EM radiation Blackbody Radiation As we would expect from everyday experience, the amount of energy radiated by a body depends on its temperature - a hot object will radiate more than a cooler one! The mathematical relationship between energy radiated per second and temperature is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law (also known as Stefan's Law): . Stefan-Boltzmann law L = AT4 L = energy radiated per second = Stefan-Boltzmann constant A = surface area (m2) T = absolute temperature (K)

Since a black body absorbs all EM radiation, it reflects none of it so you cannot see it by reflected light, which is the way we see everyday objects around us. Physical objects that we see around us are not blackbodies we would not be able to see them if they were! However, you can make a good approximation to a blackbody by making a small hole in a hollow sphere. Almost all radiation entering the sphere will be reflected around the inside until it is absorbed. Kirchoff's law tells us that a body that a good absorber of EM radiation will also be a good radiator. A blackbody can emit EM radiation at all wavelengths The amount of radiation of each wavelength emitted by a blackbody depends only on its temperature. This is not true for other bodies - they may be particularly good absorbers (and emitters) of particular wavelengths - so the energy emitted will depend on the surface. Electromagnetic Radiation The energy of each photon of EM radiation depends on its frequency: E = hf E = energy (joules) h = Planck's constant f = frequency (Hz)

A blackbody does not radiate equally at all wavelengths - there is always a peak wavelength at which the radiation has the highest intensity. This is given by Wien's Law. Wien's Law 2.90 103 max = T

max = wavelength at which radiation has maximum intensity T = absolute temperature (K)

So as the temperature increases, max decreases - the peak shifts towards shorter wavelengths (and hence higher frequencies). The curves showing the intensity of blackbody radiation have a characteristic shape. T1 T1 > T 2 > T 3 Note that as the temperature increases The intensity of radiation at all wavelengths increases The peak intensity shifts to the left (smaller wavelengths)



The energy can also be expressed in terms of the wavelength of the EM radiation, using the equation c = f c = speed of light (ms-1) = wavelength (m) From this equation, we obtain c f = Substituting into the energy equation gives: E= hc E = energy (joules) h = Planck's constant = wavelength (m)



These curves also explain what we observe from a radiating body:

So, the shorter the wavelength of the EM radiation, the higher its energy - short wavelength, high frequency radiation like x-rays and rays have the highest energy, and long wavelength, low frequency radiation like radio waves have the lowest energy.

At low temperatures, the peak is in infra-red (or longer) wavelengths. The intensity in the visible range is too small to be noticeable. We do not see any light emitted from the body. As the temperature increases, the peak wavelength moves towards the visible range. We see the body glowing red (as red has the longest visible wavelength). With further increases, the peak wavelength moves to orange, then yellow wavelengths. As the peak moves towards the centre of the visible range, with the peak in the green wavelengths, the high intensity across the visible spectrum makes the body appear to glow white-hot At higher temperatures still, the peak moves towards the blue end of the spectrum.

60 Stars - Luminosity & Surface Temperature

Wien's Law and Temperature

Physics Factsheet

Luminosity (L) = energy (J) radiated per second The units of luminosity are Js-1, or watts The luminosity of a star is commonly expressed by comparing it to the luminosity of the sun (L! = 3.83 1026 W). This tells us how many times brighter (or fainter) than the sun this star would appear, if it was the same distance from us as the sun.

Wien's law enables us to deduce the temperature of a star from the wavelength at which it radiates with the maximum intensity. It also allows us to relate the colours of stars to their temperature. Increasing Temperature red yellow-orange yellow yellow-white white blue-white blue Increasing Wavelength

Luminosity and Temperature

Although it seems odd, stars are actually black bodies to a good approximation. If you shine a light at the sun, it will not be reflected. But of course the sun does not look black! This is because it is radiating. The luminosity of a star can therefore be related to its temperature as described in the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Since stars are approximately spherical, we know that A = 4r2, where r is the radius of the star. L = luminosity = Stefan-Boltzmann constant r= radius (m) T = absolute temperature (K)

Example. Rigel is a blue star, whose peak emission wavelength is 2.32 10-7 m. Use Wien's law to calculate the surface temperature of Rigel.
2.90 10 -3 T 2.90 10 -3 -7 2.32 10 = T 2.90 10 -3 T= = 12500K 2.3210 -7

max =

For a spherical body L = 4 r2T4

Exam Hint: Questions on this topic will typically ask you to:

Sketch a second blackbody curve on the graph you are given, for a body of different temperature Use Wien's law to estimate temperature or peak wavelength Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to find radius, luminosity or temperature Use any of the above in conjunction with the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Factsheet 41)

Remember: The temperature referred to here is the surface temperature of the star. Its core temperature will not be the same.

Example. The luminosity of the sun is 3.83 10 W. Its radius is 6.96 108m. Calculate the surface temperature of the sun. ( = 5.67 10-8 W m-2 K-4)

1. The star Becrux has a luminosity of 6.128 1030 W and a surface temperature of 30 000K. Calculate an estimate for its radius ( = 5.67 10-8 W m-2 K-4) 2. The graph below shows the relative intensity of different wavelengths emitted by a star.
relative intensity

L = 4 r T 3.83 1026 = 4(5.67 10-8)(6.96 108)2T4

2 4

T4 =

3.83 1026 4 (5.67 108 )(6.96 108 )2 3.83 1026 4 (5.67 108 )(6.96 108 )2

T =4

T = 5770 K (3SF) There is a great variation in luminosities and surface temperatures. as shown in the table below. Star Orionis C Spica Rigel Altair Procyon A Alpha Centauri A . The Sun Tau Ceti Pollux Epsilon Eridani Ross 128 Wolf 359 luminosity/L! 30 000 8 300 130 24 4.00 1.45 1.00 0.44 0.36 0.28 0.0005 0.0002 Surface Temperature/K 33 000 22 000 12 500 8 700 6 400 .5 900 5 800 5 300 5 100 4 830 3 200 3 000

wavelength (a) Given the star has a surface temperature of 4200K, calculate the wavelength at which the intensity is maximum. (b) Suggest the colour of this star (red = 7 10-7m; blue = 4 10-7m) (c) Another star has a surface temperature of approximately 6000K On the graph above, sketch a curve to show the relative intensity of wavelengths emitted by this second star.

Answers 1. r2 = 6.128 1030/(4 5.67 10-8 300004) =1.062 1019 r = 3.3 109m 2 (a) max = 2.90 10-3/4 200 = 6.90 10-7 m (b) red (c)

Acknowledgements: This Physics Factsheet was researched and written by Cath Brown. The Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1NU. Physics Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136

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