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Note 887348 - SRMSUS: FAQ for error analysis and logging OSS tickets

Symptom You want to report a problem within the SRM SUS application. Please check the following information beforehand: 1. Configuration guides and online documentation: If you need to find the SRM configuration and installation guides for a special SRM scenario, e.g. the plan-driven procurement, please have a look at note 853753. 2. Problems within the SUS UI: If you think that your problem is rather due to a problem in the BSP framework (e.g. you found by BSP debugging that the problem is not located in the application layer) and you would like to forward the message to the BC-BSP component, please make sure that you have read note 800854 (BSP Checklist for Opening Problem Tickets). Please also make sure that your settings for the service 'srmsus' in transaction 'SICF' are correct. Sometimes, especially when the problem is not SUS application specific, but rather a problem within the BSP framework, the problem has to be forwarded to OSS component 'BC-BSP' for further analysis. If possible, provide a protocol of a problem analysis with 'httpwatch' as an xml file attached to the message. 3. Problems within the XI server or the XI content mapping: Please check note 793669 (FAQ: SUS in SRM 4. 0 with XI 3.0) and make sure that the latest content mapping has been applied on the XI server. Sometimes, especially when the problem is not SRM specific, but rather a problem within the XI infrastructure, the problem has to be forwarded to OSS component 'BC-XI' for further analysis. 4. Check customizing settings in the SRM server and the UI: Please check if the Customizing settings have been maintained correctly under 'SAP Implementation Guide -> Supplier Relationship Management -> Supplier Self-Services'. Especially, the settings under 'Master Data -> Make settings for the business partners' should be checked. Additionally, you can check the settings in the SUS application itself under 'Administration -> Company data'.

Some customizing that might be needed within the SUS application, e.g. the settings for the TTE (tax transaction engine) for tax calucation, should be assigned to the corresponding component, e.g. 'AP-TTE'. 5. Problems with master data replication: Before you exchange order documents, the corresponding business partner master data must exist in the SUS system (purchasing organization and vendors). You may check any intermediate problem during the replication with help of transaction 'SLG1' with objects 'BBP*'. If a problem occurs during the master data replication, you might log a ticket or forward the message to component 'SRM-EBP-ADM-XBP' (External Business Partner). The replicated vendor master data must exist in table 'VENMAP', you can identify the corresponding business partner by selecting the partner guid and entering it for table 'BUT000', you'll get the busines partner id that you can enter in transaction 'BP'. You may also check the purchasing organization in transaction 'PPOMA_BBP', e.g. for maintained attributes. 6. Portal integration and UME: For the integration of the SUS into the portal, the User Management Engine (UME) is needed. Within the context of integrating UME and SUS in one installation, the following notes should be checked: Note 848299 : External Vendor number not mapped to SUS when UME is used Note 839985 : Incorrect role assignment in SUS-UME-API Note 752761 : BADI implementation for user Replication /w UME4.0 Note 880735 : UME/SUS: error with administrational user creation Note 723610 : SUS 3. 0: Portal Integration doesn't work If the problem is rather located in the UME, please use the OSS basis component 'BC-SEC-USR-ADM'. 7. OTR texts and translational issues: If there is a problem with displaying texts in the SUS UI in a certain language, e.g. the user is logged in in English and some texts are only displayed in German, then note 807604 should be considered. If possible, please report the OTR texts id's where translations are missing (see transaction 'SOTR_EDIT'). 8. Performance, Upgrade and Archiving: These are separate topics that should be treated on the corresponding components like SRM-EBP-TEC-PFM, SRM-EBP-TEC-UPG and SRM-EBP-ARV, in case that the problem is not SUS application specific, but rather generic, e.g. for archiving of SUS documents

9. Logon information and system access: If the above information should not help in solving your problem, please provide the following information in case you want to log a OSS ticket on component SRM-SUS: a) Which SRM release and patch level has been installed? b) Which SRM scenario are you running, e.g. plan-driven procurement or service procurement? c) Do you have a SRM system setup according to the standard SP stack as described in the release and information notes or are you deviating from theses stacks, e.g. by using a combination of SRM parts of different releases? In the last case, the problem might turnout to be a consulting issue. d) Do you have any modifications or BADI-implementations in your system? e) If the problem is related to users or roles: Are you using the SUS user management or the User Management Engine (UME)? f) Is the problem really caused in the SUS application or is the process rather initiated in the purchasing application (EBP or MM)? g) Did you perform a note search on component 'SRM-SUS' for the corresponding SP level? h) In case that the problem is not clearly isolated in a part of the application (e.g. in the UI or in the XI), describe clearly the steps that are needed for reproducing the problem, e.g. where does the process start before you observe the error. i) In case that logon to the UI is needed, please also provide logon data via httpconnect, WTS or PCanywhere connection. For debugging purposes, please provide a user that is able to logon to the SUS application and reproduce the problem, but also that has debug authorization within the SRM Server. This will help the support members when debugging the BSP application. If you provide answers to the above questions when you logon the ticket, it will definitely reduce the processing times of your OSS message. Other terms FAQ, additional information, consulting, trouble shooting, debugging, error analysis. Reason and Prerequisites Program errors or wrong settings in the customizing. Solution See above.

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