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Dear Sir/Maam, We, a group of students from IBA, CBM, Szabist and Iqra University, have jointly founded

the society, Aghaaz- which aims to provide education to those in need. It all began when we realized that its enough with the talking and the whining; and its time we actually take a few steps to see Pakistan where we want it to be. Aghaaz believes that the lack of education is the biggest problem which has kept Pakistan from achieving the best in the world. The society aims to revive hope and the spirit of happiness in young children by improving the education system in the country. We believe that every child in Pakistan is equally smart and intelligent but, unfortunately, many of these children are not given a chance to prove their capabilities. They are inhibited from being able to shine, either because they belong to poor families, or because their parents arent interested in taking the initiative, due to the absence of a history of educating their children. For this reason, we aim to sponsor these children, which can turn out to be the shining stars of Pakistan in the future and, would take our country to new heights. In an attempt to achieve our goal, we aim to equip schools (Non profit making private schools) with all the resources that are needed to facilitate in the learning process, while motivating young children to attend school regularly to contribute to a brighter Pakistan. We believe that a school is a childs second home, and every child must be given a chance to explore the best! Unfortunately, the schools that we saw recently were not worthy of being given that name. Their condition was very poor and shabby, with the paint scrapping off the walls, the lights not working, the books all torn apart, absence of computer labs, and lack of sports activities. Our objective is to provide all such resources to schools, while training the teachers to assist the students so that they can gain the knowledge that they deserve- that every child of Pakistan deserves! Therefore, as Pakistanis, we need to take the step the initiative to revolutionalize our education system. Its time we join our hands together to achieve this goal. We need your help in this regard and, we would be more than happy to engage in such a beneficial relationship with you. We would be looking forward for a positive response from your side, and we believe that you would not disappoint us. For further details, please find attached the proposal and the tariff sheet for our society. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, M.Hammad Bawany President, Aghaaz Society 0345-2864696

Danish Rafique Steel Wala Vice President, Aghaaz Society 0332-3586883

The Team:Hammad Bawany currently doing his BBA from IBA, with majors in Finance, has done community work before in high school and is currently doing it at IBA. He has also worked for IBA social work society Danish Rafique currently doing his BBA from Iqra University, with majors in Marketing, has done abundant amount of community work before in high school and is also doing it at university level. Saher Mirza currently doing her BBA from IBA, with majors in Marketing. She has done a lot of community work before in high school, as well as during her internship Osama Iqbal currently doing his BBA from Szabist, with majors in Finance. He has done community work before, and is continuing it with much more enthusiasm at Szabist. Moiez Bari currently doing his BBA from CBM, with majors in Marketing. He has done abundant amount of community work before in high school.

The Society:Aaghaz is the new beginning The step to enlighten Pakistan, to brighten its future, and to overturn the current scenario. The society aims to provide education to the poor and the needy, who can turn out to be the future leaders of Pakistan. These are the intelligent and the smart lot of our country which, unfortunately, is not given the chance to excel. Aaghaz is here with the solution to generate a more learned and a wiser youth that would take our country to a new era.

Our Objectives: To revive hope and aspiration amongst the poor children of Pakistan To equip schools with the resources that would facilitate the learning process To revive the spirit of patriotism and a sense of social responsibility amongst the youth To create awareness about the need to transform the current situation of the country To involve every Pakistani in contributing to this noble cause In one sentence, it is to provide every child with an equal opportunity to achieve knowledge in the best ways possible

Our Plan:To achieve its goals, Aghaaz plans to sell notebooks, in the month of August and September, 2010. The funds will be used to renovate the schools.

PRODUCTION PLAN: The notebooks will be printed and published from Hs Creations. The plan is to get 1500 copies published. We discussed our plan with the publisher and, fortunately, they were willing to assist us for such a good cause. They will be providing us discounts on the printing cost, of around 20%. MARKETING PLAN: Target market: University & College Students Product: We would be specifically selling 100 pages notebooks, keeping in mind the preference of university and college students. Such books are in high demand by our target market, and we believe that they will sell well. The color and design would be such that the books will appeal to both the genders specifically, as well as to the students in general. The notebook is 10.5*8 inches. The cover page is a combination of blue and light green, which we believe would appeal to the target market. We did some research on this, and hence, decided to go with this color. Price: We plan to charge a little higher than the market price, since we are generating money for a good cause, and people would be willing to pay for such reasons. Moreover, our paper quality would justify the high prices. Profits will be utilized to help the under privileged children in attaining education, and to revamp the schools. Promotion: We would be setting up stalls at various universities to create awareness about the work we are doing, and to sell the notebooks. Additionally, we would promote through sms and facebook, since these media are cheap, and have a high reach. Word of mouth referrals would further generate an interest in our product. Our notebooks will have the logo of the society, plus other details, which itself would be sufficient to stimulate the purchase behavior. Distribution: This would be done by the members of the society themselves. Personal selling would be the sole emphasis, since we know the society and its objectives the best. Target: To sell at least 1500 notebooks.

FINANCIAL PLAN: Expected Cash Outflow for the notebooks:

1 Notebook Production Cost Marketing Cost Total Cost Rs 75 Rs 75 1500 Notebooks Rs 112,500 Rs 2,500 Rs 115,000

Expected Cash Inflows:

1 Notebook Revenue from Notebooks Sponsorships Total Revenue Rs 100 Rs 100 1500 Notebooks Rs 150,000 Rs 490,000 Rs 640,000

Net Cash Flow:

1 Notebook Profit Sponsorships Total Net Cash Flow Rs 25 Rs 25 1500 Notebooks Rs 35,000 Rs 490,000 Rs 525,000

How will the funds be used: Provide entire course for the upcoming year to Manzil School, which is located in Reiti Line Basti Karachi. The school was founded in 2002 and now has 3 campuses with 11 teachers enrolling 200 students. The school provides free education to the children studying there and, in order to assist the school management in such a good cause, we plan to sponsor an amount equivalent to the amount spent on education. Provide students with new uniforms, shoes and bags which are currently unaffordable by the Manzil team.

Provide a table tennis table and a carom board in a rented room near the school, as well as supply table tennis rackets and balls to facilitate sports activities alongside. Renovate Desks which are currently in a very rusty condition.

Course Fee Uniforms, Bags and Shoes Sports Facilities Maintenance Cost Miscellaneous Cost Total Cost
*Break down is given below


Rs 250,000 Rs 186,000 Rs 61,000 Rs 25,000 Rs 3,000 Rs 525,000

Course fee include books, copies and stationary Uniforms: 200*480 = 96,000 Bags: 200*200 = 40,000 Shoes: 200*250 = 50,000 Table Tennis and Carom board: 20000 + 5000 = 25,000 Rent: 3000*12 = 36,000 Desks: 50*500: 25,000

Declared as the Lead sponsor of the society Dominant Companys logo on 1500 notebooks published by the society Companys logo on all promotional campaigns published by the society Companys brochures and pamphlet will be distributed, along with societies marketing campaign in different schools / universities (250 Brochures and pamphlet provided by the company) Companys sample product will be distributed, along with societies marketing campaign in schools / universities (company will be informed in advance) Acknowledgment as the lead sponsor on societys facebook & twitter page Acknowledgment as the lead sponsor on videos published by the society; three videos to be published in a year Acknowledgment as the lead sponsor on Aghaaz website (provisional) Word of appreciation in any promotional speech by any member of Aghaaz


Declared as the Diamond sponsor of the society Companys logo on 1500 notebooks published by the society Companys logo on all promotional campaigns published by the society Companys sample product will be distributed, along with societies marketing campaign in schools / universities (company will be informed in advance) Acknowledgment as the diamond sponsor on societys facebook & twitter page Acknowledgment as the diamond sponsor on videos published by the society; three videos to be published in a year Acknowledgment as the diamond sponsor on Aghaaz website (provisional) Word of appreciation in any promotional speech by any member of Aghaaz

GOLD SPONSOR Rs - 50,000

Declared as the Gold sponsor of the society Companys logo on 1500 notebooks published by the society Companys logo on all promotional campaigns published by the society Acknowledgment as the gold sponsor on societys facebook & twitter page Acknowledgment as the gold sponsor on videos published by the society; three videos to be published in a year Acknowledgment as the gold sponsor on Aghaaz website (provisional) Word of appreciation in any promotional speech by any member of Aghaaz

Offers are negotiable on demand.

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