People Soft Question

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Technical Question
Posted by peoplesoft

at 12:06 AM

Technical Question on PeopleSoft Enterprise

SQR Questions 1. Explain what is on-break in SQR with options and their use? 2. What is the load look up concept in SQR 3. How do you pass parameters among procedures, what is the alternative to do that? 4. How do you control page breaks? 5. How do you influence report output to landscape or portrait 6. How you debug SQRs 7. Explain Complier directives in SQR 8. How many flat files can be opened through SQRs and what is the limitations in reading or write those files? 9. What is a difference between Ask & Input command? 10. How do we work on Effective dated rows on SQR? 11. How to Refer Global variable in a local procedure through SQR? 12. How do you declare a local procedure and global procedures in SQR? 13. What is the difference between Begin-Select & Begin-SQL? 14. Can multiple columns be retrieved in Load-Lookup command in SQR? 15. How do you control the number of iterations or fetch records firing SQL statement in SQR? 16. What is a difference between EDIT & Format in SQR? 17. How do you Execute SQR using Process Scheduler?

18. Are SQR commands and variables case sensitive? 19. Do SQR programs require a dot(.) sqr extension? Do SQR runtime files require a dot (.) sqt extension? 20. How can I read invariable length delimited fields from a sequential file? An example format would look like this: field1|field2|field3|... 21. How can I insert a null value into a numeric field in the database? 22. What does the SQR variable #sql-count holds 23. How do you reset the page number printed on a PAGE? 24. For multiple reports is it compulsory to use command declare layout? Or can we create multiple reports without declare layout? 25. what is the use of sqcs Setup 01 and setup 02, Can we use Declare-layout and setup01 or setup02 within the same SQR Program 26. How do you Optimize SQR? 27. Within an SQR Program why do we place some SQCs up and some of them at bottom?

Application Engine

1. What are the advantages of application engine over SQR? 2. How many types of Application Engine programs we have and what are those? 3. What is the Maximum limit of call section actions in Application Engine to call other sections? 4. What is the use of Daemon Application Engine Program 5. How many types of actions we have in Application Engine. What are those? 6. Explain the following terms What is Application State Record?

What is the use of state record? How to create the state record. Is there any mandatory fields in state record if so What are those fields?

7. Which are the mutual excusive actions in AE, why? 8. How to perform the set-processing and row-by-row processing in Application Engine 9. What is the use of process instance Application Engine and where we are using this? 10. How to restart the application engine programs? Which table is used to restart application engine process? 11. Explain few meta-sql statements in AE. What is the %bind, %select, %datein and %dateout? 12. How to Perform the Inbound and Outbound operations through AE. 13. Can we create a separte runcontrol record for AE? How? 14. Through how many ways we can run the AE program. 15. How to Debug the AE program. 16. How to run the AE program through People Tools Application EngineAE Request. 17. How to use the Temporary Tables in AE and what is the advantage of using temporary tables? 18. What is the difference between %select and %selectinit in AE 19. What is the order of execution of actions in a step? 20. How will u write do-when action in AE and what is its use?

Component Interface 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the structure of the CI? What are the advantages of CI and is it a synchronous or Asynch process? What are the methods in CI? Will the think time functions will work in CI? What are the standard properties of CI? How can you add permission lists to CI? Where the CI will run (client or in server)? Is it possible to send mail via CI? If yes which function is used for :( send mail fn: or trigger business event)?

9. Can we use winmessage in CI if not what is the alternative function you are using for? Msgget fn 10. Types of Keys in CI 11. What is User defined properties and standard properties. 12. Where can you test your CI?

HRMS foundation Questions


Briefly explain the Hiring process in PeopleSoft? 2. How to check whether a person is an employee or a non-employee? 3. Briefly explain the Benefits process in PeopleSoft? 4. What is single sign-on 5. What is the difference between Payroll and Payroll interface? 6. Explain the concept of Business Unit and SetID 7. Explain the concept of driving your organization through PeopleSoft Position Management. 8. What is the use of Employee Record field 9. How many levels of Security does PeopleSoft provide?

PeopleSoft SQR Interview Questions,SQR Interview Questions asked in MNCs given below What are the Important SQC are need to be attached? How do you do Performance tuning of SQR? Did you worked with functions, procedures in SQR? Can we call two Procedures in On-Break? If yes Then How?

How can you send emails using SQR What are the compulsory SQC's that should be used in SQR Program? How do you generate two output files from one SQR. What is hierarchy in Arrays in SQR? What is the difference in using inner join and outer joins? Did you worked with functions, procedures in SQR? Can we include SETENV.SQC at the end of the SQR program? If "NO" then why? How do you include SQCs in middle of the program? Is it possible ? We wish to print the EMPLID in the BARCODE Format. What are the commands we have to be used in SQR? What are the compulsary SQC's that should be used in SQR Program? What is Calculated,Dependent and Conditional Marter Inspection Characteristic? Explain Normalization in oracle? What is difference between Load Look up and Array What is search Record? What is the program flow of SQR? What are the validation is done in SQR program before loading in to the database? How to create SQC? How to connect other application in component interface? What is the main difference between SQR and APP ENGINE? How do you decide between appeng/Ci and SQR while conversion? What is Outer join, inner join in sql? Explain the difference between Translate & Prompt tables. What are the occasions when to use Translate values instead of Prompt table? What is the advantage of one over the other?

What is the difference between BI,CI and IB? Tell me your experience with CI? IBM Realtime Interview Questions on Peoplesoft 1. Advantages of People Code? 2. Why SQR is used and advantages of SQR? 3. How are you running your HRMS systems either by JOBCODE or by POSITION_NBR? 4. What is the challenging and complicated People code you have written? Why do you think it is complicated? 5. What is the challenging and complicated SQR you have written why do you think it is complicated? 6. Steps involved in Data Conversion? Extract data from the legacy system Reconcile the extracted data Identify the tables to be leaded with the new system Data Mapping Identify the tools (SQR or Import Manager or SQL Loader etc) Write programs to perform conversion Test the programs using test data Check the data outline Reconcile concerted data. 7. Why SQR is used? Data conversion Reports Interface programs. 8. SQR Runtime flags? 9. Import SQC files? 10. How do you link SQR reports to process scheduler? Create/modify/add run control table if you have any new fields Create/modify/add run control panel if you have any program inputs Create a menu definition (Note Menu group name: XYZ)

Give operator security Create Process scheduler definition Use-Process definition process definition add Give report name and report type Give menu group name (XYZ) 11. How do you create operator classes / users? 12. What are variable types in SQR? & Data base reference fields Read only $ Character (Same for Date) # Numeric { } Variable in ASK or # define [$ variable] Dynamic variable referencing 13. How do you format in PRINT (9,X, B, etc)? 14. How many types of display views are there in Data Designer? 15. What is a record definition? 16. What are the types of record definitions? SQL Tables SQL views Dynamic views Derived / Work Records Sub Records Query views 17. What is an Application Processor? 18. Types of People code? Search Field Row Save Workflow 19. Field Edit Vs Field change? 20. Save edit Vs save pre change Vs save post change?

21. Scroll select Vs scroll select new? 22. SQL EXEC Vs Scroll select? 23. Scroll select Vs Row Scroll select? 24. Row scroll select Vs Row scroll select new? 25. Table loading Sequence (installation)? Company table Installation Location Department Salary Plan Salary step Job code Pay group Benefit Programs 26. What are FUNCLIB* records?

1. Explain about the work you have one on People soft? 2. How do you use select data in People code (A) Fetch value (Record, recordname, field name, taeget_row ) OR Fetch value (record, record name, field name, current row number (123)? 3. What is a scroll select? 4. Limitations of SQLEXEC? 5. Work record Vs Derived Record? 6. What is the complicated code you have written in People code and why do you think it is complicated? 7. What is the complicated code you have written in SQR and why do you think it is complicated? 8. How do you Debug (Application Reviewer)? 9. Levels in Panel Designer? 10. How do you link crystal reports?

11. Ordinary record Vs Work record? 12. What is a record in PS? 13. Record Vs Table? 14. How many types of records are there in PS? 15. PS database management? 16. Arrays in SQR? 17. How do you arrange fields in SCROLL area? 18. How do you sort the data in SQR in being select (Using ORDER BY clause)? 19. Where do you write People code? 20. How do you modify table/record? 21. Limitations of Scroll select? 22. Nested select in SQR? 23. Inner join / outer join? 24. Show / display in sqr? 25. Ask / Input in sqr? 26. How do you audit in PS (In Menu designer)? 27. How do you rename panel / field / record and what are the consequences / effects? 28. What is ENCODE in oracle? 29. Explain about Operator and Object security and differentiate operator security is at min level Object security for object level? 30. Add / Update display / Update display all / correction with respect to EFFDT? 31. EFFDT Vs EFFSEQ? 32. Translate table Vs Prompt table?

33. Your strong and weak points? 34. What is your role in the project? 35. What are the modifications or customizations you have done in PS? 36. Project team size and your role? 37. What are the modifications or customizations you have done in existing SQR? 38. Batch process in HRMS? 39. Audit tables? 40. Import manager Vs SQR? 41. What are the important tables that you use in Personal Administration? 42. What are the important tables that you use in Benefits? 43. What are the important tables that you use in Pay roll? 44. Explain about your experience? 45. What are new developments you have done in PS? 46. What are the new reports you developed in SQR (Interface, Conversion, Formatted)? 47. Advantages of People Tools? 48. Advantages of People Code? 49. Why SQR is used and advantages of SQR? 50. How are you running your HRMS systems either by JOBCODE or by POSITION_NBR?

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