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Name: Stephanie Shenk

Date Class Activities/Primary Work Submitted/Due Next Steps (on my own, in

Work professional development, to extend
work done in and for class)
9/15/08 Ticket 2: working with children Go on to our wiki and add some threads
 Reviewed syllabus Due: Angel DI homework Experiment a little with it to understand it a
 Reviewed who to do a Catch up from anything missed on angel little better.
learning log Made RSS feeds Practice the technology we did in class
 Went over our safety nets
 Did a simulation- we had
to read a passage very
quickly and then take a
quiz about it.

9/22/08  We formed a home base Read chapters 1,5, and 9 I am going to work on using auto summary
group with numbers Info literacy quiz (T/F) on many of my works
 Talked about our Web Review- decide if its high quality
“anchor” Practice using the flesch-kincaid grade level.
- T/F DI quiz
 Talked about DI-gifted Practice saving in pdf and in other versions
learner of word and back from pdf
 Watched video and
scavenge for strategy
 Picked our “poison”
 My group was exper in
 Learned how to use auto
 Learned how to use
flesch-kincaid grade
level- readability status
 Learned what to do if we
have Microsoft 2003 and
we need to

EDU 276 Learning Log (Fall ’08) © Shenk 2008


 Learned to save in an
earlier version of word
and pdf

9/29 • Formed our jigsaw Make sure all of the work for 10/6 is Practice with all the things we did in class.
groups with numbers done all homework is on angel and the Review the chapter on DI
• Got an area of expertise wiki. Work needs to be done on the wiki
• Talked about our area
with our group members Ticket 3 and 4
• Went to the lab
• Review session 5 for lab
10/6/08 • Got into our home base DI Quiz was submitted as a ticket in the Work on the lab work that was given in class.
groups right away door
• Discussed what we are Ticket 3 and 4
going to teach to the other
groups as we are the
experts in this area.
• Got with the other group
numbers and each of us
talked about our area of
• Created a DI powerpoint
• Look at session 6 on the
wiki for lab work

10/20/08 • We watched a movie on • Submitting next class by 10/27 I will be looking more into depth of the
the six steps the hard copy of this learning log resources to build quizzes online.
• Each section in the class • We must do the quiz online on
had their own step to be vocabulary as a ticket in the door I will be reviewing a huge portion of what
experts on in case we fell • We must do a posting on wiki on was done in class on 10/20
asleep. Haha vocabulary as another ticket.
• Went to the lab • Read chapter 16
• Researched other • Extra credit ticket finding

EDU 276 Learning Log (Fall ’08) © Shenk 2008


methods on how to make another site to make

surveys and resources surveys/quizzes
that will help us out in the • Look at quiz star as another
future. alternative
• See Session 8 on our wiki
10/27/08 • Students who presented • Submitted:
chapter 16 went today • Due: Do the 2 quizzes that are
• We went over last from chapter 16 presentations.
week’s ticket.
• Went over ticket 5, the
Web Evaluation.
Everyone did pretty
bad, I did good though.
• We went over out
learning logs with our
groups. We went over
what was supposed to
be in them.
• Two students presented
11/03/08 • Students who presented • Submitted: the 2 quizzes that
chapter 19 and 20 went needed to be done by sunday
today • Due: Do the 3 quizzes that are
• Went to the distance from chapters 19 and 20
learning lab presentations.
• Went over some project
• We got out Di quizzes
back and could redo them
by the end of class
• Talked about the big six
• Took a virtual fieldtrip in
11/10/08 • Students who did • Submitted: the 3 quizzes from • Explore and learn more about web

EDU 276 Learning Log (Fall ’08) © Shenk 2008


chapters 12 and 13 went chapters 19 and 20 by Sunday. quests for future use
today • Due: Do the 7 quizzes from
• Seven people presented chapters 12 and 13 presentations.
• We watched a Web quest
video and then broke off
into A B C D groups
• We learned about what a
web quest was, how it is
organized and how it is a
DI tool.

11/17/08 • Students who did • Submitted: The 7 quizzes from • Explore tools to use for my wiki.
chapters 4 and 14 chapters 19 and 20 were due by • Explore search websites
presented today Sunday.
• Four people presented • Due: Do the 4 quizzes from
today chapters 4 and 14 presentations.
• We talked about • Do my section of the wiki and
housekeeping a lot. my chapter.
• Talked about work and • Do the search comparison
what needs to be handed • Do extra ticket
back • Make sure all assignments are
• We were given an extra handed in by 11/30
credit ticket, the ticket is
to type up all the deal we
made as a class from
discussing the
11/24/08 Thanksgiving Break No classes
12/01/08 • Chapters 6 and 20 • Submitted: My wiki page • Research copyrights and uses for
presented today, • All tickets that we have not done them so I can better understand them
including me  yet needed to be turned in by
• A total of four people today to receive a grade and
presented today have any chance of redoing
• Talked about using tools them.

EDU 276 Learning Log (Fall ’08) © Shenk 2008


to check your work • Due: 4 quizzes from chapter 6

• Get feedback from others and 20.
on work •
• Talked about the way our
wiki sections should be
and common problems
• Learning log is now
counted as a ticket
• Talked about the e-
portfolio and got a
handout on reflection
• Talked about copyrights
and doing them and why
it’s a good idea to use it
12/08/08 • The students who did • Submitted: 4 quizzes from • Explore e-portfolios from other
chapters 10,1,and 15 chapters 6 and 20. people.
presented today • Due: Do the eight quizzes from • Explore all the types of technology
• Went over e-portfolio the people who presented on we have used this entire semester
rubric 12/8/08. • Get some rest after a long semester
• Got into groups and • Do the e-portfolio
asked questions about and • Finish this learning log
confusions or concerns • Have a safe a happy break
we had about any work
• There is now a copyright
to be added on the wikis
we make
• Talked about what we
have done this semester
that you cannot put on a
chalk board.

EDU 276 Learning Log (Fall ’08) © Shenk 2008

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