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Generally, method of the research is the study how to get the data in certain goal. In this case, Sugiyono (2006: 3) states: Research methodology in general means the scientific study to get the data with utility and goal. And he also addition there are four key in the research methodology. They are: science (the research to do based on the characteristic of the science rational) , data (in this case, data must be valid), goal , and research methodology in use. He divides method of the research into three kinds they are: research methodology quantitative, research methodology qualitative, and R & D.(2006: 1). According to Satori and Komariyah (2009:2) they stated that Research is the study to find scientific knowledge. In addition, research is also activity that used as power of think and observation activity with used particular method to result science of the study to find out the problems. Based on explanation above, we can find out that the research methodology is the scientific of the study how to get valid (relevant) of the data with goal can be find out and proved with the knowledge . In the other hands, the research methodology also used to understanding and anticipation of the problems in education. In this chapter, the writer will discuss about method that used in this thesis. And the writer will be gives an explanation of how the way to collects the data, classifies the data, and analysis the data of the research. The writer divides this chapter into six parts,

they are: design of the research, data source, subject of the research, instrument of the research, data collection, and data analysis.


Design of the Research In this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method to analysis this research. Because, In this chapter the writer will describe and explanation how to the collects data, data analysis and to get relevant data that was analyzed by the writer. According to Sugiyono (2006: 89) he states, descriptive theory is design of systematic about theory and result of the relevant research in variable analyzed. In addition, descriptive theory contain about definition and explanation each variables analyzed with complete and deep from each of reference. So, the research to be clear. In this chapter, the writer will analyze the phenomena of the speech acts that used in the Spiderman manuscript especially locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts.


Subject of the Research In the subject of the research, the writer uses the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts of speech acts as subject that found in the Spiderman manuscript.


Instrument of the Research In this study, that to be instrument of the research is the writer self. In this case, as said by Suginono (2011: 305) in his book entitle Metode Menelitian Combinasi (mixed methods) he states that In the instrument of the research, that to be instrument or tool the research is the researcher (writer) itself. He adds that function of the researcher as instrument are: collecting the data, percentage quality of the data, analysis the data, interpretation the data, and make conclusion the analysis of the data as the result. So, in this instrument of the research, the researcher (writer) as key of instrument. The researcher is the key instrument Sugiyono (2011: 306).


Data Source In the data source of this research, the writer only use manuscript of the Spiderman not DVD cassette movie. In gets the data manuscript, the writer goes to internet to brows the Spiderman manuscript [online] in And next, the writer will analyze the data based on utterances in conversation that used by the roles in the Spiderman manuscript.


Data Collection After the writer gets source of the data, and then the writer collects the data. There are many the way to collect the data that used in qualitative method such as observation, interviewing, triangulation, and documentation analyze.

Sugiyono (2011:308). Catherin Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman in Sugiyono (2011: 309) state that: The fundamental methods relied on by qualitative researcher for gathering information are, participant in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviewing, document review. In this study the writer uses document analyze that was taken manuscript of the movie. Next, the writer uses utterance of conversation that used by the main character of the Spiderman manuscript. In the data collection, the writer will explain some steps that used to collects the data. The steps as follow: 1. The writer browsing the manuscript in internet [online] in 2. The writer selecting some manuscripts of the movie that attractive to be source of the analysis. 3. After get one manuscript of the movie, the writer print out the manuscript and buy the DVD cassette based on manuscript. 4. Next, the writer watches and reads the movie to understanding the utterance in conversation that used by main character in the movie or manuscript. 5. Last, the writer classifying and selecting each sentences in conversation of the Spiderman manuscript based on locutionary, illocutionary, and

perlocutionary acts that used by the main character. 3.6 Data Analysis

In the data analysis, the writer uses the descriptive research that includes selection, classification, categorization, description, and conclusion. In this research, the writer using several steps to analyze of the data : 1. The writer underlines or italics the utterance of conversation that used by the main character of the Spiderman manuscript based on locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. 2. The writer explains and describes each utterance of conversation based on the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts that found. 3. Identifying speech acts used by the main character of the Spiderman in utterance of conversation especially locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary actc. 4. Discussing and analyzing the data based on the theory of speech acts, especially locutionary, illocutionary, nad perlocutionary acts. 5. Type of locutionary is state form. Austin in Veschueren (1999: 22), Locution are acts of saying something. Austin in Jaszelzolt (2002: 298). And five types of illocutionary act, verdictives, exertives, commissives, behabitives, and expositives. Austin in Jaszelzolt (2002: 301). Austin in Veschueren (1999: 22), Perlocution are acts what is done by saying something. 5. Making conclusion based on result analysis of the data.


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