Workbook 1

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Volume 1

2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

A refresher on the important skills you will need before you can
Start Algebra. This can be used as a self-teaching guide or as
study g uide. Use it w ith a textboo k (or instructo r !) fo r mo re
practice. Use the blank pages for scraps.



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Whole numbers
Place value, Decimal system

Comparing numbers, Rounding

Basic Arithmetic, Multiplying by powers of ten

Factors and Divisibility

Composite and prime numbers, prime factorization, Greatest Common factor


Order of operation I, Multiplying by powers of 10

Scientific notation


Order of operations


Metric system


Customary length, Capacity, and Weight


Customary to Metric and vice versa


Application: Geometry


Understanding fractions


Equivalent fractions, Comparing fractions


Multiples, Least Common Multiple (LCM)


More comparing fractions, Finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD)


Adding and subtracting fractions, Simplifying , Order of operations IV


Mixed numbers, Improper fractions, Proper fractions


Mixed numbers, Adding


Mixed numbers, Subtracting


Multiplying fractions


Dividing fractions, Multiplying and Dividing Mixed numbers


Introduction to ratios


Word problems with fractions



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Lets pick a whole number like 1,324. If you place this number in the following place-value table, will find out
the place value of each of its digit:
.. hundred millions ten millions millions , hundred thousands ten thousands thousands , hundreds tens ones . tenths hundredths thousandths ...

A decimal point separates the whole part form the decimal part. A number like 1,324 is a whole number. It doesn't have a decimal part. Each group of 3 digit is called a period and must be separated by a comma.
The table tells us that the word name for 1,324 is: one thousand, three hundred twenty-four.
Write each number in words
Example 8,926,042 : Eight million, nine hundred twenty-six thousand, forty-one
76,567 ____________________________________________________________________________
345,890 ___________________________________________________________________________
1,324 means: 1,000 + 300 + 20 + 4 or 1,000 + 3x100 + 2x10 + 4
Our system is said to be decimal because we pack the ones in groups of 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 .. .
Write the place and value of each underlined digit. Use the place-value table. One digit per place-value.
Example 6,847,334 : 6 millions or 6 x 1,000,000
76,567 ____________________________________________________________________________
345,890 ___________________________________________________________________________
40,993,231 ________________________________________________________________________
Write in expanded form. Place the number in the place-value if it helps.
Example 6,807,334 : 6,000,000 + 800,000 + 7,000 + 300 + 30 + 4
76,567 ________________________________345,890____________________________________
40,903,231 ________________________________________________________________________
4,082 ________________________________ 2,802 _______________________________________
Write in Standard form
Example Eight million, nine hundred twenty-six thousand, forty-two : 8,926,042
Forty eight billion, two hundred seven ________________________________________________
Nineteen million, nine hundred twenty-six thousand, forty-one
Three hundred twenty-three thousand, seven hundred four
two hundred nine thousand, three hundred seventy-six _________________________________________
Write in standard form
Example 9,000 + 40 + 1 is 9,041
40,000 + 2,000 + 3 _____________________________ 6,000,000 + 30 + 2 __________________________
6,000 + 600 ___________________________________ 80,000 + 80 + 2 ____________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

To compare whole numbers like 33,321 and 33,299. Start at the left. Find the first place value where the digits
are different. (the hundreds place in our example) : 33,321 and 33,299. Compare these digits.
Here we have 3 > 2 so 33,321 > 33,299
Write > (greater than) or < (less than) or = (equal to)
6,275 __________ 630
20,232,199 ____________20,233,000
1,004,042 _______________1,004,100
Some times you need to find an estimate of a number instead of an exact value. This estimate is called a round
number. Lets say you want to round 22,475 to the nearest hundred (the place to which we are to round) . It
means that you will replace all digits to the right of the rounding digit with zeros. You keep the rounding digit
and you may or may not add 1 to it. In our example, the digit 4 is in the hundreds place. 4 is called the rounding
digit. Underline it. Follow the rule: If the digit to the right of the rounding digit (7 in our example) is 5 or more,
add 1 to the rounding digit. In our example 7 >4 so we add 1 to the rounding digit and we get 5.
If this is not the case, keep the rounding digit the same. 22,475 becomes 22,500.
Round the nearest hundredth
2,248 becomes 2,240 because 4 < 5
Examples 3,288 becomes 3,300 because 8 >5
5,309________________ 77,089________________89,983____________________1,677________________
To round to the nearest thousand, same ideas. Zero all digit to the right of the thousands place.
Keep the thousands digit the same if the hundreds digit is smaller than 5. Add 1 otherwise.
Round to the nearest thousands.
Example 342,321 replace 321 by 000 (right to the thousands place) . Keep 2 as 3 <5. we get: 342,000
1,828 _________________ 42,398_________________________ 776 here 7>5 you have 1,000 !
900__________________________ 23,748_____________________
Round to the nearest ten
Example 332 becomes 330
219 becomes 220
49 becomes 50
39____________ 543.54____________________ 435____________ 999_______________________
Round 586 to the nearest:
ten ________________hundred____________thousand______________________
Round 259,906 to the nearest:
ten__________________hundred___________thousand_____________ ten thousand _______________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

To add, subtract, multiply, divide numbers, use the place-values table.

If you need to refresh you skills go on line and check this web site:
This is a review of basic arithmetic. Remember these properties:
Commutative law of addition: The order in witch two numbers are added makes no difference. 4 + 5 = 5 + 4
Addition is said to be commutative. Subtraction is not commutative since 4 - 5 = 5 - 4
The result of an addition is a sum. The result of a subtraction is a difference.
0 is said to be the identity element for addition.
Adding 0 to a number does not change the number.0 + 5 = 5 + 0 =5
5 x 4 = 4 x 5 = 20.
20 is the product.
4 and 5 are called factors or multipliers.
20 4 = 5 5 is the quotient. 4 is the divisor and 20 is the dividend. We also have 20 5 = 4
Multiplication is also commutative. Changing the order of the factors does not change the result.
5 x 4 = 5 x 4 and 4 x 60 x 2 = 2 x 60 x 4 = 2 x 4 x 60. Division is not commutative. 4 5 = 5 4
1 is the identity element for multiplication. 1 x 4 = 4 x 1 = 4
Remember: 4 4 =1 if you divide a number by itself you get 1.
4 1 = 4 a number divided by 1 equals the number.
0 4 = 0 0 divided by any nomber is 0
4 0 is not defined. division by 0 is not permited

We can write division using a fraction bar:

4 = 1 or 4/4 =1
In this guide, we use a / instead of a __
4 = 4 is written as 4 / 1 = 4

Multiplying by multiples of 10 is easy. Multiply the numbers and attach the zeros.
Example 500 x 30 = 15,000
multiply 5 by 3 (5 x 3 ) and attach 3 zeros. The product is 15,000
800 x 5 = 5 x 800 __________________________3,000 x 3,000 ______________________________
60 x 3 = 3 x 60 ____________________________70 x 4 = 4 x 70
Example 200 x 600 = 12 x 10,000 = 120,000
multiply 6 x 2 = 12 and attach 4 zeros.
20 x 60 _____________________________
40 x 200 _____________________________
70 x 300 _____________________________ 200 x 110 ____________________________________
10 x 100 _____________________________ 10 x 1,000 _________________________________
4,000 x 10 ____________________________
3 x 10, 000 ________________________________
Example: 343 x 10,000 = 340,000 attach 4 zeros 23 x 100 x 100 = 23 x 10,000 = 230,000 4 zeros attached
33 x 10,000 _____________________________330 x 1,000 __________________________________
223 x 10 ________________________________12 x 10 x 10,000 _____________________________
50 x 100 x 1,000 __________________________250 x 10 x 10 x 10 ____________________________
22,000 x 1,100 x 300 ______________________ 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 _____________________


Greatest Common Factor GCM

2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

A number can always be written as a product of other numbers. 12 = 4 x 3 or 12 = 6 x 2 or 12 = 12 x 1.

1, 2, 4, 3, 6 and, 12 are called factors of 12. To find the factors of a number divide by 1, 2, 3, 4 , 12
A number that divided another number evenly is a factor of that number. (no remainder).
To find the factors of 16, divide by 1, 2 , 3, 16
16 =1 x 16 = 2 x 8 = 4 x 4
The factors are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

To find the factors of 18, divide by 1, 2 , 3, 18
The factors are: 1, 2,3, 4, 6, 9,18. They all divide 18 evenly.

To find factors, you can use simple rules:

A number is divisible by 2 if the last digit is even (24, 46, 78, 100 ..)
by 3 if the sum of its digit is divisible by 3, (12, 33,231, 342 ..)
By 4 if the last 2 digits are divisible by 4 (312, 344, 532 .. )
By 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5 (55, 90, 35, 65 ..)
By 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3 (12,18, 342 .. )
By 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 (333, 432, 45 ..)
By 10 if the last digit is 0 (10, 20, 3,000 .. )

Find the factors of the whole numbers

Example 24 24 = 24 x 1 or 12 x 2 or 6 x 4 or 3 x 8 the factors are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24
50_____________________________________________ 72_______________________________________
Use the divisibility rules to determine if (yes or no )
3 is a factor of 42 _____________6 is a factor of 32 ___________5 is a factor of 240 ______________
9 is a factor of 531 ___________ 2 is a factor of 35,232 ______________ 5 is a factor of 3,345 ________
Determine whether a number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.
80_________________ 91 ________________ 180_____________________ 333___________________
The factors of 12 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
The factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18

1, 2,3,6 are common factors of 12 and 18. 6 is the greatest

common factor or GCF for short.
The only common factor of 15 and 12 is 1.

Find the greatest common factor (GCF).

5,7 _______________ 18,24 ________________ 6, 9_________________15,25 ____________
40,000 + 30 + 1 _______________Round 39,999 to the nearest thousand __________ nearest ten _________


2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

A prime number has only 2 factors, itself and 1. A composite numbers has more than 2 factors.
2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 7; 11 ; 13 ; 17 ; 19 ; 23 ; 29 ; 31 ; 37 ; 41 ; 43 ; 47 .. Are prime numbers.
4; 6 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 15 ; 16 ; 18 ; 20 are composite numbers.
1 is neither. It has only one factor, itself. 0 is neither too.
Identify the number as prime (write P), composite (write C) or neither (write N)
Example 24 has more than 2 factors, it is a composite number . 1 is neither
17____ 13 ____26 ______39____ 52 _______11 _______ 22 ______33 ____37____23___1____0_____
To find all the prime factors of a number, a factor tree is very useful. To make a tree, write the number as the
product of two factors. Example: Find the prime factorization of 220 and find the prime factors of 220.
You can write: 220 = 110 x 2
2 is a prime number but you can factor 110. 110 = 2 x 55
2 is a prime number but you can factor 55.
55 = 5 x 11
The prime factors of 220 are therefore: 2, 5 and 11
The prime factorization of 220 is 220 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 11
1 is not included. 1 is not a prime number.

Find the prime factorization of each number. Make a factor tree to help you.
Example: 30 = 2x3x 5
2, 3 and 5 are the prime factors. 30=2x3x5 is the prime factorization of 30
160 = __________________40 = ______________ 60 = _________________ 90 = _________________

Find the prime factors

Examples: the prime factors of 12 are 2 and 3
20 ________________ 10 ________________ 15 _____________ 18 ______________ 25 ______________
A factor tree helps you to find the GCF too.
Find the greatest common factor. Use factor trees.
18, 24 ____________________ 15, 25 _____________ 12,76 _______________ 5, 12, 18 ________________
12, 18, 20 _________________ 6, 9 ______________ 14, 42 ________________ 25, 100 ________________


2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

Repeated multiplication like 3 x 3 x 3 x3 can be represented using exponential notation. Rather than
writing 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 (or we write 34 The base is 3 and the exponent is 4. The number 3 is used as
a factor 4 times. This is read 3 raised to the power 4 or 3 to the 4th . 32 is 3 squared and 33 3 cubed.
You have to know: (number) 1 = number and (number) 0 = 1 . example: 31 = 3 and 30 = 1
Name the base and the exponent. Example: 57 : base is 5 and exponent is 7
85____________________56 ______________ 234 ________________32______________________
Write using an exponent Example 22 x 22 x 22 x 22 = 224 and 3x3x3x3x5x7x7=34x5x72
6 x 6 x 6 ________________10 x10 ___________________________ 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 ______________
2x2 x 7x 7_______________10 x 10 x 10________________________2 x 2 x 2 x 11x11________________
7 x 7 x 7 x7 x 5 x 5x 2 x 2 __________2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 ____________10 x 10 x 2 x 2 x 2 ____________
Evaluate. Example 10 2 = 10 x 10 = 100 and 32x42 = 3x3x4 x 4 = 9x16 = 144
104_____________53 x 22_____________105____________34__________________22 x 113 _______________
103 ____________23 x 11 _____________33_____________102_________________32 x 50 x 101___________
232021____________102101100 _______________ 2x23x24x20 _________________30x0x30x30 _____________
Write the prime factorization using powers
Example 24 = 2 x 12 = 2 x 4 x 3 = 2x 2 x 2 x 3 = 23 x 3
1000________________ 32 _______________18 ___________________ 90 _________72________________
120________________60 ___________10,000 ___________1,000________
Product Rule of Exponents : To multiply powers with the same base, add the exponents and keep
the common base. 43 x 42 = 45 because 43 x 42 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 45
Write in exponential form
Example 57 x 50 = 57+0 = 57 or 57 x 50 = 57 x 1 = 57 Remember 50 = 1
85 x 83 x 81 __________56 x 52 x 50_________234 x 22 x 2 _________32x3x54x52x50____________
23x25x2x34x33x50x5 ___________________102x103x100x10 ____________43x0x4x54__________
Review: write in expanded form
32,006,409 ___________________ 10,034,005 ________________ 30,231,000 _______________
Round to the nearest hundred: 45,876 _________________ 45 _________ 13 ______________


2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

The order of operations agreement tells you:

Compute the powers before you divide or multiply. Then divide or multiply whatever comes first from left
to right. Then add or subtract form left to right.
Example: 3 + 42 2 x 3 1 = 3 + 16 2 x 3 1 = 3 + 8 x 3 - 1 = 3 + 24 - 1 = 27 - 1 = 26
Evaluate each expression. Example 3x 22 + 32 - 30 = 3 x 4 + 9 - 1 = 12 + 9 - 1 = 21 - 1 = 20
32 - 22 x 2 ____________________ 4 x 22 -1 ____________________ 5 + 22 x 3_______________________
42 x 2 + 22 ( first evaluate 42 and 22, multiply then add last) ___________________________________
13 + 12 + 20 _______________ 3x 23 + 2 x 3 ______________________ 102 + 2 x 22 _________________
Use you calculator to multiply the decimals with the powers of ten:
2.242 x 10 ___________________ What happened to the decimal place ? ______________________________
Predict the product: 2.242 x 100 _________Check with the calculator: ______Were you right ? _____________
Predict: 2.242 x 1,000 ________________Check with the calculator: ______Were you right ? _______________
Predict: 2.242 x 10,000 ________________Check with the calculator.______ Were you right ? _______________
Predict: 2.242 x 100,000 ________________Check with the calculator.______ Were you right ? ______________
Predict: 0.2 x 100 ________________Check with the calculator.______ Were you right ? ____________________
Predict: 3.563 x 1,000 _____________ Check with the calculator.______ Were you right ? ___________________
Describe, in your own words, how to multiply decimals and powers of 10.
Rule: to multiply a decimal by a power of 10: move the decimal point right as many places as there are zeros
in the power. Add zeros if necessary to hold the place values: 2.1 x 1,000 = 2100. Add 2 zeros.
Remember: to multiply a whole number by a power of 10, attach as many zeros as appear in the power.
Multiply using the rule. Dont use your calculator.
2.34 x 10,000 __________________ 0.01 x 100 ________________ 0.001 x 1,000 _____________________
3.45 x 1,000 ___________________0.0343 x 10 ________________ 2.556 x 100 ______________________
0.001 x 1,000 __________________predict : 0.01 x 100 __________ check ____________
predict: 0.1 x 10 ____________ check ___________ 0.342 x 1,000 ___________ 100 x 200 x 400 _________
Write in exponential form the powers of 10. Example: 100 = 102
1,000 __________ 10,000 ________ 100,000_____________ 1,000,000 __________100,000,000 _________
Multiply. Example: 22,000 x 300 = 6,600,000
multiply 22 and 3 an attach 5 0s
420 x 2,000 ____________ 110 x 11,000 ___________ 330 x 330,000 ______________ 500 x 20 _______


2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

A number is written in scientific notation if is in the form a x 10 n where a is between 1 and 9

And n is a positive or negative integer. 2,000 = 2 103 in scientific notation.
2 x 1000 = 2 x10 x 10 x 10 = 2 103 The exponent is 3 because there is a total of 3 zeros attached to the whole numbers.
Write in scientific notation. Example: 5,000 = 5 103 count the number of zeros attached to find the exponent.
600,000 _________40,000 ___________90,000,000 __________500 _________ 6,000 _______
7,000,000 ______ 60 _______________ 30,000,000,000,000,000,000 __________________
Previously you found out that: 2.242 x 100 = 224.2 or 224.2 = 2.242 x100 and since 100 = 102
224.2 = 2.242 102. To write a large number in scientific notation, move the decimal point to the left until it is
between the first and second significant digits; the number of places moved is the exponent.
For example: 167 = 1.67 102 you jumped 2 places left. 1 is at the hundred place. (2 is the exponent)
2,346,000 = 2.346 106 you jumped 6 places to the left. 2 is at the million place. (6 is the exponent)
Write in scientific notation. Example: 32,000 = 3.2 104
4,500,000 _______________ 3,200______________ 5,500,000,000 _____________500 ____________
3,040,000 _______________2,045,000 _________________3,034,000,000,000 ___________________
Multiply first and then write in scientific notation.
Example: 22,000 x 200 = 4,400,000= 4.4 106
320 x 2,000 ________________________________1,100 x 2,00000 ______________________________
7,000 x 5,000,000,000 ________________________4,000 x 103 ________________________________
120 x 104__________________________________10 x 300 ____________________________________
Write in standard form.
Example: 5.2 106 = 5,200,000 The exponent 6 tells you to move the decimal point 6 places to the right.
Fill in zeros to make enough places.
1.1 10 ___________________________ 8.9 103 ___________________1.0 102 ____________________
1.332 103 _________________________2.33 104___________________ 3.456 105__________________
5.99 102__________________________ 1.0 106____________________1.0 103____________________
Review. Order of operations.
4+2x5 + 444 x 2 - 22__________________________________________________________________
3x32 3 x2 +25 ________________________ 4+ 22x5 - 2x22 + 3x4 _____________________________



2006 Veronique Lankar, PhD

To evaluate an expression, follow the rule:

A. compute inside the groupings. From inside to outside.
1. evaluate the exponential expressions
2. divide or multiply in order from left to right
3. subtract or add in order from left to right
Example: 2 + 3 . 22 + 4 2 = 2 + 3 . 4 + 4 2 = 2 +12 + 4 2 = 2 + 12 + 2 = 16
Example: 52 (2) 5 - 10 = 25 (2) 5 - 10 = 50 5 - 10 = 10 - 10 = 0
Exponent first




100 - 33

9 + 2 (5) __________________________________________________________________________________________
25 5 - 2 (2) +100 ________________________________________________________________________
42 - 24 _________________________________ 34 92 __________________________________________
2,000 - 103 + 202 ________________________10 + 102 + 103 ____________________________________

If an expression has grouping symbols lie ( ) or { } or [ ] , compute inside the grouping first following the
order of operations described previously. Compute from the inside groupings to the outside groupings.
Only when there is no more grouping can you apply once more the previous rules.
3.(3 + 2) - 32 - 3 = 3 . 5 - 32 -3 = 3.5 - 9 -3 = 15 - 9 -3 = 15 + 9 3 =
15 + 3 = 17
Add inside the parentheses



sign of the quotient



Evaluate the expressions

Example: [2 (14 + 8 ) ] - 12 (2) = ( 2 (22) ) - 12 (2) = 44 - 12 (2) = 44 - 24 = 20
20 4 + { 2 . 32 - [3 + (6 - 2) ] } ______________________________________________________________
20 5 + { 3 . 22 - [ 4 + ( 4 -1 )] } ____________________________________________________________
10 (22 -2) + 1 _________________________ 4 + 12 3 - 8 ________________________________________
Review. Write in scientific notation:
3,000 ____________________________ 2,000,000 ___________________ 15,000 _____________________
33 x 10 __________ 33 x 100 _____________ 33 10 ______________ 33 100 ______3.33 100 ______
102 x 103 ________________ 104 x 105 _______________________ 105 / 104 _______________________
Round 132,799 to the nearest ten-thousand __________________ GCF of 12, 34 _____________________
Write 23,004 in expanded form _________________________ 10,000 + 1,000 + 100 + 10 =____________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Some basic units:

Unit of length
Meter (m)

Unit of mass
Kilogram (kg)

Unit of Capacity
Liter (l)

1 kilometer = 1 km =
1,000 m = 103 m

1 metric ton = 1 t =
1,000 kg =103 kg

1 liter = 1 L =
1,00 centiliters (cL)

1 meter = 1m =
100 centimeters = 102 cm

1 kilogram = 1kg =
1000 grams = 103 g

1 centi8liter = 1 cL =
10 milliliters (mL)

You multiply by a power of ten to change from a smaller unit to a larger unit.
Change each measurement into the given unit. Write in standard form and scientific notation
Example 7 kilograms into grams : 7 kg = 7 x 1,000 g = 7 103 g
45 kilograms into grams ____________________________________________________________
100 kilograms into grams____________________________________________________________
2 tons into kilograms ________________________________________________________________
33 tons into grams __________________________________________________________________
230 centimeters into millimeters______________________________________________________
3,400 kilometers in meters ________________________________________________________
2 tons into milligrams _____________________________________________________________
Units for Area are = square meters = m2
1 m2 = 1 m x m = 100 cm x 100 cm = 10,000 cm2 = 104 cm2
1 km2 = 1 km x km = 1,000 m x 1,000 m = 1,000,000 m2 = 106 m2
Change the measurements into the given unit. Write in standard form and in scientific notation.
Example 3 m2 into cm2 : 3 m2 = 3 m x m = 3 x 100 cm x 100 cm = 30,000 cm2 = 3 104 cm2
Use 1 m = 100 cm and 1 km = 1,000
6 m into cm2_______________________________4 km2 into m2 ____________________________
50 m2 into cm2 _____________________________ 30 km2 into m2__________________________
Units for Volume = cubic meters = m3
1 m3 = 1 m x m x m = 100 cm x 100cm x 100 cm = 106 cm3
Change the measurements into the given unit. Write in standard form and scientific notation
4 m3 into cm3 ________________________________ 50 km3 into m3________________________
2 km3 into cm3 ___________________________________________________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Units of length

Units of capacity

Units of Weight

1 feet (ft) = 12 inches (in)

Cup (cp) = 8 fluid ounces (fl oz)

1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)

1 yard (yd) = 3 feet (ft)

1 pint (pt) = 2c or 16 fl oz

1 ton (T)= 2, 000 lb

1 yard (yd) = 36 inches (in)

1 quart (qt) = 2 pt or 4 c or 32 oz

1 mile (mi) = 5,280 ft or 1,760 yd

1 gallon (gal) = 4 qt

From a smaller unit to a larger unit you multiply

Change each measurement into the given unit
gal qt
Example 7 gal into qt ?
7 x 4 = 28 qt

X 4>

30 yd into feet

5 lb into oz






56 yd into in

Here is one way to solve conversion problems.

Create a table with 2 columns and 3 rows.
The first column is for the larger unit (gallon here)
And the second column is for the smaller unit (quart).
To move from the 1st column to the 2nd one,
you multiply (here you multiply by 4 or x 4 ).
You divide when converting quart into gallons.

4 pt into cp

22 mi into yd

Example 28 qt into gal ?

gal qt


From a larger unit to a smaller unit you divide

<: 4

24 feet into yard


32 oz into pt

32 cp into gal



32 oz into lb

48 in into ft



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

1 in. = 2.54 cm
1 mile = 1.6 km
1 m =1.1 yd

From a smaller unit to a larger unit you multiply. You divide from a larger unit to a smaller unit.
If necessary work into more than one step.

Change each measurement into the given unit. Use your calculator.
Example 4 ft into cm ?
You can use tables to help you with conversions.
? = 4 x 12 = 48 in.
The larger unit (foot > inch) goes into the first column.
?? = 48 x 2.54 = 121.9 cm 1 12
Write in the first row how to convert the large unit into the


30 yd into m


5 mi into km

small unit: 1 foot = 12 inches.

?=48 ??


25 cm into in







20 m into yd

11 ft into mm







< : 1.1

Units for area = yd2 or ft2 or in2

1 ft = 12 in so 1 ft2 = ft x ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 in2
1yd = 3ft so 1 yd2 = yd x yd = 3ft x 3ft = 9 ft2
Change measurement into the given unit
Example 3 ft2 into in2.
? = 3 x 144 = 432 in2


25 yd2 into ft2


18 ft2 into yd2



2 yd2 into in2















2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

3 units


The perimeter of the rectangle is:

2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 10 units
The perimeter of the triangle is:
3 + 2 + 5 = 10 units
units any length units like inches, meters, feet


5 units

3 cm



5 cm
Find the perimeter of a rectangle 5 cm long by 3 cm wide
The sides of a rectangular garden measure 130, 120, 60 feet.
What is the perimeter of the garden ?
Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle in which each side measures 9.6 cm ?


2 unit

A perimeter is the distance around a figure. The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of the length of the sides.

An equilateral triangle has equal sides. (we say 3 congruent sides)


What is the perimeter of an isosceles triangle that has two sides 8 yards long and a third 6 yards long ?

2 unit

Area is the measure of the inside of a figure in square units.

In our example, area = 6 square units or 6 units2
To find the are of a rectangle, multiply the length and the width.
Area= 2 units (width) x 3 units (length) = 6 units2

8 yd

6 yd

A isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides. (2 congruent sides)


3 units

5 units
3 units

Height of the triangle

= width of the rectangle

How many square meters is the floor area of a room that measures 8 meters by 6.9 meters ?
How much tile is needed to cover a floor that measures 54 feet by 42 feet ?

Find the area of the shaded triangle (half of the rectangle)

Predict the area of any triangle in terms of its height and base

Base of the triangle

= length of the rectangle

Parts of a whole or division

2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Lets consider $1. If you divide $1 in 4 equal parts you get a quarter. We write quarter = 1 4 or
For convenience, I will write 1/4 instead. The dividend (1 here) is called the numerator or
number of parts. The divisor is called the denominator or the whole (4 here).
If this square is $1, each part is 1/4 of the square. A quarter is represented by a shaded part.
A fraction is also a division. You know already that a quarter is $ 0.25. using your
calculator you can check 1 4 = .25
1 = 4/4 = 1

.75 = 3 parts / 4 parts

3 4 = .75

$.50 = 2 parts /4 parts

2 4 = .5


.25 = 1 part / 4 parts

1 4 = .25

Write the fraction for each square. Use your calculator to divide the parts by the whole.
3/4 of the shape is shaded. 3/4 = 0.75

_______of the figure is shaded. ? 6 =

_____of the figure is shaded. ? ? =


the figure is shaded. ? 3 =

______of the figure is shaded. ? ? =

Did you notice something ? 1/3 ; 2/6 ; 3/9 ; 4/12 are said to be equivalent. They represent the same ratio.
When you divide the numerator by the denominator you get the same quotient.
What about 5/15 ? Use you calculator to divide 5 by 15. WE have 1/3 = 2/6 = 3/9 = 4/12 = 5/15
Shade the figure to represent each fraction. Use your calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator.
What do you notice ?

Shade 1/4 (one fourth)

1/4 =

Shade 2/8 (two eights)

2/8 =


Shade 3 / 12 (three twelfths)

3/12 =


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

1/2 ; 2/4 ; 3/6 ; 4/8 ; 5/10 are equivalent fractions. They represent the same ratio. To find equivalent fractions,
multiply or divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
2 / 4 = 1 / 2 because 2 = 1 x 2 and 4 = 2 x 2 . Like wise, 3 = 1 x 3 and 6 = 2 x 3 ...
Write the missing numerator or denominator. Using a calculator, find the quotients of the fractions.
Example: 3 / 4 = ? / 16

16 = 4 x 4 so ? = 3 x 4 = 12 . 3 / 4 = 12 / 16 and 3 4 = 12 16 = 0.75

check !

3 / 4 = ? / 20 _____________________________________________________________________
3 / 5 = ? / 15_____________________________________________________________________
1 / 3 = 2 / ? ____ 2 = 1 x 2 so ? = 3 x 2 = ________________________________________________________
6 / 10 = 30 / ? _________________________________________________________________
3 / 8 = 9 / ? __________________________________________________________________
Write one fraction equivalent to the given fraction. Use your calculator to evaluate the ratio.
Example 4 / 5 = 8 / 10 because 8 = 4 x 2 and 10 = 5 x 2. 4 / 5 = 8 / 10 = 0.8
4 / 6 = ____________________________________
3 / 5 = ___________________________________
3 / 20 = ___________________________________

7 / 8 = __________________________________

3 / 12 = ____________________________________

5 / 3 = ___________________________________

To compare two fractions, lets says 3 /4 and 5/7

Compare the product of 3 and 7 (numerator 1 and denominator 2)
with the product of 4 and 5 (numerator 2 x denominator 1).


21 > 20 therefore 3 / 4 > 5 / 7 . Check with the calculator:

0.75 > 0.71. You are cross multiplying. You have to start with


numerator 1 x denominator 2.


Compare the fractions using cross-multiplication. Check with your

Example 2 / 3 and 3 / 4


2 x 4 = 6 and 3 x 3 = 9 since 6 < 9


2 / 3 < 3 / 4 check : 0.666 < 0.75

1 / 2 and 3 / 5 ________________________2/20 and 20/200 __________________________________

2 / 9 and 3 / 10 _________________________25/100 and 1/4 _________________________________
1 / 3 and 3 / 8 __________________________20/100 and 1/5 ________________________________
5/50 and 50/500 ______________________ 1/8 and 125/1000 _______________________________



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Compare 4 / 5 and 3 / 5 _______________________

Did you have to use cross-multiplication in that case ?
Four fifths is more than three fifths. Like 4 cats is more than 3 cats. When the denominators are the same,
Just compare the numerators. In that case, you are comparing the parts of a same whole.
3 / 4 > 1 / 4 because 3 > 4 !

Write the fractions from least to greatest. Use the calculator to check
Example 3 / 7 ; 4 / 7 ; 1 / 7 1 / 7 < 3 / 7 < 4 / 7
with a calculator we find: .14 < .43 < .51
2 / 9 , 56/9 , 1 / 9 _____________________________________________________________________
4 / 11 , 2 / 11 / 1 / 11 ______________________________________________________________________
Every whole number has a set of multiples. The multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9,12, 15 . . This set can be found
by multiplying by 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 .. The multiples of 4 are : 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 30 (multiply 4 by 1, 2, 3, 4 ..)
Write some of the multiples of 2 , 5 , 6
Multiples of 2 : ________________________________________________________________
Multiples of 5:__________________________________________________________________
Multiples of 6: __________________________________________________________________
You need to know how find the Least Common Multiple (or LCM) of 2 numbers.
For example: Lets find the LCM of 6 and 4 (the answer is 12)
Multiples of 6 : 6, 12 , 18 , 24 , 30 .
12 is also a multiple of 4. it is the LCM
Multiples of 4 : 4 , 8 , 12 ; 16 ; 20 ..
You can check if 12 is also a multiple of 4

The least common multiple is 12.

Trick: first, find the multiples of the larder number (6 here)
Stop when you have found a multiple of the smaller number (12 here)
This way, you dont have to work on the smaller number !

Find the least common multiple

Example 20 and 12 20 = 20, 40, 60, 80
12 = 12 , 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 LCM is 60
5 and 10_________________________________5 and 35 __________________________________
8 and 12_________________________________6 and 18___________________________________
24 and 12________________________________12, 10, 5 ___________________________________
6, 15, 12 ___________________________________________________________________________
Review : Is 9,240 divisible by 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 9, 10 ? Why ?



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We can write 3 /4 = 21 / 28
with 21 = 3 x 7 and 28 = 7 x 4
5 / 7 = 20 / 28
with 20 = 5 x 4 and 28 = 4 x 7
28 is called the Least Common Denominator or LCD of the fractions 3 / 4 and 5 / 7 .
28 is found by finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators 4 and 7.
Multiples of 7: 7 , 14, 21, 28, 35 ..
Remember start with the larger number (7 here).
Multiples of 4 : 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 ... Stop when you find a multiple of the smaller number (4 here).
28 is divisible by 4 so you can stop.

Find the LCD of the fractions.

Example 1 / 60 and 1/18
multiples of 60 = 60, 120, 180 , 240
start with the larger denominator
180 is divisible by 18. 180 is the LCD
1 / 60 = 3 / 180 It is easy to see 180 = 3 x 60 so numerator is 1 x 3
1 / 18 = - 10 / 180 because 180 = 18 x 10 so numerator is 1 x 10 (you can use the calculator and do 180 10)
5/24 and 1/12 _______________________________________1/5 and 1/15 ________________________
7 / 12 and 1/ 10_____________________________3/10, 2/12, 3/4 ________________________________
1/10 and 7/20 ______________________________2/3 and 7/15 __________________________________
You can add or subtract fractions only if they have the same denominator. You can add one fourth and three
fourths. That will be 4 fourths or one: 1/4 + 3/4 = 4/4 = 1
To add fractions with different denominators, first rewrite the fractions as equivalent fractions with a common
denominator: The common de nominator is the LCM of the denominators of the fractions also called the LCD..
1 / 5 + 3 / 4 = 4 / 20 + 15 / 20 = 19 / 20. or nineteen twentieths. You can check with your calculator
1 5 = 0.2 and 3 4 = 0.75 . 0.2 + 0.75 = 0.95. And 19 20 = 0.95. BINGO !

Find the LCM of 2 and 3 ___________________________ Add 1/2 + 4/3 ___________________________

Find the LCM of 12 and 8 ___________________________Add 7/12 + 3/8 _________________________
Find the LCM of 12 and 16 __________________________Add 5/12 + 9/16 _______________________
Find the LCM of 4, 5 and 8 __________________________Add 3/4 +4/5 +5/8 ______________________
Find the LCM of 6 and 4 ___________________________Subtract 5/6 - 1/4 _______________________
Find the LCM of 16 and 12 _________________________Subtract 11/16 - 5/12 ___________________
Find the LCM of 13/18 and 7/24 ____________________Subtract 13/18 - 7/24 ___________________
Write 34,502 in expanded form ___________________________________________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

You can simplify fractions by dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
For example. consider the previous fraction 10 / 15. 10 and 15 are divisible by 5.
10 / 15 = 2 / 3. Check on with your calculator: 10 15 = 0.66 and 2 3 =0.66.
Simplifying fractions is also called reducing to the lowest terms.
Reduce to the lowest terms.
10/12 ________________ 55/100 ______________ 72/32_____________ 125/25_____________
50/100 _______________100/1000 _____________33/11 _____________24/17 ____________
144/36 _______________44/60 ________________8/88 ______________ 32/120_____________
Add. Example 2 + 2/3 = 2/1 + 2/3 = 6/3 + 2/3 = 8/3. The LCM is 3. Write a 1 under the whole number.
2 + 1/3 ____________________ 3 + 4/5 ___________________ 3 + 2/7 __________________________

can be written as


We call it a mixed number.

We have a whole number and a fraction.

Can you find the rule to write a mixed number as a fraction ?

- Start from 3 4/5
- multiply 3 by 5 and add 4 = 15 + 4 = 19
This is the numerator of the fraction.
- the fraction is: 19/5. Keep the denominator of the old

Apply the rule to add:

4 + 3/4 ____________________ 10 + 1/10 ___________________ 1 + 3/5 _________________________
2 + 3/7 ____________________ 5 + 4/5 _____________________ 5 + 3/17 _______________________
Consider the fraction 7/3. It means 7 3 but it also means 7 thirds :

Each rectangle is one whole or 1 and each little square is one third or 1/3
You can see that 7 thirds is also 2 wholes and one third
Or: 7/3 = 2 + 1/3 = 2 1/3

7/3 is called an improper fraction and 2 1/3 is called a mixed number. They represent the same quantity.
The numerator of an improper fraction is equals or is greater than its denominator. You can write a improper
fraction as a whole number and a fraction part (if any). 4./3 , 3, 5/2 , 100/33 are improper fractions.
Proper fractions cant be written as a whole number and fraction part.
The numerator is smaller than the denominator. 2/3, 5/89, 1/2, 4/7 are proper fractions.



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Write the improper fractions as mixed numbers. Reduce the fractional part if possible.
Example 14 / 4 = 3 2/4 = 3 1/2
We divide the numerator and the denominator by 2.
23 / 5 _______________________________
11 / 2 _____________________________________
10 / 2 ________________________________
19 / 2 _____________________________________
21 / 5 _______________________________
25 / 8 _____________________________________
34 / 34 ______________________________
8 / 2 _____________________________________
In the last 2 exercises there is no fraction part., only whole numbers. 8 / 2 = 2 and 34 / 34 = 1
Keep in mind: 5 / 5 = 4 / 4 = 8 / 8 = 10 / 10 = = 1 !
Word problems and review:
Marilyn bought a pizza for dinner. In the way home she ate 1/8 of the pizza. While her brother was setting the table, he ate 1/4
of the pizza. How much pizza is left for dinner ? _____________________________
Grandma keeps a basket of fruit on her kitchen table. Half the fruit is apples; 1/3 is bananas. The rest is orange.
What fraction is oranges ? __________________________________________________________
John had a bag containing 32 marbles. He gave his friend Sam 1/4. How many marbles did Same get ?

The class has 15 boys and 12 girls. On Wednesday, all the girls were present and 1/5 of the boys were absent.
How many boys were at school ? ________________
How many students in class that day all together ? ________________________
Make a list of five different fractions that are equivalent to 2/3 : ______________________________________________________
Show that 15/24 = 5/8 : ________________________________________________________________________
Find the GCF 12,4 and 6 _________________ Round to the nearest hundred 45,860 __________________________________
Kent had 4 Superman comic books and 6 times more as many Batman comic books. How many did he have altogether ?
Debbys family bought a new car that cost $9,000. They made a down payment of $1,500. If they pay $250 a month, how many
months will it take to pay to the car ?
Cheryl bought 2 packages of beads with 425 in each package. She divided them equally among herself and 4 other people.
How many beads did each person receive ? ________________________________________________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

You can also change a mixed number into an improper fraction. 2 1/4 = 9 / 4 . Remember $2 and one quarter (1 / 4)
is also nine quarters ( 9 / 4). Here is the trick: multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction part
(2 x 4 = 8). Add the numerator of the fraction part to the product (1 + 8 = 9). Write the sum over the denominator of
the fraction part : 9 / 4.
Write an improper fraction for each mixed number
Example 4 2/3 = 14 / 3 because 14 = 3 x 4 + 2
2 1/2 ______________________________
4 2/3______________________________________
5 3/4_______________________________
7 1/7______________________________________
9 3/4________________________________
5 3/4______________________________________
To add mixed number you can write the sum or difference vertically. First you add the fractions and then you add or
subtract the whole numbers.
Add the mixed numbers. Reduce the fraction part if possible
4 1/8 + 3 5/8


5 2/5 + 3

3 3/4 + 5 1/4


3 7/5 + 7



Or 7

Or 8 + 1 = 9


3 1/2+ 5 1/2

6 4/5 - 4 1/5

It the fraction parts dont have the same denominator, you have to rewrite the fractions as equivalent fractions with
the LCD as denominator. 3 1/2 + 4 1/4 = 3 2/4 + 4 1/4 = 7 3/4
3 5/6 + 7 1/8 _________________________________
5 1/3 - 5 9/10_____________________________
2 4/5 + 7/8 ___________________________________
11 1/4 + 6 2/3_____________________________
2 4/5 + 8 1/8 + 1 3/8___________________________________________________________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

When subtracting mixed numbers or dealing with negative mixed numbers in an expression, it is safer to write
the mixed numbers as improper factions first. At the end, you can change to mixed number again.
For example: 6 4/5 -5 1/3 = 34 / 5 - 16 / 3 = 102 / 15 - 80 / 15 = 22 / 15.
If you are asked for a mixed number: 22 / 15 = 1 7/5.
Add or subtract. Write the result as a mixed number.
Example 3 - 1 3/4 = 3/1 - 7 / 4 = 12/4 - 7/4 = 5/4 = 1 1/4 with 3 = 3/1
7 1/2 - 3 ___________________________________________________________________
3 2/5 - 2 1/5_____________________________________________________________________
4 - 4 / 3 ______________________________________________________________________
4 3/16 - 2 5/12_________________________________________________________________
1 1/8 + 2 3/4 + 2 ______________________________________________________ with 2 = 2 / 1
To evaluate an expression with mixed numbers, write them as improper fractions before following
the rules of order of operations. 32 + 2 1/4 + ( 3 3/4 - 1 ) + 4 first mixed to improper
32+ 9 / 4 + ( 15 / 4 - 1 ) + 4
inside the parentheses: find the LCD (4) , subtract the fractions 15 / 4 - 4 / 4
3 + 9 / 4 + 11 / 4 + 4
power next
9 + 9 / 4 + 11 / 4 + 4
36/4 + 9/4 + 11/4 + 16/4
Add, find the LCD first (4) with 8 = 8 / 1 = 32 / 4 and 9 = 36/4
= 72/4 = 36/2 = 18
( 3 1/2 - 2 ) + 5325 __________________________________________________________________
33 - 3 3/2 _________________3 + (2 1/2 -1)2 x 3 _________________________________________
How would you write one fourth of $12 in Math ? (you share your $12 in 4 equal parts) ? Or 1 / 4 of 12 ?
You know the answer is $3 (3 x 4 = 12). 1 / 4 x $12 is the answer. Check with your calculator.
1 / 4 = 0.25 and 0.25 x 12 = 3 ! So 1 / 4 x 12 = 12 / 4. Now try 12 x 0.25. It is still 3. right ? So
1 / 4 x 12 = 12 x 1 / 4 = 12 / 4. The multiplication is commutative. You can move the place of the factors.
Follow the example.
Example: 3/4 x 12 = 12 x 3/4 = 36/4
2/5 x 10 ____________________________________ 4/3 x 15 ______________________________________
One-fifth of 25 pounds _______________________ five-thirds of 15 pounds __________________________
Half of 42 miles ____________________________ one-fourth of 16 miles ____________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Lets say you want to make a cake that calls for two thirds of a dozen eggs or 2 / 3 of 12 eggs. You can divide
your 12 eggs into 3 groups. That makes 4 eggs in each group. Then use the eggs from 2 groups. That makes 8
You can also
2 / 3 of 12 =

write :


12 can also be written as a fraction:

12 = 12/1 because 12 1 = 12

x 12

2 / 3 of 12 is 8

Remember: You can multiply the numerators first (2 x 12 ) and divide by the denominators: 24/3 = 2 / 3
Find the fraction of the numbers
Example 5/2 x 4 = (5 x 4) / 2 = 5 x 2 = 10.
1/4 x 16 _____________________________________________________________________________
5/ 6 x 18____________________________________________________________________________
5/8 x 40__________________________________________________________________________________
2 / 3 x 24____________________________________________________________________________
3 / 4 x 20_______________________________________________________________________
Multiplying 2 fractions is also very easy. The product of two fractions is a fraction whose numerator is the
product of the numerators of the given fractions and whose denominator is the product of their denominators.
3 / 4 x 2 / 3 = 6 / 12
Consider 12 eggs:
In grey: 2 / 3 of 12 eggs

In back 3 / 4 of the 2 / 3 of the 12 eggs

Or 6 out of 12 eggs or 6 / 12

Multiply the fractions. Reduce if possible

2 / 4 x 5 / 3 = (2 x 5) / (4 x 3) = 5 / (2x3) = 5 / 6
3 /4 x 5 / 2 ________________________ _________ 5 / 6 x 1 / 2______________________________
2 / 5 x 2 / 7 _________________________________ 13 / 4 x 8 / 36_____________________________
When multiplying fractions it saves time if common factors are eliminated before you multiply. You reduce
before multiplying. Example: 3/4 x 2/3
You can cancel the 3s. You get 1 instead.
Reduce 2/4 by dividing by 2 the top and bot=
Find the product. Reduce before multiplying if possible
3 / 4 x 4 / 5 _____________________________________
4 5 x 5 / 8 ______________________________
3 / 2 x 4 / 9 _____________________________________ 2 / 3 x 27 / 50 ____________________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

1/ 2



Consider the operation 7 / 2 1 / 4

7 / 2 is the dividend and 1 / 4 the divisor. This operations means: how many fourths (1 / 4 ) can goes into seven
halves ( 7 / 2 ) ? The ruler help us to find the answer : 14 fourths in 7 / 4. So 7 / 2 1 / 4 = 14
There is a quicker way to get this division. First invert of the divisor : 1 / 4 becomes 4 / 1 . The inverse is called
the reciprocal. Multiply the dividend (7 / 2 ) by the reciprocal (here 4 / 1 ). You get:
7/2 1/4 = 7 x 4
2 1



Find the quotients. Reduce before multiplying if possible

6 4
Example 2 / 3 5 / 6 The reciprocal of 5 / 6 is 6 / 5. You multiply 2 / 3 by 6 / 5
3 x5= 5
2 / 3 5 / 6 = 2/3 x 6/5 = 4 / 5 you can reduce before multiplying. 6/3 =2
3 / 4 4 / 5 ______________________________ 3 / 2 4 / 9 _____________________________________
7 / 10 3 / 5 _____________________________ 1 / 3 4 / 9 ______________________________________
3 / 5 2 / 3 ______________________________25 / 44 5 / 11____________________________________
When multiplying or dividing with mixed numbers in an expression,
rewrite the mixed numbers as improper fractions. Example: 2 2/3 x 1/6 = 8/3 x 1/6 = 8/18
Example 3 4/ 3 2 4 /5 = 13 / 4 14 / 5 = 13/4 x 4/14 = 91 / 10 = 9 1/10
14 1/2 x 8 1/3 _______________________________ 1 2/3 x 1 3/4___________________________
15 1/2 x 4 / 5_________________________________ 3 / 4 x 12 1/2___________________________
1 2/3 1 1/2__________________________________ 6 2 1/2 _____________________________
17 1/2 3 / 4 _________________________________ 5 3/8 3 1/3___________________________
3 4/3 1 2/3 + 23 + 2 (-3)
first mixed to improper then order of operations : powers , divide, multiply, add
Review: Find the difference. Simplify to lowest term.

9/10 - 3/4 _________________ 2/3 - 1/5 ________________2 1/4 - 2 ___________3 2/3 - 1/2 ___________



2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Remember : 3/1 means 3 1 and 64/64 means 64 64. Try:

3/1 = ___________________ 64/64 _________________ (1/64) x (64/1) _____________________________
(1/8)2 (1/4)3 = _____________(1/3)3 (1/9)2 _____________________ (1/27) (1/3)3 _______________
Remember: A fraction bar means divided by. So 2 /3/5 = 2 3/5 = 2/1 3/5 = 2/1 x 5/3 = 10/3
here you divide a whole number by a fraction
2 / 1/3 __________________________ 3/2 / 4/3 ____________________ 3 / 1/4 _______________________
Introduction to proportions. Find n when two fractions are equivalents.
Example: 5/12 = 20/n Always move toward the unknown. To ride from 5 to 20, you multiply by 4.
So multiply 12 by 4 and you find n = 48. Check with you calculator: 5 12 = 20 48
Example: 42/12 = n/2 To ride from 12 to 2, you divide by 6. So divide 42 by 6 and you find n = 7. Check.
8/3 = 16/n ____________ 7/9 = 21/n _____________ 24/n = 3/8 _____________ 18/12 = 3/n ________________
This is called solving proportions. Check with your calculator if the 2 divisions give you the same quotient.
You can use the same strategy to solve word problems involving different unit.
Example: If you drive 180 km in 6 hours, in 2 hours you drive ________km
Write (unknown at the top) : km / hours = 180 / 6 = n / 2
To ride from 6 to 2 you divide by 3. So divide 180 by 3 to find n = 60 km
You walk 25 feet in 10 seconds, in 5 seconds you walk ________feet
You make $885 for 15 hours, in 1 hour you make __________in 3 hours _____________in 5 hours ________
The machine makes 120 packages in 4 seconds, in 1 second the number of package is ______________
The number of packages per second is called a unit rate.
A car travels at the rate of 90 miles in 2 hours. At this rate, how far can the car travel in 8 hours ?
A Scale of a drawing is the ratio of the distance measured on the drawing to the corresponding actual distance.
Example: A drawing of a garage can have the scale: 1 cm = 2m. It means 1 cm on the drawing equals 2 m on the
field. 5cm on the drawing equals 10 m in reality.
A drawing has a scale of 3 in. = 21 ft
A length on the drawing is 5 in. What is the length on the field ? _____________________________
On the filed, a length measures 30 ft . What is the length on the drawing ? ______________________


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

Mary need 2 2/3 yards of cloth to sew a dress. She has 3 3/4 yards. How much cloth will she have left over ?

Leroy ran 2 1/4 miles on Monday. He ran 3 miles on Tuesday and 3 2/5 on Wednesday. How many miles did he
run in all.

The results of a survey showed that seven tenths of the households surveyed used a computer. What fraction of the
households surveyed did not use a computer ?

A standard sheet of paper is 8 1/2 inches wide and 11 inches long. How much longer is the paper than it is wide.

For Thanksgiving dinner, Joe cooked a 17 1/2 pound turkey. His sister Diana cooked a 22 1/4 pound turkey. How
much more did Dianas turkey weigh ?

Sam, Laura, and Geena live outside town. Same lives 5 miles from town. Laura lives 3/4 miles closer than Sam.
Geena lives 1/2 closer than Laura. How far from town does Geena lives ?

The Jones farm received 7 7/10 inches of rain and 4 1/2 inches less the following year. How much rain did the
farm receive in that following year ?

A share of Maxiflex stock costs 8 7/8 dollars. A share of Bentley stock sells for 8 1/2 dollars. Which stock costs
less ? How much less ?

Kevin made 5 shirts. Each shirt used 2/3 yards of cloth. How many yards did he need in all ?


2 0 0 6 V e r o n i q u e La n k a r , P h D

There are16 cups in one gallon. How many cups of juice can be served from a container that holds 2 1/2 ?

A bundle of shingles is 12 inches high. If each shingle is 1/4 inch thick, how may shingles are in each bundle ?

A crew is paving a 22 mile road. They divided the road into 5 1/2 mile sections to pave each day. How long will it
take them to pave the whole road ?

Juan bought 24 1/2 yards of fabric to make curtains. Each Window requires 3 1/2 yards. How many sets of curtains can Juan make ?
Tanisha bought 25 1/2 feet of wood at 4 dollars a foot. How much did she pay for all of it ?

Each lap around the school track is 1/4 mile. After soccer practice, the team runs 6 times around the track. How
many miles do they run?

To make one bowl of a party punch, 4 3/4 cups of soda is used. How many cups of soda would you need to make 3
bowls of the party punch ?

Mr. Davys car has a gas tank that holds 16 gallons. He used 3/4 of a tank of gas. How many gallons of gas did he
use ?


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