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TECHNOLOGY IS THE ENEMY OF HUMAN PROGRESS (OPPOSING) Technology, a word with Greek origins, is defined as, the practical

application of knowledge especially in a particular area by MerriamWebsters dictionary. Despite this definition, it is an abstract term lacking a concrete meaning. Technology is a word used to collectively describe or portray the advancements, abilities, creations, undertakings, views, and knowledge of a singular group of persons: we as human-kind. The history of technology is undoubtedly as old as humanity itself.
Primitive forms of technology have been found with almost every archaeological find of ancient human remains. . Did you know that the first ever technologists, were in fact, the cavemen. The prehistoric discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food. The invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. So you see, technology has led to human advancement right from the start. Technology has such far progressed from the mastery of fire by man in times before 1,000,000 BC, to the supercomputers, space stations, rockets, electronics, weapons, and huge metropolises that are the defining aspect of the 21st century AD.

Aeroplanes can take you thousands of miles in hours with no effort used. The printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. Recent advancements in medical technology, life support machines, have saved countless lives. Many argue that as we venture further into the frontier of technology we proceed with a slow death of society, by losing culture and ultimately a sense of self. To a certain extent this may be true, but realistically if we cease to progress we wont be able to survive. TECHNOLOGY IN TRAVEL Technology has the ability to create shortcuts in working and can make tasks easier also. Solid examples are cars, calculators and phones, through technology life may be faster but is also easier. As far as transportation man has come a long way from horses and coal driven trains to space rockets. In boats crossing the Atlantic it took four to six months, in 747 airliner commercial jets takes ten to fifteen hours. TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH

Diseases we have today would be and could have become epidemics, if it were not for technology being there in the field of medicine, medical advances would not have happened or would have come years later. (Elaborate on the flu and the cold and other simple viruses that can now be treated thanks to scientific research.) TECHNOLOGY IN COMMUNICATION Among other advantages is the fact that with technology communications is a hundred times faster than without it. Before telephones, emails and fax machines, there were trains, carriages and the pony express with the modes of traveling we have now we have been able to make the world smaller so to speak. (Elaborate on distances e.g. from Jamaica to China instantly.) TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Technology has caused us to know about so many different things. (Explain that we learn new things by watching tv, listening to news we learn about world events, what is happening in the world. That is being informed, that is human progress. TECHNOLOGY IN LEISURE With technology we enjoy luxuries such as movies, television, video games, fresh food and refrigerators, ovens to cook on and bake in. Our favourite songs can now be recorded, and replayed on our Ipods, our psps. CONDLUDING POINTS You may argue, that with the invention of technology, has come the invention of weapons such as bombs, tanks, missiles and weapons of mass destruction. People have fought, stolen, and murdered for our entire history. There have always been disagreements and the sort. People have never been able to create any permanent solution to any problems using only themselves. Only through our creation and use of technology have we bettered our lot on this planet. The overly large population can speak for that. In fact technology has never been the problem, it has always been us...the people. A lack of self control. Now, with all this being said. How can technology be the enemy of human advancement? How can technology, which has dramatically revolutionized every single aspect of human life, which has caused so

much progress already, be holding us back from further progress? I resolve that technology is human progress.

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