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The inContinuum

The Wars of Validin Light -

By Jacob Hegh 'The Wars of Validin Light' is the name used by future generations of both the Eldin and other species alike in order to put the events that ultimately led to the imprisonment of the Fathers into a cohesive structure. Although the conflicts date back centuries ago the effects of it is still being felt today due to the banishment of the Continuum. The Continuum, once a guiding light for the Eldins, has now become their curse ever since the Fathers banished it as punishment for the rebellion, which also led to the Fathers' orbital bombardment of the Eldin home world of Deisolus. In Eldin folklore this event became known as Tears of Heaven. The Matriarch of Deisolus lost her life that night. The rebellion originally began when the Eldin first discovered the manipulative nature of the Fathers while on a mission on the planet of Validin. The Eldin, the primary military strength at the time, were sent to Validin in order to submit its population to the Fathers' Light. However, Commander Iowyn Khai realized while on a mission that the Ilen race, the inhabitants of Validin, did not seem to be the disbelieving brutes that they had been told and so he began to question the Fathers. A particular episode involving a female Ilen protecting her family by sacrificing herself challenged Khai's perspective and after which he ordered his forces to stand down. The Fathers disapproved this action and ordered to continue the fight but the Eldin soldiers were all questioning their mission and started to see through the manipulation. The rebellion had thus begun. The rebellions lasted for countless years and gave birth to a civil war among the Eldin race. After Tears of Heaven and the banishment of Continuum the Eldins became deeply divided into two factions: those who would support the Fathers and those who would oppose them. The opposing faction became known as the inContinuum, and although the odds were against them, they were not alone. The Orichi and the Ilen races helped combat the Fathers but with the civil war raging and taking its toll, they planned a daring assault on the planet of Bliss. The home world of the Fathers. The assault, which became known as Dawning Light, gave the Eldins of the inContinuum the opportunity to imprison the Fathers in the Beyond. A realm between worlds and impossible to escape from, but the assault had cost both sides dearly. Commander Iowyn Khai finally led his soldiers to victory and imprisoned the Fathers, but the banishment had not been lifted as they had believed. The Continuum was still inaccessible. Although the Fathers' influence had ended, the civil war continued in the form of an underlying conflict. Both sides tried to find ways to regain the Continuum but in the end all hope was lost. The planet of Deisolus became physically divided into the two factions once again locked in civil war. Iowyn Khai knew that a peace had to exist among the Eldins and so he arranged a meeting with a representative of the supporters, now known as the Order of Light, but the meeting turned to armed conflict and Iowyn Khai lost his life. After Iowyn Khais's death The inContinuum served under the leadership of the newly appointed Supreme Commander, who decided not to have his revenge but rather to leave Deisolus and venture into the far reaches of space, hoping to find a new world to call home. The new Supreme Commander was Aveion Khai. The son of Iowyn Khai and Vien Cass. But he was not alone. Aveion Khai had a sibling. A female called Gray Cass and together they found a new world. That planet would later become known as... Earth.

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