Sample Type II and III Journal

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Sample Type II Journal from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Evidence/Context/Page I have often been awakened at the

dawn of day by the most heart-rending shrieks of an own aunt of mine, whom he used to tie up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood. No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victims seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest. description of Capt. Anthony (2-3) And here I saw what I had never seen before; it was a white face beaming with the most kindly emotions; it was the face of my new mistress, Sophia Auld. I wish I could describe the rapture that flashed through my soul as I beheld it. It was a new and strange sight to me, brightening up my pathway with the light of happiness. Ds response to meeting his new mistress (18) Inference/Commentary cruel, inhumane/ Captain Anthony seems to be the nonhuman in this scene. He continues long past any justified punishment for a slaves mistakes. Douglass says he has often been awakened by the screams, showing this type of torture was not uncommon. Although D. paints a gruesome picture, he lets the facts speak for themselves; he offers no moralizing. The repetition of the word blood emphasizes the cruel nature of a man who places little value on the life in that blood.

hopeful/incredulous/ D. cannot believe that his life has changed for the better. To be greeted by a white face that offers, if not love, at least gentleness and respect, touches the life dormant within the narrator. He experiences an exultation of spirit like a flash of lightning. For the first time, his life seems to offer some hope.

Sample Type III Journal Entry from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Device/Evidence/Context/Page Imagery/syntax/alliteration The field was the place to witness his cruelty and profanity. His presence made it both the field of blood and of blasphemy. description of field(7) AIM/Effect/How? AIMthe field is the place to see the sadistic beatings of slaves; like a battlefield Effectsolemn tone, horror, indignance How?placing field as the subject of the sentence focuses attention on the setting, which should be a place of life and bounty; however, it becomes a place of cruelty and sometimes death. The alliteration clearly shows the contrast between the sanctity of life (blood) and the desecration (blasphemy) of that life, all created by the mere presence of the wicked overseer. The imagery is stark and blunt. AIMto show Douglass desperation at knowing he cannot be free; at least beasts are unable to understand their condition of miserable servitude. Effectdesperation of speaker How?The short opening sentence underscores Douglass overwhelming hopelessness in his situation; his wish to be, not just a reptile (already the lowest creature), but the meanest (double meaning of being hateful and lowest) reptile. The fragment is effective in emphasizing his desperation, particularly since it occurs after the coldness of the two declarative sentences.

Syntax I have often wished myself a beast. I preferred the condition of the meanest reptile to my own. Anything, no matter what, to get rid of thinking! Douglass thoughts while contemplating ships (24)

Important notes 1. Choose passages that are particularly expressive or that specifically develop the purpose. 2. AIM may be literal or interpretative meaning. 3. Effect may be tone, description of speaker, or effect upon reader depending on passage. 4. HOW does the DEVICE achieve the effect? (purpose)

Holistic Type II Rubric

A Detailed, meaningful quote selections; meets number requirement Apt, specific inference Thoughtful interpretation and commentary about the text; avoids clichs Includes comments that explain HOW the quote develops the inference Complete, thorough address of all parts of reading assignment Journal is neat, organized and professional looking; student has followed directions Less detailed, but good quote selections; may be _ short of number required Adequate inference Some intelligent commentary Less depth in analysis of HOW the quote develops the inference Adequately addresses all parts of reading assignment Journal is neat and readable; student has followed directions Quote selection is fair; more than _ quotes short Makes an inference Most commentary is vague, unsupported, with some plot summary/paraphrase Superficially addresses HOW the quote develops the inference Addresses most of the reading assignment Journal is relatively neat; student has followed most directions Quote selection is poor; more than _ quotes short Inference does not reflect quote Most commentary is paraphrase or plot summary or is too short Little attempt in analysis of HOW quote develops inference Limited coverage of reading assignment; too short Journal is difficult to read; student has not followed all directions Quote selection is completely inadequate in quality and/or quantity Inference missing or totally inaccurate Commentary is empty, lacking in quantity or quality No attempt to analyze HOW quote develops inference Little coverage of reading assignment Journal is messy; student has not followed directions

Holistic Type III Rubric

A Devices show excellent text analysis (entry lists all important devices evident in quote) Quotes are excellent examples of devices, style, language Number of quotes reflects thorough, careful reading of text AIM is thorough and clearly explained Description of effect displays specific, appropriate vocabulary Explanation of how? (purpose) is thorough, displaying depth of thought and analysis Journal is neat, organized and professional looking; student has followed directions Devices show accurate text analysis (lists all devices evident in quote) Quotes are adequate examples of devices, style, language Number of quotes reflects complete reading of text AIM is adequate Description of effect shows adequate vocabulary Explanation of purpose is adequate Journal is neat and readable; student has followed directions Devices are obvious (lists the most obvious or simplistic devices while overlooking more significant ones) Quotes are obvious examples of devices, style, language Number of quotes reflects incomplete reading of text AIM is thin Description of effect displays generic, vague vocabulary Explanation of purpose states the obvious or does not elaborate sufficiently Journal is relatively neat; student has followed most directions Devices are often mislabeled or student misses important devices Quotes are poor choices of devices, style, language Number of quotes reflects little reading of text AIM is weak Description of effect is only loosely tied to quote Explanation of purpose is weak or incorrect Journal is difficult to read; student has not followed all directions Devices are wrong or missing Quotes are randomly chosen Number of quotes reflects almost no reading of text AIM is inaccurate or missing Description of effect is disconnected from text or missing Explanation of purpose is inaccurate or missing Journal is messy; student has not followed directions

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