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================================================================== CrypTool, Version 1.4.

30 for Win32, August 2010 (c) Contributors including Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main, the Universities of Siegen, Darmstadt, Bochum and Duisburg-Essen. 1998-2010 Freeware and Open Source according to Apache License 2.0 Prof. Bernhard Esslinger $Id: ReadMe-en.txt 3382 2010-08-02 23:58:46Z esslinger $ ================================================================== 1. .... Brief description of the CrypTool package 1.1. .... How to start - An introduction to CrypTool 1.2. .... Components of the CrypTool distribution 1.3. .... Acknowledgments 1.4. .... Maintainer and hosting 2. .... What does CrypTool offer in detail 2.1. .... What can you do with CrypTool 2.2. .... Where do you find the source code 2.3. .... Where can you get another overview about CrypTool 2.4. .... What's new in version 1.4.20 / 1.4.21 2.5. .... What's new in version 1.4.30 3. .... Limitations and requirements 3.1. .... Scope of this Education, training and awareness software 3.2. .... Win32 environment, rights for installation and usage, Java-Runtime 3.3. .... Interactive online help under Windows XP 3.4. .... Support for different languages 3.5. .... Restrictions / Features / Hints & Tips 3.6. .... Using certificates and keys created with older CrypTool versions 4. .... Installation / de-installation / key usage / operating 4.1. .... Installation 4.2. .... De-installation of CrypTool 4.3. .... Repeated usage of keys 4.3.1. .... Keys of previous versions 4.3.2. .... Keys stored in the files of the PSE directory 4.4. .... Installation under multi-user operating systems 4.5. .... Operating under multi-user operating systems 4.6. .... Installation on a network drive --> Online help problem 5. .... List of delivered files 5.1. .... Checking the integrity of downloaded files 6. .... Brief history of the released main versions of CrypTool 7. .... Feedback and contact addresses 8. .... References / Hints / Awards 8.1. .... Articles about CrypTool 8.2. .... Further references 8.3. .... Further freeware projects (Crank, CAP, CryptoStudio, etc) 8.4. .... Awards A. .... Appendix A.1. .... Using CrypTool on Linux with Wine A.2. .... New features, Roadmap, Successor projects using Java/Eclipse and C#/.N ET 1. Brief description of the CrypTool package ----------------------------------------This ReadMe file is part of the free distribution of CrypTool 1, a program by means of which cryptographic functions can be easily demonstrated and known and unknown algorithms can be analyzed.

Already in the ancient ages such methods have been used for privacy of messages. Current methods are based on modern mathematics and offer besides encryption also to check integrity, to build digital signatures, secure authentication and many more. CrypTool supports both the execution and the analysis of such methods. CrypTool has been developed since 1998. Currently more than 40 persons world-wide are working and contributing to it. Every part of the program comes with extensive online help, which can be understood without deep knowledge in cryptography. CrypTool is available in the five languages - English, - German, - Polish, - Serbian and - Spanish. In all language versions the program has the same full functionality -translated and localized are the GUI (menus, dialogs, etc.) of the programs CrypTool, AES-Tool and Number Shark. Here is a list of the remaining components of the could not be localized for all language versions: DE EN ES PL Online help (html) yes yes no no Readme file (txt) yes yes no no CT script (pdf) yes yes no no CT presentation (pdf) yes yes yes no Elsner stories (pdf) yes yes no no CrypTool package, which RS no no no no no

In English and German the CrypTool package is completely localized. If a component isn't available for a special language version, then the according English component is attached. Further language versions (Russian, Ukrainian, ...) are under progress. It is required that the user is able to use typical applications under Windows. The current release version of CrypTool and the source code are available at the following internet addresses (without registration): Since beginning of 2010 more than 6000 CrypTool v1 packages are downloaded per month -- with a growing trend (more than 1/2 of the current downloads request the English version). Number of downloads of the current betas of the successor versions: JCT: ca. 500 / month CT2: ca. 2000 / month The aim of CrypTool is to explain cryptographic mechanisms and to demonstrate the use and the limitations of individual mechanisms. CrypTool has implemented almost all state-of-the-art crypto

functions and allows you to learn about, and use modern and classic cryptography within the same environment in a "playful" manner. CrypTool is used - within companies to help raising the sensitivity for IT security (awareness) and for educational purposes, - within school lessons and - within lectures at several universities. Kindly note the terms of the license non-liability for any damage arising conditions are described e.g. at the process and at the introduction page and the information regarding from the use of CrypTool. These web page, during the installation of the online help for CrypTool.

Previous users of CrypTool may find interesting especially chapter 2.5 (What's new in version CT 1.4.30) and chapter A.2 (Further development, Roadmap) of this ReadMe. We welcome very much everybody willing to further develop CrypTool or to give feedback. We are also glad about hints telling us about papers (diploma or doctor thesis or seminar home works), which could be integrated into CrypTool. Especially young developers should have the heart to participate -- as proven in the past they'll learn a lot about professional software development from the experienced developers. Contacts: Please see chapter 7 below. 1.1. How to start - An introduction to CrypTool -----------------------------------------When you start up CrypTool, the CrypTool work area starts up along with a small welcome screen which appears in the foreground. If you press F1 in the welcome screen, the starting page of the online help comes up too. This starting page is a good starting point, to become acquainted with all essential features of CrypTool (using the links on this starting page). Please read the information and the hints on the introductory help page. To quickly get up to speed on cryptography with CrypTool, we recommend that you work through some of the examples (tutorials) provided within the online help facility (the examples are shown in the online help contents overview under "Starting work with CrypTool"). The easiest way to try out many of the CrypTool functions is with the file "Startingexample-en.txt", which is open by default in the CrypTool work area. But you also can open any unencrypted file from the "examples" subdirectory or any other file. If a menu item has no meaning to you or you don't know exactly what to do within a dialog window, please press F1. If the according online help isn't satisfactory please give us feedback. You can find a 1-page overview over all menus in CrypTool (menu tree) within the included PDF script (see appendix A1 of this PDF). We hope you enjoy learning about cryptography and trying out all the

functionality within CrypTool. 1.2. Components of the CrypTool distribution --------------------------------------The CrypTool package includes the following four main parts: (1) The program CrypTool -----------------------Main part of the CrypTool package is the program CrypTool itself. CrypTool is a demonstration primarily used for training purposes: - To this end, CrypTool contains an extensive collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols which are well documented and partly visualized. In this way, CrypTool is very well suited for training and teaching employees awareness of the importance of IT security. - Most of the cryptographic basic algorithms used are taken from: - the Secude library (, - the Miracl library of Shamus Software Ltd (, - the OpenSSL library (, - the NTL number theory library of Victor Shoup (, - the APFLOAT library of Mikko Tommila (, - the MPIR library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (derived from GMP) ( and - the cv act library of cv cryptovision Ltd ( The currently used version of the included libraries can be seen within the "About CrypTool" dialog (see help menu). In this way, CrypTool is also an outstanding reference implementation of cryptographic methods. - The cryptanalysis of most of the classical algorithms implemented is automated. The analysis of modern techniques is limited so that CrypTool is not a hacker's tool. CrypTool is not intended as an application to be used as a Certification Authority (CA) [see chapter 3.1] or to encrypt or otherwise protect real-world data. (2) Documentation ----------------A comprehensive documentation is provided. This also consists of four parts: a) ReadMe file (this file) b) online help - context-specific help in order to use the program and further information about individual topics and principles, - demos and sample scenarios (here you learn to know single procedures step-by-step). c) script on the subject of cryptography (attached as a PDF file) d) presentation, which shows at some slides the possibilities of CrypTool (also attached as PDF file).

(3) Self-contained programs --------------------------The following programs can be called from within CrypTool or directly as a stand-alone program: a) The program AES-Tool v 2.5 (developed within the CrypTool project): CrypTool contains a special program for the creation of selfextracting executable files. This program can also be used independently. In this program a session key is generated from a password, and with this key any file's content can be AES-encrypted. This encryption tool can be called both as a Windows application and as a command line tool (e.g. called from within a batch file). At the installation the file extension, "AES" is associated with this program. b) The educational game "Number Shark" (by the CrypTool project): This game helps pupils to get acquainted with divisors and prime factors. c) The animation program ANIMAL (see This program is maintained by Dr. Roessling at the Technical University of Darmstadt. It allows to specify and model the single steps of algorithms or the components of data structures with as much detail as desired, and run these steps forwards, backwards, or automatically). It also can dynamically animate source code. Animations can be created with the Animal system using a GUI, a script language or a Java API. Further examples can be found within the ANIMAL repository: To run it JRE 1.6 is required (see chapter 3.2). d) As well as ANIMAL the following programs are stand-alone Java applications (JAR files). To run them JRE 1.5 is required (see chapter 3.2). - ECC demonstration v 1.1.1 - AES flow visualization - The Control Center of the S/MIME demonstration (according to given parameters it creates an XML file, which is used to control the called Flash animation). e) The Flash applications: - Rijndael Animation (visualizes the AES encryption method), - Rijndael Inspector (visualizes the changes in the state matrix after each step of each round of AES), - S/MIME Demonstration and - Enigma (visualizes the WW2 crypto machine Enigma). f) The Authorware application "NT" (Number Theory) introduces elementary number theory and visualizes many of the methods and concepts, which are the basis of modern public-key cryptography. Where appropriate, the mathematical formulas are shown. It allows to dynamically check out the mathematical methods with own number examples. Part of it is the program bc.exe by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), which allows to calculate with arbitrary precision from the command line.

(4) Stories (dealing with number theory and cryptography) and riddles ---------------------------------------------------------------------

a) There are two stories attached as PDF file. - In "The Dialogue of the Sisters" the title-role sisters use a variant of the RSA algorithm, in order to communicate securely. - In "The Chinese Labyrinth" Marco Polo has to solve number theoretic problems to become a minister of the Great Khan. b) Cipher Challenges: Also enclosed are 13 files with encrypted texts, which we got by courtesy of Klaus Schmeh, the author of the book "Codebreaker and Codemaker": Klaus Schmeh: "Codeknacker gegen Codemacher. Die faszinierende Geschichte der Verschluesselung", 2nd edition, December 2007, W3L These files contain some historically interesting (solved and unsolved) ciphertexts, which are appropriate as exercise or simply as pastime: 1) Dorabella cipher (unsolved) 2) D Agapeyeff cipher (unsolved) 3) Feynman ciphers (3 parts, two are still unsolved) 4) Kryptos sculpture (4 parts, the last one is still unsolved) 5) Double-Column-Transposition (Doppelwuerfel) (riddle created by Klaus Schmeh, plaintext is English, unsolved) 6) "The Adventure of the Dancing Men" ("Die tanzenden Maennchen") by Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)(transliterated, solved) 7) Harry-Potter cipher (riddle created by Klaus Schmeh, plaintext is German, unsolved) 8) "Mathias Sandorf" by Jules Verne (solved) More information about these files are available in the online help of CrypTool (see index item "Crypto Competitions/Crypto Puzzles") and within the book of Klaus Schmeh. Further riddles and challenges can be found - at the pages of CrypTool-Online and - at the pages of the crypto challenge "Mystery-Twister C3". All the single files included in the package are listed within chapter 5 (see below in this ReadMe file).

1.3. Acknowledgments ---------------A big number of individuals (more than 200) have contributed to CrypTool, normally complimentary in their free time (some are listed in the dialog box you get after double clicking the "About" dialog box). Where some of the developers/contributors live can be found at the new CrypTool website in the Google map (menu About -> Contributors). We are extremely grateful to these persons. I'd like to mention some outstanding software developers / architects within the CrypTool 1.x project. Their empowered and long-time dedication and their brilliant expertise and persistence are the key for such durable, agile and successful open source projects: Joerg, Henrik, Florian, Peer. I also want to thank some outstanding software developers / architects within the successor projects CT2 and JCT. They showed great endurance and expertise, necessary to overcome the difficulties of the brand new development environments and software architectures: - Philipp, Thomas, Sebastian, Arno, Martin, Timo, Soeren - Dominik, Matthias, Tobias, Simon, Amro, David

And needless to say the many undisclosed ones, especially students and interns who contributed a lot and thereby learned even more by the experts within the project. Sponsors are e.g. Deutsche Bank AG, the Technical University of Darmstadt and the university Duisburg-Essen. Further on we want to mention some contributors who have special conditions for their input: - Dr. Carsten Elsner allowed us to include both his stories. The author owns all rights at these stories. The maintainer of CrypTool is allowed by the author only to distribute this story together with the CrypTool package. The German version of the story "The Dialogue of the Sisters" was first published in the computer magazine c't, 25/1999. While c't published a slightly shortened version you here get the original version. - Dr. Guido Roessling allowed us. to include and deliver his freeware ANIMAL, a Java based animation software. - We also got the allowance to integrate enhanced versions of: - the two Flash animations for AES by Enrique Zabala, - the Flash animation for Enigma by Dr. Frank Spiess, - the number theory e-learning program by Martin Ramberger. All rights for a usage outside the free context of CrypTool application remain with the appropriate owners/authors. - The companies (see chapter 1.2) - Secude IT Security Ltd, - Shamus Software Ltd and - cv cryptovision Ltd allowed us gratefully to use their cryptographic libraries. These libraries distributed with CrypTool are not allowed to be used in another context than CrypTool without contacting the mentioned companies and asking for their current terms of license. Also we want to cordially thank the open source developers, who encouraged us with their code or who build code we can use, e.g. - the libraries OpenSSL, GMP/MPIR, APFLOAT and NTL, - the installation software NSIS (, - the text editor software Scintilla (, - the Hex Control ( I also want to thank - Mr. Bartosz Sawicki from the University of Warsaw, who did with his team the first Polish version. - Dr. Gonzalo Alvarez from the University of Madrid, who did with his colleagues the first Spanish version. - Bojan Dimitrovski from the University of Belgrade, who did with his colleagues the first Serbian version.

1.4. Maintainer and hosting ---------------------Since April 2008 the chair "Division for distributed systems", Engineering department of Prof. Dr. Torben Weis at the University of Duisburg-Essen,

Germany hosts the web page of CrypTool (available in 5 languages) and the Subversion repository system for the program sources of the successor version CrypTool 2. The chair "Security in Information Technology", faculty computer science from Mrs. Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany still hosts the Subversion repository system for the program sources of the release version CrypTool 1.x. The CrypTool developer group around Prof. Bernhard Esslinger continues to act as maintainer: This means they take care about the source code, they publish CrypTool as open source and freeware, and they co-ordinate the further development. Current steps of the roadmap are published in chapter A.2 and at the web page. Homepage of CrypTool: We would be very glad about every new developer, who joins to help to enhance the functionality and usability of CrypTool. Ideas for further development can be found in chapter A.2. Also very welcome are ideas and information, how CrypTool is used in lectures, school and education, so that we can help to share this information. A tool to foster such an information exchange in this area just started in German with the cryptology portal for teachers (

2. What does CrypTool offer in detail ---------------------------------2.1. What can you do with CrypTool ----------------------------The general properties and functions of CrypTool are: - E-learning program around the topic cryptography and cryptanalysis. - Everything in one program package and controlled by one common graphical user interface. - Many classic encryption methods, and for them either a manual cryptanalysis or an automatic analysis is offered (known-plaintext or ciphertext-only attack). - Codes like Base64 and UU-Encode. - Almost all modern symmetric encryption methods, accompanied by brute-force analysis (The brute-force attack on symmetric algorithms allows to define joker characters and the expected elapsed time is displayed. Additionally you can customize the width of the entropy field used for this kind of analysis within the analysis options; and you can specify which alphabet you expect the cleartext is build from). - Modern (asymmetric) crypto methods and protocols (hash, RSA, ECC, digital signature, hybrid encryption, PKCS#5, shared secret, ...) and partly attacks against it (birthday attack, side-channel attack, lattice-base reduction).

- Demonstration of the RSA cryptosystem (and some variants) and some number theoretic algorithms behind: - Generate and test primes (including the deterministic method AKS). - Factorize numbers (step-by-step) with different methods (the different methods run in parallel threads). - Make the RSA cryptosystem understandable and use it: - Generate RSA keys (also with primes of your own choice). - Encrypt/decrypt with RSA. - Generate RSA signatures and validate these. - Attack the RSA cryptosystem. - Three attacks against RSA, based on lattice reduction. They work, if special preconditions are given: * either a part of one of the two factors of N is known ("Factoring with a Hint"), * or a part of the cleartext of an eavesdropped encrypted message is known and e is small ("Attack on Stereotyped Messages"), * or if d is too small compared to N, N can be factorized ("Attack on Small Secret Keys (according to Bloemer/May)"). This implementation was done within a thesis, which can be delivered via email (this thesis only exists in the German language). - Visualization / Animation / Demonstration - demo of the sensitivity of hash algorithms. - visualization via flow process charts (e.g. the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol or the challenge response demonstration). - Animations - with ANIMAL: for the ciphers Caesar, Vigenre, Nihilist and DES, - with Flash: for AES, Enigma and S/MIME, - with Java/SWT: - Addition of points on an elliptic curve (either on a discrete or on a real curve), - flow visualization of AES, - control center of the S/MIME demonstration. - Demonstration for different ways of authentication in the net (Visualization of challenge response methods): * from UID/PW and One-Time-Password * over (unidirectional) challenge response (symmetric + asymmetric) * to asymmetric mutual authentication. * The user interactively can control, what a attacker could do (get the computer under control, create or separate connections, eavesdrop). * Experience: only the mutual asymmetric authentication is secure against man-in-the-middle attacks. - Demonstration for a side-channel attack against a typical hybrid encryption protocol: If the implementation is not comprehensive, but formally correct, as happened in reality, the attacker can very efficiently calculate the used session key of an eavesdropped message by sending protocol-appropriate requests to the server. - Calculate hash values and demonstrate its sensitivity. - Implementation of HMACs (combination of hashes and symmetric methods to authenticate messages). Hashes have been already used in CrypTool within PKCS#5 or digital signatures. - The Shared Secret method from Shamir has been implemented with many options.

- Random numbers: - Generators and statistical analysis for (random) data (e.g. FIPS-140-1). - The Secude cryptographic random number generator allows to gather entropy by mouse moves and keyboard entries. This is the default, when calling it the first time, because it shows, that you need a random source in order to get good random data. - 3-D visualization of big sets of random numbers with the rendering engine from OpenQVis ( - Export and import RSA and DSA PSEs with the keys stored in there via PKCS#12. - The modern methods are implemented according to international standards (reference implementation). - The last adjustment for a method (parameter, key or alphabet) is stored within the program. A stored key can be retrieved via an insert-key-icon for any single key, which make the handling of testing and probing easier. - For each window you now can call a dialog which shows all relevant properties of the document. - In all classic algorithms where the alphabets of the text documents play a role, now the alphabet handled in the common dialog "Text Options" is used. So an improved usability could be implemented: When entering a key, you now can see at once which method is adapted, because each according key-entry dialog contains the additional button "Text options", which directly leads to the dialog "Text Options" (Users found, that the most needed place to use text options was within the key-entry dialog. So from here it's no more necessary to first close the key-entry dialog again and then call the text options via the main menu). This call via a click at the button "Text options" is implemented within the key-entry dialogs for Caesar, monoalphabetic substitution, Vigenre, Scytale, permutation and homophones. - CrypTool can be used without having administrator access rights. Different users at the same PC can have different settings. See chapters 3.2 and 4.4 for details. - The same menu structure is permanently visible: Items which cannot be clicked for special document types are dynamically made gray. - The self-contained program AES-Tool can create self-extracting programs. So you can encrypt any file with the AES algorithm, protected by a password (entered as a hexadecimal key). Full functionality also when calling from the command line. A self-extracting archive may not be bigger as 4 GB. But if you one create the encrypted AES file the original file maybe significantly larger than 4 GB. - The self-contained e-learning program about the mathematics behind the asymmetric cryptography presents exhaustively and interactively the elementary number theory. - Three applications based on the Chinese remainder theorem: * Solving a system of linear modular congruencies using the solar system as an example.

* Showing how you can calculate (add, subtract or multiply) with modular remainders (residues) instead of the (bigger) actual numbers. * Showing the shared secret method (this is an electronic equivalent to the vault mechanism where e.g. at least 3 key-owners must cooperate to open it, but 5 different keys are there). - With the Password Quality Meter (PQM) dialog you can check the resistance of a password with different methods and by defining minimum requirements. - With the Password Entropy dialog you can generate passwords, which achieve a similar security as a randomly created binary key for symmetric ciphers with a given bit length. You can also customize the alphabet to be used for the password. - The educational game "The Number Shark" helps pupils to get an easy understanding of divisors and primes. - Web page with the hash values of all downloadable CrypTool files: So you can check the integrity of the files of the CrypTool package stored on your computer. - Exhaustive documentation (online help, script). The online help has HTML format. The online help contains explanations about the handling and about all the cryptographic methods, a historic overview and the integration into further scientific and organizational topics plus how cryptography should be used. - CrypTool is used world-wide in schools, universities, agencies and companies.

2.2. Where do you find the source code --------------------------------- The sources of the release version (Tag "CrypTool_1_4_30") and the current developer sources are available directly from the subversion repository. Everybody has read access without a password to this repository via: svn checkout --username anonymous - To get an impression of the size of the CT1 project here is a statistics created in July 2010 using the files of version 1.4.30 beta 08. FILE SUMMARY (number of files according to file extension) -----------4 .rc files 36 .c files 321 .cpp files 375 .h files 36 .java files 12 .pl files 1.142 .html files 44 .txt files 39 .tex files 4 .sage files 2.013 TOTAL LINES OF CODE (LoC) SUMMARY

--------------------------60,575 MFC resource code (rc) 257,675 C/C++ source code (c cpp h) 9,778 Java source code (java) 2,044 Perl code (pl) 64,561 HTML code (html hpp) 7,811 Text files (txt) 34,503 LaTeX code (tex) 825 Sage code (sage) 437,772 TOTAL TOTAL: 437,772 lines of code (plus of 14.5 % from 382,244 with v1.4.21) - Here only code written within the CrypTool project or explicitly dedicated to the CrypTool project is counted. Any sources used within the CrypTool project coming from other open source projects like OpenSSL, NTL, Scintilla, ... are not counted here. Also any automatically created files are not counted. Snapshot about the number of files and the number of lines of code - Details about compilation, linking and about a consistent development can be found in the sources in the file "readme-source.txt". - The sources have been compiled with the Microsoft development environment Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition (VC++ v9.0), in order to support the most-modern Microsoft development environment. The Express Edition of VS2008 is not sufficient, because this does not support the old MFC library (in contrast to the Standard Edition) for the GUI, which is still used in CT 1.x. Additionally there was a need to change from VS2003 to VS2008, because some libraries could only be compiled with VS2008 in a way, that they run well under both Windows XP and Windows Vista. Compiling all versions (5 languages, each in debug and release mode) lasts about 2 h on a modern PC.

2.3. Where can you get another overview about CrypTool ------------------------------------------------You can get a good overview of what CrypTool offers - at the attached PDF presentation (title: "Cryptology with CrypTool") and - at the web site of CrypTool (use the Menus "Features -> CrypTool Features" and "Media -> Screenshots"), - using the menu tree in appendix A.1 within the attached CrypTool scripts, or - within the online help (see "starting page").

2.4. What's new in version 1.4.20 / 1.4.21 ------------------------------------This chapter lists the enhancements and bug fixes in CrypTool 1.4.20 and 1.4.21, which have been added since CrypTool 1.4.10. a) Developer-relevant changes (more technically oriented): - Clearance of source code, better re-usage. - Update to OpenSSL 0.9.8g, ANIMAL 2.3.14 and NSIS 2.37.

- Automated consistency check within the online help (link to menus, dialogs, pictures, mutual links). - Safeguarding entry fields against fuzzy input via clipboard, to avoid provoked program crashes. b) Changes within the user documentation: - Online help: enhanced. - Within the script: minor bug-fixes, menu tree within appendix A.1 adapted to the new version of CrypTool. - Updated and enhanced presentation (more than 100 pages now). - New CrypTool website using Joomla since April 2008. c) New functionality: - Bug fixes: - Many small improvements in the masks (user interface): user guidance; refresh; cursor correctly set again after dialog change; DH, Hill and side-channel-attack dialogs consistently offer a checkmark to show detail dialogs or to create log files. - Corrected the AML file for the DES animation with ANIMAL (in the matrix K[1] a bit was set to 1 instead to 0). Thanks to attentive users! - The installer now handles previously installed versions better. - The installer links the file extension AES to the AES-Tool; and optionally includes AES-Tool into the context menu "Open with ..." within the Windows Explorer. - The menu "Help" within the CrypTool application now also contains the item for the CrypTool presentation. - Within the text option dialog there now is a check mark for German Umlauts in order to build the used alphabet by clicking. - A text file now can be shown in any given fixed block length: e.g. formats xxx xxx xxx or xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ... Also you can convert everything into small or capital letters. - The editors are enhanced: * Hex editor / Hex control / HexView: - Search and replace (including hex nulls) also in the hex area. - Undo / Redo. * Text editor: - Search and replace can be done with synchronized ascii and hex strings - Redo. - The ADFGVX cipher now can deal with variable alphabets for the transposition password defined by the text options dialog (not only the 26 capital letters). - Enhancement of the brute-force analysis for symmetric ciphers (Henk -thanks for the practical and educational suggestions): - Define the alphabet of the expected plaintext in order to limit the

search of a possible correct key. - Showing a choice of the 50 plaintexts with the lowest entropy values. - The AES-Tool in version 2.5 is faster when handling large files. The files extension AES is linked to this application during the installation process. - The educational program/game "Number Shark" in version 1.1.5 was corrected a little bit and the online help was enhanced. - SHA2 family (SHA-256, SHA-512) added for calculating the hash value of the shown document or of a file - Improving of the password-quality-meter: In addition to the known PQM methods from KeyPass and PGP an own component was added. This new method rates the password by making realistic assumptions about the attacker's knowledge coming from dictionary attacks: - Recognition of series and patterns (the entropy is calculated no more only from single independent characters). - All methods are normalized: 100 % means 128 bit entropy. If 100 % is achieved, further entries in the password field are ignored. - Restrictions in this version: - In the password field no blanks can be entered (all ascii codes <= 32 are ignored). - The new PQM method rates at most 32 characters of the entered password. - The password entropy dialog offers to create random passwords which offer a similar high security as randomly generated binary keys for symmetric ciphers using a given bit length. Additionally you can specify the alphabet used for the password.

2.5. What's new in version 1.4.30 ---------------------------This chapter lists the enhancements and bug fixes in CrypTool 1.4.30, which have been added since CrypTool 1.4.21. Version 1.4.30 was released simultaneously in English, German, Polish, Serbian and Spanish. a) Developer-relevant changes (more technically oriented): - Clearance of source code, better re-usage, many warnings eliminated. E.g. the Hill encryption including the GUI was written completely new. Doing so around 6000 lines of C++ code could be saved, nevertheless functionality and performance were improved! - The welcome screen was created newly, so that the texts of different languages can be combined with the background more easily. - Now compiled with VS2008. - Update of used libraries and other software to the following versions: - Scintilla 1.7.7 - cv act library v. 1.4.6 (supporting Windows Vista too) - OpenSSL 0.9.8k - MPIR 1.3.1 (derived from GMP version 4.2.1) instead of GMP 4.1 - APFLOAT 2.41

- Animal 2.3.21. - Source code and application of CrypTool 1.x are now subject to the Apache license 2.0 (see b) Changes within the user documentation / on the websites: - Online help: well enhanced (e.g. modi and padding variants used for block ciphers now are described explicitly). - CrypTool script: Extensive revision: - extensions and update to status quo, - inclusion of many Sage code samples, delivery of the Sage code as files, - minor bug-fixes, - menu tree within appendix A.1 adapted to the new version of CrypTool, - new cover. - Updated and enhanced presentation (more than 110 pages now). - From the CrypTool website links are set to the sites of the successor versions JCT1 and CT2, which already offer their current and stable betas for download. - The following additional websites also belonging to the CrypTool family of website went life: - "CrypTool-Online" runs various crypto functions directly within a browser. - "CrypTool-Mobil" runs various crypto functions directly within a smartphone. This maybe helpful for geocaching. - A teacher's portal with material for the lessons and links (currently only in German) - An international crypto challenge contest with tasks of different levels. - A short video with CrypTool is on YouTube: - German: - English: - Spanish: - At the CrypTool website, section presentations, now there is an interactive introduction into the basics of RSA (as PPT and as Flash): c) New functionality / Usability: - Bug fixes --> Thanks to the many attentive users! - Bug fixed in AKS which appeared with the numbers 2^8+1 and 2^16+1. The corrected version of AKS is slower. - Bug fixed in AKS which broke CT when calculating the estimated time for very big numbers. Fixed by using MPIR instead of an older Windows version of the GMP library. - Bug fixed in further primality tests which appeared when the tested number had prime factors < 39. - In the dialog "Key generation from password (according to PKSC #5)" now hash values with leading zeros are presented correctly.

- The ECC-AES hybrid encryption and decryption now also runs under Windows Vista (thanks to a new cv act lib from cryptovision). Additionally, now a correct error message pops up, if one tries to decrypt an unencrypted text. - DH Demonstration: In earlier versions a crash happened when a digits (e.g. 2) were appended to an automatically created generator. This is fixed now. - Side-channel attack on the hybrid encryption protocol "Textbook RSA": In earlier versions a crash happened when a RSA modulus was used longer than 1024 bits when starting the attack cycle. This is fixed now. - The Secret Sharing application using the CRT now disallows, that n=k (so all share holders are necessary) in order to avoid that the algorithm then would make the whole secret evident to the first share holder. - RSA demonstration: Keep the entered parameter e after calling options. - Fix for the ECC demonstration: - The old version calculated under special circumstances a point outside the curve when adding points over the discrete group over F(p). - The coordinates dynamically shown at the points near the mouse cursor are now completely visible also at the right border. - The point in infinity is now added in the overall number of points. - The log window now is amodal, resizable and the content is more well-arranged. - The sliders are broader now, so its easier to adjust the parameters. - The version number now is 1.1.1 and it is shown in the title. - Fix for DESX/DESXL: Now the effective bit length is displayed in encryption and brute force dialogs. - Fix for DESX/DESXL brute force analysis, which skipped keys when searching in the last 128 bit of the key (brute-force analysis ignores correctly the parity bit of the DES key for performance reasons; this can be done so only for the DES key part of the whole key). - The result of the attack on the hash value of the electronic signature previously showed a wrong number of steps (always ca. 4.x*10^18). - Fixed a crash which happened when first defining within the text options as alphabet the capital letters plus the small umlauts, and then calling the Caesar cipher. - Fixed a bug when entering hex strings from the clipboard (now its inserted only at the marked places). - Switching between text and hex view does not loose the font selected for the text view of a document. - Conflicts with the certificate serial numbers: So far serial number have been generated consecutively, and the serial number was not checked when a cert was imported into the key store. This could involve using the wrong certificate when validating a message. Both are fixed: The serial numbers are now generated randomly and if a new certificate is to be imported, first it is checked whether its number is already generated. If so its rejected. - The ciphertext-only analysis of XOR ciphertexts calculated a wrong key length despite the shown autocorrelation was correct. Now the correct key length is shown and used. - Correction of quite a few typos within the CrypTool online help, the resource files of CrypTool, AES-Tool and NumberShark, and the Animal AML files. - CrypTool now remembers its main window position and size and uses this when it is restarted. - User convenience: Especially helpful for new users who did not use online

help and asked about the meaning of the icon the icon used to paste keys from the internal key store into several modal dialogs now carries a tool tip ("Paste key"). - Many small dialog for and number menu "XOR" improvements in the masks (user interface), e.g. elapsed-time the AKS test; text in about box can be marked and copied; time of found factors are shown at once in the factorization dialog; in analysis of ciphertext-only changed to "XOR / Vernam".

- Contributors and translating organizations are now listed in own dialogs (which can be called from the new About dialog). - Extensive enhancements of the online help. - External PDFs on the internet now can be opened directly within the online help. - The XOR/Psion tutorial in the presentation used an encrypted file (created from a German cleartext). Now there is also a file with an encrypted English cleartext: psion-en-enc.hex - For all DES based methods now the dialogs show both the effectively used key length and the key length which the user has to enter. - All available 8 hash methods offered in the dialogs for: - Key generation from password (according to PKSC #5), - Generation of a hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), - Generation of the hash value of a file, and in the - Hash demonstration. - The HMAC dialog was newly designed. - Within the HMAC dialog the names are related to the literature and the according online help contains the corresponding references. Variant 5 of the HMAC sample constructions now exactly follows RFC 2104. Details: CrypTool contains five HMAC variants (H = hash function, k = key, m = message): 1. H ( k, m ) 2. H ( m, k ) 3. H ( k, m, k ) 4. H ( k, m, k' ) 5. H ( k , H (k, m) ) Only variant 5 is specified by a standard (RFC 2104, FIPS PUB 198). This HMAC is calculated via: H ( k XOR opad, H(k XOR ipad, m) ) where ipad = 64 bytes each 0x36, opad = 64 bytes each 0x5C. If the key k is longer than the block length of the hash function, then k will be substituted by H(k). All this functions are implemented using OpenSSL. - Within the PKCS #5 dialog now at most 100,000 iterations can be calculated. Additionally more hash methods are supported than described in the original standard. - Enhancement of the brute-force analysis for symmetric ciphers: Another column was added to also show the key which goes with the current columns of entropy of cleartext, cleartext and ciphertext. - If the result in the dialog primality testing says, that the given number

is NOT prime, then you can directly (via a new button) call the factorization dialog. - Until 1.4.21 the dialog "Generate Primes" created two randomly selected primes within a given range. Now all primes within a given range can be generated (generation of prime sets). - Diffie-Hellman now creates the primes and the generator according to standards for secure generators. - New is the fast calculation of integer powers. This uses the library APFLOAT and it can be used to calculate and store all digits of the current prime number records (Mersenne numbers). In this dialog for the input of integers the thousands separators used in digit grouping (commas) are set automatically. This is more user friendly for eventually very big exponents. - Added the classic transposition ciphers Scytale and rail fence (combined in one dialog) including the view and insertion of the key via icon. - Solitaire encryption: Dialogs are improved, display of "A" and "B" for the jokers instead of "53" and "54" (as in the original description), message is no longer limited to 64 kB, the key streams created can be stored. Solitaire's manual analysis (reconstruction of the initial deck) is improved. - The permutation cipher now can be applied to hex files too. - The way, how a permutation is created from a key word, is now the same with all methods (double column transposition, ADFGVX). - The Hill cipher supports further options, and all key parameters and all according options are saved in the key store (registry). - Playfair encryption offers further options (pre-formatting; differentiate whether to insert separators only between pairs of double characters or always when double characters follow each other in the plaintext). This makes a difference when dealing with words like "BALLOON". - All specific options are now within the dialogs of the according methods. So we could get rid of the menu item "Further Options". - The checkbox "Special characters" within the dialog "Text Options" now offers some more characters by default. Maximum are 98 characters for the classic ciphers. - The alphabet set in the dialog "Text Options" now affects almost all classic ciphers: Therefore all adapted methods now have a button to directly call the Text Options dialog from the Key Entry dialog. The "Text options" button is enabled at - the classic substitution methods (Caesar, Vigenre, monoalphabetic substitution, Hill) and at - the classic transposition methods (Scytale, transposition part of ADFGVX). The "Text options" button is intentionally not available in the key entry dialogs for the following ciphers: - Substitution part of ADFGVX (algorithm requires fixed alphabet) - Playfair (the algorithm determines via the matrix the alphabet)

- Permutation (all data is permutated; pre-format the document if wished by yourself via the menu "View \ Format Text Document") - Solitaire (algorithm requires fixed alphabet; turning all letter into the 26 upper-case letters and deletes all other characters). This enhancement came especially because of many requests to offer more characters for the monoalphabetic substitution. - A visualization for secure e-mail was added: The user can enter dynamically data which is signed or encrypted using the S/MIME protocol. - Another visualization for the AES algorithm was added: flow visualization, showing how the bits are changed round-by-round (compiled with Java 1.5). - The educational program/game "Number Shark" (in version 1.2.1) was corrected and the online help was updated and enhanced. Showing the optional solutions: - Until now optimal results could be shown in two ways: - Until n=158 they have been stored. - For any number they could be calculated in a very slow brute-force algorithm. - Now they can be calculated much faster using a back-tracking algorithm (39 numbers within around 1 minute; 40 numbers within around 5 minutes). - Even much more faster are heuristic algorithms, like the ones implemented in JCT. They normally don't find an optimal result, but a very good one. Best known results up to n=404 are delivered with the game now. All known values can be shown in a table. - If the Number Shark calculates optional results (which can last very long), then you now can restart using stored pre-calculations. - Further background pictures have been added. - The educational program "Number Theory" got some few corrections and is now included in the version from 2010-06-19. - For the simple column transposition now a known-plaintext analysis is added to calculate the transposition key. This known-plaintext analysis is now better integrated -- together with the previous known-plaintext analysis for the Hill cipher. All keys found by the transposition analysis are now shown in a table. - Further ciphertext-only analysis for Vigenre (according to Schroedel): This is effective for very short cryptograms if the password comes from a dictionary.

3. Limitations and requirements ---------------------------3.1. Scope of this Education, training and awareness software -------------------------------------------------------CrypTool is a demonstration primarily for training and awareness purposes, which is intended to be used at once without any previous configuration work.

Therefore the development goal of CrypTool was not to be used productively for encryption or as a Certification Authority (CA) -despite the functions are correctly implemented in CrypTool. For instance - contrary to productive CA applications - the CA key pair is contained directly within the software (source and binary) and it is protected with a very simple PIN for the CA-PSE (personal security environment). The root key of the CA built in CrypTool 1.4.30 has a length of 2048 bit and it is valid for 20 years (July 6th, 2006 - July 6th, 2026). Certificates issued with the root key of older CrypTool versions (1.3.05 and older) cannot be imported in version 1.4.30. Please notice when creating user certificates with CrypTool, that each CrypTool program contains a root CA with the same key pair. This means that everybody (!), who uses CrypTool, can sign user certificates with this built-in CA. Professional PKI software like the OpenXPKI, the FlexiTRUST from FlexSecure, Entrust, the Secude CA or the Microsoft CA additionally manage the whole certificate life-cycle, offer CRL handling, take care for unique serial numbers and use defined registration processes. Nevertheless all the modern crypto algorithms in CrypTool are implemented according to international standards and are working as "well" as in productive applications. 3.2. Win32 environment, rights for installation and usage, Java-Runtime -----------------------------------------------------------------CrypTool requires a Win32 environment. CrypTool 1.4.30 is supported to run under Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Some functions [ANIMAL, ECC demonstration -- see chapter 1.2, part (3)] require an installed Java Runtime Environment JRE (version >=1.5). The computer equipment should have at least a 300 MHz CPU, 256 MByte RAM, and 100 MByte free space on the hard drive (low requirements). Different language versions (localizations) can be used in parallel at one computer (must be installed in different directories). Different users using the same PC can have different settings (because these settings are stored in the user-specific area of the Windows registry). Usage of CrypTool: - CrypTool can be used without having administrator access rights. - Explanation: When using the CrypTool application you need write access for: - files within the CrypTool directory PSE (for the PKI key management), - files within the user-specific TEMP directory (for storing temporary files ), - the user-specific area of the Windows registry (to store user settings). Installation of CrypTool: - Under Windows XP this can be done without having administrator access rights; but under Windows Vista and Windows 7 these rights

are required. - Explanation: During the installation process persistent data is stored at the following places, so the installing person needs to have write access for: - the CrypTool directory, - the user-specific area in the Windows registry. Remark 1: Where the TEMP directory of Windows is, can be seen by entering %TEMP% in the Windows Explorer. The value can also be seen and adjusted under Windows XP via "System --> System properties --> Tab Enhanced --> Environment variables". Or by entering "echo %TEMP%" at the command line prompt. Remark 2 -- Details concerning access rights: a) Program Directory: For a successful installation the installation directory selected by the user must be writable during installation. Two subdirectories of the installation directory ("pse" and "examples") will be enabled for writing for everybody who is in the group "Users". b) Registry: To enable the registration of ".aes" and other file extensions for AES-Tool, the following part of the registry needs to be writable during installation: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications CrypTool will be listed as installed application in the control panel (System -> Software) only if the following registry key is writable: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall c) Start menu: CrypTool is installed in the Start Menu for all users if the following directory is writable during installation: %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs If this directory is not writable CrypTool will be installed in: %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs. 3.3. Interactive online help under Windows XP ---------------------------------------Using Windows XP there is a special case where it is not possible to get the online help via F1: Only menu entries with submenus are affected. The problem only occurs while the submenu is displayed. In this case pressing F1 has no effect. Usually you can also help in CrypTool also for selected menu items which itself have submenus -- independent of whether the submenu is popped up or not. Under Windows XP you only get the online help, if the submenu is not popped up. With other versions of Windows this doesn't matter - there it is only important, that the menu has the focus. Workaround with example: Select the menu item "Indiv. Procedures \ RSA Cryptosystem": If the submenu of "RSA Cryptosystem" pops up, but you want to get help for the menu item "RSA Cryptosystem" itself, only under Windows XP you have to close the submenu of

"RSA Cryptosystem" using the Esc or the left arrow key, and then press F1. 3.4. Support for different languages ------------------------------Program, help facility and the documentation are designed to run in more than one language (currently completely in English and German). For each supported language CrypTool 1.4.30 comes with an extra installation program (setup). 3.5. Restrictions / Features / Hints & Tips -------------------------------------- In order to demonstrate the RSA cryptosystem and to factorize integers CrypTool uses the long integer arithmetic of the Miracl library from Shamus Software Ltd. We restricted the integer bit length up to 8192. - From binary files "only" the first almost 2 GB can be loaded into the hex editor (< 0x7ffff000 = 2.147.479.552 Bytes). In contrast text files can be loaded in unlimited size by the text editor (if you got enough resources on your pc). - Reading and saving text file always uses the two characters CR/NL (so usual under Windows) to characterize the begin of a new line. This means that documents you get from Unix, where a new line is characterized only with the character LF) are getting longer [LF is changed into CR/NL]. So the validation of a signature could fail. - Text boxes within dialogs are built with two different editor controls. They handle pressing the enter key at the key board differently: a) Scintilla: Enter adds CR/NL and moves the cursor to the next line. b) Standard MFC editor: Pressing Enter moves the focus away from the text editor and tries to trigger the OK button. - Display of special mathematical characters within the HTML help: Microsoft's HTML-Help calls the predefined Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). Version IE 6 sometimes has problems, to display mathematical characters like the Gauss bracket. If your computer has IE7 as predefined Microsoft browser, the it works ok. The basic HTML files, which are aggregated within the CHM file are displayed correct with IE7 and Firefox 1.5 and higher. Within the online help chapter about the modulo operator the Gauss bracket is used to describe the next lower integer. - For performance reasons it was decided that CrypTool limits the document size when performing n-gram analysis: - for binary data up to 64 kByte and - for text data up to 256 kByte. Files opened, which are longer, are truncated -- only in this special analysis -- to the maximal length. - Hash values of external files, which are not loaded into the internal editor, can be calculated for files of any size.

- SMIME Flash Video bug > Error description: Flash videos of the type ".flv" are opened with the CrypTool player for flash animations after CrypTool was started and a flash animation (like S/MIME or Rijndael) was opened. > Solution: Manual definition of the correct player. Therefore right-click on a ".flv" file and choose "Open with ...". Now select the desired player using the shown list and set the checkbox at the bottom ("Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"). Afterwards click "OK" and from now on ".flv" files will be opened with the correct player. - The self-contained program AES-Tool can create self-extracting programs. So you can encrypt any file with the AES algorithm. A self-extracting archive may not be bigger as 4 GB. But if you one create the encrypted AES file the original file maybe significantly larger than 4 GB. Please keep in mind, that the output of the stand-alone AES-Tool is not identical with the output you get within CrypTool, using the menu item sequence "Crypt/Decrypt \ Symmetric (modern) \ Rijndael (AES)" (even if you create a file with has the extension "aes"). CrypTool itself currently uses a fixed IV (0), which is not stored. AES-Tool uses a random IV, which is appended together with the file name to the end of the encrypted data. 3.6. Using certificates and keys created with older CrypTool versions ---------------------------------------------------------------Please see chapter 4.1, describing this when doing the installation.

4. Installation / de-installation / key usage / operating -----------------------------------------------------4.1. Installation -----------To install CrypTool on your PC, copy the CrypTool setup executable to a suitable place in the file system and double-click on it. The default target directory is "C:\Program Files\CrypTool". The target directory can be altered in the installation routine. You need access rights for the target directory. If you install it as administrator in "C:\Program Files\CrypTool" then you still can run CrypTool later as a normal user. If you change the name of the target directory "CrypTool" e.g. in "CrypTool-1.4.30-Final-E", then the entry in the start menu of the Windows task bar will adapted accordingly. 4.2. De-installation of CrypTool --------------------------To de-install use the "Start" menu entry in the windows task bar. Go for "All programs" \ "CrypTool". Click "Uninstall CrypTool". Sometimes the JAR files cannot be deleted because Windows and the JRE

report that the file is still in use despite CrypTool and all its stand-alone programs are closed. After rebooting the system the JAR file and the whole directory can be deleted. 4.3. Repeated usage of keys ---------------------4.3.1. Keys of previous versions ----------------------------------------------------------If you already possess an earlier version of CrypTool, the installation program tries to de-install the old version of CrypTool before installing the new one. Please note: - During de-installation not all of the directories and files in the program directories (normally "C:\Program Files\CrypTool") may be deleted. If so, delete these manually. - De-installation will delete all user generated asymmetric keys and certificates. If you intend to further use these keys and certificates also in the newly installed version of CrypTool, then there are two alternatives: a) Import from an CrypTool version older than version 1.4.00: - RSA and DSA keys: You can export these RSA and DSA PSEs with the old CrypTool into the PKCS#12 format; and import these files with the new CrypTool. - For ECC keys: Here it is enough to copy the according files (e.g. [da][db][EC-prime239v1][1131039030][d] ) from the old CrypTool\pse directory into the new one. b) Alternatively from CrypTool version 1.4.00: Copy the entire pse\ directory into another directory BEFORE doing the installation. After the installation of the new version copy the saved pse\ directory to the installation folder. Please note that it might be necessary to adjust the access permissions if multiple users want to share one CrypTool installation. In that case set the access rights in the sub-trees "pse\" and "pse\pseca\" to full access for each user. The "pse\" sub-tree should not be manually altered as, if the structure becomes inconsistent, it may be necessary to completely reinstall CrypTool in order to use the certificate based methods. 4.3.2. Keys stored in the files of the PSE directory --------------------------------------------The RSA and ECC key created in the menu "PKI" are stored in the directory PSE (the keys of the classic methods are not permanently stored). From version 1.4.20 a user-specific directory is used as PSE directory (not the actual installation directory any more), to avoid access problems in multi-user environments. So CrypTool accesses its asymmetric keys and certificates by default from the user-application directory. When a user calls CrypTool the first time, it determines this directory using the environment variable APPDATA, and then the CrypTool program directory pse\ is copied completely into the user-application directory. These user-individual keys have the following benefits - there is no need any more for write access to parts of the program directory,

- most (all) read and write problems in multi-user environments should be solved so [see chapter 4.5.b)], and - when a new installation is done, the user-individual keys are not overwritten. You can enforce the old behavior if you set the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CrypTool\Settings\UserKeyStore\UseUserKeyStore to the value 0 (this registry variable is visible after the first call of CrypTool). 4.4. Installation under multi-user operating systems ----------------------------------------------In multi-user systems like Windows XP the administrator has full access to the whole file system; the other users are normally restricted. If a normal user installs CrypTool he needs write access for the directory in which CrypTool should be installed: - e.g. for the directory %ProgramFiles% (normally C:\Program Files), if the sub-directory "CrypTool" does not already exist; or - for the directory %ProgramFiles%\CrypTool (C:\Program Files\CrypTool), if this already exists. If he does not have these rights, the installation program stops. Therefore as a normal user without admin access rights, you should specify as target directory a so called "local directory" (instead of "C:\Program Files"). "Local" and accessible for any user could be e.g.: %ALLUSERSPROFILE% (The default of the English Windows XP is: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users"). If you install CrypTool without administrator rights and you also have no write access to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu, then the CrypTool specific entries are missing in the start menu of WXP ("Start \ All Programs"). But every user can add these entries manually. Remark: In the same way as with %TEMP%, you can see, where these directories are on your disk by entering in the Windows Explorer %ALLUSERSPROFILE% or %userprofile%. 4.5. Operating under multi-user operating systems -------------------------------------------a) All user-specific parameters are stored in the local user-specific registry (including the files lastly opened or the algorithm options you changed): b) If the user wants to create (or change) files from within CrypTool in multi-user systems like Windows XP, then he needs writing access for the appropriate target directory (or for the appropriate files). If this does not work, the user normally gets a warning. Writing access is explicitly necessary for only two directories: - the default Windows directory for temporary files (TEMP) for the cry*.* files, - the sub-directory "CrypTool\pse", where the created asymmetric keys and certificates are stored in. 4.6. Installation on a network drive --> Online help problem ------------------------------------------------------Especially in courses at schools educational software is only installed at the central machine like a Windows network server; the client PCs

are calling the program from there. This works with the program CrypTool itself. But if the online help is called from a client PC, then it will not be displayed according to the default settings of Windows XP. This is no problem specific for CrypTool, but for all Windows online help. The HTML-Help-program then normally only shows the content overview of the index, but not the content of single help pages. Online help under Windows normally comes from a CHM file, which bundles all single HTML help files. Within the Microsoft HTML-Help-program the Internet Explorer is used to display the HTML help files bundled in the CHM file. Early XP versions allowed a client PC to display help files on a server. To close a security gap the Windows XP update (KB896358) was distributed. Unfortunately this patch also causes that the Microsoft HTML help doesn't display the actual help page [but the meta information like content, index or search words are displayed correctly], if you want to access from a client help files stored at a server. WORKAROUND: Because de-installing a patch is no good idea and because in this scenario it is not wanted to store the CHM files locally, you can change or add a special registry entry: Assuming that the CHM files are stored at "X:\program\CrypTool" where "X" is a server partition with the UNC path "\\server\user". Therefore, the full UNC path to the CHM files would be: "\\server\user\program\CrypTool". Open the Registry Editor (Start > Run... > "regedit") and navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTMLHelp\1.x". Create a new key "ItssRestrictions", and in this key create a new string with the name "UrlAllowList" and the value "\\server\user\program\CrypTool;file://\\server\user\program\CrypTool; X:\program\CrypTool;file://X:\program\CrypTool". By adding these entries in the registry of all client PCs all clients have access to the server partition. ATTENTION: Changing the registry can cause Windows to stop working. You are solely responsible for such changes. To change the client's registry you probably need administrator rights. Further information: - -;f=10;t=00006 5

5. List of delivered files ----------------------The package is distributed as a compressed, self extracting archive in five different language versions: English, German, Polish, Serbian, Spanish. The self-extracting archive in English language

SetupCrypTool_1_4_30_en.exe contains the following files: ReadMe-en.txt .... This brief instruction (English). md5sum.txt ....... MD5 hash values of all files within the CrypTool package. sha1sum.txt ...... SHA-1 hash values of all these files. authors.txt ...... Information about the authors of CrypTool-1. CrypTool.exe ..... The executable e-learning program. aestool.exe ...... A program which encrypts files into self-extracting programs. To decrypt the files, the correct password must be entered. CrypTool-en.chm .. HTML help archive containing the CrypTool online help system (in English). rijndael-poster-a4.pdf ... Procedures of the AES algorithm (German) msvcr71.dll ...... Necessary for CrypTool.exe. EC-Param.ini ..... Initialization file for public-key procedures based on elliptic curves. TEST-Param.ini ... Initialization file for random number tests. secude.dll ....... Library of cryptographic functions provided by Secude IT Security Ltd. ticket ........... License for the Secude library. libxml2.dll ...... Is used by the secude.dll. secidea.dll ...... Is used by the secude.dll for IDEA encryption. srndmskb.dll ..... Used by secude.dll for collecting entropy when initializing the Secude random number generator. db.dll ........... Is used by the secude.dll. secude.xml ....... Is used by the secude.dll. libeay32.dll ..... Library from OpenSSL. SciLexer.dll ..... Library of the Scintilla text editor. cracklib_Win32.dll .. Supports PQM tests. Rijndael-Animation.exe .. Animation (Flash) of the AES algorithm. Rijndael-Inspector.exe .. Animation (Flash) of the changes within the data block when processing the AES algorithm. AES_Flussvisualisierung.jar .. Visualization of data changes in AES. Enigma_en.exe .... Animation (Flash) of the 3-rotor Enigma machine. Enigma-Help_en.html .. HTML online help of "Enigma_en.exe" (English). enigma_screenshot1.png .. Screenshot used by the Enigma help file. eccdemo.jar ...... Demonstration (Java) of adding points on elliptic curves. NT.exe ........... Educational program (Authorware) of number theory. TextNumberConverter.exe .. Auxiliary program of "NT.exe". ToolBarWrapper.dll .. Necessary for the Authorware program NT.exe NumberShark.exe .. The educational game "NumberShark". NumberShark_en.chm HTML help archive for the NumberShark online help. GameData.txt ..... First high-scores for the NumberShark game. script-en.pdf .... A manual on cryptography, prime numbers, elementary number theory and the mathematics behind certain algorithms. CrypToolPresentation-en.pdf .. Slides presentation

DialogueSisters.pdf ... Fantasy story by Dr. Elsner describing a variant of the RSA cryptosystem. ChinLab-en.pdf ... Story by Dr. Elsner about basic number theory problems assigned to Marco Polo by the Great Khan. Uninstall.exe .... Part of the NSIS installer. license-en.rtf ... Used from the installer. examples\ ........ This directory contains various sample files which are used in the scenarios provided in the program. Files ending with the suffix ".txt" are text files. All other files are binary. Files whose names are in the format "XX-enc-YY.*" are encrypted files. Please do not change these files. examples\CrypTool-en.txt \CrypTool-de.txt \CrypTool.bmp \Startingexample-en.txt \Startbeispiel-de.txt \Startingexample-pl.txt \Playfair-enc-de.txt \probetext-de.txt \psion-en-enc.hex ... Encrypted file from the tutorial English \psion-de-enc.hex ... Encrypted file from the tutorial German \vernam.txt \original.txt ..... "Harmless" sample for the hash collision demonstration. \fake.txt ......... "Dangerous" sample for the hash collision demonstration. \letterFromAliceToBob-DECRYPTED-en.txt .. Sample files for the \letterFromAliceToBob-ENCRYPTED-en.hex .. demonstration of the side-channel attack on hybrid encryption. \state2.hex ....... Un-encrypted sample data of ... \state2-enc.hex ... Encrypted sample data of "Rijndael-Animation.exe", used and created with "CrypTool.exe". cryptochallenges\ ... This directory contains files with ciphertext. Most of them are historically interesting, some are still unsolved. Two special challenges are also included: the Doppelwuerfel (double column transposition) cipher and the HarryPotter cipher. cryptochallenges\Schmeh01-Dorabella-enc.txt Schmeh02-Agapeyeff-enc.txt Schmeh03a-Feynman-enc.txt Schmeh03b-Feynman-enc.txt Schmeh03c-Feynman-enc.txt Schmeh04a-Kryptos-enc.txt Schmeh04b-Kryptos-enc.txt Schmeh04c-Kryptos-enc.txt

Schmeh04d-Kryptos-enc.txt Schmeh05-Doppelwuerfel-enc.txt Schmeh06-SherlockHolmes-enc.txt Schmeh07-HarryPotter-enc.txt Schmeh08-MathiasSandorf-enc.txt reference\ ...... This directory contains text files in the languages German, English, French, Spanish, Polish and Latin. These files are routinely used as references for the analysis of encrypted texts. These files are write-protected. reference\deutsch.txt // Extract from the German value-added tax law \english.txt // Extract from Agenda 21 [UN document] \genesis-de.txt // Book of Genesis in the \genesis-en.txt // languages German, English \genesis-es.txt // French, Spanish, Polish and Latin. \genesis-fr.txt // The 2-letter codes are according \genesis-pl.txt // to the ISO 639 language codes. \genesis-la.txt words\ ........... This directory contains the files used to perform the tests recognizing password patterns, and the tests for the Vigenre analyses (according Schroedel). words\cracklib-words cracklib_dict.hwm cracklib_dict.pwd cracklib_dict.pwi VigenereAnalysisSchroedelDictionary.txt VigenereAnalysisSchroedelDigrams.txt VigenereAnalysisSchroedelTrigrams.txt


sage\ ........... This directory contains the source code of the example calculations in the manual script-en.pdf using the computer algebra system SAGE. sage\SAGE-Samples-in-Chap01.sage SAGE-Samples-in-Chap02.sage SAGE-Samples-in-Chap03.sage SAGE-Samples-in-Chap04.sage pse\ ............. This directory and its subdirectory pseca\ are used to store (asymmetric) keys and certificates that have been generated. pse\[SideChannelAttack][Bob][RSA-512][1152179494][PIN=1234].pse [HybridEncryption][Bob][EC-prime239v1][1178702474][PIN=1234] [HybridEncryption][Bob][EC-prime239v1][1178702474][PIN=1234].pse pse\pseca\calog \capse.cse \CA_exts \cert.dir \cert.pag \crls.dir These files are necessary for the administration of the key database.

\crls.pag \CRL_exts \user.dir \user.pag animal\ .......... This directory contains files, necessary for the animation program ANIMAL. animal\Animal-2.3.21.jar \animal.bat \ \AnimalResources \AnimalResources.en \AnimalResources.en_US \ \AnimalResources.es_SP \animList.txt \anmTypes.dat \ \Editors.dat \elementDefinitions \exporters.dat \figTypes.dat \handlers.dat \imgTypes.dat \importers.dat \languages.dat \languages.default \parser.config \txtTypes.dat \types.dat animal\anims ..... This directory contains AML files. Each AML file contains the description of an animation for an encryption method. animal\anims\caesar_en.aml \des_en.aml \nihilist_en.aml \vigenere_en.aml Bc\ .............. This directory and the ones below contain the utility BC for calculations with arbitrary precision. It belongs to "NT.exe", from where it can be started directly. Only bc.exe and bc.1.txt are part of the original distribution; the remaining BC files are from the "NT.exe" author and contain scripts with number theoretic functions. Bc\bc.1.txt \bc.deutsch.txt ... German translation of bc.1.txt \Bc.exe \BCmax.bat \BCmin.bat \bruch.txt \calc.txt \dislog.txt \ECM.TXT \pi.txt

\polynom.txt \Prims.txt \quadRest.txt \res.txt \RSA.txt \seed \sieb.txt \testBruch.bat \testPi.bat \testPolynom.bat \testRSA.bat \testSieb.bat Bc\contrib\Authors \bc-1.06.README \ChangeLog \COPYING \COPYING.LIB \FAQ \INSTALL \install-sh \News \README Bc\manifest\bc-1.06-bin.mft \bc-1.06-bin.ver xtras\ ............ Files needed by Authorware, used to build "NT.exe" xtras\BMPVIEW.X32 \MIX32.X32 \VIEWSVC.X32

smimedemo\ ............ Files needed by Flash/Java animation of an S/MIME e-mail. smimedemo\anim.swf \lock2.gif \smime.ini \SMIME_Animation.exe [creates temporarily params.xml] \start-en.bat \swt-awt-win32-3235.dll \swt-gdip-win32-3235.dll \swt-wgl-win32-3235.dll \swt-win32-3235.dll smimedemo\font\Mathematica7.ttf \Mathematica7b.ttf \Mathematica7m.ttf \Mathematica7mb.ttf smimedemo\images\encrypt.png \sign.png smimedemo\krypto\CertInfoDialog.class \KeyStoreUtils.class \KryptoService.class

smimedemo\lib\bcmail-jdk16-141.jar \bcprov-jdk16-141.jar \commons-codec-1.3.jar \mail.jar \swt.jar smimedemo\mail\Mail.class \MailService.class \SignedDataProcessor.class \SignedMultiPart.class smimedemo\main\Config.class \Programm.class \Resetable.class smimedemo\texte\ITexte.class \TranslationText.class smimedemo\userinterface\AliasDialog$1.class \AliasDialog.class \GUI$1.class \GUI$10.class \GUI$11.class \GUI$12.class \GUI$13.class \GUI$14.class \GUI$15.class \GUI$2.class \GUI$3.class \GUI$4.class \GUI$5.class \GUI$6.class \GUI$7.class \GUI$8.class \GUI$9.class \GUI.class \MyInputDialogData.class \PasswordDialog$1.class \PasswordDialog.class smimedemo\utils\Tools.class \Utils$FixedRand.class \Utils.class \Version.class

While CrypTool is running, the following files are generated and managed: cry*.* ........... CrypTool writes temporary files to the \temp directory (file names begin with cry*.*). These files have the following file extensions: txt -> text file view hex -> hexadecimal (binary) view plt -> diagram/plot view (histogram, autocorrelation) ogl -> OpenGL graphics view org -> copy of an original file after file open tmp -> temporary file for intermediate results

5.1. Checking the integrity of downloaded files -----------------------------------------The integrity of files can be verified using hash values. Hash values are like fingerprints -- with a small information base you are able to identify a much larger object. The files of the CrypTool project normally get on your computer by downloading the archive (setup file) and unpacking the archive: a) Downloadable files: At the homepage of CrypTool you can find the hash values of all files directly downloadable from the English Web page within the files md5sum.txt and sha1sum.txt. If you newly calculate the hash of a downloaded file and then compare it with the values at the CrypTool homepage, you can see, whether you got an unchanged copy of the original file or not. If the hash values are different you should download the file again and eventually try to find the reason, why you had a modified file at your computer. b) Additionally you can check the files WITHIN the downloaded setup package: The hash values of these files are within the files md5sum.txt and sha1sum.txt, which will be unpacked as part of the archive. In order to do the integrity check of the downloaded or unpacked files you can use the wide-spread tools MD5SUM and SHA1SUM. Alternatively you can use the program CrypTool itself: The hash values of "external" files can be calculated, even without loading them into CrypTool: - click the menu "Indiv. Procedures \ Hash \ Hash Value of a File", - open the regarding file, - choose MD5 or SHA1 as hash algorithm, - compare the shown hash value with the value within md5sum.txt or sha1sum.txt. Security reasons recommend to do the comparison for binary files (EXE, DLL, PDF, ...), if you are not quite sure, that your computer is untouched.

6. Brief history of the released main versions of CrypTool ------------------------------------------------------Release Version 1.0.01 1.1.01 1.2.00 1.2.02 1.3.00 1.3.02 1.3.03 1.3.04 1.3.05 1.4.00 1.4.10 Date Oct. May Aug. Dec. Jan. June Sep. July Aug. July July 1999 2000 2000 2000 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2006 2007 Size of Windows Setup Disc space English German needed EN 1.3 MB 2.3 MB 2.8 MB 3.2 MB 4.7 MB 4.9 MB 6.4 MB 6.9 MB 6.5 MB 6.9 MB 8.1 MB 8.6 MB 8.2 MB 8.6 MB 18.2 MB 18.4 MB 26.7 MB 27.5 MB 47 MB Released by DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB

1.4.20 1.4.21 1.4.30 Remarks 1.3.02 1.3.03 1.3.04

July 2008 July 2008 Aug. 2010

36.1 MB 36.1 MB 51.5 MB

37.1 MB 37.1 MB 52.1 MB

73 MB 73 MB 94 MB


about the versions: Many new functions compared to 1.3.00. Many minor bug fixes and documentation improvements. Some new functionality, some minor bug fixes, and major documentation improvements and enhancements (online help, script). 1.3.05 Some minor bug fixes. 1.4.00 Beta10 Dec. 2005 First public beta of version 1.4.00. 1.4.00 Beta12 Mar. 2006 Second public beta of version 1.4.00. 1.4.00 Beta14 July 2006 Third public beta of version 1.4.00. 1.4.00 Many new functions compared to 1.3.05. 1.4.10 Beta04 May 2007 First public beta of version 1.4.10. 1.4.10 Beta06 July 2007 Second public beta of version 1.4.10. 1.4.10 Set of functions and online help heavily enhanced compared to 1.4.00. 1.4.20-Beta03 May 2008 First public beta of version 1.4.20. 1.4.20 Set of functions and online help enhanced compared to 1.4.10; Mostly fine tuning and code stabilization (quality release). 1.4.21 Patch containing also MSVCR71.dll. This DLL is used by the current OpenSSL library, but not available by default on blank Windows systems. 1.4.30-Beta03 Mar. 2009 First public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30-Beta04 Sep. 2009 Second public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30-Beta05 Jan. 2010 Third public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30-Beta06 Feb. 2010 Forth public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30-Beta07 June 2010 Fifth public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30-Beta08 July 2010 Fifth public beta of version 1.4.30. 1.4.30 Many bug fixes and enhanced functionality compared to v1.4.21. Disc space needed for the different language versions of 1.4.30: EN: 93.7 MB DE: 94.7 MB PL: 100.0 MB RS: 93,7 MB xxxxxxxxx SP: 94.4 MB

7. Feedback and contact addresses -----------------------------If you have any problems or find any errors, please do not hesitate to send an exhaustive description of the problem (and some screenshots) via e-mail to one of the persons mentioned below. We would be very grateful for suggestions of any kind regarding CrypTool and we'll be helpful whenever our time allows. We would also be interested to hear how and where you use CrypTool. Contact addresses: - - -

8. References / Hints / Awards ---------------------------

8.1. Articles about CrypTool ----------------------8.1.1. c't 14/2001, pp 204-208 ----------------------A 5-page article on CrypTool was published in July 2001 in this renowned and widely circulated German computer magazine. 8.1.2. DuD October 2002 ---------------A 4-page article on CrypTool was published under the title "CrypTool - spielerischer Einstieg in klassische und moderne Kryptographie. Neue Version - fundierte Awareness in Deutsch und Englisch" in the German technical journal "DuD Datenschutz und Datensicherheit" (Privacy and Data Protection) in the issue 10/2002. 8.1.3. KES 2/2003 (May 2003) --------------------A 6-page article on CrypTool was published under the title "(Ver)Schlsselerlebnisse - CrypTool untersttzt Verstndnis fr die Grundlagen der Internetsicherheit" in the German technical journal "KES - Zeitschrift fr Informations-Sicherheit" (journal for information security) in the issue 2/2003. [The Title means "Experience cryptography -- CrypTool improves the understanding of information security"]. 8.1.4. Proceedings 8th German IT-Security Congress of GISA (May 2003) -------------------------------------------------------------The presentation "Awareness in der Informationsgesellschaft: CrypTool - Kryptographie spielerisch verstehen" was given by Mr Koy at the GISA (German Information Security Agency) congress 2003 in Bonn. The article for the congress is within the proceedings, "IT-Sicherheit im verteilten Chaos", at page 485 - 500. 8.1.5. Datenschutz PRAXIS (June 2005) -----------------------------A 2-page article on CrypTool was published under the title "Spielend verschlsseln lernen mit dem kostenlosen CrypTool" by Dr. Rainer W. Gerling, in the German journal "Datenschutz PRAXIS", in the issue June 2005 [The Title means "Learn playfully how to encrypt with the free software CrypTool"]. 8.1.6. Report Touch Briefing Information Security (October 2006) --------------------------------------------------------The "Touch Briefing Information Security" report 2006 contains the article "The CrypTool Project -- Improving Awareness and Education for Cryptology". Accessible via: Using the search keywords "awareness cryptology" both and afterwards listed this article at the top ranking. 8.1.7. DFN-News, Edition 73 (April 2008) --------------------------------------------------------This edition of the German Research Net organization (DFN) contains the 4-page article "CrypTool -- An e-learning programme for cryptology". Accessible via: 8.1.8. KES 3/2008 (July 2008) ---------------------A 3 1/3-page article on CrypTool was published under the title

"(Ver)Schlsselerlebnisse NG" in the German technical journal "KES - Zeitschrift fr Informations-Sicherheit" (journal for information security) in the issue 3/2008. [The Title means "Experience cryptography Next Generation"]. It deals with the 10th anniversary of CrypTool and the upcoming new versions. 8.1.9. Telepolis 8/2008 (August 2008) -----------------------------An article by Klaus Schmeh about CrypTool was published under the title "Werkzeugkasten fr Codeknacker" in the German online magazine Telepolis. [The title means "Tool box for code analysts"]. 8.1.10. Eclipse Magazin 4/2008 (October 2008) -------------------------------------An article by Dominik Schadow about JCrypTool was published under the title "JCrypTool: Kryptisch gesagt..." in the German "Eclipse" magazine. This article is available for free as reprint via the direct download link: eMagazin_Kryptisch_gesagt_Schadow.pdf 8.1.11. ep-Elektropraktiker January 2009 -------------------------------A 2-page article on CrypTool was published under the title "CrypTool - sichere Kommunikation" in the German technical journal "ep-Elektropraktiker" (Practical Electronics) in the issue 1/2009 by H. Moebus. 8.1.12. DuD March 2009 -------------A 6-page article on CrypTool was published under the title "CrypTool - an open source project in practice. Lessons learned from a successful open source project" in the German technical journal "DuD Datenschutz und Datensicherheit" (Privacy and Data Protection) in the issue 3/2009. Accessible via:

8.2. Further references -----------------8.2.1. Wirtschaftswoche special issue -----------------------------In the special issue "Cryptography" of the magazine Wirtschaftswoche (Sept. 2000) there was a competition entitled "Crack the text!". Please see cn_artikel/id/62633!100301/SH/0/depot/0/bt/1/index.html. If you followed the hints provided, you could be able to crack the task using CrypTool in a few mouse clicks. 8.2.2. GISA citizen CD "Into the Internet - with Security" --------------------------------------------------The German Information Security Agency (GISA) and the German ministry for internal affairs published in spring 2002 a CD in order to inform citizens how to use computers and Internet and how one can securely use the Internet. CrypTool is included on this CD to raise the knowledge about cryptographic security functions. More than 600,000 copies of this CD have been produced.

The content of this CD is the basic for the GISA security portal "for inexperienced Internet users" ( 8.2.3. GISA Software Suite BOSS 2.0 (Jan. 2007) --------------------------------------------The German Information Security Agency (GISA) delivered CrypTool 1.4.00 as part of the software suite "BSI OSS Security Suite 2.0 (BOSS)". See 8.2.4. Usage in further education / courses (examples) ----------------------------------------------- CISSP, T.I.S.P. - TeleTrusT Information Security Professional, ... - Certified Penetration Testing Specialist (CPTS) - gic-infrastructure-security-sis-training/prod_11.html Security Certified Network Professional (SCNP) - Strategic Infrastructure Secu rity (SIS) Training - (Dec. 2008) A 22 week Course on Networking & System Security (CNSS) offered by C-DAC Hyderabad, India where CrypTool is used for educational purposes. The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is primarily an R & D institution for Information Technology (IT) based solutions.

8.2.5. Mentions on different web sites ------------------------------a) When writing "The Code Book" Simon Singh collected on his web site a lot of material about cryptography, its history and its education. Within his newsletter ( from Feb 11, 2004 he recommends CrypTool as one of four worldwide crypto tutorials: - - - - b) The Professional Security Testers Warehouse (PST) had a submission by Jaganmohan Kataru (CISSP, MCSE) in the Security News Dashboard at Sep 21, 2005 with the post subject: "eLearning Program for Cryptology": file=viewtopic&t=34 Similar post was at the "CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CISA, ISSPCS, and SANS GIAC GCFW Open Study Guides Web site" for Cryptography with the title "CrypTool A great tool to learn more about cryptography", posted on Thursday, September 22, 2005.

c) Wikipedia: - English: - - - - German: - - - - Polish: - - - Spanish: - - Serbian: - - French: - - Thai: - - Italian: - d) A small selection of further pages: (resource site for the book "Cryptography and Network Security", 4th edition by William Stallings) ...

8.3. Further freeware projects (Crank, CAP, CryptoStudio, etc) --------------------------------------------------------Available with complete source code are: - Crank was initiated in January 2001 by Matthew Russell and is released under the GNU general public license, the GPL. In the Crank project the idea was to create a program with a graphical user interface under Linux which will allow to automatically break classical crypto algorithms. The focus was on the analysis of mono-alphabetic substitution ciphers and the development of generic and flexible analysis tools. The current version 0.2.1 was released in August 2001. Since then no further development took place. On the project web page there are also some interesting links on classical cryptanalysis.

- Griffon was started in 2000 by Adrian Mulvaney and is released under the GNU general public license, the GPL. Griffon is a GTK+ GUI cryptanalysis package for pre-digital ciphers. Mono-alphabetic transposition and substitution ciphers and Playfair are covered. The program includes a customizable frequency count. The current version 1.0 was released in November 2000. Since then no further development took place. - (old) (new) Kryptos is an open source project begun at the George Mason University. Kryptos is educational software for teaching cryptography with a static GUI, but many modern algorithms, which can origin from different dynamically selectable crypto libraries. It has no cryptanalysis functions. The current version Kryptos 3.01 was released in December 2006 and requires .NET Framework 2.0. - CryptoStudio from Prof. Marco Russo The current version 1.0 was releases in June 2005 and is available in English and Italian. It is a GUI (looking like Microsoft's Visual Studio) offering functions of the general purpose cryptographic open source library OpenSSL and using its command line tools. So the web page states: "Many of the CryptoStudio functionality are a mere GUI wrapper of OpenSSL tools, intended to make those tools available also to uninitiated users". Users can also find utilities for file encryption, basic s/mime mail management etc., but no cryptanalysis. - GCipher is a small encryption tool for Unix, without online help and without cryptanalysis. The three classic ciphers can be performed via the GUI as well as via command line and via network proxy. The current version 1.0 was published in June 2003 by Shannon -jj Behrens. - The Java program CryptoHelper.JAR of the "Math and Computer Science Club" at NKU is also very complete concerning classical ciphers. Last update: Gary Watson, 2005. - Cypher, written in C and FLTK (for Windows and Unix), is a toolkit designed to aid in the decryption of historical ciphers by providing statistical data and algorithmic analysis on encrypted messages. It was developed in a university project by 6 (?) students in 2000. The Website contains the source files, but not the executables. The only other programs known to us, which usefully combine cryptography and cryptanalysis (under a graphical user interface), are such, where the source code is not public: - CAP from Dr. Richard Spillman The current version 4.1 was released in 2004 for download. This software exists in English only. From the programs we know, CAP and CrypTool have the most exhaustive functions for cryptanalysis. - CryptAid from David Lovelock (development probably stopped already in 1997) - The Visual Basic program "Cryptological Mathematics" from Prof. R.E. Lewand (vivid presentation of some number theoretic functions, functions for encryption and encryption; no functions for cryptanalysis; software to accompany his book; probably from the year 2001) - John Trafton's student cryptography project in Java: (single statistical functions and classical encryption methods; available since December 2002) - The Java application "CipherClerk" by Wilhelm M. Plotz (encryption and decryption with many classic algorithms; last update in 2003) - CryptoBench - GUI around parts of Wei Dai's Crypto++ library Compact and clearly arranged GUI implemented around Wei Dai's Crypto++ library (no cryptanalysis). The current version 1.0.1 of the CryptoBench exists since 2004. Wei Dai's Crypto++ library is open source, the GUI of CryptoBench is freeware, but not open source. - "Cryptanalysis Tools" by Steven Kohns The program was designed for the Cryptology class at NKU (Northern Kentucky University) in Spring of 2004. It is designed to help create and break simple ciphers. To work under Windows XP the "Windows 2000 compatibility mode" has to be enabled. Last update: May 02, 2004 - Uploaded Cryptanalysis Project Nov 27, 2004 - Version 0.17 (as per splash screen) - Version 0.37 (as per help file)

If we are missing something here or are incorrect anyhow, please feel free to inform us, so that we can complete or correct the list. We explicitly want to state, that we would welcome very much if the efforts made for these single programs could be combined into one merged new program. We are very keen about any co-operation!!

8.4. Awards -----In general the biggest award for us is, if CrypTool is broadly used in education and training. Additionally we have been very glad about the many positive feedback we got so far.

CrypTool was honored with the following awards (see web page): - TeleTrusT Special Award The TeleTrusT Special Award for education about cryptography and promoting acceptance, awareness and understanding of cryptographic methods was conferred at the ISSE conference. - European Information Security Award 2004 The CrypTool project was a finalist in the European Information Security Award (EISA 2004) in the category education and training, hosted by the RSA conference Europe. - IT Security Award NRW 2004 CrypTool and the Institute of Information Systems (University of Siegen) received the IT Security Award NRW in the category education (e-learning / knowledge transfer about cryptology). - Selected Landmark in the Land of Ideas 2008 The event series 365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas is a project of Germany "Land of Ideas", a joint nation-branding initiative by Germany s federal government and the private sector. CrypTool was selected in the category science and technology. The project was presented at a big public event at the University of Siegen on July, 22nd, 2008.

A. Appendix -------A.1. .... Using CrypTool on Linux with Wine A.2. .... Future features, Roadmap, Successor projects using Java/Eclipse and C# /.NET A.2.1. .... Possible areas for further development -- ideas, requests A.2.1.1. .... Functionality: Algorithms / Methods A.2.1.2. .... Functionality: Analysis A.2.1.3. .... Internal interfaces / Editors A.2.1.4. .... User interface / Visualizations A.2.2. .... Roadmap: Successor projects using Java/Eclipse and C#/.NET A.2.2.1. .... Design of the successor projects A.2.2.2. .... Features, planned for the successor projects CT2 and JCT1

A.1. Using CrypTool on Linux with Wine --------------------------------In a short test under Ubuntu with Wine 1.2 CrypTool 1.4.30 worked. Generally we do not aim to support Wine. Instead of that the platform independent version JCT also runs under Linux (see chapter 3.5).

A.2. Future features, Roadmap, Successor projects using Java/Eclipse and C#/.NET --------------------------------------------------------------------------In general all bigger new developments will go directly to the two successor projects (see chapter A.2.2).

Within CrypTool 1.x bugs will still be fixed and functions will be added by people, who prefer to keep on developing in C/C++. A.2.1. Possible areas for further development -- ideas, requests --------------------------------------------------------A.2.1.1. Functionality: Algorithms / Methods ----------------------------------- Implement additional algorithms on each topic: * Codes: - T9 etc. ( * Encryption: - Classic procedures (incl. analysis): e.g. - Nihilist - Enigma, Sigaba - Turning grille (Fleissner) - Further rotor ciphers, Hagelin, Lorenz machine, Purple. - Symmetric procedures: Camellia (RFC3713), RC5 and Gost (, Radio Gatun, SOSEMANUK, VSH, ... - Public-key methods: McEliece, Rabin, NTRU. - Demonstration of visual cryptography - Integrate new methods developed at Ecrypt (Network of Excellence in Cryptology). See * Hashes: - Tiger ( - All SHA-3 candidates ( * Protocols / weaknesses in protocols: - Visualization of man-in-the-middle attacks. - Visualization of SSL. - Blind signatures. - Electronic voting. - Tripartite key exchange (planned for Java-CrypTool). - Kleptography ( - Offer fast selection between different encryption methods using a dialog box instead of using menus (and making all parameters of these algorithms customizable) (see CryptoBench). - GNFS for factorization (Ted) - Generation of all hash values using a regular expression as password pattern (Hartmann) - Generate cryptographically strong elliptic curves and use these to implement a cryptosystem based on elliptic curves. Here, one could take the cryptosystem developed by Menezes and Vanstone that was proposed by the authors in 1993: A. Menezes and S. Vanstone, "Elliptic curve cryptosystems and their implementation", Journal of Cryptology, 6 (1993), pp 209-224. - Because cryptographic structures and formats are often ASN.1 encoded: Integration of an ASN.1 decoding tool. - Random numbers: - In Germany evaluations of deterministic random number generators are based on AIS 20 (since December 1999; AIS = Application

Notes and Interpretation of the Scheme) and evaluations of physical random number generators are based on AIS 31 (since September 2001). Especially AIS 31 has achieved great interest outside of Germany: this scheme evaluates not only the quality of the output like FIPS-140, but also the design of the generator itself ! The documents AIS 20 and AIS 31 are both in English and German available at the web page of the German GISA: It would be a meaningful enhancement of CrypTool, to implement these requirements on evaluating random number generators and also to visualize them. - Usage of the already integrated 3-D visualization of random numbers in order to emphasize weaknesses of random number generators (like with LCG) by showing the hyper planes you can see when turning the cube. - Additional randomness tests (from the Spanish version?) - Implement further standards and refer to all places, where they (e.g. PKCS#5) are used, from a menu and from the online help (main task here is user interface and documentation). - Reveal the link between CrypTool (PKCS#12) and PGP by enabling the use of PGP keys within CrypTool. Idea: Open private-key ring via a given password, analyze its structure, get the private key (PGP sources are available) and use this key, to decrypt PGP files with the algorithms implemented in CrypTool. This shows, that PGP also uses the standard algorithms. - Create a test suite with examples and solutions, in order to automate testing and to make sure, that program changes do not negatively influence old and running functionality: a) interface, to load test cases manually into the dialog boxes b) interface, to load test cases from a file into the different dialog boxes. Maybe build a script language to control all dialogues or use automated test tools off-the-shelf. c) create command line interface, so test cases can be read from a file without using dialog boxes (no user interface), solved and the result again written to a file: -> automatic comparison of the solution possible -> new version can be tested easier. A.2.1.2. Functionality: Analysis ----------------------- Especially desirable is cryptanalysis in all forms and if its visualization could be enhanced. - Offering a (good) analysis for all encryption methods (which is at least for the classic methods better than brute-force). - Attack on symmetric encryption methods, where you have the flexibility to reduce the parameters of the encryption method. - Differential cryptanalysis on symmetric ciphers (DES, ...). - Enhance the brute-force possibilities: Use knowledge about

- parts of the cleartext, - parts of the key. - Demonstration, how long an exhaustive key search lasts (depending on the key length). - Analysis to be newly implemented for: * homophone encryption * permutations/transpositions - Known-plaintext analysis of the double column transposition, - Ciphertext-only analysis of the double-column transposition. * Playfair encryption - C sources from Gunnar-Andresson are available. - Analysis to be improved for: * mono-alphabetic substitution - explicitly show mutually inverted digrams like "th"/"ht" and double-characters like "tt". - Show the characters which have been substituted not only capitalized but also in red to enhance readability. * Vigenre - Another cryptanalysis method, which is especially valid for short ciphertexts (according to the article of Tobias Schroedel in Cryptologia) - Use word lists (dictionary) for all attacks, not only for the substitution. - Usage of algorithms from the area of AI (artificial intelligence) and GP/GA (Genetic Programming/Algorithms) in order to analyze automatically (classical) encryption ciphers. - Mass pattern search: Implementation of an enhanced high performance pattern search for pre-given standardized and regular patterns of any size (e.g. in order to find multiple patterns in one file which are also there in another file), or which searches for unknown but repeated patterns in a document. The search could be enhanced by additionally offering replacing. - Search for patters using norms (i.e. "together" = 12341546). C sources are available. - Facilities for correcting individual characters in the analysis of XOR, ADD, Vigenre. Ignorance of non-encrypted areas. - Display of second-, third-, etc. -best hit in XOR/ADD analysis (this could lead to a shorter key length). - Autocorrelation: Execute further operations (XOR, ADD, ...) in the blocks prior to super imposition, if appropriate. - Make it possible to edit the homophone key (necessary for the analysis of homophone encryption). - Floating entropy: automatic search for places in a document with high entropy. - Illustrate the Vigenre analysis more deeply: - Enable to enter not only a fixed value for the key length, but also a range of values (e.g. "2-9"). Then show in the next

dialog for each length the statistically most appropriate key. Eventually show the top-10 most likely keys for a given length. Clicking at the displayed key proceeds the according decryption. Clicking an additional button performs the decryption for all displayed keys. - The analysis option "Show base ciphers" currently shows for each "column Caesar" the graphics correlation and histogram. Additionally the text for each column Caesar could be displayed. - Timing Attack on RSA / Advantages of blinding. - Visualize current hash attacks (e.g. create postscript documents according to Lucks or PDF documents according to BSI with the same hash value) and explain the scenarios. - Usage of Rainbow tables. - Attack on the WEP protocol (part of CrypTool 2). - Implement and/or visualize further attacks against concrete protocols in order to improve future concepts.

A.2.1.3. Internal interfaces / Editors ----------------------------- Store all used keys in a container. Enable showing all keys for the different encryption methods in a dialog. Enable to store them permanently as a file in a format common for all CrypTool versions. - At least in the successor projects: Make sure a separation of cryptographic functions from the user interface (this makes ports and debugging easier). - Enable customization wherever possible: Offer an option to set e.g. initial vector, number of rounds, key length, word size or the kind of padding (e.g. for the RC5 algorithm, see RFC2040). Then these additional customizations must become part of the format for the internal key storage. - Libraries for arbitrary length numbers and cryptography: - Support further libraries (FLINT/C, Wei Dai's Crypto++, APFLOAT, ...) - Extend existing limitations of the N-Gram analysis concerning the file size (evtl. give user feedback and allow to stop calculation, if a high amount of time is necessary).

A.2.1.4. User interface / Visualizations ------------------------------- There are several dialogs within CrypTool 1.x where special input fields expect a special number format (decimal, hexadecimal, ...). The dialog "The RSA Cryptosystem" e.g. allows to enter the message as text (with an alphabet defined by you) or as a number (with 4 different base numbers); compared with that the primes here can only be entered as decimal numbers or as terms of decimal numbers.

Alternatively an a-modal window for interchanging the bases could be used. - It would be useful if a calculator can be called from within CrypTool as an a-modal window: it should accept terms with numbers of any basis as input and it should show the result in several fields in parallel with different number bases. The right output number representation could be transferred into the clipboard via button, or the mouse could drag the field content directly into the entry field in the CrypTool dialog box. - An interactive interface for calling the CAS system Sage would be interesting ( - Visualize generally the according mathematical basics, e.g.: - using a text book - using Sage notebooks like the ones for ECC introduction by von Maike Massierer at: - at: - This cover page contains no calculations, but the links to the remaining parts; in order to execute the calculations within the remaining parts you have to make copies as Sage user. - like PascGalois Software ( - see also - - t_at=301&num_to_see=50 - - - Offer a customizing feature to the user, so that he can choose that all new windows appear within the main windows (as right now) or as "free" (modal or a-modal) windows outside the main window. E.g. show single dialogue windows in an a-modal way (e.g. N-gram analysis, manual analysis, hybrid encryption demonstration). This allows that one can switch between the main window and the dialogue window without closing the dialogue window first (the burden is a more complex control mechanism, handling of multiple calls to the same dialogue, update after change of window focus or after changing the underlying original data within the main window, ...). - AES-Tool -- enhancement as standalone tool: - Integrate the PKCS#5 dialog to let the user enter letters in his used way: then set random values for salt and iteration counter and ask the user, to remember the generated hex value or store it securely. - Also encryption of complete directories. Generally within CrypTool the keys of modern encryption methods intentionally must be typed in using the hex format. We pedagogically did it by will, that everybody sees what type of key the different methods expect: classical methods expect a key built from the used alphabet, modern symmetric methods expect binary data of key length 56 bit till 256 bit. On the other hand people normally are used to type their input using all ASCII keyboard buttons. Within a productive application the key should NOT be built of ASCII-letters. If it is wished to use a ASCII password then it is better to generate a good key from the password. Within CrypTool both requirements (key input via ASCII and showing,

that good hex-keys are necessary) could be combined in the following way: Within the hexadecimal key input dialogs a button should be added, calling the dialog "Indiv. Procedures \ Hash \ Key Generation from Password (PKCS#5)". The called dialog then is already customized with the right key length and after pushing "Back" the generated key will be used as hex input for the encryption method. AES-256 needs SHA-256. - Make customizable by the user how big the part of text and binary files can be which CrypTool will load. - New magnification function in the display for graphics and/or display of co-ordinates of the current mouse pointer position. - Make all dialogs thread-safe, so the user can cancel long-running transactions, without stopping the whole program via the task manager. This is already implemented in the factorization dialog. This is especially meaningful for cryptanalysis (it would be necessary for the known-plaintext analysis of the single-column transposition): If the upper bound of the permutation length is not limited, it takes a felt eternity if the upper bound is >900. Here we limited the length of the permutation to 100 for consistency reasons, because our implementation of the permutation cipher does not allow longer permutation lengths. - Visualization: - Visualization of dependencies and workflows in protocols (not only "simple" algorithms) is a meaningful enhancement. - Attacks on weak RSA keys are described in CrypTool's online help at Help \ Scenarios \ RSA cryptosystem (demonstration), under the topic "3. Attack on the RSA algorithm", which explains that factorization of the module can break the method. This is implemented, but not visualized. - Attacks on other asymmetric methods are not implemented in CrypTool yet. To attack Diffie-Hellman, DSA or EC-DSA, one has to calculate "discrete logarithms". After implementing this it also could be visualized.

A.2.2. Roadmap: Successor projects using Java/Eclipse and C#/.NET ---------------------------------------------------------The successors of CrypTool 1.x use state-of-the-art development technology, current layout techniques and modern software architectures. A.2.2.1. Design of the successor projects -------------------------------a) General wish list according to the user feedback. This is the basis for both successor projects, Java-CrypTool and CrypTool 2: - Modern pure-plugin architecture. - All languages supported by one program, one setup. - More modern layout, less dialog changes. - Absolute standard compatibility in the user interface. - More user interaction, action history. - All languages supported by one program, one setup. - Dynamic change between languages. - Dynamic change between crypto providers. - Updates of partial functionality via the internet. - Implementing all functions as threads (parallel, interruptible). - Easier handling of cascade using the existing building blocks.

- Offer a recorder for user interactions. - Handle all files as stream to be able to operate very big files. - Control of all functionality also from the command line. b) Java-CrypTool (JCrypTool, JCT): - Completely new designed CrypTool in Java using Eclipse/RCP. - Platform independent. - Strictly using the standards from Eclipse 3.5. - Usage SWT for the GUI. - Bouncy Castle and FlexiProvider are used as crypto providers. - Current beta already offers functionality to be applied by end users. - Further developers, architects and designers for this project are very welcome. - For newbies, but also for experts. - Close cooperation with the chair of Prof. Buchmann, TU Darmstadt. - Using of SourceForge with Subversion for source code version management: . c) CrypTool 2.0 (CT 2) - Completely new designed CrypTool in C# using the .NET framework - Strictly using the standards from Microsoft .NET (looks like Office 2007). - Usage of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create multi media GUIs using vector graphics. - The whole project can be build with the free VS2010 Express-Edition for C#. - Available are the .NET crypto provider, libraries like GMP/MPIR, Crypto++ via wrappers and BouncyCastle for C#. - Beta versions (for developers and end users) are published regularly since July 2008. With the release version of CT2 the further development of CrypTool 1.x will be discontinued. - Steep learning curve for newbies by visual programming. - Further developers and ambitious graphical designers are more than welcome in this new project. - Close cooperation with the chair of Prof. Weis in Duisburg-Essen. - Usage of Subversion for source code version management hosted by the university Duisburg-Essen: - Remark: Porting to Linux A porting of CrypTool 1.4.x to Linux using GCC 4.x and Qt 4.x was started outside of the actual CrypTool project by single persons, but unfortunately not finished because lack of time. - The libraries from Secude, Miracl, NTL, OpenSSL and GMP/MPIR are available. - Divide the complete task in meaningful parts: - graphical user interface: This is the main task. - functionality implemented in pure C/C++: ok - online help in HTML: ok. - The first beta was released in November 2007. Die second beta ("still no full functional version", 11 % of the planned tasks) was published mid December 2008. -

A.2.2.2. Features, planned for the successor projects CT2 and JCT1 ---------------------------------------------------------The new versions are (see chapter A.2.2.1): - CrypTool 2.0 ( and

- JCrypTool 1.0 ( Features already implemented and integrated in the current beta versions (CT2 Beta 2 v2.0.3631 and JCT v1.0 RC2): - CT2 Visual programming (composition of protocols and workflows) - CT2 Prime number visualizations - CT2 WEP encryption and analysis of WEP encrypted messages - CT2 Smartcard plugin (it sends commands to a smartcard using the PC/SC interface in Windows) - CT2 Mass pattern search - CT2 Toolbox for creating and analyzing stream ciphers - CT2 Framework for distributing cryptanalytic calculations - CT2 Cube attack on symmetric ciphers (I. Dinur and A. Shamir) - CT2 Encryption of and distributed analysis against Vigenre autokey - JCT Adaptive navigation pane, optionally as tree or palette, with filtering - JCT Vigenre autokey encryption - JCT Visualization of classic (analysis) methods - JCT Adjusting of all detail parameters of modern algorithms in the FlexiProvider perspective - JCT Dragon cipher & LFSR - JCT Entropy analysis - JCT Multi-partite key exchange - JCT Analysis of transposition ciphers using the ACO algorithm - JCT Visualization of zero-knowledge proofs - JCT Visualization of the SETUP attack against RSA key generation (Kleptograph y) - JCT Powerful action history and cascading possibility Features planned for the release version of the successor projects: - CT2 Virtual Credit Card Numbers (VCC) and check sums - CT2 Bleichenbacher attack, enhancements by Kuehn - CT2 NIST Random number test suite - CT2 GNFS (General number field sieve) - CT2 Extend the alphabets of the classic ciphers to 256 characters - CT2 SOA-Security (SOAP messages according WS Security between the participant s) - CT2 Framework to create and analyze LFSR stream ciphers JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT Homomorphic Encryption PGP-S/MIME interoperability Visualization of Quantum Key Agreement, BB84 protocol Commandline functionality Usage as a demonstrator for XML signatures

Also compare the roadmap at the website,english. Further details concerning open tasks: - for CT2: - for JCT: ################################################################

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