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a) b) c) d)

Which one of the following medical conditions is typically associated with anxiety Pulmonary emboli Hypoglycemia Post-concussion syndrome All of the above A 5 year old girl is brought to you because she has difficulties paying attention in school. She fidgets and squirms and will not stay seated in class. At home she talks excessively and has difficulties waiting her turn. Her language and motor skills are appropriate for her age. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis Oppositional defiant disorder Attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder Pervasive developmental disorder Separation anxiety disorder A 20 year old woman comes to her primary care physician with multiple symptoms which are present across several organ systems. She has seen 5 doctors in the past 3 months and has had six surgeries since the age of 18. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis Somatization disorder Conversion disorder Hypochondriasis Pain disorder Most cases of obsessive compulsive disorder fall into one of these categories except Washers Checkers Purgers doubters Of the following disorders which one is most likely to be comorbid with OCD Tourette's disorder Schizoaffective disorder Oppositional defiant disorder Separation anxiety disorder

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

A 24 year old woman in a rural and low SES background with a fifth-grade education develops a sudden left-arm paralysis that is not compatible with known neural patterns. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis Somatization disorder Conversion disorder Hypochondriasis Pain disorder Treatment of PTSD may conclude the following interventions? Treatment of hyperarousal and anger with beta blockers Reducing nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts with antidepressants Use of anticonvulsants for reducing aggression All of the above Which of the following behavioral interventions is not used in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder Muscle relaxation Aversive conditioning Autogenic training Meditation Somatoform disorders patients May be perceived as manipulative and drug-seeking Are costly to the insurance companies May receive unnecessary medications, lab tests and invasive procedures All of the above Which of the following aspects of the somatization disorder may distinguish it from a medical condition? Multiple organs are involved Onset is early and the course in chronic without the development of physical signs Absence of abnormal lab results that suggest a physical disorder All of the above A 45 year old policeman who has demonstrated great courage on more than 1 occasion while on duty is terrified of needles what is the most likely diagnosis? Acute stress disorder Panic disorder Specific phobia Adjustment disorder

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

Which of the following is true in Conversion Disorder? Typically a single neurological or motor symptom is present Onset is typically sudden The symptoms acts as a protective factor against painful psychological experiences All of the above A 5 year old boy shows no interest in other children and ignores adults other than his parents. He spends hours lining up his toy cars or spinning their wheels but does not use them for make belief play. He rarely uses speech to communicate which of the following is most likely Tourette's Aspberger Autism . Which of the following diagnostic clues point to factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms Evidence of extensive prior medical treatment/surgeries Patient is a poor, evasive and contradictory historian Self-mutilation is part of producing physical symptoms All of the above

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

Which of the following is true in dissociative identity disorder a) Identities are discrete and not just various aspects of the same identity b) Each identity has its own integrates awareness emotional and behavioral characteristics c) Primary personality is usually unaware of the secondary personalities but the secondary personalities are usually aware of the primary d) All of the above A 15 year old boy is arrested for shooting the owner of the convenience stories he tried to rob. He has had several prior interactions with the legal system for such charges as theft, possession or narcotic substances, and assault and battery. He is cheerful and unconcerned during arrest and more worried about losing his leather jacket than the fate of store owner. Oppositional defiant Substance abuse Narcissistic personality disorder Conduct disorder

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

Which of the following is not a commonly accepted treatment for dissociative amnesia Stereotactic surgery Free association Hypnosis Amytal interview A sexual dysfunction may arise out of Personality traits or mood and anxiety issues related to sex Guilt, shame, learning and condition related to sex Prior negative sexual experiences All the above Which of the following does not apply to paraphilias Predominately diagnosed in men They are typically egosdystonic and may lead to relationship or legal problems All paraphilias are impulsive acts Individuals with paraphilias typically seek treatment after relationship or legal problems Which of the following disorders is not a paraphilia Voyeurism Pedophilia Frotteurism Gender identity disorder Which of the following psychosocial theories have been implicated in the etiology of anorexia nervosa Sociocultural factors depicting an ideally thin person as more attractive Significant issues with autonomy and control Controlling and intrusive parents interfering with the patient's separation individuation All of the above

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

A 34 year old woman comes to see you on the advice of her mother because the patients still lives at home and will not make any decisions without her mother's reassurance. The patients' mother accompanies her to the session. The mother explains that the patient becomes anxious when her mother has to leave home. The patient is afraid that her mother will die and the patient has to take care of herself. Something she feels incapable of doing. Which of the following is the most likely personality disorder in this case Schizoid Borderline Histrionic Dependent Which of the following is an indicator of a favorable prognosis in anorexia nervosa Early teen onset Presence of binging-purging Greater body image disturbance Longer duration of illness In contrast to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa Weight loss and amenorrhea are less common Impulse control issues such as stealing, substance use and self-injurious behavior are common The patients are more sexually active and some are promiscuous All of the above The function of REM sleep is hypothesized to be Making us more sensitive to our environment during sleep so that we can avoid predators Involved in learning by helping us consolidate recent memory with long term memory Development of . All of the above A first grade teacher is concerned about a 6 year old girl in her class who has not spoken a single world since school started. The little girl participates appropriate in the class activities and uses gestures and drawing and nods and shakes her head to communicatetalks at home Autism Expressive language disorder Selective mutism

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d)

Which of the following is a type of circadian rhythm sleep disorder Delayed sleep phase syndrome Jet lag Shift work All of the above In contrast to nightmares, in night terrors No dreams are recalled The event is not remembered in the morning Psychotherapy is not effective All of the above Which of the following gestures is common to all impulse control disorder not elsewhere classified Inability to resist an urge despite negative consequence High degree of tensions before performing the act Relief and gratification after performing the act All of the above Every morning on school days an 8 year old girl becomes tearful and distressed and claims she feels sick. Once in school she often goes to the nurse complaining of headaches and stomach pains. At least once a week she misses school or is picked up by her mother due these complaints. Her pediatrician has ruled out any medical causes for her physical symptoms. The child is usually symptom free on weekends unless the parents go out and leave her with a babysitter. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis Separation anxiety disorder Somatization disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Major depressive disorder

a) b) c) d)

a) b) c) d)

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