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TYRONE R. SHAW CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN I am certified to teach grades 7-12 Social Studies.

These could be six different groups of students at varying stages of their development. I anticipate, therefore having to adjust my classroom management plan for each grade. For all grades however, I plan to exercise a classroom plan that allows me to model for my students and lead by example. I also want them to know that as the authority in the room, I have to right to modify these rules as I see fit. I plan to lay out my classroom rules and expectations on the first day of class, so I can hit the ground running. It is important that I begin to hold my students to high expectations the very first days of school, so it becomes an established part of the classroom that I expect nothing less than the best from and for them. I will make it clear that these expectations are a social contract between each of them and with me. Therefore, these rules serve as a common understanding between them as classmates and I as the authority figure. I want to make sure that my rules and expectations reflect my philosophy that each students success is dependent on every students success in the classroom. Classroom Rules and Expectations: There will be FIVE!! 1. The Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. 2. Arrive on time to class This is for the benefit of everyone. Class will commence as soon as the bell rings, and you do not want to miss anything, nor do you want to disturb other students learning. 3. Always try and participate in class discussion/activities to the best of your ability 4. Do homework and bring materials to class every day. 5. Respect the opinions of your classmates even if you do not agree with them Materials Needed for Class: 1. Always have your binder, even when you forget everything else 2. Please bring a pen and/or pencil to class every day I will try to make the materials my students have to take with them to class the bare minimum. I plan on making this accommodation to prepare for students who may not have the means to secure excess classroom material for whatever reason. Seating Arrangements: Students will be given arranged seating after the first or second day of class. I will wait to do it so I can see some of the classroom dynamics, and gain an idea of which students I feel would do best sitting apart from each other, or would benefit from sitting close to each other. My seating arrangements will aim to utilize the strength of my students in classroombuilt relationships. Meaning, I would like to make the best of the relationships that my students create in the classroom Taking Attendance, Tardiness, and Absents: For the first week of class, attendance will be taken aloud. This will be to ensure that I am sure of the presence of all students since I will not know them all by face to name yet.




However, after the first week attendance will be taken at some point during the lesson, could be at the beginning, middle, or end. Therefore, it is important for students to be in class on time. Students who are who are late to class without a valid excuse, will be marked late and will have demerits placed against their class participation grade. If students are late, they are not present to participate, and, therefore, their participation grade is affected. I will make time after school for students to come and make up missed class time. This is to make sure they get all the material that they missed. I am doing this because the most important thing whether my students are late or not, is that they get all the material I taught in that lesson. This will also be the same procedure for students who were absent from class. I will NOT teach the lesson over, but I will give them the opportunity to come after school and get whatever hand out I gave out in that class, and give them a brief overview of what they missed, and where they can read more about it in their textbook. Student who missed a quiz or test will be given an alternate date to make up that activity. If they miss that date, they will receive a zero for that quiz or test. I will make it clear that it is important for them to make sure they are present every class so as to not have to worry about missing a quiz or test. Collecting Homework/Assignments: Homework and all other assignments will be collected at the beginning of each class. if students will need assignments for the days lesson, I will go around the room to check and make sure that they do have it. It is important to check homework and assignments, so that students know that there is a reason behind them doing it. I will make sure they know that their homework and assignments are a pivotal part of their learning and will always count as part of their grade. Classroom Disruptions/Inappropriate Behaviors: All classroom disruptions will be dealt with immediately. I will make it clear that disruptions of any kind are not tolerated in my classroom and whoever is responsible will be asked to meet with me after class. I think it is important to reprimand students immediately when they cause a disturbance in the classroom or break one of the class rules. I will, however, never embarrass any student in front of the class. I will simply express at that moment that we the class is disappointed with their behavior, and ask that he or she stay after class to be spoken to in private. Disrespectfulness to Teacher and Fellow Students: Full classroom apologies will be in order if a student is disrespectful to the class. It is crucial that students respect each other in my classroom. As, a huge supporter of cooperative learning, it is important that I cultivate a strong classroom relationship built on mutual respect and understanding between all my students. Therefore, I will make sure that all my students can have a voice in my classroom, and always feel like they are valued and respected.




As for disrespectfulness towards the teacher (me), I will always reprimand that student right away to set an example for the other students in the class. I will express my disappointment what that students behavior, and ask them to meet with me to discuss why they behaved like that, and arrange for a way for that student to make amends. For issues of disrespectfulness that deals with sensitive issues such as race, gender, sexuality etc I will address them with the entire class. I will be sure to stress the importance of respecting others despite their differences. I will try my best to help my students not only recognize and respect differences, but to embrace them. I will establish from the first day that my classroom is a safe space for all students. I want them to be comfortable in my classroom and be able to focus on the lesson rather than being scared of expressing themselves. Transitions during Lessons: Before all transitions, I will pause to make sure students are at the point I need them to be. I will always give students an opportunity to ask questions before I move on to the next section of my lesson. If my transitions require a few moments, I will make sure that my students have something to occupy their time while I transition into the next part of my lesson. Cheating: Cheating will NOT be tolerated in my classroom. I will discuss everything that I consider cheating with my students so that they know what I will be looking for. This list will include: o Looking at a neighbors paper during a quiz or test o Copying someone elses work and trying to pass it off as your own o Copying a classmates homework o Working together on projects that are supposed to be independent work etc Students who are caught cheating will receive a grade of zero, and will be required to make up that quiz, test, or assignment at a different time.

I will be consistently enforcing these expectations every day in my classroom. I will make sure a copy of these expectations is posted in the classroom, where call students can access them. This management plan will guide my class through challenges that arise. I will also make sure to add to it as new challenges come up in the classroom.

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