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40 minutes ______________________________________________________________________ Answer all questions

1. Diagram 1.1 below shows a racing car moving on a road.

Thrust F1 = 3000N
Diagram 1.1 i) What is the value of the net force on this car?

Frictional force F2 = 500 N

[1 mark] ii) In which direction is the car moving? . [1 mark] iii) State the difference between a balanced force and an unbalanced force act on an object ... ... [2 marks]

iv) What will happen to the acceleration of the car if the frictional force increase? Explain your answer. [2 marks]

2. Diagram 2.1 shows a car and a lorry which has different mass approaching a zebra crossing with same velocity of 15 m s-1.

Diagram 2.1 When the drivers in the vehicles saw Siti walking across the zebra crossing, they applied the brake at the same time until the vehicles came to a complete stop. (i) What is meant by inertia ? [1 mark] (ii) (a) Between the car and the lorry in Diagram 8.1, which vehicle will come to a complete stop first ? [1 mark] (b) Give reasons for your answer in (b) (i). [2 marks]

(iii) If the lorry had traveled a distance of 375 m before it came to a stop, calculate the deceleration when the brake was applied until it stops.

[2 marks]

Diagram 3.1 3. Kevin (60 kg) jumps down from a wall. He land on the floor which velocity of 5 ms-1. He bends his knee which takes 1.2 s to stop his motion. Take the direction downwards as positive.

(a) Find the change in momentum on landing on the floor.

[2 marks]


(i) Find the impulsive force acting on Kevin.

[2 marks]

(ii) If he forgets to bend his knee on landing, the time taken to stop his motion is 0.05 s. Find the force on Kevins legs. [2marks]

(c) Give a conclusion from (b) on how the impulsive force can be reduced.

[1 mark]

(d) Give an example other than situation above to justify your reasoning in (c).

[ 1 mark]

1. a =

vu t

2. v2 = u2 + 2as 1 2 at 2 4. Momentum = mv 3. s = ut + 5. F = mv mu = ma t


Prepared by Pn Noor Hidayah Bt Ishak

Checked by Cik Hasrina bt Roslani Ketua Panitia Sains

Verified by Pn Hjh Maznah Hj Mazlan Principle of SMK Sentul Utama

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