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Memorable/Important quotations (minimum of 8) [List chapter, act, scene, etc.

But we were the kids, who had learned to crawl together. And no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that either Amir Chapter four, Page 25 Youve always been a tourist here, you just didnt know it -Farid Chapter Nineteen, page 232

Significance of context of Quotations

This quote illuminates the strength childhood bonds and the disregard for differences with true friendships.

This quote represents the economic gap in Afghanistan. Amir lived in a wealthy area with servants and had a good life. Most of Afghanistan is extremely poor, and people on the streets look like a whole different world to Amir. It has always been like this, and Farid believes that Amir has never noticed it his whole life. Shows the inability for Amir and Baba to find something in common, and how they pretend that Kite flying could bring each other closer.

We actually deceived ourselves into thinking that a toy of tissue, paper, glue an bamboo could somehow close the chasm between us. Chapter Eight, Page 87 For you, a thousand times over -Hassan For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba a place to mourn his. Chapter 11 Hassan never wanted to, but if I asked, really asked, he wouldnt deny me. Hassan never denied me anything. -Amir. Chapter 2, page 3. I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan- the way hed stood up for me all those times in the past- and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran. -Amir Chapter 7, page 137. After everything hed built, planned, fought for, fretted over, dreamed of, this was the summation of his life: one disappointing son and two suitcases. -Amir Chapter ten, page 124

This quote is repeated multiple times, and it shows the unwavering loyalty of Hassan

When Amir lived in America, he was desperate to bury his memories of Afghanistan and the rape of Hassan. For Baba, it was a place that made him sad because he missed his country. This quote represents the friendship between Hassan and Amir, and Amirs altruistic behavior and loyalty. This shows Amirs cowardice and what he must eventually redeem himself from.

This quote shows the perspective Amir has of his dads thought process, and how toward the end of Babas life he is least successful.

Describe the authors style (Point of view, diction, Figurative lang., symbolism, dialogue, ect.)

An example that demonstrates the style; and explain how the example demonstrates certain stylistic techniques (list chapter, act, scene, etc.)

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