The Importance of Reproduction

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Chapter I: Reproduction in Animals Objectives of the learning

Students are able to: 1. Understand the importance of reproduction 2. Distinguish the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction 3. The growth of a baby 1. 1 The importance of reproduction All living things must reproduce to replace themselves when they die and to ensure continuity of their kind

Birth rate: the number of organisms (living things) born in a year Death rate: the number of organisms die in a year

Look at the picture! If the death rate is higher than the birth rate, what will happen to the elephant existence? If the birth rate is continuously lower than the death rate, then the species will be extinct When an organism reproduces, it passes down the heredity of itself. Heredity is special characteristic that passed down from the parents to their young. In humans, some heredity that passed down include: Attached and detached earlobe The ability to roll ones tongue The color of skin, hair, and eyes Straight or curly hair Height of a person

1. 2 Sexual Reproduction Reproductive Cell Sexual reproduction requires a male and female parent. Each parent contributes a sex cell. The male sex cell is called sperm. It contains generic information and characteristics of the father which can be passed down to the offspring (keturunan) The female sex cell is called ovum (egg cell). It contains generic information and characteristics of the mother which can be passed down to the offspring Fertilization
External fertilization Offspring: the next generation Pass down: to give something to someone who will be alive after he/ she has died


Fertilization takes place (terjadi) when a single Fertilization can be divided into 2 ways: Internal fertilization, the sperm meets the

sperm cell fuses (or joins) with an egg cell.

egg when the egg is still inside the female's body. Example: mammals (cow, dolphin, elephant, whale etc), birds (duck, chicken, and swan) and reptiles (snake, turtle, crocodile, komodo, and lizard). External fertilization, the sperm meets the
Internal fertilization Internal fertilization

eggs outside the females body. Example: amphibians (frog and salamander) and fishes. 1. 3 Asexual reproduction a. Fission Cell fission is common among unicellular organisms such as bacteria, many protists, some algae such as Spirogyra and Euglena Look at the picture!


The single-celled amoeba demonstrates a simple method of asexual reproduction. It divides in half by a process called fission, producing two smaller daughter cells. After a period of feeding and growth, these two daughter cells will themselves divide in half. b. Budding (tunas) The eggs develop within the body wall of the parent hydra. The embryos grow and attached to the parents body, like buds on a plant.
Hydras bud

c. Regeneration Regeneration takes place in Hydra, planaria and starfish reproduction. When a hydra is cut into fairly large pieces, each piece develops into a complete individual. Small pieces of hydra, when placed in contact together individual. with to each form other, a grow complete
Fission: the method of reproduction in which the parent divides its cell into two Unicellular: the single cell, it means that such organism has one cell only Regeneration: an entire organism generated from a part of its parent that Regeneration of Hydra


List 10 difficult words and find the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

. . . . .

6. .. 7. .. 8. .. 9. .. 10.

Exercise I
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! 1. If a particular species does not reproduce, it will. a. Live b. Move a. One b. Two sentence could be false? a. Her mother has brown eyes and lobed ears b. Her father has straight hair and brown eyes c. Her mother has blue eyes and curly hair d. Her father has straight hair and lobed ears 4. Asexual reproduction happens in most. a. Vertebrate b. Mammals 5. Hydra reproduces by. a. Regeneration and fission b. Fission and budding c. regeneration and budding d. sexually c. unicellular organism d. fish c. become extinct d. reproduce asexually c. three d. more than three

2. In sexual reproduction sperm is needed to fertilize an egg.

3. Alwan has straight hair, brown eyes, and lobed ears. Which of the following

6. Most animals reproduce by sexual reproduction where. a. A sperm from the male fertilizes the ovum from the female b. An ovum from the female fertilizes the sperm from the male c. An ovum divides itself to form multiple cells d. A sperm divides itself to form multiple cells 7. takes place when the sperm meets the ovum. a. Reproduction b. Regeneration a. Budding b. Regeneration c. fission d. fertilization c. fission d. fertilization

8. An entire organism that generated from a part of its parent is called.

9. Dea has three kinds of organisms named A, B, and C. Those organisms have different characteristic as below. A. Has glandule mamma (kelenjar susu) and do internal fertilization B. Has single cell and reproduce by fission C. Produce hundreds of eggs and do external fertilization Those organisms could be. a. A is cow, B is Hydra b. B is amoeba, C is starfish c. A is cat, C is bird d. A is elephant, B is bacteria

10. A scientist (ilmuwan) observed in a certain forest in a period of time. He found that 119 Orang Utan were killed in a year. Then he found that there were 87 young Orang Utan born in a year. The result of his observation indicates (menandakan) that. a. b. c. d. The number of Orang Utan increases in a year The number of Orang Utan decreases in a year The birth rate of Orang Utan is higher than the death rate The species of Orang Utan may exist for a long time

II. Mark true (T) or false (F) 11. Regeneration takes place when the sperm meets the ovum. (.) 12. Heredity is special characteristic that passed down from the parents to their young. (.) 13. Salamander is an example of animal that do internal fertilization. (.) 14. All mammals give birth to their young. (.) 15. The characteristics of our grandparents may pass down to us. (.) III. Answer the question correctly! 16. The diagram beside shows a family tree a. How many offsprings did grandpa and grandma produce? Answer:________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ b. Which child of grandpa and grandma has not produced enough offspring to replace himself/herself when she/ he dies?

Answer:_____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 17. Compare the eggs produced by a salmon and a human. Fill in the box!

18. Explain how Hydra reproduces! Answer:_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 19. How do these following organisms reproduce? a. Planaria b. Starfish c. Euglena d. Salamander : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________

20. Mention some heredity that can be passed down from the parent to the young! Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ SD NEGERI BERTARAF INTERNASIONAL KOTA SEMARANG Subject Name Class / No. Day / Date TOPSII SCIENCE SCORE Signatures Teacher Parent

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