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3D-Design notes Walter Nicolai Best contact: 603-358-2191 8-29-11 1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration.

- Thomas Edison: Artist and Inventor It's all about light in relationship to form. The class is; one part formal (and sculptural) and one part functional (and structural). It will provide me with a sense of basic design concepts within the three dimensions of height, width and depth in space. The Limitations and the physics of the physical earth are always considered but never are they the complete and total guiding principle behind good design. It is fair to say that three dimension design is composed of one portion: structure and structural integrity, and one portion: the aesthetics of structure. What good is a beautiful structure if it falls apart upon completion? Similarly what good is a structure that is well built if that structure is so boring and ugly that nobody will ever use it? Frank Gehry: Moving buildings Found Art: More commonly found object or readymadedescribes art created from undisguised, but often modified, objects that are not normally considered art, often because they already have a non-art function. 8-31-11 After Image: The color you see is near complementary, not exact. It is affected by biochemistry. Art Deco; Best example of that is the Chrysler building. Axis: Usually related to north, south, east, or west. Biomorphic: Bio meaning life and Morph meaning form. Classical period: The apex of Greek art. Broken into early, middle, and late. The Parthenon Color Harmony: Improves colors optically. Assemblage: 3D Collage: 2D Cross Hatch: done one direction then the other like #. 9-7-11 Light and Form Life is the relationship of light and form Understanding of light and shadow and shadow= the success as an architect. Everyone needs light Without light people get; no light, no Vitim D, and people get a SAD: Seasonal Affected Disorder. Light reveals form- Without light there is no sense of form or shadow. Light can change in an instant- The entire beauty of a place can change cause of light. On and over cast day all forms are flat due to lack of shadow. 2D world looks at light 1st (Painters) 3D world looks at shadow 1st (Architects, sculptors) Solar gain: Getting optimal use of the sun in a product/ structure Light casts shadows, shadows are made of tonality. True on micro level (Product design) True on macro level (Architecture)

Tonality takes place on the bases of the material makeup of the form. Associated meaning with material: We have it in our head a relationship with that specific material. Leads to visual relationship with it. Lewis Kahn- Often we have to listen to materials in terms of what we have to build. An archway may say I don't want to be made of brick; I want to be made of stone. Listening to materials is how to use them. What do specific materials mean and what do they say. References: -Bill Dunster: ZED- Zero Energy Design -Europe: PASSIV HAUS -Prof. Peter Temple at Keene state dose green energy work. Light reveals form Shadow defines form The difference between light at different times of the day is tremendous. Perception of form is related to where one is in relation to the sun. Light in relationship to color changes due to latitude Closer to equator the yellow orange of the sun affects color Closer to the poles the blue/ Grey filter of the sky affects the color. Architects will be successful if they understand the significance of shadow. Void is more important the form Void- space the surrounds an object. Creates a sense of meaning. All about the space the object is placed in, not the object. Space and form always exist, with in constraint. How to work with constraint is key. Visceral relationship- Relationship to your body. Its the space between your neck and your abdomen. Place of feeling. Makes a drawing deceiving. Plays with space and time. Pictures are Lies Ansel Adams- All pictures have a full range of tones. Developed pictures that way. 9-13-11 Form vs. Function- Basic design concept Time of large change: 1920's: You can buy a model T Ford in color you want, as long as its black.- Henry Ford 1930's: Bau Haus 1940's: War effect mass production 1950's: The Chrome guy 1950's: Post war; Consumer goods, Targeted to women in the household, TV changed everything, 1TV in every ten households. 1960's: 9 TVs in every 10 households, Kennedy won election due to appearance on TV. 1980's: Mac Lisa available to everyone. Microsoft comes out with better mouse. Frank Furness taught===> Louis Sullivan taught===> Frank Loid Wight Frank Furness- Hybrid designer- Combo of ideas. Louis Sullivan- Suppressed form of objects, functional nature of objects. Function follows formform shall forever follow function. Form follows function: Function comes 1st Form vs Function: Both are equal Height, width, and depth are hard to draw. When not using N, S, E, and W we need to a set of drawings. A set of drawings: grouping of drawings the fill in the spaces between a straight axial group of drawings: N, S, E, W

Increase of scale can cause visceral reactions: Falling water design. Decreasing scale can cause you to think about it instead of feeling it. Manipulating line weight (dark of line weight or line size) can cause visceral reactions. Seurat- Pointillist Grid pattern- photo obscura, quantify a form receding in space. Drawing at the heroic scale: Large drawings. 9-19-11 Platonic Solids Named After Plato Made by having Polygons meet on their edges A polygon is regular when all their angels and all there sides are equal 3 Properties for being a platonic solid -All faces are regular polygons -All faces are the same/ congruent -All vertices are the same (Same number of edges meet at each.) Euclid wrote book called The elements Kepler discovered Duality: Roles of faces is switched with vertices and vice versa in the new shape. Triangular structures are stronger than cubic structures Triangulation in a structure is structurally the strongest configuration. Triangulation of form is the fastest and cheapest way to add structural integrity. Skeletal vs skin views of forms: All modern architecture is made in skeleton and skin form. Shape Plato: Element Kepler: Duality Tetrahedron Fire Itself Cube Earth Octahedron Octahedron Air Cube Dodecahedron Universe Icosahedron Icosahedron Water Dodecahedron Bock Minster Fuller- Worked with the Icosahedron Tensegrity: Strength through integrity of tension- stole from one of his students. 10-3-11 Frank Gary stuff: In the history of design it is easy to make a form that is rectilinear, but it is difficult to make a curvilinear or biomorphic. Result of aerospace work on planes got biomorphic forms started Guggenheim museum in Bilbao Spain maker. Believes everythings been done. Types of models: Schematic model, Massing model, Sketch model, Presentation model, Computer model: CNC (Computer Numeric Controlled) Katia program: Came from Aerospace and lets you scan stuff into the computer In architecture there are two types of architects: Model architects: 3D process in 3D programs

Paper architects: Just on paper no model

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