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orLer 1

Dana Porter
Ms. Caruso
ENGL 1103
11 April 2012
No Ordinary Plague
No Ordinary Plague is a moving story of a fight for justice in a world whose definition
of the word is so underappreciated. Barney and Sherin Benzyl are only people trying to live in
the world when this horrific influenza breaks out and turns their quiet life upside down. Now
they have an all new purpose, trying to stay healthy and find the truth behind the plague. The
idea of this story spun from the real life events that happened in 1918 during the Spanish Flu.
This heart riveting story will inspire its audience to take action when it comes to a worthy cause,
because inspiration can come from the simplest outlets.
Interviews from people who experienced the actual event inspired the personalities for
the movie as well the events. Communities drew closer when the real life plague hit, trying
harder to take of one another and to make sure their neighbors and friends were taken care of.
The neighborhood that Barney and Sherin live in is small and friendly. When their next door
neighbor comes down with the flu they do their best to make sure he stays in his home.
Eventually Mr. Mize is taken away from his family to be quarantined, leaving his family to fend
for themselves. This tragedy makes the flu very personal for the main characters and sets them in
a very emotional place where they are determined to change things.
In 1918 the Spanish Flu took hold of the world affecting many countries on many
continents. This real epidemic tested the medical and scientific field, communities, and the
government. In my story, when this epidemic hits the Chicago, Illinois area, all of these groups
use a non-bold Lypeface.
AlLhough lL ls relevanL, Lhls
senLence seems Lo be randomly lnserLed
lnLo Lhe paragraph. Work Lo beLLer
lncorporaLe lL.
ls Lhls your sLaLemenL of
purpose? lL doesn'L seem llke Lhls ls Lhe
purpose you work Loward LhroughouL
your paper.
Who ls Lhls?
orLer 2

of people are disturbed with the issues that come along with it. When the flu makes its
appearance no one knows how to handle it and the fear of the unknown begins to surface. The
government decides that the best way to handle the situation is to put quarantine in place forcing
those infected to be cut off from the rest of the world. When these events take place, Outscope
Labs, the lab where Sherin Benzyl is a scientist begins to scramble to find a solution to the
sickness. The long term goal is set at finding a cure. In the meantime they focus on a serum to
ease the effects of the flu. This goal is even more trying when things take an unexpected turn for
the worse.
In 1918, when the movement of the flu began to move around in different ways it
mutated. Soldiers fighting overseas that were seriously affected were sent back home to be
treated being sent out at the masses on public transportation. At the same time, people who were
less sick went out to their places of employment. This mix of people brought on a second more
deadly strain of the influenza. In No Ordinary Plague when the second strain hits the city the
chaos is sent into overdrive. The carriers of the infectious disease have outrageous symptoms
that make them turn into monsters, having no control of their emotions. Since they were initially
not too happy with being shut off from the world, the influenza sends this emotion into hyper-
drive and this virus controls them off of this anger. When the hysteria starts people begin to look
to the government for answers.
This is the part of the story where the real conflict comes in to play and has no historical
background to pair with it. When the serum hits the public and is in use, the people infected
begin to die. Barney soon learns that his best friend Charles Kearney is behind the tainted
formula. He is torn between justice and friendship but ultimately decides that his friend deserves
to pay for what he did. After Charles and his partners go to jail, the virus eventually dies out.
Pow llkely ls lL LhaL ln Lhls
Llme perlod, she would have been a
?ou poslLlon Lhls as facLual,
buL lL obvlously lsn'L. Make sure you are
seLLlng up your ldeas clearly for your
Work Lo revlse Lhls
senLence for clarlLy.
Work Lo more clearly
LranslLlon Lhrough your ldeas.
8aLher Lhan saylng LhaL
Lhere ls no hlsLorlcal background Lo palr
wlLh lL, Lry Lelllng your audlence LhaL Lhls
ls where lL dlffers from hlsLory, and also
Lell of Lhe lnsplraLlon for LhaL dlfference.
orLer 3

After news about the conspiracy is made known the people of the city learn that its best to keep
an eye out on the government and make sure they are keeping the interests of the city. When the
fight against this epidemic was finally over there were still some questions left. When the
influenza died out and hype of the epidemic calmed down, scientists researched it and even tried
to recreate it so that the world would be better equipped if it decided to make a re-appearance.
The end of the movie will be a not-so-happy ending; it could even be called a cliff-hanger.
At the end of the year when the flu is no longer prominent the audience is brought back
to Outscope Labs where scientists can be seen working in a lab. The viewer soon learns they are
trying to recreate the deadly strain of the influenza so they can learn more about it. One of the
scientists is handling the virus alone with no mask when the vile rolls off of the table and hits the
floor shattering in tiny pieces and being released into the air. He quickly cleans up the mess and
leaves the lab heading towards the parking lot with a heavy, deadly sounding cough. This ending
will allow the audience to create their own true ending so that even when they leave the theatre
they are thinking about it.
In the concept introduced in the movie, the two most prominent conflicts are the
influenza and the corrupt government. The audience will learn something from both. When the
influenza hits, neighborhoods do all they can to take care of one another. The influenza teaches
everyone how important it is to look out for people and how much more we can overcome when
we do. The political system that is set up in my concept is obviously twisted and in need of
regulation that is lacking. Apathy from the citizens of the city has led to a government that
reflects it. The purpose of this movie is to send the viewer out on a mission to crave the truth and
justice in every aspect of life.
Work Lo sLrengLhen your
language and ldea here.
orLer 4

The target audience of No Ordinary Plague would be anyone 13 and up that is looking
for action, controversy, and even a love story. The action in the film will be visualized in the
numerous riots and the attempts by the police force to seize rioters. Barneys best friend Charles
Kearney will be behind most of the controversy, with his attempts to cover up the tainting of the
serum and also blackmailing Barney. With all of this going on the viewer will still get a sense of
the incredible love between The Benzyls as all of the issues set on by the influenza put a strain
on their marriage. This movie will be cast by the perfect actors for the parts to make sure that
every idea comes across as attended. Barney Benzyl will be played by Simon Baker. He will
bring forth the timid personality and likability that is necessary while playing a character like
Barney. Sherin Benzyl will be played by the beautiful Daniela Ruah whose strength and
reassurance will be a great match to put up against the main character. David Boreanaz will be
the villain, Charles Kearney, whose character needs to be played by someone with that bad
boy look and can easily go from friend to foe. These actors will be essential to the success of
the movie.
This movie teams up the chaos that comes along with mass hysteria and a conspiracy
while also adding in a love story. The action will be appealing to younger audience while the
underlying message of standing up against corrupt government will be made clear to more
mature audience. A movie having such a wide scope of audience has to be made. No Ordinary
Plague uses the real life 1918 Spanish Flu occurrence to encase themes that the characters use to
show good character to the viewers. Although it is very much a source of entertainment, a movie
like this has the potential to be so much more.


?ou have cerLalnly LhoughL Lhrough your
ldeas and have presenLed Lhe ploL and
hlsLorlcal conLexL clearly. As you look Lo
revlse, Lhough, l'd llke you Lo Lake a look
aL Lhe purposes you glve for Lhls movle
Lo see how Lhey are ln dlalogue wlLh
whaL you acLually say abouL Lhe movle. lL
may be LhaL your purpose has changed,
or lL mlghL be LhaL you need Lo more
clearly arLlculaLe how Lhe purpose ls
achleved ln each area LhaL you Lalk

Also, l'd llke you Lo work on
sLrengLhenlng your language. ?ou have
some excellenL ldeas, buL Lhey can be
relnforced by Lhe language you use.

l'm looklng forward Lo seelng whaL you'll
revlse ln your porLfollo!

-Ms. C

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