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PITPIT BERTIE MIDDLE SCHOOL Week Beginning: December 19, 2011 Interview with Teacher Applicants: December 28, 2011

NELA Internship Weekly Activity Log

Days Teacher Observation One (1) Teacher Observation (6-R) Teacher Evaluation None Teacher Meetings Budget Meeting with the 7th Grade ELA team Building Meetings None District Meetings None Community Meetings/ Contacts None ExtraCurricular Events None Management Tasks Other

Monday (December 19th)


Meeting with Dr. Joe Peel, Executive Coach, on the Principal Evaluation Process (for Preservice Candidates) None

Tuesday (December 20th)




Establishment of the ParentTeacher-Student Organization (PTSO) initial meeting with Mr. Newkirk. Meeting with Mrs. Hardy and Mr. Newkirk on the establishment of ParentTeacher-Student Organization (PTSO)




I spent the whole day doing one-onone conversations with 6th Grade Science students on their Science fair projects. Other than the individual conferences regarding Science Fair projects, I also worked on two (2) discipline reports

Wednesday (December 28th)








Interview with Teacher Applicants for 7th grade ELA position.


*Reflection on this weekly log (include feedback from coach and mentor): On my Conversations with Dr. Peel: This weeks meeting with Dr. Peel focused on the Principal Evaluation Rubric (for Preservice Candidates). I have realized that there are still many things that I need to work on to become proficient (at least) on all standards. I also realized that I have been doing a lot on some aspects, but I just need to make sure that I have documents that can prove that I am doing those things. On Collaboration Dr. Peel suggested that I need to revisit the reasons why I am working with 7th grade English Language Arts teachers particularly 7-C. Student testing data indicate that 7-Cs students are far below proficiency and some changes need to be introduced. Dr. Peel also suggested that I need to do the one-on-one conversation with her and focus on the following aspects What Weve Done, Where You Are, and Help me understand what I need to do differently to help you make changes. On Terminating Contracts with Teachers Dr. Peel said that documentation is crucial in terminating contract of teachers. A nonperforming teacher should be put in an action plan and must be observed by more people. It takes two (2) years to terminate contracts. On handling student discipline I worked on two (2) discipline reports this week. Students need to understand the consequences of the decisions/choices that they make so that they will not commit the same mistakes again. On Following School/District Mandates This week, I noticed that more and more students are not following guidelines on school uniforms. According to the school policy - Shirts must be tucked inside the pants/skirts, etc. Undergarments should not be visible. No baggy or tight fitting pants are permissible. Shoes must be solid black or brown. Shoes may not be worn over pant legs. Most of the violations that I noticed are on wearing their tops; they always prefer not to tuck them in. Every now and then, I would ask them to tuck their shirts in, or wear their shoes under their pants. Some of them would not even bother to do it. When this happens, I would talk to them and tell them not to make it hard on themselves, instead follow the rules immediately. Furthermore, I also noticed that some teachers do not even bother to check on their students who do violate the policies. Lesson Learned: School leaders and teachers should consistently and strictly implement district or school mandates/policies.

On Parental Involvement/Community Involvement - This is one area that I need to address and improve on as an administrative intern. I decided to coordinate with Mr. Curtis Newkirk, the newly appointed Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) President, and signified my intensions to become part of the organization. We analyzed the Teacher Working Conditions Survey Results and referred to the recommendations of the staff as we started to create the PTSO. Mr. Newkirk also presented his disappointments because only six (6) parents attended the first PTSO meeting and that no single member of the staff was there to show his/her support. Because of this, I suggested one strategy that I introduced in my former school as the chair of the school improvement team. He wanted to do it at Bertie Middle School just to ensure that there would be more members of PTSO. At the end of the meeting, I was appointed as the Vice President of the organization. Interview with Teacher Applicants Mrs. Hardy assigned me to create the interview questions for the 7th grade English Language Arts teacher applicants a position vacated by 7-R, one of the teachers I was working with in 7th grade. She instructed me that she wanted questions that were geared toward middle school. Preparing the questionnaire provided me a great experience and insights as to what middle schools look for in teacher applicants. I started categorizing the questions into four parts - teachers, curriculum, students, and technology. I also equated this experience with what to look for when I start applying for administrative positions after graduation in May 2012.

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