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Daily Lesson Plan Bertie County Schools (BMS)


Teacher: Eunice Gay Topic: English/LA Date: Monday, February 5, 2012 Resources needed: Dry Board, Dry Marker, Readers Notebook, Textbook, Cause and Effect Notes Standard Course of Study Objective(s): Goal : 6.01 (9) Today the student will model an understanding of conventional written and spoken expression by applying language conventions and usage during oral presentations. Goal 4.01 (4) Students will analyze the purpose of the author or creator by understanding the effects of authors craft on the reader/viewer listener. Goal 1.02 (2) Students will respond to expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by summarizing the characteristics of expressive works. Students will complete Bellwork Students will received information regarding AR expectations. RBT Tag =CT4.02 (3) Student will consider the impact of conclusion when evaluation communcation. Understandings: Students will understand thata cause is an event, action, or feeling that produces a result, and that result is an effect. Students will knowhow to identify an effect the multiple causes that produced it. Students will be analyze cause-and-effect relationships as they read and ask questions. Skills Student will be skilled in cause and effect and vocabulary development. Literacy/Vocabulary Words Review: torrent, bound, resolution, evading, speculate, loathe, perpetual, transfixed, dispelled, elimination Reading Skill Review: Cause and Effect

Essential Questions and Key Terms: Cause-and-Effect Relationships 1. What happened? Why? 2. What will happen as a result of this? 3. Why did this happen

Focus and Review/ Anticipatory Set: Cause and Effect and Vocabulary Development Whole Group Small Group/ Differentiation

Bellwork, Complete Common P 1. Teacher Input: Students Assessment and Check HW (If will discus word Applicable) definition of cause-and1. Teacher Input: Teacher guide effect. vocabulary review as student A cause is an event or illustrate each word. Teacher situation that produces a will guide review of Cause-andresult. An effect is the Effect content skill by discussing result produced. words associated with it. A 2. Guided Practice: Teacher CHART with word, definition, and will facilitate students example sentence will be placed thinking. on board. 3. Independent Practice: Effect (n) something that occurs students will continue as a direct result of an action. review vocabulary words, Ex.-The effect of adding a suffix cause-and-effect is a change in the words part of relationships, and review speech. notes and questions affect (v) have an effect on from Narrative, The someone or something. Treasure of Lemon Brown Ex.-Connotation affects the way via Readers Notebook (p. a reader responds to a work. 80consequence (n) something that follows as a result of something RBT Tags: else. Ex.- A consequence is an effect of an action or series of actions. occur (v) happen or come about. Ex.-The reader expects unusual events to occur in a science fiction novel. after (v) adjust or make changes to. Ex.- To alter the plot, the writer added a character. Review Affix (Prefix)- Per meaning completely; student will note vocabulary word(s) with affix per (perspective) Discuss poem, Deserted Farm from last week if possible Discussion of the STEM Questions and the question

generated by students. Evaluation/ Assessment: Evidence: (S) Completion of Review of Vocabulary words and Cause-and-Effect. Check off of notes and questions in Readers Notebook, The Treasure of Lemon Brown, Journal Entry Reflection on Relationships RBT Tag: Integration of Subjects: Closure/ Homework: Students will verbally review what they have learned in class today. Homework: Students will review vocabulary words and notes on Cause-and-Effect RBT Tag: Reflections: Relationships Students will explain what they think about , Characters of The Treasure of Lemon Brown.

Daily Lesson Plan Bertie County Schools (BMS)


Teacher: Ms. Gay Topic: English/LA Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2012 Resources needed: Laptops, Dry Board, Dry Markers, Readers Notebook (p.78Standard Course of Study Skills: Objective(s): Goal : 1.01 (2) Students will be skilled in The student will narrate an Foreshadowing and expressive account which Vocabulary Development. orienting to the scene, the Continuation of people, and the events. Literacy/Vocabulary Words: Goal 1.02 (4) torrent, bound, evading, The students will respond to loathe, transfixed, elimination, expressive materials that are resolution, speculate, read, heard, and/or viewed by dispelled, perpetual making connections between Elements of Short Stories: works, self, and related topics. Characters-people or animals Students will take Common who take part in a storys Assessment (10 items) and action. Characterization-the Vocabulary Assessment (5 way a writer reveals a items). characters personality and Goal 6.01 (7)Students will qualities. Theme-the central

model an understanding of message expressed in a story conventional written and spoken Plot- the sequence of events in expression by extending a short story inclusive of five vocabulary knowledge learning areas: exposition (introduces and using new words. the setting), rising action (introduces the conflict or RBT Tag = problem), climax- turning point of a story, falling action-part of a story when the conflict lessens, resolution-the storys conclusion. Understandings: Essential Questions and Key Terms: Students will understand that 1. What is the essence of literacy ...different between flashback and techniques used in short stories, foreshadowing. such as foreshadowing, flashback, Students will knowhow to make a irony, and dialect? connection between the theme of 2. How is the theme of the the narrative (relationships) and narrative, The Treasure of Lemon literacy element, foreshadowing. Brown, relationships onnected to Students will be able to identify the foreshadowing? elements of short stories. Focus and Review/ Anticipatory Set: Cont. Making Generalizations Connecting to Informational Text Whole Group Small Group/Differentiation Bellwork and Check HW (If 1. Teacher Input: Teacher will Applicable) have students shared what Students will take Common they learned from narrative, Assessment (15items). The Treasure of Lemon Brown. 1. Teacher Input: Teacher will 2. Guided Practice: Teacher introduce/re-visit previous will guide student thinking Vocabulary Words, definitions, as necessary. and parts of speech. 3. Independent Practice: Teacher will introduce students will continue checking foreshadowing. notes and answers to questions Reading Strategy Focus: MIDAS about The Treasure of Lemon 2. Guided Practice: Students Brown in Readers Notebook, p. will review notes and answers to 78questions in Readers Notebook, RBT Tags: The Treasure of Lemon Brown. 3. Independent Practice: Students will continue to check notes and answers to questions in Readers Notebook, The Treasure of Lemon Btown. p. 78RBT Tags: Evaluation/ Assessment: Closure/ Homework: Evidences: (S) Completion of Students are to complete HW

Common Assessment, Questions Assignment with vocabulary and Checking Notes and Answerswords. to Questions in Readers RBT Tag: Notebook, Journal Entry Reflection on Relationship RBT Tag: Integration of Subjects: Reflection: Relationships Students are to explain what they think about the relationship of Lemon Brown with family. Questioning Techniques Used:
Remember: define, name, repeat, list, label, recall, recognize, match, recite, check, identify, group, find Understand: restate, interpret, exemplify, classify, infer, describe, explain, report, elaborate on, discuss, express, summarize, compare, paraphrase, clarify, represent, translate, illustrate, categorize, generalize, conclude, predict, contrast, map, match, construct Apply: translate, apply, use, demonstrate, dramatize, operate, schedule, pretend, assume, convey, react, represent, show, model, adopt, maintain, manipulate, put to use, solve, execute, implement. Analyze: differentiate, organize, attribute, distinguish, criticize, debate, question, experiment, compare, diagram, inspect, relate, analyze, convince, infer, audit, break down, dissect, examine, scrutinize, survey, uncover, test for, divide, sift, deduce Evaluation: check, critique, judge, evaluate, score, choose, predict, rate, assess, measure, appraise, justify, accept, award, criticize, determine, grade, prioritize, rank, reject, rule on, settle, arbitrate Create: generate, plan, produce, design, construct, compose, assemble, propose, set up, invent, devise, arrange, create, conceive, compile, develop, evolve, form, make up, originate, structure, hypothesize

Daily Lesson Plan Bertie County Schools (BMS)


Teacher: Ms. Eunice Gay Topic: English/LA Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2012 Resources needed:Informational Text Handouts (Soul Train and Don Cornelius) Skills: Standard Course of Study Objective(s): Students will be skilled in foreshadowing Goal : 1.04/2.01 (6) connecting to Informational Text Students will respond to expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by making connection between works, self, and related topics. Students will respond by drawing inferences and.or conclusions. RBT Tag = Understandings: Essential Questions and Key Terms: Students will understand that 1. Why is it importance to understand the there is a connection made from dynamics of foreshadowing? reading, hearing, and viewing 2. How can informational text connect to informational text. foreshadowing? Students will know..that the use of clues early in a story signifies hints of events that will occur later. Students will be make an inference and/or draw conclusion. Focus and Review/ Anticipatory Set: Foreshadowing Connecting to Informational Text Whole Group Small Group/Differentiation

Bellwork and Check HW 1. Teacher Input: Students will share 1. Teacher Input: Teacher will perspectives of connecting introduce foreshadowing using Informational articles with articles on Soul Train and Don foreshadowing. Cornelius. 2. Guided Practice: Teacher will Reading Strategy: Thinking Out facilitate student thinking as Loud necessary. 2. Guided Practice: Teacher 3. Independent Practice: Students will will have students write a continue working on Analysis Analysis reflection in Reflection two paragraphs paragraphs (2) form (summarizing). (summarizing of styles (hair, RBT Tags: fashion, music, dance) in the 70s during time of Soul Train and Don Cornelius and 21st Century. 3. Independent Practice: Students will work on Analysis Reflection Paragraph (Summarizing) RBT Tags: Evaluation/ Assessment: Closure/ Homework: Evidences: Completion of Students are to complete assignment summary analysis paragraphs using vocabulary words. Journal Entry Reflection on RBT Tag: Relationships RBT Tag: Integration of Subjects: Reflection: Relationships Students are to express how the Informational Article show relationships relating to foreshadowing Daily Lesson Plan Bertie County Schools (BMS)

Teacher: Ms. Eunice Gay Topic: English/LA Date: Thursday, February 8, 2012 Resources needed: Literature Text Book-Mother to Son page 543; Poem Analysis Summary Skills: Standard Course of Study Objective(s): Students will be skilled in reading and Goal : 1.04 connecting with a poem. Students will respond to expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by making connection between work, self, and related topics. RBT Tag = Understandings: Essential Questions and Key Terms:

Students will understand thatthe use of drawing conclusions helps identify details in the poem. Students will knowhow to connect with a poem. Students will be identify figurative language in the poem.

1. In the poem, Mother to Son; What does the staircase symbolize? 2. How does the elements of poetry enable you to make a connection; specifically the use of figurative language? 3. How does the poem, Mother to Son connect to the theme, relationships?

Focus and Review/ Anticipatory Set: Connecting to a Poem Whole Group Differentiation Activities Bellwork, Check HW 1. Teacher Input: Student will 1. Teacher Input: Teacher will read and discuss the poem, explore students prior Mother to Son (Textbook, p. knowledge of the elements of 543) poetry by making connection to 2. Guided Practice: Teacher will what they already know guide students thinking as Hook student by calling their necessary. Q? What details in attention to the terms used in the poem support the conclusion discussing poetry: figurative that life has not been easy for language the mother? 2. Guided Practice: Teacher 3. Independent Practice: will guide the students thinking students will complete an during the reading. POETRY Analysis 3. Independent Practice: RBT Tags: Students can identify how they connect with the poem using a POETRY Analysis RBT Tags: Evaluation/ Assessment: Closure/ Homework: Evidences: Completion of Students will complete HW POETRY Analysis, Journal assignment-viewing vocabulary Reflection Entry on words. Relationships Students will formulate two RBT Tag: C5 and/or three questions from poem, Mother to Son. RBT Tag: Integration of Subjects: Reflections: Relationships Students are to express perspective of relationships noted from the reading, Mother to Son.

Daily Lesson Plan Bertie County Schools (BMS)


Teacher: Ms. Eunice Gay Topic: English/LA Date: Friday, February 9, 2012 Resources needed:Literature Book page 283, Amigo Brothers, Readers Notebook, Audio Tape, Laptops (Media) Standard Course of Study Skills: Objective(s): Goal : 1.02 Students will be skilled in Students will narrate an foreshadowing connecting to expressive account orienting to Narrative, Amigo Brothers. the scene, the people, and the events. RBT Tag = Understandings: Essential Questions and Key Terms: Students will understand thatthe 1. What is the authors purpose use of literacy devices transients of the narrative, Amigo Brothers? the authors style of writing. 2. Does the elements of the Students will knowhow to detect narrative easily reveal the foreshadowing from the reading. authors point of Students will be orient to view/style? Explain? the scene, the people, and the events of the narrative. Focus and Review/ Anticipatory Set: Narrative (Short Story) and foreshadowing Whole Group Differentiation Activities Bellwork, Check and Discuss 1. Teacher Input: Teacher will Reading HW facilitate class discussion of Students will take a Vocabulary theme relationships in Assessment (10 items) connection to Narrative, Amigo 1. Teacher Input: Teacher Brothers. introduce the Narrative, Amigo 2. Guided Practice: Teacher will Brothers via Audio Tape and/or guide student thinking as whole class reading. necessary Reading Strategy: Critical 3. Independent Practice: Viewing-Discuss Questions students will continue checking from Text. skill sheet in Readers Notebook. 2. Guided Practice: Teacher RBT Tags: will answer students questions as necessary. 3. Independent Practice: Students will enagage checking skill sheet in Readers Notebook, p. 133 Students will answer essential questions. Students will visit the Media Center to take AR test and check out books.

RBT Tags: Evaluation/ Assessment: Evidences: Completion of Vocabulary Assessment, Skill sheet in Readers Notebook p. 133, Take AR Assessment, Journal Entry (Relationship Reflection) RBT Tag: C5 Integration of Subjects:

Closure/ Homework: Students will complete HW assignment of reading 30 minutes RBT Tag:

Reflection: Relationships Students are to express how theme, relationship applies to the Narrative, Amigo Brothers.

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