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AgilePath Corporation Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has emerged as a critical enabler to contemporary IT strategies focused on cost management, business services management, variabilization of fixed costs, and implementing asset-reduction strategies to increase overall business agility. Infrastructure and physical assets are increasingly perceived as a drag on business agility. Cloud computing offers a way to offload physical infrastructure and increase agility while controlling costs. Cloud computing offers a range of strategic business and IT objectives, as listed below: Business agility through asset-reduction strategies Variabilization of fixed costs Data center consolidation, server consolidation Cloud service brokerage/SOA in the Cloud Cloud-mobile fusion, mobile Cloud Big data and Cloud analytics Cloud-enabled agility AgilePath's Cloud computing practice will accelerate your Cloud journey, from Cloud strategy and assessments, to Cloud architecture and vendor selection, to implementation, management and Cloud governance. AgilePath's Cloud computing practice focuses on the full lifecycle of Cloud computing from strategy and planning through Cloud modeling, architecture and design, to implementation and support. Key elements of our Cloud practice include our newest Playbook solution -- AgilePath's Cloud Computing Playbook, as well as our Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) and reference architecture framework.

AgilePath also provides Cloud research and advisory services which include financial analysis, business case analysis, strategic scenario planning, Cloud market/industry analysis, Cloud vendor evaluation and selection, and ongoing mentoring and support.

Featured Cloud Computing Solutions and Products

The following Cloud Computing solutions are highlighted as part of AgilePath's Cloud Computing Practice:

AgilePath's Cloud Computing Playbook: Enabling Business at CloudSpeed

AgilePath's Cloud Computing Playbook provides a complete solution to accelerate definition of a business-aligned Cloud computing strategy and roadmap for your enterprise. AgilePath will conduct a Cloud computing assessment and feasibility analysis to determine the opportunities where Cloud

computing makes sense in your enterprise. AgilePath's; Cloud Computing Playbook is illustrated below:

AgilePath's Cloud Computing Playbook will be used to develop a Cloud computing reference model and reference architecture that will facilitate your migration to a private, hybrid or public Cloud deployment, based on architecture best practice industry standards for APIs. Even public Cloud migrations will benefit from a Cloud reference model and reference architecture, to help you understand what your Cloud service providers offer, and what the migration risks are when you make the decision to move to a public Cloud or hybrid Cloud model.

Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB):

AgilePath is once again on the forefront of technology with our SOA-in-the-Cloud approach, or what Gartner Group calls a Cloud Services Brokerage (CSB). Cloud computing and SOA/Web services are fundamentally the same architecture paradigms at their core. Therefore, the natural convergence of SOA application services and Cloud services can be realized through an integrated strategy and architecture. SOA and Cloud computing can be realized in multiple approaches, but the most compelling is the SOA-in-the-Cloud pattern, or Cloud Services Brokerage. AgilePath offers Cloud Services Brokerage/SOA-in-the-Cloud CSB reference model and CSB reference architecture templates to facilitate your migration to this emerging Cloud computing paradigm, as well as the technical expertise to accelerate your implementation of a Cloud Services Brokerage. AgilePath will help you model, design and select appropriate CSB partners, evaluate them, and finally, provide technical and engineering support to realize your business objectives from a Cloud Service Brokerage.

Benefits of the SOA-in-the-Cloud/Cloud Services Brokerage Solution: Realize SOA and Cloud computing as integrated strategies and enterprise architectures for your enterprise, which saves time and leverages the best-of-breed from both technology solutions. Templated CSB reference model and reference architecture artifacts that will compress your time to value via the Cloud Services Brokerage operating model. Supports hosted SOA infrastructure and services via third-party Cloud service providers, which enables you to focus on business requirements, business process management and other more business-aligned needs.

Cloud Analytics and Big Data:

One of the most exciting developments in the age of Cloud computing is the move toward Big Data and Cloud analytics. Cloud analytics offers compelling new approaches to analytics at Web scale, which remove the traditional constraints on the type and size of the data and what information can be learned from the data. New approaches to data analytics have evolved to exploit new sources of data and new approaches to analyzing that data. Unstructured and semi-structured data offer great troves of information when analyzed using contemporary tools developed for large data sets of new data, based on cloud computing technologies, distributed storage models, and parallelized data analytics. This is precisely how Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Facebook and other organizations are leveraging Cloud computing applied to big data and cloud-enabled analytics. AgilePath will help you determine how to leverage Cloud analytics and Big Data to drive business and mission value for your enterprise. Leveraging a Cloud analytics reference architecture, AgilePath will help you develop a logical model and technical architecture for Cloud analytics that will meet your objectives. AgilePath will provide technical engineering, architecture, data science and analytics expertise to quickly implement Cloud analytics based on best practices from both commercial and public sector experiences.

Cloud analytics strategy and roadmap to craft your approach to Big Data and Cloud analytics Cloud analytics reference model and reference architecture Cloud analytics POC, pilots and implementations Integrating Cloud analytics with traditional business intelligence architectures

AgilePath's SOLAR Cloud Playbook for Cloud migration of legacy data and applications
AgilePath offers the SOLARCloud playbook as a packaged methodology for legacy application migration to the Cloud. AgilePath's SOLARCloud Playbook is a companion methodology to the SOLAR Playbook for legacy application modernization via SOA. Together, these two playbooks

offer a best-of-breed approach to application migration, leveraging the most contemporary industry best practices for SOA and Cloud. The SOLARCloud Playbook and the SOLAR Playbook both leverage AgilePath's quad modeling to accelerate the decomposition of legacy applications to facilitate the modernization process, and help make the appropriate choice legacy-to-SOA, legacy-to-Cloud, or both.

Cloud Architecture and Interoperability Roadmap Development

AgilePath has a robust Cloud computing architecture and interoperability roadmap that will ensure you can quickly leverage Cloud computing, but avoid vendor lock-in and lack of choice via proprietary Cloud APIs and enabling technologies. AgilePath's experts will help you make the critical choices of Cloud computing, such as: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud What Cloud resources do you need, e.g. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Virtual Data Center as a Service (VDCaaS), or others What Cloud computing security challenges should you anticipate, and how can you understand and mitigate risks? How to negotiate your Service Level Agreement (SLA) and licensing terms with your Cloud solution/service providers? AgilePath has templated artifacts for each step on the journey toward a Cloud-centric enterprise, including the following: Cloud computing assessment template Cloud computing strategy template Cloud computing governance framework Cloud computing reference model Cloud computing reference architecture Cloud computing prescriptive architecture Cloud computing interoperability and portability model Cloud computing transition architecture

Enterprise DevOps (EDO) through AgilePath's AgileCloud Playbook

AgilePath's Enterprise DevOps (EDO) practice helps enterprises dramatically improve time to market by harnessing the power of Cloud computing, agile development and the industry trend toward eliminating the gap between the software development organizations and IT operations and infrastructure provisioning team. AgilePath's Enterprise DevOps practice will help your organization implement the principles, concepts, processes, tools and governance of DevOps, which will fundamentally transform your IT delivery model for your customers.

AgilePath DevOps experts will work with your organization to assess your current IT development and IT operations capabilities, determine your DevOps readiness, and devise a structured DevOps pilot project that will demonstrate the power of DevOps for your organization in a controlled-scope proof of concept (POC). Based on lessons learned during the DevOps pilot, AgilePath will work with you to devise an enterprise DevOps strategy and roadmap, with the appropriate implementation support, change management, governance and metrics to drive the migration toward this exciting approach. Bottom line: Your organization will reap the benefits of rapid software development and release processes through AgilePath's Enterprise DevOps practice.

Enterprise App Store Design and Implementation

AgilePath understands the necessity of an enterprise app store, given the rapid adoption of mobile technologies and the demand for more agile and flexible software development processes. AgilePath will help your organization design and implement an enterprise app store that will enable business consumers and external customers to access and download applications of all types, whether they are SOA services, mobile applications, or widgets that enable rapid access to enterprise capabilities. In addition, AgilePath will help you integrate your enterprise app store with your private Platform as a Service (PaaS), which will provide a complete application development, provisioning and consumption lifecycle that will speed up application delivery to your internal business customers or your external customers.

AgilePath's Application Platform (PaaS) Solutions:

AgilePath has focused heavily on the emerging application platform space, watching as new application development platforms arise in the marketplace, and how these new entrants will bring new innovations to the Platform as a Service (PaaS) industry. AgiliePath's expertise includes PaaS design and architecture, software development languages (Java, .NET), application frameworks (Rails, Grails, et al) and databases, as well as messaging platforms and how these choices either limit or enable your enterprise to exploit this critical class of capabilities. AgilePath will help you in the following ways with your enterprise PaaS requirements: PaaS vendor selection, evaluation and migration Private PaaS design, integration and implementation, and application development support Integration of your enterprise PaaS with your enterprise app store for an end-to-end solution

Cloud Governance and Cloud Management Solutions

For commercial and federal government organizations, Cloud computing and Cloud governance mean important changes to the ways in which IT resources and capabilities are specified, architected, acquired, implemented, integrated, managed, provisioned, consumed, and ultimately retired. AgilePath's Cloud Governance Lifecycle provides an end-to-end view of Cloud governance, and paints a future vision for Information Technology that will help it remain relevant in an age in which IT organizations are increasingly detached from their business customers by global forces of outsourcing, managed services and public Clouds, while demand for customer service and performance remains high. IT must adapt to these forces, and the Cloud Governance Lifecycle offers a way out of the quandary. We call organizations that adopt this approach Cloud-Centric Leadership Organizations. AgilePath feels that a Cloud governance framework will not only help large enterprises make the best strategic and architectural choices with respect to Cloud, but will provide a next generation IT resource management model that will pave the way for the future of IT organizations. Cloud-Centric Leadership Organizations have an opportunity to be proactive with Cloud computing, from both a technical and architecture perspective and more importantly from an acquisition, governance and management perspective. AgilePath's Cloud Governance Lifecycle offers a pathway to an integrated model for managing, provisioning and governing IT resources, whether they are internal resources, third party managed services, or public cloud resources. An integrated Cloud resource management framework will allow consistent strategy, architecture acquisition and resource provisioning, supported by IT policies, for the consumption of resources, with the support of a new IT governance capability. AgilePath provides the following capabilities in the area of Cloud governance and management: Design and implementation of Cloud governance policies, processes, oversight and enabling technology Cloud management tools and operating models integrated with Cloud governance Development of an acquisition/procurement strategy for Cloud computing capabilities Vendor and tool evaluation, selection and implementation of Cloud management and provisioning technologies Development of organizational designs and strategies to become a Cloud-Centric Leadership Organization Definition of the emerging role of CIOs in the age of Cloud Computing

Other AgilePath Cloud Computing Solutions and Services

Cloud Computing Playbook

Continuing its branded methodology excellence, AgilePath is pleased to offer its Cloud Computing Playbook to help organizations understand major Cloud computing lifecycle stages and the necessary Cloud adoption planning and implementation activities to be considered as your organization develops and executes its Cloud strategy. AgilePath will help you craft a tangible business and technical Cloud strategy, develop your Cloud architecture and potential Cloud deployment models, and then execute your Cloud implementations based on AgilePath's robust Cloud modeling and architecture framework.

Cloud Computing Adoption Model

AgilePath leverages its Cloud Computing Adoption Model, illustrated below, to begin client discussions about Cloud computing. This model helps quickly document what the current situation, maturity and readiness for Cloud computing is in your enterprise, and from there we can craft a pragmatic course of action to accelerate your migration to the Cloud.

Cloud Reference Model, Reference Architecture and Reference Implementation Support

For all of your potential Cloud deployment scenarios, a Cloud reference model, and reference architecture and reference implementation approach is an accepted approach for planning and implementing Cloud computing. AgilePath's Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) and Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CC-RA) services are built on a robust Cloud Computing Reference Model (CC-RM) framework that will accelerate and risks mitigate your Cloud computing implementation.

Cloud Modeling, Architecture and Implementation Services

AgilePath will assist your team with modeling your Cloud use cases and business requirements against known and emerging Cloud patterns (combinations of Cloud Enablement Patterns and Cloud Deployment Patterns), defining a robust Cloud solution architecture that supports those business requirements, and then supporting the implementation of your Cloud solution. Implementation

services include public Clouds provided by third party Cloud service providers, private Clouds deployed internally, and hybrid Clouds that integrate public and private Cloud deployments.

Cloud Expert Consulting and Advisory Services

AgilePath provides Cloud computing advisory support to help business and IT executives plan and execute Cloud strategies as part of their overall business and IT strategies

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