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Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Additional comments Mark /10 Gender Ages Favourite genre Wide range of locations to build a story good

build of characters and relationships excelent editing poor sound good panoramic shots and slow motion very well good use of words to tell a story yes, story had a moral I liked the post it note sound quality 8 n/a na hip hop

good locations and conventional good lots of stereotypes video is very synchronised really intereasting tied in excelently yes yes very intereasted

yes sucessful work swell some shaky camera angles yes yes almost entirely the why am I so ugly story followed well the ending of the speaches was too long why is J hustlesideways 9 6.5 male 21-34 indie

female 35-51 Rock

most of the times like the mix of performance and music needs more work at the end good yes fairly easy to follow needs to be more tighter at the end with the editing female 35-51 rnb

was good a lot of variations with the scenes it satisfied them all was fantastic especially the tripple split screen was good and so was the concept it had the full effect yes yes yes tripple split screen was great not much 9 0-20

was good a lot of variations with the scenes it satisfied them all was fantastic especially the tripple split screen was good and so was the concept it had the full effect yes yes yes tripple split screen was great not much 10 0-21

yes googd good good yes yes yes

7 female 35-51 metalic rock

yes good very good very good portrayed theme well very easy yes very acted story well more of the same

good camera work feel dizzy due to camera work good story 7

52+ country

35-51 #VALUE!

good could improve camera work out of time very good yes the boy was good yes very good yes the camera work was out of time 8 female

pop rnb

yes it was satisfiying to the conventions of the genre it was good very yes I was confused yes it was good make the narrative clearer 9 female 0-20

it was succesful because the characters we were in costume and the props were good the editing was sucessful aswell as the transitions camera angles were very good yes yes I loved it the start as it explained the story

9 female 0-20 all of them

I thought it fitted in well with the song it was more indie but I really liked it the beg editing was great the rest was well editied to the cinematography was all really well done yes yes was amazing the beginning stop looking at the camera 9 female 0-20 rock

yes I think it goes well amazing fit so well lots of shot which were exxciting strong emotions given though hip hop genre usually naked women sad narrative pulled off great yes it was amazing it was all successful show motion

10 female 0-20 indie

no, taking cocaine in school- unusual successful good quality successful yes yes it was amazing notes are hard to read. Didnt seem like a music video at the end

6 male 0-20 hip hop

very good customer was fitting transition were good good angles yes it in well in some places yes the dialogue near the end easier to understand 6 female 0-20 indie

yes very good good not bad good good yes the speech at the end was very good

9 female 0-20 hip hop

yes very good true to life very good sound could have been better very good could have done less in school very moving story yes very easy to understand yes very thought provoking drugs,hopefully will teach them not to do it

9 female 35-51 mainstream

The setting was irrelevant compared to the message Editing was good frrom person to person, lighting was appropriate Transitions were quick and smooth Camera angles were good and the movement was not shakey or change of character Yes very good meaningful narrative Yes quite easy to understand yes it had a clear storyline N/A N/A N/A Female R&B and Hip-Hop 0-20

The choice of setting well chosen The genre although quite experimental was well fitting The transition were well done as was the sync The angles were well shot Normally three stories at one time can be difficult but this worked Very easy I was N/A N/A N/A Male Indie 35-51

It wasn't about the setting, about the meaning It was very good as the video communicated the message of the song It was very good I expecially liked the split They where very good and unlinke other videos they werent distracting from content Perfect Very Easy Yes it had a few funny bits

Female RnB 0-20

Yes Very good Brilliant editing Could use variation if possible Yes, even better than the song Very good Yes very gripping N/A N/A N/A Female Indie/Rock 0-20

Yes Good Good Ok Yes Yes Yes Ending lots of info

Male Rock 35-51

Yes it was perfect Yes The swaps between scenes were soft and sharp The camera angles suited the storyline Yes Yes Definetly The storyline is sad but great. Stop looking at the camera 8 Female Rock 0-20

Yes, they naturalistic which suits what they were going It was it was a downbeat song and so was the video The slow motion was effective The shots effectively showed their messages I didn't understand how it fitted the lyrics Yes I was, it was very interesting the beginning part with the cards was very effective Some of the clips were the wrong way around Female Rock 0-20

yes it was good I understood the message The characters acting was understandable the editing was consistant The narrative portrayed well N/A Yes I understood the message Strong storyline N/A N/A 7 N/A Female Rock 35-51

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