Code of Ethics For Media (Samaja)

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Servants of the People Society, Cuttack, Odisha

Truth, honesty and righteousness have always been the guiding principles of Samaja since its inception by one of the greatest freedom fighters, Sh. Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das, in 1919. The publication not only promotes nationalistic spirit but also ensures greater participation of people in social and political affairs of the country. It was in 1926 that Sh Gopabandhu joined the Servants of the Peoples Society (SoPS) founded by Lala Lajpat Rai to train young minds for service of the nation. Before his demise in 1928, Sh. Gopabandhu handed over Samaja to SoPS so that the publication continues to disseminate free, fair and accurate account of the happenings and hence make people more responsive to their surroundings. For the last 84 years, the Society is keeping the flame burning and the weekly publication has now become the most trusted multi-edition Odia daily. It has been recognised now that in the changing times, it is necessary to put the ethical values followed by Samaja in black-and-white and share the same with others. It should also serve as a consistent reminder to all of us about our duty to adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. With these objectives in mind we have codified the policies and the values Samaja has always stood for and should continue to follow in future too. While codifying the ethics, guidelines and journalistic practices advocated and complied across the globe have also been referred to. We also recognise that no Code of Ethics or guideline is likely to be effective if the same is not linked to a fair and transparent system for corrective mechanism. To ensure that the guidelines are followed in their true spirit, the same has also been linked to an Ethics Committee. The committee is supposed to monitor any aberration and ensure appropriate corrective action wherever found necessary. I am hopeful that this initiative will prove useful to the associates and employees of the Samaja family and also provide guidance to other journalists (and publications) who wish to adhere to truth and honesty and serve the people with utmost dedication.

Hemant Goswami C.E.O. Samaja


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE : Servants of the People Society (SoPS) and Samaja have been formed with the objective of serving the nation and upholding the rights of its people. Its core objective is to promote nationalistic spirit and ensure greater participation of people in social and political affairs of the nation. Empowerment of masses through a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues remains the core belief of Samaja. Truth is its guiding principle. Progress of the nation in an all-inclusive manner through sharing of accurate, apolitical and unbiased information remains its focus. Unlike other publications, Samaja doesnt have any profit maximizing motive. SoPS and Samaja are not required to shares the profit earned through selling of advertisement space with shareholders/ partners as it is a non-profit establishment. The founders believed that advertisements are only a by-product of the publication and have no more importance than to earn enough resources for its survival. All surplus generated is used for public welfare activities. Listed here are the broad guidelines for the reporting staff to remind all that we have a duty to adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. 1.] GUIDING PRINCIPLES The guiding principles of Samaja and all publications brought out by Samaja are; (a) Service to the people by updating them with the true account of happenings and encourage free flow of information, knowledge and independent opinion. (b) To represent the masses and be a voice for their rights and against all kinds of exploitation. (c) To have the courage to stand up and speak the truth even in the face of most trying circumstances. (d) To promote traditional and cultural values of India.
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(e) To follow the principles enshrined in the Constitution of India and to carry out the fundamental duties mentioned in Article 51-A of the Constitution of India. (f) To motivate, guide and mentor youngsters to work for the service of the nation and inculcate a sense of patriotism and philanthropy in them. (g) To not have any commercial interest, thereby ensuring that profit earning never outweighs the motive to give independent, factual information to the masses. (h) To follow the guidelines issued by the Press Council of India and other codes on professional ethics of journalists from from time to time. 2.] LEANINGS TOWARDS PUBLIC GOOD While maintaining objectivity and impartiality, Samaja and other SoPS publications will focus on public good. When two versions and opinions of the same event/ happening exist; or where there are conflicting versions; Samaja (and other SoPS publications) will focus on: (a) Pro-public approach. (b) Common people vis-a-vis corporate and other interests. (c) Nature and environment vis-a-vis mechanical development. (d) Sustainable all inclusive growth vis-a-vis rapid economic growth. (e) Human health and well being over anything else. (f) Giving space to credible views of the masses too instead of just relying on official versions. (g) Fighting substance of abuse, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other addictions. (h) Virtues of simple life rich in high morals and ethics over materialistic leanings and luxury. (i) Evidence-based science & traditional scientific learnings (with long-term established principles benefiting mankind and nature) instead of hypothesis/ ideas for future development. (j) All inclusive development instead of material development of a particular section of society. (k) Farmers, tribals, villages and rural India. (l) Protection of national culture values and ethos. (m) Issues concerning India and Indians vis-a-vis any other geographical region of the world. 3.] BEING AN INDEPENDENT VOICE We believe in freedom of speech and independent journalism. We believe that freedom of press is in the interest of people and must be defended against assault from all quarters, public or private. We are committed to ensure fair news and fight vigorously
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for public access to information about public events and policies, government records and views of government through dialogue, conferences, open meetings, legal options, etc. We expect our journalists to: (a) Be free of all obligations to any interest other than the peoples right to know. (b) Neither accept any favour, in cash or kind, nor pursue any activity that might compromise or seem to compromise their integrity. (c) Deny favourable treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage. (d) Be vigilant and courageous about holding those in position of power accountable. (e) Distinguish news from advertising or paid contents. (f) Never deal with sources offering information in exchange of money or preferential treatment. (g) Refuse gifts, cash, free travel and special treatment and avoid affiliation/ association with organisations which are likely to compromise journalistic integrity. Refuse expenses in connection with news reporting from any third party. (h) Be vigilant against all who would exploit the press for selfish purposes. (i) Avoid all kinds of conflicts of interest, and disclose unavoidable conflicts. 4.] ADHERENCE TO TRUTH, OBJECTIVITY AND ACCURACY We are committed to ensure that the news content is accurate, free of bias, and that all sides are presented fairly. For this purpose, we will strive to: (a) Be objective to the core. (b) Bring out fair and accurate stories by using both official and reliable unofficial sources of information. (c) Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of human experience boldly, even when it is unpopular to do so. (d) Promote open exchange of views, even those views we find repugnant or not agreeable to our own. (e) Hold editorials, analytical articles and commentary to the same standards of accuracy as with respect to facts in news reports. (f) Promptly and prominently correct all significant errors of fact, as well as errors of omission, giving it adequate prominence. (g) Ensure that everyone responsible for reporting is honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. (h) Ensure that public-relation (PR) pieces and press releases are not published without critical assessment and without obtaining version/ views of other people involved.
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(i) Ensure that there is no distortion of news and views in any manner. Content, images, illustrations and other material should not be manipulated except for visual enhancement. (j) Give proper opportunity to subjects of news stories to respond to allegations of wrongdoing. (k) Be careful that headlines, news teasers, photos, graphics, comments and quotations, etc do not misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context. (l) Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information except when traditional open methods will not yield information vital to the public. Use of such methods are explained as part of the story (m) Remain original, avoid plagiarism and never copy stories, articles and material from other sources without due acknowledgement. (n) Be careful not to impose our own cultural values on others or judge others by our own values and belief. (o) Push for government obligation to ensure that the public business is conducted in the open and that government records are open to inspection. (p) Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent errors. 5.] CREDIBLE QUALITY CONTENT Samaja and all other SoPS publications are committed to be impartial and unbiased. (a) We draw a clear distinction for the reader between: i. News reports and opinion ii. Facts and fictions iii. Established science and science under development which is yet to prove its utility iv. News and paid content (b) We do not try to present articles containing opinion or personal interpretation in a manner which would lead to confusion in the mind of our readers. (c) We are equidistant from all political and religious organisations and are absolutely objective while reporting anything related to them. We do not block or give any preferential treatment to any news related to any religion, caste, creed or relating to any particular organisation. All news-worthy stories are covered irrespective of the leanings and affiliations of the organisations. (d) We always strive towards improving the quality of our reports and other contents.
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(e) We will not carry any article, report or opinion just on the basis of acquaintance of any person with our staff or management but would always look for newsworthiness and utility to the public. (f) We will always distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. We will make sure that analysis and commentary are not misrepresented as a fact. (g) Our staff will not write or edit stories primarily with the objective of winning awards and prizes. Any contest and/or awards that require a reporter to write certain stories to be eligible for competition is avoided. (h) The perceived archival value and historical importance of any writing shall guide the preference of one story/ article to others. 6.] SPIRIT OF REFORM AND INQUIRY Our opinion pieces and edits are committed to keeping public interest as its core objective. We have a policy where: (a) Advocacy of reforms and innovation is encouraged. (b) Spirit of inquiry and quest for sustainable growth and development is promoted. (c) Public interest and futuristic approach is preferred. (d) Concern for transparency, accountability and open dialogue in all matters of public policy and public finances is encouraged. (e) Nationalism and reforms in polity is promoted. 7.] FAIRNESS, EQUITY AND PRIVACY We respect the rights of people in the news and observe established standards of decency. We will always try to ensure that: (a) We understand that the responsibility of collection of news is not power to cause discomfort or to become arrogant. (b) The individuals right to privacy and dignity is protected. We recognise that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public officials, public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyones privacy. (c) We dont place needless emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, place of origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, family ties, religious beliefs, or physical or intellectual disability. We avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status. (d) Unless there is clear and pressing need to maintain confidentiality, sources of information should be identified. The public is entitled to know from where the information is coming from. When it is necessary to protect the confidentiality of a source, the reason(s) should be shared with the public.
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(e) Persons publicly accused are given the earliest opportunity to respond. We will be carefull about naming criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges. (f) We respect a suspects right for fair trial while reporting on him and balance it with the publics right to be informed. (g) We are sensitive while dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects. Safeguard the welfare of children and young people who contribute to or feature in our content. Preserve their right to speak out and participate. Content unsuitable for children is avoided to the extent possible. We try to adopt all due caution while reporting on juvenile suspects, victims of sex crimes or people suffering from HIV/AIDS. (h) We remain compassionate to those who may be affected adversely by news coverage. (i) We are sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief. (j) We exhibit good taste and avoid catering to lurid curiosity and using titillating pictures or content. 8.] ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE READERS/ PUBLIC We recognise that our journalists are accountable to their readers and the public. An open critical assessment by our readers offers a natural check-and-balance system. We will always try to: (a) Clarify and explain news coverage and invite dialogue with people about journalistic conduct. (b) Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media. (c) Admit mistakes and correct them promptly. (d) Expose unethical practices of journalists and the media. (e) Accept and honour readers opinion differing from our opinion and views. (f) Abide by the same high standards to which we hold others.

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OBJECTIVE: These rules have been formed by Servants of the People Society for Samaja and its other publications for its internal functioning and for ensuring that highest level of professional ethics and standards are maintained at all times in reporting of news and publication of articles and/ or any other written material. The rules also lay down brief suggestive procedures to be followed for identifying aberrations and the necessary remedial actions thereof. FORMATION OF ETHICS COMMITTEE: 1.] These rules are being formed by the Servants of the People Society (hereinafter referred to as the Society) for its publishing unit by the name of Samaja and are applicable to all other publications brought out by the Society, Samaja or any other undertaking of the Society. 2.] These rules shall be called Samaja Ethics Committee Rules and shall come into operation with immediate effect (i.e. March 1, 2012) 3.] The rules shall be applicable to all reporting staff, editorial staff, photographers, associates of Samaja, whether permanent, casual or on contract, stringer or reporters/ writers/ contributors under any other arrangement, may it be a written agreement or otherwise. 3.1.] The term reporting staff and reporter used in these rules includes all field reporting staff, bureau staff including supervisory, editorial staff and all employees, associates, permanent staff, stringers, casual or daily wage staff, any other person on contract or reporting/writing for Samaja under any kind of arrangement. 4.] By these rules, the following bodies necessary for operation of these rules shall be formed; 4.1.] Ethics Committee 4.2.] Appellate Authority COMPOSITION OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE 5.] The Ethics Committee shall consist of 3 members to be selected by the Editor and the General Manager and approved by the CEO of Samaja or the President of the Society. 6.] The tenure of the members of Ethics Committee shall be two years with upto one further extension of two years, i.e. a maximum tenure upto two successive terms.
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However a member may be renominated in the Ethics Committee for more than two successive terms with the written permission of the President of the Society. FUNCTIONS OF THE ETHIC COMMITTEE 7.] The Ethics Committee shall have the following functions; 7.1.] To redress grievance of any person, including a reader, when there is a complaint of incorrect or biased news/ reporting/ features. 7.2.] To look into allegation of corruption and politicisation by reporting staff. 7.3.] To look into cases where there is incorrect reporting or any news/ article is published without obtaining proper information and/or documents. 7.4.] To look into case where a reporter has used a PR piece/ propaganda news/ press-notes, etc. without due verification, or presented such items as his/her own story, etc. 7.5.] To investigate cases where the local reporter has failed to cover certain issues, or wrongfully diluted the news/issue to help any person/ corporate or organisation. 7.6.] To investigate cases of abuse of the name of Samaja for illegal/ personal gains. 7.7.] To look into incidents where any undue favour has been obtained by any person by using the name of Samaja or by misusing ones position as a reporter. 7.8.] To look into incidents of exerting influence and/or pressure on editorial staff of Samaja to include, drop and/or modify any news report with dishonorable intent. 7.9.] To investigate incidents where news/reports are pushed in Samaja for commercial reasons and/or to benefit a company/ business etc. or where there are any indications of the said news/report being paid news. 7.10.] Any other such like issues which: 7.10.a.) amounts to professional misconduct, 7.10.b.) is violation of any statutory law, 7.10.c.) is violation of the guidelines and code of ethics of SoPS and Samaja, 7.10.d.) lowers the image of the Society or the publication in any way. DESIRED INGREDIENTS FOR ANY SPECIFIC COMPLAINT 8.] The following is desirable, though not a necessary requirement, for looking into any specific complaint by any person against any employee/reporter/ associate/ agent of Samaja; 8.1.] Complainant should mention; 8.1.a.) Complete name 8.1.b.) Address 8.1.c.) Contact details along with telephone, e-mail, etc.
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Specific incident(s) should be mentioned. The complaint should not be vague. 8.3.] Date and time of the incident or the report complained about should be mentioned. 8.4.] In case of an incidence, evidence and/or witness (if any) may be cited. 8.5.] In case there is a dispute regarding any news item (etc.), the claimed correct version must be clearly mentioned and documentary evidences, etc. may be annexed along with the complaint. 8.6.] Wherever possible the complaint should be supported by documents, audio-visual records, photographs, etc. to help the committee arrive at a conclusive decision. 8.7.] The complainant should be accessible to the committee members, should cooperate and assist the committee. 8.8.] The complainant should also provide any information, documents, etc. found necessary by the committee at any time. 8.9.] Where the complaint is made telephonically, all relevant details should be put in writing by the concerned staff of Samaja and at the first opportunity the same should be got signed from the complainant. 9.] When any complainant wants the committee to take up a specific matter, it is desirable that he gives it in writing that he/she; 9.1.] Has full faith in the internal procedure of inquiry by the Ethic Committee of Samaja. 9.2.] Agrees to accept the decision of the committee. 9.3.] Shall not approach any other forum or seek any legal redressal in the said matter. 9.4.] Shall maintain utmost confidentiality relating to the inquiry. 9.5.] Agrees that the internal procedure/ documents/ findings/ decisions are privileged and confidential documents of Samaja and can not be cited in any court of law or otherwise without the written permission of the President of the Society. PROCEDURE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE 10.] The Ethics Committee shall adopt its own procedure, but broadly the following steps and processes may be followed; 10.1.] Any person may complaints about an incident 10.1.a.) Suo-motu cognizance may also be taken by the officials of Samaja 10.1.b.) Communication w.r.t. any false reporting or any act of misconduct by any member of the reporting staff may also be taken as a complaint even if it is not exactly in the shape of a complaint.
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10.2.] The matter is thereafter referred to the Ethics Committee. 10.3.] The Ethics Committee members make a discreet inquiry. 10.4.] If the committee finds that there is sufficient reason to intervene and investigate further, the committee starts an inquiry. 10.5.] The reporter/ person/ staffer/ associate is asked to Show Cause and explain the incident/news/ etc. and is asked for all supporting documents, witnesses and other details. 10.6.] The reply is assessed and documents scrutinised. 10.7.] Witnesses, complainant and the reporter are also examined, if found necessary. 10.8.] Five copies of the findings are prepared and the findings are handed over to the Editor, GM, CEO and the Printer and Publisher. 10.8.a.) Complete set of all the documents relating to the inquiry are also separately maintained in the archival records of the inquiry committee. 10.9.] Necessary action as recommended by the GM and Editor jointly, with the approval of the CEO is taken by Samaja. 11.] All communications made in electronic form, e-mail, fax, etc, shall be valid for the purpose of these rules. 12.] All documents/ records generated/obtained during the inquiry shall be confidential privileged documents and cannot be cited in any court of law or forum by the complainant or any third party in any manner. It is desirable that all documents/ records should bear the inscription/ mark Confidential Privileged Documents - Not for legal purpose. 12.1.] The President of the Society may give special permission in writing, under his signatures, for using any of the material/documents, etc. to be cited or referred or used in any judicial proceedings or otherwise. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS POST INQUIRY 13.] After the inquiry, the committee may: 13.1.] Dismiss the complaint if found to be false and/or lacking substance. 13.2.] Hold the person guilty of misconduct/ unethical conduct and furnish further details pointing to guilt/ misconduct. 14.] In case any misconduct/ unethical conduct is found, the Editor and the General Manager may recommend any of the following action; 14.1.] Immediately order discontinuation of any ongoing practice found to be unethical or not desirable. 14.2.] Termination of employment/ contract/ association/ agency, services of a stringer/ contributor, etc. 14.3.] Suspension of contract/ agreement/ agency or from service pending inquiry or otherwise 14.4.] Demotion or reduction in salary or stoppage of increment for a specified period
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14.5.] Change in terms of agreement/ contract/ employment, etc. 14.6.] Transfer to a different location with warning 14.7.] Warning and admonishment to form a part of the personal file (Which may affect the experience certificate of the person concerned.) 14.8.] Reporting about the person and the incident to Professional Fraternities and Statutory Bodies. 14.9.] Take legal action as per the law 14.10.] Any other action as per the Standing Orders and as per the Terms of Employment and in the best interest of the organisation. 15.] Prior approval of the CEO and the President of the Society shall be necessary in all cases where the following actions are recommended by the committee; 15.1.] Termination of services of a regular employee 15.2.] Legal action in any form 15.3.] Informing professional bodies or statutory bodies about the incident. 16.] It is hereby clarified that for taking any action against any employee/ agent/ associate, etc. it is not necessary to always conduct an inquiry under these rules. Notwithstanding these rules, Samaja and/or the Society may suspend or terminate the employment/ contract/ agreement with any person in accordance with any decision taken at the management level. 17.] Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Editor may decide to issue/ publish any clarification/ rectification at any time if the urgency of the situation so requires. TIME PERIOD OF INQUIRY 18.] The Ethics Committee shall complete all investigations within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint by it. 18.1.] No complaint older than 1 year shall be inquired into by the Ethics Committee. 18.2.] Any person aggrieved by the findings of the Ethics Committee and/or recommendation of action after the committee submits its findings can make an appeal no later than 30 days from date of decision of Samaja w.r.t. that matter. APPELLATE AUTHORITY 19.] The Printer and Publisher shall be the Appellate Authority whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties involved. APPEAL PROCEDURE 20.] In case anyone is aggrieved by the decision of the Ethics Committee or the action recommended and/or taken by Samaja, he/she can appeal to the appellate authority.
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20.1.] Appellate authority after going through all the documents and after listening to both the sides can modify the recommendation of the Ethics Committee. 20.2.] The appellate authority has the power to: 20.2.a.) Enhance the punishment/ action if found that the penalty imposed or action recommended is too light or too less. 20.2.b.) Reduce the punishment recommended. 20.2.c.) Pardon and waive of punishment recommended PROVIDED that; 20.2.c.i.) The pardon is granted only once during the total employment/ associate/ contract period with Samaja/ Society. 20.2.c.ii.) The request for pardon has to be in writing. 20.2.c.iii.) The terms of employment/ contract/ engagement of the concerned person can be altered while granting pardon. ADDRESS FOR SUBMISSION OF COMPLAINT 21.] The complaint can be sent in writing to; 21.1.] Postal address; Ethics Committee C/o Samaja, Gopabandhu Bhawan, Baxi Bazar, Cuttack, Odisha. 21.2.] Through email at MODIFICATION OF RULES 22.] In case any difficulty is found in the operations of these rules within one year, i.e. uptill March 1, 2013, these rules may be modified by the CEO and the rules shall have effect in such modified form. 22.1.] Thereafter, i.e. after March 1, 2013, these rules can only be modified with the written permission and acceptance by the Executive Council or the General Body of the Society. ADOPTION OF RULES 23.] These rules shall be adopted after the written approval of the President of the Society. 24.] These rules shall become part of the Standing Order of Samaja after the approval by the Executive Council or the General Body of the Society. 24.1.] Notwithstanding such approval, these rules shall come into operation w.e.f. March 1, 2012, if approved by the President.

(Note: These rules have been approved by the President Sh. Onkar Chand for adoption on March 4, 2012)

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