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Appel, Bloom pitch past the Bruins

Mostly Sunny 70 49

Mostly Sunny 67 66

T Stanford Daily The

MONDAY April 30, 2012

An Independent Publication

Volume 241 Issue 49


ProFros react to new class


Responding to campus crisis

Suites Residential staff members, students disagree on University response to student death

Incoming frosh to be first Thinking Matters students

Prospective Freshman (ProFros) got a close-up view of the next four years of their education including the recently revamped freshman year curriculum during this years Admit Weekend, which ran from Thursday, April 26 to Saturday, April 28. Next year, the Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM) program will be eliminated in favor of a new one-quarter interdisciplinary program called Thinking Matters. Freshmen will only take Thinking Matters for one quarter rather than the current three-quarter IHUM sequence. The Faculty Senate officially adopted the program in March. ProFros mostly commented positively on the change. Everyone I know who has talked to me about IHUM has said they hated it so I guess Im glad its gone, said Peter Dolan, a ProFro from Kirkland, Wash. Other ProFros shared similar sentiments. I havent heard great things about IHUM from current students, said Sarah Rosston, a ProFro from Menlo Park, Calif. All ProFros interviewed by The Daily said that they had heard negative things about the course from their Room Hosts (RoHos). It seems like a positive change from what Ive heard, said Ian Gonzalez, a ProFro from Miami, Fla. Still other ProFros expressed excitement over the fact that the Thinking Matters program will involve more choice and fewer required units. It seems like it would give you a chance to explore more options freshman year, said Laura Zalles, a ProFro from Palo Alto.

This is the first in a four-part series on crisis response and mental health resources on campus. Following the death of sophomore student-athlete Sam Wopat on March 25 and reports of several attempted suicides on campus this year, The Daily has undertaken a survey of existing campus resources and culture surrounding mental health. Today, we take a look at University reaction in the days and weeks directly following Sam Wopats suicide attempt and her death, exploring questions about how the University responds to student death, especially in cases of suicide. Next, The Daily will examine prevention, examining University systems in place to identify and help students in crisis and addressing reports of additional suicide attempts in campus residences. The Daily will then take a broader look at widespread student experience with mental health resources on campus and will highlight efforts to adapt campus culture for the future. Questions about University policy on communicating the death of a student were doubly present as Cady Hine, a junior English major who worked to establish Stanford Peace of Mind (SPOM) to destigmatize mental health and illness on campus, died on April 1 in her Palo Alto residence, within a week of Wopats death. The cause of Hines death has not yet been reported. After a month of interviews, The Daily has compiled details of the night of Wopats suicide attempt in her Suites residence and how resident assistants (RAs) and University officials responded that night and in the following days. Some RAs in Suites felt the University response following Wopats death was inadequate, while another expressed gratitude for the Universitys guidance. In addition, the response or lack thereof from the University to the larger student body regarding student death has been a source of tension between students who want information and University officials who seek to respect the privacy of victims and their families. University administrators cited federal privacy laws, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) when explaining why they are unable to discuss specific cases with The Daily and the general campus.

MICHAEL LIU/The Stanford Daily

Tight end Coby Fleener may be transitioning to the NFL next season, but hell have his fair share of familiar faces around the Colts compound in first-overall pick quarterback Andrew Luck and wide receiver Griff Whalen, picked up as a free agent.



Please see PROFROS, page 2

While Andrew Luck and David DeCastro might have stolen the headlines as the first two Stanford players selected in the NFL draft, ten other Cardinal players officially made the leap from the Farm to the NFL over the weekend as well. In second round of the draft on Friday afternoon, the Indianapolis Colts selected tight end Coby Fleener with the 34th pick, reuniting Andrew Luck with his most prolific target from 2011. Eight picks later, the Miami Dolphins chose offensive tackle Jonathan Martin with the 42nd selection in the draft. Fleener, who had 34 catches for 667

yards and 10 touchdowns in his final campaign as a Cardinal, said he knew he had a chance to join Luck in blue and white when the first round ended with his name on the board and the Colts just two picks away. I knew it was a possibility [to come to Indianapolis], but you never really know, Fleener told the Colts official website. I sat there yesterday thinking there were some teams that could have picked me and I wasnt sure. Today when the Colts came up, I still wasnt sure until I got the call on my phone that had an Indiana area code. I had a big smile on my face at that point.

Please see DRAFT, page 6

Please see SERIES, page 3

Seeing Cardinal red


University gifts football tickets to Redwood City council members

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Three members of the Redwood City council accepted free football game tickets from Stanford, which may have created a conflict of interest as the University is currently negotiating with Redwood City on the development of a satellite campus on 35 acres adjacent to Highway 101. The council members involved Jeff Ira, Barbara Pierce and John Seybert listed the football tickets with other gifts on their 2011 economic disclosure forms. State law requires city council members to disclose all gifts received over the course of the year. Ira and Seybert attended the Cards November matchup against the University of Oregon with tickets gifted from the University. According to Iras disclosure form, the value of the tickets he accepted was $270. People always ask me [if I saw a conflict of interest in accepting the tickets], Ira told the Palo Alto Daily News. If you have any confusion, I would call [Stanford] up and see how [ticked] off they are at me for all of the things Im not giving into. It does not impact my decision making at all, he said.

MADELINE SIDES/The Stanford Daily

Prospective Class of 2016 students swarmed White Plaza during Admit Weekend 2012, which ran Thursday through Saturday. The high school students had the chance to experience Stanford life by living in dorms, attending classes and hearing about Stanfords campus groups.

Please see BRIEFS, page 2

Index Opinions/4 Sports/5 Classifieds/6

Recycle Me

2 N Monday, April 30, 2012

The Stanford Daily

convictions on their record would you like to have living next door to you? And if you wouldnt want them next door to you, why would you put them next to any California family? Proposition 66, a previous attempt to revise the Third Strikes Law, failed by 3 percent in 2004.This proposition would have changed the definition of some felonies and required that the third offense be a special violent or serious crime to mandate the 25 years to life sentence. Governor Jerry Brown, then mayor of Oakland, opposed Proposition 66. Brown has not commented on the new initiative. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, a Republican, and San Francisco District Attorney George Gascn, a Democrat, however, have both recently thrown their support behind the latest initiative.
Kurt Chirbas


Continued from front page

Pierce accepted one ticket to an October football game against the University of Colorado. Lisa Lapin, Stanford spokesperson, told the Palo Alto Daily News that tickets to many university events such as football games are regularly offered to local officials. We dont single out any particular entity, Lapin said. Stanford is in six different jurisdictions, from Santa Clara County to San Mateo County, so everyone is given the same opportunities. The Stanford in Redwood City project was prompted by Stanfords General Use Permit with Santa Clara County. The permit limits how much Stanford can expand on the main campus, so the University is aiming to relocate administrative buildings to a satellite campus in Redwood City to preserve main campus space for academic uses. There are presently no plans for the University to locate offices on the site. After construction is complete, Stanford plans to continue leasing office space to third parties.
Alice Phillips

to transmit information from one transmitter to several receivers simultaneously. From 1986 to 1994, Cover served as a statistician for the California State Lottery while on the faculty at Stanford, devising ways to beat the lottery to prevent fraud and designing tests for lottery balls and wheels. Cover is survived by his wife, Karen, three brothers, two children, a stepson and four grandchildren.A memorial service is scheduled for Oct. 12, 2012, at the University Alumni Center. More details will be posted on the Thomas Cover memorial website.
Alice Phillips

Three Strikes initiative garners enough signatures

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF More than 830,000 supporters signed an initiative drafted by members of Stanford Law Schools Three Strikes Project that, if passed by voters, would modify Californias Three Strikes Law. State election officials received the signatures last Thursday. The initiative received 504,760 more signatures than needed, meaning it will appear on the November 2012 ballot pending approval by the secretary of state and county official boards. Voters passed Californias Three Strikes Law in 1994. Under the law, state courts are required to sentence third-time offenders to 25 years to life in prison regardless of whether the third offense is defined as violent or serious. Stanford Law Schools Three Strikes Project, established in 2006, represents individuals serving life sentences under the law. Michael Romano, the projects director, told The Daily in November that the law has resulted in life imprisonment for relatively small crimes. That is not a way to run a state or a criminal justice policy, Romano said.A life sentence for petty theft or drug possession is excessive. The initiative, which the Three Strikes Project started crafting more than a year ago after being approached by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, would reduce the sentence for third offenses to double the normal penalty. Mike Reynolds, who helped draft the original law after his daughter Kimber was murdered in 1992, argued against any revisions. In an interview with The Daily in November, he said that California saw a 37 percent drop in crime the first four years the law was implemented. Reynolds maintained this position in a recent interview with the San Jose Mercury News. Its easy if you live in Palo Alto, where Stanford is and where its safe, to be for this, Reynolds said. The only question voters need to answer is which of these offenders with at least two serious or violent

Information theorist Thomas Cover dies at 73

By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF Stanford electrical engineering and statistics professor Thomas Cover M.S. 61 Ph.D. 64 died March 26 at Stanford Hospital. He was 73. Cover made major contributions to various fields, including information theory, mathematical statistics, data compressions, pattern recognition and stock market investment strategies. His co-written book Elements of Information Theory is considered a keystone text for modern information theory. Cover was born in San Bernardino, Calif., and graduated with a B.S. in physics from MIT in 1960. He became a Stanford School of Engineering professor at in 1972 , directed the Information Systems Laboratory from 1988 to 1994 and was named the Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Electrical Engineering and Statistics in 1994. Cover was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2003. He was also president of the Information Theory Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), elected to the National Academy of Engineering and named as a fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the IEEE. Some of Covers most important work concerned broadcast data transmission. In 1973, his work on the superposition of signals in broadcast channels made it possible


Continued from front page

Obviously I havent taken IHUM, but it seems like you can tailor [Thinking Matters] more to your interests rather than take a class that you may or may not be interested in, said Hadley Reid, a ProFro from Chapel Hill, N.C.

I havent heard great things about IHUM.

Admit Weekend coordinators gave House Hosts (HoHos) information about the new freshman curriculum changes during a briefing to help them answer questions from ProFros. Thinking Matters is not just a humanities-based program, said Will Setrakian 15, a Larkin HoHo, when describing the new freshman curriculum. It will expose students to a wide variety of subjects such as communications, law and science. Setrakian added that students will be able to enroll in Thinking Matters classes that interest them in addition to the one they choose to fulfill their one-quarter requirement. Gonzalez added that he had heard about some interesting Thinking Matters courses, such as one based on the popular Discovery Channel show Mythbusters. They sound so interesting that I might actually sign up for more than just the one required course, Gonzalez said. Contact Mary Harrison at

The Stanford Daily


Continued from front page

Crisis in Suites Resident assistants in Suites were split over the effectiveness of the Universitys reaction on the night of Wopats attempt and during her weeklong hospitalization prior to her death. Two RAs expressed frustration with a lack of explicit directives on how to address resident questions and emotional responses to Wopats hospitalization, though the other Suites RAs said University officials were very helpful throughout the process. I dont feel like the University was there to help us as RAs, said Kiera ORourke 13. ORourke and Jen Wylie 13, also a Suites RA, commented that it was difficult not to relay information since many residents were present as ambulances arrived on campus. When I came in, I saw all three floors of Jenkins [the house adjacent to Wopats residence] all the windows lighted and people were standing in the window looking, ORourke said. You could see the ambulance the sirens were going on outside, Wylie said. People were going to be like Whats going on? Suites RA Elijah Frazier 12, who said that many students witnessed the presence of EMTs, also said that very little information could be released because very little information was available at the time. ORourke, who acknowledged that Valentina del Olmo, the Residence Dean responsible for Suites, needed to be at the hospital with Wopat, said that having an adult present on campus that night would have been helpful. All four Suites RAs agreed that having an adult presence in the dorm following Wopats hospitalization would have been helpful. ORourke said alerting nearby resident fellows (RF) in the Sterling Quad or EAST, Murray or Yost houses could have solved the lack of adult presence, since Suites does not have an RF. She added she did not feel supported by the University in the days following Wopats suicide attempt, and that she did not know how to respond to students as an RA and as a fellow student following Wopats hospitalization. In her opinion, the University failed to give adequate directives to the Suites RAs. We really didnt know what to do, she said. It felt very futile. ORourke said she was told a few days after Wopats hospitalization not to convey further information to students who did not know what had happened, but to ensure general resident well-being. As an RA you feel hesitant to do the personal thing because youre part of the voice of the University almost, ORourke added. You dont want to act as an RA without the University backing you up. You feel very lost when you dont have an explicit direction [about what information to reveal]. Wylie and fellow RA JuanCarlos Foust 13 agreed they would have appreciated having more information about what they could and could not say to students. I didnt know what face I was supposed to be wearing, Foust said. The Suites RAs announced a vigil held for Wopat two days after her hospitalization, mentioning neither her name or what had occurred. Saturday was a hard night for many members of our community, the RAs wrote to the Suites mailing list. If you would like to

send love/support for those involved, take a trip to Maples Pavilion. At the entrance is a tree from which we are hanging messages, notes, drawings, etc. Materials should be in a brown bag near the tree. Some Suites residents attended the vigil and left, without ever knowing Wopats name. They should have been going around that night ORourke was uncomfortable with an apparent hands-off approach following Wopats death, especially when she was asked by the Suites ResEd supervisor to check up on the residents of Griffin, Wopats house within Suites. We got an email one or two days later saying, You have to go around Griffin again and talk to each room, ORourke said. And I was like Why am I going around Griffin? I think a [Counseling and Pschological Services] counselor should go around Griffin they should have been going around that night. I think CAPS counselors should have been here the day after [Wopat attempted suicide] going around Griffin, ORourke said. Wylie agreed. Communication between RAs and the University also appeared to be a problem. Both RAs expressed frustration with limited prior announcement of an academic advising event held for Suites residents to assess their options for finishing winter quarter coursework while dealing with Wopats hospitalization. We werent even notified about that, ORourke said. All four Suites RAs said they received emails from administrators commending them for their work during such a difficult time. Foust said the messages felt more reactive than prescriptive. Frazier said he felt the University response to the RAs was both supportive and appropriate. Because ResEd stepped in to support [us] and the University [did] overall I think there was a lot of support, Frazier said. It seemed that they were very busy but also highly supportive, Foust said. The University said it wasnt a measure of keeping the situation quiet as much as it was up to the family on what they chose to disclose or not, Frazier said. ORourke said she understood privacy concerns but got a different sense from the University. It seemed to me like they didnt want us to tell people, she said. Dean of Residential Education Deborah Golder said she received feedback from Suites residents about a lack of University presence in the dorm, but stressed that action by RAs is more meaningful than administrator presence and that ResEd coordinated with the Suites RAs. We got some feedback from folks who live in Suites, saying the Universitys not doing anything for us, Golder said. All of the things that RAs were doing, etc. were our involvement. It feels like the University is not involved, but of course we are. Whats more helpful to a student? Me? I think a student who you know is more accessible to you than I am. Maybe those dont look public enough. Thats not the intention. University communication With the exception of an email ResEd sent to the Suites residential community following Wopats death, the University has not sent any direct messages to the student body announcing the deaths of Wopat or Hine, memorial services for the deceased students or existing resources for grieving or stressed students. On April 2, Vice Provost of Student Affairs Greg Boardman published an op-ed in The Daily

tanford oulmates
On love, marriage and beer vending machines on the Farm
AUBRIE LEE/The Stanford Daily

Monday, April 30, 2012 N 3


f the many Stanford myths repeated to freshmen, one of the most common is that up to 70 percent of Stanford students meet their life partners at the Farm. According to the Stanford Alumni Association and as reported by The Daily, in fact no more than 15 to 20 percent of Stanford students marry fellow trees. The Daily spoke with Stanford couples of all ages about romance on the Farm. Barbara Beck Garton 79 was on the swim team with her husband-to-be Dan Garton as an undergraduate at Stanford. The couple met through the team during their freshman year, although they did not know each other very well at the time because, as Barbara put it, I was in the fast [swimmers] lane and he was in the slow [swimmers] lane. In their senior year, the pair became better acquainted. By chance, they lived in the same house, where Dan was the president. He was the one who assigned the rooms, Barbara said. He remembered me from swimming and put me around the corner from himself. Their courtship began, but was not an immediate success. During fall quarter their house put on a medieval party, in which Dans actions put a strain on their budding relationship. Dan went dressed as Prince Charm-

ing while Barbara dressed as the Lady of the Lake from the Arthurian legends. He had a big crush on me, but unfortunately he overindulged and ended up stripping down to his tights, Barbara said. It took a few more months to repair the damage he did at that party. Eventually, however, Dan managed to win his future wife over. According to Barbara, he impressed her with his ingenious method of stocking the house vending machine with beer, despite it being against the rules. Claiming that her case is not unique, Barbara recalled that there were two marriages from her freshman dorm alone. Both couples remain married today, including her hallmate who was also her best friend on the swimming team and her best friend from freshman year. The marriage trend has continued even in Gartons family. A girl from Dans freshman dorm became my sister-in-law by marrying Dans brother Michael, a Business School student. Keeping the Cardinal tradition strong, all three of the Gartons daughters attended Stanford. One, a graduate of the class of 2007, met her husband at Stanford. Some students, however, meet their spouses years after their time at Stanford, as was the case for Hilary Lieberman Link 91. Link and her friends hosted a Passover Seder in April 1989, which her future husband attended with a group of friends. We met that one night and about the deaths, the availability of mental health resources on campus and details for vigils via campus-wide emails on the same day the students had died, though neither included suicide as the cause of death in communication to students. Harvard never acknowledged any cause of death, Harvard sophomore Nicholas Rinehart wrote in a Facebook message to The Daily. People here are actually pretty upset that Harvard is not taking this opportunity to talk about suicide and mental health in any real way, instead pretending like [suicide] doesnt happen, Rinehart wrote. Stanford Dean of Student Affairs Chris Griffith responded to The Daily about how the University communicates news of student deaths, saying that Stanford defers to the privacy concerns of family members and does not have a specific policy on broader disemmination of the news. Our immediate response when one of our students dies is to support the students family, friends, and others who are impacted and to ensure that they have access to University resources that provide help and comfort, Griffith wrote in an email to The Daily. Our response does not require a specific notification to the community; but rather we evaluate the circumstances and consider the need for privacy of family members and of students and others who are impacted at Stanford as well as regulations that may prevent us from releasing information. Vice Provost for Student Affairs Greg Boardman wrote to The Daily that he thinks the University can balance the privacy needs of families while having an open dialogue about suicide. We always work hard to respect the privacy of individuals, Boardman said. Each situation poses its unique circumstances, and, often there is much that the University is unable to disclose. Yet, we always engage with open dialogue on the associated topics on mental health and suicide, broadly. This policy has upset some students, and Ron Albucher, director of CAPS, said he understands where that frustration originates. I totally get why students feel frustrated about this because

never saw each other again, Link said. But 10 years later in New York, a mutual friend set them up on what was supposed to be a blind date. I called my friend and asked if Jeff Link was the guy from Hawaii who came to our Passover Seder, Link said. She said Yes, it was and he was cute.You should go. Although their relationship didnt start until years after they had both left the Farm, Link said she feels that their shared connection to the school played a large role in the formation of their relationship. [The Stanford connection] runs through our relationship, she said. I think the fact that we met here had a huge impact. When we re-met, that was sort of it from then on. While hook-ups and flings are prominent on campus, there are many couples that envision being together for the long-term. Such is the case with Megan OBrien 14, who met boyfriend Michael Crayne 12 through the archery team at the beginning of her freshman year. Between schoolwork and extracurricular activities, many Stanford students feel they are too busy for a relationship. OBrien said she doesnt think this is reason not to commit to one. Ideally, youll both be involved in some of the same activities, so you can spend that time with them, she said. Both OBrien and Crayne are members of the archery team and share their Catholic faith. You should be helping each other do what you already do better, not hindering them or taking over their life, she said. For OBrien and many other students who find love at Stanford, the connection they make with their partners is more than good chemistry, but something that is deep and profound. To most, love is a warm, fuzzy feeling that you have when youre close to a person and want to be with them a lot and enjoy spending time with them, OBrien said. Love is, above all, a choice to be with someone and care for them and give yourself up entirely for them. Contact Cara Reichard at carar1 there seems to be a lack of communication from the University to the student body about it, Albucher said. The University struggles with balancing the needs of the students with the privacy issues of the families involved. And thats where the University has sided more. Silence on Cady Hine The silence surrounding Wopats death wasnt the only cause of frustration for some students. Stanford lost another student on April 1, when Cady Hine, a junior with a history of bipolar disorder who worked to address the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness on campus, died while on spring break at the age of 24. No additional news of the circumstances of Hines death has been reported. The Stanford Report announced Cady Hines death on April 6, and The Daily printed an obituary on April 17, along with the previously mentioned op-ed. No official University communication was sent. Helena Bonde, a fifth year senior who befriended Hine when they met in 2008, expressed frustration with how long and through what channels news about Hines death and memorial services traveled, especially at the late response of both the University and The Daily. I was pissed that there wasnt more news about [Cadys] death, Bonde said. I mean, Cady was a really wonderful member of our community and there wasnt even a Daily article until after her memorial service which was two weeks after her death. Bonde said she did not find out about Hines death through either the Report or The Daily. I found out about it from a friend emailing me because shed seen someone link to the Stanford News update website-thing that Id never even looked at before in my life, she said. There are probably quite a few people who didnt even know about Cadys death until after the memorial. Part two of this four-part series will run Wednesday.The piece will examine crisis prevention on campus, including training of Residential Education staff, and University response to student mental health crises.

announcing Wopats death to those who may not have known, stating that the University would likely not offer additional information in deference to family privacy and communicating the availability of campus mental health resources. On April 17, The Daily ran an op-ed by Rabbi Patricia KarlinNeumann, senior associate dean of the Office for Religious Life; Alejandro Martinez, senior associate director of CAPS; and Jim Cadena, director of the Arts in Residential Education program, about their work with Hine. Still, several students have expressed frustration with a lack of communication about the student deaths, while the University continues to stress the importance of maintaining the privacy of families during times of loss. Stanford was not the only top university to experience student death in recent weeks. In comparison, the Dean of Harvard College and the Dean of Yale College each sent messages to their entire student populations announcing student deaths that that occurred on their respective campuses in the past two weeks. Each University relayed information

4 N Monday, April 30, 2012


The Stanford Daily

Work hard, play hard not healthy

ork hard, play hard is somewhat of a normative ideal at Stanford. When asked to characterize Stanford students, many of us are proud to proclaim it; its even part of the official motto of Stanfords chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, the business fraternity. Under this mentality, allnighters are viewed with awe and respect, as is winning a game of beer pong after pounding down ten shots. One potential reason why the work hard, play hard mindset is so popular is because it connotes notions of a balanced life. But is it really a balance to have two long nights of partying after averaging five hours of sleep per night in the week beforehand? Simply put, the work hard, play hard mentality leaves little room for personal wellness. If anything, it suggests that the stresses induced by intense academic and extracurricular schedules can be overcome by partying, drinking and/or doing drugs. Instead, these behaviors only serve to mask the reality of the situation. In 2001, David Brooks labeled Princeton students as Future Workaholics of America. Across the country and eleven years later, this label still seems appropriate. At Stanford, merely taking classes at one of the most rigorous universities is not enough; we pile on various other commitments: athletics, part-time jobs, public service, performing arts, research, start-ups, you name it. Most of the time, we decide to pursue these activities of our own accord, out of genuine interest. As Brooks wrote, promises of enjoyable work abound. And yet, our myriad commitments invariably add stress to our lives and, quite often, a feeling of being overwhelmed. But whereas it is relatively straightforward to identify the excesses of playing hard, such as alcohol-induced vomiting and hangovers, it is not always as easy to recognize the dangers of being overcommitted. For instance, studies show that sleep deprivation and excessive stress are linked to increased rates of heart disease, obesity and other effects that are only apparent in the long run. And while the workaholic lifestyle can be emotionally damaging in the short-term,these effects are subtle and hard to attribute to any one cause. Even when a student is

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The Stanford Daily

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able to recognize that excessive work is having immediate effects on his well-being, there is not always a simple solution to the problem beyond riding out tough times. Many common commitments on campus are difficult to drop mid-year. For its part, the administration has worked hard to address the excesses of the play hard mentality, at least with regard to alcohol consumption. Alcohol Edu, the open door practice, publicizing the social zone, and other endeavors such as the OAPEs Cardinal Nights program all aim toward this end. But while the administration has been very active in promoting responsible drinking, we feel it has spent relatively less time on the other side of the equation: teaching students how working hard, if done excessively, can be hazardous to ones health. Certainly, there are services on campus, like The Bridge and CAPS, designed to help students deal with the effects of excess stress. But little is done to address the root of the problem. During New Student Orientation (NSO), for instance, we learn about many of the opportunities available on campus, but not how to prioritize or say no to any of them. In fact, some common orientation traditions only encourage us to feel as though we should do more. Take, for instance, the first welcome at Admit Weekend when we learn about the amazing accomplishments of a select number of our peers. This is inevitably followed by some affirmation of how we all belong at Stanford.The overall message, however, is concerning: You belong here, but work extremely hard because these are the kinds of people with which youll be taking classes. We are not advocating for students to shirk all their commitments, or for administrators to encourage such behavior. Working hard, from our perspective, is better than hardly working, and it is only natural for students to want to take advantage of the many opportunities Stanford offers. What we view as problematic is taking on too much, sleeping too little, being too stressed and not dialing back because everyone else does it too. In short, we hope that students can start to better understand the physical and mental consequences of their lifestyles,and we ask that the administration play a more active role in this regard.

Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 721-5815 from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5803, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal business hours. Send letters to the editor to, op-eds to and photos or videos to Op-eds are capped at 700 words and letters are capped at 500 words.


A Stanford education and social engagement

of knowledge. In his wonderful essay The Disparity between Intellect and Character, Harvard professor Robert Coles tells the story of a brilliant moral philosophy student who treated his housekeeper, a fellow undergraduate at Harvard forced to clean rooms to pay her way through school, with the same respect he might give the trash she picked up. One day this young woman entered Coles office in tears. Ive been taking all these philosophy courses, and we talk about whats true, whats important, whats good, she cried. Well, how do you teach people to be good? Coles knew, as did Emerson, that the disparity between intellect and character can be mapped onto the distinction between thought and action that what one has inside his head matters much less than what he does with it.This is not a new or original idea indeed, it amounts to scarcely more than the old adage that actions speak louder than words. But ought a university, in fact, teach people to be good? How can we teach each student to pursue what John Rawls termed her conception of the good without imposing a standardized, cookie-cutter picture of what that good looks like? As we argue about the perils and benefits of social engagement inside the classroom, I have to admit that I dont know the answer. But I do know that there is a role for the modern university in wedding the power of the rigorous mind to the wisdom that comes with moral character. In his 1957 classic Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes tells the

Miles Unterreiner
heartbreaking story of Charlie Gordon, a mentally disabled man who undergoes an experimental procedure to increase his IQ.We are introduced to a Charlie whose problemsolving skills are inferior to those of Algernon, a mouse in the lab. Soon, Charlies mind outstrips that of the doctors who engineered his transformation. But he is no happier, no more secure, no friendlier. Charlies being is no more morally valuable than it was before the surgery; his newly powerful intellect serves only to give him a clearer appreciation of the faults and foibles of humankind. As he stands before the group of intellectually brilliant but morally empty scientists who made him who he is, Charlie finally shouts that theres one thing youve all overlooked: intelligence and education that hasnt been tempered by human affection isnt worth a damn. Stanford has always been a school of doers, of men and women of action and energy employed in the service of visible achievement. The College of the West, David Starr Jordan wrote in 1904, is home to no dewy-eyed monk, no stoop-shouldered grammarian. The true Stanford scholar is the leader of enterprise, the builder of states. As we pursue Jordans vision, lets not forget the words of Emerson, Coles, and Keyes. We have work to do. Want to give Miles a little human affection to temper all that knowledge hes accumulated here at Stanford? Send him an email at

Unsigned editorials in the space above represent the views of the editorial board of The Stanford Daily and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily staff. The editorial board consists of five Stanford students led by a chairman and uninvolved in other sections of the paper. Any signed columns in the editorial space represent the views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire editorial board. To contact the editorial board chair, e-mail To submit an oped, limited to 700 words, e-mail To submit a letter to the editor, limited to 500 words, e-mail All are published at the discretion of the editor.

he purpose of a university education can sometimes seem a self-evident truth, on par with life, liberty and the fact that Cal sucks. The modern university, after all, obviously exists to promote learning and instill knowledge; to equip its students with a set of technical skills; and to provide a safe, open space in which the intellect may thrive and develop. But might intellectual goals alone constitute too narrow a vision, too humble an ambition, too timid an aspiration for a university that has always dreamed for better? In a landmark 1837 speech to Harvards Phi Beta Kappa Society, Ralph Waldo Emerson famously defined the American Scholar as a man of energetic action as well as nuanced and advanced intellect. Emerson urged each student to become more than what he called a mere thinker to become something larger than the accumulated library of his inner knowledge, to mold each mans being into something greater than the sum of his intellectual parts. The great American thinker and poet concluded with his now-famous assertion that character is higher than intellect that the scholars mind is not his only implement, not even his defining one. Emerson understood the distinction between mind and soul, and knew that a finely honed intellect could flourish in men and women of empty spirit. But he had higher aspirations for the American university; Emerson had the audacity to dream of a curriculum that shaped its students into complete moral beings, rather than mere soulless vehicles for the transmission and acquisition

California Avenue: A street to call our own


ust a few blocks south on El Camino from Stanford campus lies a shopping and dining oasis that most students have never even heard of, let alone visited. On paper, California Avenue appears to be a perfect college student destination. The oddball cousin of University Ave, it is full of mom and pop stores and hole-in-the-wall eateries and features a yoga studio, nightclub and even a weekly farmers market. So why dont students ever go there? Because Cal Ave is dated and in dire need of a makeover. Quirky, independent shops suffer from a gray streetscape, unbearable traffic and poor pedestrian environment, with benches far and few between. Despite the great food and shopping, the street lacks the color and comfort to keep bringing people back. At one time University Avenue faced similar woes, but a massive renovation injected new life into the street. While it can still be difficult to find parking, aesthetic improvements have made the street much more attractive than California Ave. But University is different instead of mom and pop stores, trendy restaurants and luxury outlet stores pepper the swanky commercial center of Palo Alto. Not exactly a college student haven. California Ave has the potential to become the street we call our own and it could happen sooner rather than later. A restructuring plan for the Cal Ave streetscape has been in the works for a number of years, but has faced fierce opposition from local merchants, even before the City Council voted unanimously to approve the project in February 2011.

The plan, which calls for widened sidewalks, raised crosswalks, expanded seating and planting areas, and most notably a reduction from four lanes of traffic to two, would undoubtedly improve the streets pedestrian access. This would be a boon for Cal Ave businesses, but merchants are concerned that the lane reduction would disrupt traffic and dissuade drivers from shopping on the street. The city has faced multiple lawsuits from business owners arguing that the plans Environmental Impact Report required by state law for virtually any major construction project failed to recognize the potential business closures that would result. The charges are bogus, but they have still managed to hurt the project by delaying construction for as long as a year. This stand taken by Cal Aves merchants is unfortunate for the city, which is losing grant money as the project is delayed longer and longer. It is unfortunate for the business owners of the street, some of whom exhibit a surprising short-sightedness about the construction impacts and potential long-term benefits of construction on California Avenue. And it is unfortunate for the residents of Palo Alto, including Stanford students, who are missing out on a beautified commercial and entertainment center. It is in everyones best interests for these lawsuits to be dropped and the project to advance as quickly as possible. The street will be safer, cleaner and better looking as a result. There is demand in the Palo Alto community for an alternative to University Avenue, and progress shouldnt be slowed by the shortsighted fears of a handful of merchants.

Reasons we relate
tually knew me is a common agreement. That sense of anonymity isnt exclusive to freshman year, but its certainly a time we see how much we value simple sociability as quickfix relief from a deeper displacement. Physical intimacy: Because we know that personal intimacy can manifest itself physically, and its easier to attempt the physical part first. This modern perception is well exemplified in the fact that Sex & Love or Sex & Relationships is the name of that section in the most popular womens magazines. Im not sure if the overall assumption is that physicality leads to ideal relationships or vice versa, but Im pretty sure its one of them. Otherwise, hooking up is a preferred way to scratch that itch, as a friend recently described it. Interestingly, this kind of connection has everything to do with an internal need, and nothing to do with the other person. Then again, repeated hooking up can actually slip into something committed, if boyfriend and girlfriend titling seems like the logical next step. Its a trendy view that physical and emotional interactions are mostly equivalent, so this process probably seems pretty natural. In general, college is a common place where many of us decide how successful or realistic these approaches are for us. Its not political and its not economic, but the definition of an ideal romantic relationship is probably one of the starkest and most rarely debated cultural divides on campus. A place to give: Because some Stanford students concern them-

y interest in relationships colors everything I do. I majored in IR because I love the idea of countries in contact: the EU as a fractious clique or North Korea trying to prove stronger than the South. I chose to study languages that would help me communicate with distant relatives (and a long-lost babysitter). My dad once dubbed me Little Ms. Chatterbox and still all I want to do is have conversations with people about what they care about. In fact, over years of talking with close friends who think similarly to me, I almost got to thinking that this was everyones way of navigating social waters here at Stanford. But thats a hefty assumption. Despite our common age range, the motivations behind our relationship choices are radically diverse. The differences are audible in the content of our chatter, visible in our social choices and embedded in our daily schedules. Ultimately, many of us are looking for very different things in the people around us, and these are just three Ive noticed. Casual company: Because in a sea of strangers and unknowns, even small talk is a lifeboat. I remember freshman year, when many of us were roaming around campus in constant mobs, or swarming campus parties in well-dressed gangs.Within 10 weeks, BFF statuses were fixed, sexiling was in full swing and longterm plans with recent acquaintances were ambitiously scheduled. For me, most of these rapidlysettled associations unraveled by the next year. The initial ease had a lot of spirit, but little depth to show for itself. In retrospect, No one ac-

Nina Chung
selves primarily with their time and energy and giving it away as much as they can. This, for me, has been the most unique perspective on friendship and love Ive ever encountered. It has also redefined loaded phrases like public service and social justice, which I once assumed were meant for expensive organizations or students future careers. I judged too soon. Some students now have been supervising overnight shifts at Night Outreachs homeless shelter (which closed Sunday) despite bad sleep and class the next morning. There have been past Operation Hot Cocoas, where students served warm things to late-night studiers during finals weeknights. There are students in the houses and dorms who just seem eternally ready to help you, not to be something themselves, but to think first of you. The motivations here are actually really odd, as they ignore the ideal of perfect equality. Yet some students are seeking it, convinced that giving what theyve got is the best good theyll ever find. At Admit Weekend four years ago, a Stanford authority said that this Universitys greatest resource was its people. Four years later, Im still convinced that this is true. For zero credits, its here Ive learned that relationships can be driven by extremely different objectives. We have choices. And if relationships are as powerful as we say they are, recognizing which choice were making could be crucial. Email Nina at

The Stanford Daily

Monday, April 30, 2012 N 5


Stat on the Back


very March, dozens of college basketball teams wait anxiously for a selection committee to decide their postseason fate. Coaches go on television making their teams case, resumes are compared in hundreds of different ways and the word bubble gets thrown around approximately 12,000 times per second. Months and months of hard work get boiled down to a few numbers and the opinions of a group of old men in a room on one Sunday afternoon, leaving several good teams left outside the Big Dance. And theres nothing the players can do about it. Compared to mens volleyball, though, basketball players have a cakewalk. Imagine being a team that dominates throughout the season, ranking as high as No. 1 while finishing in a close second in by far the best conference in the nation. In your conference tournament, you come inches away from winning, eventually blowing a lead to the No. 2 team in the country in the tournament final. Still, as the No. 3 team in the nation, whats to worry about? In basketball or nearly any other collegiate sport, there wouldnt be a worry, as your only question would be about seeding in the NCAA tournament. Unfortunately for the players on the Stanford mens volleyball team, their sport doesnt work like that. Nope. In the mind-boggling world of NCAA mens volleyball, a No. 3 national ranking, a 22-7 record and second-place finishes in both the regular season and tournament in the crazy-good Mountain Pacific

Mens volley robbed by the NCAA

The No. 9 Stanford baseball team made up some crucial ground on Pac-12 foe UCLA this weekend, besting the No. 11 Bruins twice with dominant pitching and getting help from some of its veteran bats as well. Junior righthander Mark Appel had doubledigit strikeouts against a highly ranked opponent for the fourth time this season on Friday, while junior righty Sahil Bloom pitched five near-perfect innings in relief on Sunday to secure the series win in Westwood. Meanwhile, junior outfielders Stephen Piscotty and Tyler Gaffney combined for nine hits and six RBIs on the tail end of a stretch that has seen Stanfords youth take a leading role at the plate, with both homering in the series opener. The Cardinal (28-11, 10-8 Pac-12) is now only a half game behind UCLA (28-12, 12-9) for third place in the conference, with No. 14 Oregon on top and just two and a half games in front of Stanford after moving into the top spot this weekend. With six wins in its last seven games, the Cardinal is carrying much-needed momentum into the home stretch of the Pac-12 season, which includes a showdown with No. 21 Oregon State the Beavers sit just a game behind Stanford

in Corvallis next weekend. The Cardinal jumped out to a big lead in the pivotal series opener and didnt look back, grabbing a 7-0 advantage with runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth innings. Sophomore righthander Adam Plutko took a no-hitter into the top of the fourth, but Gaffney broke it up with his first home run of the year, an opposite-field solo shot. Sophomore first baseman Brian Ragira tacked on a second run with a two-out, full-count double to bring home freshman third baseman Alex Blandino. Stanford led off the fifth with six productive at-bats a hit batsman, a sacrifice bunt, a single, a sacrifice fly, another single and a three-run home run from Piscotty before a sixth-inning triple from junior catcher Eric Smith set up the Cardinals seventh run. Appel (6-1) did give up eight hits in his seven innings, but stranded seven UCLA baserunners and struck out 10 more. Bloom gave up a ninthinning homer to sophomore Pat Valaika to narrow Stanfords lead to 7-2, but the Bruins didnt have it in them for a comeback and the Cardinal took the opener. On Saturday, UCLA took advantage of an off day from redshirt junior Brett Mooneyham, whose recent struggles have seen his ERA jump to 3.98, the highest for a Cardinal pitcher with at least 10 appearances. The lefty gave up seven

IAN GARCIA-DOTY/The Stanford Daily

Please see JAFFE, page 6

Junior leftfielder Stephen Piscotty had five hits and six RBI this weekend, including a three-run home run in the opener. His transition to the outfield from third base has been smooth so far.
we hoped to actively engage the Community Action Boards (CAB) letter to the Faculty Senate, which we felt was vague in addressing the level with which to engage curriculum with issues of identity and power. For instance, although we think engineering curricula benefit from courses in ethics or identity, we do not think a class on thermodynamics should engage with these social issues. Second, and most concerning to us, is that there has been a profound misreading of a sentence in the original editorial. The sentence reads: A view of liberal arts education in which courses should become training grounds for social activism threatens to marginalize thinkers who fail to engage in socially relevant questions or who present less tolerant views on women, minorities and privilege. As this was the concluding sentence in a paragraph that opened with mentions of Aristotle and Nietzsche, we were surprised to learn that some, Ms. Fetter included, have interpreted the word thinkers to mean Stanford students. This was not our intent, as we were referring to prominent philosophers and scholars whose views may not accord with present-day sensibilities; we stand by the original wording as appropriate to convey our message. Finally, we never labeled the CAB members as activists for the views expressed in their letter. It is only natural to want to be properly represented in the University and its curriculum, and we value how the letter serves to add much-needed nuance to the SUES report. In short, we are not afraid of being ignorant, overwhelmed and outnumbered. Furthermore, we are disappointed that a significant portion of the online response consisted of idle speculation and ad hominem attacks, rather than thoughtful discussion on the points our editorial addressed. Our primary aim of the editorial, rather, was to open a dialogue on the subject of the role of social activism inside the classroom. We opened the door for a debate with our view of liberal education that strikes a balance between the opinions of Hoover fellow Peter Berkowitz and other conservative voices in higher education with the opinions of those who have been critical of his primary arguments. We feel this is a debate worth having, and we encourage the discussion surrounding our editorial to focus on that normative question.
ADAM JOHNSON 13 Chair of The Stanford Daily Editorial Board

free baserunners walking four and hitting three in just a four-inning start. Stanford grabbed the early lead on a two-run double by Ragira in the top of the first, but the advantage was gone as quickly as it was achieved, as Mooneyham gave up four runs in the bottom of the same frame. The game stayed at 4-2 until the fifth, when Mooneyham allowed another run to score and loaded the bases before departing. Fellow lefthander Garrett Hughes came in and struck out his first batter, then proceeded to walk in a run before getting out of the inning. Back-to-back homers from rightfielder Austin Wilson and designated hitter Danny Diekroeger in the sixth cut the four-run Bruin lead in half, but the sophomores effort would cap the Cardinals scoring on Saturday afternoon. Junior rightfielder Jeff Gelalich added a bit of unneeded insurance for UCLA with his RBI single in the seventh, as the Bruins evened the series with a 7-4 win and set up an intriguing rubber game for Sunday. Stanford took the decisive third game between these teams a year ago, coming up with a four-run comeback that lasted down to the last out in the bottom of the ninth.This time, the twoout rally would come much earlier. Down 2-0 after UCLA tallied in the first and second, the Cardinal had two outs in the top of the fifth when junior shortstop Kenny Diekroeger was hit by a pitch. Sophomore second baseman Brett Michael Doran followed with a double and Gaffney who reached base five times on Sunday drew a walk to load the bases. With the count full, Piscotty got an unconventional RBI by taking one off his back, and Ragira grabbed a 3-2 lead with a two-run single. After Wilson walked to load the bases yet again, Smith brought home two more runs with a single of his own, and Blandino tacked on a sixth run with another base hit, giving the Cardinal its biggest lead since Friday night. Stanford head coach Mark Marquess turned the game over to Bloom for the final five innings, and the junior only needed to face one over the minimum number of batters to secure his second relief win of the season. A five-pitch bottom of the ninth finished off the weekend for the Cardinal, which gained a game on UCLA in the standings with the series win. Stanford now turns its sights to San Jose State, the only team to beat the Cardinal in a midweek game this season. The squad will look to avenge that 3-2 loss from two weeks ago at Blethen Field on Tuesday afternoon in a 2:30 p.m. matchup.

Contact Joseph Beyda at

In response to criticisms received


n behalf of The Daily Editorial Board, I would like to respond to some of the criticism we received over last Mondays editorial (The pitfalls of social engagement inside the classroom,April 23).While we appreciate the passion with which some readers have responded, we feel much of the criticism is off-base. I will primarily refer to the arguments put forth by Holly Fetter 13 in her response op-ed, which we as a Board view as largely representative of the substantive criticism received thus far. First, the response letter implies that we do not value courses and major programs that engage issues of identity and power. In our editorial, we explicitly stated that we [acknowledge] the importance of some Stanford courses directed at this goal. Our primary claim, rather, was that these courses should not comprise a majority of the University curriculum, just as courses in technical learning should not represent a majority of the Universitys offerings. With this stance,

Five set MPSF final ends season


The Stanford mens volleyball teams bid for the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) tournament championship came up just short on Saturday night, as the Cardinal fell to fourth-seeded UCIrvine in five tight sets, 20-25, 25-27, 25-21, 25-21, 15-12 in the championship match. Despite winning the first two sets, Stanford (22-7, 17-5 MPSF) was not able to put away UC-Irvine (24-5, 17-5) and instead finds itself on the outside looking in at the four-team NCAA tournament. USC was chosen as the sole atlarge selection by the NCAA tournament committee, thanks to its regular-season MPSF championship and its season sweep of the Cardinal. With the loss, the careers of the members of Stanfords alltime winningest senior class Evan Barry, Gus Ellis, Charley

Henrikson, Dylan Kordic, Brad Lawson, Erik Shoji and Jake Vandermeer came to a close. The group finished with an overall record of 86-33, good for a .723 winning percentage. The seniors certainly didnt go out without a fight. Lawson and Shoji, who have combined for seven All-America honors, were again terrific for the Cardinal in the final match of their respective careers. Lawson registered 23 kills and 11 digs for the Cardinal while Shoji had 12 digs in the losing effort. Stanford also received strong performances from sophomores Steven Irvin and Brian Cook, who combined for 31 kills and 21 digs. It just wasnt enough for Stanford however, which was out-hit .405 to .314 for the match. Uncharacteristically for the Cardinal, it was the defense that betrayed the squad this time around,

Please see MVBALL, page 6

Derrick sets American collegiate record, gets Olympic A standard
Senior Chris Derrick set personal, school and national records in the 10,000 meters at the Payton Jordan Invitational on Sunday night. Derricks time of 27:31.38, nearly a full minute better than his previous best, easily broke the Stanford record of 27:59.72 set by Ian Dobson in 2005. A few minutes after the race finished, it was confirmed that Derricks time also set the American collegiate record and is the fastest time by any American this year. Perhaps even more importantly for Derrick, his time easily surpassed the Olympic A standard, which is the mark required for participants in the Olympics. With this time, Derrick can compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials in Eugene, Ore. on June 22 for the chance to make the Olympic team in the 10,000 meters. Derrick had previously qualified with the A standard in the 5,000 meters as well. The Payton Jordan Invitational is seen as the best meet in which to break records, causing many of the top track and field stars from around the world to attend the event. Derrick had previously set an American junior record in the 5,000 meters at the same event in 2009. In this years race, Derrick finished third behind Southern Utahs Cameron Levins and former Liberty standout Sam Chelanga. The Canadian-born Levins kicked away from his competition to finish with the best time in the world this year. In total, six runners beat the previous fastest time of 2012, and eight met the A standard. Derrick, a 13-time All-American from Naperville, Ill., now holds Stanford records for the 3,000 meters, 5,000 meters indoors and the 10,000 meters outdoors.
Jacob Jaffe

6 N Monday, April 30, 2012

The Stanford Daily

home floor the night prior. For our players to have the emotional energy to do it again for the second straight match is amazing to me, said UC-Irvine head coach John Speraw. The heartbreaking loss marked the end of another stellar campaign for Stanford, which advanced past the first round of the conference tournament for just the third time since 1997. Contact Daniel E. Lupin at delupin


Continued from page 5

similar to what happened the last time these two teams met. UCIrvines hitting percentage was the highest by any Stanford opponent since the two teams met on March 3 in an Anteaters victory, when Irvine hit .411. I think our defense struggled during the majority of the match both from a blocking and digging standpoint, but credit goes to their attackers for making it difficult on us, Lawson said. They are a very balanced offensive team when they pass well, and it didnt help that they were consistently in system during the later part of the match. As good as UC-Irvines attack was for the latter half of this match, the Cardinal had control for much of the match. The Cardinal actually outhit the Anteaters for the first two sets of this match, and unsurprisingly, this was when the men of Maples had their greatest success. With the first set even at nine, the Cardinal embarked on a 7-2 run and never looked back, highlighted by two kills by sophomore Eric Mochalski and an ace and a kill by Lawson. Irvin led the Cardinal with five kills in the set. The second set proved to be the most competitive between the two squads, a back and forth affair in which neither team ever led by more than four points. Despite an early barrage led by Mochalski that put the Cardinal up 10-7, the Anteaters continuously battled back, eventually evening the set at 18 on a combined block by junior Chris Austin and sophomore Scott Kevorken. Despite having the momentum in its favor, though, UC-Irvine was never able to gain the lead in the set, despite fighting off two set points. The Cardinal went up two sets to none on a kill by Ellis. UC-Irvine was able to turn the tide of the match behind some strong defense in the third set. The Anteaters registered as many blocks, five, in the set, as Stanford did for the entire match.A block by senior Austin DAmore on Mochalski gave UC-Irvine a 9-6 lead, which it clung onto until a rare block by Stanford tied the set at 18 and gave the Cardinal the definitive momentum. It was not to be for Stanford on this night, however, as a kill by senior Dan Mc-

Connell and a block by junior Kevin Tillie quickly gave the Anteaters a two-point cushion that they would not relinquish. The final two sets would be a hitting clinic by UC-Irvine, which registered 36 kills against just one error in the final two sets. Stanford had no answer for Irvines quartet of attackers, orchestrated masterfully by setter Chris Austin. It was the second-consecutive comeback for UC-Irvine down two sets to none, as they had rallied to defeat top-seed USC on their


Continued from front page

Fleener, like Luck, will be expected to replace a former All-Pro at his position, as the Colts released tight end Dallas Clark in Indy following an injury-riddled 2011 season where Clark only played in 11 games and scored just two touchdowns during the Colts miserable 2-14 campaign. Martin, who will be returning to the site of the Cardinals 2011 Orange Bowl victory for the next few years, also expressed his excitement at joining a franchise that has long been associated with excellence. Its amazing. Im just so excited to be a member of the Miami Dolphins. Its a dream come true, Martin told the Dolphins official website. Its an amazing city, an amazing fan base and theres an amazing history behind the team and I just cant wait to get down there and work. Martin, like Luck and Fleener with the Colts, will join a major rebuilding effort in Miami. Coming off a 6-10 season where head coach Tony Sparano was fired after an 0-7 start, the Dolphins spent their first pick on Texas A&M quarterback Ryan Tannehill and their second on Martin, who will be tasked with protecting the Dolphins new signalcaller. And while Luck and Fleener will be playing the positions theyre so familiar with in tandem with one another for a few more years, that likely wont be the case for Martin. Instead, Martin will likely be forced to switch to the right tackle after playing left tackle in college, as the Dolphins already have fourtime Pro Bowler (and former No. 1 overall pick) Jake Long holding down the left side of the line. Im so excited to play behind a player like [Long]. Hes going to be a Hall of Fame left tackle, Martin said. Hes a guy Ive modeled my game after for years and Ive been a fan. Im excited to play and Ill play left, Ill play right, wherever the team needs me. After Fleener and Martin went off the board in the second round, giving the Cardinal four players selected in the top 42, no other Stanford players were selected in the next five rounds of the draft. However, eight Stanford players signed contracts with NFL teams over the weekend as undrafted free agents. Wide receiver Griff Whalen made it a party for three in Indy, joining the Colts and giving Luck

ROGER CHEN/The Stanford Daily

Senior outside hitter Brad Lawsons storied career may have ended in disapppointment in an MPSF finals loss to UC-Irvine, but he wouldnt go down without a fight, putting up 23 kills and 11 digs in his last game.

more continuity from his career on the Farm. Whalen led the Cardinal with 56 receptions last season, tallying 749 yards and four touchdowns, giving Luck the opportunity to throw to his two favorite targets for a few more years. Several other players tried to make it a Cardinal family affair by electing to sign with the San Francisco 49ers, including defensive end Matt Masifilo, wide receiver Chris Owusu and safety Michael Thomas. All three will now rejoin former coach Jim Harbaugh, the man who recruited Thomas and Owusu to the Farm. Cornerback Corey Gatewood also elected to stay in the Bay Area, signing with the Oakland Raiders. Gatewood, who switched to cornerback from wide receiver midway through last season, will reunite with former Cardinal co-defensive coordinator Jason Tarver, who took over as the Raiders defensive coordinator in February. Gatewoods fellow compatriots in the secondary elected to take their skills away from California, though, as cornerback Johnson Bademosi signed with the Cleveland Browns, joining former Stanford teammate Owen Marecic, who was the Browns fourth round pick last season. Safety Delano Howell signed with the Buffalo Bills, where hell join a talented group of defensive backs and play twice a year against Martin and the Dolphins. On the other side of the ball, running back Jeremy Stewart elected to sign with the Philadelphia Eagles, where hell likely compete for a spot at fullback with former USC running back Stanley Havili. Altogether, the Cardinal has one of its largest groups of NFLbound players in years, as 12 players from the 2011 team now take the leap to the next level. These players will report to their respective teams after graduation. While Luck, Fleener, DeCastro and Martin are expected to step in and start for their respective teams right away, the road is not as clear for those undrafted players, who will be fighting for roster spots on the NFLs 53man teams as soon as the academic season ends, with mini-camps continuing throughout the summer before teams open preseason training camps in mid-August. But for now, the former Stanford players can bask in the fact that theyve finally realized their NFL dreams and that the NFL has gotten several shades more Cardinal in just one weekend. Contact Jack Blanchat at blanchat have so much talent that they beat up on each other constantly.The winner of one match or even one set seems to have virtually no advantage when the next meeting rolls around, which is why so many teams come back from 2-0 deficits to win in five. Using one or two head-to-head matchups to distinguish between so many qualified teams is extremely difficult, and its flat-out ludicrous when the committee can only choose one at-large team. I know that the idea in mens volleyball is to have conference tournaments act as play-ins for the Final Four, but that just cannot work when one conference is so much better than the others. When 10 of the top 12 teams in the country come from the MPSF, which they do seemingly every year (including 2012), then you cant tell me everyone has an equal chance to make the Final Four. Stanford has many of the best players in the country, including the best libero ever (Erik Shoji) and many of the schools all-time greats, such as Brad Lawson, Evan Barry and Gus Ellis. Few teams, if any, can match the athleticism and entertainment value of the Cardinal. Robbing the nation of seeing this team compete against the best opponents in the nation for all the marbles is unfair and unfortunate. Robbing this team of the chance to accomplish its goals and win the national title is just flat-out wrong. Get it together, NCAA. Make a mens volleyball tournament where all the best teams can compete for a title. All Jacob Jaffe wants for Christmas is an at-large bid to the NCAA mens volleyball tournament. Help his holidays come early at jwjaffe and follow him on Twitter @Jacob_Jaffe.


Continued from page 5

Sports Federation (MPSF) gets you nothing more than a seat on the couch for the rest of the postseason. Thats because the NCAA tournament is nothing more than the Final Four, which includes automatic qualifiers from the three big conferences in the country: the MPSF, the Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (EIVA) and the Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (MIVA). This leaves room for exactly one at-large team. No, not the 37 at-large teams of mens basketball. One. It makes some sense . . . in theory.The sport of mens volleyball is on a much smaller scale than mens basketball. Instead of the 340 teams in Division I mens basketball, Division I mens volleyball has just 30, so its tournament must obviously be smaller. But trying to scale it all the way down to four is just ludicrous. More than that, its unfair. Volleyball is one of the few sports where the mens game has yet to catch up to the womens game. There are over 10 times as many womens teams as mens teams in Division I, and only recently has mens volleyball begun to pick up steam as a big-time college sport. This has caused many of the tall, athletic kids in middle and high school to start choosing volleyball, even though the sport is still underrepresented at the college level. This inequity between the number of great players and the number of available teams means that several volleyball teams are unbelievably stacked. The top six or seven teams


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