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Prakriti test identifies you as a VATA prakriti. This is you... A dynamic Vata. Ayurveda classifies you as Ek doshaja prakriti.

This means, your personality is dominated by a single humor. Your qualities - a sharp mind, amaz ing flexibility and boundless creativity. However, a near absence of the other t wo doshas, Pitta and Kapha, makes you prone to rapid exhaustion. For a strong Vata like you, dynamism is a way of life. Your hyperactive system r equires little motivation to spring into action. Nevertheless, your abundant ene rgy tends to flow in paroxysms and succumbs to fatigue easily. Thus, invite mode ration into all spheres of your lifestyle. The fine arts appeal to your creative genius. A typical Vata - you have a tremen dous appetite for reading and writing literature. Creativity fused with a compet itive streak nourishes your enthusiasm. However, your prakriti always borders on acute bouts of erratic behavior and anxiety. Sensitivity adds a whole new dimension to your personality. A creative, wise and sensitive Vata is a born charmer.A poor score on the other two humors, makes yo u vulnerable to health disturbances and anxiety. You are constantly in search of warmth and affection in every sphere of life. The Vata in your system makes you excessively mobile. Any profession requiring t raveling, attracts you. Extremity in mental or physical activities agonizes you to no end. Adopt a pacifying approach and devise techniques to harmonize your li fe. Amazing flexibility further enhances your magnetism. And it is keeping in mind, this personality asset that Ayurveda suggests a few simple habits that enable yo u to lead a more healthier life. After all, not everyone possesses a unique comb ination of intelligence, creativity and flexibility. You can easily identify you r needs however Vata's erratic nature prevents you from adopting a firm stance r egarding your diet and behavioral modalities. Therefore try being more firm. Bei ng consistent will accelerate your self - development program. A prakriti like yours should focus on Vata pacifying approaches. Hence try conce ntrating on increasing the Pitta & Kapha ratings. Elevation in one of these dosh as helps you to attain physical and emotional stability. This would lead to a mo re fulfilling life. Maintaining a sense of warmth in all your deeds will do you good. Extremes in any form cause a flutter in Vata. GOOD: : All Sweet fruits, Grapes, Mangoes, Bananas, Pine apple, Plums, Orange, S weet melons, Apricots, Papaya, Figs, Cherries, Coconut, Lemons.Cooked vegetables , Lady finger (Okra), Carrots, Asparagus, Zucchini, Radish, Sweet potato, French beans, Cucumber, Onions, Garlic.Cooked oats, Wheat, Rice. Moong Dal, Tofu, Red Lentils, Black Gram.Groundnut, Chestnut, Cashew nut, Pistac hios, Raisins, Almonds in moderate quantities. Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Asafoetida, Cardamom, Turmeric, Ginger, Parsley.Milk, Clarified Butter (Ghee), Butter, Cream, Butter milk, Yoghurt in moderate quantit ies. All oils can be used. Chicken, Mutton, Beef, Fish, Pork. BAD: All dried fruits, Apples, Watermelon, Pomegranate and Crane berries.Raw veg etables, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli, Brinjal (Egg plant), Green peas, Tomato es, Mushrooms.Barley, Corn, Rye, Buckwheat, all legumes.Barbecue meats are bad. Tips for balancing Vata: Emphasize a diet which is Vata-pacifying

Drink warming herb teas and warm fluids Avoid alcohol and coffee Rest adequately Use sesame oil for a whole body massage in the morning Take a warm bath or shower Keep warm Do calming exercise like walking and Yoga

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