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The misconception of what a driver's license is and what it's used for. The fraud of a driver's license is not in your interest. When they gave you that driver's license, it was to incorporate you, as a corporate person. Your driver's license is a commercial instrument, not identification/ pedigree/ bloodline........ This instrument comes under "excise tax". "EXCISE TAX" is a system that is set up for corporate activity, and for taxing corporations in the capacity of having a privilege or benefit of operating in a corporate capacity. i.e. dealing with "Mercantile Instruments" or "Products of Merchandise", Sales etc... and movement of those things. ARE YOU THAT !!! Is anyone a "Moveable Instrument". Did someone manufacture you? Are you a living thinking being? What the Driver's License does is,,,,, it identifies or tags "Moving Property". This is used to profile you. To extract revenues from you as chattel property. In the Union State Society,,,, the Driver's License Instrument is used Politically to sustain slavery. The principle is dealing with the element of Electricity n Water(water promotes life,, and all things in this particular atmosphere need water to live, and all things are electrical. They have certain amounts of electrical current going through them). The principle of CURRENCY is based in that, what they call MONEY When you look at money, you look at the energy of the three major planets in our solar system (Sun, Moon & Stars). This is written in all the text[Ancient]. I leave these signs for you, the sun, moon, & stars.

This is the center of your universe. This is the center of civilization. You look at the economies of the moon which governs the Womb of Woman which brings all of us here. You look at the moon revolving around the Earth (13 times a year) And the Earth revolving around the Sun (12 times a year) The energy that relates to these three spheres (cause the seasons, winds, tides and causes your heart to beat in cosmic rhythymn and it causes Wombman to bring us here). All these effectsare there. And in the Symbology you deal with the [E of the Earth] and you take the energy of the Moon, and that interaction of that energy is what Moon-E [money] is. The Al-Chemical metal for the Moon is Silver (stabilizer) The Al-Chemical metal for the Sun is Gold (enhancer) The Monetary system in civilization has always been based on the Moon and the Sun, or the Crescent and the Star. So your 4quarter Moons make up your 100% or your 360-degree Dollar or the whole. The 4 Silver-Quarters represent that moral and ethical principle that the dollar is based on,,,and it's ancient. Our violation of those divine principles caused our fall. Isonomi is the principle of equal rights and service to all the citizens in society. Albions took our Mathematics , Science our Master Astrology,,,, and ruled the world. We took on his idol god religions and fell [that's what our problem is, it's not emotional, it's not racism. It's Scientific. So you must overstand the instruments that are used to maintain enslavement, because a slave can't be maintained because it's against nature.So the slave must be invited to participate in that construct[a license is an agreement construct for you to stop your waters] Now, from a scientific perspective, if you're going to kill a river, and some people live below the flow of the water,, and you want to take their land. What is one of the things you do politically in order to stagnate their developement and growth? (you build a dam don't you..?and you start regulating the water, don't you). And when you regulate the water, that water that flows free(which produces fish, feeds the wildlife, nourishes the land, moves the sediment

according to the moon, to keep nutrients going to the land. When you stagnate it then you get mosquitos, leaches, and everything,,,,and the water gets black. Doesn't it?) and you call it death don't you? And you can talk that person into selling that land for little-bit of finance, or you can starve them out, can't you? It's called movement, so water that stagnates is called dead water ,,,isn't it?? But water that flows is called, living water isn't it?? THE LICENSE IS BASED ON THAT. It's to stagnate your flow. If you can stagnate the flow of a people, you can stagnate their economy......and if you can stagnate their economy,,, you can stagnate their life. You stagnate their life you control their family with just that instrument and you stand back and just reap in the benefits. AND that's what that license is for. When you don't object to the grammatical error of your name in all capital lettersyou agree/waived. And when you waived,,, you assume that that's you don't you.... and even when they write letters to you in response where they're suing you [and a ticket is them suing you] for breech of contract. A summons is not a warrant, but it's treated accordingly , isn't it..?! because it's chattel property.

Be aware of Constitutional Principles,,,,,, The Constitution does not give you Rights.... The Constitution is in place to secure pre-existing rights... And rights does not exist with anyone, in a civilized society who is transacting business in an alien name. Meaning if you're not in your proper person, don't talk about constitutions, because it doesn't apply to you.!! If you make a claim of rights from a constitutional perspective you are in error. Now,,, most of the time they will not AJUDICATE a case, except if it comes before the supreme court. And then put on the docket [plaintiff in error]. They'll do this with our people everyday. They just won't give us the information to correct ourselves.

9 times out of 10,,, when we agree to that license, it has a nomen(name) on it indicating a European family. And since usually the person carrying that license is not European they have automatically what you call,,,a, a, a verbal deed on that person and also creates an injunctive lien. And it doesn't necessarily have to be written. So therefore the family name automatically goes to the state under wardship law. So if you're transacting business in an alien name,,, no matter how many generations you do it,,, it's still a fraud. Means that you can be doing this now until you're 99, and then add 10 more years, and they can actually take you to court and sue you. BUT!!! they don't do that because that's the basis of the economics of how they've maintained forced servitude with these Asiatics who insist on calling themselves [negros, blacks and colored] which are all brands. And so , if they have the brands [negros, blacks and colored] and then they have also, the further nomens[names] of ownership,,,[smith, jones and johnson and goldberg,,,,,, or whatever they may be calling themselves this week] It automatically makes them a ward of the state. And the state automatically has jurisdiction,,,,,,, so therefore the courts of prize & booty automatically have jurisdiction , because the person is already within the jurisdiction. So the court already has leave ,,,, which is why most of the time with our people they just start ajudicating///////////////// They don't deal with STATUS, THEY DON'T DEAL WITH THE ARGUMENT OF VENUE,,, OR PROPER JURISDICTION, they just proceed and do their nigger trials. Under the negro codes or the christian black codes of 1724...... And our people keep calling it two standards of law,,,, but that's the law their using...[the negro act, and their using the christian black codes of 1724 ,,, adopted in all the states when they closed the freed man's bureau. If the people are not aware of that,,, then they do not suspect what that license is for. That license is a movement passport,,,,,, 3:13 So that they could make sure you could't buy your way out of slavery.

And also they made sure that you would never handle money anymore, so after the "Civil-War" which was actually initiated to overrthrow the Republican Forms of Government in oerder to institute slavery beaureacratically They had to overthrow the republican form of government,,, and that's

the real reason of the "Civil War". They will tell you that it's because of them debating about "The Industry" and the Moors who were branded as BLACKS being used in the Industrial North,, competing with the more Agricultural South,,,,,andthat's why they starte yhe war ,,NO.... They started the war because they wanted to make sure you didn't blend in and take over. Because they unseated the Asiatics that were already in government; because it was a process of overthrow. so they had to burn books, reconstruct history, make you think that the Constitution came from England,,, when it actually comes from Ancient Moorish Law... Which is why that Pyramid is on the dollar bill... and that's the federal side or the supreme superior side of this Constitutional Republic. So in order to beaureaucritize slavery,,, they had to veil it...

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