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Final Paper Due: _________________________________ For this assignment, you will choose a topic related to health and nutrition,

fast food, how something is made, a figure important to the industry, organic eating, meat factories, flavorists/flavor additives, or any other preapproved topic.
STEP ONE: Choose a topic to research: _____________________________________________________________ Backup Topic: ___________________________________________________________________ STEP TWO: Using the Internet, or books in the Library, find information on your poet. Take notes (no sentences) over the information that you find using the Note-card Graphic Organizer that I have provided for you. At least TWO sources are required! You may use more, but will need to add your own note card graphic organizer. Use reliable resources (Wikipedia does not count! Also, dont site Google) You need to take enough notes to write TWO paragraphs (2 main points) of information. (That does not include the introduction or conclusion. REQUIREMENT: At least TWO of these sources MUST be used and cited in your paper. o See Citations page

STEP THREE: Using your notes, create an outline in preparation for your FOUR paragraph essay. Outline Format


Introduction *This paragraph should have a catchy lead in order to grab your readers attention. Begin with a direct quotation OR begin with a crazy fact about your topic *Next, provide important and relevant basic information on your topic. This information should serve as a background leading up to the main point paragraphs. *The last sentence of the intro paragraph should be a thesis statement which explains what your paper will be about. *NOTE: The introduction paragraph does NOT include any phrase like, I am going to tell you or My paper is about or In this essay I will.

Suggested THESIS: _Ray Kroc__ is an important figure for the fast food industry because II. Subtopic #1 = _________________________ A. Supporting detail B. Supporting detail Remember = cite your C. Supporting detail sources! Main point paragraphs must be at least 6 sentences Subtopic #2 = _______________ (Use transition words such as Second, or Next,) A. Supporting detail Remember = cite your B. Supporting detail C. Supporting detail sources! Conclusion *Restate the most important/interesting details you learned about your topic. *Provide your personal opinion on this person, or topic---without saying I just state it; it is what you have gathered (learned) from your research *Make sure you have re-worded your thesis statement somewhere in your conclusion. *NOTE: The last sentence does NOT say, The end or Thank you for reading my paper or I hope you learned or any phrase like this. Also, the last sentence should NOT be a question for your reader.




Once the outline is complete, begin your rough draft. (Your paper cannot be longer than 5 paragraphs)

REMEMBER TO CITE YOUR SOURCES in your text (authors last name; or title of article). Place your in-text parenthetical citation inside of (parenthesis) and at the end the sentence or paragraph where you wrote about that information (even if you didnt write the info word-for-word!). **See the Citations page, on the back, for examples of how to correctly cite your sources within your text. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

Remember, research papers do NOT include: - Contractions or abbreviations (dont, cant, b/c, jk, lol etc.) - Pronouns (I, you, etc.) - Your opinions (its pretty cool! or I thought this was interesting) - Questions (Did you know?) - Statements such as Im going to tell you about or This essay is about or Thank you for reading my paper or I hope you learned a lot.or anything else that is you talking to your reader.

Instructions for Parenthetical Citations within Your Text

1. If the author's name is mentioned in your text:
If the author's name is used in the text introducing the source material, then cite the page number(s) in parentheses: Example: Branscomb argues that "it's a good idea to lurk for a few weeks, to ensure that you don't break any of the rules of netiquette" (7) when joining a listserv.

Authors last name

Page # is the only thing you need to cite since authors name was used in the text in that same sentence.

If the author's name is not mentioned in your text If the author's name is not used in the sentence introducing the source material, then include the author's last name in the parenthetical citation before the page number(s). Note that no comma appears between the author's name and the page number(s). Example: The modern world requires both the ability to concentrate on one thing and the ability to attend to more than one thing at a time: "Ideally, each individual would cultivate a repertoire of styles of attention, appropriate to different situations, and would learn how to embed activities and types of attention one within another" (Bateson 97).

If no author is identified

Authors last name and page #

If a source does not include an author's name, substitute the title or an abbreviated title in the citation. Underline the title if the source is a book; if the source is an article, use quotation marks: Example: The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has grown substantially over the past five years as companies attempt to adapt to customer needs and to improve their profitability ("Making CRM Work").

Placement of Citations

Place a citation as close to the quoted or paraphrased material as possible without disrupting the sentence.

When material from one source and the same page numbers is used throughout a paragraph, use one citation at the end of the paragraph rather than a citation at the end of each sentence. Example of First Page Heading:


Format of your First Page Heading (left aligned): Susan Brown First and Last Name Teachers Name; Class Name Assignment Title Due Date Essay Title (centered) Mrs. Bouyett Language Arts Poet Spotlight Research Paper 17 April 2012


Use the information from Create a Works Cited page. (Use the References tab at the your note-card to go back top of your Word Document) to the website. Use the - Remember that your Works Cited page is on its own website and piece of paper. to cite - Remember to title this page Works Cited. the source correctly for - Remember that your Works Cited page is double-spaced. your Works Cited. (Copy - Remember that your sources should be in alphabetical order by the first word of the source - Remember that all lines after the first line of each source are indented (hanging). Example of Works Cited
Works Cited "Beginner Tip: Presenting Your Page with Style." Webmaster Tips Newsletter. July 2000. NetMechanic. 13 Oct. 2002 <>. Fowler, Ronald K.L., and David M. Skover. The Trials of Lenny Bruce: The Fall and Rise of an American Icon. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 2002.


Revise and Edit your paper! (Read through your essay add, change, fix as needed) - Double check that you have cited your sources WITHIN your text - correctly! - Double check that three sources were used in your paper AND they are listed on your Works Cited page. - Double check that you have used the correct format. YELLOW Thesis statement (in the intro. paragraph) ORANGE Every in-text parenthetical citation

STEP EIGHT: SAVE and PRINT your paper! Use the chart to highlight items in your paper! FINAL REQUIREMENT:

- Staple your paper in the following order: Research Paper on top, Works Cited behind that, Outline behind that, and Note-Card Graphic Organizer behind that.

Note Card Graphic Organizer Fill out the note cards below using all research you gather on your topic. At the top of the card you should fully cite your source, so that you do not have to go back through and look up your sources again. You should do this for every bit of information, even if you are not sure you will be using it in your paper. Also, somewhere on the card, write the parenthetical citation for each source. You may cut the cards out to help you organize your facts, if you wish. All cards need to be turned in with paper. Be sure to paraphrase and bullet point nothing should be word for word! Cited Source: Facts:

Cited Source: Facts:

Cited Source: Facts:

Cited Source: Facts:

Cited Source: Facts:

Cited Source: Facts:

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