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Genesis Poz Diaz Ms. Caruso English 1103 April 10, 2012 Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar The idea that the world is coming to an end on December 21st 2012 has become more and more popular as the date soon approaches. The dawning of the 5th age to Mayans was seen as cataclysmic and transformative. Many films in the recent years have been produced pertaining to the Ancient civilization of the Mayans. Filmmakers have for the most part taken the cataclysmic time and created films about the infamous Mayan apocalypse. Hollywood has mainly focused on action packed thrillers that depict outrageous natural disasters that will annihilate mankind, because it is what society wants to see. However, in order to attract a larger audience, often these films are exaggerated from what was actually predicted many years ago. This has caused a great belief that there will be some kind of Armageddon, when in reality it is merely just the end of a time period. Although these films may entertain audiences more, it is time for a change, time to educate moviegoers about a topic that has been overlooked for too long. The film Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar will take a different approach to the infamous date of December 21st, 2012. The intent of the film will be to create a compelling story of a young man that learns about the ancient craft of time keeping and in doing so discovers the importance of having a calendar. The objective in creating this film is to inform the audience
Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:14 AM
Comment [3]: Change format of paragraph to th this, The dawning of the 5 age to the Mayans was seen as cataclysmic and transformative. Many films in recent years have been produced pertaining of the Ancient civilization of the Mayas. The idea st that the world is coming to an end on December 21 2012 has become a more and more popular theme for films as the date soon approaches. Thus, Hollywood has mainly focused on action packed thrillers that depict outrageous natural disasters that would annihilate mankind.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 1:13 AM

Comment [1]: Change format to DD/MM/YY

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 1:15 AM

Comment [2]: Points of revision: Transitions Focus on Topic Clarity Connecting ideas Deleting Fluff

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:17 AM

Comment [4]: Change to and fictitious, misleading the audience to believe that such events are what the Mayans foresaw for our future.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:18 AM

Comment [5]: Take out great replace with widespread

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:19 AM

Comment [6]: Add semicolon, after semicolon the truth about the Mayas

Poz Diaz, 2

about the great accomplishment of the ancient civilization and why to this day we should be astonished that with their lack of technological advancements, the Mayans were able to create an accurate calendar. The movie will also demonstrate how even then the Mayans knew when the end of their age would be, and what was to come at the end of their age. This will then be correlated to the predestined date given to the 5th age and how, the end will not be as bad as it may sound; it will be just the beginning of a new age and the transformation of one into another for the human race. Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar clarifies all the misconceptions that the public may have about the Mayans. The factual information about the origin of the calendar will be incorporated into a drama that shall not only captivate the audience with a heartfelt story of a young man that follows his passion but also with the suspenseful story of how the Mayan age came to an end. The drama will begin with a narration of the Mayan creation myth, and shall then be followed with the birth of the main character, Ixzaluoh. The audience will learn about Ixzaluohs childhood, his family and the obstacles that he had to overcome to reach his goal. Once a day keeper, Ixzaluoh will be trusted with the prophecies of the Elders and will gain knowledge about the calendar. The story will end with the death of Ixzaluoh, who on his deathbed informs his son Ixtab about the end of their age and the Spanish conquistadors that are to come. The movie will begin with the origin of the civilization and conclude with the end of their time. In the beginning of time everything laid in shadows, the face of the Earth was not clear and the sea alone pooled under the sky. So the gods Hurucan and Quetzalcoatl convinced the other gods that the ocean should be separated from the land and the sky raised above all else. Thus came about the formation of mountains, and channels of water. Once the Earth had been created, the gods then began to plan the creation of the guardians of nature. After animals came
Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:36 AM
Comment [10]: Include sentence about how he became day keeper. Ixzaluohs main goal to become a day keeper like his father will not be easy, he will be placed in life threatening situation, but nonetheless shall be triumphant in the end.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:29 AM

Comment [7]: Include that this is the age in which we live in. the time period in which we are living

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:31 AM

Comment [8]: Delete and how. Start a new sentence.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:31 AM

Comment [9]: Begin sentence with Similar to the end of the Mayas time

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:41 AM

Comment [11]: Like many other ancient civilizations the Mayas believed in a creation myth. The film shall begin with the creation myth of El Popol Vuh, to show the reader about the Mayan culture. The film will open up with a narration;

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about and inhabited the Earth, the gods then instructed them to speak, to praise their names, to praise them for they were their mother and father. But when the animals attempted to speak all that was heard was howls, hisses and squawks; each gave a different cry. The gods then made three frustrated attempts to create humankind. First with the help of Xpiacoc and Xmucane they created men of mud, it talked at first but was quickly dissolved in water. Next the gods fashioned men out of wood. They came into being and multiplied but soon forgot about their creators. So came about a flood to destroy the ungrateful creations. This is the creation myth of the Mayans, today however it is belief that the Mayan people were made of maize. The gods were unaware of the greatness that would emerge from this human race and advancements that they would provide future generations with. Now begins the story of Ixzaluoh, the main character of Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar. Ixzaluoh is the son of a day keeper Ix and Itzel. On the day that Itzel gives birth to Ixzaluoh the sky goes dark as the shadow of the moon covers the sun. As darkness covers the land and the temperature drops, people begin to wonder what this sign may mean. Eclipses for the Mayans were of great significance, often seen as omens of an event that was to come. In this case, the eclipse symbolized the birth of a child that would grow up to be one of the most respected day keepers of his time. As the years pass by, Ixzaluoh has now grown into a toddler that has developed an interest in the night sky and stars. He is intrigued by the stars and the mysteries of the night sky so his father, Ix, would take him up to the top of a mountain where they could be above the trees and clearly see the beautiful night sky. Ix would explain to young Ixzaluoh the wonders of the sky, how certain stars that are bigger and brighter are called planets and at a certain time of the year these planets are closer to the earth. He would also teach his son the names of different star
Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:44 AM
Comment [13]: Change to could be an omen of.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:43 AM

Comment [12]: Now having learned about the past and how the Mayas came about, the reader shall look into the life of the main character, Ixzaluoh.

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constellations. Ix hoped that in teaching his son at a young age he would follow in his footsteps and become a day keeper as well. Even at a young age, it is evident in Ixzaluoh that there is a passion to know more about astronomy and why it has such an important significance in their lives. After a few years have elapsed, Ixzaluoh is now a young man in his early twenties. Ix, Ixzaluohs father has passed away, and he has been left to look over his elderly mother, Itzel. He is now at an age that the Elders will decide if he qualifies to become a day keeper. The Elders have decided that because there is another young man, Tlanextic, interested in the position as well it is only right that the spot be filled by the best candidate. In order to determine who best suits the position both men are placed to compete in a game of Ulama. Ulama are a game played by the Mayans that resembled modern day racquetball. Ixzaluoh and Tlanextic are allowed to pick their partners for the game. Ixzaluoh choses to play against Tlanextic with his childhood best friend, Ekahau. Ixzaluoh and Ekahau are triumphant in the Ulama match, therefore gaining Ixzaluoh the position as new day keeper and having their lives spared. As was tradition the loser of an Ulama match was sacrificed to the gods, which in this case is Tlanextic. In the end it is good that Ixzaluoh is victorious over Tlanextic, because Tlanextic had wanted the position for the wrong intentions. Having rightfully earned the position, Ixzaluoh is given an induction ceremony, at which there is a great feast, performers and Ixzaluoh is even paraded around the city so that people may know that he is the newest day keeper. During the induction ceremony Ixzaluoh must take an oath of secrecy to never reveal the things he learns from the Elders. Ixzaluohs mother, Itzel, now old with age is proud of her young boy because he is following in the footsteps of his father and making a respectable name for their family.
Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:52 AM
Comment [15]: Tlanextic intensions of becoming a day keeper were to change time, set his own holidays. He figured that this way he could slowly rise to become more powerful.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:49 AM

Comment [14]: Day keepers in the Mayan society were seen as some of the most honorable men, because it was their job to track the path of the stars and planets and then record every single last detail. It was not easy being a day keeper, and often the young men that went on to work with the Elder were specially gifted and far more intelligent than the common people.

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Having been properly inducted the Elders begin to tell Ixzaluoh about the calendar count and how they track the path of Venus in order to keep track of time. Having learned what there is to know about the calendar, Ixzaluoh is given the assignment of following the path of Venus. Eager to begin with his new assignment Ixzaluoh pays careful attention to the previous records that the day keepers had kept. He begins to notice a pattern of how after a certain count the path of the planet shifts. He then does further research and discovers that the shift in the planets path represents the end of an age and the beginning of a new one. When he makes the connection, Ixzaluoh at night has a dream of monstrous contraptions that rode the sea with men that were covered in metal. It was apparent in the faces of these men that greed and avarice were all they cared for, Ixzaluoh only saw destruction in them. Terrified by what he has seen Ixzaluoh awakens not knowing that what he had seen in his dream was what is to come for his people. Once again years have passed by; Ixzaluoh is now married and has had a child of his own. Now old with age he has fallen terribly ill, no longer his young self his resistance is not as tough as it had once been and as is the circle of life he has become as weak and fragile as a newborn child. On his death bed Ixzaluoh finally tells his son about the dream that he had when he had first become a day keeper. After telling his son the dream, Ixzaluoh takes his last breath and dies. As soon as he dies the sun is once again covered by the shadow of the moon and the land is overtaken by darkness just as it had been when he had been born. The people of the village take this solar eclipse as a bad omen and begin to worry that something terrible is upon them. Not long after the death of Ixzaluoh the Spanish land on the shores of Mesoamerica and conquer everything in their path. Ixzaluohs son then realizes that these were the men that his father had dreamt about and that this was the end of their age. It was the beginning of the end.

Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:59 AM

Comment [16]: Change to, Many years later,...

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So is the story of Ixzaluoh, and how he foresaw the end of the Mayan age. This film shall hopefully attract people of many different ages. It shall hopefully also include something for everyone whether, the person is into drama, action, thrillers or romances there hopefully is a little bit of everything in this film. The hope is that it will attract a large audience and in doing so will give the opportunity of educating a larger group about the day keepers who are responsible for the well preservation of the Mayan calendar.
Genesis Poz Diaz 4/30/12 9:59 AM
Comment [17]: This film shall be intended for an audience 17 years old and older. In order to fully depict the civilization well as to how they lived it will need to be gory and violent, thus making it rated R. The Mayas for the most part were a peaceful civilization but was anger, they also did unleash their fury. In order to demonstrate this violence and rage, the Ulama match will be intense. It will literally be a fight for life. Then the sacrifice will be shown, because ritual sacrifices to the gods were an important part of the Mayas. They are known for their educational advancements but also for having no mercy, and ripping the hearts out of the people being sacrificed while they were still alive.

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