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Chandigarh Business School, Landran, Mohali 2007-2009

DECLERATION I hereby declare that the research project report entitled A Study Of Job Analysis is my own original research work and this report has not been submitted to any University/Institute for the award of any professional degree or diploma.

NEHA GULATI M.B.A (IVth) Chandigarh Business School

The work would not have been possible to come to the present shape without the able guidance, supervision and help to me by number of people It would be insufficient just to say a word of thanks for all those people who have been so instrumental in the success of this project. However, as a small token of our appreciation we have named here of all those wonderful people, without whom all this would not have been possible. At the very outset, we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to our mentors at the college, Director S.P.S Bedi and Mrs. Radha.K.Sharma who have been so kind to give us the necessary infrastructure. They have also been a constant source of inspiration. We are deeply indebted to our project manager at Wipro, Mr.Anil Lamba and Mr. Sridhar for allowing us to gain the benefits of Wipro way of life I convey my heartful affection to all those people who helped and supported me during the course, for completion of my Project Report.

The project was undertaken to study the IT industry in reference to the problem of attribution in WIPRO. Various theories regarding HR structures and jobs in the companies studied in this project. This project highlights the current position of IT companies in the eyes of their employees by providing those benefits and services. Services aim to provide the information regarding the technology to the customers or users as well as companies employees. I am appointed in WIPRO under the guidance of EXL Service who is working as contractual with them as a trainee. My main focus is on the job analysis in Wipro.

Contents Declaration Acknowledgement Preface COMPANY DETAILS History of WIPRO Company profile Wipro beliefs and leadership Programme Organizational structure and hierarchy Job analysis Job description and specification RESEARCH AND INTERPRETATION

Page No. 3 4 5

8 10 24 34 43 49

Executive summary Objectives of project Sources and kind of data Mythology Type of research and problem Research Questionnaire Findings Suggestion and recommendation Bibliography

63 64 65 66 69 70 73 79 80 82


1976:- Established as Wintrol, Wipro's first diversification from vegetable oil to Engineering and Design of pneumatic cylinders in Bangalore, India. 1977:- Pioneered hydraulic cylinders for the Industrial segment including Machine Tools, Steel plants etc. 1981:- Developed hydraulic cylinders for Mobile applications 1986:- Entry into Construction Equipment applications which has provided a rock solid foundation to our Success. 1989:- Launched Truck hydraulic components for Underbody tipping.

1995:- Second manufacturing facility started in Hindupur (80 kms from Bangalore) for cylinders and truck hydraulic components. Commenced export of hydraulic cylinders to construction majors in Japan and Thailand. Launched in India cartridge valves for mobile and industrial applications from SUN Hydraulics, USA.

2001:- Expanded hydraulic component offerings to customers in India through representation of Kawasaki Precision Machinery, Japan - Hydraulic Pumps, Motors and Valves. Nabtesco Corporation, Japan - Travel solutions for tracked equipment.

2002:- #1 Hydraulics solutions provider in India.

2006:- Acquired Hydrauto Group, a leading supplier of hydraulic cylinders including Nummi truck hydraulics components, in Europe, with manufacturing facilities in Sweden and Finland. Amongst the Top 3 hydraulic cylinder manufacturers in the world. Commenced production at our 3rd manufacturing facility in Chennai.

2008:- Entering ultra pure water treatment systems and solution business through the acquisition of Aquatech Industries Pvt. Ltd. and its sister concerns.


Wipro Limited is a leading provider of IT solutions for customers across Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. Started as a ground nut crushing unit in 1947, Wipro has grown into a multi business multi location conglomerate. We have grown from an India centric consumer products manufacturing company to a global company providing comprehensive service portfolio, an adaptive, value-driven engagement model and our quality leadership in every aspect of service delivery. The depth and width of the services that we provide is perhaps unmatched by any other company. In our non-IT businesses, we have a significant presence in Consumer Products and in Infrastructure Engineering. We have a significant presence in toiletries and lighting products and solutions. We are the preferred suppliers to OEMs supplying to the growing infrastructure industry globally. Today it has emerged as a multi business and multi location corporate entity. Its businesses range from Consumer Products, Infrastructure Engineering to specialize IT Products & Services. Recently, Wipro had focused on building its enterprise applications business. Wipro realised that global giants who had installed expensive packages like Oracle and SAP wanted to get more out of their investments. American consultancy firms typically charged $125-130 per hour for this while Indian companies did it for $75-80 per hour. It is the global IT services arm of Wipro Limited (in operation since 1945, incorporated 1946). It is headquartered in Bangalore and is the third largest IT services company in India It has more than 95,675 employees as of June 30, 2008, including its business process outsourcing (BPO) arm which it acquired in 2002.


Wipro Technologies has over 300 customers across U.S., Europe and Japan including 50 of the Fortune 500 companies. Some of its customers are Nortel, Boeing, BP, Cisco, Ericsson, IBM, Microsoft, Prudential, Seagate, Sony, HP, Windriver, Airbus, Toshiba, Windstream Communications, and Wal-MartSome of Wipros clients in the middle east also include state companies Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority, Metal, Dubai eGovernment, Qatar Petroleum, Bahraini Saudi Bank, Future Communications Company, Kuwait, Doha Bank, PetroRabigh, SASREF and Saudi Polyolefins Company. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is part of its TMT (technology media telecom). Wipro was chosen for their ability to understand our idea of a shared IT environment and design a solution which would provide us with the best returns. In addition, the ease of doing business with Wipro is recognized and appreciated highly. During all the phases of the bid process Wipro delivered adequate responses; they listen carefully and act accordingly. It offers tremendous flexibility and a good culture fit to our organization. It has provided Toshiba TEC with complementary skills and our relationship has been extremely successful. They are particularly impressed by the quality of Wipro professionals and their customer orientation.Wipro always provides our application development work on time and to a high level of quality, which is a big improvement on the offshore outsourced we used before. According to Nicole Stata, President and CEO of Deploy Solutions Wipro brings three things to the table 1. Engineering and process expertise 2. Commitment and customer service 3. The ability to be responsive


Wipro becomes the first Indian IT Service Provider to be awarded Gold-Level Status in Microsofts Windows Embedded Partner Program Wipro is the worlds largest independent R&D Services Provider Worlds 1st PCMM Level 5 software company Wipro one among the few companies in the world to be assessed at maturity level 5 for CMMI V1.2 across offshore and onsite development centers, 2007 Worlds 1st IT Services Company to use Six Sigma The pioneers in applying Lean Manufacturing techniques to IT services Worlds first SEI CMM/CMMI Level 5 IT services company The first to get the BS15000 certification for its Global Command Centre Functional RFID Enabled Concept Store and Global Data Synchronization Laboratory BS7799 and ISO 9000 certified Among the top 3 offshore BPO service providers in the world

Wipro is a strategic partner to five of the top ten most innovative companies in the world* (*Technology Review Innovation Index 2005)

Over 50 industry facing Centers of Excellence'


Wipro Technologies is the No.1 provider of integrated business, technology and process solutions on a global delivery platform

Wipro Technologies is a global services provider delivering technology driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of our clients. Wipro has 40+ Centers of Excellence that create solutions around specific needs of industries. Wipro delivers unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the World's first CMMi Level 5 certified software services company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Awards.


The mission is to enhance and expand works concerning the history of Information Technology and to demonstrate the value of IT history to the understanding and improvement of our present and future world. Projects support and encourage include historical research, archival acquisitions, archival processing, historical writing, writing of educational material, public lectures, workshops, conferences, educational courses, short stories, novels, films, plays, exhibits, museums, web pages, and other activities that feature IT history as a topic.IT history includes the creation of this technology and the underlying science; its use; its impact on people, society, and the world and the people and institutions involved, from antiquity to the present day. Operating Plan Maintain a website that explains the mission, activities, and people associated with ITHS Use the website as a place to provide information that is useful to the advancement of the IT history field Organize conferences that help to build a sense of community and provide a place for the community to address issues of common concern Work to build a more effective network of the organizations actively working in the IT history area Take steps to help build a sense of community among individual IT history practitioners Publicize the importance of IT in modern world development and the value of history in understanding this remarkable development Work to resolve common problems of the IT history field and take advantage of

opportunities - as identified by the ITHS archival and historical advisory committees Fund projects endorsed by the ITHS archival and historical advisory committees within the organization's means Encourage other individuals and institutions to support these endorsed projects and other projects in the IT history field

What does Wipro Identity stand for? Wipro Identity was rearticulated in 1998. The new Identity represents the diverse businesses of Wipro Limited and its Values. It consists of 3 elements which have to be used together always. 1. Rainbow Flower 2. 'Wipro' (written in black) 3. 'Applying Thought' (written in black) These 3 elements together is our Brand Identity.

Three elements of Wipro Identity stand for Rainbow Flower:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Youthful & Energetic Multifaceted Innovative Large diversified Vibrant

Applying Thought 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Powerful Intellectual Futuristic Visionary Maturity Commitment to Innovation


Why Colors?

Colors communicate better We think in Colors, Visuals, Words Colorful identity cuts across language, culture

Significance of Colors in the Wipro Brand Identity Red: Blood, Life giving, Dynamic, Auspicious Green: Fields, Prosperity, Freshness, Growth, Youth Yellow: Sun, Warmth, Vitality, Aspirations Violet: Intelligence, Innovation, Shrewdness, Mystery Blue: Sky, Sea, Transparency, Natural Wipro had several options. The final list was with three short listed Identities. The one that we have adopted as Wipro Identity is the one that most of our stake holders said clearly represents what Wipro stands for., solid, caring, high on values, innovation, technology, caring, versatility, diverse


Wipro Beliefs (1971)

Wipro as an organization had the following beliefs for a long time. These were

Respect the individual. People are our greatest asset. Achieve and maintain a position of leadership in each of the businesses we are in Govern individual and company relationships with the highest standard of conduct and integrity Serve our internal and external customers through Defect free products, services and processes.

Wipro Promise Statement (1998)

The brand positioning statement was Applying Thought' and the Rainbow Flower was the visual identity of the brand. Thus was born the now familiar Wipro Brand This Wipro Brand, rearticulated in 1998, also had to reflect customer orientation. The Rainbow Flower came to reflect the four new values of Wipro which reflected the customer perspective and yet captured the essence of long - held beliefs. These values were Human Values: Wipro respect the unique needs of Customers and employees. We are sensitive to their differing needs in our interactions with them. Integrity: Wipro deliver what they commit. Honesty, fairness, reliability and uprightness in whatever we do.


Innovative Solutions: Wipro consistently offer novel and superior solutions to

satisfy the needs of the Customer.

Value for money: Delivering higher Value to the Customer through continuous improvement in quality cost and speed. The customers were clear that Applying Thought referred to well being of the customer and the organization was not thinking of self. It meant:

Thinking for the customer Application of the thinking and Continuous application of thinking.

Wipro and Applying Thought controlled the flamboyance of the Rainbow Flower. They perfectly complimented each other. The Values were clearly communicated by the identity. The corollary hence was that the identity had to be used in totality. Using Rainbow Flower in isolation did not fully reflect the values Values that act as a guiding beacon in all our thoughts and actions. One of the challenges has been to continuously adapt our values to the environment and make it relevant while remaining strong at the core.


Spirit of Wipro (2006)

The Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro. It is what remains when everything else has been stripped away. The Spirit is rooted in current reality, but it also represents what Wipro aspires to be, thus making it future active. The Spirit is an indivisible synthesis of all three statements. It means: Intensity to win: - Make customers successful, Team, Innovate, Excel.

This is the desire to stretch, to achieve that which seems beyond our grasp. This is aiming for maximum. This is the devotion to challenging our limits; it is about realizing and expanding our potential. It is not about winning at all costs. It is not about winning every time. It is not about winning at the expense of others. It is about working together to create synergy. It is realizing that I win when my team wins; my team wins when Wipro wins; and Wipro wins when its customers win, when its stakeholders win. It is about innovating all the time. It is a continuous endeavor to do better than last time. Act with sensitivity: - Respect for the individual, Thoughtful and responsible. At its highest vision, respect for the individual is unqualified. The core of this sensitivity lies in understanding that every being, however different, is equal.


The other source of respect is trust. Trusting that every individual is driven by learning, to grow and strives for a meaningful life.

Unyielding integrity: - Delivering on commitments, Honesty and fairness in

action. Integrity is a commitment to searching for and acting on the truth. Truth is a word with many manifestations it means keeping ones word; it also means understanding and realizing ones highest vision of oneself. On integrity, there will be no compromise we will always act to establish the foremost standards of honesty and fairness. Integrity is a beacon. It is what guides us, gives us direction. It is not a straitjacketing laundry list of dos and donts. Integrity is being ethical beyond doubt. It is living the law of the land in spirit. It is what will give us the confidence to stand up to any scrutiny.


Quality of Wipro
Quality is fast becoming a word customers want to hear more often than they used to before. No longer is Quality perceived to be just a buzzword in the corporate aisles, its touching our customers lives in more ways than we can imagine. The term Six Sigma is synonymous with world-class quality. Sigma is a statistical expression that indicates how defect free a process or a product is. It indicates the level at which the process is performed. Higher the Sigma level, lower the number of defects. For Example: If our defect rate is at Three Sigma level, we make 66,807 mistakes. At Six Sigma level, the defect rate drops to 3.4 mistakes in a million, an improvement of more than 20,000 times. Six Sigma is the methodology to get breakthrough improvements in products and processes, thereby ensuring Customer Satisfaction, Employee satisfaction and Business financial success. So, it is an umbrella initiative covering all Business Units and divisions. It was adopted so that we could transform ourselves into a world-class organization. This means

Have our products and services meet global benchmarks Ensure robust processes within the organization Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations Make Quality a culture within

The methodology under Six Sigma covers all areas of the business such as Design & development, Manufacturing, Service and all transactional processes. The Six Sigma methodology brings in a strong data culture and statistical analysis at all levels of the organization. It forces the organization to make decisions based on metrics and measurements that are called Management by facts.


Six Sigma can be approached in two different ways, one through Defect Reduction and other through the Cycle Time Reduction. Each approach has several methodologies under its belt. Although all the methodologies have the same theme, as it is focused on Customer needs, Measurement (Data), Breakthroughs, Continuous Improvement, it is extremely important to choose the right methodology for seeing an early success and continuous improvement.

DCAM: Design for Customer Satisfaction and Manufacturability. DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control DSSS: Developing Six Sigma Software TQSS: Transactional Quality Using Six sigma CFPM: Cross Functional Process Mapping



Six Sigma and Financial Gains The Financial gain that Wipro has achieved using Six Sigma has been one of high points. The Audited Financial gain accrued is illustrated below. The figures are in Rs Mn


Wipro was the first Indian company to embrace Six Sigma in 1997. We have made significant strides in our quality journey with more than 1000 projects and a dedicated team over 120 active black belts

Wipro Businesses

Wipro Technologies Wipro Technologies is a global services provider delivering technology driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of our clients. Wipro has 40+ Centers of Excellence that create solutions around specific needs of industries. Wipro delivers unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the World's first CMMi Level 5 certified software services company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Award Wipro InfoTech Wipro InfoTech is a part of USD 3.5 billion Wipro Limited with a market capitalization of USD 24 billion. Wipro Infotech was the first global software company to achieve Level 5 SEI-CMM, the world's first IT Company to achieve Six Sigma, as well as the world's first company to attain Level 5 PCMM. Currently, Wipro Infotech's presence extends to 9 regional offices in India besides offices in the KSA, UAE, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and other regions in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting,) a Business Unit of Wipro Limited, has a profitable presence in the branded retail market of toilet soaps, hair care soaps, baby care products and lighting products. It is also a leader in


institutional lighting in specified segments like software, pharma and retail. Wipro Consumer Care has been one of the fastest growing FMCG companies as reflected by the organizational performance in the last three years. We have grown both organically and through acquisitions.

Wipro Fluid Power Limited Wipro Infrastructure Engineering is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wipro Limited, a US$ 3.5 Billion multi-business corporation. Wipro Infrastructure Engineering delivers precision-engineered hydraulic cylinders, components and solutions & truck hydraulics components to OEMs globally in the infrastructure and related industries. Headquartered at Bangalore, India, Wipro Infrastructure Engineering is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wipro Limited. Wipro GE Medical Systems Limited Wipro GE Medical Systems is a joint venture between Wipro and General Electric Company. A part of GE Medical Systems South Asia, it caters to customer and patient needs with a commitment to uncompromising quality .Wipro GE is the market leader with unmatched distribution and service reach in South Asia and is Indias largest exporter of medical systems. Wipro GE pioneered the manufacture of Ultrasound and Computed Tomography systems in India and is a supplier for all GE Medical Systems products and services in South Asia


People at Wipro
As we build a global brand and expand to reach customers round the globe, we are also building a multi-cultural team that builds synergies amongst themselves and with our customers. We believe that without a motivated and engaged workforce, success can only be a pipedream and it is our people who will lead the way to our goals. Enter the Wipro World and experience a challenging environment along with multifarious opportunities to learn and grow. The force behind Wipros distinctive innovative edge in the IT market Deep Domain Expertise 2000+ domain consultants 500+ technology consultants e-business, package applications Customer Proximity 5,000+ consultants spread across North America, Europe and Japan 10,000+ itinerant employees Continuous Training Over 3,80,000 man days of training annually, 80 full time instructors Web based 'World Campus' initiative in place to impart training to our employees across the globe Talent Transformation Business skill transformation (domain knowledge, functional expertise and consulting) Culture transformation (Language learning, neuron-linguistic sessions and cross-cultural sensitiveness) Technology transformation (70+ technologies covered) Behavioral skill transformation (Communication inter-personal and relationship management skills)


Leadership Programme
Wipro Leaders Qualities Survey Wipro Leaders Qualities Survey, which started in 1992, is one of our oldest leadership development initiatives. It has successfully contributed in our endeavor to nurture top class business leaders in Wipro. We have 8 Wipro Leadership Qualities, which are based on Wipro vision, values and business strategy. In order to identify and help leaders develop these competencies we adopt a 360-degree survey process. This is an end-to-end program, which starts with the obtaining of feedback from relevant respondents and ends with each leader drawing up a Personal Development Plan (PDP) based on the feedback received. The PDP is developed through Winds of Change which is a seven-step program that helps in identifying strengths and improvement areas, and determining the action steps. The Leadership Development Framework


Leadership Lifecycle Programs Wipro has developed an approach for Life Cycle Stage Development Plan. Training and development programs at various stages have been designed by mapping the competencies to specific roles. Competencies specify the specific success behaviors at every role. Entry-level program (ELP) - The program covers the junior management employees with the objective of developing managerial qualities in the employee. The target group is campus hires and lateral hires at junior level. New Leaders Program (NLP) - It is popularly known as NLP and aims at developing potential people managers, who have taken such roles or are likely to get into those roles in the near future. Wipro Leaders Program (WLP) - This program is for middle level leader with people, process, business development and project management responsibilities. These leaders are like the flag bearers of Wipro values and Wipro way of doing business. They not only walk


the value talk but they also have a responsibility of assimilating new leaders with the Wipro culture. Business Leaders Program (BLP) - This is for senior leaders with business responsibility. At this level, people are trained up for revenue generation; and Profit & Loss responsibilities. The program covers commercial orientation, client relationship development, and team building and performance management responsibilities among other things. Strategic Leaders Program (SLP) - This program covers top management employees. The focus is on Vision, Values, Strategy, Global Thinking and Acting, Customer Focus and Building Star Performers. Wipro ties up with leading business schools of international repute to conduct this program for Wipro leaders.

Managing Performance The Wipro philosophy has a clear thrust on performance enhancement. We have a systematic and robust process for planning, implementing, reviewing, and evaluating performance of our employees. The entire process is online, which ensures scalability and standardization. We ensure that employees receive periodical feedback and that the Development Plan forms a significant part of the entire performance management process. Reward Philosophy Exemplary performance is unquestionably rewarded at Wipro. There are various awards and recognition programs, which have been institutionalized across businesses. We also constantly endeavor to enhance our reward program to align it with changes in employee motivators and business drivers. Employee Feedback and Communication Wipro as an organization believes in Connecting and Listening to people. Channel W the employee portal has been creating a de facto Wipro community by allowing Wiproites to interact, disseminate information on

things they most cherish. The intranet ensures that the entire organization is wired and there is meaningful exchange of information / views across domains and geographies. Key sections encourage employee participation and communication through bulletin boards and chat rooms among other things. Employee feedback and continuous improvement is a cornerstone of our progress. We believe that the most worthwhile inputs for betterment of people practices come from employees themselves, as they are the customers. We have various processes in place, which ensure that employee feedback reaches senior management.

There are some methods to communicate with the employees: W10 is a dipstick survey with 10 questions which checks the satisfaction level on issues, which affect the health of the workplace and supervisory effectiveness. The feedback given by employees is shared with management through scorecards. Employee Perception Survey: We conduct employee satisfaction surveys every two years. Employees are encouraged to give comments and rank the organization on certain areas /satisfaction drivers. Top management then prepares a timely action plan to address the areas of concern and task forces are created to focus on improvement areas and implement action.

Action plan (Meet your people program) - The W10 scores provide the trigger to managers /supervisors to meet their teams and resolve issues which create dissatisfaction in the workplace. Skip Level: Wipro believe that team feedback is an important parameter of leadership development as well as team cohesiveness. A Skip level meeting is a formal team feedback session facilitated by

HR as well as the supervisors supervisor. This is an institutionalized process in Wipro and managers see great merit in it as they get feedback from the team that affects team performance and can make mid-course corrections to improve effectiveness at work. New Managers Assimilation Program (NMA): Since teamwork is highly valued, assimilation of a new manager in team play is a very critical part of his/her induction to the company. It enhances team bonding and aims at consensus and collation of concerns, the challenges ahead, "must-know-about-manager" etc. from the team.

Working at Wipro

Corporate Culture: -Everyday at Wipro is challenging and thoughtprovoking. What is tested is your drive, enthusiasm and initiative. New ideas are appreciated and innovation is encouraged - if you have a suggestion and a plan to take it forward - you will get all the necessary support to transform it into action. Beyond Work: -There is a whole lot that Wiproites do beyond the job. Wipro ensure that employees get an opportunity to express and enjoy yourself at the workplace! They engage in activities with great energy, free spirit, and commitment to human values and this has played a significant role in our success story so far. Active, unhindered participation brings us closer to each other and to ourselves and making work fun and meaningful.

With over 19,000 people, operating out of 9 different locations (India and Eastern Europe), Wipro BPO has been a critical partner to all its customers

in achieving their business goals. Wipro BPO services customers in various industries including Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance, Travel & Hospitality, Hi-Tech Manufacturing, Telecom & Healthcare sectors. Wipro BPO also has deep expertise in delivering process specific solutions in areas like Finance & Accounting, Procurement, HR Services, Loyalty Services and Knowledge Services

Our Value Proposition Wipro BPO provides its customers with services required to keep the business operating as efficiently and as cost effectively as possible, so all that the customers need to concentrate on, is their core business. Increasing Customer Value


Awards to Wipro BPO

Wipro BPO & Cairn India declared winner at the first annual FAO Research Awards of Distinction' Wipro BPO has been rated as a Best Employer in India in the Best Employers Hewitt Survey for 2007 Wipro BPO is the winner of the 2007 Global BPO Standard Bearer by IQPC


Wipro BPO is the winner of the 2007 Global F&A Excellence Award by IQPC

Wipro BPO is the winner of the 2007 Global KPO Excellence Award by IQPC Wipro BPO is the winner of the Best Matured Shared Services Award Honorable Mention by IQPC Wipro BPO has received the distinguished Outsourcing Excellence Award, 2006 in the "Best Offshore" player category Wipro BPO has been judged the Company of the Year at the inaugural India times BPO awards Wipro Technologies has been recognized among the Top BPO Providers for 2006 by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP)

Wipro BPO ranked among the Top Third Party ITES-BPO companies for the year 2005-2006 Wipro BPO ranked 1st among Top 10 ITES-BPO (Third Party) companies for the year 2005-2006 based on full time employees (in India)

Organization structure is a basic frame work within which the managers decision making bahaviour takes place. Structure basically deals relationships. In management we need to understand how organizations are structured and how these structures are created and maintained. Organisation structure is the pattern of relationships among various components or part of the organisation. This prescribes the relationships among various activities and positions. Since these positions are held by various persons, the structure

is the relationship among people in the organisation. Organisation Structure is not visible though it can be inferred from the actual operations and the behavior of the organisation. The structure of a system is the arrangement of its subsystems and its components at a given moment of time. Organisation structure can be viewed as established pattern of relationships among the components of the organisation. It is the patterning of these relationships with some degree of permanency which is referred to as organisation structure. Design of basic structure involves such issues as how the work of the organisation will be divided and assigned among various positions, groups, divisions, departments etc. and how the coordination necessary to accomplish total organizational objectives will achieved. Besides the formally established organizational structure, people create relationships known as informal relationships or organisation. Thus organizational structure is the totality of both the informal and the formal relationships. Operating mechanism or process includes factors as control procedures, information systems, reward and punishment systems, rules and procedures. These structural variable both basic structure and operating mechanism, can be used to identify what is required of organizational members, to motivate them in order to do their assigned part of the organizational objectives, and encourage them to take collective activities.

Need Of Organizational Structure The various characteristics of formal organisation structure, suggest that formal structure is required because large number of people are associated an achieving organizational objectives. All of them perform various functions which are interdependent and interrelated. There must be plan for systematic completion of the work of each specialized job so that the total activities accomplish common objectives. Organisation structure is the


mechanism through which management directs, coordinates and controls the business.A sound organisation structure is:

Facilitate Management: A properly designed organisation facilitates both management and operation of the enterprise. Management work takes place with certainty and continuity. In many enterprises, a separate unit for organizational analysis is created which looks after authority and responsibility delegation, communication, control and coordination and try to find out to modify these according to needs. Encouraging Growth: The organisation structure is the frame work within which an enterprise grows. A sound structure facilitates growth Increasing Efficiency: The structure is ideally suited to an enterprise today, may be inadequate and unsuitable when it expands. The Managers should have constant perusal of the structure to modify it so that growth can be assimilated

Optimum Use of Technology Improvement: Many new technological improvements are made every day. The advantages can best be realized by having a suitable organisation structure because on one hand the use of technology involves cost and on the other it contributes to the objectives. A proper balance can be maintained only by balanced organisation structure.


Encouraging Human: An individual contributes best when his satisfaction is the most. Most of the psychological satisfaction one derives from the work, relationships, and working environment. Organisation structure also develops people by creating provisions for training and promotional avenues. Stimulating Creativity: A sound organisation based on specialization stimulates creativity thinking and initiative by providing well defined area of work with provision of development of new and improved ways of working.

A hierarchy is a system of ranking and organizing things or people, where each element of the system (except for the top element) is subordinate to a single other element. A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or horizontally. The only direct links in a hierarchy are to one's immediate superior, or to one of one's subordinates.


Organization hierarchy refers to how people and tasks are grouped. For example, an organization may be structured in functional units such as accounting and marketing, with only one type of specialist working in each of these units. Organisation Hierarchy evolves from the Organisation Structure. With the preparation of the structure of the organisation it becomes possible to devise a hierarchy for the organisation. The following features are to be considered while the preparation of the Organisation Hierarchy:

Simplicity: The concept of simplicity is means various organisation relations should be kept minimum possible. Provisions of various networks are essential but it should not lead o confusion and ambiguity. Every employee in the organisation should be clear about whom he has to consult in a particular matter and whom he has to report. Too many levels, too many communication channels multiplicity in command leads to problems and confusion. Flexibility: The hierarchy should be flexible so that changes can be incorporated whenever needs arise. The hierarchy should be designed not only for the present but also for the near future. This means the hierarchy should be the one which is prevailing in the organisation and the one which should be ideally present. The concept of flexible structure is that it provides an opportunity to incorporate changes where these are needed without adversely affecting the other parts.

Clear Line of Authority: There should be a clear line of authority running from top to bottom or in horizontal directions. The concept of clear line of authority is that one should be clear about what is expected to achieve or contribute and what relationships should be maintained by him at his official level. In absence of clarity line of authority, the result is frictions, politics and inefficiencies. Lack of clarity of relationship leads to lack of efficiency in the performance standards of the employee.

Application of Ultimate Responsibility: The concept of ultimate responsibilty suggests that although a superior manager assigns some of the work to his subordinates. This means the ultimate head in the hierarchy is responsible for his own work as well as the work of his subordinates. This concept in a hierarch applies that every individual carries dual responsibilty. Proper Delegation of Authority: The concept of authority can work only when there is proper delegation of authority at various levels of the organisation. Delegation of authority refers to authorization of a manager to make certain decisions. Minimum Number of Managerial Levels: As much as possible there should be minimum managerial levels. Greater the number of managerial levels, longer is the chain of communication in the chain of command and the communication has to travel along the line creating problems of delay and distortion.


Purpose Of Hierarchy:

Flow of Information and Orders: A hierarchy shows clearly direction of the flow of orders and information within the department. It shows the path as to which the information and the orders would take while lowing in the department. The flow of information in a hierarchy can be from down to upwards or from upwards to downwards but the flow of orders can only be unidirectional in nature. The flow of orders is always from up to the bottom. Reporting Relationship: The hierarchy gives a clear information about the reporting relationship that is whom the employee has to report and whom he has to supervise. Every employee in the organisation has to report to his senior. Hierarchy gives a clear idea as to whom the employee is answerable for his work. This encompasses the concept of accountability i.e. is besides reporting relation whom is he actually accountable for his work and who holds a clear authority to question him about his performance. Level of Authority: With reporting relationships it becomes clear as to who holds which authority and to what extent. This shows the authority which the employee holds over another. It shows which person has got the authority to question, whom to question regarding the work and the performance standards. Designation Requires Being Included Within The Department: The hierarchy is prepared is the one which is prevailing in the organisation as well as the one which should be ideally present in the department. The ideal hierarchy shows the designations which are required to be included in the department. It helps in increasing the efficiency of the department as when there will be correct designations present in the organization the department will function more smoothly and efficiently.


Manpower In The Department: The hierarchy informs not only about the reporting relations within a department but at the same time also shows the exact number of manpower within each department and each section of the department. This also facilitates the manpower planning as the exact requirement of manpower becomes clear with the organisation hierarchy. Smooth Functioning of The Department: The organisation hierarchy gives a very clear idea of reporting relationships, extent of authority and hence it helps in smooth functioning of the department. Every individual has a very clear idea of what he has to do, whom to report and whom he is answerable to. This ensures that there exist no conflicts or confusions in the department and therefore the department can work efficiently and smoothly.


Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate products are Job descriptions and Job Specifications. Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job. The Job, not the person: An important concept of Job Analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not the person. While Job Analysis data may be collected from incumbents through interviews or questionnaires, the product of the analysis is a description or specifications of the job, not a description of the person.


Determination of uses of Job Analysis

Strategic Analysis in Job Analysis

Information Collection

Job Description

Information Processing

Job Specification


Determination of Uses of Job Analysis: It is desirable to develop clarity regarding the possible uses of the information pertaining to job analysis. It is important to focus on a few priority activities which the job analysis information could be used. Strategic Analysis In Job Analysis: Extent of employee involvement: It is a point of consideration as to decide the extent of employee involvement in the complete job analysis process. Sometimes the job holder may tend to inflate the duties and responsibilities of his job to make it appear more important than it is actually. Levels of details: The objectives and the uses of job analysis determine to a great extent the levels of details required and also the nature of jobs being analyzed. For example: Operational levels have the routine nature with limited responsibilities, require fewer details whereas on the other hand managerial level are dynamic and non repetitive. Information Collection: In collection of information the following decisions are required to be made: a. Type of Information to Be Collected: In determining the type of information to be collected, factors such as relevance of information, time available for information collection and the budget constraints should be considered. b. Person Involved in Data Information: There are three categories of persons involved in information collection: trained job analysts, superiors and job holder. Although information collected by the trainers has better objectivity, consistency in information collection. they miss some of the intrinsic factors, Information Processing: The last step in job analysis is information processing which involves editing and classifying information into relevant categories and preparing job descriptions and job specifications.



The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the 'job relatedness' of employment procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal.

Determining Training Needs: Job Analysis can be used in training, needs assessment, equipment for training, methods of training etc to identify or develop Compensation: Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine skill levels, compensable job factors, work environment, responsibilities, required level of education Selection Procedures: Job Analysis can be used in selection procedures to identify or develop job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions, appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a candidate, minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants, interview questions, selection tests/instruments, applicant appraisal/evaluation forms, orientation materials for applicants/new hires Performance Review : Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop goals and objectives, performance standards, evaluation criteria, length of probationary periods duties to be evaluated


Begin by understanding the requirements of the job being filled. What kind of personality, experience and education are needed? To determine these attributes, sit down and do a job analysis covering the following areas: The mental/physical tasks involved (ranging from judging, planning and managing to cleaning, lifting and welding) How the job will be done (the methods and equipment to be used) The reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company) The qualifications needed (training, knowledge, skills and personality traits)

What Aspects of a Job Are Analyzed?

Duties and Tasks: The basic unit of a job is the performance of specific tasks and duties. Information to be collected about these items may include: frequency, duration, effort, skill, complexity, equipment, standards, etc. Environment: This may have a significant impact on the physical requirements to be able to perform a job. The work environment may include unpleasant conditions such as offensive odors and temperature extremes. Tools and Equipment: Some duties and tasks are performed using specific equipment and tools. Equipment may include protective clothing. These items need to be specified in a Job Analysis. Relationships: Supervision given and received. Relationships with internal or external people. Requirements The knowledges, skills, and abilities (KSA's) required performing the job. While an incumbent may have higher KSA's than those required for the job



The methods that can be used in determining the Job Elements and the concomitant knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successful performance include the following:

Observation Method: Using this method, a job analyst watches employees directly or reviews films of workers on the job. Although Job analysis provides first hand information about the job but in many cases the employees do not function efficiently when they are being watched and also it is not possible for all the jobs to be observed as in case of managerial jobs. Individual Interview Method: Using this method job incumbents are selected and intervened extensively. The results of these job analyses are combined into a single job analysis. Although it a very effective method but is very time consuming. Group Interview Method: In this method a number of job incumbents are interviewed simultaneously. Although its time saving but group dynamics may hinder its effectiveness. Structured Questionnaire Method: In this method of data collection structured questionnaires are prepared and administered amongst the employees. This technique is excellent for gathering information about the jobs. Technical Conference Method: This method utilizes Supervisors with extensive knowledge of the job. Here specific characteristics required experts. Although its a good method it often overlooks the incumbent workers perceptions about what they think about their job. Diary Method: This method requires job incumbents to record their daily activities. This diary method is most intrusive of the job analysis methods requiring much work on the part of incumbent requiring much time.



Organization Design:-Job analysis helps in classifying job requirements and interrelationship among the various jobs, responsibility, authority and accountability. Decisions regarding hierarchical positions and functional differentiation or integration could be taken on the basis of data obtained through this process for organization efficiency.

Manpower Planning:-It provides useful information for forecasting the manpower requirements in terms of skills and expertise and in planning of transfers and promotion. Recruitment:-The total process of recruitment and selection is based on the principle of matching the jobs and individuals. In this job related (tasks and responsibilities) and individual related factors (Knowledge, skills and experience) are matched. Both types of information are provided by the job analysis. Orientation and placement:-Job analysis helps in orientation and placement by further matching the jobs and the individuals.

Compensation determination:-It helps in determining the salaries and wages of the employees. Compensation Analysts can not determine a fair wage or salary without detailed knowledge about the jobs.

Performance Appraisal:-Job analysis provides the standards as what is expected out of the job holder and so evaluation becomes easier against the known critical activities and standards.


Career Path Planning:-It provides information necessary for career planning and development efforts and employees have a clear idea of the various opportunities available in the organization. Training and development:-It provides useful information of training needs, design of various training programmes and the evaluation of training effectiveness.

Labour Relations:-The information provided is helpful in resolving grievances and jurisdictional disputes. Safety:-It helps in analyzing certain hazards involved in the job and hence the precautions to be taken. Counseling:-Vocational guidance and rehabilitation counselling is facilitated by the information provided by the job analysis.


METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION- The most commonly used data

collection methods are:

Job Performance: This method involves the analyst actually doing the job under study to get first hand exposure to actual tasks and physical, environmental and social demands of the job. This can be used only in job where skill requirements are not high and therefore can be learnt quickly and easily. But this method is really time consuming and the analyst is bounded by that particular job. Observation: The analyst observes, without getting directly involved in the job, the workers or a group engaged in doing the job. Observations are made on various tasks, activities, the pace at which tasks are carried out and the way different activities are performed Interview: This is widely used method particularly in those jobs which do not lend themselves either observation or actual performance of the job on the part of analyst. It is desirable to use a standard format so as to focus the interview to the purpose of the analyst. One of the major problems with interviewing is that inaccurate information may be collected. Questionnaire: These are Position Analysis Questionnaire or the job element inventory. Regardless of what they are called, these forms seek to collect the job information uniformly. The questionnaire reveals the duties, responsibilities, human abilities and performance standards of the jobs investigated. This method involves developing structured questionnaires on different aspects of job related tasks and behavior such as coordinating, negotiating, manual and mental processes.



Use the job analysis to write a job description and a job specification. Drawing from these concepts, you can then create your recruitment materials, such as a classified ad. The job description is basically an outline of how the job fits in to the company. It should point out in broad terms the job's goals, responsibilities and duties. First, write down the job title and whom that person will report to. next, develop a job statement or summary describing the position's major and minor duties. Finally, define how the job relates to other positions in the company. Which are subordinate and which are of equal responsibility and authority? For a one-person business hiring its first employee, these steps may seem unnecessary, but remember, you are laying the foundations for your personnel policy, which will be essential as your company grows. Keeping detailed records from the time you hire your first employee will make things a lot easier when you hire your 50th. The job specification describes the personal requirements you expect from the employee. Like the job description, it includes the job title, whom the person reports to, and a summary of the position. However, it also lists any educational requirements, desired experience and specialized skills or knowledge required. Include salary range and benefits. Finish by listing any physical or other special requirements associated with the job, as well as any occupational hazards. Writing the job description and job specifications will also help you determine whether you need a part- or full-time employee, whether the person should be permanent or temporary, and whether you could use an independent contractor to fill the position.


A job description is an organized, factual statement of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief, it should tell what is to be done, how it should be done and why. It is a standard of function, in that it defines the appropriate and authorized content of a job. Job description is descriptive in nature and constitutes a record of job facts in an organized way. CONTENTS OF JOB DESCRIPTION: The job contents of job description vary from organization to organization but it usually contains the following: Job identification: It first spells about the job title, alternative title, department, division, plant and code no. It is also mentioned to what higher level is this job accountable and who is supervised directly.

Job Summary / Objectives: It is a quick capsule explanation. Job Duties and responsibilities: It provides list of duties and responsibilities connected with the job. It gives the answers for how the job should be done? Why it should be done? Job Title: It is short, definite and suggestive of the nature of the job. Relation to other jobs and departments: Here it mentions what are the departments which are required to be coordinated by the job holder and the coordination to be maintained thereby. Supervision: Here it mentioned the number of persons to be supervised along with other job titles and the extent of supervision is mentioned. Job location: It is necessary to give location of the job. It means the department where the job under consideration exists.


Working Conditions and Hazards: It comprises of heat , cold ,wetness etc .which is involved in the job conditions.


Description must be up-to-date, Job title should be as possible, Job Specifications should be unambiguous, and Job Description should be easily understandable. The following guidelines should be considered while the preparation of Job Description: Give a clear and concise and readily understandable picture of the whole Job. Describe in sufficient detail each of the main duties and responsibilities. Indicate the extent of direction received and supervision given. Ensure that a new employee understands the job if he reads the job description.

SIGNIFICANCE OF JOB DESCRIPTION: Job descriptions significant

in Personnel Management for the following uses: Job Description aids in the development of Specifications which are necessary in recruiting and selecting people in organization. Job Description can be used in orientation programmes for newly recruited employees.

Job Description is necessary in job evaluation, Performance Appraisal and wage and salary administration and developing Performance standards.

Job Description is used in group discussion at executive level for improving the standards and productivity. Job Description is a vehicle for Organizational change and improvement.

Job specification states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must possess to perform the job successfully. Based on the information acquired through job analysis, the job specification identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do the job effectively. Individuals possessing the personal characteristics identified in the job specification should perform the job more effectively than individuals lacking these personal characteristics. The job specification is an important tool in selection process for it keeps the selectors attention on the list of qualifications necessary for an incumbent to perform the job and assists in determining whether candidates are qualified. The job specification spells out the attributes of a person in terms of education, experience, abilities , skills and aptitude required to perform a particular job, requirements of which have been already been indicated in the Job Description. A Job Specification includes: Position Title Education and Experience Knowledge, Abilities and Skills Aptitude and Desirable Attributes CONTENTS OF JOB SPECIFICATION: Job Specification contains the following: Physical Characteristics which include health, strength, age range, body size, weight, vision, voice, height, appearance etc. Personal Characteristics including emotional stability, submissiveness, introversion, outspoken, good appearance, pleasing manners etc. Psychological Characteristics including Decision making ability, judgment, manual dexterity, mental concentration etc, Responsibilities including supervision of others responsibility for process, equipment and production, responsibility for preventing monetary loss etc.


Other features including Knowledge of special languages, experience desired , age, sex, education etc


Wipro conducts a "Smart Spend Analysis" to determine the critical cost components in a way that helps drive business decisions. "Our goal is to intelligently understand our costs and cost drivers and ratchet down these costs so our clients can operate on a lower, more agile cost curve," says Mogi. "The outcome typically helps reduce 'run' spend, and thus enable additional investments in new solutions to make them more competitive." "Understanding costs is the first step; the next step is to define strategies to drive down costs. Wipro runs a 'diagnostic sprint,' which is our tested methodology that quickly identifies the opportunities that will have nearterm cost take-out potential," says Mogi. The following represents the top set of cost-reduction initiatives that Wipro clients have effectively implemented. Global sourcing: "Buyers like global sourcing because offshoring can cut operating costs up to 35 percent," Mogi notes. He points out these are "sustainable, not one-year cost cuts, and come with a number of other benefits including quality, flexibility, and resource availability." Wipro consultants study how well the enterprise utilizes its global vendors. He points out many companies just use off shoring for simple activities in a staff augmentation model. "The staff augmentation model does cut costs, but it doesn't take full advantage of global sourcing's possibilities," he says. Another way to improve global sourcing is "to maximize synergies," the Wipro executive continues. For example, companies can centralize testing. Or it can consolidate horizontally by moving more work to one supplier or vertically along a particular business line. "The goal is to optimize work flow," says Mogi, "and our consulting teams help identify how to improve the workflow and synergies to improve cost and productivity."


Demand management and governance: Mogi is often surprised at the amount of cost savings available by simply determining what work is critical and what is not. Wipro shares a clear scope of work document with the client mapping all the activities that would come under its purview that the client needn't focus its efforts on. After an analysis, Wipro found up to 20 percent of work "doesn't keep the lights on. These tasks were important but the company had not prioritized them correctly. Leakage occurs when companies don't have a correct demand management process," Mogi says. IT services consolidation: Wipro adopts the successful factory model around applications and support. For example, it has a centralized testing organization that interfaces with a buyer's development and support operation. Or it can consolidate help desk services. Functions can be run as services across organizations, such as user interface, testing, PMO, application support and maintenance, architecture, helpdesk, and data management. Companies that have grown rapidly, through acquisition for instance, may have IT organizations mapped to different businesses. We help our customers take a functional look at their operations to see which common services could serve the IT and business needs in a more centralized and optimal manner. Scale economies, best practice sharing, utilization management, tools consolidation, and common processes help drive efficiencies and performance improvements Workforce optimization: Wipro analyzes both staff and management to see if the company fits into Wipro's hierarchy pyramid. "Companies need to understand their skill mix. You don't need a 10-year veteran for low-level work, which happens quite often," says Mogi. Wipro also looks at utilization rates. We can benchmark organization structures and management span of control against many different organizational configurations to see how well balanced our clients are building an efficient organization.

IT process and quality improvements: Wipro brings in a strong IT process and quality culture throughout our engagement. We have been working with clients to improve their process maturity, enable a metrics-driven organization, and deliver continuous improvement. Application portfolio optimization: Wipro looks at applications across the enterprise with the goal of finding functions or processes which can be migrated to a lower-cost platform. This can be a useful cost-saver for companies involved in a series of mergers because these companies inherit different platforms from each new acquisition they make. Architecture transformation: A well-defined architecture plays a pivotal role in the success of any business. Wipro helps clients identify if there are any commercial off-the shelf options that can reduce costs. Or, should the company adopt service-oriented architecture or Web services instead? How do open standards fit in? These are a few of the key questions that organizations need to ponder and formulate strategies accordingly. The goal is to be configuration driven. Total cost of ownership improvements: This involves value engineering across a chain of products. "We look for solutions that include better supplier management or inventory control. Both improve the costs for a product," the Wipro executive reports.



Job Details:

Job Title- AS 400 Developer Job Code- 64100 Country- India Relevant Experience (Yrs)- 3-4YEARS Skills & Experience Required- Skills: AS/400 , Experience Required(Description) : Wipro Technologies is looking for candidates with the below mentioned skills: BE /B Tech / MCA/ MS/ BS with 3 years - 4 years of IT experience specifically on the AS/400 platform with expertise in RPG/400, RPG ILE & Reverse Engineering Assignment. Should have experience in ILE RPG, ILE CLLE, RPG/400 and configuration tools (ACMS, Turnover, etc). Candidate must have worked on SQL/AS 400. Finance domain knowledge specifically on Securities (Stock exchange, Corporate Actions, etc) would be advantageous. Candidate should have excellent verbal and written communication. Roles & Responsibilities- At Wipro Technologies as a software engineer you would be responsible for understanding the existing code, documentation of technical specifications. You will be responsible for coding and testing of new requirements. You will have to co-ordinate with module lead/project lead/onsite team for clarifications and documentation support. You will have to participate in knowledge acquisition process analysis and design


Wipro Technologies Recruits

Designation: Mainframe System Administrator-L2 Job Description: Works independently towards providing support for escalated troubleshooting requirements. .Responsibility to guide junior professionals in trouble shooting non-routine and complex troubleshooting requirements. Company Profile: Wipro Technologies is a global provider of consulting, IT Services, and outsourced R&D, infrastructure outsourcing and business process services. We deliver technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of Global 2000 customers. With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of the pioneers in the remote delivery of services. We deliver unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence, quality frameworks and service delivery innovation. Wipro is the World's first PCMM, CMM and CMMi Level 5 certified software Services Company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software Process Award. We are the first services company to embrace Six Sigma, lean manufacturing and factory model concepts to software engineering. We have a wide geographical diversity of operations with over 40 development centers and 10 near shore centers spread across India, Japan, China, Eastern Europe, France, Austria, Sweden, Germany, UK and USA.


Desired Profile:
1. System Administration:

Works independently towards providing support for escalated troubleshooting requirements. . Responsibility to guide junior professionals in trouble shooting non-routine and complex troubleshooting requirements. Participates and provides inputs towards implementation of various hardware and software policies and procedures/support and maintenance (e.g. setting up new site / location). May be completely responsible for systems administration for a medium sized company/large BU. Guides new team members. Mainframe OS - L2 Experience in Installation, upgrade and maintenance of OS and ISV tools, Knowledge on HMC, security administration-group level, CICS system programming, Knowledge e on HCD and JQP, managing VTAM and TCP/IP resources, Experience in defining new LPARs, SMP/E, problem and change management, storage administration. 2. Additional Information:
3. Position Type: fulltime 4. Key Skills: Mainframe OS - L2,N/A - N/A 5. Job Category: Software, Hardware, EDP 6. Location: Bangalore 7. Qualification: B.E/B.Tech 8. Work Experience: 4 - 4 years



1. Service Desk / Service Request Management

The Service Desk function is the single point of contact between users and IT Service Management. Tasks include handling incidents and requests, and providing an interface for other ITSM processes. The primary functions of the Service Desk are: Incident Control: life cycle management of all Service Requests Communication: keeping the customer informed of progress and advising on workarounds The Service Desk function is known under various names. Call Centre: main emphasis on professionally handling large call volumes of telephone-based transactions

Help Desk: manage, co-ordinate and resolve incidents as quickly as possible Service Desk: not only handles incidents, problems and questions but also provides an interface for other activities such as change requests, maintenance contracts, software licenses, Service Level Management, Configuration Management, Availability Management, Financial Management and IT Services Continuity Management


The three types of structure that can be considered are:

Local Service Desk: to meet local business needs - is practical only until multiple locations requiring support services are involved Central Service Desk: for organizations having multiple locations reduces operational costs and improves usage of available resources Virtual Service Desk: for organizations having multi-country locations - can be situated and accessed from anywhere in the world due to advances in network performance and telecommunications, reducing operational costs and improving usage of available resources

2. Incident Management

The goal of Incident Management is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse effect on business operations, thus ensuring that the best possible levels of service quality and availability are maintained. 'Normal service operation' is defined here as service operation within Service Level Agreement (SLA) limits.
3. Problem Management

The goal of 'Problem Management' is to resolve the root cause of incidents and thus to minimize the adverse impact of incidents and problems on business that are caused by errors within the IT infrastructure, and to prevent recurrence of incidents related to these errors. A `problem' is an unknown underlying cause of one or more incidents, and a `known error' is a problem that is successfully diagnosed and for which either a work-around or a permanent resolution has been identified. The principal purpose of problem management is to find and resolve the root cause of a problem and prevention of incidents; the purpose of incident management is to return the service to normal level as soon as possible, with smallest possible business impact.

The problem management process is intended to reduce the number and severity of incidents and problems on the business, and report it in documentation to be available for the first-line and second line of the help desk. The proactive process identifies and resolves problems before incidents occur. These activities are: Trend analysis;

Targeting support action

Providing information to the organization. The Problem Control Process aims to handle problems in an efficient way. Problem control identifies the root cause of incidents and reports it to the service desk. Other activities are: Problem identification and recording;

Problem classification

Problem investigation and diagnosis.

4. Change Management

The goal of Change Management is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient handling of all changes, in order to minimize the impact of change-related incidents and to improve day-to-day operations. A change is an event that results in a new status of one or more configuration items (CI's) approved by management, cost effective, enhances business process changes (fixes) - with a minimum risk to IT infrastructure. The main aims of Change Management are: Minimal disruption of services Reduction in back-out activities

Economic utilization of resources involved in the change

Change Management Terminology: Change: the addition, modification or removal of CIs Request for Change (RFC): form used to record details of a request for a change and is sent as an input to Change Management by the Change Requestor Forward Schedule of Changes (FSC): schedule that contains details of all the forthcoming Changes
5. Service Delivery

The Service Delivery discipline is primarily concerned with the proactive and forward-looking services that the business requires of its ICT provider in order to provide adequate support to the business users. It is focused on the business as the customer of the ICT services. The discipline consists of the following processes, explained in subsections below: Service Level Management Capacity Management IT Service Continuity Management Availability Management Financial Management



DESKSIDE TEAM: The deskside team (sometimes known as "desktop support") is responsible for the desktops, laptops and peripherals such as PDAs. The help desk will assign the desktop team the second level deskside issues that the first level was not able to solve. They set up and configure computers for new users and are typically responsible for any physical work relating to the computers such as repairing software or hardware issues and moving workstations to another location. NETWORK TEAM: The network team is responsible for the network software, hardware and infrastructure like servers, firewalls etc. They are responsible for network service. The helpdesk assign a network team issue that is in field of responsibility OTHER TEAM Some companies have a telecom team that is responsible for the phone infrastructure. They are responsible for configuring and moving telephone numbers, voicemail setup and configuration and are assigned these types of issues from the help desk. Companies with custom application software may also have an applications team, who are responsible for development of any inhouse software. The Applications team may be assigned problems such as software bugs from the Help Desk. Requests for new features or capabilities to in-house software that come through the Help Desk are also assigned to Applications groups. Not all of the help desk staff and supporting IT staff are in the same location. With remote access applications, technicians are able to solve many help desk issues from another location or their home office. There is a need for on-site support to physically work on some


help desk issues; however, help desks are able to be more flexible with their remote support. They can also audit workstations.



The title of my Project is A Study of Job Analysis. The study was conducted to know the exact hierarchy prevailing in the Organization and to conduct a complete Job Analysis of all the Back Office Departments. This information would help the employees to develop a more clear vision in context of their job. Coverage The Project study covered all the Back Office Departments. An attempt was made to cover almost all the aspects of the Job Analysis. The Job Analysis covered all the aspects as: Performance standards, Reporting relationship, Job Conditions, Hazards involved, Skills and traits required, training required etc. During the Job Analysis all employees in each designation were interviewed in order to develop a more clear idea about the Job Contents. Significance and need for study The Project clearly indicates the clear and concise study of Job Analysis. The employees effectiveness and efficiency directly leads to realization of Organizational Goals. Job Description enables the employees in understanding their region of responsibility and line of authority. This helps the employees in furnishing their duties more efficiently as the Job Description create a more clarity about their respective jobs. Job Specifications help in recruiting those candidates who exactly match the requirements of the job and the culture of the organisation. The study attempted to give a clear idea about the job contents to all the employees right from Executives to the Junior Grade employees.



To enhance, update and prepare Departmental hierarchy of each department (Based on hierarchical levels and reporting relationships) To know the exact reporting relationships and the flow of orders amongst various designations within each departments. To know the exact manpower present in each designation in each section within each department. To conduct a thorough Job Analysis and prepare detailed and accurate Job Descriptions and Job Specifications. The aim was to: Give a clear, concise and readily understandable picture of the whole job. Describe in detail each of the main duties and responsibilities. Indicate the extent of direction receive and supervision given. Ensure that a new employee understands the job if he reads the job description.



The Project study included: Primary data collection Secondary data collection.

Primary data was collected from all the Back office employees in the form of structured questionnaires.

Secondary data was in the form of the Management by Objectives of the Executives, Performance Appraisals of the Supervisory and Junior Grades.

Few of the Back Office Departments also had some information regarding the Job Contents of the various designations.


For conducting the study and data collection three structured questionnaires were prepared which were administered at three different levels: Executive level Supervisory level Junior Grades. Initially the department hierarchies were prepared for each department, then making this as the basis the Job Analysis was conducted for the various designations in the Back offices. The Management by Objectives and Performance Appraisals were also referred to collect information about the various training needs of the employees.


Prepared structured hybrid questionnaire in order to collect data for the departmental hierarchy. The questionnaire includes: Job Roles of the designations Reporting relationships of the designation Administered the questionnaire amongst all the Departmental Heads. Prepared and enhanced the departmental hierarchy, with data available and referring to the team count and MIS Report to know the exact manpower in each designation.

Then each Departmental Head was contacted to approve the hierarchies prepared for their particular department.

After the approval another structured hybrid questionnaire (Job Description questionnaire) was prepared to collect the data for Job Analysis. It includes: Reporting relationships Duties assigned Interdepartmental coordination Qualitative measures Quantitative measures Job conditions


Administered the questionnaire amongst all the employees of the Back Office Departments.

After data collection from the employees another questionnaire was prepared named as Supervisory questionnaire. It includes the various requirements for a particular designation as: Skills required Personality traits Qualifications required Training to be imparted Accountability What are the objectives and duties of various job holder

Administered Supervisory questionnaire amongst all the concerned Supervisors and Executives of the Back Office departments.

Referred the Management By Objectives and Performance Appraisals of the Back Office employees to collect the training requirements

Prepared a Job Analysis format. Summarized the data of job analysis and formatted it to prepare Job Descriptions and Specifications for the Back Office Designations. After preparing the final information from the data collected the Departmental Heads of the concerned departments were met in order to seek their approval.


LIBRARY RESEARCH Library research is the type of research in which the datas are collected on the basis of past year documents. This datas can be collected from the back office which helps to provide data for the research. It is type of secondary data FIELD RESEARCH Field research is the type of research in which the researcher is going to take the interviews and fill the questionnaire on the basis of the responses of the responders. It is type primary data


Less time

Shifting process is fast Insufficient time of interaction Difficult to understand some views about organization


After developing an insight of Organisation hierarchy and Job analysis the data collection was started. In order to prepare a Questionnaire, I set out to find what actually is required to be included in the Questionnaire and how they have to be framed. Hence, I started with Finance Department where I carried out unstructured Interview. From here a fair idea was gathered about the information which has to be gathered. Since more unclarity about job profiles was found in Back Office departments therefore Job Analysis for the Back Offices was conducted. Then a structured hybrid question was prepared which was to be administered amongst all the Head of the Departments of the organization. It included questions as: Primary functions of the Department. Secondary functions of the Department Job roles of various Designation Reporting Relationships of various designations. A sample of the question has been attached to the Report. Purpose of preparing hierarchy:

Flow of orders and information

Reporting relationships

Manpower within each designation


Designation to be included in the department

Level of authority Smooth functioning of the department

The idea behind preparing of organization hierarchy was to develop a clear idea of the exact designation prevailing in each Department. A physical check was made in each Department in order to know the exact manpower in each Designation within each Department. The exact manpower present in each Designation was mentioned besides the exact Designation prevailing in the organization, the positions which are required to be included in the organization hierarchy have also been includes in order to have clear idea of the requirement of the Department. After preparing the hierarchy of each Department a structured question was prepared to collect data for the Job Analysis. This question was administered amongst the entire Back Office employee. A sample of the question has been attached to the report in the annexure. Then the questions were administered amongst all employees, with the help of team count. There was no sample size selected. The idea behind was to collect more responses in order to prepare more efficient and accurate Job Descriptions and Job Specifications. With the completion of data collection from the employees, the next step in the process of Job Analysis was to gather Information from the Supervisors and the Executives. For this a supervisory question was prepare consisting of: Skills personality traits Qualification etc required by the Job holder. A sample of the supervisory question has been attached to the report. After the completion of Data Collection from Supervision and the Executives, the Management by Objectives and Performance appraisal were referred in order to gather the training requirement for each designation.


Then a format was prepared for Job Descriptions and Job Specifications. In order to facilitate the handling of the documents it was decided to prepare the Job Descriptions and Job Specifications in the same form.

The Job Descriptions and Job Specifications were then formatted in the format which was approved by the Director HR. After the completion of the preparation of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications for all Back Office designation the next phase was to seek approval from particular departmental heads. The suggested changes were made in the Job Descriptions and Job Specifications and then were finally approved by the Head of Department of the particular Departments. The final changes as suggested by the Head of Departments were made and then approval was sought from the concerned Head of Department. In order to gather accurate and genuine information following points were considered. In order to facilitate the understanding of question the language and sentence formation was kept very simple to that the respondent comprehends the questions as they need to be. The employee had to be thoroughly explained the importance of Job Analysis. This helped ingathering prompt and genuine information from them. In both the questionnaire (for employee and supervisor) the personal details of employee (name, signature) were not included, so that respondents respond freely and genuinely. Every employee must be given a copy of his Department Hierarchy and his Job Description. This will ensure that the employee have a clarity of the performance standards expected and hence can perform effectively.








Last2yrs recently joined more than2 yrs


change job stay with job



sss complaint holder others


get discription not discription


7. RELATIONSHIP OF YOUR DESIGNATION AND WORK WITH ANOTHER DEPARTMENT __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

8. WHICH SKILLS YOU REQUIRE TO PERFORM THE TASK OF THE ORGANIZATION? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

satisfied unhappy dont reply



perform nce benefit unbenefit


satisfaction level unsetisfaction level




After the preparation of the hierarchy and analyzing job, it was found that almost all the departments follow a flat organizational structure which ensures a more smooth flow of information and feedback within the department. It was also found that all the employees highly appreciate their Department Heads as they find them highly receptive to innovative ideas and each employee gets an equal chance to express his opinions. All the employees are really efficient in their areas and with a more clear idea about their job contents they will be able to perform outstanding. conclusions It is really recommendable for every organization to develop a complete clarity about the job and the relationship of the employee with his peers in the department. Therefore every department in the organization must have a complete hierarchy and Job Analysis of all the designations in the department.



Job Analysis gives a more clear idea about the region of function and the areas of responsibility of the employee. This can be used as a tool for improving the performance and ensuring the development of employees. This Project has given me a deeper insight into the subject and an opportunity to make some suggestions and recommendations for the Human Resource Development . Salary band should be included to ensure more uniformity in the salary structure. Equitable compensation is very important for the employee satisfaction and employee retention. The most frequent method of retaining employees is to improve their compensation and benefits.

Job enrichment practices enhance job satisfaction also have great impacts on employee performance and employee retention. An effective selection procedure should be followed. The organization must try to ensure more of positive relations with superiors, less emphasis on formal authority, information sharing and support for employees.

Every employee must be given a written job description of his job so that he is clear about his role in the organization and to avoid any kind of exploitation of the employee.


Exit interviews for the employees leaving the organisation should be conducted to know the reason of their leaving the organisation.

1. secondary data: letter head of the Wipro employees file from hr department times of India newspaper books of hrm for detailed study for job analysis 2. website concerned:



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