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1Allen Pace Nilsen in her essay “ Sexism In English: Embodiment & Language” states that

English language and culture reveal the attitude and the inequality of men and women. Nilsen
stated that in America, women are valued off the sexiness of there bodies and men are valued off
the physical strengths and accomplishments.

Nilsen stated that most inventions in the world are eponym. Eponym are people’s names
converted into words we use. Nilsen asserts that even women’s physical feature are found in
American Geography. Nilsen found numerous mountains named after women’s breast such as
Nipple Top and Squaw Tit. On the other hand, all mountains named after men is because they
found them. Like a call boy is a indivdual who called actors on stage, but a call girl is a
prostitute. Nilsen states that many feminine words are based off masculine forms like hero-
heroin and usher- usherette. Nilsen asserts that many eponym for men were based off inventions
such as the Ferris Wheel and Gatling Gun. However, women were more about fashion such as
the Mae West Jacket. But some words meant for men and women but there’s no feminine form
like a king has a kingdom but a queen don’t have a queendom. Other pair of words have
masculine words first such as Mr. and Mrs., boys and girls, men and women, brother and sister.
With one exception, in some weddings where women are more important than men. This is the
exceptions where feminine forms are put before masculine ones like bridal shower. Even in
weddings the man showed possession over the woman when woman vows to Love, Honor, and

Nilsen asserts that during weddings when the pastor asks who gives the bride away the father
usually says “I Do”. That brings Nilsen to her next point when she says that “Women are passive
and Men are active”.

Nilsen states that in sexual relations and weddings men play dominant roles like men wed
women while women becomes brides of men and he takes the girl’s virginity. Nilsen also stated
that famous women that gets married takes the man’s name even if he’s a nobody. But the few
that’s mention are rebels such as Harriet Tubman. Nilsen claims that parents their children what
they hope they will be in the future. Feminine names are always taken after pleasing items such
as Diamond, Pearl, and Ruby. While masculine names are taken from power and strength such as
Neil which means champion and Rex which means king. Nilsen asserts that American food is
referred to women as, Such as cute tomato, honey, and sugar. But if a man is call something after
food such as a fruit people questioned his masculinity.

Allen Pace Nilsen came up with the conclusion that all men are dominant over women in
American culture just by doing research and realizing what already here and not making up
anything of here own.

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