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English Essay - 100 Marks English Subjective - 100 Marks Precis Urdu to English Translation English Grammar Pair of Words Idioms Phrasal Verbs

Urdu 100 Marks Essay Precis English to Urdu Translation Urdu Grammar Idioms Proverbs Writers/Authors of famous books Explanation of famous poetic lines

Pakistan Studies 100 Marks Establishment of Pakistan Initial problems Political and constitutional developments since 1947 to date Pakistan economy Foreign policy Internal environment, Demography, Geography, Agriculture, Industry, Health, Education

Islamic Studies 100 Marks Fundamental beliefs Practices of Islam Basic problems of human life and its solutions Social system in Islam Morality in Islam Morality and faith, Islamic way of character building Comparative study of other religions

General Knowledge 100 Marks

Current affairs Current affairs of Pakistan Historical facts Political facts Geographical facts Economic facts Everyday observation and experience Developments in science and arts

Business administration

Management 100 marks Historical background of management Managing in the new era Planning: basic planning process , strategic planning, types of plans and decision making Organizing: fundamentals of organizing [differentiation and integration], organization structure [vertical and horizontal], empowerment [centralization and decentralization], Coordination, HRM [Planning, recruitment, selection and training] Leading: Mobilizing people, human factor and motivation, leading and managing, leadership and fellowship, power and leadership Controlling: basic control process, control techniques and IT, project implementation

Marketing 50Marks Marketing, what it is all about, who performs marketing function, satisfaction and loyality, Internal and external environment, market segmentation, targeting and positioning, market information and research. Product: product planning and development, product line and product mix strategies, branding, packaging, other product features, service marketing Price: price determination, price strategies, price vs non price competition, geographic pricing, discount and allowances, special pricing strategies and situations. Place: designing, selecting and distribution of channels, retailing and wholesale Promotion: marketing communications mix, personal selling, advertising, public relations Financial Management 50 Marks Overview of financial management, Securities markets and financial institution, Time value of money, Valuation of securities [stocks and bonds] Fundamental concepts of accounting, Financial statements, Analysis and interpretation Inventory management, Managing short term / spontaneous finances

Capital investment decision, Capital structure decisions, Leverage decision, Dividend decisions Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers and buyouts, Financial distress and restricting, Hedging


Paper 1 100 Marks Natural resources of Pakistan and their impact on crop production Crop growth and photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration Dry farming, Organic farming Agriculture environmental pollution management Use of bio-fertilizer, biopesticides and natural products Biological nitrogen fixation and factors affecting it Weed crop competition Allelopathy

Role of agri-extension and its future in Pakistan Methods and steps in extension activities Types, principles, strategies in agri-ext Significance of audio-visual aids in extension Forest products and range management in Pakistan National forest policy and other land use policies Biodiversity, its conservation, threats and losses, impact of environmental changes on biodiversity

Indus basin irrigation system, Its role in agriculture of Pakistan Exclusive news paper articles on [current and future scope of farm mechanization in Pakistan, Food industry in Pakistan] Issues in agri sector in Pakistan [ Land reforms in Pakistan, Land tenure system, Basmati rice case with India and WTO] Paper 2 100 Marks

Chemical composition of hereditary material Genes, chromosome Molecular basis of genetic code Gene expression Variation in plant breeding, its creation and exploitation Breeding strategies Role of genetics in crop improvement Breeding methods of self, cross and asexually propagated crops

Mutation breeding, Polyploidy Transgenic plants and plant breeding Biotechnology in crop improvement Edible oilseed and economy of Pakistan Genetic and physiological mechanism of stress tolerance in crops Major insect pests of wheat, cotton and paddy Principles and methods of insect control Apiculture, sericulture and lac-culture, silviculture Mode of action, hazards and safety measures of insecticides IPM and economics of pest management Plant diseases and principles of their control Transmission and control of plant viruses Methods of controlling plant diseases Mushroom cultivation [ requirements, problems, nutritional value, remedy of mushroom poisoning] Classification of hort crops Role of Tissue culture in agriculture Production and properties of medicinal plants Propagation methods Horticulture exports of Pakistan, how to improve this [news paper] Types of soils in Pakistan, salt affected and water logged soils, reclamation and management Organic matter, types and importance in agri Types, control and management of soil erosion

General Knowledge
Outlines of the suggested readings
1- League of Nations Membership, Constitution, The council, Secretariat, Functions, Mandate system, Causes of failure of league, Achievements of league,

2- United Nations Origin, Objectives, Purposes, Principles, Main Organs, Specialized Agencies, The Security Council, The General Assembly, The Trusteeship Council, ICJ, Secretariat,

3- The Specialized Agencies IMF, IBRD, ILO, UNESCO, WHO, FAO

4- LON vs UNO

5-Major Issues from WW1 to Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

6- Foreign Policy of Russia, International Relations, Book Hives, 487 to 508

7- Truman Doctrine, Eisenhower Doctrine, Monroe Doctrine, Locarno Pact

8-Largest, Smallest, Highest, Highest, Oldest, Biggest, Shortest, First, Widest, Tallest

9-Different Agencies, ADB, APEC, AL, GCC, ICRC, WB, IMF, WTO, SAARC, SAARC, OIC, ASEAN, BCW, OPEC, NATO, INTERPOL, EU, NAM, ECO, WARSAW PACT, G-7, NAFTA, D-8, CIS, UNO, EFTA, NAFTA. DOB, Members, Head office, Head or CEO or President Etc.

10-Solar System and Atmosphere Asteroids, Meteor, Comets, Galaxy, Planets Planets with salient features Solstice, Equinox, Equator, Meridians, Longitudes, Latitudes, Great Circle, Small Circle, Tropics, Map Reading, Troposphere, Stratosphere,

11-Nuclear Fission and Fusion with Atomic Bomb facts

12-Country, Capital, President/PM, FM of important countries, Currency

13-Epithets of various places

14-Governor Generals, Armed Forces Chiefs, Presidents, PMs, CMs, FMs, Total, First, Present one or any other with significant history

15-Various Continents, Geographical facts, Important places, countries etc

16-Various Cities of Pakistan and adjacent rivers

17-Sports Cricket and Hockey, WCs brief history Sport Organizations and there heads, BCCI or CA Members in different sports Time duration of different sports Olympics, First one, Total so far, Last one, Next coming, Most in any country and any other important event like Israeli athletes killings and American boycott etc 18-Worlds Largest and Populous Countries

19-Famous International Lines Famous International Streets

20-Brief intro of different religions, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism Brief intro of different civilizations, Egyptic, India, Babylonic

21-International Airlines Important News Agencies Military Awards

22-Inventions Latest Noble Prize Winners and brief history of Noble Prize awards

23- Some important books and there authors Important places Official Books

24-Changed Geographical Names Numbers, Weights, Measures

25-Everyday science, Human Body, Light, Sound, Vitamins, Nutrients etc

26-Do you know that, Miscellaneous Information

Suggested Books
The World Affairs Companion, Gerald Segal, Simon and Schuster International Relations, Parkash and Arora, Bookhive WWWW, Dogars Unique, Dogar Publishers Everyday Science, Akram Kashmiri, A-H Publishers News Paper Reading is must

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