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Dominic Moretti Kornecki 7 February 2012 Word Count: 727 Public Relations Insight with John Graham In a recent interview with John Graham, President and CEO of Fleishman-Hillard International Communications, the experiences and philosophy of this public relations pioneer were revealed. Graham described how his interest was piqued from a single college course which then catapulted him into a lifelong career within the rapidly changing public relations industry. Speaking about the public relations field he stated that even today, It is one of the fastest growing industries, and that, professionals are now beginning to recognize the importance and power of public relations. Much like the industry which he would one day have a hand in developing, Grahams early adulthood consisted of a mixture of different experiences and developments. He attended college at the University of Missouri where he first encountered and became interested in the area of communications. After a brief period serving in the U.S. Army, Graham was employed by Hallmark Cards and then by the YMCA. Soon after, Graham began to work for the public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard where he was mentored by one of its founders. When asked about his best experience, Graham happily described how after the first week with the company Mr. Hillard introduced him to a major client. With Fleishman-Hillard now ranking in the top of the public relations industry for outstanding customer relations and satisfaction, Graham has learned and developed a thing or two about reaching success in the industry.

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Graham explained that it would be better to refer to the concept of public relations as public relationships. Having earned so much experience in the field, Graham identified the ability to form and maintain relationships with the various publics as the key concept when describing the purpose of the industry. He also stressed that maintaining these relationships depends heavily upon the ability to effectively reach and satisfy many audiences. Graham stated that, public relations should really be incorporated into an IMC, or Integrated Marketing Communications, model. While Graham acknowledges the importance of advertising, journalism, and other methods of communication, he also described the unique qualities of public relations and the value it offers. He noted how public relations offers credibility that other communication disciplines lack. However, he also acknowledged that with great power comes great responsibility and how under the design of his organization, public relations is used to help clients choose the right course of action. Having been a strong influence on the operations at Fleishman-Hillard, Graham also described the specific motives and qualities of the organization and how he sees these shaping the future of the public relations industry. Graham said his organization welcomes those who are passionate about specific fields, and then incorporates their interests into their work. This is also reflected in his understanding of how public relations has shifted from journalism to a much more specialized method of communication. Grahams design for the company promotes an atmosphere where the individual is respected and the best ideas and information are exchanged to ensure the best results for clients.

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For those considering a career in this growing industry, Graham also offered a few insights into what it takes to find success. He noted that excellent writing skills are essential as is knowledge of the media and a strong passion for the field. Graham also said that the PR professional had to be able to understand the situation of an organization, be a catalyst and a futurist, and most importantly, have fun.

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Follow-up Interview If I were able to interview Mr. Graham again I think I would ask more about his early career experiences. I feel that he provided a good amount of information on the current and future direction of the public relations industry but little attention was given to his personal experience. Topics to be addressed: I would ask if he had any advice on writing clearly and concisely Also, if there was ever a certain aspect of the public relations field that he feels he is particularly good at or struggles/struggled with. Finally, I would ask if he could give any advice about what courses and experiences he would encourage prospective students to take.

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