Film Paper Notes

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The Bank scene in Run Lola Run camera work changes throughout each run changes the disposition

of how the audience perceives and relates to the scene. why? How?

Writing the paper Assume that the reader has scene the film but it may have been awhile. Avoid passive voice. Write in present teste When inside film Not too much plot summary Lead reader to scene then describe & analyze

MISE-EN-SCNE (set, selection, arrangement, composition, design, lighting; appearance and movement of people and animals: acting, gesture, costume, makeup; print, titles)

bank 1: (18:05 24:05) constant camera moving between father and lover unsure lola scenes wide remved from lola shot reverse shot talking with father constant movement again not as much as before taking tender scene and reminding that there is a stressful situation post scream tightens camera constant track movement buiding back towards the runs overhead arial scene ends as they leave the bank younger woman approaches lola from screen left appears young then when she enters the frame and focus of lola she becomes old remains her as you can hear her

heals approaching. Also then lola asks her for the time drawing back into the time crunch. run? Younger to older woman lolas experience aging her in the 2nd and 3rd

More about mani and the money

Bank 2 ( 38:50 48:00 ) Opens with loose camera on dad and lady Lola enters camera pans away from lola tighter more constrained angles on lola even more stress More lola POV Shaky camera with dad and mistress with lola in the room Shot reverse shot with all three characters in the room Post slap from father gither camera entirely focused on lola and moving with lola as she bobs in and out of the screen as shes runs away. Dutch angles as she takes the gun crazy lola crazy angles

Re enters dads office shaky camera unsure about decision Back in hallway tighter angles seriousness of situation more focus on lola rather than others

Banker gets cash from basement uneasy situation shaky camera Focus on money once we get it story becomes on the money Police outside panning of camera constant movement Tackled by policeman from the right Older woman approaching again no conversatio back to running Lola and the money

Bank 3 ( 58:50 101:58 ) Shaky with dad and lover Duality of camera between lola and father split screen Long sequences and shots Driving away from lola less about lola Arial shot to bring back on lola disenfrancizement between the story and lola more about the other characters than her and manni Long slow push shot reverse shot with lola and guard


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