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Samuel L. Begley

Brian Fedorka ( Laurie Roth ( Leah Lax ( Tom MacLeran ( RE:

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., et al. v. Democrat (sic) Party of Mississippi, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division; Civil Action No. 3:12-cv-280 HTWLRA

Dear Brian Fedorka, Laurie Roth, Leah Lax and Tom MacLeran:



Your names have appeared as plaintiffs in the Amended Complaint filed in the above captioned case, which was removed by the defendants from the Circuit Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson Division. The Amended Complaint on file only appears to bear the signature of plaintiff Orly Taitz, and none of you. Rule 11(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires that pleadings filed by a party be signed by at least one attorney of record in the attorneys name or, if the party is unrepresented, by each party personally. Moreover, the filed paper must state the signers address, email address, and telephone number. The court must strike an unsigned paper unless the omission is promptly corrected after being called to the partys attention. Additionally, under Rule 11(b) of the Local Uniform Civil Rules for the Southern District Court of Mississippi any delay or continuance occasioned by a partys failure to abide by these rules may result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions, including assessment of costs and attorneys fees. The purpose of this letter is to bring this unsigned pleading to your attention, as well as to ensure that you are aware of the applicable rules governing pleadings filed by an unrepresented party. Did you authorize Orly Taitz to add any of your names as plaintiffs? Please be advised that Orly Taitz cannot at this time legally represent you in this matter because, although a member of the California State Bar, she has not been admitted to practice, or allowed to practice pro hac vice, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. Should you decide to proceed as a party you will be required to respond to motions and discovery, appear at hearings and depositions, and be liable for frivolous filings.

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Orly Taitz, Esq. Harold Edward Pizzetta , Esq. Justin L. Matheny, Esq. Scott J. Tepper, Esq.

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Telephone (601)969-5545 Facsimile (601)969-5547

Post Office Box 287 Jackson, Mississippi 39205

April 30, 2012 Via Email

Sincerely, BEGLEY LAW FIRM, PLLC By: /s/ Samuel Begley Samuel L. Begley

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