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The Pioneer Log arts

april 13, 2012

Arts Editor The senior show went up last Friday and nearly 600 attendants came to the opening in the Hoffman Gallery. The show has really set a new precedent for the visual arts at Lewis & Clark. From the intricate, highly stylized drawings of Will Steinhardt to the experimental and highly conceptual installations of Liam OConner to the beautiful and elegant paintings of Hannah Berry, the show is possibly the best student art show in the history of LC. While the Hoffman Gallery is crowded with nearly 27 student artists putting up work, the quality of the work far outweighs the quantity. Some students have already sold some of the pieces, evidence of the seniors successful transition from students to professionals, but a monetary value cannot be placed on the humble and tireless work these art majors have put in over the course of four years. In celebration of the meditation, thought and theory these 27 artists have developed through the countless classes, studio hours and critiques, I went to the show with solely one question.

Art, Art is unexplainable, incomprehensible, some total bullshit that reveals in someway the human condition. JOHN TOLLES

Art is intent but not solely contrived to that. Art should be more, it should be what the creator intends to communicate to the audience. When its more than that, in my opinion, its accidental, when its less than that, it has yet to reach its full potential.

What is art? The responses

are just as spontaneous and passionate as the people who offered them.

Just observe it. Appreciate it. SULA WILSON

Ill borrow a phrase I once heard in Cuba, art is just about whatever, but just about whatever isnt art.

Its a personal expression. Its the connection between feeling and the paintbrush upon the work. Its hard to say what art is. Especially, where art is now, art can be anything and everything. But what makes art something to me is when something hits me in the gut and is emotional and requires a certain amount of intellect to achieve that emotional level. CHELSEA AMBROSE LYNSEY LACHER

Its a celebration. This artwork is a celebration of the human spirit.

LINDA TESNER (curator)

I think art is a vehicle of unconscious or subconscious expression. ABIGAIL BAGEL MCNAMARA

My publicist said to not take interviews tonight, but I think art is a process. Art is working out ideas you have in your head and trying to relate them to other people and their experiences. Its putting time and energy into something that you love. KARL BERGER

Its a good thing, it makes people feel happy. It unites people and connects them in an intangible way. Its something more than words. HANNAH BERRY

Art is good. Art is a different way to communicate. We have language, we have movement, theres verbal, non-verbal, theres music. Its just a different way to communicate with people. The way that words can have many meanings, certain images have many meanings. LIV ERLANGER

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