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Contemplations of a Snarlac

Perfection, The Portal of Power, The Law of Attraction, and Forgiveness

Yon Cole

What people are saying:

"A flowering prose dripping with all the details to wrap you and draw you in. Each line resonates with meaning, shining a truth we may not have considered. I have finished reading, but my heart yearns for more and to reach the awareness as described. "Fantastic! That's all I can say. Thank you for the blessing Yon!" - Carl Sinapius, Australia "This book is an invitation to journey into the self, to see what we all fear might be there, hidden and secret, and to find out that its really not so scary after all." - Claire Henriksen, USA "Yon has one of the most brilliant minds I have ever met. In this book he takes the reader by the hand and leads them through a deliciously temptuous journey to the depths within. Not since the serpent in the garden of eden has one been so 2

seductively tempted to partake of an apple. Only this time the goal is to return to the garden." - Bill Wilson, USA

"This brilliant little book by Yon Vetter Cole reminded me of the Magnificent Love, the sacred space of Love that kissed the core of my being, at the thought of a woman's eyes, that I have seen only 3 times. Thank you for this lovely reminder Yon!" - Roevel Guzman, Canada "This is magnificent! Beautiful and funny enough I am not surprised it comes from your hand my Friend. It takes one [to] recognize one. It's pure magic. Simple and I recognize every heavenly ounce of it in myself. That's what we do....Great reflections of truth. Look for the kingdom deep within. I love it! - Henri Nolen, Germany

Contemplations of a Snarlac:
Perfection, The Portal of Power, The Law of Attraction, and Forgiveness

by: Yon Cole

The Contents of this manuscript are protected under copyright laws. Copyright 2012 Yon Cole All Rights Reserved.

For my daughters Cadence & Melody

These are the contemplations of a Snarlac. What is a Snarlac? I dont know either, but I found it living in the depths. It agreed to let me escape if I would write this book.

Can it be that there really is a market for profound poetry? Read, drink in the words, and then decide for yourself.

Your time is valuable make every moment count.

Mastery of the subconscious allows a master poet to activate and unfold new awarenesses within you.

It's bad manners to enter uninvited. So before I begin, I request your cooperation: Will you invite me in?


I trust that you have, and that you trust yourself enough to decide if what you read is ok.


What would it be like, if new energy was awakened from a pool deep inside of you? That cool still pool, with it's depths unfathomable, lies smooth as glass, but ever so softly a gentle breeze begins to move upon the waters. A light from the deep pulses just once in recognition that something has happened above.

Is it real? Can you feel it? Can you feel what it is? You are more than you know. Are you ready to discover it? Are you an Angel or Demon or both all at once? What is it that slumbers deep down the abyss?


Long ago, before the many gods became man, you were a hero, a champion, a most powerful being. You had all your wishes manifest instantly.


The delights were amazing, but You had to be careful to not think one wrong thought. Because with one wrong thought the world was destroyed; with one wrong thought, your relationships ended; with one wrong thought, the terrors consumed you. And so you turned off these God-powers within you.


Perhaps later, you'll awaken them once again... but only after, you are sure you can use them... without destroying the world, or your lovers, or succumbing to fear.


And so we began, long, long ago, to create a world where we could learn just how to use these magnificent powers as we know we should.


"Created in God's Image" With all of this power, yet we hide it from ourselves, because we werent ready, to be responsible with it.


This world was created to allow us to practice how to choose our wishes and get them perfectly right on the very first time, every thought that we think.


The training is simple. So simple, you see; All you need do, is learn to live happily.


For when your thinking is right, your feelings, delicious. Like loving the moment, and holding every life precious.


So simple, so simple, so simply simple. But oh so hard, for so many beginners...


"What if my thoughts were perfect?" It's a very good question! You should ask it more often! And practice it too! Do the best that you can! And keep getting better too!


When our thoughts are perfect, the perfection of life, shines radiantly through us. Uplifting all who can see/hear/or feel us. We live in the moment, a moment of bliss, where there is nothing desired beyond enjoying this kiss; a kiss from GOD, is what it feels like, it enraptures us, and leaves nothing wanting.


These moments are precious. Though in the beginning, they come only once in a while (if at all). You may find your way in, into that sacred space of love, where only love, appreciation, and magnificence may dwell. And a moment of this love, will allow you to say, "everything is perfect, perfect I say!"


But back to reality, another thought sends you, and here you begin again to discover the next route back to that world of euphoric heaven.


So catch this vision, of a trillion people, who have all tasted GOD's kiss and lived to tell of it. What would the world be like, if where'er you looked, another surviver was there to remind you of this... This Love This Love, This Magnificent Love! This Exquisit Love! This delicious, amazing, magnificent, Love!



Oh, so you're laughing, Or if not that ok. It's funny to me, just how much I love LOVE. So sincerely I encourage you to love, love, love LOVE!


A Trillion people, or maybe more! Every last one of them aware of this love, and working and delighting to help you remember to live in this love every moment of waking, every moment of slumber.


And what will you do, with all of this love? To live in this world, you must be creating! So what will you make, what will you share, what will you offer, to everyone here?

Can you imagine it? A Million, Billion, or Trillion,... so many people, all manifesting their dreams.


And back to the pool, that cool, still pool, that ripples gently within. Look once more at its smooth glass-black surface, and peer deep within... are you ready to swim? Are you ready to dive, with weights to carry you down?


For deep down within you, is the animating force, of life itself... coiled to spring into powerful expression.


Donning your wetsuit, and preparing your tank, feeling the weights, you consider your options... All that you wish can be yours if you're ready, to give up all negativity, and seize your power boldly. Is your heart pure enough, to carry the responsibility?


Perhaps it is good, to begin with a taste, just the simplest taste,

the tiniest taste

A taste of that power, might inspire us a bit.


So on this mission, our objective is clear, to dive to the depths, and discover what lives there. And then when we find it, to see how we feel, and take back with us that which has an appeal.


We know there will be more, many more missions, into the deep... each time going deeper, each time learning more.


Standing at the threshold, ready to step into the cool, still, glass-black pool...


A few more deep breaths, and then the decision: the subtle action of shifting forward ever so slightly, 'twas the decision to go, into the deep.


The water is softer and gentler than real. It's not really water, it's consciousness stuff. The feeling of motion, of sinking, is strong; the water flows past, and consciousness dims.


The transition is subtle, and fuzzy, and vague; murky perhaps, as the deep becomes all. But no fear, no pain, no depression, or worry. It's a smooth ride, even though it is odd.


As you descend, the temperature changes, waves of warm and cool oscillate and pulsate around you and through you. First soft and subtle, then with growing intensity rousing you into a new kind of mentality.


Something is here, now, and all around you. Is is a gigantic serpent of epic proportions, or a swirling monster, or an angel of light, or a hell demon vortex, or a rapturous opening...


And a sound from the deep ripples right through you, as strikes at the chaos swirling around you.


The sound is so strong, so strong and so loud, that it penetrates everything right to its core. It cuts through the pulp of all living things. And there you discover something within you... a nothingness something that is what you are.


THIS THIS THIS THIS! THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS! This emptiness, nothingness, somethingness, THIS! I am THIS! I have found it! I AM THIS I AM!


The taste of enlightenment, that I came for, is MINE!


But before I go up, back up to the surface, I must make a note of all that has happened.


I came down into the depths, felt the transition, into a new kind of state. Then something happened, something activated within me, a swirling and pulsing monstrous frenzy was about to consume me... I wasn't afraid, seems like I've done this before, and just as the intensity became uncomfortable the sound from beyond cut through it all.


That sound was magnificent. It is part of what I am. But most importantly I discovered much more of myself, more of myself that I am. I am this that I am. I know who I am. I am me; I am this. I am love and much more. I am everything and nothing, all rolled into one.


I am the power that swirled all right around me. I am the light and the heat and the chaos and heaven. The power I felt, down here in the deep, is the power I choose to use... or to keep asleep. That power is mine, to use as I will, it's the power GOD gives to all to use as we will.


Yet within each, is also the seed, the guaranteed goodness of each living being, and every last person may do with the power whatever he/she/or it wishes. Yet it seems that so many are terrified of it, because of all the times that they have misused it.


So many oopses and whoopses and shoots. So many regrets and mistakes, and oh the worst ones... the ones that were so bad that we couldn't even imagine we did what we did. The unspeakable wishes we wished long ago of such terrifying awfulness that still today we shudder to even know. They all lie sleeping, deep down in the deep, to be

awakened, accepted, understood, and forgiven.


The journey to GODhood, is all a matter of forgiving ourselves, and re-accepting our responsibility and authority.

We do not become GOD ITself, we just reclaim our own beingness exactly as GOD gave it to us.


GOD wishes all of his children to know that we are loved, that we are powerful, that we have total freedom, to do as we choose, because GOD knows that we are good, GOD made us that way, and that eventually we'll all live in full alignment with that, every moment, every thought, every second of the day. Thus reality is the way we learn how to think, the most perfect thoughts with such perfect consistency.


We accept and forgive, and refine our desires, until we are confident that we may safely become the living fire.


With that last notation, I released the weights, and floated gently back up to the surface. And what was once a still black pool and a vaguely lit chamber is now illuminated... The swirling luminous water lights the walls, and all around me, I see images of my past and future.


This is the launch pad, I have all that I need. All is perfection. It is my mission, to discover and dream my dreams, to make them manifest, and to share them with all.


The greater dream is simple, it is to help others to also awaken, to discover their dreams, to help them add their voice to the fabric of creation.


The perfection of life, GODs tremendous vision, is to create countless copies of itself, to then stir the pot, and see what happens...


You are a copy, a perfect copy, perfectly made in all ways, of the one supreme deity. And life is our co-creation, of our hopes, dreams, desires, and fears... of all our thoughts that we activate with the power GOD gave us.


All Souls have free will, total, unlimited, absolute free will. As such, no one can cause you to experience something that you do not agree to experience. If you deny miracles, then none shall happen for you, and no miracle worker shall be effective near you. Such is your power, such is free will. And while you're watching on, noticing nothing,

others around you will see things you don't; and they will experience things that you won't.


And for a few people who read these few simple words, the power of miracles will begin to awaken.


Create your life as you will. Do so with the magic that you have been given. Seek not to impose your will upon others, invite them instead, to enter your world.


Shall we begin, to begin to create, a world of wonder that all might enjoy? Here are the steps, that any could take...


Start with a vision, that fills you with wonder. Feel the love as you envision that scene. Know that it's yours, that you shall experience it. Activate the power to make it real.


Yet so many ask, "just what do you mean?" "how do you activate?" "is there something else unseen?"

There is a secret, or so you've heard... you must want what you want the way a drowning man craves air.


It is not enough to simply dream the dream. You must also command your life with the power to manifest it.


An apple grows upon a tree; it's your tree; it's in your backyard. The apple is good, and it's nearly ready for picking. But it takes work to go out, and pluck such a fruit, and even though it is free, there is still effort required. Perhaps you might ask someone else very nicely, to pick you an apple while you sit inside.

Perhaps you might pay someone else rather generously, to pick all the apples in all of your orchard. Perhaps you will go when the time is just right and pick that apple yourself, and enjoy it yourself as you savor its flavor. Yet however you do it, know this quite clearly, you would not do it at all, if you did not know that the apples were there.

The apples themselves are like advertisements! They change colors and hang low to let you know they are ready!

As you see them you think, that it would be nice, to eat one yourself; you might think this once, twice, or thrice.


As you see them bending their branches, you're reminded again and again and again that they're there. How many times, must you think about apples, before you take action and bring them inside?


With whatever you want, you will likely think, think, oh so many times before you take action. How many times must you think, think, think, think, before you take action and, take action and win your sweet sweet sweet victory? The bigger your goal, the more times you'll think, the more challenges you'll face,

and the more you'll grow along the way.


But there are a few things that you can do now, that will help win faster, read them below, 1, 2, 3, and 4 too. 1. If you be brave, and if you be wise, when the idea first hits you, take action immediately. INSA-ACT on your idea, take action the instant, you realize what you ought to do. 2. Surround yourself with images and reminders of what you desire. These will make you think, think, think, more... more often


and longer, than you would have thought before. 3. Surround yourself with people who love you, who want your dreams to come true, who help you and act with you, in whatever you do. These three things, will speed up your results, and so your dreams, will manifest faster. As you succeed, it becomes even easier, to take actions faster, because you'll have confidence

that your actions will work. Success, confidence, actions, and habits; they all work together in a tremendous cycle.


So the fourth thing to do, to achieve results faster... 4. Build your success one step at a time, find one step that you can take now, and take that one step and enjoy some success. It'll give you the confidence to take the next step. And as you take steps, you'll soon be running, or flying and soaring.


Then every day, at least once a day, come back to the pool... to that portal of consciousness, to that mysterious place.


Dive into the depths, again and again. Each time, you'll emerge much stronger than before, energized, renewed, and ready to conquer.


CONQUER your LIFE COMMAND your LIFE Become the CHAMPION of your life. There is only FIRST PLACE in the race of your life.


You are the champion, of this universe here, the most important player in all that exists. You are the center of the universe, as is everyone else.


Finally, You must come to understand evil.

As hard as it is, for some to comprehend, there is no such thing as evil. But all is not equal.


GOD has planted within you, the seeds of sound judgment. You know in your heart, all that you are.


When you see things, that reflect what you AREN'T, they are helpful to you to remind you of what you ARE.


If you see something, that injures your heart, your job is to forgive that part of yourself. For you could not see it, if you had not created it. And you could not be hurt by it, unless you had an open emotional sore spot.


As you forgive these awful things, you'll still love the people who do them. The actions themselves, will bother you little, because you know that all is perfection.


Those who perform, these strange actions, will eventually determine what is good for themselves, and those that they injure, can only experience it, if they themselves, have accepted it in.


The level of awareness, Upon which these decisions are made, is deep deep down the pool of consciousness. Until one has gone, into those depths, s/he will not accept, that these things are so.


Forgive all you see, that hurts you at all. Dive into the depths, to discover yourself. You're creating your life, moment by moment. Create it anew, by choosing your dream.


Begin once again, right now, if you please.


CONCLUSION: These contemplations, from the Snarlac below, are all gifts from the divine to help you grow. Be not afraid of your power any longer; as your heart is refined, you'll grow so much stronger. The world is waiting for your to arrive; it is time, it is time, for all people to THRIVE.


The Sequel to this short book is entitled: Visions of Snarlac It is also available for at: enter the invitation code ___________ (or if one is not provided above you may use this one: 6265 )


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