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Harvey Mackay

The Mackay 66
Customer Profile
It's critical to have information about your customer. Armed with the right knowledge, you can outsell,
outmanage, outmotivate and outnegotiate your competition. Knowing your customer means knowing what your
customer really wants. Maybe it's your product, but maybe there is something else, too: recognition, respect,
reliability, service, friendship, help - things all of us care more about as human beings than we care envelopes.
Once you attach your personality to the proposition, people start reacting to the personality, and stop reacting
to the proposition.
Use this questionnaire to develop a profile of each customer. Some of your resources for the information might
include receptionists, suppliers, newspapers, assistants, trade publications, and the customers themselves. Look,
listen, and learn all you can about the customer, both personally and professionally. You'll find topics for
opening conversations, which can open doors for you and your company.

Date __________________________

1. Name
2. Company name
3. Address
Home address

Harvey Mackay

4. Telephone:
Business: __________________________


5. Birth date: _______________________

6. Height (approx.) _________________
Weight (approx.) _________________

7. High school
Year graduated ____________________
Year graduated ____________________
8. College honors

Harvey Mackay

9. College fraternity/sorority
10. College extracurricular activities
11. If customer didn't attend college, is he/she sensitive about it? _________
12. Military service
Discharge rank
Attitude toward being in the service

13. Spouse's name and occupation
14. Spouse's education
15. Spouse's interests
16. Anniversary

Harvey Mackay

17. Children, if any, names/ages

18. Children's education
19. Children's interests (hobbies, problems, etc.)

Business Background
20. Previous employment: (most recent first)
Dates ______________________

Harvey Mackay

Dates ______________________
21. Previous positions at present company:
Dates ______________________
22. "Status" symbols in office
23. Professional/trade
24. Offices held or honors
25. What business relationship does he/she have with others in our company?

Harvey Mackay

26. Who are they?

27. Is it a good relationship? Why?
28. What other people in our company know the customer?
29. Type of connection
Nature of relationship
30. What do you feel is his/her long-range business objective?
31. What do you feel is his/her immediate business objective?
32. What do you think is of greatest concern to the customer at this time--the welfare of the
company or his/her own personal welfare?
33. Does the customer think of the present or the future?

Harvey Mackay


Special Interests
34. Clubs, fraternal associations or service clubs (masons, kiwanis, etc.)
35. Politically active? ______________________________________
Party: ___________________________________________
Important to customer?_____________________________________
36. Active in community? How?
37. Religion _________________________________
Active? _______________________________
38. Highly confidential/sensitive items not to be discussed with customer (i.e.: Divorce, AA
member, etc.)
39. On what subjects (outside of business) does the customer have strong feelings?

40. Medical history (current condition of health)

Harvey Mackay

41. Does customer drink? If yes, what and how much?

42. If no, is customer offended by others drinking?
43. Does customer smoke? If no, object to others?
44. Favorite places for lunch:
45. Favorite items on menu
46. Does customer object to having anyone buy his/her meal?
47. Hobbies and recreational interests

Harvey Mackay

48. Vacation habits

49. Spectator sports interest: sports and teams
50. What kind of car(s)
51. Conversational interests
52. Whom does the customer seem anxious to impress?
53. How does he/she want to be seen by those people?

Harvey Mackay

54. What adjectives would you use to describe the customer?

55. What is he/she most proud of having achieved?
56. What do you feel is the customer's long-range personal objective?
57. What do you feel is the customer's immediate personal goal?

The Customer and You

58. What moral or ethical considerations are involved when you work with this customer?
59. Does the customer feel any obligation to you, your company or your competition? If so, what?
60. Does the proposal you plan to make to him/her require the customer to change a habit or take
an action that is contrary to custom?


Harvey Mackay

61. Is he/she primarily concerned about the opinion of others?

62. Is he/she very self-centered?
Highly ethical?
63. What are the key problems as the customer sees them?
64. What are the priorities of the customer's management?
65. Can you help with these problems?
66. Does your competitor have better answers to the above questions than you have?
(Attach pages for additional notes if necessary)


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