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A Single Day In My

Familys Polish Town

B a r r y R u b i n / P a g e 3
Photo Jason Reed/Reuters

Vol. 27 No. 17/Iyar 5772/April 27-May 3, 2012


President Barack Obama hugs Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel after Wiesel introduced him to speak at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on Monday in Washington; Obama delivered remarks on threats now facing Jews and Israel as well as on preventing any future genocide

Obama Outlines Lessons Particular And Universal

R o n K a m P e a s / P a g e 3



Obama OutlINEs lEssONs PartIcular aND uNIvErsal flashback: a sINglE Day IN my famIlys POlIsh tOwN gaNtz: IsraEl wIll NOt agrEE tO lIvE uNDEr thrEat arab IDf sOlDIEr: I waNtED tO DEfEND thE cOuNtry bErEavEmENt: thE club NO ONE waNts tO bElONg tO sOrrOw: tO thIs Day thErEs NO ONE lIkE hIm IN IsraEl trIal bEgINs IN JEwIsh NEIghbOrhOOD watch bEatINg sEvEN Days: NEws IN brIEf blEssED arE thE PEOPlE Of IsraEl lEaDErshIP: savED frOm far away abOvE ED kOch washINgtON watch sEth J. fraNtzmaN EDItOrIal PagE yOur vOIcEs OP-EDs: my mOthEr: a hErOINE Of thE hOlOcaust POsItIvE mEmOrIEs JEwIsh scENE: fraNcE sEcurIty aND DEfENsE: mEEt thE cybEr DEfENDErs c&c: wIllPOwEr, OPtImIsm aND tOtal lack Of fEar EvENts harmONy: thE mINyaN IN thE mOsQuE fIlm: aftEr sPat, hOllywOOD JEws staND by gIbsON fEaturE: survIvOr lEts gO 67 yEars latEr lEttEr tO Irma grEsE, PublIshED IN 1945 rElIgION: strEams JOIN IN aPPEal tO rElEasE POllarD IDf rEJEcts rEQuEst fOr EarPlugs whEN wOmEN sINg sEDrah: wOrlD cONscIENcE cOmIcs yOur hEalth: gO tO bED ON tImE! fDa waNts lImIts ON aNtIbIOtIcs gIvEN aNImals classIfIED DIstINctIvE PrOPErtIEs shOwcasE last wOrD DOODlE famIly 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 26 27 30 30 31 32 34 35 36 42 43 43

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Parshas: Sazria-Metzorah

April 27, 2012/5 Iyar 5772: 7:30


iTlre rsb limy ynyms Miybi

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2 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 3

c o m m e m o r a t i o n

Obama Outlines Lessons That Are Particular And Universal

The president uses an opportunity to condemn Holocaust denial and to make the case for the State of Israels legitimacy
Ron Kampeas

ASHINGTON One by one, the e-mails from the White House arrived in inboxes across Washington on Monday morning, each highlighting a unique initiative toward a different corner of the globe: Syria. Iran. Uganda. The unifying factor was the presidents appearance that day at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, and together the seemingly disparate issues underscored a message carefully calibrated by top White House officials: The Holocaust was uniquely a crime against the Jews, and its lessons for today are realized both in protecting Israel and preventing atrocities from being inflicted on any other people. Obama threaded the themes together in his Monday morning speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum following a tour guided by Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust memoirist and Nobel laureate. The president segued from the uniqueness of the Holocaust to the threats facing Jews and Israel today. When efforts are made to equate Zionism to racism, we reject them, Obama said. When international fora single out Israel with unfair resolutions, we vote against them. When attempts are made to delegitimize the State of Israel, we oppose them. When faced with a regime that threatens global security and denies the Holocaust and threatens to destroy Israel, the United States will do everything in our power to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Obama then transitioned to the threats facing others. Never again is a challenge to societies, he said. Were joined today by communities whove made it your mission to prevent mass atrocities in our time. The two-part message protecting Israel, preventing atrocities was reflected in the makeup of the audience, a mix of leaders of Jewish groups and groups that have advocated for other populations under threat, including Bosnians and the Sudanese. Obamas nod to the Holocausts uniqueness and how its trauma shaped his sensitivities to other peoples facing atrocities is not new. But in tying the threats facing Israel to the Holocaust, he seemed to be trying to address a perception among some Israeli and Jewish communal leaders that he does not get how Israel figures into post-Holocaust Jewish thinking. Wiesel, introducing Obama, gave voice to Jewish concerns about Irans potentially genocidal intentions toward Israel. How is it that the Holocausts No. 1 denier, Ahmadinejad, is still a president? Wiesel asked. He who threatens to use nuclear weapons to use nuclear weapons to destroy the Jewish State. We must know that when evil has power, it is almost too late. While Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly expressed the desire to see Israel excised from the region, he has not explicitly threatened to use nuclear weapons against the Jewish State. Nevertheless, Israeli leaders have cited the rhetoric of Iranian leaders as evidence that the Islamic Republic cannot be allowed nuclear weapons. Wiesel later made explicit the connection between Israels posture and the Holocaust. Now I hope you understand in this place why Israel is so important, he said. Not only to the Jew that I am but to the world. Israel cannot not remember, and because it remembers it must be strong just to defend its own survival and its own destiny. Obama made it clear that he heard Wiesels concerns. As we walked through this exhibit, Elie and I were talking as we looked at the unhappy record of the State Department and so many officials here in the United States during those years, he said. And he asked, What would you do? Obama recalled telling an American woman he met while touring Israels Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem, in 2008 when he was a candidate I would always be there for Israel. Repeating that message seemed aimed at assuaging worries expressed by Israeli leaders that Israel stands alone in perceiving the potential of genocide in Irans belligerence.

President Barack Obama embraces Elie Wiesel before delivering a speech on the Holocaust and its meaning at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Tuesday

Polish town
The town awoke to stamping boots, barked commands, the wails of children, and the sobs of women
Barry Rubin

a Single Day in my Familys

c o

very Holocaust Remembrance Day I try to write something from my familys history as an illustration of wider themes. The material below, events that happened almost 70 years ago to the day, is from my manuscript, Children of Dolhinov.
n t i n U e D o n P a G e 1 0

People who dismiss the Iranian threat as a whim or an exaggeration have learned nothing from the Holocaust, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his own Holocaust remembrance message last week. To cower from speaking the uncomfortable truth that today like then, there are those who want to destroy millions of Jewish people that is to belittle the Holocaust, that is to offend its victims and that is to ignore the lessons. Daniel Mariaschin, the executive vice president of Bnai Brith International, said that Obama citing the threats facing Jews was a welcome development. This is the first speech that connected the dots on the current threats together with Holocaust remembrance, he said. You had delegitimization [of Israel], you had the Iran issue. Abraham Foxman, the national director of the AntiDefamation League and a Holocaust survivor, said Obamas speech was important for underscoring how Never again emerged from a Jewish tragedy. He also said Obamas speech would help push back against accusations that Israeli leaders like Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres are overplaying the connection between the Iranian threat and the Holocaust. The message of Never again, Foxman said, is connected to Israel, and it is connected to Iran, not just by Elie but by the president. Obamas thinking about the Holocaust has been picked apart by the Jewish community since before his election as president. On the one hand, Jewish leaders welcomed the sensibilities of a candidate who cited the postwar experience of a great-uncle helping to liberate a Buchenwald subcamp. He returned from his service in a state of shock saying little and isolating himself for months on end from family and friends, alone with the painful memories that would not leave his head, Obama said during a presidential visit to Buchenwald in July 2009, also with Wiesel in attendance.

On the other hand, a speech in Cairo by the president delivered the day before his visit to Buchenwald raised some Jewish hackles. In that speech, addressing the Moslem world, Obama said that Americas bond with Israel was based on cultural and historical ties, as well as the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied. While the president used the opportunity to condemn Holocaust denial and to make the case for Israels legitimacy noting that threats to destroy the Jewish State evoked for Israelis memories of the Holocaust some in the Jewish community were deeply troubled by the implications of his choice of words. David Harris, the American Jewish Committees executive director, said at the time that it was unfortunate that Obama implied that the Holocaust was the primary reason for Israels creation rather than the Jewish State being the result of historic ties to the Land. Obamas U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum appearance gave him an opportunity to more clearly articulate his views on the Holocaust. In his speech there, the president said one message of the Holocaust is that the capacity to inflict harm is embedded in everyone, as is the capacity to do good. That thinking was reflected in one of the directives he issued Monday recognizing Jan Karski with a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom for the Polish resistance fighters work providing some of the first eyewitness accounts of the Nazis mass murder of Jews. We must tell our children about how this evil was allowed to happen because so many people succumbed to their darkest instincts, because so many others stood silent, Obama said. But let us also tell our children about the Righteous Among the Nations. Obamas thinking on genocide prevention has been informed by the work of his adviser Samantha Power, a top National Security Council official who has noted the Wests failure to do more to protect the Jews and other victims of genocide in making the case for intervention to stop modern-day atrocities. Power, an architect of the Obama administrations diplomatic and military strategies in helping to topple dictators in the Ivory Coast and Libya, and in aiding the creation this year of South Sudan, was named Monday by Obama to lead an Atrocities Prevention Board. The board, Obama said, would oversee efforts in a number of departments to isolate and confront perpetrators of atrocities. Were going to institutionalize the focus on this issue, he said. Across government, alert channels will ensure that information about unfolding crises and dissenting opinions quickly reach decision makers, including me. The White House was eager to convey the impression that the boards agenda already was informing administration policy. Executive orders were issued Monday banning the sale of information technology to Syria and Iran that could be used to stifle dissent in those countries. Obama also renewed the mandate of U.S. military advisers counseling Uganda on the pursuit of the Lords Resistance Army, a rampaging militia led by Joseph Kony that kidnaps children and rapes and murders civilians. The president, however, has come under fire by those who say he has not made good on campaign pledges to defend human rights. The Republican Jewish Coalition in a statement after the speech faulted Obama for not doing enough to bolster Iranian democracy activists in 2009. Conservatives and congressional Republicans say Obama has shown a lack of resolve in failing to provide opponents of the Syrian regime with military support. In his speech, Obama defended what he said were his successes but said the U.S. has to pick and choose its battles. Preventing atrocities, he said, does not mean we intervene militarily every time there is an injustice in the world. o


4 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012
r e m e m b r a n c e

Gantz: Israel Will Not Agree To Live Under Constant Threat

Israeli President Shimon Peres to families of fallen: Their bravery has left us alive, but their deaths have left us broken
Rivlin said the last of Israels wars may not be behind it. ERUSALEM The State of IsStill today, there are enemies rising rael will not agree to live under up to destroy us. Still today, our cities constant threats like those emerging and land are as threatened as always, from the ongoing upheaval in the Midhe said. Nothing will deter our sons dle East, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. who have returned home. No internaBenny Gantz declared on Tuesday tional committee, no provocative mass night during the official State Remembmarches on the borders of Israel, and rance Day ceremony at the Western no threats of annihilation. Wall. Defense Minister Ehud Barak also Gantz spoke just minutes after siwrote a letter to bereaved families rens sounded throughout the country Tuesday, in which he affirmed that the at 8 p.m. and people bowed their heads fight for Israels existence that has been to mourn the 22,993 soldiers who have fought since the 1948 War of Indepenfallen in defense of Israel since 1860 dence is not over. the year the first Jews left Jerusalems Israel has and continues to face Old City walls to settle other parts of challenges and struggles over our very the country. existence here, Barak wrote. That In the past year, 126 soldiers and sefight is not over and the price is very heacurity personnel died in service of the vy. State. On Wednesday, the main memoEven in its 64th year of independence, rial took place at Jerusalems Mount great challenges lie ahead. IDF soldiers stand at attention in front of the graves of IDF soldiers buried at Mt. Herzl Herzl Military Cemetery. A memorial candle was lit and KadA two-minute siren sounded at 11 a.m., and cerEarlier, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ad- dish was said in honor of Israels fallen. emonies took place at an additional 44 cemeteries dressed more than 200 soldiers and bereaved famiNava Cohen, who lost her brother in the Yom Kiparound the country. lies gathered Tuesday for the Yad LeBanim Memori- pur War and her son in Hebron during the second inIsraels Defense Ministry said it expects over 1.5 al for the Fallen in Israels Wars. tifada, spoke on behalf of the bereaved families. million people to visit the cemeteries throughout the For bereaved families, time stops when you get We are always looking for more parts of our son, day. the terrible news . . . it cuts your life in two: what was she said. Were always trying to gather another senAfter the fog of the revolutions began to settle, we before, and what will never be again, he said. When tence, another memory, another photograph, so that began to see a different Middle East presenting new you hear the siren tonight, we will turn into one fam- we can continue to live with our son. challenges, Gantz said. In this new, dubious reali- ily, and the citizens of Israel will be united in our reCohen said the hardest part was following the chain ty, we witness attempts by our enemies, both far and membrance. of photographs from childhood through school and near, to harm everything weve built. Joining him at the ceremony were Chief Rabbis bike trips and finally to the soldier in uniform unPresident Shimon Peres, who spoke just before Yona Metzger and Shlomo Amar, as well as Knesset til the photos stop abruptly. Gantz, tried to comfort bereaved families and said Speaker Reuven Rivlin and representatives of the poToday, memorial day, is a day when all of Israel that the countrys amazing achievements were the lice, army and Home Front Command. is united in the remembrance of these soldiers, she results of their personal sacrifices. Netanyahu spoke to the bereaved families as my said. Your sons and daughters will not return to you. . . . sisters and brothers, drawing on his own experience Every story, from every soldier, is a story of his life Their bravery has left us alive, but their deaths have of losing his brother Yonatan in the 1976 Entebbe res- and also a story of the Nation of Israel. Jerusalem Post left us broken, he said. cue mission. Yaakov Katz and Melanie Lidman

arab IDF Soldier: I Wanted To Defend The country

Melanie Lidman


ERUSALEM For most soldiers, there is a period on their first weekend home from basic training when they strut around the neighborhood showing off their spotless dress greens, bursting with pride at the newfound maturity conferred by their uniform. Thats something that one soldier, who can only be identified as S., will never get to experience. As an Arab living in east Jerusalem, S. does not even bring his uniform home with him. His neighbors do not know that he serves in the army, and S. needs to keep it that way. On Thursday, Israels Independence Day, S. was honored along with 120 other soldiers with a citation of excellence from Israeli President Shimon Peres, to honor S.s dedication in overcoming insurmountable challenges to enlist. I wanted to serve, I wanted to defend the country, said S., who cannot be identified in order to protect his safety. I wanted to serve in order to do something good, and something good with my life. S. said he drifted after finishing high school, taking some university classes and working in different hotels in Jerusalem. Frustrated by the lack of opportunity in his community, S. turned to the army with hopes of becoming a career officer.

East Jerusalem man, whose community doesnt know he is in the army, honored on Independence Day
Violence erupts in eastern Jerusalem

Many Bedouin and Druze have served for years in the army, something that is supported and even encouraged in their communities. Israeli Arabs can also serve in the army if they choose, though there are very few that opt to do so. Even among the small minority of Israeli-Arab soldiers, S. sticks out. He said that, as far as he knows, he is the only east Jerusalem Arab serving in the army. Because the tense city is a flashpoint

for violent confrontations between the security forces and Arab residents, there is even more animosity toward the army in east Jerusalem than among Israeli Arabs from the North. S. has received anonymous death threats via SMS, and he says he is not sure who could be sending them. One of six children, S.s immediate family and one uncle are the only people who know that he is an Israeli soldier. Last week, two of his brothers followed in his footsteps and were also drafted into the army, something S. said brought him great pride. The taciturn S. is uncomfortable talking about himself and a little bewildered by all the attention surrounding his citation of excellence. They told me about it a month ago, its an honor to get to meet the president, he said modestly. For most soldiers, the most difficult parts of being in the military are the frustrations and difficulties they face while on base. Heading home is a chance to relax and blow off steam. For S., the opposite is true. Each trip home is wrought with anxiety that someone might discover that he is a soldier. S. said his cover story is that he is study-

ing during the week in Tel Aviv, and he even carries around a few textbooks to back up his claims. S. serves in a Bedouin unit and has been certified as an army medic. His brothers will also serve in Bedouin units. At first, it was hard being the only east Jerusalem Arab in a unit of only Bedouin, S. said. But as training progressed, his unit became more cohesive and he felt more connected to his fellow soldiers. The unit gives us everything, a lot of support, because there are a lot of people that come from difficult conditions, he said. S. does not anticipate a change in attitudes in his community toward the military anytime soon, and is doubtful that his choice to join the army will become more common in his impoverished neighborhood. Still, S. does not regret his decision to enlist. S. hopes to continue his studies, possibly through the armys higher education programs, and one day become a doctor. Before that, however, he is excited to serve as a role model for his brothers and help them through the difficulties of being a soldier in secret. The hardest part about this is where Jerusalem Post I live.


2 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 5
r e m e m b r a n c e

The club no One Wants To belong To

I just hope and pray that the dreaded club I joined 10 years ago will soon be closed to new members
Pnina Weiss rowing up, I was always part of one club or another. Computer club, chess club, student council and other various organizations made me feel connected and one of the gang. More than the activities of the club itself, it was the friendships I made and the camaraderie of the group which kept me active. But then, almost 10 years ago, I entered a club I never, ever wanted to be a part of, or imagined I would ever join. It was the club of the Bereaved Brothers and Sisters. From the moment we got the dreaded knock on the door, informing my family that my younger brother Ari, a sergeant in the Palchan brigades anti-terror unit, had been killed in battle, I suddenly found that I belonged to a whole new crowd, one from which I can never escape. Our members are spread far and wide, and they come from every sector of society: rich and poor, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, immigrant and Sabra. Generally, they go unnoticed, blending into the general populace. But other members of the club can spot them. They are the ones standing off to the side, shedding a tear at a friends wedding, hoping no one will notice them as they think of their sibling who will never marry or bring children into the world. They are the ones choking up while lighting Sabbath candles, recalling the good times when the entire family sat around the Sabbath table. They are the ones who stop in their tracks and stare at the yahrtzeit candles while shopping at the supermarket. I made aliyah with my family when I was just 14. I had never been to Israel before and certainly did not take well to the adjustment. I was even featured in a newspaper article shortly after I arrived here Against Their Will describing the hardships I encountered and the animosity I felt toward my parents for dragging me here. I resented my new country, and dreaded the task of acclimating to my new life in Israel. Even after I finished my National Service, I applied to college in the U.S., thinking that perhaps my life would be better if I just went back to the old country. But, for whatever reason, I decided to stay in Israel, and I grew to love this country. I mean, where else

do the buses say Shana Tova around the holidays? Where else does an entire nation stand at attention to memorialize the fallen? Eventually, I understood that this wasnt just the proverbial, generic Land of the Jews; this had now become my Land. I sensed a deeper meaning to life in this place as I saw history being written right in front of my eyes. My priorities in life changed, and I no longer measured success by the amount of money one makes, but rather by our contribution towards making this world a better place than we found it. I discovered that here I was not just a solitary person, as important as that may be, but was now one part of a significant whole. And then Ari, my beloved brother, fell. To be honest, I was somewhat tainted by having lost a brother. I mean, how could G-d do this to my parents, who after so many years had finally fulfilled their Zionist dream of moving to Israel? Why did my eight-year-old sister now have to remain inside the synagogue saying Yizkor while all of her friends

were outside, playing with the other kids? I didnt know the answer to all these questions I still dont but this event, and all that flowed from it, has deeply cemented me to this country. Many people have questioned why I choose to remain here, after something so terrible and tragic has happened, but I guarantee you that none of those who ask live here. As sad as it may be, this is part of life in Israel. This is part of the sacrifice we make to live free in our own country, and sacrifice has been the way of the Jews since the beginning of our history. People living in Israel get this, since here we are one family and we all feel the pain. Please dont get me wrong; the Jews of the Diaspora are wonderful, and they have given me and my family tremendous support over the past decade. But when it comes down to it, the people I really want holding my hand are the ones sitting right next to me. They are the ones whose families rush into bomb shelters in the middle of the night, and they are the ones who listen to somber music on Yom Hazikaron to remind them of those who are no longer with us. Between us, we communicate through an unspoken language. We just look at each other, and we know what the other is thinking and feeling. Every Israeli has a compelling story well worth listening to. Not all of them have perfectly happy endings, but, when you put them all together, they add up to what makes Israel the amazing nation that it is. Life isnt always meant to be easy, and more often than not the hardships you go through make you appreciate what is really important and what must never be taken for granted. Although I still get teary-eyed when I see soldiers step off the bus on Fridays before the Sabbath, and still find it difficult to make that switch from Remembrance Day to Independence Day, I cannot imagine my home being anywhere else but here. I just hope and pray that the dreaded club I joined 10 years ago will soon be closed to new members.
Pnina Weiss is the sister of Staff-Sgt. Ari Weiss, who fell in battle in September 2002. She resides in Jerusalem and works in the hi-tech field.

To This Day Theres no One Like Him In Israel

Ben Hartman ERUSALEM For Arnon Nachmani, it feels like only yesterday that he held his commander Col. Uzi Yairi as his life faded away on the concrete outside Tel Avivs Savoy Hotel, which PLO terrorists had seized the night before. Yairi, a storied former commander of Sayeret Matkal (the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit) and the Paratroop Brigade, was on leave from the army when PLO terrorists from Lebanon landed in pontoon boats on the Tel Aviv beach near the beginning of Allenby Street on March 4, 1975. The gunmen made their way inland to Geula Street, where they found the Savoy Hotel with its lights on at 11 p.m. and quickly took control of it, threatening to kill hostages unless 20 Palestinian prisoners were released from Israeli jails. When Yairi, then 39, heard of the hostage situation, he found a way to get in on the Sayeret Matkal raid the next morn-

Former soldier remembers ex-Sayeret Matkal commander Col. Uzi Yairi

ing, and was killed along with eight hostages and two fellow soldiers. Now 57 years old, Nachmani visited Yairis grave at the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, alone as always, holding a bouquet of flowers and reading a letter he had written to his former commander. As a 22-year-old paratrooper, Nachmani had been part of a back-up contingent of troops supporting the Sayeret Matkal soldiers, and along with two fellow paratroopers he carried Yairis body out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk, where he tried in vain to revive him. Youll probably laugh at me, but I like to come here and talk to him. Its quiet here and I can tell him about the things going on in my life. I tell him that hes missed here, and that theres still no one like him in Israel to this day. In his letter, he told Yairi, who loved

flowers, about the community garden he had joined in Tel Aviv in part, he said, so that he could grow the flowers that he brings to the grave three-to-four times a year. He spoke of his former commander with a measure of adulation and love that, if anything, only seemed to have grown over the years. He said Yairi, who had become head of Sayeret Matkal at age 31 and a full colonel at only 35, had been a star who would easily have become the chief of staff someday if hed lived, in spite of the trauma he had suffered during the Yom Kippur War that drove him to take leave from the army. He also described how, instead of punishing errant soldiers with weekends on base, he would force them to volunteer at the Tel Hashomer Oncology Ward, which he said had been a jarring experience for the young paratroopers. Putting out a cigarette before leaving,

Nachmani pulled out the letter hed written and read the last few lines: My commander, smell these flowers Ive brought for you. I salute you always. Like a few other mourners and loved ones, Nachmani made his way to the military cemetery a day before the main Remembrance Day ceremony on Wednesday, which typically hosts the defense minister or the chief of staff and has an attendance in the thousands, with traffic jams fanning out in all directions into north Tel Aviv. Tuesday afternoon at Kiryat Shaul enabled those who could get off work to take advantage of the stillness and greater privacy the day afforded. Here and there a few scattered mourners, most of them elderly retirees, kept a vigil next to their loved ones, as soldiers from the Home Front Command affixed flags and memorial candles to headstones one by one, and a group of Israeli Arabs set up the stage for the official ceremoJerusalem Post ny on Wednesday.

6 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 XX

Israelis celebrated their countrys 64th anniversary with fireworks and military processions at a national ceremony in Jerusalem. The festivities came immediately after Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of militant attacks, an annual ritual of twinning grief with elation and pointing out the link between the two. Government statistics showed that Israels population grew by 137,500 since last year to 7,881,000. The Central Bureau of Statistics said 75 percent of the population is Jewish and 21 percent is Arab. The remaining four percent represents tiny minorities or immigrants who are not Jewish. Traditional Inthe first country to recognize Israel, Obama touted the special relationship between the two countries. Ours is a unique relationship founded on an unbreakable commitment to Israels security, and anchored by our common interests and deeply held values, Obama said in a statement. Clinton released a message saying that for many around the world, Israel remains a beacon of hope and an inspiring example. Clinton added that Israel and the U.S. are united by a deep and unbreakable bond based on mutual interests and respect. Our relationship grows stronger every day as we work to promote regional security, create new economic partnerships, increase twoway trade and broaden our energy cooperation. We are steadfast in our commitment to Israels security, which is a cornerstone of our foreign policy in the Middle East. Turkey blocked the participation of Israel in next months NATO Summit in Chicago, a Turkish newspaper reported. Turkeys Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu vetoed Israels participation during a NATO foreign ministers meeting last week in Brussels, Hurriyet reported. There will be no Israeli presence at the NATO meeting unless they issue a formal apology and pay compensation for the Turkish citizens their commandos killed in international waters, a senior Turkish official told Hurriyet, referring to the deaths of nine Turkish activists during an Israeli naval commando raid on the Turkish ship the Mavi Marmara as it attempted to break Israelis naval blockade of the Gaza Strip in May 2010. Those countries who wish to see normalization in ties between Turkey and Israel should advise Israel to apologize and to compensate the killing of Turks in international waters, the official told the news service. Israel, along with Egypt, Mauritania, Algeria and Morocco, is a member of the Mediterranean Dialogue, a NATO outreach program. A New Jersey appeals court has ruled that a man can sue for enduring antiSemitic slurs from former employers despite not being Jewish. Myron Cowher, a former truck driver for Carson & Roberts Site Constructions & Engineering Inc., sued the company and former supervisors after allegedly enduring antiSemitic comments for more than a year. His suit alleges discrimination that resulted in a hostile work environment. The Appellate Division of New Jersey Superior Court reversed a Superior Court judge in a 3-to0 decision. The appeals court stated that the proper ques-

Trial Begins In Maryland Jewish Neighborhood Watch Beating

S a r a h B r u m f i e l d

Two brothers, white and Jewish, claim self-defense, saying teen was holding a nail-studded board

dependence Day celebrations include family cookouts in national parks. Some military bases open for visits, and Israeli cities host concerts in honor of the holiday. Some 160,000 babies were born in the country since last Independence Day, the census revealed. In addition, some 19,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel this past year, while 8,000 Israelis chose to leave the country. 39,000 people passed away this past year. Egypt canceled its natural gas agreement with Israel, reportedly abrogating the original Egypt-Israel peace treaty of 1979. The 2005 deal between the governments of Israel and Egypt promised that Cairo would allocate seven billion cubic meters of natural gas to Israel for 20 years, with an option to double the amount. The 1979 peace treaty had required Egypt to supply Israel with oil; it was later amended to natural gas. Egypts pipeline in the Sinai supplying natural gas to Israel was attacked earlier this month for the 14th time since uprisings began in February 2011 against deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The attacks lead to a scramble to find alternate fuel sources to produce electricity that are more expensive. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton reiterated the strong U.S.-Israel relationship in messages for its 64th Independence Day. Noting that the U.S. was

ALTIMORE An attorney for one of two brothers charged in a neighborhood watch beating case in Baltimore that drew comparisons with the Trayvon Martin shooting told a judge Wednesday hell show the Maryland case is about self-defense, not vigilantism. Brothers Eliyahu and Avi Werdesheim, who are Jewish and white, are accused in the beating of a black teen while patrolling for an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood watch group on November 19, 2010. Their bench trial opened Wednesday on charges of second-degree assault, false imprisonment and carrying a deadly weapon [the hand-held radio]. The pair face up to 13 years in prison if convicted on all three counts. The Werdesheim brothers opted Tuesday for a bench trial after their lawyer said publicity surrounding the Martin case would have made it impossible to find an impartial jury. Their attorney said he believed a judge could conduct a fair trial. The judge had earlier denied a motion to throw out photos used to identify one of two brothers. An attorney for Eliyahu Werdesheim had argued Tuesday that the photo of his client was so different from others presented as to suggest which one the teen should choose. The judge heard from detectives and the teenager, who said he picked the photo because it was true, before denying the motion. In the Florida case, authorities charged neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman this month with second-degree murder in Martins death February 26. Zimmerman claims self-defense, but Martins family claims he targeted the unarmed teen mainly because the teen was black. Zimmermans father is white and his mother Hispanic. Eliyahu Werdesheim had earlier told the Baltimore Jewish Times that he was acting in selfdefense because the teen was holding the piece of wood. The teen picked up the board during the

Illustration Mike Miner

encounter, but put it back down, said J. Wyndal Gordon, an attorney for the teens family. He said the family did not want to speak publicly. Using a photo book compiled by investigators, the teen later identified Eliyahu Werdesheim, now 24, as one of the men who assaulted him. He was arrested after about 10 days; his now 21-year-old brother was charged two months later. In testimony in Baltimore, the teen spoke very quietly through tears Wednesday and could not be heard much of the time. He said he was walking to a bus stop, but never made it there because of his encounter with two men who pulled up in a car. In the afternoon, the teen shut down on the stand and refused to answer the prosecutors questions. He told Judge Pamela White he did not want to testify and, after explaining that he didnt have a choice, the judge excused the teen. The Baltimore victim, then 15, lived in the neighborhood with his grandmother. He was headed to meet his mother for a doctors appointment, when the two men in the car stared the abused children. Because all of the requested defendant names relate to chasidic men who are alleged to have committed sex crimes against chasidic victims within a very tightknit and insular Brooklyn community, there is a significant danger that the disclosure of the defendants names would lead members of that community to discern the identities of the victims, Dennehy wrote in the letter, citing the states civil rights laws. A new annotated edition of Mein Kampf is being prepared for German high-school students. The ministers of science and finance in the German state of Bavaria met recently to discuss ongoing work on an annotated edition of Adolf Hitlers 1924 manifesto, whose copyright held by the Bavarian Finance Ministry is to run out in 2015. Up to now, the ministry has barred publication in Germany in order to limit the spread of Hitlers ideology. In 2010, however, the ministry granted permission to the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History to reprint the work in 2015 in

tion is what effect the derogatory comments would have on a reasonable Jew, not on Cowher, who is of German-Irish and Lutheran background. Cowher, of Dingmans Ferry, Pa., said he was the subject of antiSemitic banter from January 2007 until May 2008, when he left the company for unrelated reasons. His supervisors admitted to directing antiSemitic slurs at Cowher but insisted it was part of a locker-room type exchange in which Cowher willingly participated. A special Israeli government committee legalized three West Bank outposts and will seek a delay in the evacuation of a neighborhood in a Jewish settlement there. In legalizing the outposts of Bruchin, Sansana and Rechalim, the outposts panel said in a statement that These communities were founded in the 1990s based on the decisions of past governments. Also, the committee charged the State Prosecutors Office with asking the Supreme Court to postpone the May 1 evacuation of the Ulpana neighborhood in Beit El, a settlement that is

built on privately owned Palestinian land. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to find a solution to the neighborhood that would not involve destroying the 30 homes there. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said the neighborhood should be razed and rebuilt elsewhere. Observers say Netanyahus ruling government coalition could break apart if the neighborhood is destroyed. The Cabinet authorized the committee to reach a final decision on the recognition of settlements and outposts built on State land or through State aid. Citing unique circumstances, the Brooklyn district attorneys office will not release the names of 85 chasidic men charged with committing child sex abuse, the Forward reported. In a letter to the Forward denying a request under the New York State Freedom of Information Law, Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney Morgan Dennehy wrote that releasing the identities of the suspected offenders would allow others in the tight-knit chasidic communities to also identify

XX TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 7

at him and told him he didnt belong there, Assistant States Attorney Kevin Wiggins told the judge. Feeling scared, the teen armed himself with a board as the car left. When the car returned, Wiggins said the teen dropped the board before Eliyahu Werdesheim grabbed him and Avi Werdesheim hit him in the head with a radio. As the teen reached in his pocket for his cell phone, Wiggins said a third person, who arrived in a van, stepped on his hand. Other members of the watch group, Shomrim of Baltimore, showed up and the brothers left before police arrived and didnt return, he said. The teen was taken to a hospital with a cut on the back of his head and a broken wrist. Sometimes I think people see things through their own glasses, Andrew Alperstein, attorney for Eliyahu Werdesheim told the judge in opening statements. Alperstein said his 24-year-old client, a prelaw student at Johns Hopkins University, was the newest Shomrim member volunteering in his community doing what he called a mitzvah or good deed. The attorney said the man acted in self-defense. There were two encounters between the teen and his client, Alperstein said. In the first, Werdesheim told the teen to move on and the teen responded with expletives and referred to their religion. As he left, Werdesheim saw the teen break off a piece of wooden pallet with nails still attached and begin to pace back and forth, and he returned to try to defuse the situation, according to the lawyer. If it was intended to be an assault, it would have happened in round one, he said. Susan Green, an attorney for 21-year-old Avi Werdesheim, a pre-med student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who was not a Shomrim member, said she would raise questions about the identification of her client. Law enforcement officials emphasize that neighborhood watchers responsibility is to report crime, and leave interventions to police. Most follow the rules, they say, and confrontations are rare. We owe a lot of our success to communities that have stepped up and partnered with police. They help us out, Guglielmi said. But when they step too far, we have to hold people accountable. Eliyahu Werdesheim was suspended from an annotated, scholarly edition. Bavarian authorities announced that a version for youth would be prepared as well. It should show exactly where the dangers are in the text, said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Science. The ministers hope that a special edition for schools would preempt the spread of editions that illegally promote Nazi ideology or incite hatred. Iran has not yet decided whether to manufacture a nuclear bomb, the head of Israels military said. The Islamic Re-

the neighborhood group while Avi was never a member, according to Nathan Willner, general counsel for Shomrim of Baltimore, a group that patrols neighborhoods with a large concentration of Jewish residents and institutions in the Baltimore area. Shomrim, which is Hebrew for guards, has some 30 volunteer, unarmed responders. It was founded in 2005 to provide security and gather information for police, Willner said. While the case has not garnered the attention the Martin shooting has, Cortly C.D. Witherspoon, president of the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, has organized protests outside the courthouse during court hearings and has been frustrated by the postponements. We feel that justice should have been served long ago. I would contend that the urgency for justice [in this case] is affected by the Trayvon Martin case because of the similarities, he said. Members of the areas Jewish community also rallied outside the courthouse when the brothers appeared in court to enter not guilty pleas in February. Jakob Lurman, the owner of a barbershop, was among them. I have a business in the community. Shomrim do good work, Lurman said. I dont know what happened in that case, but I wanted to show support. Jewish neighborhood watch groups in New York City have faced accusations of unnecessary force against blacks, creating tensions between the Jewish and black communities. That hasnt yet happened in Baltimore, according to the Rev. Alvin Gwynn Sr., president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance. The organization of predominantly black clergy met with leaders of the areas Jewish community to keep relationships between the two communities strong. We were already working with them when this came up, Gwynn said. It hasnt done much damage yet. Susan Green, an attorney for Avi Werdesheim, said last month that she hoped the media coverage would not create an atmosphere that would make it difficult for her client, but declined to comment further. The attorney for Eliyahu Werdesheim did not return calls for comment. o blamed Israel for the exodus of Christians from the West Bank and Jerusalem. In the segment, correspondent Bob Simon, Palestinian Christian leaders and others blame Israel and the settlements for Christians leaving cities such as Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The Jewish Federations of North America and Christians United For Israel asked their members to send messages to CBS executives to complain about the segment. JFNAs action alert, sent before the segment aired, read: We hope that CBS will be flooded with responses through their inboxes, Facebook, Twitter and mail after the program to express discontent if it is as biased as we anticipate. CUFI told its supporters in a Twitter message that 60 Minutes blamed Israel for Christian flight from the Middle East. Join me in telling them the truth. CUFI tweeted later in the day that more than 22,000 supporters had contacted 60 Minutes over the segment. New video clips released by an Israeli NGO show Israeli Lt.-Col. Shalom Eisner hitting

five pro-Palestinian activists. Eisner was dismissed last week from his command post following an investigation into an incident in which he was seen on a YouTube video hitting a Danish pro-Palestinian activist in the face with his rifle. The new video released by the BTselem NGO also was taken during last weeks protest bike ride in the Jordan Valley. Its aim is to show that the demonstration did not turn violent before Eisner began hitting the activists. The confrontation apparently began when one activist attempting to ride his bike on Route 90 ran into the leg of an Israeli army officer. The original video of the incident was posted early last week on YouTube by the International Solidarity Movement. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz relieved Eisner of his position as deputy division commander on moral grounds, according to the IDF. The latest round in the more than 30-year police search for Etan Patz ended without finding any obvious human remains. Police ended the search for Etan, who was six years old when he disappeared near his parents New York apartment in 1979, without finding any substantial new evidence, according to reports. The search had begun again three weeks ago when police believed a basement on Prince Street in lower Manhattan, which was on Etans route to his school bus when he disappeared, may have contained new evidence that would identify his abductor. Etan was walking to the bus on his own for the first time. At the time of the Jewish boys disappearance, the basement housed the workshop of Othniel Miller, a handyman. Miller had given Etan a dollar the day before his disappearance for running an errand. Soon after Etans disappearance, a new concrete floor was poured in the basement. After finding no human remains, however, police have not charged Miller. An online petition urging the International Olympic Committee to honor the Munich 11 at the Olympic Games this summer has garnered thousands of signatures. The Jewish Community Center of Rockland County, N.Y., a member of the JCC Association, initiated the petition, which calls for a moment of silence at the Games in London honoring the 11 Israeli athletes who were murdered at the 1972 Olympics in Munich by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. The Jewish Federations of North America is asking communities to support the petition, which is attempting to gather one million signatures. The JCC Association has recognized the Munich 11 during every one of the Maccabi Games since 1995. In an official letter sent to the IOC, Israeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon asked on behalf of the State of Israel for the 2012 Games to open with a moment of silence honoring the 11 Israeli athletes. A black Jewish woman is suing the Phoenix school where she formerly served as principal for failing to respond to complaints about a fake gas chamber set up outside her office and then firing her. Millicent McNeil, who was fired from the Mission Charter School last May, filed

public is going step-by-step to the place where it will be able to decide whether to manufacture a nuclear bomb, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz told Haaretz in an interview. It hasnt yet decided whether to go the extra mile. Gantz said this year is critical in Irans nuclear development but not necessarily go, no-go, for an Israeli strike on Irans nuclear sites. Were in a period when something must happen: Either Iran takes its nuclear program to a civilian footing only or the world, perhaps we too, will have to do something, he said. Were closer to the end of the discussions than the middle. We and the United States have a large common alignment of interests and relations, but America looks at America and Israel [looks at] Israel. We live here with our civilians, our women and our children, so we interpret the extent of the urgency differently, Gantz said. Thousands of Christian and Jewish supporters of Israel have bombarded CBS executives with complaints about a 60 Minutes segment that

a $2 million lawsuit in Maricopa County Court claiming she was underpaid because of her race and religion, and that the school ignored her complaints about the gas chamber, Courthouse News reported. She alleges teachers, saying they were setting up a Holocaust exhibit, made her hallway and office door into an entrance to a faux gas chamber. McNeil says they painted a swastika on the wall outside her door, painted her door black and placed a photo next to the door of a lever that would activate a gas chamber. McNeil also claims that the teachers wrote Majdanek Bad Und Desinfektion, or Majdanek Bath And Disinfection, above the door imitating the sign for gas chambers at the Majdanek concentration camp and the German word for women directly over the door. An Israeli teenager won the International Bible Contest in Jerusalem, with a New York teen finishing second. Elhanan Bloch was the best among the 56 competitors from 24 countries who competed, ahead of Akiva Abramovitz of Brooklyn. The Bible competition is held annually on Israel Independence Day. Bloch also took the religious Israeli schools contest. Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF hosted the students. The contest followed a three-week trip throughout Israel sponsored by KKLJNF, the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Israel Defense Forces Education Office.

8 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012

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Are The People Of Israel
e b o r a h D a n a n

Latin American Catholics and Jews share a trip to the Holy Land to bridge gaps and promote understanding

ERUSALEM Lets face it. Jews and Christians havent exactly been the best of friends over the centuries, what with a long history of blood libels, inquisitions, crusades and the like not to mention the question of deicide. Yet, during the past century there has been a gradual shift toward improving JewishChristian relations, which culminated in the 1960s with the Second Vatican Council. Commonly known as Vatican II, the council addressed relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world. Perhaps the most revolutionary change to emerge from the council at least with regard to JewishCatholic relations was the Nostra Aetate (Latin for In our Age) document, which, apart from decrying antiSemitism in any form, further declared that the blame for deicide cannot be pinned on Jews either ancient or present-day Jews. This paved the way for a new trend of reconciliation between Jews and Christians one that has since been cultivated into a mutually beneficial relationship of brotherhood. The highlight of the changing relationship came in the year 2000, when on a visit to Israel Pope John Paul II inserted the following words into the cracks of the Western Wall: G-d of our fathers, you chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your name to the nations: we are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer and, asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the [P]eople of the Covenant. Today, there are dozens of centers in the U.S. for Jewish-Christian understanding and the Roman Catholic Church actively seeks ways to correctly present Jews and Judaism within its catechesis. Yet despite the fact that 45 percent of the worlds Catholics live in Latin America, that region seems to have fallen behind its European and North American counterparts and is still plagued by rampant antiSemitism that finds its roots in old biases against the alleged deicide at the hands of the Jews. But last months tour of Israel, attended by a group of Latin American Catholic priests and their Jewish peers, indicates that the winds are changing in that part of the world too. Three partnering organizations worked in tandem to turn this unprecedented initiative into a reality: The World Jewish Diplomatic Corps (WJDC), the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) and the Latin American Jewish Congress (LAJC). The organizers view the trip not as an end in itself, but rather as the beginning of a longterm and positive relationship between the Jewish and Christian communities of Latin America, communities that in the past have either been strangers or worse, estranged from one another. The eight priests who came on the week-long trip were selected by the local archbishops of So Paulo, Buenos Aires and Bogota cities that all have Jewish communities to ensure that the mission of continued, future dialogue can also be realized. One quality the priests share is the fact that they are all young and for want of a more appropriate word hip. The same goes for the two Latin American Jewish leaders a rabbi and a teacher who accompanied the priests on the tour.

One vivacious priest, Father Pedro Pereira, speaks of the reaction of local Nazareth residents who witnessed the procession of clergymen visiting their town. They saw us together priests in full garb, collar and all walking side-by-side with rabbis with big yarmulkes on their heads. They couldnt understand what on earth was going on! Pereiras answer to how it felt visiting Israels Christian holy sites for the first time in his life is rather astonishing. Im not the kind of priest that is much into pilgrimages. What changed me personally was seeing the Jewish holy sites and feeling the heart of Israelis and the Jewish People. Regarding the groups visit to Yad Vashem, Pereira says, Since my mother died, not a single tear has rolled down my face. But being in the childrens memorial [in Yad Vashem] changed that. It was a very intense moment. I felt shame. Shame on me as a human being. How can humans have done such a thing? It made me think about my own actions and their consequences. But perhaps the most remarkable sentiment is the priests attitude towards the Jewish Temple. As a Catholic, I can feel the presence of the L-rd whenever I pray, says Pereira, I also felt the presence of the L-rd by the [Western] Wall. Yet at the same time, something was missing. I actually missed the presence of the Temple. I put myself in your place and truly empathized it hurt my heart and I felt sorry for you guys that you no longer have your Temple. Father Nicolas Garcon, who has 40,000 people in his parish in Bogota, Colombia, takes Pereiras thought one step further. I feel pain that the Temple is gone, but not just for the Jewish People for me also. And referring to the immigration of Diaspora Jews to Israel, Garcon says, I feel so good when I hear that Jews are returning to Jerusalem to rebuild it. Since I was a child seeing pictures of chasidic Jews, I always felt that Jews were so far, far away from me both in distance and in time. But being here has made me realize that the Torah is not just an old book, its a reality that Jews in this land are living out. For Father Alejandro Velasquez, also from Colombia, coming to Israel has meant shattering many of the stereotypes and legends about Jews that he had heard growing up. We hear a lot of negative things about Jews; for example, in my country, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is accepted as being genuine and there are also conspiracy theories about Jewish links to Freemasonry. My being here has allowed me to openly ask the question of why there has been so much hatred directed at Jews throughout history. But people are afraid of Jews because they dont know them. He adds that prior to coming here, some cynics tried to convince him that the trip was nothing more than Jewish propaganda. So what was the intended nature of the trip? Was it primarily to serve a spiritual function, or was it rather geared toward political or diplomatic ends? According to Jay Shultz, a Jewish diplomat on behalf of the World Jewish Diplomatic Corps, the two issues should never be separated. Yes, there are indeed deep-rooted spiritual implications from this trip. Seeing their Jewish roots firsthand, it became relevant for [the priests] own spirituality, in order to elucidate their own faith. Being here has also al-

Photo Jim Hollander / Reuters

lowed them to grasp the religious connection between Christianity and Judaism through the latters ongoing connection to the Land of Israel. For example, visiting the City of David as the place where King David composed psalms is amazing. But what makes it that much more tangible and relevant is actually seeing Jews living there today. As for Shultzs own reasons for organizing the initiative, he says, I do this all as a noble honor, without getting paid, because I believe that strategically working with the 1.3 billion-person Catholic world will very clearly make Israel, and all Jews around the world, safer and stronger. . . . I want to do my all to take care of my family. For their own part, the priests all agree that after coming here, Israel turned from a spiritual idea rooted in the past to a physical and geographical reality that is in the living present and collective future of both Jews and Christians alike. The trips itinerary included a two-day seminar at the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat, headed by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin. Three Orthodox rabbis and two Catholic theologians led panels on various issues within the Christian-Jewish dialogue. Rabbi Eugene Korn, the American director of the CJCUC, posits that thankfully today the relationship between Christians and Jews is steadily transitioning from being mere dialogue toward real friendship. There is a need for Catholics to understand how Jews see themselves and just how important Israel is for the Jewish People and the religion. Our religious objective was designed to change perceptions and to eliminate hatred, prejudice and religious extremism. We [Jews] see everyone as enemies because were trapped in the past. Our challenge now is not to remain stuck on what our grandparents said, but rather to invest in what our grandchildren will say. Jews need to understand that today the Roman Catholic Church is a good friend of the Jewish People. But for Rabbi Gilberto Ventura, a teacher in a Jewish school in So Paulo, the initiative extends further than cultivating religious ties between clergymen of differing faiths. It is also about nurturing a culture of peace and showing that not all Jews are cut from the same cloth. In Brazil, avers Ventura, they look at the Jewish community as being disconnected from the population at large perhaps because they think all Jews are rich. For him, the trip to Israel was vital in bridging cultural gaps as well as religious ones, and also in showing that every Jew is different from the next.

10 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 9

l e a D e r s h i p

on visiting Jerusalem in 2000, pope John paul ii prays at the Western Wall

saved From Far away above

Stranded behind enemy lines during Yom Kippur War, then-major Shaul Mofaz remained calm

a b r a h a m

Ventura comments on the priests surprise that Jews can come from such wildly different socio-economic and religious backgrounds, and indeed, that they also come in different colors. And nothing drove this message home more than the priests Sabbath experience in Jerusalem. Hosted by religious Jewish families for a traditional Friday-night meal, the priests were able to become acquainted with Judaism on a more intimate level. Since family is such an integral part of the Latin American landscape, Father Velasquez notes that, for him, this was the highlight of the trip. There was wine [Kiddush] of course, and once we drank, the ice was broken and we talked about religious issues. The intellectual level of everyone at the table was very high. Father Velasquez also admits to the faux pas of extending his hand in greeting to his Orthodox female host, who did not take it in return. He grins sheepishly, I was so embarrassed. No doubt that was a lesson in Jewish religious practices that he wont forget in a hurry. Indeed, when this writer came to meet with the group, no hands were proffered, at the priests own initiative. But perhaps the incident symbolizes just how much attitudes have changed since the days when Pope Pius X expressed his proselytizing intentions in a letter to Theodor Herzl thus: We are unable to favor [the Zionist] movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem, but we could never sanction it. . . . If you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with our churches and priests to baptize all of you. Rabbi Pablo Gabe, the rabbi of Kehilas Amichai in Buenos Aires, sums it up as follows: People think our goal is to build some sort of new religion. But that isnt so. They have to continue being Catholics just as we need to continue being Jews. We need to walk together in-between our differences, not by pushing those differences out of the way. Upon his return to Buenos Aires, Rabbi Gabe said he intended to invite Father Pereira and other Catholics from within his community to Sabbath meals in his home. Father Pereira, the priest with the mischievous, brace-enhanced smile, adds a final observation. The Church works towards justice, truth and peace, and together we must walk with Jews in this direction. But its not only an issue between religions it is also between human brothers who share the revelation of G-d in making the world a better place. I have no doubt that being [in Israel] on this trip is the will of G-d. o

ERUSALEM As a politician, Shaul Mofaz, the new leader of Kadima, lacks charisma and is difficult to read. However, his performance in the Yom Kippur War as a paratroop officer offers insight into his character. On two successive nights, Maj. Mofaz led commando teams on helicopter-borne raids deep behind Syrian lines. Thanks to his doggedness and coolness he managed to get them back. As the first week of the war was ending, Israel became aware that Iraq, with surprising speed, had begun dispatching armored divisions to Syrias aid. The Syrians had come close to capturing the Golan Heights on the first night of the war but, in grueling battles, had been driven back across the Purple Line separating Israeli and Syrian forces since the Six-Day War. Israeli tank forces were almost within artillery range of Damascus when the lead elements of an Iraqi division suddenly appeared to their front, stabilizing the battered Syrian army. The air force, engaged in fierce battle over the battlefields of Sinai and Syria, had failed to detect the Iraqi move. Mofaz at this point was ordered to take a 25-man paratroop team to ambush under cover of darkness any tank convoys traveling on the main road from the Iraqi border to the front. A helicopter piloted by Lt.-Col. Yuval Efrat set them down 150 kilometers northeast of Damascus. The force marched several miles from the landing point to a bridge where they took up positions. For an hour they waited but nothing crossed except for occasional trucks traveling in pairs. With the need to get back before first light, Mofaz ordered the bridge wired with explosives and prepared to depart when a solitary tank trailer carrying a T-55 lumbered into view. As it mounted the bridge, the explosives were detonated, sending the bridge and vehicles crashing into the wadi. The force rendezvoused with the helicopter and returned to base. The next night, Mofaz was dispatched again behind Syrian lines, this time with orders to blow up a bridge on the road from Homs to Damascus. The road was being used to transfer anti-aircraft missiles which were preventing the air force from providing effective close support to ground forces in the battle zone. The raiding party numbered 40 men. Lt.-Col. Efrat was again the pilot. He set them down several kilometers from their target and returned to Israel to await their call when they had completed their mission. An hour later, the men were moving through a wadi when a truck traveling without lights stopped on the road above. Thirty Syrian soldiers alighted and opened fire at 200 meters. The paratroopers fired LAW an-

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titank missiles, newly arrived from the U.S., which exploded among the Syrian soldiers and sent them to cover. Mofaz led his men up onto high ground and prepared to call for an emergency rescue. As he got higher, however, he could make out the bridge in the moonlight. After consulting with his officers, he decided not to call for rescue but to complete the mission. As they started to move off, the paratroopers saw that the road below had filled with vehicles and soldiers. A Syrian plane circled overhead and dropped flares. The paratroopers froze in place until the orange light died. There were by now some 500 Syrian soldiers scouring the terrain and floodlights had been set up. The barking of search dogs could be heard. Mofaz assumed that the bridge must also be swarming with soldiers. He led his men higher into the hills and called for rescue. Efrat was more than halfway back to base when he heard the call. His gauge showed that he did not have enough fuel to return for the men and make it back to Israel. He continued to the Ramat David air base where he, his copilot and the flight engineer hastily transferred to an already fueled helicopter that had been kept in reserve for an emergency rescue. Exhausted after seven days of intensive action, Efrat fell asleep as soon as he was airborne. Snapping awake, he removed his helmet and emptied a canteen over his head, letting the water soak his uniform and run down his back. The mission they were about to undertake, he told his two crewmen, would be a difficult one, probably conducted under fire. The Syrians on the road, believing that they had the Israeli intruders trapped but uncertain exactly where they were, moved cautiously. At one point, some of them began to climb in the direction of Mofazs force and the paratroopers prepared to fire. Mofaz stopped them. No one was to fire without explicit orders, he said. The Syrians still didnt know where they were. Two hours had passed since his call for evacuation and the prospect of rescue before dawn was rapidly receding. Mofaz was thinking of breaking the force up and hiding out until a rescue attempt could be made the next night a desperate plan with virtually no chance of success when the radio came alive. It was Efrat. Ill be with you in 15 minutes. Mofaz set off with one of his officers to find a relatively flat landing surface shielded from view of the Syrians. The best he could find was a moderate slope with rocks. The moon offered Efrat a good view of the landscape below a gray, lifeless expanse he found depressing to look at. It offered neither the greenery of Israel nor the golden sheen of the Sinai desert. One
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10 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012

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Polish Town continued from page 3

Before dawn on Monday, March 28, 1942, German SS and Einsatzgruppe B units, accompanied by a Latvian police detachment, boarded a convoy of vehicles. Before dawn, they surrounded the town of Dolhinov, Poland. The town awoke to stamping boots, barked commands, the wails of children, and the sobs of women. The Kazovitz family hid, but David, the baby, was crying and his mother feared the noise would give away their hiding place. So she ran to a Christian neighbor, handed over her fur coat and promised that if the woman would conceal her shed bring a gold watch afterward. The woman refused; the Germans killed the mother and baby. Meanwhile, the rest of the family hid undisturbed. When night fell and the Germans left, Yankel Furman, stepfather of the Kazovitz family, returned, knocked on the door and let them out. They crawled out from the basement to find that few of their friends remained alive. Later, the Christian woman showed up at the Kazovitzs house claiming she had helped, demanding the watch. A single misjudgment about a persons character could cost your life. Chana Brunstein might have had the easiest time that day. She was cooking when a German soldier entered. He should have forced her out to line up with the other Jews but instead Humane? Hungry? Lazy? he merely asked her for some eggs and left. Esfira Dimenshtein and her family were saved because a friendly Polish policeman named Maslovsky had warned them the Germans were coming the next day. They made a big hole in their grandmothers barn and stayed there until it was all over. While most of the family hid in a tunnel, 82-yearold Rhoda Kaplan could take no more. Her son Gendel thought his status as a craftsman might protect her. She stayed seated in the parlor. When the police entered, Gendel handed them his document and said that as a relative his mother was also protected. They returned the document, nodded in agreement, then shot her dead in front of him. One woman, driven mad by fear, ran from her shelter and was caught by the Germans. They promised that if she showed them her familys hideout they would let the Jews there go free. Out of her mind, she did so. The Germans promptly murdered her entire family then killed her, too. Some Poles turned in their neighbors, looting their possessions; others risked their lives to help. Still others locked themselves in their homes, trembling for their own fate and thinking, as one Polish survivor told me, that we might be next. Surrounded by armed police, the Jews who had been caught were marched down the street to the market square, where many had worked. They were ordered to sit and wait. Some fell prostrate onto the ground and wept. Many prayed. Most hoped it would just be some re-registration, minor humiliation, or even the execution of a small number who would be selected from the group. A few ran for it, and were shot down. Two men made a break for it and got pretty far. A submachine gun opened up on them; they fell down. But, when the shooting stopped, one got up and took off again. Police fire brought him down, too. None of those who ran escaped. Gdalia Levin whispered to Boris Kozinitz, Take a good look at the trees and the houses; you shall not see them again. These will stay after we are gone. The world will keep on existing but many Jews will not be in it. One man, however, was given a choice. A German officer pulled aside Lipkind, a member of the Jewish council, and told him, You, as an elder must see all your community being killed and we will kill you last. In response, Lipkind charged at a Polish policeman named Komolka, hit him in the face and then went back to his place among the others. The officer asked Komolka if he wanted Lipkind punished. The policeman replied, No, theres no need, hell be shot soon anyway. Esther Dokshitsky was among those marched to the square. She saw that a mother was holding a screaming baby. One of the Germans grabbed the baby and said, Were not going to waste a bullet on this one, and smashed its head onto an electrical pole, then dropped the dead child on the ground.

Illustration Doug Griswold

A Skewed Vision of Non-Violence

Ed Koch n a New York Times op-ed piece earlier this month,Tom Friedman endorsed what he designated to be non-violent resistance by Palestinians against Israel. He added that Palestinians need to accompany every boycott, hunger strike or rock they throw at Israel with a detailed map delineating their territorial demands. Friedman, Im sorry to say, is allowing himself to be used by radicals whose goal is not peace but the destruction of Israel. Two prior prime ministers of Israel, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, offered the Palestinian Authority a return of all but between seven and nine percent of the West Bank. That area would bring into the State of Israel most of the 300,000 Israeli Jews living on the West Bank, referred to by Israelis by the biblical names of Judea and Samaria. The seven-to-nine percent would then be replaced by land swaps. Those offers from Israel were turned down by the Palestinian Authority. In a Foreign Affairs edition of August 2011, Eliot Abrams wrote, At Camp David in 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat 94 percent of the West Bank; 10 years later, Ehud Olmert offered [Mahmoud] Abbas 93.6 percent with a one-to-one land swap. The Palestinian Authority has refused to return to high-level peace negotiations for the last yearand-a-half unless Israel agrees to its preconditions which include a settlement freeze on all construction of Jewish homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem and a stipulation that negotiations proceed from what Israel believes are indefensible pre-1967 borders. The Palestinian State called for under the two-State solution which has been accepted by current Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu and his immediate predecessors also includes Gaza. Under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latter territory was totally evacuated by the Israelis. Since that evacuation in 2005 and after an election won by Hamas, the Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas have continued their war against the Jews. Recently, in one day, Hamas sent 150 rockets into southern Israel, disrupting the economy of the area and endangering its population. The rockets are simply sent in the general direction of cities and towns with their civilian populations as the targets. Supporters of the Palestinian Authority and its two components, Hamas and Fatah, hold Israel to blame for the lack of progress in peace talks. They are furious that Israel refuses to cede more territory under these conditions and thereby commit suicide in pursuit of an illusory peace. Supporters of the Palestinian Authority include Jews in Israel itself and here in the U.S. However, it is rare that any Jewish supporters of the Palestinian Authori-

ty would urge the Palestinians to resume violence against the Jews of Israel. It therefore came as a shock to read in Tom Friedmans op ed that he endorses the resumption of rock throwing against Israelis. Friedmans article was itself, in effect, a rock thrown directly at Israel and the peace process. I caution Friedman not to recommend violence lightly. Having been a victim in 1991 of rocks thrown by Palestinians in the first intifada an injury requiring nine stitches to suture my scalp where it was struck by a stone I couldnt help but wonder: how would Tom Friedman feel if a child in Israel were to be struck by a stone, perhaps losing an eye or worse? Would Friedman blame himself for having encouraged the Arabs on the West Bank to hurl stones in what he describes as a non-violent measure? I thank the Times for publishing my letter to the editor denouncing Friedman for including stone throwing as a non-violent tactic. I also wonder why the Times editorially has not denounced or chastised his behavior, so as to reassure its readers it does not agree with their premier pundit on the Middle East. Friedman welcomed the Arab Spring which, in Egypt and elsewhere, has produced governments that are now dominated by Islamic groups like the Moslem Brotherhood that support the use of terrorism. Friedman is fast becoming the darling of Islamist terrorists everywhere. Friedman did not provide his opinion on whether an Israeli soldier or police officer might defend himself from a rock assault by shooting the person engaged in throwing rocks at him to deter injury to himself or others. My letter published by the Times follows: April 6, 2012 Rock Throwing by Arabs To the Editor: Thomas L. Friedman (A Middle East Twofer, column, April 4) endorses what he calls nonviolent resistance by Palestinians against Israel. He adds that Palestinians need to accompany every boycott, hunger strike or rock they throw at Israel with a detailed map delineating their territorial demands. I was attacked by nonviolent Arab rock throwers while touring the old Jewish quarter of Jerusalem in 1991. I needed nine stitches but was fortunate to have suffered only relatively minor injuries. If my attackers aim had been a little sharper, I could have lost an eye, or worse. Many Israelis as well as foreign tourists have been badly injured, sometimes permanently maimed, in such nonviolent assaults. Israelis have even been murdered by rock throwing. Last September, Asher Palmer, 25, and his infant son, Yonatan, were killed when nonviolent rocks were thrown at their car, causing a fatal crash. We may disagree on borders, settlements, refugees or other contentious Arab-Israeli issues. But cant we all agree that in the English language, the terms nonviolent and rock throwing are mutually exclusive? o

10 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 11

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The German commander read the names of men, technicians and professionals, who they still needed. Esthers father and uncle were on the list. Since his own two daughters and wife were safely in hiding, the uncle grabbed his sister and her two children, claiming them as his. A policeman escorted them away as their own father watched them, grateful no doubt that although he would die that day they would not. Then the soldiers and police opened up with rifles and machine guns and mowed down hundreds of people. They fell in place. Others were forced into two warehouses on which gasoline was poured and then set alight. Having been used so long to store hay the buildings went up fast. Anyone trying to escape was machine-gunned. The screams of those burned were terrible, the cries of those who tried to escape were cut short by the bullets. At 6 p.m. it was quitting time, and the murders stopped. Any Jew caught after that was left completely alone, as if the Germans were indifferent to their continued existence. One of the few survivors was Ringa, a first-grade school teacher who, along with her own four-year-old son, was the last one living in her family. When she found Esther, one of her students, also still alive, she was astonished. She hugged and kissed Esther and, with tears in her eyes, said to her: Remember how I taught you about Israel. But we didnt have the opportunity to go there. A few days later, she and her little boy were murdered, too. Others, however, did make it to Israel eventually, where they and their descendants would get to be called Nazis and oppressors by the descendants of those who had murdered and oppressed them or who had stood by and done nothing.
Barry Rubins new book, Israel: An Introduction, has just been published by Yale University Press. He is director of global research in the International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and a featured columnist at PJM and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal.

Finally Confronting Hannah Arendt

Seth J. Frantzman f the German-born theorist was a racist, collaborator with a leading Nazi intellectual and probably an antiSemite, why were her work and ideas ever respected? Hannah Arendt, the German-born Jewish political theorist, is still widely admired in the West and in Israel. Her 1963 book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil has recently been translated into Hebrew. In universities, those who are exposed to Arendts theories are told, time and again, that they are exploring something new, something that is supposedly challenging the old and stale ideas with brilliant theories of human evil and totalitarianism. In general, those who have questioned Arendts findings have tried to challenge them intellectually, but it is worthwhile to go beyond that and ask why her work and ideas were ever respected in the first place, especially in light of the fact that she was a raving racist, collaborator with a leading Nazi intellectual, and probable antiSemite. To get an idea of the vast exposure and influence of Arendt one must only read her admirers comments. Cynthia Haven at Stanford University writes: The 20th-century world of philosophy did not, as a rule, create superstars. Hannah Arendt was an exception . . . thirty-five years after her death, the German-Jewish political theorist . . . is an international industry. There is a Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College, where much of her personal library is located, and now a Hannah Arendt movie. Reviewing a recent book by Deborah Lipstadt in which the author criticized Arendt, the Centers blog noted: Thanks to Hannah Arendt, most people have come to understand [Adolph] Eichmann as a herald for the terrifying possibility of ordinary people displaying and promoting true evil. In other words, the popular belief is that this particular Nazi was just a normal person driven by his desire to succeed, rather than any true hatred or criminal intent, to facilitate the murder of millions. Arendt was born in 1906 in Germany but spent her young life in the East Prussian city of Konigsberg (now the Russian military district of Kaliningrad). She studied at the University of Marburg where she met Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher who became her companion and a leading Nazi intellectual. Because of the rise of Nazism, she fled Germany and lived in France until the German occupation forced her to flee again, this time to the United States. She was employed by the Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish NGO, as part of a project called Jewish Cultural Reconstruction after the war, before becoming a roving academic and intellectual, securing posts at many of Americas most prestigious universities. She is famous for her works The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) and Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963). In her two books, her main contribution has been to show that Nazism was not unique; in its totalitari-

Shaul Mofaz continued from page 9

of his monitors flickered as he activated an electronic signal beacon. They were only a few kilometers away now but the beacon offered only a general direction. Approaching closer, Efrat asked Mofaz to flash a light but the paratroop commander said he could not. The Syrians were only 800 meters away. Suddenly Mofaz shouted, Theyre firing at you. Efrat saw nothing but a moment later he heard the thud of bullets and thought he smelled gunpowder. Below he could see the Homs road and beyond it a line of low hills. Mofaz was up there somewhere. Efrat took his craft on a wide swing so as to approach the hills from the other side, away from the Syrian troops. Slowing down and lowering his wheels, he headed for the rear slope of a hill where he thought Mofaz might be, given the location from which the Syrians had fired. Mofaz now flashed a hooded light that projected a narrow beam not visible from the sides. Efrat was looking right at it when it went on a kilometer away. I see you, he said. Keeping his eyes fixed on the spot, he asked his copilot to read the gauges and give him a running account of speed and altitude. Reaching the hill, Efrat looked down and saw the paratroopers just below. He set the helicopter straight down without taking the time to check whether the site was clear of men. Count them as they come in, he said to his engineer. The paratroopers swiftly entered the craft, Mofaz and the other officers at the rear. Forty, shouted the engineer. Close it, said Efrat, Were taking off. As they rose, one of the officers yelped. A bullet had penetrated the floor and hit his backside. A paratrooper looking out the window saw a mortar barrage blossoming on the hilltop they had left seconds before. An hour-and-a-half later, the helicopter made an emergency landing at the Ramat David air base. Emerging, Efrat and Mofaz saw that the helicopter skin and rotor were peppered with bullet holes. Efrat would in time become a commercial pilot and Jerusalem Post Mofaz chief-of-staff.

an aspects, it was like the Soviet Union and its individuals were primarily clowns (the word used to describe Eichmann) or mere bureaucrats. She absolved the Germans of any special guilt regarding the Holocaust and support for Nazism by arguing that all people were capable of producing such evil. What has often been missed is that Arendt was a German nationalist and a raving antiSemite who only escaped being called such by being Jewish. In Origins she blamed wealthy Jews for the rise of nationalism because of their support for the monarchy. The Jews had been purveyors in wars and the servants of kings, she wrote. In Eichmann she argued that had it not been for the Jews who worked with the Nazi administration, in the ghettos and camps, the death toll in the Holocaust would have been lower. This antiSemitic tripe and Holocaust marginalization has passed for pseudo-intellectualism at the finest universities. Arendt also hated Israel and Zionism. In 1948 she wrote of Menachem Begins Herut Party that one of the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created [S] tate of Israel of a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. She also said the Eichmann trial was a show trial. But it is her racism for which she must be finally taken to account. Those who love Arendt often ignore this fact or bury it in a footnote, as Steven Aschheim did in his book, Arendt in Jerusalem. When she was in Jerusalem, she wrote to her German philosopher friend Karl Jaspers: On top, the judges, the best of German Jewry. Below them, the prosecuting attorneys, Galicians, but still Europeans. Everything is organized by a police force that gives me the creeps, speaks only Hebrew, and looks Arabic . . . they would obey any order. And outside the doors, the oriental mob, as if one were in Istanbul or some other half-Asiatic country. In addition, and very visible in Jerusalem, the peyos and caftan Jews, who make life impossible for all the reasonable people here. In her judgment that the Germans, the best, are properly placed on top we find an Aryan supremacy that would not have been unwelcomed in Himmlers ministries. In her view that the police would obey any order we find a comparison of Jews to Nazis. In her comments about the Oriental mob and the creepy feeling of seeing people that look Arabic we find the racism, the hatred of Arabs and the hatred of Jews from Middle Eastern countries. In her contempt for the religious Jews we find the typical hatred that German Jews had for the ostjuden, their supposed brethren from the east. Hannah Arendts letter should be required reading in any university course that mentions her name. Her racism against Arabs and her Eurocentric views all should be made known before anyone opens her books. Just as Henry Fords racism has harmed his long-term reputation and the fascism of Ezra Pound destroyed respect for him, it is time to overcome Hannah Arnedt, and to leave her in the dustbin of history, where she belongs. o

12 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012

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The Swiss And Iran

witzerland, a pivotal banking giant and one under whose aegis much international trade is transacted, is crucial in imposing meaningful sanctions on Iran. Swiss dillydallying can do proportionally greater harm than equivocation on part of other States the same size. Unfortunately, the Swiss have long failed to put their money where their mouth often is. They persist in doing the wrong thing or in not doing the right thing despite much sanctimony. Week before last, we were informed that while Switzerland has purportedly extended financial sanctions against Tehran, it stopped short of freezing the assets of the ayatollahs central bank and of imposing an oil embargo in line with actions taken by other Western powers in view of Irans ongoing nuclear project. The Swiss Federal Council did freeze the assets of eight Iranian firms and three Iranian individuals but it did not extend its sanctions to the Iranian central bank, because, in the words of the Swiss Economics Ministry, that bank is important for the Iranian economy. But that is precisely the logic of sanctions to hit Tehran where it hurts, not to lightly rap it on the wrist. The word from Bern is that it would reconsider at a later date whether to ramp up its sanctions. That is bad news, because Switzerland is not one of Irans dubious autocratic hangers-on such as Venezuela or Syria, and it is not a Russian or Chinese ally. Hedging on sanctions by seemingly enlightened Western governments underscores why these sanctions imposed by both the E.U. and U.S. have always looked better on paper than in the real here-and-now. Their major flaw hardly the only one is the probability that not everyone will adhere to them. We arent talking about blatant, provocative defiance, as in the cases of Irans circle of best friends, nor of countries less ideologically confrontational but with various economic and geopolitical axes to grind (such as Russia along with a host of former USSR components, China and other East Asian States). European democracies like Switzerland should for their own good be in the vanguard of the struggle to defend Free World interests against a rogue regime with nuclear ambitions. Currently this struggle is limited to doubtfully adequate measures, making it all the more imC O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 2 9

Sir, Already weeks ago, Israeli President Shimon Peres sent a personal letter to President Barak Obama, asking him to pardon Jonathan Pollard. The first insult came when some White House underling said there has been no change in policy. The letter was for Obama and no one else. Common courtesy requires a reply from Obama himself. The fact that this has not yet happened is an insult to our president and through him to the entire nation. I would hope that for his pride and that of the nation, Peres would decline accepting a U.S. medal if he does not receive a direct reply from Obama. Kurt Simon Jerusalem, Israel Via the Internet Sir, As Holocaust survivors we lived through horrific experiences, lost countless family and friends, and worked hard to rebuild our lives and contribute to our communities. Yet regrettably, many of our fellow survivors are sick and destitute. The Claims Conference, which is charged with the holy task of helping survivors live out their final years in a semblance of dignity, is spending hundreds of millions on projects favored by its non-survi-

vor board members (including concerts and subsidies for entertainment) instead of devoting available funds to essential, lifesaving activities. The emergency committees for the poor in most cases give out no more than $2,500 annually per survivor, which does not even cover a full set of dentures or up-to-date hearing aid. My organization counts over 900 registered members in 16 U.S. states. We hold monthly meetings and issue a monthly newspaper. We are a constituent of the national alliance HSF-USA, the Holocaust Survivors Foundation, with over 20,000 members nationwide. Yet we have no control over the restitution and compensation funds obtained in our names. Leo Rechter New York City, New York The writer is president of NAHOS (National Association of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors) Via the Internet Sir, September 11 was the Islamists Pearl Harbor, their declaration of war against America, Israel and the values of the West. But thats where the analogy ends. During World War II, German-American and Japanese-Americans sympathies (if any) for their homeland were either officially suppressed or selfcensored, while todays defiant Islamists have refused to back down and since 9/12 have been on the offensive out in the open and in our own back yard. Hiding behind our

sacrosanct shield of religion, and abetted by the fantasies, biases and naivet of Western experts, Islam has no reason to be shy and every incentive to spit in our faces. Only question is, willful or unknowing, will our misguided collaboration with them ever end? Dan Friedman New York City, New York Via the Internet Sir, My family likes to enjoy the Passover holiday in Israel. However, in recent years we have stopped participating in the Mimouna, which has become the holiday of the mufleta, or, as you describe it, a North African Jewish pancake. We asked over a dozen people who were celebrating at different locations about the source and meaning of the holiday, and believe it or not almost all spoke enthusiastically only about the mufletot and the other holiday foods (although some went further and noted the dancers that have become such an integral part of the day). In only one newspaper did I find a reference to the source for the holiday and mention of the Rambams father. How sad and painful that in Israel, of all places, the holiday has been so diluted and voided of its essence. Im not at all sure that the Rambam would have placed any emphasis on the mufletot or invited any dancers. A. Ben-Yosef New York City, New York Via the Internet

10 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 13

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positive Memories
Eduardo Eurnekian and Baruch Tenembaum

My Mother: A Heroine Of The Holocaust

Menachem Z. Rosensaft

mong the approximately 58,000 prisoners British troops liberated at the Nazi concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen in Germany on April 15, 1945, were 149 Jewish children whom my mother and a small group of other women inmates had kept alive despite the gruesome conditions that prevailed there. Had my mother not been Jewish, she most certainly would have been honored as a Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem alongside such individuals as Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who gave visas to Jews in Budapest in 1944; Miep Gies, one of the small group of Christians who provided Anne Frank and her family with a hiding place in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam for more than two years until they were betrayed to the Gestapo; and Pastor Andr Trocm of the French village of Le Chambon who inspired his congregants to defy German orders and give shelter to thousands of Jewish refugees. The heroism of those Jewish men and women who risked their own lives to help and save others even during their darkest hours in the concentration- and death camps of the Holocaust deserves equal recognition. One of these altruistic figures was my mother, Dr. Hadassah Rosensaft. On the night of August 3, 1943, when she arrived at the AuschwitzBirkenau death camp, her parents, her first husband and her five-and-ahalf-year-old son were immediately murdered in one of the death camps gas chambers. Two months later, the notorious Joseph Mengele, Birkenaus chief medical officer, assigned my mother, a dentist from the Polish city of Sosnowiec who had studied medicine in France, to work as a doctor in the camps infirmary. Because of her medical training, she was able to save the lives of fellow inmates by performing rudimentary surgeries for them, camouflaging their wounds and sending them out

of the barracks on work detail in advance of selections. In November of the following year, Mengele sent my mother, then Hadassah (Ada) Bimko, and eight other Jewish prisoners of Birkenau as a medical team to Bergen-Belsen, in Germany. Once again, the human potential for good in the face of evil manifested itself. Beginning with 49 Dutch children in December 1944, she organized what became known as a Kinderheim, a childrens home, within the concentration camp. At that time, Hela Los Jafe, one of my mothers fellow inmates, subsequently recalled in Sisters in Sorrow: Voices of Care in the Holocaust by Roger A. Ritvo and Diane M. Plotkin, Bergen-Belsen started to be like Oswiecim [Auschwitz]. Transports came from all over, bringing thousands of people. Ada walked from block to block, found the children, took them, lived with them, and took care of them. Among them were children from Poland, Czechoslovakia and elsewhere who had been brought to Bergen-Belsen from other Nazi concentration camps. Together with a group of other women prisoners, my mother kept 149 Jewish children alive at Bergen-Belsen throughout the bitter winter and early spring of 1945. According to Hela Jafe, The children were very small and sick, and we had to wash them, clothe them, calm them and feed them. . . . Most of them were sick with terrible indigestion, dysentery and diarrhea, and just lay on the bunks. . . . There was little food, but somehow Ada managed to get some special food and white bread from the Germans. . . . Later, there was typhus. . . . Ada was the one who could get injections, chocolate, pills and vitamins. I dont know how she did it. Although most of the children were sick, thanks to Ada nearly all of them survived. Keeping the children alive became a communal endeavor for many of Bergen-Belsens inmates. We sent word of the children to the Jewish men who worked in the SS food depot, my mother wrote in Yesterday,

My Story, her posthumously published memoirs, and they risked their lives daily to steal food and pass it to us under the barbed wire. Jewish prisoners in the camp pharmacy smuggled over medicine for the children. When the children desperately needed warm clothes during the harsh winter months of 1945, my mother recalled, Somebody mentioned that there was a storage room in the camp where clothes taken away from the arriving inmates were kept. I went there with two of the nurses. To my surprise I was greeted and hugged by two Polish women whom I had helped and protected from heavy work in the scabies block in Birkenau. They gave us all the clothes we wanted. In my mothers words, she and the women in her group had been given the opportunity to take care of these abandoned Jewish children, and we gave them all our love and whatever strength was left within us. . . . We talked to them, played with them, tried to make them laugh, listened to them, comforted them when they cried and had nightmares. When they were sick with typhus, we sat beside them telling stories and fairy tales. I sang songs to them in Polish, Yiddish and Hebrew, whatever I remembered, just to calm them until they fell asleep. Where my mother found the strength to help and save others rather than focusing on her own survival has always been a profound mystery to me. Perhaps her devotion to the children at Bergen-Belsen was her way of coping with her inability to protect her own child. In the middle of winter, observed Albert Camus, I found out at last that there was within me an invincible summer.
Menachem Z. Rosensaft is general counsel of the World Jewish Congress and vice president of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants. He teaches about the law of genocide and World War II war-crimes trials at the law schools of Columbia, Cornell and Syracuse universities.

om Hashoah is a sad day of reflection. Our thoughts and innermost feelings reach out to the millions of victims of the Nazi extermination machine. This is natural and understandable. Less so is the fact that we have failed to create a collective memory vis--vis the scores of heroes, women and men, who risked their lives to save others. Not only the almost 25,000 people who were recognized as Righteous among the Nations, but also tens of thousands of rescuers who remain anonymous or who cannot gain such an official recognition because they were Jewish. By Jewish savior we do not mean the trivial case of a Jewish mother who saved her son, but we are talking of a sizable number of Jews who took an extra risk in order to save their sisters and brothers. To be sure, it is absolutely reasonable that the Jewish State pays tribute to the Gentiles who saved Jews during the Holocaust, but inevitably, this creates discrimination. Therefore, we should create a day in which we could celebrate the feats of all those who saved Jews, not only during the Holocaust, but throughout history. This could serve as a precedent for the world at large to institute a Universal Day of Saviors, dedicated to saviors who saved people from all religions and nationalities. Jewish history is packed with tragic events. The exercise of remembering sad moments is important, but so is the need to celebrate and highlight the positive. We know this is not easy, but from the experience we gained at the helm of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, following decades of implementing educational programs, we know for fact younger generations are looking for role models, and what better role models than those who were ready to sacrifice their own lives in order to save others? Isnt it sad that everybody knows who Hitler, Himmler or Eichmann were, but who knows of the tens of thousand of rescuers? We are proud to carry the name of Raoul Wallenberg, the young Swedish diplomat who in less than nine months, from July 1944 to January 1945, was able to rescue tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews. Sad is the fact that he, who saved so many, became himself a victim of oppression. On January 17, 1945, he was imprisoned by the Soviets, and his fate and whereabouts are a mystery even today. He, who saved so many, could not himself be saved. Other heroes acted for longer periods of time; some also paid with their own lives, but unlike Wallenberg they were left in oblivion. All of them made a huge difference. The State of Israel celebrates its Day of Independence immediately after remembering its fallen soldiers, stressing that the building of the nation is owed to these martyrs. Sorrow and joy are almost intertwined. Similarly, Yom Hashoah, which remembers the victims and the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis and their collaborators, should be followed by the Day of the Saviors, which should celebrate the legacies of the heroes who represent the light in the midst of darkness, regardless of their religion, nationality of background. Remembering the tragedies is important. Remembering the rescuers is imperative.
Eduardo Eurnekian and Baruch Tenembaum are the chairman and founder, respectively, of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.

Photo Arne List

14 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 XX
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Sarkozy Falls In First Round Of French Vote,

But Not In Jewish Eyes

Socialist Party candidate Francois Hollande eked out a 1.4 percent victory on Sunday
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ARIS If Isaac Sitrin is worried about being targeted by Jew-hating thugs, then he is hiding it well. After determining that a fellow train passenger is Jewish and willing to lay tefillin, he ushers the passenger to the center of Gare du Nord train station. Praying aloud, Sitrin performs the ritual ceremony as his wife and daughters wait nearby. We feel safer now. [President] Nicolas Sarkozy put cops everywhere and got the killer right away. Many Jews will vote for him after Toulouse, Sitrin says in reference to the slaying of a rabbi and three children last month by a Moslem radical at a Jewish school. But Jewish voters couldnt put incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy over the top in the first round of presidential elections in France. The Socialist Party candidate Francois Hollande eked out a 1.4 percent victory on Sunday over Sarkozy, the center-right president, although Jewish community leaders said Sarkozy was the undisputed favorite among Jewish voters. Hard figures on the Jewish vote are scarce, as French pollsters are not allowed to ask about religion in election surveys, and the number of French Jewish voters is negligible. Jewish representatives and politicians say they would have full confidence in Hollande as president, but not in his political associates. Hollande won 28.6 percent of the vote, Sarkozy had 27.2 percent and Marine Le Pen, leader of the French extreme right, had 18 percent the best showing ever for the National Front par-

ty founded by her father, JeanMarie Le Pen. The second and final round pitting Hollande against Sarkozy is scheduled to take place in two weeks; polls shows Hollande with a commanding lead. In Tel Aviv, voting results released Monday by the French Embassy showed Sarkozy receiving 81 percent of the 9,302 votes cast there. Eight percent voted for Hollande and four percent for Le Pen. Sarkozy, according to Richard Prasquier, president of the umbrella of French Jewish organizations known as CRIF, was the communitys favorite in the 2007 elections because of his firm stance on antiSemitism, positive attitude toward Israel and, perhaps, Sarkozys Jewish grandfather. French Jewry is approximately half-a-million strong, accounting for 0.6 percent of the national electorate, according to a study by the Cevipof polling company. Despite some disappointments during his term, Sarkozy regained the appreciation of the Jewish community with his quick response to the Toulouse shooting last month. French authorities captured and killed the suspected perpetrator within two days, arrested dozens of suspects, barred radical preachers from entering and announced new anti-jihadist legislation. For the general vote, the Toulouse shooting and the appearance of radical Islam in Europe played a minor role. Not so for the Jewish community, said Ivan Rioufol, columnist in the French daily Le Figaro. Sarkozy would have a tough time winning against Hollande,

but it was still be possible, Rioufol added, depending on how the Le Pen voters cast their ballots in the second round. If Hollande is elected president, France would be more politically aligned with the Arab countries, and this could have an effect on its relations with Israel, he said. Hollande represents the center-right wing of the Socialist Party, said Joel Rubinfeld, a Jewish politician from Belgium. If he becomes president, the question for French Jews and for Israel is which wing of the Socialist Party prevails. Prasquier concurs, saying, We have absolutely no problem with Hollande as president, [but] if some leading members of his party appear to be more against Israel than the previous UMP party of Sarkozy, this might have consequences on the general opinion. He added that, traditionally, Jews tended to vote Socialist, but It changed with Sarkozy. In January, Socialist MP Jean Glavany grabbed headlines as the author of a parliamentary report accusing Israel of water apartheid and theft in the Palestinian territories. CRIF rejected the document, calling it biased. The French Jewish weekly Actualite Juive ran interviews with Hollande and Sarkozy last week in which both vowed to fight antiSemitism and support Israel as the Jewish State. Asked whether they regarded Jerusalem as the capital of that State, Sarkozy said Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and the Palestinian State. Hollande said the parties needed to decide on that. On April 2, CRIF organized

XX TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 15
f r a n c e s c e n e

. a meeting in Paris for the community with Pierre Moscovici, national secretary of the Socialist Party. The Socialist Party has many rigorous men and women of principle who are both friendly and demanding when it comes to Israel. They firmly oppose antiSemitism, said Moscovici, who is Jewish. But Professor Shmuel Trigano, an expert in French Jewry and lecturer at Paris-Nanterre University, speaks of a near total silence of the Socialist Party on hundreds of antiSemitic attacks. In parallel, he complains of disproportionate criticism of Israel. Still, many Jews are displeased with Sarkozy. A study of Jewish voters by Cevipof showed that over the past two years, Sarkozys approval rating has dropped 19 percentage points among Jews from 62 percent in 2007-09 to 43 percent in 2009-11. Among nonJews, Sarkozys popularity fell by 14 percentage points, to 32 percent in January. Prior to the election, Philippe Karsenty, a Jewish-French politician and media analyst said, There isnt a single candidate the Jews can wholly welcome. Sarkozy has some responsibility for what happened in Toulouse because he let anti-Zionist propaganda of the French public media outlets grow. K arsenty, who has long claimed that a France 2 television report on the killing of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, Mohammed al-Dura, in Gaza in 2000 was doctored to blame his death on Israel, accuses Sarkozy of helping Al Jazeera spread the kind of radicalism that caused the Toulouse massacre. Last year, the Al Jazeera network bought media rights from the Union of European Football Associations to screen most championship soccer matches in France. The deal came at the expense of the previous rights owner, the French pay-television channel Canal+. The French government has considerable clout over UEFA. The same imams Sarkozy banned deliver their message to France through Al Jazeera in Arabic, Karsenty says. The French government should not be encouraging that. Sarkozy has disappointed the French Jewish community in other ways, too: the French vote in favor of Palestinian membership in UNESCO, condemnations of Israeli settlements and when he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar. That disappointment may partly explain an apparent shift in how some Jews view the National Front, Frances largest right-wing party. On March 27, the French branch of the Jewish Defense League publicly expressed support for the antiMoslem party, which has a history of antiSemitism. An important National Front delegation visited the Grande Synagogue de la Victoire in Toulouse, the branchs website said. Founded in the 1970s by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, JDL is considered a terrorist group in the U.S. but is legal in France. Amnon Cohen, JDLs Paris spokesman, says it has dozens of activists. Cohen says the National Front isnt perfect but isnt dangerous. Well work with those willing to fight the Islamic threat. Since assuming the leadership of the National Front last year, Marine Le Pen has distanced herself from the antiSemitic rhetoric of her father and predecessor, who has called the Holocaust a detail in history and been convicted several times in France for Holocaust denial. Jean-Marie Le Pen also said the German occupation of France was not particularly inhumane. Marine Le Pen, by contrast, has reached out to French Jews and Israelis, describing them as natural allies. Even before that, in 2007, the National Front received nearly five percent of the Jewish vote. Michel Zerbib, a radio journalist for Radio J, the French Jewish radio station, says the Toulouse shooting could bring more Jews to vote Le Pen. They would be protest votes by Jews who feel abandoned, he says. More Jews feel like that after Toulouse and they are seriously thinking about emigrating to Israel. o

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16 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 21
s e c u r i t y

Security And Defense: Meet The Cyber Defenders

Yaakov Katz

An exclusive look at soldiers trained to prevent infiltrations of the most classified networks

ERUSALEM Its August 2013. IDF tanks and armored personnel carriers are taking up positions throughout southern Lebanon following a series of Scud missile attacks on Tel Aviv. The forces are gearing up to conquer over 100 villages where Military Intelligence says Hezbollah has deployed its guerrillas and rocket launchers. Days earlier, Israel Air Force F-16s and F-15s bombed hundreds of targets throughout northern Lebanon, taking out the vast majority of Hezbollahs long-range missiles, supplied by Iran and Syria. The infantry and armored battalions had trained for this day for years. Commanders carefully studied the failures of the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and stressed the need for interoperability between the IDFs various branches air, sea and land. The years of training and the unprecedented investment in technology was about to pay off with the largest joint air-naval-ground campaign in Israeli history.

Illustration Val B. Mina

But then, something went wrong. Just as the chief of staff was about to give the attack order, the screens in the tanks and the APCs on which soldiers can see the positions of friendly and enemy forces flickered

for a second and went blank. Attack helicopters hovering above to provide air support suddenly lost communication with troops below and back in the underground command center in the Kirya in Tel Aviv, the chief of

Safety never felt so good

staff was wiping the sweat from his brow as he looked at a row of screens suddenly overtaken by gray-and-white static. This scenario is Israels nightmare, one that top IDF officers admit causes them to lose sleep at night. In simple terms it is the possibility that IDF networks will be hacked by someone searching for information. In more complicated terms, it could mean that Israels en-

emies will not only infiltrate a network but will also try to shut it down or take it over. Can this happen? No one really knows. Do Israels enemies have the capability to do this today? Also an unknown; but even if this is not the case, they could . . . one day and the IDF needs to be ready. The threat is growing, a senior officer from the C4I (command, control, communications, computers and intelligence) Directorate explains. The more we, as a military, rely on communications and computer networks, the more vulnerable we become. Understanding the magnitude of this evolving threat, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz ignored governmentsanctioned budget cuts earlier this year and approved a special multi-year budget program aimed at bolstering Israels cyber capabilities offensive and defensive. Last week, this reporter was provided an exclusive look at one of the newest and most classified units in the IDF the Cyber Defense Division. Established a year ago, the division made history last Tuesday with the graduation of its first course of Cyber Defenders, the term the army has given to this new, revolutionary military role. The 30 soldiers who completed the 15-week course will be dispersed throughout the IDFs branches where they will

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24 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 17
s e c u r i t y

prowl computer networks in an effort to prevent and detect infiltrations. Our purpose is to create a capability for the IDF to confront threats developing in the cyber world and to enable the IDF to defend itself from disruptions to its operational procedures, Col. D., commander of the Cyber Defense Division, said in a rare interview. The decision to establish the division was made in 2010 by Gantz, who then served as deputy chief of staff under Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi had asked Gantz to conduct a review of the IDFs cyber capabilities and to consider how to better organize them. One possibility was to follow the United States and NATO who had established dedicated cyber commands. Ultimately, however, Gantz and Ashkenazi decided to divide the responsibilities between the C4I Directorate and Military Intelligence. Military Intelligence Unit

8200, the equivalent of the U.S. National Security Agency and already responsible for signal intelligence, eavesdropping on the enemy and code decryption, was entrusted with offensive cyber capabilities. Defense was put in the hands of D. and his new division in the C4I Directorate. The branches work closely together and rely heavily on each others input and experience. The Cyber Defense Division, for example, receives intelligence on enemy cyber capabilities from Military Intelligence, and Unit 8200 looks to the C4I Directorate for technical guidance. The C4I Directorate also established a cyber war room in the Kirya military headquarters where officers can keep an eye on the armys various networks. Currently, the directorate is developing a new command-and-control system that will enable it to oversee all of the main networks at once without

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needing to look at each one individually. The importance of this unit for the IDF was demonstrated in the decision to allow D. to recruit soldiers into the Cyber Defenders course who have a highenough profile to serve in combat units. Once accepted, the soldiers sign on for an additional yearand-a-half on top of their three years of compulsory service. The soldiers are like hunters, said Col. D. They go on patrols and conduct surveillance just like soldiers do in the air, on the ground and at sea, although with different weapons. One of them, U., said that while he was interested in computers in high school he never realized that his new job would be so important and interesting. Another soldier, S. the only woman in the course wanted to serve in a combat unit but after she was offered the post decided to accept. Without a strong defense, the offense will not be worth as much, she explained. If you dont protect your information your attempted attack might not be successful. Israels expertise in cyber warfare comes from defense industries that are built on graduates of some of the IDFs elite technological units as well as from IDF units where capabilities are developed in-house. Everyone agrees that cyber warfare is still in its early stages but is quickly developing.

Stuxnet, the virus Israel was reported by foreign sources to have used to attack Irans uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, has been likened to a bomb and reports of additional viruses have surfaced. One of the divisions greatest challenges, though, is in trying to predict the future what type of capabilities Israels enemies are developing and how they will be used to attack IDF networks. The challenge is to accurately be able to tell what tomorrow will bring, D. explained. We need to prepare for the next war, not the one that we already fought. While the IDF refuses to comment on whether cyber att ack s have a l ready oc curred, there are believed to

be attempts some sophisticated and some not almost every day. D. said he will not be able to declare success until the real test takes place. The units new insignia, though, provides the answer as to how D. would like that test to end it shows a globe being struck by lightning. The lightning, however, fails to penetrate and instead shatters into pieces. That is what we are supposed to do, he said with a smile.
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18 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 17
c o m m a n d & c o n t r o l

Sheer Willpower, Limitless Optimism And Total Lack Of Fear

A reporter goes on patrol in Hebron with a deputy-commander of the IDFs Judea Division and learns his incredible life story
Yaakov Lappin EBRON A green bulletproof army jeep snakes along the narrow streets of Hebrons Old City as the sun sets over the ancient, disputed city, perched high up in the hills. Lt.-Col. Shahar Spada, deputy-commander of the IDFs Judea Brigade, is at the wheel. Respect is not guaranteed by rank. These marks on my shoulder dont mean a thing, Spada says as the jeep passes by hardened Palestinian youths loitering on a street corner. Respect is earned, Spada continues. Its how you behave personally with the soldiers under your command that counts, the example you set. The ultimate worth of a commander is measured by how his soldiers conduct themselves in his absence. Minutes later, he is out of his jeep, greeting young soldiers warmly, patting them on the back and asking them how they are. Spada is a powerfully-built man who exudes optimism. Neither of these attributes can be taken for granted, in light of his life story. It is difficult, if not impossible to hear Spadas story without being overwhelmed with a feeling of respect. Fifteen years ago, Spada was a young paratrooper on patrol in southern Lebanon, two years before Israels withdrawal from its security zone in the land of cedars. An explosive device went off nearby, causing him severe shrapnel wounds. He suffered a punctured lung, a broken collar bone and multiple deep shrapnel penetrations to his back. Spada somehow survived the incident, but the IDF was convinced that his career in the armed forces had come to an end.

Jewish boys play at Hebrons Jewish Quarter

Spada, however, had other ideas. I believe in willpower. If you want to get it done, nothing can get in your way, he says. He spent the next 26 months rehabilitating himself, swimming laps in a pool and, eventually, jogging. He rebuilt himself back up from scratch. The first time I cried was from the frustration I felt when the IDF called me to say I would be discharged because of my injuries, he recalls. It was like a knife to the heart. Spada admits that everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to go back, including then-President Ezer Weizman, who visited him personally. Spada fought tooth-and-nail against the decision to discharge him, arguing with seven army medical committees before finally being approved for service by an eighth committee, a

day he describes as one of the happiest in his life. We have no other country, he says, summing up the motivation for his actions. I took no disability benefits, nothing from this country, he says. As long as I can stand on my feet, and as long as I have the family G-d gave me, I have everything I need. Back in the army, Spada quickly rose through the ranks, passing a commanders course. His motivation for becoming a commander, he said, was the unparalleled satisfaction of leading soldiers in the defense of their country. He was in the thick of the fighting during Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, taking part in intense urban warfare against Palestinian gunmen and suicide bombers in Nab-

lus, Kalkilya and Tulkarm, when one night he received a call from the army informing him that a suicide bomber was heading toward an Israeli target. I learned the details [en route]. The adrenaline was [running] high. We captured him, with the explosives, he says. As fighting erupted across the West Bank, Spada married the woman with whom he would go on to have four daughters. An officer who had been a guest at his wedding was killed in a firefight just two days after the ceremony. Few stories encapsulate the proximity of ordinary family events and extreme violence that characterize Spadas life as much as the events that unfolded on the night before his first baby-daughters naming ceremony.

In the middle of the night, Spada was called out with his unit to Kalkilya to intercept a terrorist. A firefight ensued, and his subordinate was shot in the leg. Spada saw the wound was not life threatening, borrowed his subordinates bulletproof vest and charged into the battle zone, exchanging fire with the terrorist before shooting him dead. Soon afterward, Spada returned to his home, where his anxious wife was waiting. I asked her to give me a haircut because I looked a mess, he says. I can go from zero to 100 in seconds, says Spada, acknowledging, though, that this ability to spring into action was earned at a high cost. In the summer of 2006, Spada was studying Middle Eastern affairs at Bar-Ilan University when he heard that another war had broken out. He rushed to join Israels paratroopers, entering southern Lebanon once more to fight against Hezbollah terrorists in house-to-house combat. Today, Spada is deputy commander of the Judea Brigade, which is tasked with securing Hebron, one of the most complex and difficult-to-defend areas in the West Bank, where Israelis and Palestinians live practically on one anothers doorsteps. The religious, conservative city is a Hamas stronghold, and the calm there is deceptive. It can easily erupt, and an attack could occur without leaving an intelligence signature, Spada warns. People dont stop thinking about launching attacks and we dont stop thinking about preventing them, he says. Now is a period of calm, but the motivaEstablished 1887

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TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 19


tion for attacks hasnt dropped. So what is stopping a Palestinian gunman from climbing a hill or mounting a rooftop in the city and opening fire? Spada says its the deterrence his force has created, by making terror cells wholly uncertain about when and from where IDF soldiers will emerge. Its the uncertainty that we aim for. We work for this all the time. We create it, and its our defense. he explains. The gunman will think that he cant shoot from this spot because he saw an IDF patrol pass by at 2

a.m. and again at 8 a.m., and he is entirely unsure about when and how many soldiers could appear next. Naturally, intelligence plays a crucial role as well, Spada notes. When attacks do slip through, Spada cannot help but hold himself accountable, he says. How did I miss this? Thats what I ask myself. Throughout all of the gun battles, the struggle to recover from his injuries, and his day-to-day security missions, Spada says he has not fallen prey to fear except on one occasion, which ocClassiC Pre-War Park avenue Condo

curred far from the traditional battlefield. Spada was in Jerusalem with his wife in December 2001 when they were caught up by chance in the midst of one of the most brutal suicide bombing attacks Israel had ever seen, involving two suicide bombers on foot and one more in a vehicle. The target: civilians at Jerusalems Zion Square. He and his wife were visiting the area when the first blast went off. Spada instinctively drew his firearm and ran toward the attack, instructing his wife to stay

in their vehicle. As he made his way toward the blast site, he heard two more blasts. Spada ran back to his car and was horrified to discover that his wife was not there. He began frantically searching for her, while also encountering seriously injured people, taking off his belt and shoelaces to tourniquet their wounds. I jumped over dead bodies and helped the injured, all the while asking, where is my wife? he recalls.

Fortunately, he later found her safe and well. Ten people were murdered and 155 were injured in that attack. Spadas life experience has left him convinced that jihadi terrorism can be stopped. The army can do better than them, he says, noting the steep drop in such attacks since the bad old days of the second intifada. People come here to Hebron and feel safe, he says. Thats my mission. Jerusalem Post

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20 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012
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TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 21

Marc Schneier continuedfrompage23

make such dialogue chic and in vogue. When it becomes a popular cause clbre, people will begin to ask how to get involved, and his efforts will snowball. This, he believes, has already begun. However, understanding is enough without reciprocity, he says. We have to get way beyond dialogue, and that is our sign of success, he continues. The barometer of how true and authentic the dialogue is, is if Moslem leaders speak out against [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad and other antiSemitic leaders. When he saw imams, graduates of the European expansion of his North and South American programs, marching in solidarity with leaders of the Jewish community following the recent massacre that a radical Islamist wrought at Frances Ozar Hatorah school, he believed his efforts had begun to bear fruit. The essence of my work is not about dialogue. I have little patience and tolerance for an exchange of pleasantries, he explains. My work is about fighting for the other; Jews fighting for Moslems and Moslems for Jews. Several times during our conversation he repeats the same mantra: [A] people who fight for their own rights are only as honorable as those who fight for the rights of all people. As such, he explains, he expects Moslems involved in his initiative to speak out against antiSemitism and Holocaust denial, just as he expects Jews to speak out against anti-Moslem bigotry. During his conferences, for example, he says that you have to come in with a report as to what your community has done. Its not just being invited to a conference. One example of his programs results, he says, occurred several years ago, when a group of students from the Palestinian Authority on an educational trip to the U.S. visited a Holocaust museum, and both Fatah and Hamas protested to the United Nations agency that had arranged the trip. After contacting the Islamic Society of North America a group that itself has been accused of ties to terrorism Schneier says that he was able to convince the Islamic organization to protest directly, on behalf of American Islam, to the various Palestinian factions that took issue with Holocaust education. Meanwhile, as his organizations efforts at twinning mosques and synagogues and bringing communities closer together have expanded to South America, Europe, and soon Australia and New Zealand, he is now turning to Israel. During this trip, he says, he plans on meeting with senior Druze members of the government to see about twinning mosques and synagogues here in Israel. While the Druze are not, strictly speaking, Moslem, they love the concept, he says. The concept makes so much sense; even if minimally you have a rabbi speak at a mosque and an imam at a synagogue, this is in itself a significant development. Returning to his larger goal the organization of his upcoming Bahraini conference he concludes that what Id like to do is identify 10 leading rabbis around the world and 10 leading Moslem clerics and go to Bahrain, but I havent begun to think about the composition of the group yet. However, with the kings blessing, he likely will soon.
Jerusalem Post

Gibson frompage25
and powerful agent Ari Emanuel called for a Gibson boycott. When they were the only big names to speak out, former AOL Time Warner Vice Chairman Mel Adelson took out a large ad in the Los Angeles Times protesting the silence of many top Jewish Hollywood executives. But by 2011, when Warner Bros. agreed to do Judah Maccabee with Gibson, it seemed all was forgiven. Despite their support of Gibson, however, many in Hollywood also said they didnt know why Warner Bros. had decided in the first place to let Gibson make a film about Judah Maccabee, the great Jewish warrior who fought and prevailed against a Hellenistic ruler who wanted to force the Jews to renounce their faith. Sharon Waxman, a veteran correspondent for the Washington Post and the New York Times who now runs, said she confronted a senior Warner Bros. executive when she first heard about the planned film. I said to him, what were you thinking? said Waxman, who was raised as an Orthodox Jew and whose site is where Eszterhas letter and an audiotape of Gibsons most recent rants were leaked. He said something about the studio believing in forgiveness. But its still a mystery to me. Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said last September that letting Gibson direct Judah Maccabee would be like casting Bernie Madoff to be the head of the Securities and Exchange. Now, he says simply, everyone should have known. This is the story of an unrepentant antiSemite whos a worldrenowned actor, Hier said. How did he get Warner Bros. to agree to do this film? I think he reached out to rabbis and

used them to soften up the studio. There are some who felt his 2006 apology was sincere. I never thought it was sincere. For now, Warner Bros. spokesman Paul McGuire said the studio is analyzing what to do with the Judah Maccabee project. But studio sources say privately that the film has been shelved. A source in Gibsons camp said Gibson is determined to move forward with Judah Maccabee on his own, financing and developing it the way he did with Passion, which became an unexpected hit. Gibson has said that hes been working on the Maccabee project for more than eight years and that it predates the 2006 DUI scandal. Jay Sanderson, who spent 25 years as a TV and documentary producer in Hollywood before becoming president of the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles, said he didnt believe that Gibson has been developing the film for a long time. I would make a large wager that hes not going to make this movie, Sanderson said. Of course, the people close to Mel are going to say that hes going ahead and will make it just to show his supposed sincerity. Sanderson said Gibsons antiSemitism is legendary and no one could have been more inappropriate to make a film about Judah Maccabee. But I also understand in some ways why it happened, he said. Its a great story and this is the man who made Braveheart. Mels always had a great relationship with Warner Bros. And dont forget Hollywood is a place where people want to avoid making the wrong enemies. Mel is more of a wrong enemy. There is no star arguably less likely than Gibson to direct a film about Judah the Maccabee. Gibson belongs to a conservative sect called traditionalist Catholic that is not recognized by the Vatican in part because it adheres to Catholicism as it was
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practiced before the reforms instituted by Vatican II in the early 1960s. During Good Friday services in the old liturgy, traditionalists still read a prayer in which they pray that Jews will recognize Christianity. In 2003, Gibson said there is no salvation for anyone outside the Church, including his thenwife, Robyn, a devout Episcopalian, in that category. Gibsons father, Hutton Gibson, is also a traditionalist but is associated with an even more extreme group within the sect, Sedevacantism. He is also a Holocaust denier. Gibson has never renounced his fathers views or specifically said whether or not he is a Sedevacantist, but he has said that the Holocaust did happen and that it was an atrocity. In 2006, the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report based on a three-year investigation into so-called radical traditionalist Catholics that focused on Hutton Gibson, whom they called an important player in this shadowy world. These Catholic extremists, including the Gibsons, wrote investigator Heidi Beirich, may well represent the largest population of antiSemites in the U.S. Hutton Gibson does the circuit and hes featured at a lot of events, Beirich said. Hes beloved by antiSemites, Holocaust deniers and extreme anti-government activists. Mel Gibson built his own traditionalist church in the Malibu hills that is so private and secretive that no one knows what goes on inside it, Beirich said. But we do know his views are antiSemitic, even if they dont line up with his fathers, Beirich said of Mel Gibson. The alcohol defense is ridiculous. You dont bash Jews just because you get drunk. This idea of forgiveness and giving second chances to him is [a] bad one. When you start OKing antiSemitism and racism, you end up in a very bad place. o

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22 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 XX
h a b r o m o o k s n y

rabbi marc schneier and Imam shamsi ali

The Minyan In The


a m s o k o l

A look at Marc Schneiers work in building bridges between the Am and the Umma

n the Dan Accadia Hotels beachfront dining room, Marc Schneier leans back and pontificates. However, he is not discussing issues of global import or tolerance, the topics that have brought this reporter to this Herzliya resort to meet with the New York-based rabbi. Whats wrong? he asks. You arent eating your breakfast. Showing his concern that a reporter eat a hearty meal while in conversation, Schneier exhibits a bit of the charisma that has drawn so many of the rich and famous to his congregation in Westhampton, Long Island. A somewhat controversial figure, he is nonetheless a formidable presence, as well as, he says, an 18th-generation rabbi. He has agreed to speak over breakfast to discuss his latest high-profile venture, a program of his Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) aimed at bridging the gap between Jewish and Moslem communities throughout the world. Schneier a vice president of the World Jewish Congress, which actively works with his foundation is currently collaborating with King Hamad Isa al-Khalifa of Bahrain to organize the first internation-

al interfaith conference between rabbis and Moslem clerics in the Arab world, which is to take place in Manama. He says that while he came to Israel on holiday, its still a working vacation: He met with President Shimon Peres for a private consultation almost immediately after his arrival week before last. Having worked for years with hip-hop producer and Def Jam Records founder Russell Simmons his co-chair at the FFEU on African American-Jewish relations, he recalls when there came a point when Simmons told me that there is not much left to do regarding bringing about blackJewish reconciliation. Mission accomplished. Looking for his next task, Schneier decided that the No. 1 challenge in inter-religious dialogue for the Jews and one of the great challenges facing the world was bringing about a reconciliation between Jews and Moslems worldwide. While Islamic communities in the United States are markedly different from the mainstream African-American community, he says that many of the same elements arise and that the techniques he has learned in his tolerance efforts in one community extend to others as well. While his father, Arthur, is fa-

mous within the Jewish community for his work within Christian-Jewish relations and for hosting Pope Benedict XVI at the Park East Synagogue, Schneier says that there is a great difference between ChristianJewish dialogue and his own work. Judaism and Islam are more similar than Judaism and Christianity, he explains. Speaking as an Orthodox rabbi, it is [in some ways] much easier to involve Orthodox colleagues in this dialogue because you dont have the same restrictions [we] can walk into a mosque. In many respects its more inviting and welcoming, at least from the point of view [of Jewish law]. This is a fact that he says he finds an ironic twist, given many American Christians affinity for Israel, and the antipathy toward the Jewish State prevalent in many Islamic communities. Recalling the first meeting of imams and rabbis that he organized, at the imposing edifice of the Islamic Cultural Center on New Yorks wealthy Upper East Side, the rabbi says that as the first rabbi to speak in this mosque, he was overwhelmed by the number of Orthodox Jews, charedi Jews, who came to the mosque to hear me speak.

Photo Richard Drew

20 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 23
h a b r o m o o k n s y

However, he says, many members of his congregation were at first reluctant to enter the mosque. Congregants asked him about issues of security and whether they would have a guard accompanying them. Ironically, he notes, many of the Moslem worshipers asked the same questions regarding the Orthodox visitors. At a certain point during the meeting, the Islamic hosts decided that it was time to pray one of the five daily services mandated in the Koran, leaving the Jewish participants to their own devices. One rabbi, Schneier wryly recounts, noted that the time for the afternoon Mincha prayer had arrived as well and, citing Jewish legal authority and philosopher Maimonides, stated that it was permitted to hold Jewish services in a mosque. As the Moslems prayed, so did their Jewish guests, only feet away. Before getting into more details regarding the programs that stemmed from this beginning, Schneier feels obliged to point out that the famous ban that his own rabbi, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik of Yeshiva University, placed on theological discourse with others does not apply to Islam.

From the start, Schneier understood that much of his work would at first involve identifying those Moslem clerics and rabbis upon whom a foundation for future efforts could be erected. Avoiding Islamic radicals, such as community groups like the Council for American Islamic Relations, he sought out what he calls mainstream religious leaders. It is all new territory, how to define who is mainstream, he says. I had to identify the ones who would even agree to sit down. In 2007, he convened the first major summit of imams and rabbis from major cities in the U.S. and Canada. We were building up this whole foundation of MoslemJew involvement [and] needed to identify imams and rabbis who would be committed to this ongoing activity. That was [only] step one. At the conclusion of the inaugural conference, the united clerics called for an initiative in which 25 mosques would twin with synagogues. This program, which ended up beginning with over 50 mosques, enabled rabbis and imams to exchange pulpits and to introduce their communities to each other on both a leadership and

a grassroots level, Schneier believes. Calling Moslems and Jews family, he recalls that at his first meeting with the king of Bahrain arranged by the kingdoms Jewish woman ambassador to Washington, Houda Nonoo the king told him he saw the Jews as cousins and called the Middle East conflict a family spat. The king, he says, has indicated his interest in bringing more Jewish tourism into his country. The rabbi is also co-authoring a book with the Islamic Cultural Centers Imam Mohammed Shamsi Ali, provisionally entitled Jews and Moslems: Can We Trust the Other? It is trust, he asserts, that must be the basis for any future peace between Arab and Jew. While saying that he does not wish to sound Pollyannaish, he does believe that you can have all the overtures for peace between Arabs and Jews, and Moslems and Jews, and you can sign treaties tomorrow, but how do you implement and execute them if you dont trust the other? The first step in the process is for Moslems and Jews to meet one another. His second goal, he says, is to
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TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 25

After Great Spat, Hollywood Jews Stand By Gibson On Judah Maccabee

Dana Kennedy OLLYWOOD Jews run Hollywood, the old clich goes. So an outsider might find it strange that one of Hollywoods biggest studios, Warner Bros., agreed to make a movie about one of the Jewish worlds greatest heroes with a star known for going on antiSemitic tirades. And when the plans to film Judah Maccabee fell apart this month, igniting a feud between producer Mel Gibson and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas that involved more accusations of antiSemitism, Hollywood again went for Mel. A number of industry figures interviewed, including lawyers, studio execs and publicists all Jewish and a number of whom come from families who survived the Holocaust or fled the Nazis defended Gibson over the Hungarian-born Eszterhas. Almost to a man, however, they declined to be quoted by name as is typical in Hollywood. Veteran producer Mike Medavoy, whose parents fled to Shanghai in the 1920s to escape the Russian pogroms, has known Gibson and Eszterhas for decades. Both have issues, he said, but he has a softer spot for Gibson. I really believe that everyone deserves a second chance, Medavoy said. I want to give Mel the benefit of the doubt. I think Mels problem is hes a lit-

A cross-section of Hollywood film industry figures overwhelmingly defend Mel Gibson over Hungarian-born screenwriter Joe Eszterhas


A source in Gibsons camp said Gibson is determined to move forward with Judah Maccabee on his own, financing and developing it the way he did with Passion, which became an unexpected hit
tle immature and cant handle his anger. Alan Nierob, Gibsons longtime publicist and the son of Holocaust survivors, has always stood by his client. The loyalty to Gibson of some in Hollywood comes despite the controversy over his controversial portrayal of Jews in the 2004 film The Passion, his rant against Jews following a drunk driving arrest in 2006, and his violent threats and accusations against an ex-companion that were leaked online in 2010. Also that year, Jewish actress Winona Ryder said that Gibson had called her an oven dodger at a party in the mid-1990s. The latest flap erupted when Eszterhas, who once was one of Hollywoods flashiest screenwriters but hasnt had a hit since 1997, accused Gibson of only pretending to be developing a movie about Judah Maccabee to help Gibsons own image in the Jewish community. Eszterhas accused Gibson of setting him up hiring him to write the script and then rejecting it not because it wasnt good, but because Gibson actually hates Jews and never wanted to make the movie in the first place.

In his detailed nine-page letter that was leaked to TheWrap. com, Eszterhas said that while working with Gibson, the star continually called Jews Hebes, and even oven dodgers and Jewboys. You said most gatekeepers of American companies were Hebes who controlled their bosses, Eszterhas wrote to Gibson. He also described Gibson as erupting in almost psychotic rages in which he railed about his ex-companion, Oksana Grigorieva, intimating he wanted her dead. Gibson wrote a letter back to Eszterhas saying that his claims were utter fabrications and threatened to sue Eszterhas for releasing the audiotapes. Gibsons defenders suggested that Eszterhas attacks were exaggerations or lies meant to deflect from Gibsons claim that Eszterhas script wasnt any good and thats why it was rejected by Warner Bros. Through Nierob, Gibson declined to be interviewed for this story. Eszterhas said for this article that he stands behind the letter I wrote to Mel. Not everyone in Hollywoods Jewish establishment has stood by Gibson. After Gibsons antiSemitic tirade in 2006, Sony Pictures co-chairwoman Amy Pascal spoke out against him
C O N T I N U E D O N PAG E 2 1

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26 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 11
n i g H t m a r e s

OLON, Israel The year was 1945, and Isabella Rubinstein was angry. Irma Grese, a notorious female guard at Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp where Rubinstein was a prisoner for two years, was on trial, and the survivor wanted to see her former tormentor writhing in pain. So she penned a piece describing Greses iniquity in detail, and the punishment she thought she deserved, and sent it to the Palestine Post. We, your victims, do not want you to die, read the letter addressed to Grese, which the newspaper ran in full on October 29, 1945. We would much rather that you live, as we had to, with billows of filthy black smoke from the chimneys of the crematoria constantly before your eyes. We want to see you dragging heavy stones, barefoot and in rags. We want to see you beaten, cruelly and mercilessly as you, cruel and without mercy, beat us. We want you to go so hungry that you cannot sleep at night, as we could not. We want to see your blonde hair shaved off, as you made us shave our heads. Monday before last, 66 years later, Batsheva Dagan formerly Isabella Rubinstein explained why she would not

Holocaust survivor Lets go,

67 Years Later
G i l S h e f l e r

Batsheva Dagan says she is amazed to reread the fire-and-brimstone letter she published in 1945 addressed to a notorious Nazi female guard at the Auschwitz death camp

write the same letter today. Such a letter I would not be able to write and Im amazed when I read it, said the diminutive woman in an interview held in the flower-filled living room of her apartment in Holon. Its main issue was revenge, revenge, revenge. In the decades since Dagan wrote her tirade, she has led a full and happy life. She married, raised a family, had a meaningful career as an educator and published prose and verse about her experiences during the Holocaust. Last Wednesday evening, the 87-year-old author was among the six survivors honored by lighting a torch during the State ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Dagan is the first to admit she has been lucky. I even have a lucky number, she said and rolled up her sleeve revealing the number 45554, which the Nazis tattooed on her left arm as a means of identification. Its a palindrome. Dagan was born in 1925 in Lodz, the eighth of nine children. When the Nazis invaded Poland in September 1939, her large family scattered. One brother went to Palestine, another joined the Polish Brigade, others sought refuge in the Soviet Union. Dagan moved with

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12 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 27
n i g H t m a r e s

a Letter to irma grese, Published in 1945

By Schutzhaeftling No. 45554 Frau Aufseherin Grese, You are on trial and a Major Winwood is your defense counsel. I am one of your victims, by some stroke of luck, one of the few to survive, and I cannot understand why you, the terror of Oswiecim, should have been granted the protection of the law to that extent. You were responsible for the destruction of so many lives, that it is hardly possible that there can be any justification for your deeds, which brought sorrow and torture to so many thousands. You will no doubt plead that you were under orders, bound to obey the SS formation of which you were a member. But there can be no excuse for the new tortures and forms of persecution which you evolved, no justification for the way in which you gave rein to your beastly sadism. We still await the verdict. her parents and younger siblings to the relative safety of the central Polish city of Radom. My father heard they were setting up a ghetto in Lodz and You may have to face a firing squad or you may be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Even so, your victims will not consider that justice has been done. Only if you are made to suffer as you made others suffer can it be said that justice will have been done. We, your victims, do not want you to die. We would much rather that you live, as we had to, with billows of filthy black smoke from the chimneys of the crematoria. We want to see you dragging heavy stones, barefoot and in rags. We want to see you beaten, cruelly and mercilessly, as you, cruel and without mercy, beat us. We want to watch you being jeered at, as you jeered and mocked us in our despair. We want you to go so hungry that you cannot sleep at night, as we could not. We want to see your blonde hair shaved off, as you made us shave our heads. You, too, must be forced to look on while those who are dear to you are burned to death. he didnt like the sound of it, she said, so we moved to Radom and were spared being put in one for a little over a year. But in 1940, a ghetto was set We want to see you, the handsome girl, degenerate into a muselweib, a bag of skin and bones, through hunger and exhaustion, like those of us who were jeered at and called by this name. You too should be turned over to the Himmelskommando who will show you, as they showed us, the road to heaven through the gas chambers. Let them push you alive into the furnace of the crematorium, as they did with so many of us. All these things have been done to countless thousands of us, your victims. Only if they are done to you in your turn will justice have been done. You made us suffer the torments of hell. Now it is our turn to hate you and to cry out for revenge. Achtung, Frau Aufseher Grese kommt! [Attenshun! Warder Grese is coming]. I shall never forget the terror that this command struck in our hearts. I shall remember you as you strutted through the camp in your SS uniform, up in Radom and life suddenly became mean. You would not believe the deprivation, the lows that humans can sink to, she said. that enormous dog by your side which you used to love to set on us just for fun. I shall always remember your gleaming and elegant jackboots, and the way you kicked us with them. I was one of thousands. The number they gave me, No. 45554, is tattooed on my arm and will go with me to my grave. There I was, a dirty grey rag tied round my shaved head, wearing the trousers of a Red Army soldier who had been tortured to death, and a ragged shirt, bearing on it my number and a Shield of David. As you came along, I stood stiffly to attention, though my feet could scarcely bear the weight of my body, emaciated though it was I wore wooden clogs, both for the left foot and far too big. I had to wind rags around my feet and the rags were torn talleisim, the prayer shawls of my religion. The clogs tore at my feet, but the ragged talleisim tore at my heart. What did you care about all this? You walked through our lines like a tyrant, Dagan joined the ghettos resistance movement and on one occasion traveled under the guise of a gentile to Warsaw where she personally delivered your hands gloved so as not to come into contact with us even when you whipped us. Did you never feel the burning hate that smoldered in the thousands of eyes fixed upon you? By some good fortune I escaped the gas chambers and the Himmelskommando. I am alive and free. I look like an ordinary human being again. Even my hair has grown. I wear shoes that fit, socks of the same color, clean linen and an ordinary frock, without stripes, without a number and without the Shield of David. But on my arm I still carry my prison number 45554 for no one and nothing can erase that. I am not ordered to go at the double. I am not guarded by a sentry. I am free to come and go as I will. Sometimes I wake while it is still dark, thinking for a few brief seconds that I have to be on parade at 6 a.m. But, thanks be to G-d, those days have gone. I can speak to a man without beC O N T i N U e D O N PAG e 2 8

a dispatch to Mordechai Anielewicz, the heroic leader of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and then back again. When, in 1942, the Radom ghetto was

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28 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 11
n i g H t m a r e s

about to be liquidated, she escaped using fake documents. She took on the identity of a nonJewish maid and went to work for a family in Germany. I worked for a fervently Nazi family where I took care of two teenagers, she recalled. Many years after the war I met them in Hamburg. The daughter was very cold to me, but the son was warm. They could not believe I survived. Her ruse did not last long. Her real identity was discovered by the Gestapo and she was sent to Auschwitz in April 1943. There, she survived the worst horrors imaginable. She was given tasks like collecting prickly nettles, which were used to make tea, barehanded, and removing precious items from the bodies of those killed in the gas chambers. She survived by

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relying on the camaraderie of a group of eight women and a strict regimen of self-discipline. The most important thing was the suspension of gratification, she said. Those who ate everything they had did not last but those who put a little on the side did better. When the Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945, Dagan was forced on a death march to Germany, where she worked at two labor camps. Liberation came only in April 1945. After the war Dagan quickly made aliyah thanks to her husband, a British army soldier she met in Brussels. She was one of the first survivors of the Holocaust to arrive in Palestine, where she caught word of the trial of Grese, her former captor at Auschwitz. I wanted to travel to Germany to testify but the British, who ruled at the time, would not give me a travel certificate, she said. So the Palestine Posts editor found me and asked me to write for them. It was a fire-andbrimstone piece. I could not write [something like that] today. Back then the urge for vengeance sought some release . . . nowadays I look for the human connection and I do not blame the younger generation for the sins of

their parents or grandparents. The incendiary letter to the Post was the first in her literary career. She later wrote, in a much more subdued tone, childrens books like Chika The Dog in the Ghetto and Today the Siren Cried. Dagan also wrote a collection of poems called Imagination: Blessed Be, Cursed Be, which was translated into English. Before my time is up I would very much like to see a new edition of one of my books appear, said the octogenarian, who is in good health. She said she loves life and is willing to subscribe forever. Despite the ordeals she lived through the murder of her parents and siblings, the torture by the Nazis in the ghetto and the death camps, all of which she says is painful to speak of to this day she remains an optimist. Rubinstein, who sought an eye-for-an-eye punishment for Grese, has been mollified by Dagan, whose message of optimism permeates her writing. The Holocaust is not only horror, said Dagan. When I wrote for children about the Holocaust I had to give them a happy ending, and so I did. My stories always have a happy end.
Jerusalem Post

Letter frompage27
ing whipped to within an inch of my life. And . . . I again have a name, a first name and a surname. Once more I am Isabella, or Miss Rubinstein. Only the blue mark on my arm reminds me that I was once No. 45554. You are in the dock, Warder Grese, and evidence is being given for and against you. I could fill a book with the list of your crimes. Let me remind you of only one of them, not the worst of them, but typical. Do you remember a day in June 1943? It was at Camp Birkmann, Block 14. On one side of the square the Aryan women were lined up, and on the other, the Jewesses. B eh i nd u s t here wa s a bench where a few women were sitting, so broken in body and spirit that they could not stand on parade. As you passed, one of the poor wretched creatures made an involuntary gesture of fear. You, Irma Grese, made out that she tried to kick you. That she, poor victim of the Nazi terror, should have tried to kick you, the mistress of life

and death for her, what a cruel joke! Do you remember what you did to her? You pushed her into the middle of the square, though she could scarcely walk. You made her kneel on the flagstones, made her hold two heavy pieces of rock above her head, made her repeat incessantly I kicked the Warder! I kicked the Warder! I was so frightened that I couldnt count how many strokes of your whip you gave her. Perhaps you remember. Then your friend Ritter of the SS came along. He began to kick her in the face with his spurred jackboots, until the blood ran. Then you shouted, Get up, you . . . and let the woman go back to her cell. Two weeks later she was dead. You have forgotten all these things. You plead mitigating circumstances as you stand on trial. The eyes of the world are fixed on Lueneburg, awaiting the verdict. But your victims have already passed judgment on you. We sentence you to live and suffer as we did, and never again to see the light of freedom.
Schutzhaeftling No. 45554 (Now again isabella rubinstein)

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12 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 29
n i g H t m a r e s

Sofer frompage43
jeans and T-shirts sit on a bench on Jerusalems Emek Refaim Street singing Passover favorite Who Knows One? 43. Babies born during Chanukah are often called Yair, Meir, Yaira, Oriya names which contain the Hebrew word for light. 44. At my supermarket, Torah commentaries were on special sale along with large packages of snack food. 45. At the same supermarket, theres a daily call announcing the afternoon prayers. 46. Two sets of puppets for sale in religious neighborhood of Jerusalem: one in chasidic garb, one in Lithuanian religious garb. 47. Friday morning shopping in a Jerusalem toy store. I push the button on the blonde, blue-eyed doll with braids and she sings Hayom Yom Shishi (Today is Friday, tomorrow the Sabbath). 48. The Israeli team won the 2012 Bread Baking Cup in Rimini, Italy, leaving behind French and German bakers. 49. Champion bakers won in two categories: Innovation with a Health Focus and Baked Dessert. They made green spinach pita, filled with pistachiocoated cheese balls, with yogurt on top. 50. The Hebrew University posted its high-brow Einstein archive. Who would care? More than 20 million people worldwide visited the site in the first weeks! 51. Chocolate spread on matzoh is an Israeli taste treat. This year, an advertising war took place between two kinds of chocolate spread, kosher for Passover. 52. Too much chocolate spread. My tube of Colgate toothpaste has Happy and Kosher Pesach right on the package. 53. An Israeli womens basketball team won the womens

Eurocup final in France after defeating the French team. The winner was Elitzur Ramle, from a town often suffering from a negative public image. 54. A low-budget team from the beleaguered northern town of Kiryat Shmona clinched a soccer league cup double from the hands of the big city teams. 55. The beautiful Jerusalem Light Rail is up and running. 56. Rain or shine, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat was up and running in the citys popular new marathon; 12,000 runners joined him this year. 57. One Jerusalem runner was Richard Bernstein, a blind man from Michigan. He was guided through the streets by Maj. Shaked, an Israeli fighter pilot. Said Bernstein: This marathon has a profoundly beautiful and wonderful meaning. 58. You can enjoy the countrys best jazz and eat a kosher dinner, too, at Zappa Jerusalem. 59. You can enjoy a kosher burger and beer and watch the Superbowl at Mikes Place in Jerusalem. 60. Even the dogs in the IDF get kosher-for-Passover dog food. 61. A new Israeli GPS system called Waze is sweeping the world. Its a communitydriven application and learns from users driving times to provide routing and real-time traffic updates. Waze can even help you beat the national traffic jam at Golani Junction during Passover. 62. Whats the national mood despite the nuclear threat? Three million Israelis were out traveling in Israel on Passover (many through the Golani Junction). 63. The country held its breath as Gilad Shalit emerged to freedom. Was there a dry eye? 64. Gilad Shalit celebrated Passover, the holiday of freedom, at home with his family. Happy 64th to Israel! May the future bring many more reasons to rejoice. o

Editorial frompg.12
perative that Western democracies do their utmost to meticulously abide at the very least by these feeble strictures. Otherwise, they are a lost cause and little more than a cover-up for scandalous inaction. Switzerland imports Iranian oil indirectly, but Swiss energy giant Elektrizittsgesellschaft Laufenburg had proceeded with a projected pipeline to transport the fuel via Turkey. Previously it signed a mega-deal to import more than five billion cubic meters annually of Iranian natural gas valued at 18 billion euros. This wasnt the private vagary of an insubordinate firm. It was sponsored with fanfare by the Swiss government itself. Then-Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey mounted a pilgrimage to Iran to witness the 2008 signing of that momentous gas-supply contract. Sporting a sheer white head scarf, she accorded the

transaction her governments stamp of approval and lent the occasion high profile, prestige and legitimacy. An unrepentant Calmy-Rey intoned that that Switzerland is an independent country which has its own strategic interests to defend. To this must be added Switzerlands prolific lip service to its much-vaunted neutrality. It is imperative, especially considering Switzerlands sullied World War II history, for it to stay mindful that neutrality cannot possibly justify inaction in the face of evil. In such circumstanc-

es, the claim of neutrality facilitates evil, such as Irans genocidal plot. Inaction can be tantamount to complicity. Sanctions are imposed to make it difficult for a regime that endangers world peace to carry on unhindered. That is their objective. Money is fungible. Whatever isnt denied Tehran given the tyrannical nature of the regime could well go to funding terrorism or nuclear weapons development. The Swiss are not that naive. They are nobodys fools. They should not make fools of the rest of the world. n

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30 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 27
r XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: e l i g i o n

Religious Streams Join In Appeal To Release Pollard

Gil Hoffman ERUSALEM In a display of unity, representatives of the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jewish movements all renewed their calls over last weekend for President Barack Obama to commute Israeli agent Jonathan Pollards life sentence to the 26Z\x years he has already served. In their appeals to Obama, the Jewish leaders threw their weight behind an official request from Israeli President Shimon Peres to Obama in which he formally asked that Pollard be immediately released. Peres is scheduled to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama on June 13. Some 47,000 people have signed a petition urging Peres to use his influence and standing in Washington to ensure that Pollard is released before the medal ceremony. The calls for Pollards release came from the Union for Reform Judaism, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the

In their appeals to Obama, Jewish leaders throw their weight behind an official request from Israeli President Shimon Peres

israelis demonstrate on behalf of freedom for Jonathan Pollard

National Council of Young Israel, Agudath Israel of America and the Orthodox Union. In addition, the Conference of Pres-

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idents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which is the central coordinating body representing 51 Jewish organizations on issues of national and international concern, also contacted Obama and renewed its clemency call for Pollard. In his letter to Obama, Rabbi David Zweibel, Agudath Israels executive vice president, expressed deep dismay at the White House taking its time in responding to the numerous clemency requests that have been made for Pollards release. The letter noted that Pollards failing health injects a note of urgency into the situation that requires a swift response to his own formal clemency request that was filed nearly two years ago. Whatever the ordinary protocol and timetable for the pro-

cessing of commutation of sentence applications, humanitarian considerations dictate that Mr. Pollards dire health status should prompt an expedited review of his application, Zweibel said. His medical condition is serious and has been deteriorating for some time, as many people who have visited him recently have testified. Under these circumstances, allowing the review process on his commutation application to stretch on indeterminately seems particularly cruel. The Union for Reform Judaism, which represents more than 900 congregations and an estimated 1.5 million Jews and has built up a close relationship with Obama, found itself in the rare situation of agreeing with Agudath Israel, though its pres-

ident, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, used more cautious language in his letter. We respectfully request that the Obama Administration heed Israeli President Peres request that President Obama grant Jonathan Pollard clemency on humanitarian grounds, Jacobs wrote. We urge immediate clemency so that he may be surrounded by his loved ones while trying to recover from a grave illness that put him in the hospital over the Passover holiday. Clemency is both the just and compassionate response in this situation. Conference of Presidents leaders Richard Stone and Malcolm Hoenlein wrote Obama about their recent visit to Pollard and the impression his poor health made on them. President Peres is a cautious and judicious person and his letter comes only after much deliberation, Stone and Hoenlein wrote. We appreciate your kind consideration of his request which we strongly support. Peres formal request to Obama two weeks ago came days after Pollard became extremely ill and was rushed from his North Carolina prison cell to an outside hospital for emergency medical treatment. Esther Pollard, Jonathans wife, met with Peres and issued an impassioned plea for his assistance in ensuring that her husband would be released, rather than being returned to prison, following his hospitalization. But Pollard returned to the prison days later and Obama has issued no formal response to Peres request.
Jerusalem Post

Photo Ronen Zvulun/Reuters


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0 MEA TS 0

IDF Rejects Request For Earplugs When Women Sing

Religious soldiers denied option of using earplugs in ceremonies in which women sing
Jeremy Sharon ERUSALEM Several religious soldiers requested last week to wear earplugs or listen to MP3 players during a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony in which women were singing, as well as for ceremonies later for Remembrance Day and Independence Day. The army refused the request but said that the soldiers could take a book of Psalms into the ceremony to read from if they wished. The issue of religious soldiers being present in ceremonies with women singing exploded in September last year, when four soldiers were expelled from an officers course for refusing to return to an event in which women were singing. The IDF General Staff sub-

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sequently issued a directive in January obligating all soldiers, religious or otherwise, to be present in all official army ceremonies even if they involve women singing. Halacha generally prohibits men from listening to a woman sing in person. Initially reported by the Galei Israel radio station, the group of approximately 10 soldiers who requested to use earplugs or MP3 players are currently in basic training and are serving in a field intelligence unit. The IDF confirmed the details of the story. They enlisted within the hesder framework, through which national-religious men combine army service with yeshiva study. The soldiers who made the request are from the Or Etz-

ion Hesder Yeshiva, headed by Rabbi Chaim Druckman, a prominent national-religious figure. Separately, leading national-religious Rabbi Dov Lior, municipal rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba, ruled on Sunday that men should not attend theater performances in which women perform, even if the women do not sing and are dressed modestly. According to Lior, who was writing in response to a question on the website, attending such events are not compatible with the Jewish concept of modesty. Following the opening in September of a cultural center in Kiryat Arba, Lior said that only performances of educational merit or national values should be staged.
Jerusalem Post

20 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 31


By Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

and holiday the . . thoughts for discerning mind.

World Conscience n this Sabbath, after Holo c au st R e membrance Day and Remembrance Day for Israels Fallen Soldiers, I am plagued by a timeless Jewish question: Why Jewish suffering? It was bad enough before the rise of the Jewish State and the miraculous success of the Six-Day War, when every Jew identified with Sholem Aleichems Tevye who, upon hearing the sudden decree of the mayor of Anatevka expelling the Jewish population, began to address G-d: My father in heaven, just explain to me why. Because we are the Chosen people? Well then, G-d, the next time you make a choice, dont do us any favors; choose someone else instead! But now the question has become far more agonizing. We are not only f linging accusations at G-d for the events of the Holocaust, we are also querying Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism, who believed that with the Jewish return to normalcy within our own State, antiSemitism would disappear. Sixty-four years later, we are still smarting from the topsyturvy, mad-hatter accusations of a Goldstone Report condemning suicide-bomber and Kassam rocket victims for disproportionate self-defense. We are suffering from anti-Israel Apartheid Week, during which claims are made that the one country which gives its Moslem citizens men and women alike the equality they deserve is guilty of the

heinous crimes of pre-Mandela South Africa. Our opponents argue that we who have always been willing to compromise and have always recognized Palestinian rights are the intransigent ones in a conflict wherein the Arab world (which has yet to recognize our right to a Jewish State anywhere in the Middle East) seriously maintains that we have no historical claim to the Temple Mount! I believe that from a biblical, theological perspective, Jewish suffering and world condemnation of our People hark back to G-ds covenant with Abraham, our initial election and mission. Some readers m ight remember the short verse published in Readers Digest by arch antiSemite Louis Untermeyer during the Second World War; How odd of G-d to choose the Jews. The response, published only in the Jewish Spectator, was given by Maurice Samuel: It was not odd; the Jews chose G-d. And the Jews didnt only choose G-d; they chose ethical monotheism! As the Bible testifies, G-d declares Himself (as it were) to have known, loved and chosen Abraham because only Abraham was prepared to teach compassionate, righteousness and moral justice to his household after him (Genesis 18:19). And G-d warns Abraham from the beginning that being the People of the Covenant will not be simple. At the cutting of the covenant (Gen. 15), three animals are bisected, symbolic of the animalistic nations achieving dominion over the world, but eventually being vanquished. A deep sleep then falls

upon Abraham, a great black fear and then a pigeon and turtle dove emerge unscathed! The birds are the Jewish messengers, with their message of compassionate righteousness and moral justice soon to be distilled into the Ten Commandments our moral mission for the world. And the Midrash points out that the Hebrew word Sinai sounds almost exactly like sina, or hatred; because of the moral message of Sinai the divine demand for freedom for all, the absolute prohibition against murder of innocents, and the inviolability of every person the nations would come to hate us and attempt to get rid of the messenger. But thats the price of our election. And through us, all the nations of the world will be blessed (Gen. 12:3) because unless the world understands that the murder of innocents must not be condoned, that suicide bombers must not be called freedomfighters, that even the most powerful must be monitored and their ability to wreak destruction limited in our global village, there wont be a free world left for our children to enjoy. Until Israel succeeds in spreading the message of the Ten Commandments, we as the heart and conscience of the nations will be the first to suffer the consequences of evil running amok. We are the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. With the reestablishment of our State, we have returned to center stage of history after 2,000 years. May we be worthy of our t ask. o

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32 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 9

TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 33

34 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 27
h e a l t h

Go To Bed On Time: Study Mimics Night Shift To Link Diabetes, Poor Sleep
People who regularly sleep too little and at the wrong time suffer long-lasting consequences that a nap wont cure
Just how unhealthy is it? Consider how sleep may play a role in the nations diabetes epidemic. Studies have long shown that people who sleep fewer than five hours a night have an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the kind that tends to strike later in life. Rotating shift work three or more night shifts a month interspersed with day or evening hours raises the risk, too, says a recent report from researchers who analyzed years of medical records from the huge Nurses Health Study. Diet and physical activity are big factors in Type 2 diabetes. Certainly its harder to work out or choose an apple over a doughnut when youre tired, especially at 3 a.m. when your bodys internal clock knows you should be sleeping. well-rested. But for three of those weeks, they were allowed only about 5Z\x hours of sleep every 24 hours at varying times of the day or night, to mimic a bad shift rotation or prolonged jet lag. That knocked out of whack the bodys circadian rhythm, a master biological clock that regulates such patterns as when we become sleepy and how body temperature rises and falls. What happened was startling: Blood sugar levels increased after meals, sometimes to pre-diabetic levels, because the pancreas stopped secreting enough insulin, Buxton reported in the journal Science Translational Medicine. At the same time, the volunteers metabolic rate slowed by eight percent. The researchers had them on a diet so they didnt gain weight but Buxton says typically, a metabolism drop of that size could mean gaining 10to-12 pounds over a year. The results make sense, says Dr. Michael Thorpy, sleep center director at New Yorks Montefiore Medical Center and a neurology professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. If were going to spend a third of our day sleeping, theres got to be a good reason for it, says Thorpy, who notes that diabetes is far from the only worry. Up to 70 million Americans are estimated to suffer from chronic problems with sleep, from insomnia to sleep apnea. Impaired sleep has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, depression, memory impairment and a weakened immune system. Still another concern: The World Health Organization has classified nightshift work as a probable carcinogen, because too much light at night may hamper a hormone involved both with sleep and suppressing tumor cells.
L a u r a n n e e r g a a r d

WASHINGTONnightMore people pull the shift. Teens text past midnight and stumble to class at dawn.Travelers pack red-eye flights. Nodding off behind the wheel isnt the only threat from a lack of shut-eye. Theres growing evidence that people who regularly sleep too little and at the wrong time suffer long-lasting consequences that a nap wont cure: An increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. We have a societal conspiracy for sleep deprivation, says Russell Sanna of Harvard Medical Schools sleep medicine division, who attended a TEDMED conference this month where scientists called sleep loss one of health cares big challenges.

But a study just published shows sleep plays a more complex role than that. As sleep drops and normal biological rhythms are disrupted, your body physically changes in ways that can help set the stage for diabetes, reports neuroscientist Orfeu Buxton of Bostons Brigham and Womens Hospital. Buxtons team had 21 healthy volunteers spend almost six weeks living in a laboratory where their diet, physical activity, sleep and even the light was strictly controlled. The volunteers started out Starting off the new year with


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Dont people adjust to the night shift if theyre on it long enough? Buxton says rotating shifts probably are most worrisome. In his study, the volunteers bodies went back to normal after nine nights of sufficient sleep at the right time. No one knows how long it takes before sleep deprivation and an offkilter biological clock may cause permanent damage. Montefiores Thorpy says natural night owls seem to adapt better to night shifts, but that people never fully adapt if they swing back to daytime schedules on their days off. Also, about 30 percent of regular night workers have trouble sleeping during their off hours or are particularly fatigued, he says, something termed shift-work disorder. The consumer message: The National Institutes of Health says adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep daily for good health. If you work nights, go straight to bed when you get home, Buxton advises. Avoid too much light along the way. Thorpy says wearing yellow- or orange-tinted sunglasses on the drive home can block short-wavelength blue light that triggers wakefulness. Let natural light help keep your biological sleep clock on schedule, advises Harvards sleep-education website. For most people, sunlight in the morning is key. For the night shift, more bright light in the evening shifts peoples internal clock, Buxton explains. For anyone, a sleep-inducing bedroom is one thats dark, quiet and cool. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and stressful situations near bedtime. Electronics right before bed arent advised, either. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day also helps. o

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30 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012 35
h e a l t h

FDA Wants Limits On Antibiotics Given To Animals

Antibiotics are routinely mixed with feed to help livestock and chickens put on weight
P e r r o n e M a t t h e w

companies to help limit the use of antibiotics in farm animals, a decades-old practice that scientists say has contributed to a surge in dangerous, drugresistant bacteria. Antibiotic drugs like penicillin are routinely mixed with animal feed and water to help livestock and chickens put on weight and stay healthy in crowded feeding lots. Scientists have warned that such use leads to the growth of antibiotic-resistant germs that can be passed on to humans. The FDA has struggled for decades with how to tackle the problem because the powerful agriculture industry argues the drugs are a key part of modern meat production. Under the new FDA guidelines, the agency recommends antibiotics be used judiciously, or only when necessary to keep animals healthy. The agency also wants to require a veterinarian to prescribe the drugs. They can currently be purchased over-the-counter by farmers. Now you have a veterinarian who will be consulting and providing advice to these producers, and we feel that is an important element to assure that they are in fact using these drugs appropriately, said William Flynn, a deputy director in FDAs veterinary medicine center. The draft recommendations by the FDA are not binding, and the agency is asking drug manufacturers to voluntarily put the proposed limits in place. Drug companies would need to adjust the labeling of their antibiotics to remove so-called production uses of the drugs. Production

The WASHINGTONon drug Food and Drug Administration has called


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uses include increased weight gain and accelerated growth, which helps farmers save money by reducing feed costs. The FDA hopes drug makers will phase out language promoting non-medical uses within three years. This is the most sweeping action the agency has undertaken in this area, as this covers all antibiotics used in meat and poultry production that are important to human health, said Laura Rogers, director of the Pew Charitable Trusts campaign on industrial farming. But some public health advocates said they do not trust the drug industry to voluntarily restrict its own products. FDA officials said that a formal ban would have required individual hearings for each drug, which could take decades. The process we would have to go through is a formal hearing process, product-by-product that is extremely cumbersome, said Mike Taylor, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods. Theres no point in going through those legalistic proceedings when companies are willing to make this shift voluntarily. Taylor said the FDA has consulted closely with drug makers, and expects them to support the measures. An estimated 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the U.S. wind up on animal farms. Neither industry nor the government track what percentage of those drugs is used to boost animal weight, but many experts believe the vast majority go toward non-medical uses. The debate over antibiotics has long pitted the benefits for producing safe, low-cost meat against the risk of contributing to dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect humans. FDA officials said the scientific literature supports the role that indiscriminate use of antibiotics plays in reducing the effectiveness of antibiotics in humans. We think the science is very solid to support this effort

to address these issues, Taylor said. The rollout from FDA comes at an unusual time in the agencys attempts to curb antibiotic use in animals. Last month a federal court judge ordered the agency to take action on its own 35-year-old rule that would have banned non-medical use of two popular antibiotics, penicillin and tetracycline, in farm animals. The FDA issued the rule in

1977 but never enforced it, following vigorous pushback from members of Congress and lobbyists for farmers and drug makers. Four public-safety groups sued the agency to act on the regulation, winning the case handed down in the U.S. District Court of Southern New York on March 22. The agency was given 60 days to appeal the decision. FDAs Taylor said he believes the voluntary guidelines can achieve the same goal as the court ruling in less time. The waning effectiveness of antibiotics has been a global health concern for several

decades, attracting the attention of the World Health Organization, the Institute of Medicine and other medical groups. As bacteria have grown more resistant, new and more deadly forms of malaria, staph and other infections that were once easily treatable have emerged across the globe. Experts say overuse of antibiotics in both animals and humans has contributed to the problem. Both medical societies and government agencies have launched educational programs designed to educate physicians on appropriate prescribing of antibiotics. o

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Midwood 2-family house for sale, 2 apts, each 2BR, 2 bth with CAC. PRICED REASONABLE. 1320 Ave N (718) 998-2767 Midwood/Argyle Road, betw. Ave H & E. 13th Street. 1 fam det, 5BR, 3bth, 2-c gar, needs TLC, $1.1M. Luv Homes Realty (718) 492-0002 Midwood Great 3BR, 2 bth semi, DR, 113 lot, 630K. Neuhaus Realty (718) 979-3400 Midwood/Ave I & E. 2 Great 1family brick semi w/2BR, 3 bth and finished basement. Detached garage w/pvt drive. Near all. Ask 599K. Joe Fuda, Compass Realty Central (718) 232-6400 X300 Madison/Bedford bet R & Quentin Large house w/legal rental over 3-car gar, 4BR, 3 bth, lrg kitchen, MIC, 1.1M, neg. Ruoff RE (718) 945-3362


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Bronx/Longwood Sec Fox St. vic, beaut 2-fam twnhse, 1st flr, 2BR cozy apt, pvt ent, gated pkg, nr trains/shopping. CC, 1 sec dep (718) 924-7654 Longwood/Fox St. 2BR apt in Townhse, incl washer, pvt pkg, backyard, nr trans, no pets, $1,400/mo, 1.5 sec. Owner (718) 924-7654


DELHI LINCOLN LOG HOME high in the sky, 49 ac, 3500 sf, 20-mile vus, 5BR, 3 full bth, vaulted ceils, wrap porch, borders NYC land. Exclu $725,000 (607) 746-7377

BRONX 645 West 239th Street 2BR, Co-op, 269K Fieldston Properties (718) 601-1000 City Isl Mint bch hse, renov 2BR, HWF, vaulted ceil, CAC, W/D, D/W, new SS aplncs, attic storage, pvt bch, 300K. Rent $1650 (917) 902-5798 Bronx Country Club Waterfrnt, 2BR, 1 bth, grmet kitch w/lg brkfst bar, LR, DA, W/D, CAC, terrace, 2 indoor prkng, boat slip, 489K (917) 841-6885 Parkchester Large 1BR condo. Nice loc, center of Parkchester, 6 min from #6 train, 110K. Call Marin 10am2pm (718) 892-2790 Riverdale/Cityline Large 1BR, LR, DR, EIK, nr shopping, trains, worship. Low maint. By Owner. Includes (G & E) intercom (914) 969-4187 Riverdale Beautiful Studio Co-op apt FOR SALE just off Riverdale Ave & 256th Street. Fantastic view overlooking the Hudson. See For photos, skittlesnystedt. Price $120,000. Call Caroline Nystedt (347) 495-1502 Riverdale Skyview on Hudson Stunning 1BR, with views, terr, renov bth, concierge, spa, seasonal pool, 235K. Pantiga Group (347) 657-1114 Riverdale/Central A beauty! Spac 2BR, 2 bth, LR, DR, lg closet space, lg upgraded kitch, terrace, doorman, kids playground. Nr synagogue. Ask 325K, ready to sell (718) 755-6515

Bank Owned Wall Street Condo 999K, 3BR, 2 bth, 1,494 sf. No prop tax, 24-hr doorman. CRUSE RE (718) 849-8484 X 105 Battery Park City Condo Large luxury studio, pristine condition. Huge outdoor courtyard. $356K (551) 221-9379

1BR, 900 sf, 599K (917) 476-0243 East 70s Moving On! Owner relocates out West. 1920's Era, 3BR, 3 bth w/wood-burning fireplace, new remodeled open kitchen, 7 large closets, south exposure is yours at great price. Come see & save! Asking $1.465M negotiable! (212) 496-6042 70s E./170 E. 77 7A, 8A. Impecc 5BR, 5 bth dplx, full-svc lux bldg. Sandra Papale (917) 513-8812 Prudential Douglas Elliman 77TH ST # 176 APT. 10C 2BR, marble bath, granite kitch, 1200 sf, 24-hr doorman. Maint $945, 988K (917) 705-1114 UPPER WEST SIDE/W. 70TH ST Co-Op for sale by Owner, lg 2BR, 1 bth, EIK, LR. Asking 890K. (917) 628-8473 No Realtors Please 78th St./ Col-Amst 120 W. Studio 384 sf, elev, WBF, roof deck, W/D Xstrg in bsmt, pets OK. Beaut block, 325K. FSBO no brokers (212) 7249742 79th St. East Turn-key PW sunny 2BR, hi beam ceilings, wood floors, roof deck, F/T DM, elev. Walk to worship, 845K (917) 224-1077 80s/WEA Prewar gem 2 BR. New renov kit & bth w/W/D. Ask: $770K Excl Louise Phillips, EVP 212.381.3329 83rd & East End Ave #80 3BR, 2 bth, grnd flr superb duplex home, gar, patio, chefs EIK, DR, W/D, great schools, low maint, $1.9M, Apt 1B/2J (516) 885-4505 89th St/WEA Chic 5-RM CD w/1527 SF. Renov EIK, 2 big BR+maids. Ask $1.425M Excl Louise Phillips, EVP 212.381.3329 92/Bway & West End OH SUN 11/21: All renov 1BR, 1 bth co-op, no board appvl, lots sun, hi ceils, nr trnsp/park, 466K. Bkr (917) 216-6085 275 W. 96 Street/#6GH 3BR, 3 bth condo, renov, w/balc, chefs kosher kitch, pool, gym, amenities, $1.659M S. Gansberg (917) 733-6337 PDE LES 1000 SF 2 BD, terrace, Sunny, views, EIK, storage, DM blg, gym, lndry, 645K. Scott (917) 454-8841, Sutton Place So Low flrs, 5 rms, beaut front apt. Lg LR, FDR, 2 full BR, 2 mrbl bth, beaut kit. $1.15M. Brown Harris Stevens: Burt Savitsky (212) 906-9337; Gerald Crown 906-9319


Mineola 1 & 1BR lux apts. Cor Mineola Blvd/Old Ctry Rd across courts, walk to hosp & train, 20 min NYC. From $1,875. Prof suites also avail. See agent. OH Sat & Sun 10am-3pm. PJC Realty (631) 242-1453 North Woodmere Hi Ranch 4BR, 2 full bth, LR, SS appliances, everything renovated, fplc in fam room, 2-c gar, lrg back yard, walking distance to golf course & all sports. Desirable area, 4 synagogues in area. Asking $3400/mo. C/C check, serious inquiry only (347) 219-7993 Woodmere 3BR, very nice, granite, easy parking, back yard, walk to synagogue, near all, $1,750. Owner (516) 236-2377


Boynton Bch Open House: Sun 1-4 pm by appt. Furnished 3BR, 2 bth, C/A, LR, DR, DW, WD, garden & parking $1,495 (917) 532-5994 DEL RAY BEACH Rental for 1-2 BRs, starting for 1BR $2,500/mo, 2BR $2,900/mo. Available January or March (800) 336-6925 Aspen Leaf Realty Delray Beach Beautiful 1st flr, 1BR, 1 bth, furnished apt, w/d, pool, tennis & golf, clubhouse, close to beach. For rent $650/mo annually; 4 mo seasonal at $1,000/mo or buy $22K (561) 265-0882 Marco Island/S. Seas Club Cor w/wrap balc, pano vu pool+gulf, 2BR, 2 bth, hi flr, beachfrnt, sunrise/sunset golf vus. Avail 3/20/12 (201) 320-2449 Miami Beach GREEN DIAMOND Beauty - Ocean & inlet vus, terrace, spacious 2BR, 2 bth. All amenities (917) 325-1140 Sebastia Betweeen Sebastian Rvr and intercoastal waterway, 3BR, 1 bth, $1800/month, 2 months min. Call for availability. Tom (561) 686-4774 Sunny Isles/Heart Of 2BR on 2nd flr on 163rd; 1BR on 10th flr on 159th. (786) 307-7755 or


Milford 2009 Brand New on 250 lake front, 4BR, 4 bth, HWD & marble floors, fplc, 1 acre, private commercial dock, like new, Crsigs List posting 2939637199 (239) 822-8009 POCONOS REAL ESTATE Bob Kelly Keller Williams Realty (570) 242-4400 or 570-421-2890 Poconos Mini Estate prop for sale, 7,000 sf on 8.25 ac, horses allowed, in beaut Cherry Valley section of the Poconos, $1.95M (570) 269-5067 Pocono Area Texas-sized 4BR Ranch 230 ac. Undeveloped, hunting or just enjoy near Lake Eagle/NY border (570) 344-6724 Tamiment/Poconos 2BR, 3 bth, 1300 sf, furn, walk to lake, swimming, fishing, Delaware National Park, ski Shawnee nby, 75K (631) 398-1725


Bensonhurst Brand new 2-family house, 3BR + 2 bth, 2 blocks to ocean, wood & marble floors, many windows & closets, close to school, train, bus & Belt Pkwy. No pets. No smoking, $2300/month. By Owner (347) 865-9999 or (917) 662-0709

Bridge/River Views 2BR, 2 bth sunny co-op, FSB Pie-A-Terris, guarantors, co-purchase OK, $899K. S. Gansberg (917) 733-6337 PDE CASTLE VILLAGE / CABRINI BLVD 3-4BR/2Bth - 2000+ sf on lobby floor Beaut, renov - W/D, EIK, Dining Rm $1.35M Mt $2338 (212) 928 5100 Manhattan Spac light-filled 2BR, 1 bth, lg EIK, in 24/7 secu bldg, opp Central Pk, walk to museums. Ask 680K. Alicia Hobbs, best offer (212) 722-5728 Cental Park West Location! Location! Pre-war bldg, aerie studio, dreamy beaut views of CP, renov lobby, pets OK, gym, laun, 24-hr conc/doorman, 379K neg (917) 5495021 for pix CPW, 400 (100th St.) Condo Raised 1st flr, X-lg 1BR, dining alcv, 6 closets, f/s bldg, $717/mo, 745K Julie (917) 453-5330 OH by appt, Sun, 12:30-2 pm 546 W 156 St., Apt 22: 2BR, 1 bth, priced to sell at 125K, cash buyer, no financing. Bkr. (917) 570-5398 Grand St. Spac 3BR, 1 bth apt w/ideal layout. New EIK w/SS appls & gran countertops. LR w/sep dining area. East & West exposures. Seward Park has 24-hr drmn, kids playroom, laundry, gar. $935K, maint. $796. Jessica Herzberg (917) 2700066 TOWN 30 East 9th St., Apt 1E Prime GV loc, oversized 1BR, overlooking quiet gardens, F/T dm, gar, bring all offers! 640K Call Stacy (212) 994-3251 HUDSON HTS/Bennett Ave Luxury 2BR, 1 bth, sunken LR, lrg foyer, eat-in K, light, P/T drmn, 2 elev, patio, 495K (212) 795-0144 E. 35th/5th Midtown 2 BR/2 Bth triplex w/fplc. 24hr DM. $675K. Web#1930930. Co-Excl K. Wigdor (212) 381-3207 104 E 37th/Bet Park& Lex Co-op on east side, OH Sun 4/29 1-3 pm. Prewar, hi ceils studio, pied-a-terre, lo maint, $570, ask 318K. By appt (347) 549-0938 Equal Housing Oppty


Canarsie Huge 2-family brick 2/2BRs, 3 bth ea flr, fin bsmt, fplc, bkyrd, nice lndscp, new boiler, roof, water main. Owner motivated. Call Agent (917) 407-0449 Canarsie 1407 E 92nd St (K & L). Rare & huge back-to-back lots measuring 40x177+income-producing 2 family. 3BR, 2 bth w/full bsmt. Also 1BR, 1 bth, top flr rental, sep gar, some TLC, ask 499K. Laura Noto RE (917) 696-2532 Coney Island Great Investment! 30 x 119 lot, detached 3 fam. Grt condition (front house) back house needs work, 549K. Madeline (917) 9296422; (718) 439-1110 Re/Max Metro Fiske Terrace/807 E. 19th 1 fam. C/H, 50'x100' wbfpl. EIK, parquet flr., 8 rooms, 3 baths, driveway, 2-car gar. Move Right In! (718) 282-3141 for appt. $875K Gerritsen/R-Nost. 1 fam on 16x36 lot, 3BR, 1 bth, LR/DR, EIK, gar, dvwy, fin bsmt, 2 patios, MIC, 475K (718) 376-8312 Marine Park Beautiful tree-lined street, 1-family 3BR, 2 bth, pvt dbl driveway, garage, backyard, asking $490,000. Call owner for appointmnt. Leave message (718) 376-5113 Marine Park OH Sun 2-4pm. 3306 Ave P, Bet E 33 St & E 34 St, Cameo brk semi 4BR dplx, FDR, lrg EIK, 2 room fin bsmt. Walk to all! Mint. 649K FIN 129053 Fillmore (718) 377-6161 Marine Park Detached 2 family 42x100 property, 6 lrg rms, fin bsmt, hrdwd flrs, 1 bedroom tenants apt, garage and a park-like yard. FIN 129068. Fillmore (718) 377-6161 Marine Park Beaut det 3BR dplex, LR, DR & EIK w/gran, maplewd cabs, full fin bsmt, priv yrd w/a-g pool, 575K. Bergen Basin Realty (718) 763-4110

Cedarhurst Newly Renovated, 2BR, bth, EIK, New S/S appls, DR, LR, new HWF, W/D, pkg, encl terr, Maint $585/mo, 226K (646) 725-4211 Cedarhurst/Park Hse 1-2-3BRs avail. Newly renov, SS, gran, new bth in deluxe bldg, next to Town Park. Lo maint. Phyllis listg agt (516) 569-4178 East Rockaway/ 320 Atlantic Ave. Why rent? 86K! Updated studio, convenient to LIRR/more. RE/Max (516) 721-8885 Great Neck 2BR, 1 bth. By Owner. New granite/ceramic kitch/bath. Spac closets, gar parking, 339K (516) 8832435 e-mail: Great Neck/NS Towers Immaculate, renovated 1BR, 2 full baths, plenty closts, avail immed, low maint, parking, 358K. Owner (917) 359-4600 Hewlett Mint 2BR , 2 bth co-op, new state-of-art kitch, SS apls, lg LR, DR, W/D, 9 clsts, CAC, HWF, cor, gdn vus, pkg. Walk all. Must see! 249K, 1 yr sublt, ownr (516) 238-2527 Long Bch/Red. Forget Hamptons. Spectac dir ocnfrnt 3BR, 2 bth Co-Op. Gran S/S kitch. Olym pool, 649.999K (516) 897-4852 or 314-1591 (c) Ownr Long Beach Low-priced oceanfront studio w/terrace. Updated, elevator, pvt beach access, laundry rm. EZ Show RE/Max (516) 721-8885 Long Beach A beauty! Wtrfrnt coop. 3BR, 2 bth, dir ocn vus, gran kitch, SS appls, 699K. Jane Clifford, Remax Innovations (516) 359-2060 Meadowbrook Pointe 460s Wont Last!! Priced To Sell!! 2BR 2 bth, w/gar + amazing amenities. All appts thru Bkr (516) 322-8202


Hello from Florida! Dreaming of owning a home in Florida? Call me. I can Make it happen for you. Call Sharon Levine at C21 Tenace Realty (954) 993-8476 or (800) 352-2111 Aventura Real Estate Selling Homes and Condos for over 25 years Call us for all your Real Estate needs (305) 931-5550 We dont just sell here ... We live here! GREAT TIME TO BUY IN FLORIDA 55+ Beach Condos, Family Communities Call Karen Jacob! (561) 350-0440 Prudential Florida Realty BROWARD COUNTY Great investment, HUD homes and red properties, all areas We do all real estate (954) 549-4639 INVEST IN FLORIDA REAL ESTATE 8% to 10% returned annually. Call Stuart (215) 771-7096 Boca Highlands/Bch Club & Marina Abs beaut 2BR, 2 bth Condo. Marble, granite, S/S appl, tennis, handicap accessible, 370K (954) 673-2292 Boca Unique 3BR, 2 bth condo, 2nd of 2 flrs, dir Intracstl vu, 8 blcks Mizner Park, 2 blcks bch, 299K, agt (561) 212-3482


South Jersey / Vassar Square Bchfront Condo from Memorial DayLabor Day. 1BR, 2 baths, heated pool, fully furn, non-smoker, 12K (609) 822-6868; (609) 822-0082

City Island 3 fam det Brick, fully renovated, 3/2/1 + fin bsmt, bkyrd, 1car parking, 685K neg. ready to sell!! Owner (917) 332-8983 Moshulu Pkwy Rooming House for Sale, 7 rms + 1BR apts, fin bsmt, has apartment plan, 14 1BRs. Comm facility, RZ zoning. Principals only, immediate (917) 332-8983 Riverdale Estate Sec 6BR, 6 bth, Architect Designed, custom finishes, gourmet kosher kit, limestone fplc, inlaid floors $3.6 Mil (917) 496-5373


Foscoe Rental/Mtns of N. Carolina Condos/cabins/homes. For a weekend getaway or month-long stay. Vus, pools, hot tubs, even the family pet is welcome. (800) 723-7341


Candlewood Lake Seasonal Cottage, full dry bsmt, 3 sand bchs, boat slip, tennis ct, playgrnd, clbhse, summer youth progs, 185K. Andrew (203) 499-7227


Mill Basin Luxury apartment building, studios, 1&2BR, newly renovated, near all transportation (718) 2091227


Prvcy + Serenity: 23 ac Vac Est, 800' Rvr Frntg, 4BR, 4 bth, 2 kosher kitch, 4200 sf, cstm home. 2 fish ponds, citrus+nut orchard, lg green-hse, 3-stall gar, 25 mi Tallahassee, $1.2M (907) 456-3066

Ocean Pkwy Beaut renov 1BR w/shiny southern vus, frum bldg, 800sf, lo maint, kit & bth w/wndws, EIK, MIC, 175K (718) 421-9318

26 30 The Jewish Herald Friday, December 11, 2009 23

The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012


North Shore Towers Mag spac, hi flr apt, skyline vus, LR, DR, BRMs, EIK, 3 mrbl bths, laundry room, clsts, terr, balconies, prkng (917) 359-4600 RVC/Park Lane Spacious Upscale 2BR 2 full bth, Village Condos, W/D, 24/7 Con/ Sec, UG Garage, Close to All. LINKS (516) 766-7900 Lido Beach/894 Gerry Ave. Spectac water vus, facing bch commu, mint hiranch, amazing chefs kitch & bths, family room & beaut ingrnd pool (516) 763-8942 CBMANORGATE.COM Lido Beach Waterfront Colonial, deepwtr, totally renov 5/6BR, 3 full bth, chef's EIK, pool + HT. $1.399M. Bkr (516) 286-1706 Manhasset Est Top loc, grt layout, spac Emerald Bay mod, 3BR, 3 bth, MBR on main flr + walk-out bsmt. Ask $1.198M. Peter (917) 656-6590 Massapequa Watrfrnt fully remod, 3BR, 3 bth split, 18x23 ext w/den/bar, EIK w/granite & cherry cabinets, vaulted ceil LR & den w/sklghts, fin bsmt, 2 gar, 859K (516) 318-3808 Merrick/Lindenmere Hi-ranch, EZ walk to LIRR/library/synags, 4BR, 2 bth, CAC, fplc, skylts, 2-c attd gar, 2 decks, hot tub, 650K (516) 623-9882

Call 718

Far Rockaway/1622 Seagirt Blvd Open House Sat/Sun 10/22 & 10/23 1-3 pm: 3BR duplex condo, w/terrace & fin bsmt, walking distance to beach! $299K. Call Kim Malone, Signature Property Consultants (917) 554-0925 Flushing/Georgetown Mews Beaut cstm renov 1+2BR apts, incl a duplex. Your choice finish + we renovate to your taste. All brand new. By prospectus only. Ofc: (718) 575-1332 Forest Hills 112-20 on 72 Drv, 1BR, 1 bth, full kit, 24hr-dm, bldg has own pvt park, bright, MIC, maint $770, 218K (347) 549-0938 Forest Hills/Ascan Ave Lg all renov 1BR in drmn bldg. Rewired elec. Original HWF. E+W expos. Subway/ LIRR/shops. Pets OK, MIC! $279K (917) 301-9253 FOREST HILLS MUST SEE! Jr. 4, 1 bath, plenty of closets, 4th floor, price negotiable. Yolanda Portila (917) 882-5671 Forest Hills Jr 4 + Xlg Alc Stu joined in lux DM bldg. New granite kit (2), hi flr+vu, steps E/F. Lo mt. (718) 793-8972 Forest Hills 3 rm Co-op in doorman building, beautiful view, new Italian tile floor, upscale kitchen, designer bth w/ja-cuzzi, raised LR, pool. Ask 296K. Call Owner (917) 502-2237 Forest Hills/Gerard Tower Mod, renov lux 1BR, new appls, balcony, 25th flr, pool, gar, drmn, 325K. Owner (516) 972-5400 NO Board Approval! Howard Beach Renov 3BR, 2 bth, jacuz, HWF, Calif clsts, maint incl gas/elec/tax, MIC, pkg avail, 239.9K (718) 360-7283 Kew Gardens Hills Beautiful, sunny, lg 1BR, fully furn, nr Queens College & Q65. 24-hr security, elev, $1375. Call (602) 717-0163 KGH Cor 2BR co-op, renov kit & bth, 6 closets, walk train/schls/shuls/ shops, asking 179K nego, board appvl (718) 551-1528 KGH 135-45 78th Ave, Apt #1A. Lrg 1BR Co-Op w/sep EIK, newly renov. Lo maint! Offers, 125K Sheik (646) 372-5804 (718) 729-4440 KGH/Georgetown Mews Beautiful custom-renov 1&2BR 1st-class coops. Call Steve (718) 575-1332 Offered by Prospectus Only KGH/Joyce Gdns Beaut, renov 1BR, 1 bth, HWF, conveniently located, low maint. Only 169K. Call Elizabeth (347) 564-1964 Rego Park OH Sat 9/17 1-5 PM: 61-15 97th street Apt 8A: 2BR, 2 bth. Style, Dream & Price 285K. Agent Arjan (646) 387-7577 Rego Park For Sale or Rent by A N X I O U S O W N E R Renovated Studio, EIK, 110K nego, near Subway. Owner (212) 371-5561 Rego Park Location, Location, Location! 1BR, 1 bth, 5th flr, close to shopping, trans, 169K, neg, on 63 rd St. Yolanda Portila (917) 882-5671

Fax 718

Staten Isl Lifetimes 1 oppty! Gorg res, rich + famous style, huge pool, 12,000 sf, magnif + 1 ac prop in prestig area. Such a deal! $4.95M (917) 807-5878 ebukhman@hotmail. com Todt Hill/Hillside Estates Prestig area, 5BR, 7 bth, appx 7200sf + bsmt, dead-end blk, pvt, cntry setting, credit check reqd, $2.95M (917) 648-6510

Woodmere One block from station Gracious, spacious CHC, attached large prof. office which could be rented to cover taxes; dbl lot, 4 BR, 3 full bths, LR w solarium, den, can add BR in attic, finished bsmt, 2 car garage $1.1M Call owner for Appointment: (917) 509-0704 Woodmere Open House Sun 7/17 12-4 pm. CH Col, 4+BR, 2 bth, central to synagos, shopping & all, 749K (516) 635-1188 Woodmere Dont Miss It! New Const., 6BR, 5 bth, fin bsmt, Italian tile & SS appl in kitch. Ask 699K, neg. Call Drora (516) 395-9847. Call Dalit (516) 374-1194 One Stop Realty Woodmere Exquisite Mother/ Daughter Hi-Ranch, 4BR, 2 bth, SD#14, M/D or professional possible, landscaped lot, nr shopping, lrg 2-c gar, 529K. Best Offer (516) 295-5083 Woodmere For sale or rent by owner, 3BR, 2 bth, buses, LIRR. Call (516) 569-1637; Cell (516) 4261791 Woodmere /Academy Area Spacious, modern, young, 5 huge BRs, 3 bth, LR, FDR, den/fplc, decks, EIK, full fin bsmt, skylights, CAC, central vac, water filter, alarm, 2-car gar, IGS, close to all, SD#14, 769K negotiable. Owner (516) 726-0225 Woodmere Lux 4BR, 3 bth, all remod, nr shuls, granite kitch, LR, den, fin bsmt, best loc, quiet st, drvwy & gar. Option rent/buy (917) 681-9500

Fresh Meadows New const, brick, det, 50x100, lg mrbl/gran EIK, 4BR, 4 bth, 3-zn ht, AAA mint. Akiva/Broker (718) 664-4888 Howard Beach New Listing! On lndscpd property, low Ranch 40x100 lot, 3BR, 1 bth, full bsmt, 525K. Must Sell! Jerry Fink Realty (718) 766-9175 Jamaica Est Hampton-style luxury chalet on hilltop wooded lot, 240' deep, 4BR, 3 bth, fplc, CAC, patio. Broker (718) 664-4888 Kew Gardens 8-fam det + 7 prkng spaces. No rent control or stabilized, (6) 3BR, (1) 2BR, (1) 1BR. Reduced to $1.6M. Call Owner (646) 272-8763 Kew Gdns 1 of a kind. W. of Main St, semi-det 23x100 lot, 4BR, 1 bth, LR w/fplc, charm circle, 589K, nego. Vera, Coldwell Banker (917) 853-5455 Kew Garden Hills 3BR, 2 bth, lot size 55x100, 1-car attached garage, full finished basement, EIK, formal dining room, 879K, negotiable. Please contact Eli at (516) 592-5638 Queens Mag cust built 1-fam hse, fab layout. Stunning att to details. Built in 1992 on 40x100 lot, 4 huge BR, 4 bth, 699K (917) 957-9969 Agnt Queens Vilg/Bellerose Mnr Mint 3000sf det Col, reno kit, lg yrd, 3BR, 1 bth, pkg, lo tax, nr trans, all. Ownr 440K (718) 217-2634 Richmond Hill OH daily 5-6pm, designed for 2 fam hse, 6BR, 3 bth, all renov, 3 min LIRR, fin bsmt, 395K. Realtors welc! Agent (917) 579-5998 South Jamaica Grt deal,1 fam, 3BR, 2 bth, fully renov, big porch & big bckyrd. Excell location. Ownr pays closing costs, 269K (718) 986-5199 Whitestone OH Sun 9/11, 1-3 pm. 6-29 161 St. 5BR Colonial, 3 full bth, mint cond, mod EIK, FDR, fplc, den, 873.7K. Du-Rite Realty, Christine (917) 309-3996 Woodhaven OH 7/16 1-4: 2 fam new const, 2BR, 2 bth/flr, fin bsmt, 2-c drvy, pvt bkyrd. Mins to Forest Park & trans, 719K. By ownr (917) 841-5398 Woodside Legal 3-fam semi-det stucco, 3600 sf, 9BR, 16 rms, 3 EIK, big yard. Nr shop/synag, 25 min NYC, 870K (845) 744-3910; 800-7130


New Homes In Nassau County (Near Queens) Locations: Oceanside, Franklin Square, East Rockaway. Swiss Ranch Estates (516) 599-6200 Bellmore Newly Reduced 382.5K! Lrg split lvl home, 4BR, 3 bth, den w/frplc, 1-c att gar. Home on beaut street. Must see! Cruse RE Estate (516) 826-2100 Cedarhurst 4BR, 2 bath Colonial, 50x174 lot, new kitchen, bsmt half finished. Low taxes. Walk to all, 649K. Call (516) 455-9771 No Bkrs Cedarhurst 6BR, 3 bth, 2 fplc, exercise room/hot tub, blt-in bkcases, 4600 sf. Walk to syna. Bank owned. Red., 859K. Make offer! Cruse RE (516) 826-2100 East Rockaway 10 Squirrel Drive, 1 family on a country setting, 2 fplcs, ask 435K. Robin, Agent (516) 610-8986 East Rockaway Lrg Col 5BR, 2 bth, 2c-gar, 50x200 prop, EIK, FDR, 499K. Much more! Call today Charlie @ La Rosa Realty (516) 721-8885 E. Rockaway Ranch 2BR, LR w/ fplc, AG pool. Irene? No Affect! Mint! Bch/dck rights. Only 299K. Call Charlie @ La Rosa Realty (516) 721-8885 E. Rockaway 1BR Co-op, 112.9K; Lyn Condo, 2BR, 289K; E. Rockaway Col, 429K; Rentals avail $1150/mo, 1BR. Call Lyn (516) 887-0677 East Rockaway OH Sun 1-3, 10 Squirrel Dr. Country setting, 435K. Becker Realty (516) 887-0677 East Williston Award winning SD, EIK, FDR, LR, 3BR, FR, fin bsmt, gar, IGS, oak flrs, $649,999 (516) 7702506 Freeport Foreclosed new luxury home, great location, built to sell for $800K. Now 499K. Private mtg avail (516) 379-6917; (516) 698-2696 Gdn City Breathtaking Cape, prm section, 3BR, 2 bth, den, EIK, FDR, fplc, HWF, C/A, ready! 779K. Garden City Properties (516) 967-4641 Hewlett 5BR, 3 bth, LR/DR, den, lg kit, bsmt nr all fin, unusual lot, circ drvwy, CAC + 4-heat zone, 550K as is (516) 569-1637 Hewlett New to market. New construction, 6BR, 5 fbth, open & airy flr plan. Kosher kitchen, finished bsmt, hrdwd floors, dbl deck, jacuzzi. Walk to worship, 999K (516) 426-6954 Hewlett Exp Cape, 14 Crescent St., 4BR, 2 bth, lrg yrd, patio, C/A, nr hse worship, nr LIRR. Ready! 390K neg. Debra (516) 766-7900 Links RE


Babylon Village Park New stateof-the-art green 2BR, walk to train, 559K. Call Blair (631) 793-6063. Complete Terms Avail From The Sponsor File # CD09-0275 Coram North Isle Village 1 lrg BR, 1st flr, in/out gym, clubhouse, new carpet, just painted. Low maint, 99K. Owner (631) 265-1036 RIDGE Diamond 2 BR, 2Fbth Warwick mod in Leisure Glen. Cstm mstr ste, Gas fplc. Immed. 289K Patto Rltrs (631) 523-7863

Manorville 7 ac priv retreat. Magnificent 6000 sf home w/pool, cabana & much more ... $1.199M. Call Bob/Diana at Coach (631) 360-1900 Montauk /Lake Front Unique property, unobstructed views with 105' waterfront: 5 cottages (11BR, 8 baths) with kitchens and a 2BR heated house. $3.7 Mil. Dawn Brophy, Brown Harris Stevens (631) 903-6169 Melville/The Greens 55+ 4BR, 3 bath townhouse with own golf course, tennis courts, indoor & outdoor pools, clubhouse with restaurant, full health club, granite kitchen with SS appls, HWF, 879K negotiable. Pricipals only (631) 659-3077 Nissequogue/N. Shore OH 7/167/17, 1-3. Beaut pvt st. 4BR, 4 bth farm rnch on 1 ac, gran i-g pool, CAC, fin bsmt, 2c gar, 869K (631) 946-4678 NORTH FORK / AQUEBOGUE A Private Setting on 2.7 Acres Compliments this Post Modern Located In A Charming Hamlet! 4 BRS, 3 Full Baths, Great Rm, French Doors & Fireplace, Elegant DR, EIK, Finished Basement. Room For Horses, Pool Or Tennis. $619,000 COLONY REALTY (631) 722-5800 North Fork/ Laurel Country retreat! 3 acres, 4 BRs, 3 baths, oneof-a-kind! $995,000 Carl Austin Colony Realty (516) 658-2623 NORTH FORK / MATTITUCK Gracious Italianate Mansion. Circa 1829 listed on the National Register of historic places. 5+ BRs, 5 Baths, Elegant FDR, Summer Kitchen, wraparound porches, CAC, heated salt-water pool. New Mechanicals and updated modern conveniences. Magnificent architectural detail throughout. Crown Jewel of the North Fork. $999,000 COLONY REALTY (631) 722-5800 Northport Water vu, gourmet delight, stunning lg mstr BR suite + 3BR, designer chefs EIK, grt rm/fplc sunset view, pvt bch, $1M (646) 206-1654 Stony Brook 4BR, 2 Mother/ Daughter beaut home, FDR, EIK, lots storage, partially ingrnd pool w/decking-fencing, front dock, multi-car driveway. Near LIRR, synagogue, Stony Brook U, shopping. Reduced 323.5K. Ready to sell! Owner (917) 579-1581 WESTHAMPTON BEACH 5+BR, 5 bth, turn-key, htd IGP, 3 flrs, 4,400 sf, close to all, $1.795M. Call Gene at (631) 288-6333 Westhampton Bch Bayfrnt hse w/pvt dock to Ocn, 5BR, 4 bth, vus. Nr villag, $1.499M. Rose Alfano (631) 335-8810 West Islip South of sunrise, 3,000 sf Energy Star Cols. Full bsmt, 4BR, 2 bth, bonus rm, 2-c gar, gran tops, Andersen wndws, 2-zn CAC, fplc, 615K. Builder (631) 926-1967


Hempstead Legal 2 family, 190K Deer Park 5BR, 3 bth, 205K Bayshore 175K, Make offer Morning Star Realty One Alejandra (631) 484-1997 1850s Queen Anne Victorian, Beautifully updated, barn, .75 acre, low taxes, 639K. Mary Luca (631) 549-1330 x240 Prudential Douglas Elliman RE

New Hyde Park /216 Wilton St. Open Hse, Every Sun 1-4. Brick wide-line Center Hall Cape, features 4 BR, 2 full bth, LR, DR, EIK, fin bsmt, gar, sun porch. Beautifully maintained. New roof & siding. $555K Owner (516) 354-7220 No. Bellmore Colonial 3BR, 1 bth, EIK, finished bsmt. Excellent condition. Reduced 399K. Mike (516) 782-1578 N. Woodmere/Split Water Vu, 569k 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath CAC, SD #14, Brick walled Den/working fplc Park-like backyard setting on water, 2car gar, in-ground sprinklers, full bsmt, taxes approx $11,800, oversized 60'x120' lot By appt., Bank/mtge pre-qual ltr required. NO BRKRS (516) 857-4733 Oceanside 4BR, 2 full bth, fin bsmt, CAC, 1-c gar, good SD, good loc, near LIRR, asking 389K nego. TINA (516) 749-6925 Oyster Bay Cove Est Syosset SD Grac rnch, 2.1 ac, lg LR/DR, den w/ brk/stn fp, 5BR, 3 bth, huge ent rm, $1.295M. Molly (516) 680-8123 RC USA Park Lane Spacious upscale 2BR, 2 full bth, village Condos, W/D, 2417 sf, conc/security, garage, close to all. Links RE Group (516) 766-7900 Plainview OH, 9 Greeley Ct, 1-3, Sat/Sun. Builder renov, all new kitch, 2 bth, 3BR split, den, oak, brick, crown molding, CAC. Reduced 539K (516) 297-4411 Plainview/ 20 Sylvia Rd Open Hse Sat & Sun, 2-4 PM. 3BR, 2 bth, split-lvl LR, DR, EIK, CAC, den/fplc. Mint! Red 499K Ownr (516) 297-7344 Roslyn Heights New const Colonial 4BR, 3 bth w/stream, CAC/vac, fplc, gar, bsmt + more, near synagogue, 838K (516) 455-2800 RVC/The Meadows Brand new, 2700 sf, luxury townhomes, opt elev, min. 2 bth, 2-c gar & much more, nr all. Links RE Group (516) 766-7900 S. Bellmore Wtrfrnt in deep canal, nr bay 5BR, 3 full bth, CAC/VAC, cherry HWF, fplc, sec sys, 3 slips, htd IGP, 999K. Prudential Douglas Elliman, Todd S. Litz (516) 236-8667 S. Bellmore 2503 Williams Ct. Split lvl, 4 lvl, 3BR, 1 bth, 63x111, ig pool. Much More. Diane (516) 6412323 Wantagh OH Sunday 9/25 1-4 PM Beaut Cape, 4BR, 2 bth, bsmt, poss moth/daughter, spa bthrm, awning, walk LIRR, red. 379K (516) 554-5909


Orange Cnty Drastic price reduction, 949K, elegant living just 57 miles from NYC. Regal Homes & Prop, Inc. (845) 986-5600

GLASS HOUSE Hudson River

Asking $3.9M (845) 863-3828 Mag Hudson Rvr vus 4.39 ac, pvt rd, 55 mi NYC. Rvr vu all rms. Cstm 3BR, 3 bth, 2 fplc, 2-c gar, decks, i-g pool, 950K. Bobbie Fallon Rltr (845) 446-2238 Newburgh Hudson Rvr vu, Victorian brick, 4BR, 2 bth, 4 fplc, wideplank flr, 14' ceil, orgnc gdn veg, herb, fruit trees, walk 2 ferry (845) 656-6070 Orange Cnty 5 min Orangetown Med Center! Beaut 2 fam home on dead end, 3BR, 1 bth, 2nd apt 2BR, 1 bth, 150x150 lot, new roof & vinyl siding, 2 new kitch, 319K (845) 300-1450 Orange Cnty Beaut Log Home, on 11.9 ac in Mt Hope, 3 story incl 3BR, 2 bth, Custom built, easy access train NYC. Quiet serene nghbrhd. Call Bob Edwards (845) 674-2262 Woodbury Commons/Orange Cnty One hour to NYC, on 1 landscaped acre, lake-front prop, Colonial, 4BR, secluded & private (917) 690-5022

Baldwin Short Sale Charming 3BR Colonial with 2 baths, in mint condition. Full basement, det garage. Help Stop foreclosure. Bank will listen to all reasonable offers. Martin Hepworth Netter Real Estate. Call (631) 661-5100 Baldwin 5-unit apt house: 4-2BR, 1-1BR, granite, kitchen/bth, new heating, 5-car gar, sep meters, centrally loc, 122K gross, 899K. Call immediately (631) 478-7003 Bohemia Legal 2 fam, Suffolk, ac, 6BR, 2 bth, 2 EIK, 2 LR/DR, 1-c gar. Close to LIE/LIRR, lots more, 449.9K. Owner (631) 567-3136 BROOKHAVEN HAMLET Colonial, 4BR, 2 bth, 2 fplc, nanny quarters, full bsmt, 3-car gar, 569K. Belzak & Bodkin Rlty (631) 758-0557 Deer Park 3 family, 3000 sf, renovated 6BR, 4 bths, 3 kitch, 2 electric meters, 2 boilers, circular drvwy, double lot. Income $5100/mo. Asking 650K. Owner (718) 465-5999 East Hampton Renov kit+bath, harbor front 3/4BR, 2 bth, lg deck, $4,000/wk Aug rntl, $2500/mo winter rntl (631) 324-1307 East Hampton DREAM BEACHHOUSE 3BR, 2 newly renovated baths, huge EIK, new stainless steel appliances, heated pool, on private half acre, one mile to private gated Clearwater Beach and marina, 549K. Call Owner (516) 343-5592 East Moriches Contemp bayfront home set on 1.9 ac, indr heated pool & spa! Pvt bch, grnhouse & balc, pvt pier for fly-ins or boat guests. Ownr financing. Adams RE (631) 661-7200 E. Northport Beaut 3950 sf, 5BR, 3 bth, huge kit w/sun rm, great rm, DR, MBR, MBth, i-g pool w/cabana, detached garage, 4 fplcs, room for mom/office/apt. 749K (631) 368-1514 Hauppauge Exquisite on-course, 2BR, 2 bth, walk-in villa, 1750 sq. ft., updates, low taxes/maintenance, tennis, pool (631) 851-8961 Huntington Wonderful split-lvl home w/spac rms, sunny bright LR, brick fplc, lg rec rm, suit prof space, 439K. Mary Luca (631) 549-1330 x240 Prudential Douglas Elliman RE


Luxury Co-Op Apt

Huge 1+BR, new appl, walk to town/ temple, bus/train to NYC, excel schls. Maint fee incl: heat, water, pkg strg, pool, tax. Ask 139.9K (845) 729-5081 Nanuet/Vistas of Kings Gate 1BR, 1 bth, overlooks pool/tennis/ playgrnd, W/D, CAC, gar, clbhse, hiways, red 230K, ownr (914) 649-1659 Valley Cottage Breathtaking Hudson vues, nr TZ brdg, 1BR, 1 bth, new appls, W/D, flr 2, sunny EIK, clubhse, gar, 175K. Owner (914) 649-1659


Cold Spring Hudson Rvr vu, 10,000sf Palladian inspired, 14 ac w/ adj 8,000-ac preserve, $7.9M. R.A. McCaffrey Realty Inc., (845) 2654113 Cold Spring One-of-a-kind Contemporary on 4+ ac peninsula on HUDSON RIVER, 4,500 sf, infinity pool, $7.9M McCaffrey Realty (845) 265-4113


Airmont Beaut CH Col, 5BR, 3 full bths, full unfurn bsmt, 3-c gar, 1.3 ac, in-grnd pool w/waterfall, gourmet kit, HWF, 839K/nego (914) 261-6354 New Hempstead 4BR, 2 bth,1 ac, new ceram/gran kit, bth, furn, new windws & A/C, SS appls, double oven/sink, 399K (845) 642-5221


Bayswater 3BR, 1 bth, all new 2011 const in newest Jewish nghbrh, Shom Shab, mrbl/gran kit & bath, lux w/video intercom, SS appls, closets, Owner, no fee, no pets/smoking. Near shuls, 2nd flr. Also 1st flr, 3BR, 2 bth & huge fin bsmt, CAC (718) 581-6147 Far Rockaway New const, 3BR, 2 full bth, CAC, upper flr of 2 fam hse. Asking $1850/mo. Serious inquiries. Call (917) 337-6262 Yossi Flushing Newly refurb lg 3BR hse, furn or unfurn, kit, din area, bth, patio in rear, lndry, pkg, $1800/mo, gas incl. Call Desmond to view (646) 468-3463 Howard Beach 1-2-3BR apts, $900-$1,700. 4 sale 2 fam, w/finished ground flr, 625K. Cloverdale Realty (718) 926-3184 Anthony Mihovich Rockaway Park/119th St. 1 bedroom nice clean apartment first floor near train and beach. Laundry machines on premise. $1250 month including all utilities (347) 415-6808

Ellenville Kingsway Colony on Briggs Hwy, need group of 15 families: 10 2-bedrooms, 4 1-bedrooms + main house with 3BR and new kitchen. Shul, laundry room and pool (732) 671-7779

Bayside/Hollis Court 1BR, 1 bth, upper crnr, 2 AC, W/D, nr Xprss Bus/ shop. Ask 164.9K w/option to buy gar, 15K. Owner ready to sell (917) 9395064; (718) 428-0982 Low maint. Beechurst Beaut waterfrnt 3BR, 3 full bth, lux top-notch bldg, dock & pool. MIC, C/A/C & heat, terr, gym, drmn, gated, 24hr sec (718) 767-2492 Beechhurst Come enjoy your waterfront pool & dock in a luxury topnotch coop. Feel like you are in the country. Magnificent 3BR, 3 full bths in bridgeview bldg with manicured grounds, doormen & gated 24-hr security. Move-in cond, c/a/c & heat, super-large closets, terrace, gym, library. Owner (718) 767-2492


Bay Terrace Spac broadside 6 rms/6 rms, HWF thruout, in-law ste, cor prop; 2 apts have full bth & half bth in mstr BR. In-law ste has shower, EIK, L-shaped LR, EZ NYC, walk dist to worship, 739K Joyce (718) 9793400 Neuhaus Realty Eltingville Great 3BR semi, 2 bth, fin basement, new kitch, walk to shops. (DC) 379K. Neuhaus Realty (718) 979-3400 Pleasant Plains Mother/Daughter 2-story entry, 3BR, 4 bth, gar, gourmet kitch, fplc, hrdwd flrs, 545K. Call Owner (718) 984-0601 Stapleton OH Fri-Sun 10-3 PM. 726 Bay St. Beaut 1-fam, 3-flr 3BR, 2 bth, sep moth/daugh apt, harbor vus, facing Staten Island Home Port Dev, 420K. Joyce (718) 979-3400 Neuhaus Realty

Hewlettbay Park Magnif home in upscale area, 11,000 sf, 10BR, 6.5 bth Col, 7 fplc, lush grnds, MUST SEE! Bkrs: (516) 721-3292; (516) 902-0017 Jericho SD/Exclu! Great Investment! Mod masterpiece, 18,000 sf new const, cement+steel home on 11 ac w/ sep deeded 2 ac lot, $7.5M, Prin only. Grace Destiny Rlty (516) 768-1000 Lawrence Newly renov lrg mother/daughter, 6BR, 2 bth, granite kitch w/all new SS applncs, sep LR & DR, attic, huge fin bsmt, bckyrd. Low taxes, price nego. Eddie (516) 225-0921 Lawrence 215 Causeway, Contemporary 3BR, 2 bth, in-ground pool, ac w/water view, 950K. Carol Steadman, Stribling and Associates (516) 374-0240

Bethel 85 acres on Rt. 17B, next to Bethel Performing Arts Center, huge potential, 575K, FSBO (516) 840-6509 Bethel Estate sale, sacrifice. Spac 2BR, 2 bth cedar/glass ranch. Perfect getaway. Bike to 69 Woodstock site. Many xtras, must sell, 185K. Lets talk (561) 470-6038 Bethel 4BR, 3 bth, jac, fplc, cathed ceil, 3+ ac, mi to 69 Woodstock site, zoned performg arts, 600K (845) 701-6200 ( Catskills/Sullivan Cty 10 unit Motel, handyman specl, grt retreat, camp, 2 ac, full bsmt, 89K owner fin, Stanzoni C21. Bob (631) 399-4000

Woodmere 4BR, 2 bth Split on 80x100 lot, all renov, gran, SS appls, nr synags, 2 sinks/ovens/ DWs, ask 525K. Call owner (516) 852-2071


Forest Hills Renov, det brick 4BR, 3 bth, 9' ceil, fin high bsmt + beaut loft, 2-c brick gar on 50x100, $1.295M (718) 544-1520; (917) 834-1282

Briarwood/143-50 Hoover Ave Mint prewar L-shp studio, Murphy bed, wlk-in clost, new bth. Mt $347, 115K, no flip tax. Own (646) 288-1277

38 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 23

24 The Jewish Herald Friday, December 11, 2009 31

1-HR COMMUTE FROM NYC!!! 3BR, 2 bath Manufactured Homes for Sale/Rent in Monticello, NY Starting at $43,900 or 2 available for $700/mo rent (845) 794-6066 New Rochelle/58 Windsor Oval BY OWNER, 3BR Raised Ranch Exclusive residential area with Beach Club, 850K Call (914) 738-5685 New Rochelle/Scarsdale P.O. Corner split-level home w/pool. Walk to worship, bus, 3BR, 2 bth, EIK, fin bsmt, ofc, 2-c gar, 769K - 39849 Call (917) 545-9404 Somers Mint executive 4BR, 2 full bth, sngl fam, 439K. FSBO, No Brokers, excellent schools, low taxes. By appt (914) 248-8466 West Harrison Quiet, 6 rms, 3BR, 2 bth, renov EIK, 2-c gar, scrnd porch, nr hwy & RR. Owner. READY TO SELL, 629K (914) 949-7206 White Plains NEW BABY! Dutch Col hse for sale. 3BR, 1 bth, pantry, DR/LR, fplc, wrap porches, attic, HWF, fenced yard, sitting on .33 ac, nr synags, new roof. Zoned Dr., atty. Nr all, reduced, 550K (914) 490-8486 White Plains 3BR, 1 bth Ranch, 2 fplc, lg fam rm, lg deck, low tax, hrdwd flrs throughout, quiet, close to all, gar, 409K. Sale/rent, ownr (914) 713-4377 White Plains Prime area. 30-yrold custom made Col, 8 lg rms, 4BR, 2 bth, EIK, LR, DR, FR, fin bsmt, 2-c gar, 825K negotiable (914) 948-5824 White Plains/The Gaylord Spectac, renov 2BR, 2 bth, beaut HWF, marble bths, outdr deck & gdn, walk to worship. 375K to 398K. Call agent Rita (914) 320-6644 Yonkers/Lincoln Park Brick Col, 4BR, 3 bth, 4300 sf, 80x100' lot, 2-c gar, fncd yards, fin bsmt w/summer kitch, elev, nr Riverdale schls, walk to synag, 835K. Owner (914) 403-7622 YONKERS/BRONXVILLE P.O. 1BR apt, beautiful landscaped, tree-lined street, 1-car gar parking $1175 a month (845) 920-1306 Yorktown 4 BR, 2 bth ranch. FR, fplc, HWF, unfinished basement, 1-c gar. Sewers/Town Wtr. $299,000. BHG Rand Rlty. Jody (914) 494-7543

Call 718

N. Stonington Country Est 4.91 acres $1,150,000. Coldwell Banker. Go to enter MLS# E250615 Judy (401) 309-1334 RIDGEFIELD BY OWNER 2010 custom Col, 3800+sf w/4BR, 2 bth, gour kit, low taxes on flat 1 acre. Top CT Schools $1,099,000. Call (914) 439-1776 Watertown 1,500 sf in-home ofc zoned prof/in-law + 5BR home, 3 bth, 2-c gar, MIC, 600K. (860) 2742016 lease or buy; owner finance Westport Currier & Ives Romantic cottage. Best value, 1 ac, 2BR, 1 bth, real caboose guest hse, 450K. Off Merritt. Call (281) 840-9090; (203) 682-4372 Woodbury 4,800 sf Col. Pool. 3 lg Barns. 20 Stalls. Pastures. Turnouts. Riding Ring. West Views. 28.66 ac, $1.41M. Sindy Butkus (203) 263-4040

Fax 718

ORMOND BEACH Buy bank-owned properties for 3% down, must qualify. Walk to Esformes Chabad Lubavitch community center. Call Andres Tafur at (386) 679-5482 Daytona-Ormond Real Estate, Inc. PBG Gated lakefront East Pont CC, 2BR, 2 bth + lanai furnished, pool tennis, health club. Owner finance 5%, 129K firm (561) 596-7980 Palm Beach Gardens/Mirabella at Mirasol Gated 3BR, 2 bth, 2-c villa, lake view, 24-hr security, 359.9K (561) 623-2342 or (561) 635-4002 Palm Coast 2BR, (possibly 3rd), 2 bth, 2500 sf, granite cntrtops, new applncs, on wide Canal on docksl. Owner retiring, 334K nego. Call (904) 5913136 or email: Pinecrest 6,033sf, 4/4, 1.31 ac, lg patio/pool area, in-law qtrs., 6145 SW 121 St, $1.595M. SCG Bkr (305) 742-5536 Pompano 2 waterfront homes @ 369K, 569K; Boca @ 599K. All renov. Pools & docks, motivated seller. Act fast (954) 993-2080 Seminole FSBO 2.4 ac est zoned for equine, 2 homes: 5BR/4 bth & 2BR/1bth, 4-stall barn, grnhse, pool, 2-2-c gar, orchard. (727) 393-0427 Spring Hills Enjoy Life! Gorgeous, spacious, furnished inland Florida 3BR, 2 bath home on 22,000 sq. ft. cul-de-sac lot in beautiful 55+ parklike setting. Olympic-sized heated pool and Jacuzzi, tennis courts, golf course and clubhouse with on-site full-service restaurant. Priced for quick sale at $119K. Call Dr. Fischer (352) 754-8786 for photos and further information SPRING HILL/TAMPA BAY AREA 3BR, 2 full bth, attd 2-c gar, built in '92, upgrades galore, 115K (352) 200-5597 Tampa/Temple Terrace Meadow Wood TH, 2BR, 2 bth, well furn, W/D, covered pkng, poss ownr fin, 72K. Call Owner (828) 400-4062 Tampa Waterfront residential home & lot (one-half acre) with protected 50-ft yacht dock, bay view with sunsets. Paradise is for sale by owners; empty nesters are downsizing, $1.6 million. Call (813) 943-6317 Volusia/Northwest Lakefrnt 2/2, immac, remod brick on 8 ac w/peace & guiet, grt fishing & pvcy, 319K. Joe Underhill, Exit RE (386) 747-5378 Wellington Immac 5BR, 4 bth, 2-c gar, 3600sf (3000sf AC), ovrlks vus lake+golf crse, tile, 349.9K. PPI Inc. (561) 236-2765 W. Davie Beaut Ivanhoe 4/3/2 pool/spa home, 2460 sf, crnr lot. 10,000sf. Low HOA. A+ schls, nr shop/syna/I-75, 365K (954) 434-2188 WPB/CC 2657sf U/A built 04, 2 sty 4/3/3 + den/5th BR & full bath dwnstrs. Lg sitting rm in Mstr. Ovrszd 75 x 160 lot. Country Club membership optional, 443.5K (561) 775-4645 West Palm Beach Area Sunny Florida Country Est, 5BR, 3 bth on waterway. Dock, pool & pond. Lease option avail, 495K (772) 597-3904 WPB & South Fl Buy now! Single fam home 2/2 + 1-c gar, 112K, gated, unlimited golf. Low HOA, many more. Barbara (561) 358-1773 Fort Lauderdale / Wilton Manors 140 NE 30 St. 3BR, 3 bth waterfront home. Comp updated, granite tops, brick pavers, pool & private dock, 498K. Call Don (954) 564-1792 Manalapan Small commu 126 homes, 3BR, 3 bth, full bsmt & priv back, W/D, walk to NYC trans & shopping, 485K (732) 294-5554 Monroe Twp/Greenbriar 55+ 2BR, 2 bth, MIC, gar, all amenities, bus, walk to synag, lo tax. Ask 129K nego (609) 655-8051 Montville/55+plus Adult Comm Lovely 2BR, 2 bth, end unit w/sliding door, 2 patios. Assigned pkg, walking dist to Jewish Cntr/Pinebrook Jewish syng, 255K, nego (973) 697-1868 Ocean Rolling Meadows, Chelsea Model 2BR, 2 full bth, LR, DR, kitch, sunroom, den. Principals only. Call (732) 493-6140 West Orange Twnhse, gated comm, 3BR, 2 bth, LR, DR, EIK, fam rm w/fplc, deck, fin bsmt, 2c gar, clubhse, pool, gym (973) 943-9953 Whiting/Crestwood Village II 55+ By Owner, 1 huge BR, 1 bth, slider in kitch. Taxes paid by maintenance fee, 62K Cash! Call (732) 232-9494

Coxsackie 1 hour to Saratoga/ Hunter Mountain, 800sf, 1-fam home on ac, 5 rooms + bath, hardwood flrs, new kitchen, village water. Asking 85K. Call Owner at (518) 756-2691 COPAKE LAKE 200+ acres Bordering Copake Lake golf course (518) 325-6600 Constantia Simply gorgeous, magnif waterfrnt home, 6BR, 5 bth, 2 fplc, decks, 7200sf, 599K (315) 6237151; (315) 455-2333 MLS# 250697 DELAWARE COUNTY/HANCOCK Prime hunting & fishing area house + 48 ac, very private area. Custom-built by owner, $279,999 (201) 995-3928 Fingerlakes/NY State Custom 5300 sf, 4BR, 4 bth, beautiful landscaping, top school district, SS appliances & granite counters, solarium, media room, fitness room & office, 749K nego (315) 730-8484 GALWAY 32 PLUS ACRES, 3BR plus 1BR apt. Trout pond, 5-year-old Salt box. Will subdivide. Call (865) 465-3477

Delray Bch/ Villa Borghese Gated comm +55, fully furn, 3BR, 2 bth. Bring your clothes & begin your resort lifestyle, 253K (561) 638-2563 Delray/Villa Borghese 55+ 2/2 + den, cust built-ins, gour kitch, s/i patio overlooks lake, 345K. Harriet Morris, Prudential FL Rlty (954) 646-4319 Ft. Laud/Broadview Pk Beaut maint & updtd 2/1 + 1/1 full in-law ste, new roof, closed patio + all shutters (954) 599-8940 Ft. Laud Boaters 4/4 Dream Home 100ft Dock/Boatlift on Wide Canal/ No Fixed Bridge, 2nd-Sty Master Sitting/Gym rm, Hi Ceils, Pool + Spa, 3-Car gar Newer Roof $1.5M Dynasty RE Charles (954) 295-6666 WWW.2865NE25THCOURT.NET Gainsville/High Spring Lease/ Sale. Gated comm, spectacular log home on 5 ac, 4100 sf, huge 4BR, 3 bth, home office, 4-c gar, huge storage & many closets, upgraded kitch, top-of-the-line applncs, custom built, $2500/mo, for lease, sale 699K. Owner will finance. Make me an offer (352) 494-0784 Greenacres/Riverbridge Georgeous Villa w/3BR, 2 baths, 2-car gar, magnificent lake views, upgraded LR/DR, award-winning kitchen, laundry room, enclosed lanai, professionally landscaped, gated community, MIC, priced right, must see! (561) 304-0518; (732) 915-9993 (Cell) Hollywood/ N. Lake Great cond. Intercoastal - 2 boat ramps - beaches, childrens park - 2 golf courses, 3BR, attd gar, 2 newly scrnd porches, new paint in/out, 249K (508) 376-5048 Hollywood Grt con, N. Lake area nr intercoastal 2 boat ramps, 3BR, 1 bth attd gar, 2 scrnd prchs, new kitch applncs, CAC, 239K (508) 376-5048 Hutchinson Island Real Estate for Trade & Cash. Will trade new home, 4400 sf, 800K free and clear. For Home or Condo in Ft. Lauderdale. Call (954) 270-5242 Inverness Fantastic Offer, lrg 1 fam 4BR, 3 bth, 16x34 i-g pool, 2.8 ac fenced. Costly updates. Live on natural perserve. Ownr downsizing, 220K (352) 419-7017 Inverness /55+ Lovely Villa, 2BR, 2 bth, garage, patio, pool, CAC/heat, large kitchen, appliances, clubhouse, 95K (352) 742-2770 Lake City 21 ac, 4BR, 2 bth, brick home, 75x130, shop/barn, zoned OR, concrete floors, 275K (386) 963-4310 Lake Worth The New Fountains Country Club! Vacation 365 days in Palm Beach County! Homes 30k-to400k. See Debbie Lettrich, HRRE (561) 504-1154 Lantana Gated 55+ comm, 2BR, 2 bth mobile home, newly renov, lrg screen porch, carport & shed, pool, clubhse, 22K (561) 969-2317 Lauderhill HOUSE BY OWNER Mod 3BR, 2 bth, multi-gen gated lux comm, SS applncs, ceramic tiles, 2-c gar. Owner retiring. Ready to sell! Ask 225K, negotiable (954) 552-4520 Miami Bch/Bay Harbor 5BR, 4 bth, 4,200 sf, walking dist to house of worship, perfect designer pool home, 2 large master suites, gourmet kitch. Owner will finance (305) 793-5522 North Fla. 4BR, 2 bth spac mobile home, whlchair access, fruit/nut trees, 3 outbldgs, 2 carports, 155K (386) 688-0036 Ona/Hardee County 644 Acres Pristine Gentlemans Ranch; Floridas best hunting & fishing. Homes & barns, has it all! Call Mark today (863) 990-8433 Orlando 4BR, 3 bth + Mother-InLaw apt, 2-c gar, nice quiet neighborhood. Close to parks, fully furn. Accepting bids (407) 855-0772 Orlando/Kissimmee/Poinciana Brand new concrete blk, 2BR, $99K+; 3BR, $120K+; 4BR $142K. Lot incl, priv w/pond, near shop. We build on your lot (800) 732-2856 Orlando/Pt. Poinciana 2 homes avail, 89K, 3BR, 2 bth, 140K 4BR, 2 bth, near synag. Call me if you are in the market. Mr. Heller (917) 930-2655

Monticello Stunning lodge nestled among 22 acres of lush land, pvt bridge leads to secluded cottage that provides 3BR, 2 full bth, DR/LR, sitting room, sunroom facing tranquil pond. Atop a hill resides an additional hunting lodge equipped w/kitch & bth. Additionally, there is a 3-c gar w/apt overhead. Mere 1 hr drive from NYC. Perfect getaway for fam gatherings. Enticing to nature lovers & outdorsemen. Close to ski resort, lakes & casino, $550,000 for the total package (631) 691-3390 Monticello 23 ac, 5 Rnch hses yr rnd + 1 mainhse w/6 apts, pool, i-grnd elec, well water. Walk to Walmart/shul (718) 848-6974 (917) 601- 3002 Sullivan County 3 BR, 2 bth, beaut lndscp, quiet, fully renov, sitting on 3000 sf, htd indoor pool, breathtaking views, 499.9K nego. Owner (845) 482-5259 Enter Zip Code 12766 Swan Lake 1800s Col, 11 rms, 4BR, 2 bth, 1900 sf on 1 ac, full bsmt, 1-c gar w/strg, fncd yrd, xtra lot, bungalow incl, 350K (845) 701-5517 Woodridge 4BR, 2 bth, LR, library, 4 ac, near Kriger Park, walk to shul, 210K (305) 603-8198; or (914) 799-0108


FLORIDA HOMES OR LAND Special Seller Financing Available Any Credit, Any Income

3BR home with 4 bth, excel vus on 30 ac, asking 950K (518) 325-6600 HUDSON VALLEY CATSKILLS Corp. Retreat / Family Compound Mitt Cotter (817) 307-7793 Middleburg Luxury log cabin, 4,000 sq ft, sitting on 400 acres, 6BR, 4 bth, fully furnished, all includes, must see to believe, will e-mail pictures. Original price $2.3 Mil; reduced to $1.9 Mil (631) 981-5888 Ask for Gia Montebello Gem 5BR, 4 bth, 779K. In-law suite. Partridge RE (845) 429-0609 Opn Hse May 16, 10-4pm. Tour Roscoe 8+ ac w/lg bldg, 68x80, 7 fam+ first flr was lodge (Old Catskill Inn) Apts on second flr w/new high eff elec ht, paid by tenant. First flr htd by oil. Grt opportunity for builder, 599K Bright Horizons Re (718) 615-1441 Saratoga County Country Home, 30 ac w/property income, 2 lg barns, 1 mile from exit 8 Adirondack Northway. Owner will finance (518) 701-8017 Sleepy Hollow Lake Dynamic Lkfrnt home 2500+ sf contmp w/4BR, 3 bth, 9 yrs old, add adj bldg lot avail, 30 min Cap Dist (518) 527-8380 Super 3BR, 2 bth ctp 36 ac - awesome view - horse barn - great loc bet Cornell & Bing U - Call Warren (607) 768-2885 or Dick (607) 727-3048 Thompsons Lake Unique Opp Upstate NY. Albany Cty. 10 ac w/450 feet of Lakefront prop. 3000 sf main house. Guest house unfinished, oversized shop in 2-c gar, w/2nd flr, stable w/heated tracks, 3BR, 2 bth, 20 min to Albany, 645K, neg (518) 588-6060 Trenton Falls Upstate Historic Greek Rev Hinckley Home Circa 1815, 3BR, 2 bth, 58 ac, foothill Adk Mts. See NYTimes online descrip (772) 539-1893 Unadilla Old-world charm, elegant histor Federal home, built 1826, brick 2-sty carriage hse on 1.8 ac, 6BR, 4 bth, HWF, updtd elec/plbg, 2 fplc, 40 min Binghamton, 230K. Owner (917) 626-7664; broker (607) 563-1020


Livingston 3BR Cape, very clean, w/newer kitch & bath, fin bsmt w/WD, nr town ctr w/NYC bus at corner, nr shops & top schools, $2K/mo (973) 422-0020

Rose Land & Finance Corp. (866) 937-3557 Fabulous Waterfront Estate Gulf coast, 3BR, 3 bth. Call (330) 559-4969. Reduced 33% Archer 4BR, 3 bth Victorian, 4 ac totally restored, 7 fplc, antiques, citrus & pecan trees, 2-story barn, zoned B&B, 525K/obo (352) 213-1102 Boca 3/3 Courtyd home w/guesthouse, patio/deck Golf opt, hurr. shut, A/C 2-c gar, Joanne, Keller Williams (561) 212-2271 Boca Gated Lg 2-sty 6BR, 5 bth, travertine/wd flrs, gran cntrs, 7200 sf w/pool on lake/park, 800 sf game rm, 7 tennis cts. Apprais $1.35M. Pre-frecl @ 995K. Land value est 800K. Ownr/agt (561) 302-8327 Boca Raton 3300sf 4BR, 2 bth ranch/split, gourmet EIK, new appliances, double ovens/pantries, all upgrades, marble/wood, granite, laundry room, FDR + wet bar, FLR, game room, hi ceilings, extra closets, walk to A+ schools, houses worship, 575K (212) 380-3424 pix avail Boca Raton Designer furnished 3BR Townhouse, 2 bth, 2-car gar, equity membership mandatory. Golf view, 499K. Call (561) 756-3248 Boynton Bch 55+ Indian Springs Golf Comm, 2BR, 2 bth, patio home w/pool vu! Newer A/C & roof, furn also avail, 125K. FSBO (561) 200-0477 Boynton/Lake Worth Active adult communities on sale now. Laurie Scherer/Keller Williams (888) 3004431 TEAMSCHERER.COM Coral Springs Beat the Bank! 7/ 4.5, Whispering Woods, 3-c gar. YOU Must See this. Huge 5300+ sf home on 1.25+ ac lakefront, courtyard pool home at end of a cul-de-sac in a Prestigious Gated Comm. w/@2-story Guest House & Theatre Room, 639.9K Legacy RE (954) 224-9104 Daytona Beach Area Lakefrnt 2/2, immac, remod brick on 8 ac w/peace & guiet, grt fishing & pvcy, 319K. Joe, Exit RE (386) 747-5378 Delray Bch Glen Eagles CC Fly & Buy, Free Airfare w/purchase of Condos. Call Glen Realty (561) 400-2570 Delray Beach Like new, furn mod 4/3BR + den, 2-c gar, grt lake view, pool & spac cor home site. Gran kit, wood plantation shutters, trim & many upgrades. Move-in condtion. Golf membership avail. Gated community, near temple, 489.9K (561) 762-6350 Delray Beach/Shady Woods 1 Villa 2/2, 1-car garage, 20' tile throughout, designer furniture included at list price, low maintenance. No realtors, please! Either cash or preapproved mortgage, asking 120K (561) 504-6185 or (561) 870-1369 Delray/Boca Addison Reserve. Live the perfect climate in an AwardWinning Country Club with magnificent homes starting from . . . $400s to $4M. Call Prudential Florida Realtors, Cherie & Larry Gross (561) 702-7828 or visit at

Carlyle Towers Lux 2BR, 2 bth condo w/jacuzzi-spa and gym, valet. Hudson & city view celebrities, 549K negotiable (718) 204-7431 Elizabeth Rent to own, $1,100/ mo. W/25% rent credit 79.9K, nego. Updtd 2BR, 1 bth , nr NJ Tpke, Rt 1&9. Down pmt reqd (201) 407-4946 Hoboken Secluded carriage house, 3 fplcs, lux applnc package, patio + trellis + hot tub, terrace, 3 flrs, $1.15 Million (201) 400-3986 Monmouth Beach 2600 sf condo w/great view of marina,ocean, 2 rivers & NYC, 4 baths, 2-4BRs avail immed, 795K (732) 598-2885 MONMOUTH BEACH 1600 sf, 2BR, 2 bth refurbished new bth, new kitch, hardwood floor, 430K (973) 699-7213 Westfield/Condo 50+ 3BR/2Bth, flr 2, EIK; DR/LR, fplc; gar; nu remod kit+bths; SS appl's, gran cntrs, wood cabs, nu carpet. Ask 530K (908) 9671410


Clintondale 960 Milton Big House in the Country, 15 ac, 1 hrs NYC. Dutch Colonial, Old Speakeasy, 7BR, 5 bth, 4500 sf, 650K (845) 687-6200 Kerhonkson/Ulster County Ready to move in, off Rt. 17, nr shopping & synagogue, sewers & sep zone, ask 250K nego (631) 581-3493 Kingston 3BR, 2 bth Ranch + attached efficiency apt, frontage on Glenerie Lake, new kitchen, AC, 3car gar, 220K (845) 336-8214 Saugerties 5BR, 2 bth, 2-c gar, large fenced-in lot. Close to HITS, Village, beaches & across from Esopus Creek-swimming/fishing/kayaking (845) 246-2700; (845) 853- 6965 Shawangunk Blt 2010, 3BR, 3 full bth, 2 ac, many wndws, cooks kit, SS appl+gran cntrs, ofc, read rm w/ skylts, 4-c gar, C/A, 359K Lucille Hand RE (845) 647-8020


Own a house at 46% less. 4-family, $128,900, by owner. Investors, New Buyers Welcome (347) 858-6247 Adirondack Park 2,500 sf, 4BR, 3 bth, lrg loft, 7.84 ac w/river front, open flr plan, deck, attached gar, priv, quiet, $496K (937) 689-5990 Catskills Stamford LOG HOME next to golf course, 4BR, 3 bth, indoor pool, skiing, 2 hours from NYC. 162 Taylor Road. Asking $589K. (631) 338-5935 Catskills 20 min Hunter & Wyndham, lg renov 5BR, 5 bth ranch on 3 acres, new kit, bth, MIC. Nr Catskill Creek. Call Owner (347) 739-1182 Catskills Own piece of the Catskill Mts, 4,500 sf hse, 7 cottages, 1-2BR, w/stream, waterfall, on 5.3 acres. Use for family/bungalow/camps, near synagogue, 319K (518) 537-2070 Catskills foothills in Unadilla: Moth/ daugh 2-sty carrg, 1.8 ac, com porch, 2 sep ent, 6BR, 4 bth, MIC, 3 hrs NYC, 80 mi Roscoe, 198.9K. Owner (917) 626-7664; Brkr (607) 563-1020 Catskills Beaut 3-fam income property sitting on 4 acres, highway, commercial land w/700 ft on state rd, 350 ft frontage on country road. Call owner, Jimmy retiring (518) 755-0810 Catskills/Sharon Springs Ready to talk? Horse farm on 23 ac, subdiv, above-grnd pool, moth/daughter newly remod beaut new kitch, 11 rms, 1 bth, 490K, negotiable (518) 875-6685


LAWRENCE REALTY Serving Monmouth & Ocn Counties SHORT SALES/FORECLOSURES Mary Ann, Agent (732) 642-5411 Investment, HUD, REO Properties AREAS LEADER IN DEALS Home Alliance Realty, Manahawkin Call 609-978-9009 Log onto our websites TODAY! Lisa G. Lopez, Broker of Record ABERDEEN NEW CONST. Luxury Twnhomes 3BR/3 bth w/2-c gar, EZ access to NYC trans Info call Silvana (908) 770-3130 Bloomfield/136 N. 17 St. 1 fam in need of updating, huge rooms, amazing attic, quick closing, 249K. Submit all offers, LR, DR, EIK. Call Peterpaul Real Estate Agency (973) 589-0055

White Plains Quiet block, luxury co-op, spacious studio with dressing room, parqet flrs, many closets, new appls, S/S refrig, 4th-floor laundry, parking, walk to all, mid-Sep. must see! Bway-Main Street area. By owner, $1200/mo (914) 725-4515 Yonkers Beautiful apt in private house, 3BR, 2 full bth, LR, DR, EIK, W/D, new appliances/carpet, deck, 2 parking spaces, heat & hot water incl, non-smoker preferred, convenient to all shopping, highways/transportation leading to NYC & NJ, $2200/mo. Call (914) 497-4033 ODIMINA@YAHOO.COM


Bethlehem/Winter In Ct 2BR, private & quiet, Rustic Country, Cape, deck, applnces, shower, partially furn, $1175/mo (203) 824-3612

White Plains Co-Op 442K neg, African art (furn) possible rental. DM, gar, vintage bldg; Condo oceanfront Deerfield Bch, Fl, 400K+ neg. Asian art (furn) poss rental (954) 707-2537 Yonkers/Westchester Beaut bldg Riverdale area. Lrg 1BR, totally renov, commuters dream, low maint, utils incl. Rdy, ask 90K (914) 564-5331


Branford Have your fam live with you, but not (with you) 2 houses on 1 prop, 1 blk from priv town, beach & park (860) 271-4115 Brookfield Wtrfrnt/Candlewood Charmer Grt cond, vus, 3BR, 3 bth, fin low lvl. New to mkt. Well mnt, 995K. RE P of CT (203) 792-6588 Dir


Portsmouth, NH Tax friendly, histor 3-sty brick mansion, dwntwn, 5BR, 9 fplcs, walk to restaurants/shops, $2.9M. Carey & Gianpa Realors (603) 964-7000 x 145; (603) 498-7927 Barb


Bronxville Commuters delight, 2BR co-op, lots closets, beaut landscaped, close to tains/shop, state-ofart equip, good schls (914) 260-7050 New Rochelle Prime 4BR, 4 bth on crnr lot, .46 acre. Huge. Gorgeous prop. Frml DR & LR, tons of closets, CAC, rights to pvt beach, 2-car gar, hard to find. Ask 829K. (917) 7519101

Near Chautauqua Quiet, private, spacious 5BR, 3 bth log home with 30' x 50' great room, stone fplc, on 87 acres. Free gas, 5 fenced pastures, ponds, 46' x 76' barn, 3-bay garage, 895K (716) 782-4592 Clifton Park Buyers delight. 3-yrold brick w/3 adjacent bldng lots. Gorgeous amenities for large family. Make an offer! Owner cost $2.2M. Owner (518) 320-4960

Brick 4BR, full fin bsmt, wetbar & bth, new kit, gran cntrs, cath ceils LR, huge decks, above-grnd pool, Lg 2-c gar, new roof & furnace, 456K. Karen (732) 814-6055 Brick 3BR, 1 bth rnch w/lg EIK, gar+den, 4-c drv, fncd bkyrd, 79x139 cor lot. Deck, new roof, mi to pkwy, 243K (732) 458-6170 Brick Town/ Waterfront TAKE YOUR CHOICE! Two 3BR homes on water, 2 full bth, lots of decks, owner fin@ 5%, 399K (on the river) or 665K (on the bay). Call (732) 938-2047

Darien/Salem Sts All renov 3500 sf, 4BR, 3 bth, game room, sauna, wet bar, 2 fplc, full dry basemnt, lg AC sun room, 24 unique creative perrenial gardens with secl walkways, 300 yds to beach $2.49M (203) 655-2238 Litchfield Wood arch house 90, 3300 sf, 3 ac, 2-c gar, closets, 4BR, 2 bth, guest room, LR w/fplc, office, downstairs studio, 590K (860) 5673068 Also avail for rental

1327: 55+ HOUSES SALE/N.J.

Lakewood Adult Community 55+ Enclave, 3BR, 3 full bths, 2-c gar, 2,954 sf, premium oversized lot, large lof area, hardwood floor, granit kitch, 479K (732) 300-3651 Little Egg Harbor/ Ocean Cty 55+ Adult comm, 2BR, 2 bth, den, 2-c gar, Hovnanian Sales Model. Never lived in, 339K. Ownr/Agent (201) 826-5573

26 32 The Jewish Herald Friday, December 11, 2009 25

The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012


Brigantine New Custom Home. Beach Blk, 5BR, 4 bth, 3-sty, elev, 4 decks, front prch, Ocn and Bay vus, upgrades. Call for price. Bob 610637-0140 Cedar Grove /14 Hilltop Dr 4 true levels of house. Just move in, great neighborhood, 435K. Motivated seller, submit all offers, grt home. Call Peterpaul RE Agency (973) 589-0055 Clark 3BR, 2 bth Colonial on 95x105 corner, oversized MBR, updated kit + roof, FDR, HWF, fin bsmt w/kit, lg deck, 2-c gar + attics, great SD, ask 519K (732) 259-7032 Clifton/Rosemawr Most desirable area, spac home, landscaped propty, 62x120 lot, 9 rms: 4BR, 2 full bth, ceram kitch, full bsmt, pantry, Chestnut Trim, det 2-c gar, walk to synag, bus, NYC train, Path, NJT. By appt, also Sundays. $698K neg. (973) 779-5677 Cranford 3BR Colonial, renovated bths, new roof & windows. MIC, asking 430K. Call Better Homes Realty (908) 232-5544 Dover Sprawling 4BR Ranch, lrg lot, C/A, 2-c gar, nr major hwys/mass transp, 429.9K. Call Broker for appt S&R Schwarz & Co (973) 366-5600 E. Brunswick OH Sun 4/10 1-5 p.m., 3 Gertrude Rd, 4BR, 3 full bth, fin bsmt, grt SD & nbrhd, 1-car gar, CAC, huge backyard, $425,425 (973) 886-3260 East Brunswick 6 E Waverly Dr. 1-fam 4BR, 2 bth, HWF, pool, deck, 424.9K (732) 238-2100 Listed by Century21 Worden & Green Elizabeth/213 Palmer St. 250K. Buyer resp for c/o, fully rented. Short sale, submit all offers. Newer const, 2 fam, 3 over 3, great invest. Call Peterpaul RE Agency (973) 589-0055 Englewood FSBO, 2 fam duplx, nr Rt 4, 5 min GWB. Each apt 3BR, 2 bth, LR/DR, HWF, fin bsmt, shared gar, walk to Temple, Grand-Broad St, 589K (914) 527-2280 Far Hills 7,000 sf house (foundation) on 14 landscaped acres in horse country with stream, septic well, patio, pool, spa & fplcs. Asking 850K nego (908) 234-1743 or (908) 399-2100 Flemington Carriage Gate, new deck & fin bsmt, 1sr flr MBR & 2nd flr 2BR+loft, den, FR, EIK, 2c gar. 459K. Citco Agency (908) 334-4063 HARDING TWP Sports Enthusiasts Delight. Contemp on cul-de-sac w/indoor pool, racquetball court, exercise room & media center. $1.7M Coldwel Banker (973) 543-2552 Hazlet 2008 Perfect Family Home 6BR, 4 bth, 4700sf, solar, walk-out bsmt, pool, 799K (917) 612-7442 JACKSON MOBILE HOME 2 BR, AC, all new appliances, furnace & water heater, 3 large storage sheds. $15,000 (732) 323-8493 Mountainside/Union City $1.499M 6BR, 5 bth, 5,200 sf + fin bsmt. Almost 1 ac of land. 4 AC/heat units. Double staircase, 9 ft. every level, hardwood floors thruout. Large Master BR. $1,499,000. Price Negotiable. Call Antonio (908) 851-8698 Newark/Ivy Hill MIC 2 fam brick, 2BR, 1 bth, LR, DR, kit ea flr. Det 2-c gar, lo tax. Min from S Orange/shops. Danielle Rubel Rltors (973) 378-5808 Newark 2-family home, each unit with 2BR, 1 bth; 2-car det gar, near NYC transportation, 260K (973) 6267570; (973) 687-9523 N. Arlington/15 Persing Pl Short sale approved at 310K; 2 fam in need of work, grt neighborhood. Buyer respon for c/o, dead-end street. Call Peterpaul RE Agency (973) 589-0055 Old Bridge Heritage Wds, semidet 1700sf, 3BR, 2 bth, HWF, fplcs, CAC/heat, 1-car gar, end unit in culde-sac. Walk to xprss NYC bus, 1 hr to Wall St. 379K. Carl (917) 559-6965 Oxford/Warren Cty 4BR, 3 bth, beaut new cust 2900 sf home, 3-c gar, 2 fplcs, granite, lg deck, 10-yr waranty avail, 289.9K (908) 310-4813 Point Pleasant Boro Multi-purpose 7-yr-old cmml/res bldg w/2 stores on lwr, 2 apts ovr @ 2BR, 1 bth. Retail/ living spc 4153 sf; all 41,530 sf. Ask 999K nego. ERA All Rlty (732) 286-9892 Randolph 3BR Ranch, city utilities, nr maj hwys/mass transp, $282.9K. Call Broker for appt. S&R Schwarz & Co (973) 366-5600 Randolph Stone & stucco Col, 5BR, 4 bth, unsurpassed quality in every way, builders own home, $2.5M (973) 714-3085 Montville $495K, charm Cape Col., renov, MIC, 4BR, 3bth, CAC, moth/daugh, top schls, 1.6 ac, lo tax (201) 953-9910 Montville Majestic CHC, brick, 6BR, 5 bth, all HWF, new kit, granite, SS appls, 2 jacc, sauna, fin wlkout bsmt, 3-c gar, C-Vac, grt schls, nr 80, 46, 287 & 280, 999K (973) 879-3400 Morris Cty/Rockaway Township 2-story custom Colonial, wooded, New construction & lakefront, White Meadow Lake, walk to temple (973) 983-9527 Livingston 917 Regal Blvd. 3-lvl end unit at Regency. Loft, LR/DR, kit w/Viking & Sub-Zero SS appl/Corian. Elev, HWF/ tile, CV/sec sys, whirlpool tub, nr NY trans. 490K Christine (973) 476-6673 Madison Stylish End Unit Twnhse. Updated kitch, 3BR, 2.1 bth full bsmt, priv deck, tranquil setting, NYC train. Red to 544.9K (973) 479-4532 Manchester/Ocean City AFFORDABLE RETIREMENT HOME. Bay wndw kitch w/lamin flring, oak cabs/mod appls, Lg MBR + gst rm, 23' combo LR/DR, util rm w/WD + strg, scrnd patio prch, gar, all vert blinds, new broadloom, lo tax, $75K (732) 350-4131 Marlboro OH Sun 8/1, 1-4, ranch 4BR, 2 bth, 2-c gar, ac, 419K, grt loc & schls. Walk temple, NYC bus, rec ctr. 5 Wabash Rd. (732) 299-1252 Mendham Twp 6 appd sub-div bldg lots on 39.54+ ac incls est home + 2BR studio carriage hse, 6-c gar, i-g pool. $4.8M. Coldwell Banker (973) 543-2552 Montague One fam 3BR, 2 bth, LR, DR, full bsmt, 1-c gar. All rebuilt incl HWF. New appls. On quiet deadend street. Nr comm pool/bch, lake tennis. Golf crse. Call (973) 670-2135

Call 718

Beverly Hills 3 homes 8,000 sf $8,850,000; 10,000 sf $7,700,000; 13,000 sf (brand new) $10,800,000. Call (818) 244-9111 Beverly Hills Exquis landscaped property in distinctive neighborhood, 10,000 sf. Asking $8.85M (brand new) Must See! (818) 244-9111 Beverly Hills Exquis landscaped prop in distinct neighborhood, 13,000 sf. Ask $7.7M (brand new) Must See! Also new hse $10.8M (818) 244-9111

Fax 718

BROOKLYN Saint Marks Place Between 2nd & 3rd Ave Street-level store in very busy area. Approx 600sf. No cooking, $9,850 (212) 353-3537 Brooklyn Lease only, 4 ac, R/R access, siding avail, zones M-1, comml, DEC appvd, clean, sub-divide, price nego, C/C excell for buses, land all concrete. Bkr Catherine Harmon (631) 594-3434; Cell (917) 407-6221 BUSHWICK /BROADWAY For rent, street level, 8,000+ sf, gar parking, close to subway. Ownr, 9am-5pm M-F (516) 759-2222 Bklyn/Sunset Park 15,000 sf, M31 whse for rent, 22'-30' ceils, 2 14'x14' overhead doors, dry spklr system (718) 768-0707 Buyers Delight 5 min Tappan Zee Bridge. Motel for sale. 40 lg rooms with kitchens. Ideal Yeshiva or Institution. Asking $3.5M, neg. Serious inq only (845) 426-0023; (917) 365-2037 East Tremont Ave/Bronx Store For Rent. Top retail location, high pedestrian traffic, 3,000 sf, can be divided. For details: Rafi (718) 3641400 or (347) 495-0614 Flatbush 6 story, 40,000 sf warehouse + 7,500 sf parking. 1 block Flatbush Ave. Sale or lease. Seller income 100K. Owner (718) 667-7777 Freeport Warehse/Industrial 6,000 sf, 20' ceil, clear span, 400 amps, OHD, newly renovated, immaculate, cheap electric. Owner (516) 624-8030 Jericho Elegant office complex in prime loc on Jericho Tpke. 780 sf, & 2052 sf. Exclnt pkng. Built to suit. Greater Jericho Corp (516) 681-8660 Kings Park/Off Regan Pkwy Multi purpose warehouse, 11,500 square feet, high ceiling, $1,050/mo. All offers considered (516) 429-0287 Liberty, NY 2-sty comm bldg rtl/whlsl biz dist, Main St; flrs apx 5,000sf +bsmt 3,000sf, surr by Munic Pkg. Rd frntg Rt 55/52. 275K, neg. Owner fin opt 2.75% (914) 584-2982 Montauk Harbor Retail/Office space, 1,300 sf, parking & ground-flr access. Available Jan 1, 2011. A/C & gas heat, high traffic in season. Inquiries (516) 381-3115 Newburgh 32,000sf Office/Whse bldg on 4.1 ac in Stewart International Airport Indus Park (landlse). Min from I-84 (exit 6) & I-87. 14,100 sf currently leased to hi-grade tenants. 17,900sf opn & avail. Ask $2M. Kevin (845) 562-0860x203 Cell (914) 539-1871 New Windsor 5.2 ac on Route 94, 1,000 ft from Wails Gate, 5 Corners. Zoned commercial. Cleared & leveled. Asking 550K, negotiable (845) 5620860x203 Cell (914) 539-1871 NY/Ridge Ofc complex, on ac, zoned J4, 11 rms, 3 bth, conf rm,. Ideal MD/law offc, furn. Near LIE, 640K. 2011 tax 6K. Ron (631) 948-3652 Queens Store For Rent Renov 600sf store + bsmt in busy Flushing, Qns strip mall. Ideal dollar store. Rent nego. Serious inqs (917) 459-1223 Riverhead/N. Fork Farm Riverhead Historic Rural, Sound Ave, 8 ac lg leg 2 fam farmhse, pend 3-lot subdiv, lg barn, near golf/beaches, pond, pasture, town water/gas. Poss B&B. W/hold mrtg! $1.19M (631) 921-2666 Rockville Centre/Merrick Road 1,050 sf; 11,075 sf; 2,050 sf; 3,175 sf; 2,750 sf, available at low rent. Owner Rick (631) 421-1000 School Space 4 large bright classroms plus gym/offices. Ave I/Coney Island Ave. Avail Sept. Alice (718) 377-4400; Mr. Weiss (917) 301-2898 Uniondale 3 lots & 3 bldgs on appx .40 ac. Ownr/user 10-yr auto rpr + $ from tenants (record store/barber/ 2BR apt/pkg tenants) Seller fin avail, 950K. Mike Camastro, Bkr (516) 6950874 Westchester County/Portchester Store for rent. Pathmark Center nr Home Depot, 2500 sf. Call (914) 3813997 Also, small office space avail Williamsburg/Heart Of Retail Williamsburg, 40x62, building 20x62. Available now (718) 387-0500 Virginia Beach/Bayfront 5BR, 3 bth custm-built bchfrnt elevator home; experience sunrise from a kitchen to die for, the MBR & deck. Ask $1.3 Mil (757) 363-8100

Ridgewood Outstanding 2-fam. EZ NYC commute, 685K, excell pub schls enter Zip code 07450 & call (203) 858-3188 Roselle Park Best deal in town! Cape Cod 4BR, 1 bth, walk to NYC transit, EIK, full bsmt, 238K. Call Chuck (908) 377-3049 Scotch Plains 4BR, 2 bth, renov, HWF, opn flr pln, granite gourmet kitch w/SS appls. FSBO 457K OH Sun 1-4, 1135 Lincoln Ave (908) 2953072 S. Orange/Newstead 4BR, 3 bath ranch, all HWF, 2-car attached garage, SS/granite, 599K. 24 Speir Drive, ReMax in Action. J Bartlett (973) 459-1468 South Orange/Maplewood Commuters dream, 5BR, 2.2 bth Colonial, CAC, midtown dir train, OH 7/17, 1-4 pm, 355 South Ridgewood Rd. Price reduced 579K (973) 271-9775 Teaneck Colonial 3BR, 1 bth, 2 blocks bus to NYC, nr worhsip. for info & pictures (973) 953-3418 Toms River Beaut sunset waterfront prop, 75 ft dock, Riparian rights, 5BR, 3 bth, SS appls, 3 fplc, pool, CAC/VAC nr Pkwy, golf, good schls, $987,850 neg. FSBO (732) 244-0879 Toms River 100' Riverfront w/75' dock & riparian rights. 5BR, 3 bth, 3 fplc, pool, CACvac. Was $1.3M. Now only $987,850. FSBO (732) 244-0879 Toms River Wtrfront prop, Green Islnd sec, 4BR, 2 bth, cath ceil w/skylight, 50 bulkhead & dock, bow lift & jetski dabit, multi-level deck, boasting 2 bay beaches, 489K (732) 255-4491 TOMS RIVER WATERFRONT Breathtaking Views. Custom Built in 2003. 3BR, 1 on 1st flr. A MUST SEE! Remax R.E. Christina (908) 783-4423 Westfield Pristine home w/opn flr pln, MIC, updtd, spac BRs & lavishing bths, 967K. OP HOUSE ON SUN 1-4, 808 Grant Avenue (908) 295-3072

Bala Cymoyd 3BR, 2 bth, brick Col, full bsmt, attd gar, lg yard, HWF, DW, Fridge, walk to bus, train, Ortho syna & Chabad. FSBO 349K (973) 985-8789

Bethlehem 6BR, 3bth Victorian on acre, lg cntry kit, wrap porch, i-g pool, 3.2 mi to Park-N-Ride, 384K (610) 866-9891


Durango Co Go West! But not too far, just to Durango. Live where others vacation, 362 ac working ranch & wildlife preserve in famous banana belt of Rocky Mts. Brand new luxurious 12,700 sf lodge, trout pound, yrround stream, long range vus. Motiv seller. $4.5M FSBO (970) 759-9977 Colorado Prize hilltop loc, views of Flatirons/Boulder/Plains, 4 acres, 3,000-ft home, 3BR, 3 bth, 4 fplcs, 4-car gar, $3.85M (303) 443-1568

Blakeslee/Poconos 4BR, 2 bth, attd garage, 4 acres, many extras, 2 hours to Port Authority Martz, $737 property tax, $2784 school tax, 270K OBO (570) 646-2107 or Century 21, Maggie (570) 643-4831


Two properties located adjacent to gated to high end community, Western Washington. Homes on each. Only serious principles call (425) 8834508

Doylestown Chateau on 50 acres, 15,000 sf; interior livable/managable. Truly grand, $6.8M nego. Art Mazzei (610) 428-4885 (215) 862-550


Racine Col on Lk Mich, 4BR, 2 bth, 2 FR, 4 fplc, opn staircase, patio & 2-c gar, sailing & beaut marina, new roof, ac, nr shop/schools. Price nego. (262) 752-1064 or (262) 644-2312 Red Cedar Lk 6BR, 4 bth w/3-c att gar. Grt bunk rm, lrg fam rm. 2BR det cabin w/fplc & full bth. Srnd prch & 28x40 gar for toys, $1.249M. Coldwell Banker Johnson & Johnson Land Co (715) 296-1846 Wisc 7,080 sf, 5BR, 4 bth home on 986 surveyed ac w/shop., machine shed, fabulous horse barn, chiken coop & two lakes. $6.5M. Coldwell Banker Johnson & Johnson Land Co. (715) 296-1846 Ocean Twp/Rt. 35 Circle Location! Location! Location! Grt exposure on 4 crnrs, 16,000 sf brand new strip mall. Grt for national tenants & any retail use, 100 prkng spaces. Various sizes & crnr units avail (917) 4345000


Fairburn, Ga Lake front 3 acres, 4BR, 3 bth Ranch, sunroom, fin bsmt, sunny kitch, 350K. Immediate. Owner (718) 809-6150

ELKINS PARK/BREYER WOODS Picture-perfect Townhouse, handsome amenities, t/o LR, gas fplc, DR, eat-in-kitch, 2BR, 2 bth, full unfin bsmt, 1-c gar, tennis crt, 299K. Alice R. Fisher, Weichert Realtors (215) 885-8100; (215) 803-5908


New Orleans Townhse for sale, 3BR, 3 bth, 2000 sf, pool, in Gdn Dist. Gated comm w/sec, 3 min to French Qtr. Ask 485K (504) 897-2226

ELKINS PARK/BREYER WOODS 1st flr master suite, LR w/fplc, DR, eat-in-kitch w/island, 2-c att gar, 3BR, 2 bth, loft 2500sf. New price 380K. Also avail for rent $2K per mo + utils. Alice R. Fisher, Weichert Realtors (215) 885-8100; (215) 803-5908


Eastern Shore Different Drummer Farm on Choptank Rvr, 300+/- ac farm+res for gent farmer/enthusiast. $3.9M Carol Baker-Jones (410) 4633544 Great Bear Estates 2007 white & stone 5 / 3 / 3 Colonial, gated golf comm, 1 ac, 695K. For Sale By Owner (201) 410-3287

Butte/Montana 2BR, 1 bth, solarium, gar, ext-part brick-gran. Inter-all door, trim fin golden mahog; 2 rms solid pine; fplc, usable 1400 sf, lot 60x120, MIC, 360K (406) 491-0333 Nebraska RE / Trustees Farm Land Sale Elderly Owner selling 320 prime prod ac. Price nego. Details (918) 995-1035

Lords Valley Hemlock Farms, gated comm, 5 yrs young, 3BR, 2 bth ranch, hw baseborad ht, fplc, 2-c gar, A/C, full bsmt, 329K (570) 775-0279


DELAWARE, MARYLAND Att: builders: 263 fully approved lots, $9k per lot, needs infrastructure, great for rentals (732) 887-9650

Media 717 Hemlock Rd $479K Beaut Stone 4BR, remod kit & bths, det gar, Wallingford SD, nr all


MADISON PARK 5TH 500 TO 5,000 SF Small space specialists, 25 yrs exp. HERBERT SANDERS (212) 486-0313 555 8th Ave/NYC Open 24-7 w/security, 1200sf-4200sf in a renov bldg. New windows, AC, hi ceilings, 2 frt elev, entrance to 38th st. Owner (212) 695-0005 Amagansett 216 Main Street, mixed-use coml prop w/2BR apt upper, 2 bldgs, 3700 sf, 3 COs, asking $3.1 Mil. Dawn Brophy, Brown Harris Stevens (631) 903-6169 Amagansett 249 Main St, coml property w/mixed-use potential (can convert 2nd story to an apt), 2 bldgs, 6,000 sf, 3 COs, ask $5.5 Mil. Dawn Brophy, Brown Harris Stevens (631) 903-6169 Astoria Brand new 6-story office bldg, starting at $25 sf, available space 900-4,000 sf. Elavetor bldg. Steve (917) 846-1231 Astoria Between Tunnel & Bridge: 4500 - 10,500 - 16,500 - 21,500, 4 bldgs, 18 height, subway, sale/lease. Kaplon-Belo (718) 392-3456 x123 Baldwin/ 884 Merrick Rd 16,000 sf lot, 4,800 sf bldg. $54K/yr tx. Grt for food/ofc/daycare. Sale 790K or lease. 20-30 parking spots (914) 318-9717 Bohemia/ Smithetown Ave Active shopping center, 900 sf, immediate occupancy, 40-car parking. Owner (631) 243-5646 Boro Park /18th Ave & 54th Street Warehouse Rental/Retail space for Lease, 7,000 sf. Call Owner (917) 440-7280 Briarwood/138-25 Queens Blvd 800 sf, Brokers Protected, great traffic store, adj to Dans Supreme & major highways, $2250/mo (516) 482-8222 Bronx/Zerega Ind Park 33,000 sf, appx 15,000 bldg & ofc, 18,000 sf yard. Wtrfront prop for rent. No Brkrs. Dominick Eugene (718) 860-6071 BRONXUSER OPPORTUNITIES 7500' & 10K' 18' ceil, dcks+drv-insLse 18,000 docks + drive-in, subway Lse 20,000' docks+drv-ins FEZ $2.5M 32,000', yrd,docks + drive-ins $3.9M 88,000,12'-30'ceil,multi docks $6.9M FEINBERG BROS (718) 933-1800


ESCAPE THE RAT RACE Meticulous Victorian in postcard-prfct villg. Now B&B, poss retreat, biz or lgfamily home, 469K; for more Mt. Washington props (603) 986-1567 White Mountains, NH/Jimmy Brook Farm 1700s Homestead Prop, 100+ ac, adj White National Forest, Nature conser, vu of Pres Mt Rge, 4BR hse, gour kit, barn, brook, wildflowers, woods, 730K (603) 752-6000

Nether Providence 605 Rockbourne Mills Ct $399K, T/h, W-S SD, HWF, deck, fplc, see website

W. Orange/Essex Cty FSBO charm 2BR Cape Cod lg plot, zone exp, fplc, new roof/drvwy, lg deck of kitch/sunrm, HWF & i-g pool, CAC, walk to synags. Nr Rt 280 & NYC trans, 309K (973) 731-9723 West Orange Premier, 4BR, 3 ful bth, fam rm w/fplcs, LR, fin bsmt, 2-c gar, C/A, walking dist to NYC trans, 2 blks Synag, 374.9K. Gloria Perez cell (973) 960-9640 Ofc (973) 736-1600 West Orange Split-level 3BR, 2 baths, spacious family room, recently updated 2 full baths, 2-car garage, very close to synagogue & highways. NYC bus on corner. Priced to sell. Best value in West Orange, 300K. Barbara Kanefsky (973) 868-8767 Keller Williams Suburban Realty W. Orange CHC, 5/6BR, 4 bth, fab kit, FR, LR/DR, 3 fplc, nr wrshp/schls/shops/hwy, 920K. Judi Langheld, RE/MAX Village Square Realtors (973) 763-3700 x114; (973) 432-0411 W. Orange Twp Appx 3000 sq. ft. 3BR, 3 bth twnhse w/cath ceils in cul-de-sac, 1st-flr mstr ste + gst ste w/pvt bth, 3rd BR & loft on 2nd, walk to NYC bus & synags, 469K. Sharon Goldman (973) 568-6833 Caldwell Banker Whiting/Ocean Cty Cedar Glen Lakes. Spacious 2BR, study, EIK, newer w2w carpet, garage, CAC, mint cond, 48K (732) 657-0295

New Hope On shore of Dela Rvr. 4,000 sf home ftrs eleg elev entr that opens to homes pvt foyer. $1.875M. Art Maz-zei (610) 428-4885; (215) 862-5500 www.Addison


Henderson/Lake Kerr 150-ac farm + furn 5000-6000sf home, 3BR, 2 bth, full bsmt, 3 AC + 4 htrs. Ponds, barns, shop, pasture, wooded. Oak kit, new appls, $1.125M/offer (201) 207-2130 Henrico, NC 3BR, 2 bth, 2200 sf, near beautiful lake. Cathedral ceilings in kitchen, 2 sun porches, double sundeck, car, gar, 5.4 ac. Xtras, 580K; 5.8 ac of land, 90K. Call Owner today (757) 508-2556 (252) 586-6461 Lenoir 4BR, 4 bth, 4,600 sf, 4BR, 4 bth custom home on 315 acres in western NC; pool, 4600 sf barn. Photos at $1,499,000 (828) 320-1386 Providence, NC - Historic Andalusian Horse Ranch: 2 homes, 85 acres, 3 barns, 19 stalls, 8 horses, 595K. Ross Gregg (904) 608-0580 INFO@GREGGLIFTTRUCKS.COM

PA Red/Imm occ. Lg singl det brck. Owner poss fin. Walk-in bsmt/drive-in gar. Coml OK + spacious live-in quarters (610) 743-4777; (888) 835-4836

Pocono Area Gorgeous home on 10 wooded ac w/3 fplcs, w/over a 20mile view. Near Victorian town of Lewisburg, 289K (570) 847-1938

Poconos/Skytop OH Sat/Sun 125. Newly renov 5BR, 5 bth, fplc, vault ceils, deck, 2 stone terr, 30-mile vus (443) 454-0381

Kenilworth 369.5K. Open Hse Sat-Sun 10-6. 359 Boulevard, 3BR, 1 bth, HWF, new windows, siding, roof, gas, SS appls, gar. MIC, low tax. Not in flood zone, opt to buy furn. Owner (516) 818-8672 LAKEWOOD/COVENTRY SQUARE 1 family condo, 2BR, 1 bth, newly renovated kitch & bath, sale/rent, $160K/$1100 (908) 268-1795 Lakewood/S. Lake Drive 55+, 2BR, EIK, gar, enclosed porch, patio, walk to synagogue. Best offer over 110K (732) 363-4509 for appointment Lavallette Beautiful Victorian Bayfront, spectacular views, private beach assoc., low taxes, $2.1M. See 287MONTEREY.COM. Van Sciver Realtors, Janet Cuollo-Greenberg (732) 899-6460; (732) 300-4089 dir Livingston FSBO 1-fam, 4BR hiranch, 2-car gar, new roof, kitchen, bath, CAC, heating & siding, very lg deck. On ac wooded property, excell schl sys. Walk to synagogue, 729.5K negotiable (973) 560-1111; 533-1279

Solebury Restored Bucks County farmhouse, near New Hope, PA, over 4,000 sq. ft. ac lot, 3BR/4 full bth, 4 fplc, low tax, 799.9K (215) 297-0253


NORTHERN - PARADISE IN VT FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful meticulously restored 1900s 3BR farmhouse w/spectacular views & 75 ac w/pond, guest house, garage, caretaker cabin & 2-sty Chalet. Endless potential for Corp retreat. Asking 1.2M, possible owner financing. Serious inquiries only. For your free DVD E-mail, or Call Loren @(802) 766-5022


Orange Beach 2 blocks from bay, 6 lots with access. Reduced to $260K (251) 752-5600 BIG.FISH77@HOTMAIL.COM Scotland Neck NC Gorgeous brick mansion feats 5BR, 2 bth, vaulted ceilings, all lrg rms, guest house with 5 rooms, fplcs built-in bookcases, 4-c gar, nestled on 3 acres, all for 289K (252) 539-9903


Sedona Az At your feet spect redrock vus every rm, glass walls, quiet gtd comm, 3BR, 3 bth + den $1.35M (928) 282-1775 Be A Land Baron Income rentals from 10 nearby properties for only $1,200,000. Call (928) 282-1775 or email


RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY, VA 75 miles Wash, DC, hi in Blue Ridge Mts, 50 ac w/rustic lodge: xtraordinary vus of the mts. Pool, tennis ct, 4-c gar & mtn trails: $2.6 Mil. R.O. Bridges, Broker-Owner (540) 987-8781


55+ Suburban life/Central PA. Seller loss = $100k+ on this home. Stuart Hanford (717) 304-5001. RE/MAX Cornerstone (717) 273-5501

40 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 25

Yonkers 170 Ludlow St. for Rent/Sale FSBO. 10,000 sf includes 2,000 sf office space. Loading Dock, 15-ft ceilings, $8/sf. Call (914) 5483387 Hampton, VA Very profitable 15 units mobile home pk, +3BR, 2 bth nr interstate, mil., univs, Williamsbg NOI Near 50K, 475K cash. Eastern Coml (800) 840-4061 RBNAFF@COXNET

Call 718

Sales New York Life Ins Co. is looking for insurance/financial services sales representatives. Sales experience helpful but not a must. Comprehensive training program management opportunity for qualified candidates. An Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V. George (646) 227-8171

Fax 718

FOR SALE: 1985 47 passenger MCI Coach Bus. ALSO 1 years supply of groceries for free, plus one month tour in new 2011 motor home anywhere in the U.S. (Driver provided). The bus has passed inspection and has valid plates. Asking $30K. Payment Plan Available (917) 216-8379 Lexus LS 600h-L 2008 exterior golden metallic, inter cashmere lthr/ med brown, walnut trim, super car, virtually hand made in Japan, 14,240 mi, garage kept in NJ, nitrogen inflated tires, like new, priv (973) 714-9604 Mercedes Benz 560 SEC 1982 Black with black interior, power windows, doors, very clean. $12.5K, neg. Call (646) 234-4477 2000 Mini Bus El Dorado National Aerolite (Blue), 54,800 Miles. RUNS VERY GOOD, Reduced $6900. Call (845) 608-3769 Truck For Sale 2003 Ford Crew Cab Model #450 with utility body, 30,000 miles. 4x4 with fisher stainless steel plow diesel. Reduced 17.5K. Owner retiring (201) 207-5533; (201) 436-0447 Truck For Sale 2005 Ford Crew Cab Model #350, 4x4 Diesel tool box + ladder racks. Reduced 17.5K Owner retiring. Contact (201) 207-5533; (201) 436-0447 Beth David Cemetery/Elmont Family plot (4) available in Gnesener Benevolent Society section, $8,000 obo (703) 362-8176 Beth David/Elmont, NY 5 plots appraised $6,100 ea, ask $2K ea; multiples discounted (718) 541-1251 email Beth David/Elmont 1 plot with 5 graves, all or individually at $2750 each. (516) 883-7943 Beth David/Elmont N.Y. 2 plots in Section G-4, Row L, Graves 5 & 6, $3000 each, either one or both. Call (954) 421-2869 Beth David 15 burial plots in private family section at front of cemetery (near office), $7500 per plot (904) 497-1594 New Jersey/Bergen County Cedar Park Cemetery One gravesite for sale Beth Park #2. Call (718) 352-7450 BETH EL/CEDAR PARK Paramus, NJ, 200 graves, will divide. $950 each. Mrs. G. (914) 472-2130 Cell (914) 589-4673 Woodbridge, NJ Beth Israel, triple crypt for three, outside garden lvl 4, $11,900, incl transfer fee. Value one 20K (718) 894-7728 (917) 445-529 (c) Double Crem niche in Green Grove Cemetery & Mausoleum in Keyport. Moving from area. $1,500 Call (732) 857-0332 Kenisco Jewish sec, Sharon Gdns, Valhalla. Flush memorials, 2 plots @$2K ea. Sec Y. #293 (917) 848-4265 Long Island Desirable single plot located at Mt Ararat, available individually. Must Sell! Price negotiable. Call (646) 249-5612 Mount Ararat Cemetery: Pinelawn, LI, NY. 8 burial plots, prime location, retail 3K each. No reasonable offer refused (516) 443-5029 Mt. Lebanon/Iselin, NJ 2 pairs of plots, 1 pair with pre-paid, pre-need internment. Abraham S Feigenbaum (732) 545-6373 Roosevelt Memorial Park /Penna. Single plot in section T, lot 168 $2600 Negotiable. Owner anxious to sell (831) 915-9731 (California time) Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery Arlington Heights, Il 3 plots for sale. Asking 2K each. Call Ronald Gilbert (773) 272-2913 Sharon Gardens/Kensico Cemetery Valhalla, NY. 4 grave plots for sale, price nego. Call Robert (631) 728-0432 Wellwood Cemetery Plots for sale. Ideal family plot & location. Four graves ( 2 above 2) 1 block from office, $5K. Call (718) 241-8240

Fallsburg Attn builders: 18-lot subdivision in Woodridge; frontage on 2 roads, survey and topo avail, 300K. Homequest Realty (914) 739-4663 NYC 10th Ave, 3775 Corner lot, 40,000 sq ft, excell location building. For sale. By Owner. No Brokers (914) 636-2208 Rensselaerville 60 ac brdrs State land, pvt lake, 2 cabins ea w/2 units, ea, lrg opn liv spc, kitch, bth. All well insul. GWB just 3 hrs. Value priced at $1.26M. Henny Vogel (518) 797-3676


North Carolina 175,000 sf of quality warehouse/manufacturing space nr Raleigh, NC. Only minutes to I-40 & 95. Sprinklers, high ceilings, 6 loading docks, $1.45 sf. Also 252,000 sf/$1.18 sf. Call Frank (336) 339-2029


Domin Repub Buy 5-50 ac ocnfrnt in pre-const est home dev at 50% below market comps. Resell at 100% markup (301) 785-4661

TWO $500 MILLION DOLLAR Bank guarantees from Major World Bank to develop a technology co & major RE project. (510) 366-1884 Contact me: Get a Loan Low Rates, Quick Approval, Debt Consol. Personal Loan, Auto & Business Loans, Home Improvements, No Apps, Fees, Bills Bad Credits Cards. Outstanding Loans Get Help! Call Today (800) 374-7680 Apply Capital Secure Lending POWER FINANCE Fully Insured Structured Business Loans for Qualified Ventures. $25M Minimum. Closing in U.K. in 60-90 Days. Agents Needed/ By Contract. Contact (850) 259-1162 FUND/ANY PROJECT $10 Million $1 Billion LINE 3 CALL BILL (334) 435-6013 Letters of Credit, DOC and SBLC Intl clients welcome. Comml RE mortgage & bridge loans. 50 states (800) 315-9040; 001(405) 445-3535


E. 53rd, 9E./NYC Sublet Ofc Space 1400 sf, 4 rooms, excel location, front office space w/SE and West exposures of light, spacious, immaculate well-kept bldg, $3500 (212) 935-9089 Madison Avenue 40s Ten month sub-lease, 1000 sf , 3 private offices immediate occupancy. Rent at half price! Some furniture. Fax (212) 6878272 Rockland Cty Hawthorne 414 Elwood Avenue.....1650 sf; Office/Retail/Busy Loc. 363 Elwood Ave.....900 sf; Office/Gar/Parking (914) 948-0605 White Plains Lndmrk, 24-hrs Design/Architecture w/built-ins! 877sf: $2000. Artists Studios: 406sf $950; 228sf $550; 702sf $1,146. Office: 279sf $575; 807sf $1,475; 1,445sf $2,917. Sandy (914) 428-4220 x301 IRVINGTON (Wchstr) 1100 SF Furnished 3-Office Suites, business section, includes heat, hot water & AC $2700/month CALL (914) 277-2251 Office Suites for rent, all utils included, copy ctr, conf rooms, free wi-fi, recep, 24/7 access, central 5Towns loc, nr LIRR, restaurants (516) 374-6080


YOSEMITE, WESTERN CALIF. 831 acre Ranch for Sale $1.999M. Anita Matys Realty. Dre # 00556270. (541) 892-1718


Hazelton/Pa Warehse 15,000 sf, 34-44 W. Green, comm 2-sty, bsmt/ storefront, 15 pkg spcs, loading ramp in rear. Concrete+steel bldg, 149.9K. Daisy N Rubio (305) 228-0085; (305) 302-9142


Colorado/Baca County Handed down from generations, 160 acres, farm land (785) 594-5291; (316) 3227909 EVERGREEN


North Carolina Waterfront Properties in Subdivision on Pamlico Sound, Carteret Cnty, Opp Town of Oriental. Lot 1: 3.4A Pay Mtg 58K+Clos Costs Lot 2: 1.7A Pay Mtg $115K+Clos Costs Contact (508) 845-8011 e-mail


Bridgeport Brand new 47-unit apartment building. 100% occupied. Below market rents. $495,000 NOI. 7% CAP. Call Paul: (203) 258-0068 Bridgeport North End nr hospital. Mixed use 24 Coml/Res units. $245,000 NOI. 9.5% CAP. Call Cynthia: (203) 795-5554 x302 Islamorado/Florida Keys Investment properties, 7 units, bay front, fishermans delight. Sherry (305) 6646551

42 acres Evergreen. Temp reduced to 500K if settled in March (save 34.5K) Gated driveway, easy access to DIA, Denver, skiing. Build or invest. John (303) 679-1674


Foothills of PA
110 ac w/58 lots s-div, grt vus w/hi qual trout stream, 72 mi GWB, 850K. PRIVATE AIRFIELD ALLOWED Owner fin. Zone appd (610) 588-5331 Dela Wtr Gap Bldrs/Invstrs: Buy 1 lot=15K; Buy 4 lots=46K; buy all 8=67K. Borders fishing lake. Appvd, paved rd, elec, cable (973) 222-1803 Poconos/Newfoundland Buildable Half-Acre Lot in Lake Community. Owner Finance, 0% Interest, No $ Down, 10K. Owner (570) 656-4097 Winston-Salem 7.06 acres, 4075 Bethania Station Road. Zoned: LO, RMU, Wtr & Sewer on property. All city approvals completed for 68 units 1300sf. $750K (917) 474-3080 Peter


Central Fl Very private sec estate site. 240 ac, <mile from paved rd. Surrounded by govt owned prop, 2 wells, 2 barns, 3 stocked ponds, 24x24 ft sleeping quoters, across State Rd 42 South of Ocala National Forest. Call Ken at (407) 886-4922 kenggn@hot GULF OF MEXICO LOT Tampa, St. Pete area For rent or lease option. Dock available for boat (727) 938-2909 Jupiter Farms Land - 49.9K, 2 ac. Vacant land. Wooded. Must sell. Cash only. Good location. Houses all around. For details (215) 771-7096 Ocala 40 acres on Hwy 326, 2 miles West of I75 in Ocala. 880K. Call (561) 307-3538


Newport, R.I., developer of condo conversion project seeks equity partners, returns in excess of 20%. Proof of funds required (518) 878-9320 (401) 619-4122 TEXAS OIL WINDOW Eagle Ford & Andrews, TX $20MM needed for drilling package (214) 709-2911


Florida $100K to $100M res prop purchases & jvs. Up tp 80% finance at c. 4%. Up to 15% pa cash on cash rev returns going in, plus cap gains. Buying at up to 75% off peak mkt prices. G. Smith lic broker (954) 8394179


Donate Vehicle Get $1000 Grocery Coupon Noahs Ark. Free towing, tax-deductible non-runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. (888) 497-8639 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/Fast, Free Pick-up! (888) 451-8968


Springfiled Gross income 133K, 4 bldgs, sep utils, guar rent, 475k. Call John (781) 540-1680


WANTED PARTNER/INVESTOR FOR SKIN CARE BRAND Business Savvy + 100K CALL JOHN (918) 797-0272 visit Own Your Own Energy Business Work from home. Save Money! Make money. No inventory. No selling. Free training & support (917) 991-2399 Aggressive Tri-State area builder/developer has highly profitable real est. projects. Seeks partner/investor with capital. Mr Hertzberg (888) 302-8453 Cannes Capital Stock & bond traders. We lend for stock traders 20x's your capital for overnight & night trading for only 3.25%. Free trading/platform avail (917) 445-6220 Master Electrician / Security Lic. Seeking affiliation with ongoing contracting company. Daytime (347) 9921370; Evening (718) 339-7652 SOLID 20-YEAR BUSINESS WITH UPSIDE Located in major North Carolina City Owners TRULY retiring Great Location longtime employees Confidentiality agreement required Includes Property - Not Food Asking Price $2.5M Broker: (252) 646-8481 Yonkers/Westchester Spacious Licensed rooming house, 12 units, weekly rent $2,100 cash. Serious Buyers only, 750K. Owner Niazy (201) 848-7962; (973) 495-6330 Motivated Housewives, Attention! Seeking 15 motivated people. Training avail. Great for stay-at-home moms. Training avail (917) 754-2731 SELLING A DEPOSITION of person vs. Bank of America. $1,000 or more donation appreciated. Principals only. Eugene (561) 493-4875 LONG ISLANDHOTEL FOR SALE Prime Long Beach, 60K sf, 120 guest rooms, needs TLC, delivered vacant. Asking $14 Million (718) 646-9368 Restaurant for Sale Well established full-service restaurant on 1-acre in beautiful Catskill, NY: $800K. Jimmy 14411.html (518) 755-0810 Secured 9% Return - Up to (5) Years. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Min Investment $100K. For info (313) 685-9976 WWW.BCDELLC.COM Bayside 5,000 sf on Bell Blvd. Over 30 ft of frontage. Business $2.2 Million yearly in sales revenue. Low rent, huge walking/car traffic. May also rent a portion of space up to 950 sf with own entrance (631) 873-2214


Lindas Wig HQ Your old wig worth cash. Help women, cancer patients, Kallahs and others who cant afford one (847) 679-0669; (877) 279-0295 OLD WATCHES AND CLOCKS Wanted by collector, regardless of condition. Highest prices paid (917) 748-7225 Cash For Figurines We buy Hummels, Lladros, Royal Doultons, Wee Forest Folk, Anris, Toby mugs & more (516) 489-6004; (516) 457-0130 LOOK! WANTED! Old clocks & watches, old wind-ups, any condition. By collector. Highest price paid! Call (917) 748-7225 Henredon 80s Chinese Bedroom Set Canopy Bed, also two-tier cabinets w/ matching armoires and 2-door chest. heavily carved-door chest ABLE SALVAGE $$ JUNK CARS & TRUCKS wanted! $$ FREE pickup. Call Able Salvage (516) 431-2253 DMV#7056198 TOP DOLLAR PAID For Running and Non-running cars. Cash paid Same day pickup. Hablamos Espanol (888) 604-3374 Vintage bicycles & adult tricycles, preowned. 419 Jacksonville Rd, Hartboro, Pa. Mon-Fri 1-7 pm, Sat 10-5. Plenty of free prkng! We can sell your bike on consignment. Tricycles for physically challenged (267) 981-2740 SMALL COLLECTOR PAYS CASH FOR COINS/COLLECTIONS/GOLD Call Al today at (301) 807-3266 OLD CLOCKS & WATCHES Wanted by Collector Any Condition, HIGHEST PRICES PAID! Call me at (917) 748-7225 Will Pay For Military Souvenirs: Helmets, swords, bayonets, medals, old guns, etc. Call Ray (646) 670-8542


Corpus Crity/Oakland Hills Dr., Lot 33: Estates Country Club, .3 ac. No. Shore Golf Crse, vu waterfrnt. 125' on the water, 52' on cul de sac, zoning approved, 250K nego (361) 549-9727 Texas 3400 ac cattle ranch nr Port OConnor on the Texas Gulf Coast. Boarders Lake & wildlife refuge. Rice farming, hunting, fishing, $3250/ac (361) 781-2455 (361) 872-2223


10% Return On Investment Buy occupied 1BR Condo, 92K in Central NJ. 25% down, 4%, 30 year financing (732) 239-4632; (732) 223-6706 South Amboy 24,000 sf, blockfront parcel with 24 units, mixed use. APPROVED PLANS. Asking $1.65M. Leave message/Owner (917) 4163520 Principals only


Maine/Hartland Lakefront 600 ft, Morrill Pond, wooded 8 acres. Divided into 5 building lots, beautiful beach, 480K FOR ALL. Call (631) 929-4587


Lindas Transport Snowbirds, your car is waiting for you at the airport. Gently transported, valid drivers license/insured (215) 244-2662


Amsterdam/Schenecdety Investor Special! Bundle package with great income oppty. Location Upstate, N.Y. Yaakov (917) 306-2039 BKLYN approved hotel site to build 65 rooms, site price $2.7 Mil; or builder will build turn-key at $150K per room. Contact Sanjay (862) 703-1543 Greenwich Vill Corner 85 apts + 5 stores, well maint, nice upgrades, 6%+ cap, $2.7M incm. FIN# 112001. Fillmore Commercial (718) 643-0040 Kensington 39 unit, 4-story walkup. 38,000 + sf, 100x107 bldg. Most units gut renovated, 510K+/yr GPI. Exclusive Agt Naomi Shu (212) 4305128 MANHATTAN Elevator building 55 units, assumable mortgage. V. Fisher (212) 371-7352 Debrah Lee Charatan Realty Marlboro 19-unit twnhse complx, built 2004, like new, 100% occupncy, condo conversion Rt. Ask $2.6MM, low expenses. Broker (845) 728-9050 Queens Magnificent brick bldg, 3 duplex Condos, directly opposite Queens cntr, ea 3BR, 2 bth + terrace, SS applncs, granite counters, EIK, indoor gar, W/D, low maintenance, MIC $1.6M Owner (631) 848-8571


MAJESTIC HOME SITE Best Building site In New England 96-acre home site 1,700 ft elevation with 360 degree, tri-state view of up to 80 miles, with a well maintained gravel driveway to the summit overlooking Otis Reservoir, the largest natural body of water in Massachusetts, Mount Greylock, the highest elevation in Mass, New York State and Connecticut. Enjoy clear night skies, unbelievable autumn foliage, wildlife, serenity on this 2-acre flat summit of Mount Baldy with well and approved septic. You must see this view Contact Richard ONeil (860) 741-3056


Vermont/Worchester 5 acres with beautiful mountain views, logging road, near power, 1 miles to pond. $37.9K. More Land Avail. Roger (603) 685-3396


GRAND OPENING! 1702 Rockaway Ave, Lynbrook Back-to-school special $10 haircut All week except Sat. (516) 792-1387


AVON - EARN EXTRA $$ Sell from home/work/on-line For Info Call: 1-800-796-2622 or AVONDETAILS@AOL.COM MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Real Est sales agents. Astor Brokerage serves Kew Gardens Hills. Well train you! Chanita (718) 263-4500 Serious Vocalist & Keyboard player needed for performances & showcases around the world, in Japan & abroad. Very genre of music. See for Listed As Project Six Reunion. Call Andre (973) 207-2604


Boat For Sale Beauty, 700 twin, 1400 horsepower engines, low hrs, minimal use. Land dockage (never in water) seats 3, bth & shower incl. Make offer. Call John (917) 992-5540


Pink Motorcycle 2010 Never driven, Vespa bike. Limited edition. Ed Hardy. Price negotiable (646) 9961278


MOUNTAINAIR NEW MEXICO 40-ac ranches from $69K, 10% down, guaranteed financing. No qualifying. Jonathan P. Rose (602) 331-7002


GO GREEN No Sweat, In Style! Specializing in Folding Electric Bikes Great for City, Boats & RVs Free Test Drives (718) 788-1181


Artavia AgncyCall for Passover. No job too big or small. HHA/CNA. Hvy duty cleaning. Gar, Ofcs, Homes. (718) 652-6947 (718) 652-0099 AMT CLEANING SERVICES Residential & Comml cleaning our specialty. Offices, synagogues, schools, homes. Free estimates. All Boros. Insured (718) 454-6800 Crystal Clear Cleaning For jobs neat & slick, dont hesitate to call Nick. Good refs, reas rates, $20/hr, 4-hr min. Manhattan only! (347) 788-9678 Top quality cleaning services for your home, apartment, office. Call (646) 500-1156


Marlboro Twp Lots for sale. Cor Oak Lane/Warren Dr, 1 wooded ac in estab nghrbhd, country life, nr schl road east, Rt. 79, 537, 34, 18 (732) 549-4373 Montague 73 ac for sale w/deeded Delaware River access. 3 ac residential zone, 450K (973) 534-3769

Live-in/out. Needed to provide assistance to seniors & Mommy 2 Program. Flexible hours, competitive pay. Call CareMinders Home Care (732) 849-5540 LOOKING FOR COMPANION AIDE Live in, elderly. Immediate, kosher home a plus, 17 years experience (973) 592-6081 Drivers/Delivery/Courier Mail dispatcher needed P/T. Mail out envelopes all over the US, $150 weekly TAKING CALLS FROM HOME! Potential $300-$900 PAID DAILY taking calls! (software product) Call Mike Now! (720) 435-7751

CPA Certified Public Accountant Accountant handles all areas of tax preparation BUSINESS AND INDIVIDUALS Call (718) 229-1553 FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION!


Brooklyn Classon & Pacific St. For sale: fenced lot. Corner property, N-1, 3,300 sf. Make an offer. Call Barbara (917) 495-0786 Catskill Mts/Greene Cty, NY 70q Ac. All wooded, 650' Bordering St. Rt 32, 2200' of Catskill Creek Frontage. Sundividable (518) 755-1899 Columbia Cty For bldr/devel: 30 min Albany/Berkshires, 2 hrs NYC, frontage on Summit Lake. Appvd subdiv 69 lots, muni wtr/swr. 13 lots impvd, rdy for build permits, can be 1- or 2-fam homes. Adj 9 ac avail for common facility. Alfred Mattikow (203) 531-6632 East Hampton Vacant lot for sale in Hands Creek Farm, Lot #24, 1.6 acres, 950K. No Brokers. Please call (631) 324-6897

2527: CABLE TV
DISH NETWORKS LOWEST ALL-DIGITAL PRICE! As low as $24.99/mo plus FREE HD FOR LIFE! Call for limited time BONUS! Call Now. 1 (888) 318-9560


N. Carolina Waterfront Property 1.7A in Subdivision on Pamlico Sound, Carteret County, Opposite Town of Oriental. Pay Mortgage Price $115,000 + 10% Comm. Contact (508) 845-8011 E-mail

ASK THE EXPERT!: Rabbi Shlomo Fogel, for any problems w/Social Sec, disability, SSI & medicare. Satisfaction guaranteed (718) 252-0336

Moon Shine Const Co All Interior/ Exterior work done by a fully Licensed & Insured contractor. Free estimates (718) 436-6634; Cell (917) 353-5427 Embick Const Corp Serving Bklyn/Queens, roofing/paint/skylights/ sheetrck. Shom Shab. Free est. Mark (718) 529-3810; cell (347) 517-5235 No job too big or small! Painting, wallpaper, sheetrocking, light carpentry, 20 yrs exp, estimates free. Insured for quality. In a kosher home, Call John (718) 898-7560; (917) 359-4579 Contractor All kinds of jobs plus windows, plumbing, carpentry and painting. Call Baruch (215) 725-9161


Shomer Shab We drop off, airports and homes, last-minute appointments welcomed, drivers licensed & insured. Lindas transport (215) 244-2662


Oklahoma 50,000 SF Mfg Facility ON 13 ACRES IN TULSA. Long-term lease w/AAA tenant. $460K triple net. Increase to 700K in 2015. Asking $5.8M (347) 840-2188


LOOKING FOR Real Estate Agents & Trainees FOR ALL AREAS OF QUEENS (917) 774-6121 MASSEY KNAKAL REALTYS HIRING Sales, Leasing & Mortgage Brokers (212) 696-2500 GIA@MASSEYKNAKAL.COM

Movie Buff looking for Attorney who was present at the movie Warhorse at the Huntington Movie Theater. Please cal Steve (631) 223-2879


Selling Double Burial Plots. Ideally located in Beth Shemesh Cemetery in a beautiful location. Reasonably priced at 6K for one, rare opportunity (718) 705-8404; Israel 02586-8201 Beth David 3 plots section C5, Row F, #'s 8, 9 & 10. Asking $10K for all 3 plots (631) 412-3684


VA Beach Income props, resort area, 3 blcks ocn, 3 lrg 2BR apts. Ask $450K & 4 lg units on lg lot $1.275M. Eastern Comml (800) 840-4061


Avraham Avinu Tours 2011 motor home on special, over per of time on 2 conditions: groceries for 10 yrs, also MCI bus for sale, fully inspected, holds 47 passengers (917) 216-8379

32 The Jewish Herald Friday, June 5, 2009 23

26 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 41

Alfa Contracting Custom Cabinetry. Kitchen remod, home enter. Free est. Shomer Shabbos. No job too small. Environmental friendly materials like bamboo (212) 234-5878 Home Improvement LEAKING? Specializing in grout bath tiles, loose tiles.All house repair & painting (516) 302-6748; 295-5713 All 5 Boros & L.I. AW HOME IMPROVEMENTS Free estimates. Licensed. Call Anthony (646) 209-7913 Willing to work in Boro Park Our mom got exquisite care from her caregiver. Yours could be the next lucky family to benefit from Dawns dedication and skills. Dawn (347) 845-3440; Family (310) 218-2237 Artavia Agcy HHA/CNN/LPN/ RN. Heavy duty cleaning, comml/homes/ ofcs. Multiple Service Co. 5 boros. C/C OK (718) 652-6947 or 652-0099 Daffodill Health Care: Seeking Home Health Care, elderly patients, companions. We send CNAs to work in kosher homes. Refs on file (305) 7992655; (305) 770-9271 Free referrals for certified baby nurse, CPR-certified, babysitters, companions/aides for elderly & special-needs. We also have amazing housekeepers. Call Michelle (718) 954-6787 Home Care Attendant: Elderly/Live-In, Live-Out, Reliable & honest, 10 years exp, all 5 boroughs. Immediate work (646) 546-1647 Simply The Best Employment Agency We offer Eldercare, Companions, Housekeepers, Babysitters, cleaning w/excell refs. Expd, Licd & Board Agency. Live in/out (718) 332-7608 Certified Home Health Care Exp, EZ to get along, excell refs, seek sick, elderly. Depend, honest, nights/weekends (973) 667-6815; (862) 220-1335 CNA EXP 13 yrs in elder/disabled care, hosp & nursing exp, prefer Manhattan. Kosher home, live-in/out. Ref request (914) 272-9590 Europe Expert Care Bonded/Ins, kosher-trained, Polish/Russian/Eng speaking. Lic Home Care Agcy, elderly/nurse/hskpg, in/out (800) 938-3882 Certified HHA Exper, excel references, work 7PM - 7AM night. Elderly, companion, disabled, M-F. Kosher home plus! (718) 551-1657 COMPANION FOR ELDERLY OR DISABLED, seven years exper. Live in/flex hrs. Excellent ref, immediate, familiar w/Kosher (347) 869-1956 Lighthouse Home Services Compassion Home Care for elderly in NYC. Lic Agcy for finest in home care for your loved ones (718) 389-3304 Live In/Live out Full time, flex hrs, hourly, 12 yrs exper, kosher homes preferred. Hospice, Elderly, Handicapped, Dementia. Hospital exper, worked in Mt. Sinai Hospital. Good ref (201) 983-0377; Cell (646) 510-1730 F/T practical nurse, 20 yrs exp in N. Shore Hosp for elderly/disab, knows kosher kitch, avail immed; also a driver for elderly & handyman in 5 Towns area (516) 482-2761; (516) 330-3429 Maid 4 YOU We;ll help. Call+youll have a maid. We provide full/part time or temporary help. Housekeepers/day workers/elder care in 5 Towns (917) 574-2306 or (516) 569-1786 Offereing Help Certified home health with years of exp, checkable references, reasonably rates, full/part time, prefer elderly (718) 495-0192 HUNGARIAN-SPEAKING Eldercare live-in seeks pos in 5 boros. Exp in gentle, loving care, light hswrk incl. Maria (718) 384-5360 Caregiver Care for elderly or companion aid. Caring, dependable w/ good refs, 16 yrs exp, willing to work days 9-5 or nites. Rita (917) 586-6996 Home Health Care Giver for elderly Exp refs, mornings/nites. Flex hrs, 7-7 Immed. Will work in kosher homes. Julie (516) 668-8677; 284-6940 15+ YEARS EXPERIENCE, SEEKS live in/out position caring for elderly or disabled. Excellent references. Call (718) 462-3587 or 724-4028 EXPER RN WITH CERT SKILLS in wound mgmt, geronty and hosp seeks pvt pos for comp care. Affordable rates (212) 207-1980 MOMS CHOICE Make Moms Choice your first choice for nannys, babysitters & senior companions, caregivers. (877) 8441972 Elderly Companion Have 10 yrs experience caring for the elderly. Excell refs, kosher homes. I love what I do. Loyal, reliable (347) 960-7591

Call 718

JANITORIAL SERVICES Family owned and operated. Over 15 years in NJ and PA/30 miles max. FREE ESTIMATES (856) 396-5915

Fax 718

Unclogging all drains, sinks, toilets, showers. Prompt, courteous & reasonable. Call (718) 437-1722 Whiskey Drain Cleaning Svc Corp. Sewer & drain cleaners, plumbing repairs, water jetting. Video pipe inspection. (866) 989-4424 or (917) 498-5054

Position Wanted Reliable home care provider, 10 yrs exp w/ref. Care for elderly male/female, exper working with kosher kitchen. Part time eves (917) 586-5024 CARING HHA looking to care for your loved ones w/excel refs & exp. Live In or Live Out (212) 252-2509 HHA HOME HEALTH AIDES, live-in, live-out, experienced personnel with pristine references. Call Mr. Brown at (212) 252-2509 We Have The Help You Need! Nannies, Babysitters, Housekeepers, Laborers, Nurses Aides No fee! EVONS SERVICES (516) 505-5510 Maid For You We can help; we provide full- or part-time help. Housekeepers, Nannies, Day Workrs, Eldercare, Baby Nurses, Cleaning Crews (516) 569-1786 (917) 574-2306 European Expert Care Lic Home Care Agency. Elderly care, hskpng, RNs, LPNs, HHAs, PCAs. Live-in/ out (718) 349-0099; (800) 938-3882 Lic. & Exp Traveling CNA for the elderly. Professional Nanny looking for live-in position. Only serious calls (440) 339-0991 Willinghands Employment Agency Let Willinghands do it. Need work, babysitter, nanny, hskping, companion, overnights. No fee from clients; licensed & bonded. (347) 295-3348 SIMPLY THE BEST Eldercare comps, hsekprs, baby sitters, cleaning, w/excl refs & exp. Lic & Brd agcy. Live in/out (718) 332-7608 COMPANION ELDERLY CARE Exp compassionate care-giver seeks position. Live in /out. Excell refs. Call Bevelry (917) 757-5363 Julia Precious Care Agency Inc Quality referral for Baby Nurses, Nannies, House Keepers, Elder Care (347) 624-3344

Music Program for Summer Grades 1-12. Music program includes voice lessons/chair, drama/dance. For girls only, loc in Boro Park (718) 437-0368 VIOLIN LESSONS IN MIDWOOD, Brooklyn. All ages, from beginner to advanced. Will visit homes. Call D. Bakriges (718) 339-6998


Notice of Formation of MIDWEST IS BEST, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/07/12. Office location: Kings County. Princ. office of LLC: 925 Bergen St., Ste. 308, Brooklyn, NY 11238. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JH #3622 3/23,30; 4/6,13,20,27/12 OPTIMAL CONCIERGE, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the Secy of State of NY on 2/1/12. NY Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to THE LLC, 6735 Ridge Blvd #5P, Brooklyn, New York 11220. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. JH #3623 3/23,30; 4/6,13,20,27/12 MY THERAPY HELPS, LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the Secy of State of NY on 12/12/11. NY Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to THE LLC, 605 Louisiana Avenue, Apt. #12G, Brooklyn, NY, 11239. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. JH #3624 3/23,30; 4/6,13,20,27/12 Notice of formation of GHOST WIFE, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/16/12. Office Location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process served against the LLC c/o the registered agent, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein Selz, P.C., Attorneys at Law, 488 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022. The purpose of this LLC is the creation of a feature film. JH #3625 3/23,30; 4/6,13,20,27/12 Notice of Formation of LET FURY HAVE THE HOUR, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/12/12. Office location: Kings County. Princ. office of LLC: Attn: Antonino D'Ambrosio, 475 Atlantic Ave., 3rd Fl., Brooklyn, NY 11217. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JH #3626 3/23,30; 4/6,13,20,27/12 Notice of Formation of CROPSEY AVENUE SELF STORAGE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/21/12. Office location: Kings County. Princ. office of LLC: 1705 Hart Pl., Brooklyn, NY 11224. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543, regd. agent upon whom and at which process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JH #3627 3/30; 4/6,13,20,27; 5/4/12 Notice of Formation of MICHAEL RAYMOND LLC, a domestic LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secy of State (SSNY) on 2/17/12. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc., 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228, also the registered agent. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JH #3628 4/6,13,20,27; 5/4,11/12 CLYDE FOX AND ASSOCIATES LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the Secy of State of NY on 1/26/12. NY Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC to Carlo Vega, 302 2nd Street, #8A, Brooklyn, New York 11215 . Purpose: For any lawful purpose. JH #3629 4/13,20,27; 5/4,11,18/12



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2870: SOFER
Home/office visits or you can bring your mezzuzahs for inspection. Do it today! Call Rabbi Aryeh Shechter (718) 972-4003 now!

Talk Therapy, Personal Counseling, Vocational Guidance 25 years experience in the above. Susan Teeman (917) 881-1583


Harvard-Trained Atty can help. Free consult. Chap 7, bankruptcy, foreclosure (212) 924-1498; (646) 337-7051

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Professional Numerologists Career decisions, name business & children for success, relationships. Call (201) 954-9010 Improve your Dating Life with 1 Simple Decision. Want a relationship with an amazing woman? Want to be one of those couples you see laughing together? First you need to meet her. Learn how to meet Interesting, attractive women and get the relationship you want. Join thousands of happy ex-singles: Work 1-on-1 with an expert dating coach. Call 646-862-1784 or with code Dating-1 for a FREE dating evaluation.


Marine Park Why rent a public facility's storage box when, for $275/month youll rent my full, large basement? (full access from 8 a.m. thru 9 p.m.) Michele (718) 375-8785

Dr. Norman M. Rubin / 50 Karl Ave. Smithtown Dental Implants, fullservices general dentistry. Same-day service (631) 724-3399

2676: LOST & FOUND

Lost**Large Reward**No questions. Maltese, white, 2 yrs old, 11 lbs, last seen Bay Pkwy & Ave J. Gets special food & meds. Please! (917) 836-1782


Wellness Services for Stress Relief. Women only. Massage therapy, reiki, yoga & more. Exp w/Dr. Oz. Lauren Fisch MS, DTR, LMT (917) 864-3144

DIVORCE in 1 day No court appear, guar, from $995. 365 Boston Post Rd, #241, Sudbury, MA01776 (978) 443-8387


Cohens Medical Supply Corp. Wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, hospital beds, accessories for bed & bath, canes. WE DELIVER (718) 329-1976 (718) 884-3293

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HOROWITZ MOVING Local & Long Distance Excellent Prices. DOT 12107 (718) 773-4952 Arik J. Movg & Strg: Local: 2 men w/truck $59/hr; 3 men w/truck $69/hr; 4 men w/truck $85/hr; 5 men w/truck $99/hr. Lic & Ins. US DOT #130966 (877) 668-3186; (212) 321-MOVE Reputable Moving Excellent prices. Quality service. ELIS MOVING SERVICE DOT #2104954 (718) 338-MOVE

LIFE COACH COUNSELING Do you need to talk? Social events talk, grieving, marriage and vocational guidance. Susan Teeman (212) 7447837 25 yrs exp

2816: PETS

Track by Jack Lighting Specialists Instruction & sales. Update halogens with small, efficient low-voltage bulbs. On sale, delivered (917) 748-7225

Cheetah Cubs
Exotic hybrid cats, very lovable, wide selection of males/females. Starting at $600 (530) 519-9582 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Top-of-the-line European show puppies for sale, black & red-tan. Show out of Triumph Gucci. See our website at for info on the puppies. Price negotiable. Contact Lida (620) 232-2655; or Russ/trainer (620) 232-1078


Track by Jack Track light specialists. Installs & Sales. Update old cans w/small efficient, low-voltg halogens (917) 74 TRACK; (914) 725-0785


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2892: TRAVEL
AIRLINE TICKETS And Greyhound & Amtrak 50% discount off tickets to anywhere in the world. Call (646) 464-8747 Royal Travel Make your travel a trip of comfort. Fly Royal! Airline/student tickets, passports, hotels. NY: (212) 354-6600 NJ: (732) 719-9788 TOUR OF THE UNITED STATES For Free on condition, electronics, batteries & groceries, plus gas & tolls. Call (917) 216-8379


Beautiful Dreams We love to relax & have fun. Id be more than happy to help anyone caught up in the economic downturn (347) 520-5263

Dependable Movers
All Size Moves - 24 Hours. Call Dave (718) 461-1935 KLSY/Relocation Moving Consultation We help with packing, ocean shipping & handling. We ourself deliver to your door in ISRAEL. Flat fee, fairest rates. Local - Interstate - Canada. Call Moshe at (347) 255-8306; Call Abe at (917) 440-2566 Avoda Moving & Trucking Packing/Crating, clean-outs, East Coast-to-West Coast, USDOT #1699485. Esti. Sam (516) 315-3710 HAPPY MOVING & STORAGE CORP. All your Moving Needs. Lic & Ins, Competitive Flat Rates. Shomer Shabb, Dot #37322 (347) 576-3432 Dependable Reliable Moving Service: Best Service, Best Price! Call Simon anytime. Low, Low Price! Call (718) 715-0632; (305) 890-8923 JERUSALEM MOVING Low price guarantee Lic. # 190646 Local & Long Distance (877) 668-3186 (212) 321-MOVE Premium Moving Service Local or long distance short notice no problem, no job too small, 24-hr svc. (718) 622-7974 or (800) 922-2973


Ancona Builders Custom Homes, complete renovations & additions, incl bathrooms, kitchens. Bklyn, NY & NJ. Robby Ancona (917) 539-8414 ALG Awning Licensed & Insured. Free Home Estimates. 20 years exp. Comm, resid, car ports, rcovers (718) 909-7195; (888) 853-0442

Philanthropists, Foundations & Enviromentalists 20 ac land & deeded lake/joins YMCA camp. Land could be used for retreat, park, recreation. Buy/donate to YMCA camp. Big tax deduction. Ken (407) 886-4922

2583: FLOORS
FLOORS, FLOORS, FLOORS Sanding * Refinishing * Installations Carpet Cleaning * Tile Installation Free est/fully insured (917) 642-1795


Genet Plumbing & Heating Corp. Engineering design, installs of resid & indus plumbing, heating & sprinklers Licensed & Insured (718) 740-0651 EXPERT SPECIALISTS IN PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILERS Troubleshooting & New Installations Reasonable. Call Ben (718) 753-5590 Plumbing & Htg Comml & residential. Steam, hot water boiler, hot water tank, faucets, repairs. 24-hr service. 4th generation (718) 285-2162

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Experienced Lady Seeking companion job/housekeeper. Knowledge of kosher kitchen. Live in/live out. Call anytime, Jen (718) 703-1730 Certified Infant Nanny Exp Nanny seeks full time, immed. Live in/out, prefer Manhattan for a nice fam, exp in kosher homes, refs (347) 721-4056 Professional Housekeeping and Nannies for Kosher homes. Integrity. Call (347) 285-3699. Start Now!

Highly Trained & Experienced Teacher; All Levels & Styles; Proper Posture & Breathing Produce Contact T Landon at (212) 481-9144

iPhone Programming Learn how to write iPhone Apps (800) 337-9701 Dr. Ehsan


Need to Foreclose or Collect? Trust Deed, Mortgage, Deficiency Balance No Advance Fee (949) 228-3296 INVESTORS OPP: Close title on nego Short sale for cash &/or partners or take 15% avail interest for money. Serious inquirys only (732) 606-3652 Houses Bought, All Cash No one wants to lose a home, but its better to lose only part not the whole dream! Keep foreclosure at bay, save yr credit. Call Lester, Fillmore, Licd slsprsn (718) 253-4040 (646) 244-9841 Motor Home For Sale Mint Condition, 40,000 miles, with canopy, light silver, sedan, 4-wheel-drive. Asking $12,500. Call (509) 924-0908

I am volunteering my services (without pay) for clerical work in schools, synagogues, community and Jewish centers. Queens only (718) 699-8760

2607: HEALTH
For Women Only HERBALIFE Lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight. Maryellen Seger (888) 4711635 W A N T E D 19 motivated people to loose 5-100 lbs. Doctor recommended. Guaranteed (347) 844-6668 23 PEOPLE NEEDED TO LOSE 5-100 LBS. Call (800) 237-0414 (718) 531-5380

LESTER PHILLIP NEW YORK LIFE For All Your Insurance Needs Free Consultation (646) 244-9841


Notice of Formation of URBAN X STUDIO ARCHITECTURE, PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 03/13/12. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of PLLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Garvey Schubert Barer, Attn: Hillary H. Hughes, 100 Wall St., 20th Fl., NY, NY 10005-3708. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JH #3631 4/20,27; 5/4,11,18,25/12 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: 210 PAC LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 02/02/12. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 121 Wyckoff Street, No. 4, Brooklyn, New York 11201. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. JH #3630 4/20,27; 5/4,11,18,25/12

Mazel-Tov Moving
& storage. 25 yrs fam owned. Licd/Ins DOT #10587 Flat Rate Avail Local & Long Dist (718) 443-7700


Free Internet? Can you save enough with your Nargle Phone to pay for your Broadband access? No contract.


Learn Piano From A Schechter Alum! Yossi Munro, McGill University 08 (B. Music). All ages/levels. In-studio or house calls. Great with kids. (718) 753-9014 Jewish Music Lessons GuitarPiano-Bass-Drums Individ/Group/All Ages. NYS Certified. $40/40min, $50/hr. Refs (917) 373-9613 Naumberg International Violin Competition Prizewinner; Columbia Roster Artist. LIMITED availability, $150/hour (917) 532-5547 Concert Pianist Grammy Nom, performed in Israel. Recorded Israeli/ Classical Jewish music. Exper teacher, students all ages (718) 423-2297

GIS Private Investigator Gambino Information Services, Inc. Matrimonial & Pre Matrimonial investigations. Surveillances-Background investigations. Landlord-Tenant investigations. Lic, 25 yrs exp (718) 4452270


Russian Spa Salon Amazing Body Treatments, Facials, Wax & Shave, Massage. By Appt (718) 3733400 7am-Midnight, Soho, 6th Ave/Grand $85. Call (347) 208-3096


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42 TheJewishHeraldFriday,April27,2012




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LXR Realty, LLC (561) 869-5000

This is not an offering in jurisdictions where prior qualification is required unless the developer of Ocean Residences at Boca Beach Club, a Condominium (One Thousand Ocean) has previously met such qualifications and no marketing or sales literature will be forwarded to or disseminated in such states unless the developer has met such qualifications. Offers may only be presented and/or accepted at the sales center for the condominium. Void where prohibited by law.

18 The Jewish Herald Friday, April 27, 2012 43

l a s t w o r d

ince 2004, Ive given some 475 different reasons I love Israel. In honor of Independence Day and Israels 64th Anniversary, here are 64 more. 1. Because of their experience, Hebrew University veterinary neurologists were summoned to heal a paralyzed lion in Brazil, a country with an area of 8.5 million square kilometers and a population of 192 million. The lions name was Ariel, a synonym for Jerusalem. 2. We can laugh at ourselves. The prime minister enjoyed the Bibi-bomb photos which placed him at famous celebrations or monumental historic events, and even created his own. 3. The government sent a sarcastic letter to Flytilla activists, thanking them for choosing to protest in democratic Israel rather than in Syria, where daily savagery pervades. 4. An Israeli cartoonist won the Golden Keg 2012 international contest in Presov, Slovakia, for cartoons about beer. 5. British beer-writer of the year lauded the incredible breadth of Israeli beer styles. Winner of the competition he judged was the underdog Jerusalem Shapiro Brewery. 6. Sabra Israeli mathematician Elon Lindenstrauss won the prestigious Fields Medal, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of mathematics. Today hes a professor at the Hebrew University, but in the IDF he served in intelligence. 7. A conference was held in Jerusalem to announce that the ancient balsam plant grown 1,500 years ago near the Dead Sea is growing again at Kibbutz Ein Gedi. 8. As the sun begins setting on the winding road up to Jerusalem, cars stop by the side of the road so that people can recite the afternoon prayer. Sometimes enough people stop for there to be a minyan (a quorum of 10). 9. So many parents were supervising kids on a hot summer day in Jerusalems Sacher Park that someone organized a minyan for the afternoon prayer. 10. My grandkids cant understand how we didnt have their favorite olive pizza in America when we were growing up. 11. Israeli school backpacks may be heavy, but they come with removable wheels. 12. The winner of the A Star is Born singing contest comes

Reasons I Love Israel, 2012

b a r b a r a s o f e r

We can laugh at ourselves. As long as we laugh together . . .

from a town under fire, Sderot, and from a family that crossed Sudan on foot. 13. So did the family of Eli Mantson, a seventh-grade school dropout who sold lentils in an open-air market. Today hes a lawyer, one of several law graduates from Ethiopia. 14. Prof. Dan Engelhard, head of pediatrics at Hadassah Ein Kerem, has now adopted five orphanages in Ethiopia to treat HIV/AIDS kids there. He does this as a volunteer. 15. On the morning before Yom Kippur, the lifeguard at Ashdod beach wishes everyone Tzom Kal, an easy fast. 16. On the day after Passover, flag sellers are on street junctions hawking blue-and-white flags for your car, one for five shekels, three for 10. 17. In the Land of Milk and Honey, the high price of cottage cheese led to a national consumers revolt. 18. The Cottage Cheese Protest took off after Shavuos, when we eat cheesecake and quiches. Buying so many milk products, we realized the price had skyrocketed. 19. Ubiquitous frozen yogurt

stands offer toppings of Pesek Zman (Time-Out) candy bars, dates and pomegranates. 20. Kabbalah tourism is burgeoning. The mystical experience is often referred to as entering the garden of pomegranates. 21. A new kitchen tool won first prize in the Innovation Awards: it gets the seeds out of a pomegranate. 22. The opening item on the radios medical program mentions that its the anniversary of the death of Rachel, the biblical Matriarch, and that some of the regular listeners are on the way to Mother Rachels grave in Bethlehem. 23.AnIsraeliproducer-director won the Golden Emmy for a documentary called Google Baby, about surrogate pregnancies. She was pregnant when she picked up her award. 24. Once there was an Iron Curtain. Now National Geographic readers in Mother Russia have listed Israel as a top tourist attraction. 25. The two most visited sites are the Western Wall and the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The most popular tourist attraction is Masada. 26. Who said it? We are free thinkers; this is the Israeli spirit. Dan Schechtman, a Technion professor who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He showed that atoms in quasicrystals were packed together in well-defined patterns, but that they were unique and non-repeating. 27. Nobel Prize Winner Schechtman was born in Tel Aviv in pre-State Israel. He was inspired by a book he read as a boy, Jules Vernes Mysterious Island, in which an engineer changes uninhabited

territory into a lush garden. 28. According to the Technion, Schechtman was the most unpopular scientist in crystals. He teaches young scientists that its not enough to know your field, you also need faith. 29. Yad Vashem, Israels Holocaust Museum and educational activist, recently uploaded thousand of stories of rescues by righteous gentiles to show that even in times of war and tyranny, women and men retain the innate right and ability to act upon moral precepts. 30. Elbit subsidiary company Brightway Vision is adapting military night-vision technology to the battle against road accidents by producing a system to improve drivers night vision. 31. Memorial Day for the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is commemorated by soldiers singing Israeli songs.

32. Two long-time Talmud study partners didnt realize they went to the same hairdresser until they met there one day. While one woman waited for the other to have her hair cut, the hairdresser reviewed the Torah study class hed just come from. 33. Were an argumentative people. Brothers Omer and Sela Nevo from Tel Aviv University won the World Universities Debating Championships in the English as Second Language category in Manila, Philippines. More than 3,000 teams from around the world participated in the competition. (Wonder if their parents ever told them to stop arguing?) 34. During the eight-day festival, Egged buses display Happy Chanukah signs. 35.OnChanukah,Aromagives out gold-wrapped Chanukah gelt with cappuccino. 36. On Independence Day, Aroma gives out candies in blue-and-white wrappers. 37. In New York and Los Angeles, those Israelis yearning for a taste of home can get it at an Aroma caf. 38. Advertisements for exercise programs promise to counter the damage of eating sufganiot, Chanukah donuts. 39. Cultural fusion. On December 25, three Moslem stone craftsmen from Bethlehem were working on the elevator portals of new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower of Hadassah University MedicalCenter,EinKerem.When they met the Jewish tourists from Puerto Rico they wished them a Merry Xmas. 40. While swimming in the Jerusalem Pool, my friend relayed the Torah thought shed heard earlier that day from her Pilates teacher. Theres always a dvar Torah to begin the class, she says. 41. At Jerusalem shopping malls, hundreds stop for the nightly Chanukah candle lighting. Many shops have candles burning inside, too. 42. Four teenaged boys in
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