Hyperion: Written By: Emily Reich

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written by: Emily Reich

FADE IN: EXT. CITY STREET NIGHT A street in chaos. Explosions ring in the distance; people scatter in chaos; car alarms blare and a building fire casts a hot orange glow on the smoke filling the air. A crew of emergency vehicles and personnel crowd each end of the street, blocking it off. Uniformed soldiers run through the streets in loose formation collecting and herding the scattering runners and shuffling them toward the emergency vehicles. A firetruck is parked outside the burning building The STOCKBRIDGE HOTEL - and firefighters just climbing out of it. Suddenly, a woman - MAYA - remarkably unscathed save cute and burns on her face, mussed hair, and a well singed suit jacket, walks through the flames and shattered glass of the old doors and onto the sidewalk, looking frantic but dazed. Grasped in her right hand, limp at her side, a small, round metal DEVICE and a PISTOL. She sees the firefighters and other people running around and, half out of it, speaks to no one in particular. MAYA I'm looking for someone... A YOUNG SOLDIER running nearby spots her immediately. He draws his weapon and aims it at her, shouting to draw the attention of the others. SOLDIER GUN! He draws his own handgun and points it at her. Several other soldiers in the area go on high alert and do the same.

She doesn't flinch. She looks scared, confused, completely unaware weapon at her side, or of all the chaos around her. Alarms continue of the street, building behind the hose as she to blare, people still and the firefighters her, soaking her with slowly moves toward the of the

scatter to the ends spray water on the water spraying from soldiers.

This time she speaks directly to them, clearer than before. MAYA I'm looking for someone... Gun still aimed at her, he starts inching closer even as she approaches him. SOLDIER Who are you looking for? MAYA ...someone... someone I know... SOLDIER Who, ma'am? MAYA ...it's important... I think it's very important. Still unaware of the gun, she raises her hand to her forehead, thinking, frustrated at her inability to answer. As the gun moves, all the soldiers tense with readiness to fire their own. He takes another cautious step closer and holds out his hand. SOLDIER (cautious but forceful) Ma'am, I need you to put down your gun and hand it to me, nice and slow. Confused, Maya freezes. She slowly lowers her hand and

turns her head down to look at what she's holding. She sees the gun. After a few seconds of confusion, her hand laxes. As if in slow motion, both the pistol and the small metal device fall from her hand and through the air. The pistol lands first, hitting the pavement with a CLUNK and bouncing back upJust as the metal device too hits the ground. A bang. An explosion of blue light expands outward like a massive shockwave. The soldier flings his arm up to shield his eyes. frozen in place, Maya is absorbed into the lightStill

MATCH CUT TO: INT. STOCKBRIDGE HOTEL LOBBY EVENING Maya stands just inside the entrance of the large historic 1920's hotel lobby, no longer scraped up, hair tied neatly in a ponytail, and suit clean and undamaged. She looks up and eyes the chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings above with a mixture of awe and confusion. MAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Awesome, yeah? (beat) Maya? She shakes off her confusion and moves her attention to the similarly-dressed man standing next to her her partner IAN. What? Oh. MAYA (impressed) Yeah.

She takes another cursory glance around the spacious and immaculately decorated lobby before getting down to business. MAYA Now what do you say we try to keep it awesome.

Side by side they start walking toward the center of the lobby. IAN Get the manager, I'll take security. He smiles and like a well oiled machine they split off without a pause. CUT TO: INT. MEZZANINE FLOOR A FEW MINUTES LATER Maya approaches the manager's office on the mezzanine floor. She reaches the office and sees the door ajar. As she moves her hand to her gun holster and cautiously approaches the door, it swings open with great force and a MASKED MAN with a backpack blows past her, knocking her down. She collects herself, draws her gun, and chases after him. As the same time she yells frantically into an earbud microphone. MAYA I've got him! Mezzanine levelINT. OUTSIDE SECURITY OFFICE Ian freezes as he reaches the office and immediately pulls out his own gun. MAYA (OVER HEADSET) -headed for the stairs! He starts running back toward the lobby. into his own headset. IAN I'll head him off! He shouts back

INT. MEZZANINE The Masked Man swings open the door to the STAIRWELL and starts running down the stairs to the lobby floor. Still behind on the MEZZANINE, Maya just reaches the same doorway, which hasn't completely swung closed. She pushes past it and follows the man down. MAYA He's headed your way, Ian! INT. LOBBY The stairwell door swings open and the Masked Man runs through it into the lobby. Up ahead, Ian steps out into the center of the lobby, gun drawn and aimed at the Masked Man, and blocks the path to the exit. The Masked Man freezes. Behind him, Maya exits the stairwell, blocking him in. IAN There's nowhere to run, Fawkes! us the Hyperion Device. Give

The masked man, FAWKES, looks from Maya to Ian and back again, gauging his options. He reaches into his pocket. Through the mouth hole in his mask, a crooked smile spreads across his lips. He draws his hand back out of his pocket, holding the same small, round metal device Maya was holding earlier the HYPERION DEVICE. FAWKES

You want this? In one swift movement, as time seems to slow down, he throws the Hyperion Device up into the air and starts running toward the side exit of the building. In a panic, Maya runs toward the returning to earth with great speed. device, which is now

Ian empties his entire clip at Fawkes, but the running man is too fast, and each bullet lands harmlessly in the wall. When he hears the click of the gun and realizes his last bullet is spent, he makes chase. As he runs, Maya stretches out her hands. She makes it to the center of the room just in time to catch the small device before it can slam into the ground. NEARING THE EXIT, Fawkes, still running, pulls another device from his pocket. As he reaches the doors, he pushes a buttonAnd an EXPLOSION rocks the building. INT. LOBBY The shockwave throws Maya backward into a supporting column. At the other side of the lobby, as Ian runs under the mezzanine toward the exit, he too is flung to the side, and a section of the mezzanine shatters into pieces and collapses to the ground, crushing him. EXT. HOTEL SIDE EXIT As flames blow out windows on the mezzanine level, Fawkes strides calmly around a corner and into a small alley. With a smile he stops and takes off his BACKPACK. He sets it down on the top of a garbage can and opens it up. Inside is a HANDGUN and an ARMY UNIFORM.

Satisfied and victorious, he pulls off his mask to reveal his identity: the YOUNG SOLDIER. CUT TO: INT. STOCKBRIDGE LOBBY NIGHT Maya is splayed out on the floor next to the column, surrounded by debris and flames, hair mussed and clothing singed. In her right hand, her gun and the Hyperion Device. Her eyes flutter open. confused. She blinks at the settling dust,

She raises her head and looks around as she pushes herself up. She doesn't seem to notice the flames, or anything else around her. She spots the exit and starts walking. CUT TO: EXT. STOCKBRIDGE HOTEL NIGHT She steps through the flames to the outside of the buildingTo a street in chaos. Flashing red and blue lights. Intense heat and an orange haze from the flames behind her. People running everywhere. Firefighters climbing out of a firetruck parked outside. She sees all the people running around and, half out of it, speaks to no one in particular. MAYA I'm looking for someone... FAWKES, dressed as a soldier, spots her and draws his gun. CUT TO BLACK: THE END

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