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'A' - English Phrasal Verb List - UsingEnglish.


English Phrasal Verb Dictionary

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List of English Phrasal Verbs Beginning With 'A'

Showing 12 Verbs, 27 Phrasal Verbs Hide Definitions Show Definitions
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Account (1)
Account for - To explain

Ache (1)
Ache for - Want something or someone a lot

Act (4)
Act on - To take action because of something like information received - Affect Act out - Perform something with actions and gestures. - Express an emotion in your behaviour Act up - Behave badly or strangely Act upon - To take action because of something like information received - Affect

Add (3)
Add on - Include in a calculation Add up - To make a mathematical total

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23/04/2012 17:28

'A' - English Phrasal Verb List -

- Be a satisfactory explanantion for something Add up to - Have a certain result - Come to a certain amount or figure

Agree (1)
Agree with - Affect- usually used in the negative to show that something has had a negative effect, especially is it makes you feel bad

Aim (1)
Aim at - To target - Intend to achieve

Allow (2)
Allow for - Include something in a plan or calculation Allow of - Make possible, permit

Angle (1)
Angle for - Try to get something indirectly, by hinting or suggesting

Answer (2)
Answer back - To reply rudely to someone in authority Answer for - Be held responsible for a problem - Speak on behalf of someone or from knowing them

Argue (2)
Argue down - Beat someone in a debate, discussion or argument - Persuade someone to drop the price of something they're selling - Try to persuade people not to accept a proposition, motion, etc Argue out - Argue about a problem to find a solution

Ask (8)
Ask about - Ask how someone is doing, especially professionally and in terms of health Ask after - Enquire about someone's health, how life is going Ask around - Ask a number of people for information of help
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23/04/2012 17:28

'A' - English Phrasal Verb List -

- Invite someone Ask for - To provoke a negative reaction - Request to have or be given Ask in - To invite somebody into your house Ask out - To invite someone for a date Ask over - Invite Ask round - Invite someone

Auction (1)
Auction off - Sell something in an auction ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
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23/04/2012 17:28

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