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Maturity Model Benchmarks

Category Type Islands

Appropriate technology use is formalized, but is mostly ignored by many in the school. Some policy exists, loosely articulated and mostly informal, with no formal approval.

Appropriate technology use is formalized and embraced in many parts of the school. Formal policy exists, but is not comprehensive in nature or has not been approved by the governing body. School-wide comprehensive planning receives informal review, and is connected to other planning efforts. Comprehensive technology plan that receives informal review and some connection to planning efforts. Technology budgeting process with high priority; multiple budgets considered, but longterm budgeting is not. Specific technology budget is provided in addition to line items in other budgets. Administrative systems are utilized by most of the staff members; some paperless systems are in place. Administrative systems are available to most administrators and staff.

Adapted from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

Appropriate technology use policy is formalized and fully supported at all levels of the organization. Comprehensive policy exists and has been approved by the organizations governing body.
There is a formal Technology Plan at Lewis River, based on Washington State standards. Its not yet fully implemented. As it takes time for systems to develop comprehensive integration of new components, Lewis River is yet in the integration phase.


Resource/ Infrastructure


Formal planning takes place, but is isolated to specific projects with some connection to other planning efforts. Formal plan with isolated implementation and little or no connection to other planning efforts. Formal technology budgeting process with higher priority, but with relatively simple resourcing. Specific technology budget is provided, but other budgets not considered for technology. Administrative systems are utilized by many staff members, but are not integrated into regular practice. Administrative systems are available to many administrators and staff.

Resource/ Infrastructure

School-wide comprehensive planning with formal evaluation and connection to other planning within the school and district. Comprehensive technology plan with formal evaluation and connection to planning in the school and district. Comprehensive long-term budgeting for the institution; multiple budgets including upgrades, etc. Specific budget is provided in addition to line items in other budgets for long-term budget needs. The daily use of electronic systems is required for support activities; paper systems are replaced. Administrative systems are available to all administrators and staff.

The school-wide plan is informally reviewed and implemented or factored into each department by committee. Implementation of the technology plan at Lewis River lies somewhere between suggested and required, depending on the department Technology planning at Lewis River projects 1-2 year budgets based on current/evolving technology. There is a specific budget for large purchases; individual and departmental needs are handled on a request basis through IT. Slowly, but surely, we creep toward the paperless future.


Resource/ Infrastructure


Administrative Information
Resource/ Infrastructure
Form: MMB ver 2.5mm 2/6/98

but not to faculty.

Copyright 1998 EDmin Open Systems

Maturity Model Benchmarks

Category Type Islands
Students and staff are somewhat dependent upon information resources and utilize them often. Resources are beyond basic, but lack depth and are not available to all areas of the school. Used by many of the staff and some of the students for the evaluation of work and selfassessment. Some reporting and assessment tools are available, with a focus on traditional assessment measures. Curriculum is somewhat dependent on technology and used in multiple ways. Technology related resources are available for some curricular areas. Regular use by teachers, but not integrated into daily work. Some teachers have access to appropriate technology in their work area. Students use technology often, but in limited ways.

Students and staff are very dependent upon information resources, and utilize them regularly. Resources are fairly comprehensive providing depth or diversity, but not both. Access is available to most. Used by most of the staff and many students for the evaluation of work and selfassessment. Many reporting and assessment tools are available, with instruments limited in scope and availability. Curriculum is very technology dependent and used comprehensively throughout. Technology and related resources are available for most curricular areas. Daily use by teachers for administration and curriculum. Most teachers have access to appropriate technology in their work area. Students use technology frequently and comprehensively, but outcomes are not dependent on its use. Most students have consistent and regular access to appropriate technologies.

Adapted from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

Students and staff are heavily dependent upon information resources and use them daily. Resources are comprehensive providing depth and diversity. All students have regular access. Technology is an essential part of the assessment process for students, teachers, and parents. Fully integrated reporting and assessment tools are available for student and staff use. Technology and related resources are available for all curricular areas. Technology and related resources are available for all curricular areas. Teachers work not possible without technology. All teachers have access to appropriate technology in their work area. Students use technology frequently and comprehensively, and cannot meet outcomes without it. All students have consistent and regular access to appropriate technologies.
This varies across departments. In my department, we are heavily dependent daily users; some departments use only the basics. The resources are there and available, but not yet universally employed (i.e., understood). Currently undergoing heavy revision at Lewis River, the plan is to have a comprehensive assessment system in place by next year. Up to now, the reporting and assessment tools have been limited and in use primarily by early adopters in the college. Again, this varies by department: mine requires extensive daily use by both students and faculty. Some curricular areas, Business English in our department, for example, are slow to adopt. More than half the classes in my department are not possible without technology, This is true across campus.


Electronic Information
Resource/ Infrastructure


Resource/ Infrastructure


Curriculum Integration

Resource/ Infrastructure Behavioral

Teacher Use
Resource/ Infrastructure


This is especially true in the Business Technology Department.

Student Use
Resource/ Infrastructure
Form: MMB ver 2.5mm 2/6/98

Some students consistent and regular access to appropriate technologies.

All students have student network accounts and access to Wi-Fi and any of the many computer labs on campus. Copyright 1998 EDmin Open Systems

Maturity Model Benchmarks

Category Type Islands
Many of the groups are aware of the planning and implementation procedure, but few are engaged in the process. Many of the groups are represented in the planning and implementation process. Peripheral involvement by the administration in planning, practice, and implementation. Little formal administration, time and support allocated to the planning and implementation process.

Adapted from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball


Most of the groups are aware of the planning and implementation procedure, and many are engaged in the process. Most of the groups are represented in the planning and implementation process. On-going discussion with the administration. Some formal administration, time and support allocated to the planning and implementation process.

All of the groups are aware of the planning and implementation procedure, and are engaged in the process. All of the groups are represented in the planning and implementation process. Extensive administration involvement in the planning, practice and implementation. Significant formal administration, time and support allocated to the planning and implementation process. All staff members participate in technology training activities and seek additional training. Training at all levels of the organization, with area experts in each building. All staff utilize formal and informal support to find help efficiently. Full-time personnel to address all technical support needs.
Most of the groups are aware, but a surprising number are not. Of the involved groups, only core, key individuals actually interact with staff (e.g. publishers reps).


Stakeholder Involvement
Resource/ Infrastructure

We still have departments at Lewis River that barely use email. There is ongoing discussion with Admin, but it often seems like its going nowhere fast. Actually, there is significant formal support, but its limited to the staff side of the picture. Faculty concerns or requests are handled separately. All staff are required to follow training regimens; there is no faculty requirement in this regard. While each are has assigned experts to assist faculty and staff, there is almost no formal training beyond basic admin functions. All staff are involved in training, many faculty are not.


Administrative Support

Resource/ Infrastructure


Many staff members participate in technology training activities. On-going formal training provided by limited personnel. Many staff utilize formal and informal support. Limited formal technical assistance, usually a mentor, teacher, consultant, etc.

Most staff members participate in technology training activities. On-going teacher training provided by site and district resources. Most staff utilize formal and informal support. Formal technical assistance provided through staff release time, hired help, and/or formal district support.

Resource/ Infrastructure


Technical & Infrastructure Support

Resource/ Infrastructure

Each department has IT staff assigned to handle its affairs.

Form: MMB ver 2.5mm 2/6/98

Copyright 1998 EDmin Open Systems

Maturity Model Benchmarks

Category Type
Staff and students use available networks often, but use is unsophisticated and limited. High-speed networking, limited to isolated areas.

Staff use is limited to data, but is extensive and sophisticated.

Adapted from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

Staff use available WAN services for video, voice, and sophisticated data needs.
Its rare to see LAN services used for voice or video, although the capacity it there. The next step in our phased technology plan involves memory and bandwidth increases to allow video/voice.


Local Area Networking

Resource/ Infrastructure

High-speed networking with access to all working environments. Staff use is limited to data, but is extensive and sophisticated.

Networking comprehensive sand expandable for data, voice, and video. Staff use available WAN services for video, voice, and sophisticated data needs. Comprehensive network services with high-speed lines, voice, video, and data capacity; data services are available. All staff and students use the Internet extensively for video, voice, and sophisticated data needs. Direct Internet access to all locations. E-mail is an integral part of the school learning and support communications. E-mail is available to all staff and students.


District Area Networking (WAN)

Staff use district services often, but in very traditional and basic manners. Limited district-area networking through dial-up services or dedicated lines; applications and data are limited. Many staff and students use the Internet frequently, and curriculum integration is limited. Limited Internet access via dial-up lines. E-mail is used often, but has no significant impact on the communication process. E-mail is available to most staff, and some students.

There is a WAN to tie our 4 campuses together, but it is limited to administrative use. Apparently, the aging WAN is being supplanted by Internetbased servers.
While were moving in this direction, many departments especially in the vocational trades dont use the Internet extensively, This part of the system has been in place for nearly five years.

Resource/ Infrastructure

District area networking infrastructure with dedicated, high-speed lines; several data services are available. Most staff and students use the Internet frequently. Use is integrated into the curriculum.


Internet Access
Resource/ Infrastructure Behavioral

Direct LAN Internet access in some locations. E-mail is used frequently to form administrative and learning activities. E-mail is available to all staff, and many students.

Communication Systems

In some departments, email is integral to daily functions; in others, its an auxiliary event.
This part of the system has been in place for over five years.

Resource/ Infrastructure

Form: MMB ver 2.5mm 2/6/98

Copyright 1998 EDmin Open Systems

Maturity Model Benchmarks

Category Type Integrated
New technologies are readily accepted by most staff members. New technologies are readily accepted by the staff with moderate implementation. Technology is fairly comprehensive, but lacks more advanced techniques. Available technology is used including voice, etc., but equipment has not reached full potential.


Adapted from the Technology Use Plan Primer by Peter H.R. Sibley and Chip Kimball

Systematic adaptation of new technologies throughout the school Systematic adoption of new technologies throughout the school. Readily available comprehensive technology, including video conferencing, voice recognition, etc. Available technology is used very comprehensively, incorporating video, etc. into regular practice.
While new technologies are readily accepted, their use is not always understood and training takes time. Tegrity, for example, is now available to faculty and staff, but relatively few have actually used it or know what it is. Video conferencing is becoming available at Lewis River, but is not yet integrated into crosscampus use, Plans for comprehensive faculty and staff training are being developed at this time.


New Technologies
Resource/ Infrastructure


Comprehensive Technologies
Resource/ Infrastructure
Form: MMB ver 2.5mm 2/6/98

Copyright 1998 EDmin Open Systems

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