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Jacobson 1 Hannah Jacobson Caruso English 1102 12 April 2012 Alcatraz M.I.

A One of the most famous escape attempts from Alcatraz Island was that of three men, John and Clarence Anglin, and Frank Morris. John and Clarence, two brothers sent to prison for robbery, met Frank in the Atlanta Penitentiary before being relocated onto Alcatraz Island (Alcatraz History). After moving to Alcatraz, the three hatched a plan to escape, along with Allen West, who claims to be the mastermind of the escape entire getaway. after not making it out with the three othersAllen worked out every detail with John, Clarence, and Frank, but as night fell on June 11, Allen couldnt fit through the hole in his cell, causing him to stay back during the escape. They started the escape plans in December 1961 working on every aspect of the getaway up until when they made the attempt to leave Alcatraz Island forever, June 11, 1962, when they made the attempt to leave Alcatraz Island forever (Alcatraz History). During the seven months until the escape the four men mapped out their routes through the ventilation corridors, concocted makeshift rafts and life preservers, from rain coats of fellow prisoners, life preservers, dummy heads, made from real hair and a mixture of soap and toilet paper, to place on their beds during the escape, and dug through the walls around the vents making their escape holes.. As June 11, 1962 arrives rolls around the three men are ready and fully equipped for anything thrown at them during the escape. After lights out three out of the four men made their way through the vent holes, and up through a ventilation corridor, and onto the roof which led them to the water, where they boarded their makeshift rafts and set off into the horrific bay to
Comment [HJ4]: I have this again in the next paragraph where I give the book plot. I am going to leave this brief description here and fully elaborate to help the reader get a more descriptive idea in the next paragraph. Comment [HJ5]: I know that I wanted to keep this section brief, and just as background but elaborating a little gives more background so that when I mention this later my reader will be able to recall this from earlier making it easier to make connections throughout my paper. Comment [HJ2]: While reading over my paper I realized this sentence seemed to be bunched together trying to put both ideas all into one sentence. Working to elaborate and separate ideas I broke the sentence into two and expanded the information in the second sentence to give better background information to the reader. Comment [HJ3]: I moved the last half of the sentence up where I felt that it made more sense and helped the formality of the paper rather than sounding like a conversation. Comment [HJ1]: Formality, empty/excess wording, clarity, elaborating/developing ideas, and separating my ideas.

Jacobson 2 freedom. and onto the roof, from the roof they went down to the water, where they got on the crude raft with life vests on and set off into the horrific bay to freedom. Alcatraz M.I.A is a fictitious book about three men who endeavored an escape from Alcatraz Island and are still missing to this day. The book incorporates the story of the escape, a true event, along with some twists and turns that will really get the readers mind thinkingwondering, are they really dead, or are they still living out there? The key purpose of the Alcatraz M.I.A novel is to get people thinking about the different scenarios that might very well have be what happened the night of the escape, also to entertain the readers with the drama of a prison escape and the mystery of where those escapees might be at this very moment. The book starts out with John and Clarence being sent to Atlanta Penitentiary where they meet Frank Morris, becoming close, and even closer once moved to Alcatraz Island. After being on at Alcatraz these three men grow close with Allen West. After the men get acquainted and begin to trust one another, then begins the first stages of the escape preparation start to be constructed. With the escape day plan coming together quickly, fast approaching the men put togetherorganizeorganize keepsakes such as letters and pictures sent to them from family members for the trek across the bay to the mainland. During the escape the men had life preservers, and rafts to get across the bay; these were made from raincoats, provided for inmates by Alcatraz, which were given to the men and stolen during months up until the getaway., life preservers, and raincoats, knowing they must survive the rough, frigid waters to make it to the mainland and onto freedom. Night falls on June 11, 1962 and the four men put their long awaited plan into action. Each man puts his dummy head, concocted from soap, toilet paper, and hair from the barbershop floor, into their beds, get their belongings together, and head out into the ventilation corridor through the hole in the cell wall. Only one,, only one, Allen West, does not
Comment [HJ8]: I had fast approaching but with the plan, I dont feel like they had a certain day in mind, but just a day with certain conditions, such as weather and preparation of the plan. I want the story to seem as real as possible, making the readers minds really work and wonder. Comment [HJ6]: One of the aspects of my paper that I am working on is empty wording. I felt that the sentence continued to run on and on and said the same thing continuously. I want my paper to be concise yet descriptive so I needed to take out the empty wording and replace it with something more useful.

Comment [HJ7]: I felt that I needed to change this because I have thinking in the next sentence.

Jacobson 3 make it past his own cell because when cutting through his wall he did not check to make sure he could get through, as the others had. Clarence, John, and Frank all get ready for the trek journey across the water, say their prayers and are on their ways. When the sun rises the prison guards discover three men have escaped, and after days of searching, both land and water, nothing comes up, except an unidentifiable body, which happens to be Frank Morris, down the coast. From there starts the story of two brothers, escapees from Alcatraz, now free to live the life they always wanted. The two brothers hide away for some time with friends, and then begin to look for work and a place to live together. John and Clarence find work in a salvage yard and after some time warrant enough to rent a small studio apartment together in a secluded area of downtown San Francisco. Some while goes by and each meets a young girl, both following a few months moves out, and begins a life with their special someone. Clarence is the first to start a new life with marriage, with John following right behind him. The novel ends with John and Clarence both still living in the San Francisco area, each having a loving wife, kids, and grandkids, the life they always dreamed of having when they were young children. Alcatraz M.I.A will be the story that the character alarms you one moment then a few chapters later has you falling in love with the same person you were frightened by; it is the heartwarming story of two brothers who create a life for themselves after struggling the first half of their lives, the readers will hate them, love them, and empathize with them as they read their story of prisoners to family men. The inspiration for the novel comes from the new hit television series Alcatraz and the buzz the show seems to bring about, the now tourist station, Alcatraz Island prison. With the new television show out on FOX network, now is the ideal time to launch a soon to be best-seller novel about the famous escape attempt of John, Clarence, and Frank. With the television show in

Jacobson 4 the first season, now is a great time to advertise a new book about Alcatraz, because not only will it reach the target market of people, females and males, ages 13-35, the news about the novel will reach all of those who watch FOX network and the people who watch Alcatraz. Not only will FOX watchers read the novel but drama, mystery, and Alcatraz Island prison enthusiasts will be drawn to Alcatraz M.I.A because of the vivid scenes of drama in the beginning and the never knowing what is next feeling of after the escape. This novel will draw in both male and females with the excitement and unknown, and keep them reading; once they are hooked they will not be able to quit. The novel will be in chapter form, with an outside narrator. Each character has a specific purpose in the story making it difficult for them to also possess the task of narrator, finalizing the decision of a narrator without a character role. Alcatraz M.I.A is the making of a great novel; a best seller even, and with the help of your company, this book can be number one. The story speaks for itself with the drama, and the mystery of the life after John and Clarences escape, and with the new television show the book will basically market itself. This novel only needs one more thing, and that is your company.

Works Cited

"The Great Escape from Alcatraz - Page 1." Web. 05 Apr. 2012.

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