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Are there any laws governing the Universe?

Yes, but not in the sense that a lawmaker has devised a law. Laws exist which ar e natural laws, similar to the Laws of Physics that your scientists recognize. T he primary law is the Law of Love; all things exist within this law and are created out of it. Love is the total and complete acceptance of what is. Love allows. L ove is about allowing yourself to be who and what you are and allowing that same right to all others. Without the Law of Love, free will could not exist, for free will is free will. It cannot and does not co me in portions, for you either have it or you do not have it. The Universe is a place of creation; it is a place of experience. And you have c ome to this world by choice to experience yourself just as you have done in many other worlds and will do again in many other worlds after this one, whether they be physical or non-physical. As a creator through experience, you have complete free will to create what you wish, and you create through the process of magnetism, the process of attraction, which is the second law, the Law of Attraction, or the Law of Increase, whichever term communicates this concept to you more strongly. The Law of Attraction states that all that is like unto itself will be drawn to it. In other words, all things similar in nature will naturally gravitate to one another and magnetise one another into their own field. This applies to all things in the Universe; it applies to thought. All energy, and thought is energy, is magnetic to those things with a similar vibration. "The Law of Attraction states that all that is like unto itself will be drawn to it." It is through the utilization of this law that you have come forth into this and many other worlds in order to experience yourself. For as you experience your w orld unfolding around you, you are experiencing yourself, for your world unfolds in accordance with your thinking. Quite literally, what you think is what you get, and what you think is what you are. So many of you are so convinced that life just happens to you and that things impose themselves upon you that you have built whole societies and cultures upon this premise. As you are the center of your Universe, you are the creator of it, not of some of it, not of most of it, but all of it. See the Universe as being a large hollow sphere. It does not matter where you st and on the surface of this sphere, you will always be at its center, and so it is with you. All emanates from you, for you are a magnet, drawing experience unto yourself so that you may know yourself in this particular experience. This is why it generally takes the average human being several lifetimes, even hundreds of lifetimes, to master this game called Earth. The reality that you have created for yourself is so convincing that it appears that there is nothing else and that you are merely a collection of gases, chemicals, and water drawn together to form a planet and your physical apparatus, your body. However, I would offer to you that even the body you have created, every last cell, every contour, every hair, is an expression of who you are, an expression of your consciousness. The Law of Attraction does not simply disappear in the physical world; it is as active there as anywhere else in the Universe. At another time we will offer ways for you to consciously utilize this law.

What is Karma? How does it work? Many have told us that we suffer or pay back in this lifetime for what we did in a past life time. This belief in Karma could not be further from the truth. It is not a law designed to punish you or to bring you into balance as some may have suggested, but it is merely the Law of Attraction expressed in different terms and interpreted through religious structures that for many millennia have been based on the concept of redemption. Many teach that, if you abused your wealth in one lifetime, you will be poor in this one, or if you murdered in your last lifetime, you will suffer in this one. This is only true if you don't change your mind! What we mean is: The Universe springs forth from thought, and all action is preceded by thought. It is a thought that has led one to steal, abuse, or murder. So what are the thoughts of the robber? Clearly this individual does not understand the Law of Attraction, does not understand that he or she is God, does not understand the infinite love of God, and does not believe in his or her own ability to create wealth. Your experience on Earth is not one lifetime after the next, it is one total phy sical experience and it is one physical experience that has many forms. Therefore, if you hold the belief in one lifetime that you are unable to create wealth, or are not worthy of wealth, and this belief is strong enough to motivate you to steal, then it is this belief that will follow you into the next episode of physical experience. It is not the deed that draws karma to you; it is the belief that led to the deed, and the thought behind the deed. As you re-enter this current life experience, you are automatically drawn to those parents who are magnetically attracted to you; you are drawn to them through the process of resonance. You will be drawn to parents who share similar beliefs and experiences concerning wealth, therefore setting up a similar pattern, until you decide that this no longer serves you. However, you may make an agreement with the soul whom you robbed that you will s hare an experience in an upcoming life. If, however, you change your thinking, and therefore your vibration and your magnetic attraction, it is highly unlikely that you will meet this soul, or if you do, that there will be an interaction between the two of you similar to the past life experience. In saying this, what we want to communicate to you most of all is that all the answers you seek concerning yourself are to be found in this lifetime experience, with very few exceptions. We say this, for your beliefs are in the present; you hold onto them in this current time and space. Change your beliefs, and you will change your karma! "Change your beliefs, and you will change your karma!" No one is obliged to suffer hardship for anything. And as difficult as it may be for many of you to hear this, there is no punishment, no judgment, no failure, no negative karma. There is only experience. In the highest sense, there is no right and wrong, nothing that can turn away the magnificence of God's love for you. There is no judgment? No, not in the sense that most of you think of judgment. Yes, you have teachers and advisors who guide you in making choices based upon your last

lifetime. But they are not there to discipline you or to point out your faults. You decide what you are happy with, you decide what you want to create next, no one else. You are in charge. Their role is to assist you in seeing a greater vision of yourself. Part of our being has been present on what has been called the afterlife, or the astral plane, as teacher and guide to those who are offering guidance to you while you are in both the physical and in the non-physical states. Our experience tells us that humanity's belief in its inferiority is so strong that it has also become part of the consciousness of the Astral Plane. Meaning that the Astral Plane of reality that 'surrounds' the Earth is a reflection of the evolution of your entire species. Therefore, those beings who enter the Astral plane at lower vibrational levels make choices concerning future lives that are 'unnecessary' in terms of hardship, for there is still a very strong belief that suffering is necessary to reach a higher spiritual goal. Are there any other rules that apply in the Universe? The Law of Love and the Law of Attraction are the primary laws that govern all w orlds, physical and non-physical. What we would offer also are principles. A principle tells of the nature of things, an action or a flowing of energy, more of a state of being. The principles that we offer are the Four Principles of Creation, principles that express the very nature of God and of who you are: Love, Health and Well-Being, Abundance, and Creativity. Universal Laws do not 'govern' you, for there is no external consciousness that has decided that you must adhere to such laws. Rather there are universal principles, somewhat like the laws of physics, that describe the nature of the Universe. The 'laws' in themselves are a description of the nature of things. The primary Law is the Law of Love; all things that exist rest on this law. It i s not that love is an action, for it is also a state of being, it is also a description of the nature of things, and it is a description of the Universe, of All-That-Is. This word, love, has been misinterpreted by many, and misunderstood by all of you at times. We would define love as the complete and total acceptance of what is; we would describe love as 'allowing.' "We would define love as the complete and total acceptance of what is." The Universe is one vast consciousness that has subdivided itself into smaller u nits, and further into even smaller units. This subdivision has been for the pur pose of the creation of experience, for it is through experience that the whole begins to experience itself. If you are a point of light in the center of everything that is also a vast nothingness, you cannot know who you are unless you can view yourself from outside of yourself. Then, as you gain that perspective, you then truly learn who you are through experiencing yourself as All-That-Is whilst holding onto the experience of being singular. In order for the Universe to grow through experience, 'allowing' or love must be in place, for there cannot be any limitation to the experience. For you to experience what you are, it is also necessary for you to experience what you are not. This comparison pushes you forward, for comparison is one of the most efficient ways to assist you in deciding what you want. This comparison leads to desire, and desire is the mother of creation, for without desire, nothing would come into existence.

"Free will is the natural result of love." You are beings of absolute and total free will. Free will is the natural result of love, for love is the total and complete acceptance of what is. As love is th e very nature of the All-That-Is, it is also your deepest desire, for it acts like a magnet upon your personality. All that is not love is not natural to whom you are, and all things seek to operate according to the natural laws of the Universe. Your physical reality was created so that you may experience that which you are not. In experiencing that which you are not, you began to experience that which is not love, that which is not acceptance, that which does not allow. As a soul you began to focus yourself more deeply into the physical world; you began to associate yourself more fully and completely with physical existence. This has led you to believe that the physical you is the total you, and that this you which you know will die along with the demise of your body. The body seemed frail and vulnerable, and initially you sought to protect the bo dy from the elements, from cold and from heat. As you observed the animals defending their physical selves against predators, you too began to see your own body as weak and something that needed protection from predators. And so it went on, until you began to see others of your own kind as potential threats, and so the lack of 'allowing' firmly rooted itself in your psyche. This was the birth of the lack of love. The comparison drama was in place so that you could experience love, which is to tal allowing, as you were drawn like magnets towards it. For love is the very nature of who you are, and even though the personality self has developed so strongly that it thinks it is the real you, it cannot dominate and prevail forever, for nothing can deny its true nature forever. Love is like a magnet, it draws you towards it, and it grows within you. "Love is like a magnet; it draws you towards it, and it grows within you." As you look back at human history, you can observe that you have been gradually moving towards greater levels of allowing. This movement has become increasingly more apparent in the past 100 years and the momentum of this directional move is increasing exponentially with each passing decade. Embedded in each of you is something we can best describe as an atom. This atom holds within it your will to love. You have this will to love, for that is the very nature of the Universe. Love is the prime quality of universal consciousness, so there is not a consciousness that does not have this atom. Your will to love draws you automatically towards the state of love, of allowing. You cannot deny this will to love, you cannot resist it and you cannot flee from it, although you can pretend that you don't have it, and indeed act as if it were not there. You may even fully experience a reality or a range of feelings that may seem to be devoid of love. This atom, however faint it may appear, is within you, and is magnetic to the greater expression of love, universal love, the love of God. It is this will to love that draws you forward in your development; it is what stimulates you to growth through your many incarnations, and from one cycle to another. This is the game of the Universe; you have decided that you want to experience many different ways of going home to love, of returning to

love. This is why you embark upon new cycles and new adventures. Just as you have had many lives on planet Earth, you have completed this entire cycle from 'lovelessness' to unconditional love in many forms, on many worlds, each one adding to your experience and knowledge of total and complete love. The Universe seeks to experience itself in love in all its forms. In order to do this, the Universe holds within it the experience of "not love", the experience of darkness, the experience of separation, all for the sake of love. With this atom within you, it does not matter how far into the 'darkness' you go , you will always eventually be drawn home to love. This is a given, it is not any other way, and cannot be any other way. As love is the very nature of God, and as all exists within the mind and being of God, then all within it is of God, and therefore is of love. This is the highest truth. All is love. All action, all beings, all things are love, for that is the foundation of all creation. "This is the highest truth. All is love. All action, all beings, all things are love, for that is the foundation of all creation." Tell us more about the Four Principles of Creation and how we can align ourselve s with them? The Four Principles of Creation are a description of your Divine nature; they ar e who you are. They are summarized thus: Love: Love is your greatest longing. You seek to accept and allow. The Universe, or that unifying field of consciousness that you have come to call God, is a benevolent place that operates with equality and fairness, and operates according to universal laws. Love is the complete and total acceptance of what is: it is allowing allowing all others to be who they are, and allowing yourself to be who you are. You are a being of free will, and as such, you are held in a place of total acceptance and allowing. You are dearly loved! By beginning to know that you are loved and accepted beyond all measure, you can begin to master the Universal Laws to create the life you want. Health and Well-being: Health and well-being are your natural states of being. Illness and disease are the result of mass beliefs, or individual beliefs, and the resulting fears that block emotional flow. The original fear that humans carry deep within is the fear that they are separated from their Source and are ultimately alone. Through understanding that your fears are simply that, fears, not reality, you can free yourself from the original cause of illness and disease. Abundance: Part of your life's purpose is to move beyond lack, scarcity, and limitation. Although the experience of lack can be valuable in terms of learning certain lessons at certain times, it is not required as a learning tool. Poverty, lack, and scarcity stem directly from your primal fear, the fear that you are separated from your Source. You are the source of your own abundance. Through uncovering your beliefs concerning lack and scarcity, you can begin to create abundance in every area of your life, including financial freedom. Creativity: Creativity is at the very core of each soul, each person. You are driven to create experience. Creativity is also part of your service to the greater whole. As you create, you discover more of who you are through observing your creation. It is the very nature of the soul to be creative, but many of you have forgotten your creativity by believing

that the ways in which you can express yourselves are limited to certain jobs, roles, and functions in life. The Four Principles of Creation describe in essence who you are. They cannot be gained, earned, or awarded to you. They are the governing principles of all life. It is for you to remember that this is who you truly are. Each one of you desires these things, desires to express yourself in these ways, to live a life filled with love, to experience health and well-being, and abundance, and to create freely. Your soul's purpose, in choosing to come into the physical mode, was to manifest itself through you in harmony with the four principles. As a non-physical being, you exist in perfect harmony with these four principles . You are a vast being, a being of vast consciousness. You are already a master of many dimensions, of many realities. Beyond the physical world, the energies are lighter, more malleable, of a higher frequency. As you adventured into consciousness, building different worlds for yourself, you developed and mastered many skills. The non-physical world from which you originated is devoid of fear. That does not mean that fear does not exist in the non-physical, for certainly it does. But beyond the astral plane, there are many planes of light. In these planes of light you have existed forever. In these realms of light, you discovered and played with your creative abilities. You played with color, with vibration, creating many forms and scenarios in which to discover yourself. You are creator, and it is through that which you create that you learn to know yourself. As you are such action-oriented beings, we seek to offer you tools that can enha nce the emergence of these principles in your life. The tools are Self-Appreciation, Allowing, Gratitude, and Forgiveness. Each tool has equal importance; no one tool is more important that the other. To assist you in remembering who you truly are, we encourage you to begin the daily conscious practice of these qualities, meditating upon them, writing things down. When you write things down, you bring into form a thought or an idea. This is the first step in manifesting the subject of your attention, making it real for you. The Four Keys to Happiness Self Appreciation: Enhances your ability to create through the acknowledgment of your gifts. Allowing: Is the key to living a life full of love. Gratitude: Makes you magnetic to abundance. What you focus on, increases. Forgiveness: Leads to health and well-being. If you are unwell, there is always something to forgive. Forgiveness is remembering the truth of who you are. Can you tell us more about the Law of Attraction? We have already shared with you that you are the physical extension of a non-phy sical being, and as such you are tapped into the same pure God force energy that creates worlds. The Four Principles of Creation are qualities that are a part of you, but at the

same time they are qualities that you inherently strive towards. The reason for your striving is that you have forgotten that you are a soul having a human experience, and instead hold the illusion that you are only the you that you experience on the Earth plane. The greater part of yourself, your Inner Being, your soul, has prescribed an intention to master Earth life. Mastering the Earth experience entails moving beyond fear and living an abundant life of great joy. Thought is the basis of all creation. Everything was thought into existence. Even those physical things made by others were first born in thought before they became matter. The fourth principle is the principle of creativity. You are the creator of your experience, and it is your thinking that creates how you experience life. Energy follows thought, and matter is energy condensed. Therefore, everything in the world of matter is a result of thought. Your entire world, the world you see as being real and very alive, is energy that has been condensed into form by thought. It is as real as you wish to make it. Collectively, humanity and others species have created this reality, this dimension of existence, in order to create another unique experience. This is the experience you call Earth. Each and every one of you has the power to create whatever it is that you are wanting through what you are thinking. All energy follows thought, and as matter is energy, it too will follow thought. The speed at which things follow thought on the Earth plane depends on your focus, skill, and practice. It does not matter how many negative thoughts you may have had in the past; it is the thoughts you are thinking right now that have the power. The Law of Attraction states that everything draws to itself that which is like itself. In other words, all things draw to themselves that which is similar or identical. Energies of a similar nature will always be drawn towards each other; that is the principle of magnetism. All thought attracts, and thoughts attract other thoughts of a similar nature until they begin to compound and gather momentum, eventually leading to the manifestation of something very 'real' in your experience. You are using the Law of Attraction all of the time. There is not one moment whe n you are not using this law. It does not need for you to be conscious of it in order for you to experience its results. Every experience, every object, every person in your life is present in your life because you have drawn them into your experience. There are no exceptions to this rule, no chance meetings, no coincidences, no accidents, no divine intervention, no external forces stopping you from having what you want, and no one rewarding you. Your experience is all created by you, you are responsible for all of it, not just some of it, or most of it, but all of it. We hear you say, "But I did not want this circumstance to come into my life." And we would agree that there are many things that you would indeed not purposefully invite into your life. Once you come to understand the Law of Attraction, you will begin to understand that whatever you direct your attention to is invited into your experience. You will also begin to know that there is no difference between negative attention and positive attention. Your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite. Once you realize th is law, you can choose to react in one of two ways. You can either see yourself as a victim of your own limited and fearful thinking, or you can celebrate the knowledge that you can have whatever you want and that you indeed have all the power you need to create it. This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no longer need to look outside yourself for

that which you desire. No longer do you need to seek permission, either consciously or subconsciously, because knowing that the four principles are part of who you are, you can surely know that there is no higher authority in your life than you. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are the playwright, and your life is your script. So what scene are you going to write for yourself next? Everything you have in your life can be traced back to an idea or belief. This a pplies equally to those things you consider to be positive and those you consider to be negative. In truth, there is no positive or negative, right or wrong, good or bad. There is only experience. Your primary motivation for coming to this planet was to master the experience of life on Earth. Therefore, all experience is valid. It is your interpretation of the experience that makes for happiness, or otherwise. You can choose to see yourself as a victim of circumstances or you can choose to reframe the negative into the positive and learn from your creations. As you begin to learn from your creations, you begin to define more clearly what you want, and as you do this, you begin to focus more clearly on your goals and desires. Then that which you long for begins to come into your life much more rapidly, because your attention has shifted away from that which you do not want towards that which you do want. Thoughts are energy, and like all energy, attract similar energies unto themselves. This is the principle of resonance. That which you think of has a corresponding resonance, or energy match, with many objects and circumstances. As the entire Universe is energy, including the matter that makes up this book, this principle applies to circumstances, material objects, and people. Your unique way of viewing the world will affect the way in which you experience it as well as affecting the things and people that manifest in your life. For example, if you consider money to be a great source of freedom and you feel very free to express yourself, free to be who you are, then you will automatically draw more money into your experience because there is a vibrational match between the object, in this case money, and what you think and believe. To understand this law more fully, you need to understand that the creative ener gy that is at your infinite disposal is completely neutral. We have said that you are the physical extension of a non-physical being, and that being, rather than being a raindrop that has sprung forth from the rain cloud of God, is an extension of All-That-Is that has projected itself into physical reality. As this extension, you are tapped into the unlimited source of life force energy, the same energy that created the physical Universe in which you have placed yourself, the same energy that is used to create all that you see in your reality. This energy could not be anything other than neutral because it allows itself to be formed and moulded by your thoughts. As this energy is neutral and because it is moulded by your thoughts, it does not know the difference between what you want and what you do not want. Because you have been given free will and you exist in a Universe of free will a nd choice, this energy, which is the All-That-Is, can only, and will only, be formed by what you are thinking. So when you want to attract something into your life and you do nothing but think of the lack of that thing, then the Universe can do nothing but bring you more of what you are thinking, more lack of the

very thing that you say that you want. The Universe does not judge whether or not what you want is good or bad; it simply is, and it responds to your every thought, to your every whim. This life force energy does not understand the difference between 'want' and 'don't want.' It only follows and supports thought. Energy follows thought, not the other way around. So as your thoughts are focused on what you fear, or things you do not want, or are displeasing to you, the ever faithful life force energy of the Universe, that very same energy that creates worlds, accurately follows your thoughts to bring into your experience that to which you have directed your attention. Understanding this, you will begin to see that each thing you can think of is ra ther like a coin. It has two sides. On the one side you have the having of the thing, and on the other side you have the not having of the thing. As far as Life Force Energy is concerned, there is no difference between having cancer and not having cancer. There is no difference between having money and not having money, love and not love, etc. Money is a great example to illustrate this point. With modern banking and computers, you calculate the amount of your money and your experience in having money in more ways than just the amount of currency notes and coins in your wallet. Your money has largely become a set of figures. Your employers transfer money directly into your bank account or your clients give you a cheque. All these things are still money, but not the currency itself, they are simply things that represent the currency. When you receive your bank statement, it can come in two forms; it can have a positive balance or a negative balance. If you have a negative balance and you now owe the bank #1,000, it is still money, is it not? You simply have a balance of 'not #1,000'. This example makes it easier to grasp this universal experience, because most of you see an empty wallet as simply being empty; "there is no money." But having a bank account 'in the red' illustrates that not only does money exist, but 'no money' exists as well, and that both things are still money. So when you do your thinking and imagining, align your thinking in accordance with what you want to draw into your life. If you focus on the lack of anything, anything at all, you will get it. If you fear ill health, you will attract ill health. If you fear loneliness, you will attract loneliness. The Universe is not only totally equitable, it does not judge or make decisions on your behalf. You are in charge, you are the boss, the king pin, the ruler of your own experience, and the Universe cannot, and will not, do anything contrary to that unalterable fact. Without this neutral response from the Universe you would not have true free wil l. So which is it? Do you have free will or do you not? It cannot be both. You cannot be both the creator of your destiny and simultaneously subject to the will of another. The one defies the other. Free will is the basis upon which there is growth, evolution, and experience in the Universe. Without it, all future would be predetermined and every soul would merely be a puppet in a grand theatre. It is our intention to help you know that you may have what you want, and do what you want, and be who you want to be. You have extended yourself into physical reality not to prove yourself worthy of a higher authority, but to add to your uniqueness and beingness through the experience of creating in this reality. On the Earth plane, because matter is dense, and the vibrational rate of energy is somewhat

slower, you experience that things come to you in a way that seems delayed. Most people, just as they have launched a new thought about what they want, within a few days begin to think about something different. The Universe responds to you instantly, yes, instantly, and as you think about what you want, it begins to immediately bring it to you. However, it seems that the majority of you change your mind on a regular basis, so the Universe receives as many order cancellations as it does orders! The main reason, in fact, just about the only reason that your desires do not ma nifest instantly when you want them to, even as you think about them, is because of the other thoughts you are also offering. It all comes down to the balance of your thinking. The Life Force Energy cannot do anything but follow the thoughts you are having. Offer a thought concerning the lack of money, and that is what you will get. Offer a thought concerning an abundance of money, and that is what you will get. The same applies to love, health, and every aspect of your life. So when you look at your life and you see a lack of love or experience a lack of money or experience a lack of health, it has been the balance of your thinking concerning those subjects that has created the current circumstances. If it is love that you want more of, then your life will reflect that want accurately and proportionately according to the balance of your thinking. So if your thoughts have been more towards the 'not having' of the thing you wan t, then that is what you will get. If your thoughts have been more towards the 'having' side of what you want, then that is what you will get. Each circumstance in your life accurately reflects the balance of your thinking. It cannot be any other way, for without this accurate command of Life Force Energy, you would not have free will. And as you are a being of free will, the very creative powers that you assign to God are at your fingertips. It is merely a question of adjusting the balance of your thinking towards the 'having' of what you want and you will have it. As you think more and more in terms of having, you will tip the balance of your energy into the 'having' state, and away from the 'not having' or lacking state. As this happens, the Law of Attraction begins to work for you repeatedly. As you arrive at a greater state of 'having', you will begin to attract more of this experience to yourself, and the more you attract, the more you will attract, and so on and so on, until you move away from the experience of scarcity altogether. You then begin to realize through your experience that you are indeed God, that you are indeed creator, and that you do indeed have the command of the Universe at your fingertips, and that nothing can stop you from having what you want except your very own thoughts on the subject. As you think, so it is. It cannot be any other way; it is law. April 6, 2012 The commencement of the Divine plan and of each and every event that is set to u nfold in your Life Paths at this point, has been and is being carefully monitore d by many celestial souls who are assisting your world. We have been with you fo r so very long, and our presence around you is to be made so very clear to you i n a very short matter of your fading concept of time. We have truly been with you longer than you have even began to realize, and we h ave been a part of various civilizations of your history before those of Atlanti

s and Lemuria, and we were also quite prevalent on your world before Her descent into the lower vibrations upon the fall of Atlantis and even before such times. The true depth of the history of your world is to be made known to you, and suff ice to say your Earth is not nearly as young as many have predicted Her to be. Y our Earth has experienced the lowest and most gruesome of vibrations manifested on Her surface, but beneath the death and the violence and the lower manifestati ons, She also carries memories and energies deep within Her of the purest expres sions, of the purest formation and structuring. These energies that we speak of which are held deep within Gaia s core and express ed beautifully throughout Her Inner Realms, are the very energies that have laid the foundation for the collective awakening of humanity that is occurring at th is very moment and that is to be accelerated exponentially in a very short amoun t of your time. As always, we wish not to give out dates but suffice to say there is very little time left on the surface of Earth now before the most incredible changes and re velations begin to come to fruition, and we would recommend you pay attention to certain timetables that have been laid before you on your internet in relation to the commencement of these plans and just how these plans are going to come to fruition. We have many cycles and periods of time involved in the soaking-in of the many r evelations you are to be graced with on the surface of Earth, and the timetable we are adhering to at this point is the single most important timetable in relat ion to the manifestation of all that has been wished to be seen come to fruition . To this extent, we are working with all of ourselves not just to see that the ev ents on Earth manifest in accordance with this timetable, but to ensure that we can give the proper guidance to many awakening souls on Earth and in accordance with the various higher dimensional beings who are involved in the energy moveme nts of Earth s astral planes, ensure that the purity of energies being sent to you r world and through your bodies at this time are of the right purity to see the manifestation of everything, in accordance of course with the Creations and mani festations of each and every one of you on Earth who such energies are coming th rough. We remind you again of your supreme importance in this whole scenario, and we su ggest that at all times you make the effort to feel the future that is now being laid before you, as feeling the energies behind this future and imagining the f reedoms you are to be graced with sees the very template of the manifestation to bring such events through, combine with the energies of Creation you are consta ntly bringing through yourselves. As you think upon the future you are being given at this time, naturally your en ergies of Creation which are being sent through you pair up with such thoughts, feelings and wonderings, and work with those parts of yourselves who are thinkin g of your future to bring the energies and template for such futures about. The workings of the Divine in each and every one of you truly are astounding, and wi ll be something crucial to explain to you during the initial informing of humani ty. What you have been taught about the very nature of your reality and about where and how you fit in to the overall big picture, has been backwards at best and we can already anticipate much backward programming that has been instilled in hum anity, coming to the surface for release upon the beginnings of the initial anno uncements and givings of revelations and technologies alike.

We would be kidding ourselves and kidding you all if we were to say that there w ill not be upheaval and panic when people see members of the cabal being arreste d on their TV sets, and as always there will be those people who cry foul, and w ho will attempt to make you think that what is happening will be the beginning o f the new world order rather than the beginning of the changes that you have all w ished to see. Ignore the voices of the dissidents, and transmute the fearful ene rgies behind the disinformation and propaganda that will be making its way to th e surface and to the perceptions of humanity upon the initial announcement phase being initiated and completed. Much of the fear-based rhetoric that has been played upon and believed on your w orld and that will come to the fore and gain a temporary influence during the in itial arresting and announcement phase, is absorbed and believed in because of t he backwards programing that has been instated [in humanity]. The lie that you are Living in a completely physical reality that is fed by noth ing but complete randomness is a very backward [in relation to the truth] indeed , and the spiritual aspects of the teachings on your world have also been quite distorted. In every area of your development as a current culture and society, t he [truth of] the most important aspects of your Earth experience are continuall y suppressed and you are kept feeling and feeding the established fact that you ar e nothing more than simple humans. When it is realized just what you can do as a collective society, you will begin to understand that the limits that have been placed before you have been false and illusory all along, and the many wondrous inventions and revelations that se em by many to still be science fiction, are actually much easier to build and un derstand the mechanics of than you have been led to believe. The many inventions that we will grace you with and that you will know the exist ence of are indeed quite easy to understand, as these inventions pair with your and our consciousness and are able to work based on the free and clear energy av ailable in the atmosphere of any planet or [based on] the higher dimensional mat ter being fed to and through our many devices while inhabiting your concept of sp ace . Our technology is quite wonderful to use and you will find much ease in using it upon getting used to the nature of such technologies and how sensitively and ea sily they will respond to your thoughts, feelings and general consciousness. You can actually funnel down parts of yourselves to exist with our technology, to m ake your experience using such technology easier and the process of doing this w ith many technologies will be explained to humanity. A basic explanation we could give in relation to this is that there is an app of s orts on much of our technology, or rather this is one app of many, and the specifi c function of this app is to help you to feel a part of your [soul-consciousness] inside of this the device, as this is technology that will be responding to the c ommands and emotions felt by the user who is experiencing the use of such technol ogies. Of course, we cannot give a full detailed explanation at this time and what we h ave disclosed about this may seem a bit confusing, but there are certainly eleme nts of your Military Industrial Complex who will understand fully what we mean b y this explanation, as they have taken and distorted our Lighted technologies to fit in with a darker agenda of control, and they induce this control when it co mes to their various technologies which you have also not heard of. They have taken the general template and idea for our technologies and like many other things, distorted and twisted the nature of such inventions to fit their own goals and agendas. Rather than their technologies pairing harmoniously with

their consciousness, they instead control the technology through their thoughts, and their emotions are cut-off completely from access by their various devices. The Motherships and Starships that they have built are made in such ways, and th e pilots who have flown in and controlled such devices and craft have noticed in themselves the dark nature and feeling of these technologies of the dark which we speak of. This is not how our technology feels or operates, and upon being introduced to t his technology you will feel an instant bond and connection with it, because ind eed you have all been familiar with so very many higher dimensional and etheric wonders that you have barely began to even remember fully during your daily, con scious experience. Whether or not the majority of humanity are ready to have their own instated par adigms shattered, this ascension is now happening at full speed and the events l eading up to this ascension are finally serving to show that real, Lighted chang e is coming forth for the better on your world. Continue to look to the events in manifestation on your world, and you will see that the Light has risen quite exponentially around much of your world, to the p oint that your entire world is closing in on the small percentage of your popula tion who have deemed themselves elite , created massive and broad campaigns against the rest of your population and deemed themselves the only ones worthy to be ex posed to paradigms and revelations of a higher knowledge. Of course, we could go on and on continually talking to you about how you have b een lied, to, deceived and manipulated, but we rather wish to focus on some of t he more Lighted aspects of this entire event that is currently occurring as you will be more than let know of each and every way that you have been deceived, as we have infinite and Supreme access to the equally Supreme Akashic Records, and can show literally every event that has ever happened on Earth from each and ev ery perspective of each and every soul on incarnate on Earth, in any and every L ife that such soul has taken. Indeed, there have been souls of the elite on your world who have taken various incarnations in the roles they are assuming currently, and the actions that have been committed on your world in any and every generation dating back farther th an you can currently comprehend are to be documented, shown to you and made so v ery clear to you. We do know that you will need some collective time to soak-in all that you will be being given and shown, and while this [soaking in] is going on we expect much activity from our channels and from the many of us who will be communicating th rough our channels to humanity. The channels which are bringing through genuine energies and guidance from us as cended souls are going to be needed a lot in the immediate period ahead when the initial announcements begin to come to the fore, and we can feel that many soul s will happily step up and into the public arena to channel our energies and go public with the resulting communications upon the very beginning of the disclosu re of the impeding revelations that are to change your Lives in such marvelous a nd bold ways. The channels we are already speaking through are also going to be quite busy, sc ribing our words and energies in many cases, nearly every day as when things rea lly begin to pick up as they have been predicted to in the very near future, the information being given will serve to uplift and motivate so very many of you t o finding the communications with us that many have found and using the resultin g communications to scribe very long, detailed explanations and messages about a

ll that you will be hearing of. The informing of humanity will not just be done through media, but through the emotional impressions of each and every soul who will wish to bring us and our energies through at that time. We are currently planning a marvelous and Grand reunion with all of humanity as you have heard endlessly, and one important and welcomed aspect of this reunion will be the initial reunion with the beautiful souls who have funneled themselve s down from much higher states of consciousness to exist on Earth and bring the Lighted energies through that are seeing the exposure of your dark and the resul ting bringing-forth of every Lighted change predicted to transpire. Any soul who is finding this contact with us is welcome to attend this marvelous reunion, and we can say that many aspects of this reunion will take place in th e dreamscape and many of you who have met and grown with each other on the inter net will reunite with yourselves and with each other as well upon the initiating of the beginning reunion with our Family who have funneled themselves down to b e of assistance to Earth. Not every aspect of this reunion will take place in the dreamscape, and the Gran d Reunion with all of humanity that is planned for after you begin to learn abou t the ways in which your world has been manipulated and about the existence of u s, your Star Family, will be instated in your physical reality upon the arrival and decloaking of an infinite multitude of our Starships and Motherships, as wel l as the decreed arrival of so many dear Ascended Masters on your world, who wil l of course wish to speak to and reunite with humanity. We do wish at this current moment that it could be fathomed how many different t ypes and forms of ascended beings are assisting Earth and are excited to reunite with you dear beautiful souls, as the interactions and friendships that you hav e gained with us ascended souls [in past Lives] far surpasses what you would exp ect and the extent of our contacts with humanity as well as humanities contacts with numerous other types of ascended beings does indeed go much farther back th an you have believed. Even before the times of Atlantis and Lemuria, Earth was routinely being visited by higher dimensional, extraterrestrial or otherwise beings. Of course, Earth i s Herself a higher dimensional planet and as such has primarily hosted higher di mensional Life forms, until her most current cycles of lower vibrations in which she temporally fell from grace down to the depths of the lower dimensions, due to the acts of those on Her surface in relation to a perceived separation and th e resulting hates and wars. Such hates and wars are now being transmuted at their cores and this transmutati on at the core of such illusions is to result in the gradual manifestation at th e surface of such issues, of the issues being dissolved away and transmuted at t heir surface as well. We make a distinction here, between a surface transmutatio n and a core transmutation of these energies because indeed, these are different things that we speak of. A core transmutation of any given energy lays the foun dation provided for the surface transmutation of such energies, as the ladder ca nnot happen without the beginning aspect. One cannot claim to be ok about a certain situation or feeling while not having done the work in themselves to heal the possible pains caused by such things, wi thout lying. Indeed, you cannot feel the energies of the higher realms in as les s-distorted of a way as many of you want to and are growing toward with your asc ension, without first healing at your core and later at your surface, the pains and hurts you have accumulated throughout many Lives in the lower dimensions tha t have caused such deeply-rooted blocks from you perception of the higher dimens ions.

The pains and deeply-held hurts that are felt by many on Earth are hidden away i n such elaborate ways that many souls on Earth literally build an entire, illuso ry ego complex around and over such pains and hurts, in an effort to hide away f rom such pains and attempt to get over such pains, without having done the foundat ional core transmutation of such hurts and pains that would result in the actual surface transmutation and getting over of such pains. Rather than doing the work that is required, many souls of your ad chose to build up an ego complex and fake personality around this results in many blockages in the overall flow of energy in consciousness as the feelings and impressions given out by each you effect these energy movements in profound ways. world have inste such pains, and your collective and every one of

This truth is why we have reminded you continually of the importance of the ener gies and feelings you choose to bring through yourself upon seeing and healing t he initial announcements of all that has been done to your world by the souls th at many will choose to target and feel angry at. We can anticipate that many sou ls who feel that they have gotten nothing out of their Lives, will choose to dir ectly blame the elite souls for many Life problems [in the person s Life] that suc h elite souls actually have nothing to do with. While the Illuminati have insured much of the suffering of many on Earth through their financial manipulation and through their manipulation of the collective u nconscious, they have not directly Created many problems that many souls are goi ng through right now. Rather, the obstacles put up by the Illuminati that hinder one s spiritual growth on Earth and believe us dear souls, there are many, are si mply physically-manifested extensions of the deeply held-within problems of the souls who we speak of, who may choose to blame the Illuminati for the perceived unfairness of their own Lives, which are only so unfair because of the manifestati ons that they constantly and continually bring through themselves. Your Creation energies have always and will always determine your outer experien ce, and our scribe has noticed that the days he is communicating with us and bri nging our energies through are days when he generally feels happier and more upl ifted. This is because the energies behind our communications serve to unlock parts of oneself based in higher, purer and more beautiful echelons of Light, and when on e feels and radiates the energies of happiness and of Love through themselves, n aturally their Creations and manifestations echo such energies while those who a re continually angry for every reason imaginable, find themselves miserable and h ating the world and seem to experience continued difficulties in their own Lives and manifestations which are then validations of their own darker and denser fee lings that their Life is unfair . We will again reiterate that the purposeful constructs and hurdles set up by the Illuminati have served to hold many back in their growth, but these obstacles w ere never meant to completely hinder your growth and actually never have. The ch oices made by each and every soul on Earth have always decided the events which manifest on Her surface, and the turning toward the Light by so many on Earth at this time is clearing the way for the manifestation of the Lighted changes need ed so very crucially at this time. This is why we have reminded you to look to the future and to make real efforts in yourselves to feel only energies of the purest quality and expression of the Divine Love that you carry within. While some of you feel that your continued ef forts have been in vain, the Light quotient on Earth has increased so very much and this is serving to see each and every beautiful change that has been wished for, happen on your world and when such changes finally begin to pick up, the sp eed of such changes will see many of you feeling a bit unable to keep up!

Peter s Message Greetings loved ones! It is I, Peter, your Pleiadian brother. I have a rather im portant message for you today. Some of you may be very aware of what I am about to tell you. Some of you may be somewhat aware, but still on the fence about it. Others of you may not know this secret to personal power at all. If you are awa re, consider this a reminder, not a nag. If you are not aware, welcome to the tr uth. Please hop on board and begin this practice immediately. As you know by now, I am not one to beat around the bush, so I will just get rig ht to the point. Many things you have been taught are purposely completely the o pposite of how things actually are. Today I am going to talk to you about manife station and your power behind it. Too many of you are still focusing on what you refer to as the truth or reality. I a m going to try to be as gentle in breaking this to you as I can, because I know I can be rather blunt at times, and that this is a sensitive subject since you h ave been taught to believe that you have no control over anything in your lives especially things like your government and this ridiculous cabal. As you know, I am not one to get scientific about this kind of stuff, either, so don t expect that at all. I am going to keep this as simple as possible. Too many of you have this attitude of I will believe it when I see it, or Seeing is believing. This is backwards. Believing must come before the seeing. This is how you manifest. This is how you control your environment. This is how you push ch ange forward on your planet. Right now there are too many doubters or too many of you sitting on the fence, w aiting to see in order to believe. This is not helping you at all. In fact, this is what keeps things at a stalemate, or status quo. This is why I asked you to step away from your computers. This is why I asked yo u to unplug. This is why I told you to stop checking for proof or information that the bad guys are being captured. Or for disclosure that we, your multidimension al good guys are in the skies. You seem to not trust that you all have the ability to channel your own star fam ilies. You seem to not believe that you can all communicate with each other tele pathically. You still seem to think that the only reality is what you see on your televisions or computer screens. Of course, you have been trained to think and b elieve this way by the cabalists. They have designed it this way to keep you in duality. As long as you are confused, bewildered, in fear or lost, they can contin ue to manipulate you and control you. But once you unplug, dear ones, and tap in to the REAL energy field, you will find that your truth is awaiting you. Everyone is different. Some may communicate with their star families through fee ling and vibration only. Others may be able to hear words and have full conversa tions. Whatever the case may be, you have these abilities. You just think you do n t. Or think you can t. Because you have been taught to believe that voices in your head are bad or wrong or of the devil. Not true. Unless, of course, the voices ar e telling you to harm something, someone or yourself. Then there might be some w ires crossed. Now, getting back to the brighter side of the truth and your personal power. Rem ember that you are all encoded with 12 strands of DNA. You ve been led to believe that only three of your strands are activated or operational. Nonsense. There is so much power and potential within you right at this very moment that you would be delightfully dangerous to the cabal if you all believed in yourselves and yo ur abilities. Now, I can already hear the flood of questions. What powers do I have, Peter? Ho w do I access them? What can I do with them? What is my mission? How am I to hel p? What can I do? HERE is what you can do. And this is for ALL of you. With RAISED vibrations (yes, you must achieve THIS first, so don t try to skip ste ps) and fully present in the now moment (with quieted mind chatter no thinking, ON LY feeling) you can ALL, at this point, begin tapping into your own truth. You c

an communicate with your own star families. You can channel. You ve had this abili ty for quite some time. Channeling energy is not always communication. It can come through as creative e xpression and inspiration as well. Or feeling, even. Please keep that in mind if you are not hearing anything and feeling frustrated. Multidimensional beings comm unicate in a variety of ways. SO, if you suddenly feel inspired to draw or paint , get to it! Your star families just might be communicating with you through thi s particular expression, and the answer you seek is in the artwork. There are ma ny other ways as well, so pay attention to whatever you feel compelled to do onc e you ve attempted to make contact. With raised vibrations, you unlock more and more of your personal potential. Bel ieve in yourself. Believe in your personal power. How? By loving yourself and ot hers unconditionally. True love brings trust. Trust is key. Once you trust yours elf and others, your wonderful gifts begin unwrapping themselves one by one. You r power to heal yourself AND others. Your power to attract love, kindness, respe ct, abundance. Your power to communicate without phones or Internet connections. Your power to FEEL instead of think. Your power to pull others out of darkness and despair. Your power to create new, fair, loving governing systems and leader ship for your planet. Your power to completely change the energy of your planet. Your power to ascend. Your power to create peace. Peace within you. Peace withi n your families, your social circles, your work environments, your communities, cities, countries and across your entire planet. Sound good? It is all yours. Once you believe it. Once you commit to it. Once yo u walk away from ego and duality. Stop waiting to see it to believe it. Waiting for it will only prolong it. Being in a state of wait repels everything you wish to see. You have to believe it in o rder to achieve it. Remember, belief comes FIRST. Believe you can achieve a fifth-dimensional existe nce by living it NOW. Live in LOVE, with no fear. Just let go. Yes. Let go! Let go of your fears that you will crash and burn if you fly too high. Let go of your fears that you will be hurt if you allow yourself to trust and love. Let go of y our fears that you will lose others or leave them behind. That is not possible. Remember that love vibes are contagious. And SOMEONE has to lead. Why not you? Remember who you are. Remember why you incarnated at this special time on this a mazing planet. Remember that your ascension depends upon YOUR vibration. Begin l oving. Begin trusting. Begin raising your vibrations and living as if you are al ready fifth- dimensional beings. Begin blazing new trails for others to follow. And most importantly, BELIEVE everything you want and need is already yours or h as already happened. Will it into action, and bring it to fruition for yourself, your loved ones, your country, your planet. I am Peter, your loving Pleaidian brother. Go. Be. Awesome! MY AKASHIC JOURNEY I began reading my own Akashic Records in January of 2010. Once I became comfort able with the records, I began reading them for close friends. Over the past two years, I have witnessed how these readings have helped change my friends and my self for the better. On this page, I will share some of our story, to show other s who are curious how the records can help them better connect in a world that w as once so separated, but is now finding its way back toward the light and unity consciousness. WHAT ARE THE AKASHIC RECORDS? I first learned the term Akashic Record about four years ago, when I began studyin g crystal healing. The term kept appearing in various crystal properties. So, wh en a friend asked me about them, I knew what they were, but didn t know how to acc ess them, or why, exactly, I would want to. Shortly after she mentioned the Akas hic Records, I began having dreams of my mother (who had crossed over into the s pirit world) guiding me through tunnels or down long corridors. Eventually we en ded up in some large, open room where the walls were actually enormous screens f

illed with data. I figured this was my cue to figure out a way to access my pers onal records. Before I begin sharing my journey through myAkashic Records, I thought it may be helpful to first explain what they are in the very simplest of terms. WHAT THEY ARE Maybe it s best to start with what the Akashic Records are NOT. First, there is no physical place that holds these records. It s a lot like cyberspace. There s all th is information floating around in cyberspace, but there is no physical place to find it. The only difference is that the records are not kept in online database s. I can t even tell you where they re kept. That s, apparently, spiritually classifie d information. In all seriousness, the records are most likely kept with your higher self. (Tha t would be, basically, your true self, also known as the light being that you are outside of your physical body, which some folks may refer to as your soul. ) So, in the quickest summary possible, the Akashic Records are the archives of ev ery soul and every detail of every physical life that soul has lived, is current ly living, and will live. The lords of the Akashic Records and your Masters, Tea chers and Loved Ones (MTLOs) are there to help guide you from where they reside. Think of them as your personal Yodas, young Skywalker. HOW TO ACCESS THE RECORDS Personally, I use the Pathway Prayer that is provided in the book How to Read th e Akashic Records by Linda Howe. However, I have read that we are bumping into o ur records all the time. Especially in our dreams. This is why we have those deja vu moments. Usually, we ve had a precognition dream (accessed from our records) th at has shown us a quick preview of those mind-blowing moments where we swear thi s has happened before, but it hasn t. Sound familiar? I m sure there are other ways to access the Akashic Records, as well, since more and more books and guides are becoming readily available as the levels of consciousness for everyone on the p lanet are rapidly rising. So, the choice is yours. Howe s method works wonderfully for me, so I have not tried any other way. HOW YOU KNOW YOU RE IN The first time you open your records, it is recommended you just sit and feel th e energy around you. You will notice a subtle, but definite change. For me, it s l ike being in a lightly pressurized cabin. Not at all uncomfortable, but definite ly noticeable. The first time I opened my personal records, I noticed a vibrati on that felt something like a deep fog horn sounds, if that makes any sense. It was a gentle, slow, soothing vibration. I felt like I was being swaddled by the most loving, caring beings in the world. You may also notice colors or a light s how, similar to the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) while you re in your records . The communication you receive at first may be by feeling only. Or, if your MTL Os are especially eager to talk to you, (as I have witnessed on more than one oc casion while in the records of others) they may speak to you right away. I ve foun d, with the records of others, that my timid clients have records that are slow to open and super gentle loved ones come forward. My clients who are excited are often greeted by lively loved ones. I ve even had to wait while three of them had to come to an agreement on who would speak first, while a fourth tried to skip process and bust on through. THE RULES Though it s not a game, accessing the Akashic Records does come with a set of rule s. For example, records for anyone under the age of 18 may not be accessed. By a nyone. There are also rules about what kinds of questions you can ask. For examp le, should I, when and yes/no questions are not allowed. That is not to say that rec ommendations won t be made, dates won t be given or that a yes/no question won t be ad dressed within the context of the answer of another question that is properly po sed according to the rules. I have heard from others and read on blogsites that questions about the future are also prohibited, but this has not stopped me from asking my MTLOs what I can expect from time to time. Or sometimes they just tel l me what I can expect, even if I have not asked. It is, however, important to a lways remember how free will plays a part, moment by moment, and can change ever ything. This is why it s important to keep checking in with your MTLOs.

WHAT THE RECORDS CAN DO FOR US The Akashic Records can answer a variety of questions for us, that is true. Ques tions about past lives or current issues. Whatever causes you the most struggle or strife. Many feel that having these questions answered by their MTLOs has lit erally changed their lives. It is true that the Akashic Records can bring us gre at peace. They can also help us remember who we are, why we chose to be here, wh o we re in soul contracts with and for what reason, and what we incarnated to acco mplish in this life. Our records can offer us comfort and boost confidence and e ven bring immeasurable amounts of peace to our lives. If you have any more questions about the Akashic Records, please feel free to as k them below, or send an email to: I will be happy to answer to the best of my ability. To read more about scheduling an Akashic R eading with me, please visit the Your Akashic Journey section of this blog. Don t you hate it when all you want is the truth and NO ONE can give it to you? From February 2007 through January 2010, I was on a god damn mission and hell be nt to find answers. Before that, I was just sleepwalking through life, content t o have a job, personal transportation, a loving life partner, a roof over our he ads, two cute chihuahuas and some enjoyable hobbies. I mean, after all, that s wha t life is all about, isn t it? Well, in February 2007, my mom and best friend in life lost her battle with lung cancer. In her defense, I must say, she never once smoked a cigarette. She hate d cigarette smoke, but, in the end, her exposure to secondhand smoke is ultimate ly what claimed her physical body. At the time, I was not fully tuned into my si xth sense gifts. I knew they were there, but allowed them to lay dormant most of the time. The day of my mother s death, I held her hand and told her she could vi sit me anytime. I was not afraid. And I hoped she would visit me in my dreams. W hich she did. Early and often. But she also visited me in my fully awakened stat e, too. Of course, most people don t believe that, but that s okay. I know what I ha ve seen, heard and felt, and that is all that matters. REDISCOVERING AND EXPLORING MY GIFTS Being in contact with my mother and, eventually, HER mother, as well on a daily basis set me into research mode. I read the works of psychic mediums. I played w ith pendulums and Tarot cards. I tried all kinds of divination tools. I found mo st of them to be somewhat accurate, but not all that user friendly. Plus, there was that gypsy and witch stigma attached to them. And I m so NOT a gypsy. Nor am I a w itch. But I was still interested in the why and the how of these extrasensory gifts. When I was a child, my mother often described me as perceptive and sensitive when it came to my empath nature. She knew that I knew things that most ordinary kids d idn t know. I never really told her about the things I saw. Spirits in the woods a nd shit like that. Somehow I knew she wouldn t believe me if I told her anyway. In fact, I told no one about any of it. Ever. FINDING AND LOSING MY TWIN FLAME Shortly after my mother died, in the spring of 2007, I met someone unlike any ot her person I d ever encountered in my life. The first time our eyes met, a blindin g light flashed in hers. It was so bright, and so startling, I immediately looke d away. And I thought, did that just happen? For real? It seemed so ScyFy. Fear of the unknown prompted me to avoid her as much as possible the first few weeks th at I knew her. It wasn t easy, since we were playing on the same softball team and running with the same crowd. Not to mention that the attraction was crazy magne tic. Unusual, magical things happened when I was nowhere near her, too, that I j ust knew and felt were related to my connection with her, although we had not ev en officially connected at this point, if you know what I mean. I never mentioned this stuff to her because, really, how do you explain the unexplainable? It wasn t until she first uttered the term forever love and I saw this amazing dance of colors in her eyes that I realized that this is what our connection was. An undeniable, undying, unconditional love that had spanned many lifetimes. And, of course, I argued there could not possibly be any such thing. I was 36 years old , after all, and I had already had three long-term relationships. Head took over heart with a literal interpretation. Fear triggered resistance.

Eventually, and inevitably, a romance did blossom, but it was short lived. Despi te our separation, I still felt strongly connected. Several months later, we tri ed to reconnect, but failed miserably. It didn t make sense. Especially since, eve n years afterward, I still felt as strongly connected as I did in the summer of 2007. It just wouldn t die. And no other relationship afterward worked because of it. And still won t. From almost two years ago, when I first began my Akashic jour ney, to this very day, which I will note is December 21, 2011. Winter solstice. One year outside the dawn of the new era Winter Solstice 2012. LOSS, LOSS AND MORE LOSS After these two devastating losses, I truly felt I had nothing more to live for. I had no purpose in life. I d lost most of my friends, as well. I had tried to ex press myself in blogs, but that only led to more and more chiding and gossiping among my social circle which left me with nowhere to turn. Except inward. Which, in retrospect, is probably the best thing that could ever happen. Through deep study, I learned more about past lives, soul groups, soul mates and soul contracts than I could have ever imagined. And then, after a month of read ing How to Read the Akashic Records, I decided, after a lot of stops and starts and much struggle and panic and tears, that it was just time to let go of all of this. No matter what I felt, I just had to accept that whatever the Akashic Re cords said as my personal truth. Even if it meant giving up on my true love. MY PERSONAL TRUTH AND PURPOSE I have pages and pages of handwritten journals full of recorded sessions of my t ime spent in the Akashic Records. Yes, I could literally write a book. To put it in the simplest terms, I got way more than I bargained for. I learned I was rig ht about some things, and I learned I was wrong about many more. First and foremost, I learned that I have been right all along about the forever love, twin-flame, sacred-union soul mate thing. And I learned I was wrong about no longer having a purpose once I lost her and my mother. The truth is, I chose to incarnate into this particular life at this particular time with MANY soul c ontracts. The first soul contract was made over 700 years ago with a ring of 499 other lig ht beings, Pleiadian in origin, to incarnate into physical beings on planet Eart h to help raise the vibrations over a course of many lifetimes and incarnations. My Akashic Records say that I have incarnated 39 times, 37 times as a human bei ng on the planet Earth. My twin-flame soul mate and I have incarnated together a ll 37 times, in soul contract with one another. My Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of my personal records have confirmed this f act through a personal friend of mine. She contacted me the day after I first op ened my records and asked if they had anything to do with numbers. When I asked why she posed that question, she told me that when she was napping the day befor e, her dreams kept being interrupted by a piece of notebook paper on which the m essage 37 Akashic Record Jen appeared. She said this happened at least five time s throughout her dream sequence. When I asked the records what the significance was, they said it was their way of confirming not only that number of lifetimes was true, but that the records, in case I had any doubt, were very, very real. My soul contract for this life was made with several other light beings, and tha t was to help two families overcome the negative energy cast onto one by the oth er. This curse has affected one family for several generations. It took me a long time to piece this one together, but, once the records showed me the several ah h a moments throughout my lifetime leading up to this truth, it all made sense. The physical family I belong to in this lifetime is the one affected by the curse. My twin-flame soul mate is currently involved with a member of the family that cas t the dark spell that has not only caused turmoil for the family I chose to help , but has also deeply affected the descendants of the family of the casters even worse. The spell that was cast specified that all the men in the family I am helping wo uld never, ever be successful in life. It has inflicted generations of depressio n, physical abuse, alcoholism and personal failure. For the family of the spell casters, it has tortured them with incurable disease, learning disabilities, dys

lexia and poverty. The negative energy that stems from both of these families is vast, as everyone they come in contact with is affected by it. This is why my s oul group chose to assist this particular family feud as their cleanup project. So me of the participants in this cleanup are members of my Pleaidian Ring of 500, while others are not. In theory, what needs to happen here is for the individual in the spell-caster f amily to send love to the affected family in order to heal both. The love in this case being my twin-flame soul mate. I am told by the records that the higher sel ves of all parties involved are fully aware of this agreement and that, upon awa kening, this gesture will be made, with blessings, by the involved individual wh o belongs to the spell-caster family. Then, and only then, will the negative ene rgy afflicting these two families be released. After my twin flame returns, we will join together as post-2012 healers here on Earth through word and vision. THE WAITING GAME My records have provided many very specific details regarding everyone involved over the past 23 months, all of which have checked out to be accurate. These lit tle nuggets of information are what keep my faith in my twin flame alive. In my heart, I know she will do the right thing. My head, however, is another story. I hope that one day I can report on the happy ending to the first portion of this soul contract. Until then, I wait for first contact from my twin flame. This, of course, is just one piece of my story. After living 37 lifetimes here o n Earth with 499 dedicated Pleiadian family members, there are many, many more. Stay tuned. MY AKASHIC JOURNEY CHAPTER TWO THE FAMILY FEUD Posted by Freer Spirit on December 26, 2011 Leave a Comment 5 Votes AWAKENING TO PURPOSE I quickly discovered that opening the spiritual door is like opening a dam. Holy shit! Talk about a floodgate of information. I ve always had a very strong sense of clairaudience, which Merriam-Webster defines as: the power or faculty of hear ing something not present to the ear but regarded as having objective reality. I ve been hearing spirits, guides, angels, etc., all my life. Kind of creepy at ti mes, but I m used to it these days, and I ve learned it s usually just a spirit asking for acknowledgment or help. Sometimes I acknowledge them. Sometimes I don t. It a ll depends on their attitude. If they are dark or negative, I burn a little whit e copal, and call in Archangel Michael to assist. If it s something I feel I can h andle on my own, I engage in conversation. After all, it s what I m here to do, and I accept that now, with a sense of duty. Despite being used to hearing the call, so to speak, I was still surprised on Janu ary 20, 2010, when the Akashic Records summoned ME. HEARING THE CALL It was a day like too many before it. I woke sometime around 9 AM, and leisurely surfed the net while I sipped my morning coffee until I was motivated to make my self breakfast. Ah, the life of being unemployed. While standing at the kitchen sink, a thought crossed my mind about the hometown of my twin flame s new girlfrie nd. It was the same as my father s, and most people usually claimed the closest la rger city as their hometown rather than this tiny little burg. It made me wonder a nd as soon as I started to, I heard the clippity-clop of horseshoes and the ratt le of the antique wheels of a horse-drawn wagon. Black and white images of a pre -automobile era flooded my minds eye. What the ? Open your records, and we will fill you in, a familiar voice of the Akashic Record s said. Wow, I thought. They don t mess around! DISCLAIMER I could go on and on here about my beliefs and doubts regarding spells and curse s and black magic to try to save face and credibility and all that, but, you kno w what? After years of being made fun of and laughed at I really don t give a fuck w

hat anyone thinks of me anymore. I ve experienced enough darkness in my life to kn ow that negative energy DOES exist, and whether it was created by a spell, hex, curse, or powerful ill wishing doesn t matter. The simple truth is that we are ALL made up of both light and dark energy. We may gravitate toward one or the other from life to life, depending on the circumstances and our soul contracts before we incarnated. It s almost like choosing your character before starting one of th ose quest games whether it s a video or board game, they re all kind of similar. You choose your characteristics strengths, weaknesses, powers and you play a role. And, once you re in the game shit happens, right? So let s just look at it that way. We all know that the current era we ve been living in is one of polarity. Duality. Light versus dark. And some may even say positive versus negative. Fine. There are others out there who say there is neither good nor bad, only light or dark, love or fear. That s a nice, neutral way of looking at it. If you can stay neutral in the density of duality, that is. Most of us living in the 3D world find this difficult. We want to take sides. Let me say this right now: I m not asking you t o. I am simply sharing the information provided to me by my Akashic records rega rding these two families my soul group and I came here to assist. Not so much to save the families from the darkness that plagues them, but more so to clean up the negative energy emanating from them that is polluting the planet. There are huge crews of lightworkers here on Earth at the moment who have committed to do just that transmute dark energy to light. The key point to remember here is that no one is going to do it for us. WE have to remember who we are, why we re here, and follow through in cleaning up the manmade messes we promised, as light being s, to purify so that we can move into the new era all shiny and squeaky clean. Okay, hopping off my soapbox now. On with My Akashic Journey Forgive them; they know not what they do Here is how the reading began (I have replaced the name of the actual black magi c family with spell casters and the name of my twin flame with twin flame ) Akashic Records journal entry date: January 20, 2010 Okay, so you have summoned me to open my records today. Can you please tell me w hy? There is nothing to fear. You are a seeker of truth. We know you can handle this , as you have always KNOWN the truth. Yes, the Freer side of your family has bee n under a curse. A curse that goes back to your great grandfather on the Freer s ide of the family. Your mother mentioned this curse to your empath coach Michael . [Author's note: In the summer of 2009, I began working with an empath coach. Bef ore our sessions he would go into deep trance to access information about what e nergies I needed to clear. In one particular session, he surprised me by saying that my mother (in spirit at the time) contacted him and told him about this dar k, negative energy that had plagued my father's side of the family for generatio ns and caused great depression among all the descendants of that particular coup le. It was unknown, at that time, where the energy originated, but Michael said it was through no fault of their own.] The Freer family had great pride in themselves. The spell-caster family did not. They go back with roots and ties in and around your father s hometown. This is a Pagan/Christian war, yes. But it s deeper than that. There was conflict between th e two families. The great grandfathers. Over land and horses. The Freers spit on the spell casters for their refusal to believe in God. The spell casters did no t believe in God. They believed in witchcraft. The dark kind. How do you think t hey got their name? This is why we told you that your twin flame s girlfriend was dark. She comes from a long line of darkness. Black magic. Your twin flame is in danger. How do I help her? You can t. This is NOT YOUR FIGHT. This is your twin flame s fight. You will win because you believe in God, a higher power, and the light. You are OF the light. You have battled your family curse and won. You have broken the sp ell against you cast by the dark family through the help of Michael. Be grateful for Michael. He DID help you. He will continue to help you by holding you in pr

ayer. A psychic friend recently told me Things are not as they seem regarding your beli efs. What did that mean, exactly? It meant that she doesn t know anything about you. You were shielded by the light so she could not look inside. You are a tough one for psychics to read because y ou are so guarded. By royalty. AS royalty. Light royalty. A long line of lightwo rker descendants. Your Uncle Clare, he recognized himself as a lightworker. He w as the only one who got close to breaking the spell. He recognized it in you, to o. Your Uncle Jim saw it, too, at your mom s funeral. The ones in the Freer family who mock are still afflicted by the curse and the darkness. So what does ANY of this have to do with my twin flame being with this spell-cas ter descendant? I mean, if the curse was broken why would my twin flame get into a relationship with her? This is Universal Karmic payback to the spell-caster family. Something doesn t feel right about this. The records are open, and this is truth. Why am I feeling discomfort in my heart chakra? It s a lot to take in. That is why we are trying to simplify it; to avoid the mass ive discomfort information like this can sometimes create. It is never fun to le arn of family disputes, feuds, wars, and curses. There is some residual negativi ty floating around hooks in your aura from the pain the curse has caused and als o the pain of your twin flame being with the dark one. For now. It s not forever; it will only last as long as your twin flame allows darkness to overcome her. Does my twin flame s girlfriend know about this feud/ curse? No. It died with her great grandmother. The spell casters were younger than your great grandparents. A foolish young couple playing with witchcraft fire. They d id not understand how their actions would affect generations of descendants with this powerful curse. You ve known about the curse for quite some time now. You jo ked, but deep down, you knew it was true. The spell casters hold a powerful dark energy. Freers were of the light, but shrouded in darkness until now. Your will ingness to be born into and fight for this family has brought great light. First you fought the battle withIN the family. Then you fought the battle AGAINST the family with the help of your mother and Michael. Saint Paul. Look him up. He on ce was on the dark side and moved to the light. Saint Paul is not a reference to your brother it s you. You moved the family from the dark to the light by lifting the curse. With the assistance of your mom and Michael. You re a lightworker soul who accepted this challenge for the greater good. Not just for your own soul, b ut for the family. This is why you are light royalty. You will be rewarded for i t after Karmic Justice is served. Your twin flame accepted this challenge, too, because she, too, is a lightworker soul. She knows her assignment, and it is a safe one for her to complete now th at the Karmic energy has been released. She will not incur Karmic debt. This could have been accomplished as early as January of 2000 ten years ago [whe n Archangel Zadkiel said Karma had been lifted from the planet]. There was still too much residual Karma floating around. It wasn t safe or wise at the time. So will my twin flame hurt the spell-caster descendant? No. She will learn her last lesson FROM the spell-caster descendant. I guess I don t understand how that will serve Karmic Justice. Can you explain it to me? All souls are working together to push each other closer to the light. The spell -caster family owes you. The spell-caster descendant will teach your twin flame her last lesson that will send her home to you. Remember, this is not your fight . Just hold the light. WRESTLING WITH THE DARK As you can see, it s been nearly a year since that reading. While I ve been trying m y damnedest to just hold the light, it hasn t been easy. Not in this dense, 3D envir onment where it seems darkness is growing ever more vicious as we lightworkers w restle in vain to illuminate the planet with love and light through forgiveness, prayer, faith, hope and optimistic affirmations.

Many times I have felt like just giving up. My twin flame is still stuck in her patterns, and I cannot break through due to the rule that I am not allowed to co ntact her. It feels much like being bound and gagged while I watch her being tor tured. I am powerless, and I often wonder, WHY did I choose this? I came here wi th a Karmic balance of zero. No debt at all. She came with a heavy load. I did n ot have to incarnate, but we chose to do this thing together, to allow her the c hance to pay her Karmic debts and to assist in the cleansing of the planet and r euniting our twin-flame soul-mate energy to help raise the vibrations for the ne w era and help heal those who find this awakening painful. New age spiritualists and channelers say that, with this flood of new energy tha t has showered our planet through the 11.11.11 and 12.12.11 portals, we will ALL begin to awaken and remember who we are, who we ve been, and why we are here. I h ave awakened early to be a wayshower for those who are just now beginning to rouse . Don t hate. It s no easy job. But I chose to do it, before I ever incarnated, and I am a keeper of my word, so I will honor it by holding light and love and faith that we will ALL follow through with our promises. Reversing a curse is no small task. And one of this magnitude, that has affected generations of families for over a century and requires what seems like a mirac le to lift it wow. I just don t even know what to say about it, to be honest. Why I would get involved with something like this is beyond me. All I can say is that my higher self must be one tough, badass bitch who doesn t back down or take no fo r an answer. Especially when I just have to sit here and watch it all play out. IN IT TO WIN IT Oh, you don t know how many times I have quit. I ve screamed. I ve cursed. I ve beat mys elf up. I ve even hated myself for this. I ve begged for an early exit. Beam me up. Let me go! I just can t DO this anymore. It is NOT AT ALL easy. But I know I have to stay here and see it through. I have to somehow hold light. Send light. Forge t the pain of it all as I wait wait wait and wait some more. And fucking BELIEVE. Yeah . BELIEVE in her somehow some way I still have to trust and believe. Even though every thing I SEE does not jive with what my records say. It s gut wrenching. It s heart wrenching. At times, it s even faith wrenching. I m no Jedi. And even Luke Skywalker had doubts, right? Even after Yoda raised his ship out of the swamp, Skywalker said: I don t believe it. And Yoda said: That is why you fail. So, yes, I must continue to believe in my twin flame. I must continue to have fa ith she will follow through. That is my role in this soul contract. Fortunately, with the combined strength of the Akashic Records, supportive lightworker frien ds, and shifting energies, my role is becoming easier these days. ONCE MORE, WITH PURPOSE More and more of my surrounding friends understand that we are here to clean up this planet. Not just the physical damage to mother Earth, but the energetic pol lution as well. That is why it is so important for my twin flame and I, with a l ittle bit of help from the spell-caster descendant, to reverse this curse. If you think of the planet as one huge mansion that needs a cleaning that no one team or crew can handle on their own, then you understand the importance that e ach individual cleans his or her own room, while we come together to clean the c ommon areas. It s, like, okay, you vacuum the floors, then I ll mop, and our friend, here, will dust. Make sense? That s why we have these soul groups with contracts. We accepted the responsibility to clean our specific wing. Perhaps we were never connected to the families we chose to help with this parti cular cleanup, but we volunteered, nonetheless. We didn t count on it being such a dirty job. And that s just it. When we re light beings, we re all knowing. We re clear on every role we ve ever played since we began incarnating on this planet. And we re born knowing, too. But the density of this 3D world makes us quickly forget. We always think it will be SO EASY. But it never is. And we have to find our way ove r and over again. STOP THINKING; START FEELING. Fortunately, we re all born with an internal compass. Our heart. And I m not talking about the organ in our chest that pumps blood. I m talking about our energetic he

art chakra. The heart of our soul. Now, if we could just STOP THINKING and rely on our hearts, we would all be on our well-lighted spiritual paths. And that s ALL it s going to take to reverse this curse. At least, that is what my A kashic Records say. Repeatedly. Check it out: Akashic Record Journal Entry February 10, 2010 What is the final lesson my twin flame needs to learn from the descendant of the spell casters? The lesson she is to learn is not complex. It is a simple one, indeed. It is her lower self that is making this lesson difficult. Logic is getting in the way of the heart. She is not following her heart. She is afraid to follow her heart. So the lesson she needs to learn is to follow her heart and not her head? Exactly. How can we ever get her to do that? WE cannot. It has to be her own realization. Her own desire. She has to find her o wn way. How, though? What needs to happen for her to realize this? Once again, she will suffer great loss. That is what it takes for people to fina lly wake up. It takes great loss for people to have a new outlook on life to app reciate it more to try to find meaning in it all. Akashic Record Journal Entry April 7, 2o10 What is my twin flame s purpose to the descendant of the spell casters? To provide her with the opportunity to teach your twin flame the lesson she need s to learn to release the Karmic debt for the spell caster family. What is the lesson she will teach my twin flame? To follow her heart back to you. How will that help release the spell-caster family s Karmic debt? The spell-caster family will finally be sending the Freer family LOVE instead of darkness and hate. This act this sacrifice releases the curse. So the spell-caster descendant must have entered this soul contract with us, is that correct? She did. She agreed to it. So it is all predetermined? Yes. Any of us could opt out at any time, though, correct? Deal breakers will only cause more pain, trouble, darkness and despair. What can I do to ensure this all comes through as planned? Have faith and hold the light for your twin flame. And her girlfriend. Trust tha t they will follow through. Keep talking to your twin flame. You both have this telepathic gift for a reason. But only her higher self hears me. It all downloads eventually. The stronger and more frequent the communication, t he faster it will download. Things will all work out. She hears you. She just th inks it s her imagination right now. How can I convince her otherwise? Strong, frequent communication. Send the thoughts. Send the light. Keep talking to her. What do I tell her? That you understand why she s with the spell-caster family s descendant. That you kn ow it s all part of the plan. That you trust her. That you love her. That you know she will return when the time is right. She needs this reassurance. She needs t o know you believe in her. You can t be angry at her for this. You have to let go of the anger and the hurt. This is what you all agreed to. Accept it. She ll be ba ck. You have work to do together. Remember that. This blissful reunion between you a nd your twin flame will provide you with the power to be the word + the vision. Never forget that. It is YOUR purpose, once the two of you are together. MORE ON THIS WORD + VISION BUSINESS Friday, January 22, 2010 Why would my twin flame return to me? You re stable. That s what she needs in a relationship. In a partnership. Stability.

You will nurture her. You will help her grow. The spell-caster descendant canno t help her do that. Not spiritually. And this is where we need you where the Uni verse needs you to help your twin flame grow spiritually so the two of you can f ulfill your prophecy together. What is our prophecy? The spiritual truth. The word + the vision. That is you and her. You are the wor d. She is the vision. Okay, but what are we to do, exactly? Words + Vision = Truth. The Cancer and the Aquarian. She needs you. You are her Mary Magdalene. [Author's note: I know, I know. Insert SNORT, here. Eye rolls. I did the same th ing. Ugh, puhleeeze! This is what prompted my next sarcastic question...] And she is Jesus? [Eye rolls] Something like that. The Age of Aquarius? The New Age. Is she the Moses/Jesus of the New Age? [Author 's note: I later learned this is also known as the era of "Christ consciousness, " which is for all of us to obtain, not just a select few. It IS a matter of cho ice, however. And, no, you don't have to be "Christian" or belong to a "Christia n" church to obtain it.] You both are. You both will be. Leaders of the New Age. But we re such peons. No. Not even close. Royalty. Light royalty. Remember, Jesus was the son of a car penter and a carpenter himself. He was a simple man who taught the simple truth. You are the teacher. She is the illustrator. Together, your message will reach MILLIONS. You cannot do this without each other. You NEED each other. What if she doesn t believe it? You re not the one who will convince her. Remember, we told you, this isn t your fig ht. She will come around when she is ready. Well, she did say years ago that we would make a great team. As business partners. This is so much more than that. This is global, New Age st uff. This is the ESSENCE of what 2012 is all about. QUITTERS NEVER WIN. WINNERS NEVER QUIT. I know people will read this and think, She s out of her mind! Call the little whit e truck. That s okay. Won t be the first time folks have said this about me. What s important n ow is that I m surrounded by true friends who say, Makes sense to me! What can I do to help? My response: Don t let me give up. I came here with a purpose. I remember who I am. I know who my twin flame is. I know what kind of power we possess when we are united. We are magical. And toget her we can help heal the world. Pray for us to reunite, and we will show you. MY AKASHIC JOURNEY CHAPTER FOUR ONE POWERFUL CONNECTION Posted by Freer Spirit on January 11, 2012 Leave a Comment 5 Votes How do you know you have a very powerful twin-flame connection in a dualistic u niverse? When others are constantly getting in the way and making low-down dirty attempts to keep you apart. PLAYING WITH FIRE. When people will say anything and do anything cross ethical and spiritual bounda ries, even to make sure you and your twin flame will never, ever reunite, you kn ow you have a very powerful connection. One that endures all the adversity. One that laughs in the face of these petty little pawns and rooks who think they can somehow undo the connection or diminish the power with futile schemes and manip ulative games. Word to the wise ass: never, EVER fuck with incarnate twin flames. Or you will, undoubtedly, suffer third-degree burns. RED-HOT SPIRITUAL AGENDA. Twin flame soul mates don t incarnate together to have a hot and steamy love affai r or the ultimate romantic relationship. They have been together for eons. Yes,

they have a very deep, emotional soul connection, but it s more than just that, ev en. They re here with an agenda. A spiritual agenda. One that tests traditions and blasts social boundaries to smithereens. One that challenges humanity to expand their comfort zones and open their hearts. For my twin flame and me, our agenda has always been to challenge social norms i n the relationship department. In other lives, we ve been interracial couples and same-sex lovers. And yes, we ve even died for our cause. My twin flame and I have been murdered numerous times for our forbidden love. But when one is left incarnat e to mourn the loss, we ve never lost our connection. Through all the pain and tur moil, we are still bound, eternally and faithfully, by an undying, unconditional love. That is our promise to one another as light beings and physical beings. W e are attached by silver cords and gold cords that can never be severed. Believe me. I know. I have tried. Now why would I want to do that, you ask? Well, until I understood these cords c ould never be cut, I thought I could ceremoniously sever the energetic cords tha t bound us to stop the deep, constant pain of being separate. A spirit guide the n approached and said, No. Stop trying. It cannot be done. And that s when I learned of the silver (past life) and gold (spiritual attainment) cords that bind us as soul mates. And, still later, I learned we re not just soul mates, but twin-flame soul mates, which is even more powerful. SCORCHING SYNCHRONICITY. Just how powerful is this connection? Imagine every place you go, you get a sync hronistic reminder. Maybe, as your mind wanders over memories of times you spent together while you re driving somewhere, a song from that exact time (four years ago) suddenly plays on your favorite Top 40 radio station, and a car just like y our twin flame s pulls out in front of you or is driving toward you. It could be a s subtle as that. Or it could be way more in your face. For example, when I was dating someone new, who actually knew my twin flame and the make, model and color of the car she drove, we were both a bit freaked out w hen we walked back to her truck to find the same make, model and color car parke d next to hers, TWICE, in two different locations ON THE SAME NIGHT. After that, whenever we were together, we saw at least one car exactly like my twin flame s e ither on the road or in parking lots. I began to notice that any time I was dating someone, even though my twin flame and I had been separated for quite some time, that these type of synchronicities from songs to similar cars to initials on license plates and logos that reminde d me of her would dramatically increase, along with dreams of her, telepathic c onversations with her, and sometimes even astral body contact. Of course, nobody believes me, but it all happened. Sometimes even with eye witnesses who would t hen turn to me in disbelief and say, My god, she still loves you. JUST A HEARTBEAT AWAY. I couldn t deny that SOMEthing was still there. Whether it was love or just energy , I didn t know. As cool as it was, it also sometimes felt like torture. I finally decided I needed to ask my Akashic Records about it. This is how the session we nt on Sunday, January 24, 2010: Where does the energy come from that creates the synchronicities that remind me of my twin flame when I m dating or with someone else? The energy comes from her and your connection to her. It is sparked by thought j ealousy, rage, the desire for power and control. When your twin flame thinks of you with someone else, she wants you to remember her. To think ONLY of HER. She sends out thought patterns that create the synchronicities. It s a form of psychic vampire-ness. When you are with someone else, it is more prevalent because the thoughts of you with someone else are torturing her mind. When you are not with someone, she relaxes and the patterns slow, so it is just telepathy you share. So she creates these things with her mind alone? Yes. What are the things I am seeing and hearing are they really taking place, or are they holograms? Holograms? No. These things actually manifest. If they were holograms, your frie nds would not be able to see them.

How does my twin flame actually have the power to manifest these things into rea lity? She is powerful. She will get what she wants. That is not to say she goes about it in the right or appropriate way. She has tons of magic up her sleeve. This is why she gets the women and keeps them attracted to her. She is enjoying the pow er trip. This is why you need to stay quiet. Stay quiet with the telepathy, too? Not necessarily. The telepathy being exchanged is with her higher self. It is be tter for you to communicate with her this way than in the physical. Keep her ego out of it. She is on an ego trip when she does these things. Is she aware that she is doing it? She is aware of what she wishes, but she can t possibly know the results. So, if I were not connected to her, then I would probably not experience the syn chronicities? True. Correct. Your connection to her is not one that can be closed or cut off, however. You are connected by silver cords and gold cords that keep your souls c onnected, always/forever. What about the astral travel? Is that real? Between the two of you? Of course. You re travelers, and this is something the two of you do well together. It is why she equates to Superman all the flying dream s she has. They are not dreams. They are actually journeys your souls take toget her when your astral bodies are free from ego. But this is why she identifies wi th Superman. The flying. The two of you have been doing this together for many, many eons in and out of physical incarnation. It is what you will do together wh en you reunite, too. In many aspects, your souls will fly. Why can I not feel her as strongly or see her astral body like I used to? Her energy has been weakened by stress, prescription pain medications and sleep aids. They re weighing her down. It will change when you re back together. Healing w ill take place and medications will no longer be needed. How can I believe in the telepathic messages she sends me when she says one thin g and shows another? You are connected to her higher self. The lower self is the one who is doing the opposite of what her higher self is saying to you. Will they ever merge and be the same person? Yes, of course. This is what you re all striving for. It s in that final lesson she will learn from the spell-caster s descendent that she will find her higher self. You have no reason to doubt or be disappointed. How will I ever be able to date or have a relationship with anyone without my tw in flame s energy interfering? Why would you want to when you love her? When your heart is WITH HER? Because I m still not sure WHEN she ll come around. She ll come around soon enough that you don t need to worry about dating anyone else . But I m lonely. How? She is right there, always a breath away. Just a heartbeat away. You will n otice when she s there with you. You hear a double heartbeat. That is her. Right t here with you. There is no reason to doubt. She s always been there. Even before y ou knew her or she knew you in this life. You are twin soul mates. It is like yo u are sharing the same womb. So it is okay for me to continue assuring her I love her? Absolutely! That s what we mean by holding the light. She comes to you because she i s seeking to be with you. Even though she s with someone else? Yes. We told you. This woman she is with is nothing. Not a threat. Just a pawn. Your twin flame s lower and higher selves both want you. That is their common bond . Her energy will never leave you. Not even in death. She wants to be with you. She tells you that over and over again. Do us ALL a favor and BELIEVE her. She t ravels to you every night to be with you even when she is laying next to that ot her woman. Her heart is with YOU. Her soul is with YOU. Her BODY is misplaced at the moment, but will soon follow her heart and soul. No worries. When the time

is right, she will return. I have more questions about the synchronicities she manifests into reality. Is s he literally thinking, Make her see a car like mine, or Play this song on the radio now? Is that how it works? No. Not exactly. She might picture something in her mind, like driving past you. Or she may be thinking of a song that she wants you to hear, or even just think ing of a song that reminds her how she feels about you or the situation, and the n it will play for you. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. Although part of me wants to chalk all this up to coincidence or just my imaginat ion, the simple truth of the matter is that it s not. All of this is really happeni ng, and still happening, on a very regular basis. As much as I would like to wal k away from it all, and just start a brand new life in a new town where no one k nows me at all, I know in my heart the efforts would not change anything. This i s why I choose to believe and trust and continue to have faith that one day we will be together again. Until then, the situation just really sucks. Well, for me any way. Especially with all the games being played by manipulative souls who haven t a clue what they re dealing with. I know my lesson to learn is to not let ego frea k out about these games, but, of course, being human in 3D density makes that a bit difficult 99 percent of the time. I suppose the day that I can observe anoth er attempt by a dark soul to keep us apart and not react to it or worry about it will be the day that I graduate in faith to the next level. Believe me, I am lo oking forward to that day.

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