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ASSIGNMENT # 1 Answer the following questions. No solution, no points. 1.

Complete and discuss the diagram below:

2. 3.




Phase Diagram State the effects of each parameter given with molecules of the substance. An automobile tire with a volume of 0.6 cubic meters is inflated to a gage pressure of 200 kPa. Calculate the mass of air in the tire if the temperature is 20C. Calculate the pressure of steam at a temperature of 500 C and density of 24 kg/m 3 using (a) the ideal gas equation, (b) the van der Waals equation, (c) the Redlich Kwong equation, (d) compressibility factor and (e) steam table. Estimate the difference between the weight of air in a room that measures 20 x 100 x 10 ft in the summer when T = 90F and the winter temperature when T = 10F. Use P = 14 psia. Calculate the second virial coefficient for hydrogen at 0C from the fact that the molar volumes at 50.7, 101.3, 202.6 and 303.9 bar are 0.4634,0.2386, 0.1271 and 0.9004 L/mol, respectively. The critical temperature of CCl4 is 283.1C. The densities of carbon tetrachloride in g/cm3 of the liquid L and vapour v at different temperatures are as follows: t (C) 100 150 200 250 270 280 L 1.4343 1.3215 1.1888 0.9980 0.8666 0.7634 v 0.0103 0.0304 0.0742 0.1754 0.2710 0.3597 What is the critical molar volume of CCl4? It is found out that mean density of the liquid and vapour does not vary rapidly with temperature and can be represented by

Where A and B are constant. The extrapolated value of the average density at critical temperature is the critical density. The molar volume at critical point is equal to molar mass divided by the critical density. 7. Calculate the most probable, mean and the root-mean-square speeds for oxygen molecules at 25C? 8. From number 7, the collision diameter of oxygen is 0.361 nm. What is the mean free path at (a) 1 bar pressure and (b) 0.1 Pa pressure? 9. The spherical particle of unit density falls freely in air with a constant velocity of 0.500cm/sec. The viscosity coefficient of the air is 0.000180 poise. Using Stokes law, find the radius of the particle. 10. Compute the fluidity of air from number 9. 11. A sphere of radius 0.05cm and density of 1.10 g/cc falls at constant speed through a liquid of density of 1.0 g/cc and viscosity of 1.00 poise. What is the velocity of the sphere? 12. What is the total kinetic energy of translation in ergs of 2moles perfect gas at 27C? 13. As liquid petroleum assets near depletion, natural gas can be expected to take on still greater importance in the mix of available energy resources for the 21 st century. Gas chromatographic analysis reveals most natural gas samples to be largely methane and one other component. If 93% of the molecules are methane and the average molar mass is 18.0 g, then the remainder must be molecules of ___________. 14. He gas at a pressure of 100 atmospheres is stored in a 1 liter steel tank cooled by liquid nitrogen at 77K. The gas is expanded in a 200-L glass flask at 14C, just below room temperature. What is the final pressure?

Determination of Density of a Liquid Data and Results Sheet Part I. Density determination A. Pycnometric determination of liquid density Ethyl Water Alcohol Weight of Pycnometer with air Weight of Pycnometer with liquid Weight of liquid Volume of liquid Temperature of liquid Weight of liquid in vacuo Density of liquid True density of liquid (from handbook) Percent error B. Pycnometric determination of solid density Weight of empty Pycnometer Weight of Pycnometer with liquid Weight of pynometer + solid Weight of pycnometer with liquid and solid Weight of liquid Weight of solid Weight of displaced liquid Volume of displaced liquid Density of solid True density of solid (from handbook) Percent error unit g g g g g g g ml g/ml g/ml %

Salt Solution

Pure liquid unknown

unit g g g ml C g g/ml g/ml %

Questions and Exercises 1. Illustrate and discuss the following: a. Aerometer b. Dasymeter c. Gas collecting tube d. Hydrometer e. Westphal balance f. resonant frequency and Damping Analyser (RFDA) 2. Differentiate and compare specific gravity, relative gravity, specific volume, API gravity, Baum scale, Brix scale, Twaddelle scale, Plato scale, Oechsle scale with density measurement. 3. When a 4.9827g object with a density of 8.8937 g/cm3 is dropped into a liquid with a density of 0.7289 g/cm3, what mass of liquid will it displace?

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