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Assessment: For this unit the students will be assessed on many different levels.

I want to be sure that both the novel and the poetry component are covered in the assessment, but I have separate ideas for each. To ensure that students leave with a firm understanding of the novel Flowers for Algernon and the many themes within it, I have decided to create a project for the final assessment. The project will be a soundtrack that students will create on their own. I do not believe in final assessments being done in groups so this will be an individual project. Students will be required to choose a minimum of 8 songs to represent the novel. The songs can represent a specific character, theme, or scene from the novel. Along with each song the student must also write a minimum of a paragraph explaining the relation to the story. Students additionally must create the cover art for their soundtrack and include a short explanation for their graphic design choices. This project will be worth the equivalent of a test grade and will be graded based on effort, content, and creativity. Students will be asked to refrain from choosing songs with explicit lyrics, but if they feel that such songs are necessary, then they must include this in their rationale for the song. The final component of this project will be a presentation to the class. Students will share with the class their cover art, a clip from one of their songs, and a brief explanation for that choice. For the poetry part of the unit, I want students to first write their own I Am poems. The purpose of this activity is for students to analyze the way they see themselves and what is important to them. Later in the unit I will ask students to complete I Am poems for a character in the book. This will put students in the position of the characters and make them think critically about what is going through the minds of characters.

Points will also be recorded for the most involved in-class project, the character analysis posters. This will be a grade given out to each group and based on how well the groups cooperated and also taking into consideration the final product. All remaining points for this unit will be based on 5 short reading comprehension quizzes which will be given out as the students make their way through the novel, and on participation in class discussions and activities. The breakdown of points is listed below. 25 pts I Am Poem part I 25 pts I Am Poem part II 50 pts Reading Comprehension Quizzes (5) 25 pts Character Analysis Group Project 10 pts Poem Presentation 20 pts Participation in group discussions 25 pts Weekly Annotation Notes 120 pts Final Project: Create your own soundtrack --------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 300 points

Flowers for Algernon Soundtrack

For your final project for this unit you will each be creating your own soundtrack to go along with the novel we have been reading, Flowers For Algernon. PART I Your soundtrack must consist of at least 8 songs. You can choose any songs you like for this assignment so long as you can support your choices. Each song should serve a purpose on your soundtrack. You may choose a song that you feel represents a particular character, event, chapter, theme, or mood from Flowers For Algernon. Along with each song selection you must also provide at least 1 paragraph of explanation for why you chose the song. In your paragraph you must explain what aspect of the novel the song represents (a character, event, theme etc) and use at least 1 example of textual evidence to support your claim. (This means that in your explanation you should state what part of the book you are referring to!) Your song selections and paragraphs must be typed out or written neatly on lined paper. Also, as a reminder, a wellwritten paragraph should be at least 5 sentences long and should contain zero grammatical errors. Check your work! PART II For the second component of this assignment you will be creating cover art for your CD. You must include the name of the novel, Flowers For Algernon, and the name of the author, Daniel Keyes, on the cover. Other that those two pieces of information you are free to decorate the CD however you please. I will provide you with blank white paper for this part of the assignment. You should decorate the cover in a way that you feel represents the novel. On the back of your art work you must include at least 2 sentences explaining your cover art and what you were trying to achieve with it. PART III The final part of this assignment will be a brief presentation to the class. You will be allowed to choose 1 song to present. You must provide me with the title and artist of your chosen song before the due date if you want to share a clip of the song with the class. You will each have approximately 5 minutes to share your song and explanation regardless of whether or not you choose to include a music clip. As always come talk to me if you have any questions or need help!

Soundtrack Grading Rubric:

Score:_____/120 pts Comments:

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