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Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine got a military force of 780.000 men equipped with the worlds third largest --- on its territory. A) arsenal C) fellow E) episode B) poultry D) custom


Terrorist activities in Darfur, which --- as trivial events in the country until recently, --- as a serious trouble in the last few years by the UN organs. A) had been regarded / is identified B) have been regarded / have been identified C) have been regarded / would be identified D) could be regarded / have been identified E) would be regarded / have been identified


The use of unbalanced power over Paletsine by Israel has always been -- on discussions of the UN, but there has never been released even a condemning message. A) looked into C) given in B) set out D) broken down E) let down


While Jules Verne --- in his country as the traditional symbol of quality for young readers, his reputation in England unfortunately --- from poor translation in first years. A) has been cited / had suffered B) was cited / had suffered C) had been cited / has suffered D) is cited / suffered E) is cited / would have suffered


After the World War II, while a few countries in Europe remained --- to the increasing demand for passenger rail travel, most of them preferred to make huge investments in it. A) inherent C) rewarding B) conventional D) indifferent


Rather than many reasons, psychologists often relate hyperactivity --- children --- the ingestion of antidepressants just prior to the pregnancy. A) with / with C) at / from E) over / for B) for / with D) in / to

E) indigenous

To much surprise, the design of the European Central Bank in Brussels was actually modeled (7) --- the Bundesbank in Germany, (8) --- in its political independence (9) --- it is also driven by a governing board and executive council (10) --a general council. The bank is free from any European or national institution and hold financial freedom (11) --- a seperate budget which is made up of national central banks.


It has been an undeniable fact notably over the last two decades ---. that energy sources became into extinction as they barely kept the pace of the ever increasing demand in the 19th century. as South Koreas politic system is a promising example for the North Korea where many democratic restrains prevail. why Chinas economic growth may not have contributed to democratisation efforts in the country in spite of governmental barriers that many governments including the US have built an ever increasing pressure on Turkey as to the so-called Armenian genocide. despite the fact that some governments in the EU have created social obstacles.




A) on

B) beyond D) from

C) with E) among




A) preferably C) consciously E) seemingly

B) notably D) apparently



A) since C) just as

B) however D) on condition that E) nonetheless 13The most popular figure of ever Formula1 racings, Michael Schumacher is nowadays leading a moderate life near Munich far from racing tracks, --- . because he has missed his old spectacular days a lot during which he was an idol on which he really enjoyed incredibly speedy moments for years so he is quite pleased to have raced in tens of events for over ten years but Formula1 is away from its glorious times as a result of many respected firms withdrewthemselves of the races and he had been planning to reperform in a number of events for sake of social organizations.

A) 10A) inasmuch as C) namely E) accordingly B) among D) besides C) D) B)

E) 11A) rather than C) compared with B) considering D) pertaining to

E) by means of


From the Medieval Age to the nineteenth century, Afghanistan was a part of the region known as Khorasan which includes todays Ghazni and Kabil. A) Ortaadan 19.yy.a kadar, Afganistan bugn Gazne ve Kabilin kapsad Horasan olarak bilinen blgenin bir paras idi. Bugnk Gazne ve Kabili de kapsayan Horasan olarak bilinen blge, Ortaadan 19.yya kadar Afganistann bir paras idi. Ortaadan 19.yy.a kadar, Afganistan bugnk Gazne ve Kabili de kapsayan Horasan olarak bilinen blgenin bir paras idi. Bugnk Afganistann bir paras olan Gazne ve Kabil, Ortaadan 19.yy.a kadar Horasan olarak bilinen blgenin bir parasn kapsamakta idi. Ortaadan 19.yy.a kadar bugnk Gazne ve Kabil, Afganistan da kapsayan Horasan olarak bilinen blgenin bir paras idi.


Solcu politikalarla ilikilendirilen Srrealist ressamlarn ounluunun aksine, Dali politika ve sanat arasnda tarafsz bir izgi izlemeyi tercih etmitir. Dali preferred to follow a neutral line between politics and art since he was against the majority of Surrealist artists who were associated with leftist politics. Dali, unlike majority of Surrealist artists who were associated with leftist politics, chose to follow a neutral way between politics and art. Being different from the Surrealist artists who were associated with leftist politics, Dali had to prefer to follow a neutral line between politics and art. Dali, who were associated with leftist politics, prefered to engage in a neutral line between politics and art unlike majority of Surrealist artists. Unlike majority of Surrealist artists who were associated with leftist politics, Dali preferred to follow a neutral line between politics and art.











(I) In the 16th century, John Calvin, Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwinli inaugurated a new approach which would,then, come to be named Protestanism. (II) Luthers major theological heirs would be known as Lutherans in following years while those of Calvin and Zwingli are referred to Reformed Tradition. (III) In time, most Protestant traditions have branched out from the Reformation Act. (IV) As a result of this seperation, some other new wing, called Anglicanism, was born after the English Reformation. (V) In that way, Eastern Orthodox has been the second largest single denomination in Christianity. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Under a fixed rate currency regime, the currency is bound to be tied in valu to another single currency or to a bundle of many currencies. For this reason, a fixed Exchange rate will largely mean the stabilization of a currency. ---. However, as the value of the referred currency fluctuates, so does the currency pegged to it. This will necessarily mean that the inflation rate of the country to be directly pegged to the referred currencys national economy.


Harrison :

What do you think makes Beatles still so popular after all years ?


: ---. But, they are because their albums have sold over one billion for half a century. Have they ? Quite interesting, really !

Harrison : -

Michael A) Such a policy of using a fixed exchange rate to control inflation was largely used in the latter part of the 20th century. Under the Bretton Woods Agreement, many countries have currencies fixed to the US dolar Besides, it could also be used as a means to control inflation Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Chile are amongst the leading countries using a fixed Exchange rate regime Monetarists largely attribute increasing interest rates to hyperinflation rates. A) B) C) D) E)


Because the group always aimed to organize people against wars. Oh,it must be because they never lost the polish on them, didnt they ? Honestly, I do not find them so popular any more. I wonder who tells such ridiculous and contradictory suggestions I think they were held only in England of the 1960s.

C) D)


The fiscal crisis in 2008 prevailing all over the world was undoubtedly not the first global suffer throughout the history. Much earlier than this, the Great Depression became the first worldwide economic downturn ranging from 1929 to the late 1930s, which was perhaps the largest and most important one until the end of the twentieth century. Just like the latest one, the Great Depression also originated in the US on October 29, 1929, known as the Black Tuesday. The depression was of considerably devastating effects in almost every country regardless of rich or poor just like the latest one in 2008. By the end of it, international trade had plunged by half to two-thirds along with tax revenue and personal income. Almost all industrial towns aroun the world were hit so hard that construction unbelievably came to a halt point. As fort he agricultural regions, they suffered heavily, too and some time crop prices declined by some 60 per cent. However, facing plummering demand with few alternate sources of jobs, regions dependent on primary sector industries like logging, mining and farming were the most suffering party of all. The decline in the US economy, with butterfly impact, became the major factor deteriorating many other countries economical body as well. Then, internal weaknessor strengths in each country became the key factorscausing the trend to be worse or bette. Certain frantis efforts to shore up the economies of some nations with protectionist methods exacerbated the collapse of global trade and the steady decline reached the bottom until March 1933 with 744 banks which had interrupted all over the world.

20- It s understood from the passage that some countries tended to apply a number of lunatic measures during the first crisis ---. A) yet the most dramatic effect was surely seen in economical body of the US government. B) and they initially had plunged the tax revenues as well as personal income by half to two-third C) notably in their agricultural regions but they could not prevent crop prices from a decline of 60 per cent D) but they did not do any other thing than making the crisis far more suffocating in their economies. E) but they could not stop the butterfly impact in their primary sector industries like logging, mining and farming


According to the passage, it would not be wrong to assume that ---. an economical downturn in a country may sometimes convert into being a global one with domino effect. such global economical downturns may ocur at any time in the future regardless of nation, country and rich or poor. the most badly effected business in both global crisis became undoubtedly the fiscal markets owing to protectionist methods the former turndown seems to have left far more suffocating footprints than the latter one in about a decade the US government has been alleged to make up such global crisis and then spread to all over the world markets.





2219- We can conclude from the passage that international commerce ---. A) and the big decline in its volume became the major triggers of the Great Depression in 1929 B) B) remained possible in only few industrial cities all over the world for all the global crisis of the 1930s C) C) was heavily infected notably with the failing of 744 global banks until the first quarterof 1933 D) D) became undoubtedly the initial factor weakening many countries economical structure. E) still perpetuated offering virtual sources of business in areas dependent on primary sectors. E) A)

We can understand from the passage that ---. mining and farming in the crisis of the 1930s suffered a lot more than other businesses including logging such global crisis have immediately hit the building sector at most after international trade the world markets may still be exposed to the effects of the crisis in 2008 for long years the crisis in 2008 and the one in the 1930s are actually of a common feature in spite of occuring in different times. economic development process also tends to act in butterfly impact as in a crisis.

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